HomeMy WebLinkAboutSimplex Fire AlarmELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 7/30/98 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO. Raymond Jacobs has requested that SIMPLEX's maintenance agreement NOT be automatically renewed. He will be seeking a new proposal from it and other companies to service our fire alarm system. cc: Acct. Dept. ~ ~ .$implex Simplex Time Recorder Co. Gardner, MA 01441-0001 U.S.A. Integrated Systems Service Agreement This legal agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Simplex will provide you with hardware and software support. The Terms and Conditions set forth on the back of this form are an integral part of this agreement and should be read and understood before signing below. Your signature and quick response will help us provide uninterrupted support of your system. 119 S~MPLEX TIldE RECORDER CO,. 357 CROSSHAYS PARK DRIVE MOODBLI RY 516-te9 b-st, 8~ NY 11797 Please select the service coverage that best meets your company's needs: GOLD Service Coverage · On-site hardware support - On-site support - Repair or exchange of defective hardware components - Verification of hardware communication · No charge for firmware upgrades · Free, unlimited toll-free technical support for one year with an average · response time of 60 minutes · Reduced price for on-site training, installation and programming · No charge for software maintenance releases, and up to 8 hours of installation and training SILVER Service Coverage · Depot hardware coverage - Exchange of any failed hardware with new or remanufactured units - Updated engineering changes on all units - Replacement units are shipped via Federal Express overnight air (Excluding Biometric Readers) · No charge for firmware upgrades · Free, unlimited toll-free technical support for one year with an average response time of 4 business hours · Reduced price for on-site training, installation and programrmng · No charge for software maintenance releases, not including installation and training BRONZE Service Coverage · Depot hardware coverage - Exchange of any failed hardware with new or remanufactured units - Updated engineering changes on all units - Replacement units are shipped via Federal Express overnight air (Excluding Biometric Readers) · 50% discount on firmware upgrades · 5 calls, annually, to toll-free technical support with an average response time of 8 business hours, additional calls invoiced at Simplex standard rate · On-site training, installation and programming at Simplex standard rates · No charge for software maintenance releases, not including installation and training Simplex commits to provide the services listed and selected above in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set forth on the back of this form. Service Coverage Charge Additional Maintenance Charges Authorized by:Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Signature ~n .... \-~ CO 6'kIX"~'t~ Phone No, O~{5i 6~76-5-1880 Date Septornber 3, 1990 Total Annual Ma~l~e~C~im~e $ .... "'"" %" nA/'ERHAM Simplex Representative . __ Signature ~ · -. ~rll ~ Date 2~160.00 ADV-1292 1Z~J8 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BELOW ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT llSimpleX~, r, ,~ Gardner, Massachusetts 01441-0001 U.S.A. Offices and Representatives Throughout the World All specifications and other information shown were current es of publication, and are subject to change withm~t notice. Printed ~n U.S.A. INQUIR~.AT_.,S~MPLEX TIME RECOROER CO,, ~J?O CRI~SSNAYS FARK DRIVE HDOOBURY NY 516-496-8484 BILL TO t~q-79qO]InO ~OUTHOLD TDNN FaLL MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD ~V ~971 6. Simplex DUNSO01125954 FED ID 042797344 PHA te9O3.00 NET 30 OAY5 VISA / M/~STERCARO ACCI~PTED O~n DATE SERVICE AT 119-TqqD31OD SOUTHOLO TOWN HALL MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLO NY ~971 MOOEL SERIAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION SEO AMOUNT THIS INVOICE IS THE ANNUAL BILLING FOR YOUR SIMPLEX SERVICE AGREF'ENT NHICH COVERS THE LISTED BELO~ FOR TNE PERIOD O7/0t/9~ - 4208 H9tI06 4208 FIRE ALARM q~_ S9-24 24 MI SC,~ PERIPH 42 59-42 2 MI SCo PERIPH q~5~ 9 MISC. PERIPH 4~8g ~ M[SC. PER~PH F AC P/L OBBY A OD 1 0.5 I/liN SMK AOO2 0.5 [/T/M O SMg ADO3 OcS I/T/M STAT AOOq 0-5 I/T/M HEAT A005 O.S I/TIM SIG A I]1] 6 SYSTEN CHARGE lv903o00 REFER INQUIRIES TO GEORGE KARL ~T ABOVE TELEPHONE NO IF NECESSARY SEND VCUCHERS OR CLAIMS FORMS TO SIMPI. FX TIME RECORDER CO. ]7~ CR~SSNAYS PARK DRIVE ~ BEURY NY 1~797 INVOICE SUMMARY .oo TOTAL BEFORE TAX TAXES le903o00 PLEASE MAKE INQUIRIES ABOUT THIS INVOICE WITH OUR LOCAL BRANCH OFFICE. ~N AT THE TELEPHONE NO. LISTED ON THE TOP OF THIS INVOICE. PAY THIS AMOUNT~2 1~ 903,, 00 ~ Simplex Time Recorder Co. PAY TO: Payee Name: · Address: Town of Southold, New York - Standard Voucher Payee Tax Identification Number SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO. or Social Security Number: 0q ~.O~Tq Payee Re,fence Lt~ l Pbo.e No. ( Vendor Contact wnonnunv. Nv 117n7 Invoice Number ~ ~/~0 S~-~f Invoice Date Purchase Order Number P.O Date Cash Discount % Days Item Unit Number Description of Materials / Services Quantity price Amount  Total Pay Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby ccrtify that thc foregoing claim is true and correct and that no p~t has]qeen paid, ex~ein stated, and that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing. Signature~~' ~'~&--~ ' ~/~ Title /~/~'~- Dated Department Certification l hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature Title Dated INQ~IREA~ SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER ]70 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE WOODBURY NY 11797 ~16--496-8484 CUSTOMER REFERENCE BILL TO 119-79403100 SOUTHOLD TONN HALL HAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 3,Simplex FED. rD 04 2797344 PHA INVOICE ,'~VO~CE"D'~"E" &2660505 ,NVO,¢~ DATE O1"/01/97 TERMS NET 30 DAYS VISA/MC/AE/DISCOV ACCEPTED RERVTCF AT 119-79403100 SoUTHOLD TOWN HALL MAIN ROAn SOUTHOLD NY 11971 AMOUNT MODEL SERIAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION THIS INVOICE IS THE ANNUAL BILLING FOR YOUR ISIMPLEX SERVICE AGREEMENT WHICH COVERS THE EOUIPMFNT ILISTED BELOW FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/97 - 061311/98 4208 H91106 4208 FIRE ALARM FACP/LDBBY A001 4259-24 24 MISC. PERIPH 0.5 I/T/M SMK A002 4259-42 2 MISC. PERIPH 0.5 I/TIM D SMK A003 4251-20 10 MISC. PERIPH 0.5 I/TIM STAT A004 4255 9 MISC. PERIPH 0.5 I/T/M HEAT A005 4080 8 MISC. PERIPH 0.5 I/TIM SIG A006 SYSTEM CHARGE INVOICE ~OMMARY ... TOTAL BEFORE TAX TAX~S Ie979-50 REFER INQUIRIES TO GEORGE KARL AT ABOVE TELEPHONE NO IF NECESSARY SEND VOUCHERS OR CLAIMS FORMS TO SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO. 1.979.50 370 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE ..00 NOODBURY NY 11797 PLEASE MAKE INQUIRIES ABOUT THIS INVOICE WITH OUR LOCAL BRANCH OFFICE, PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ le979.,50 AT THE TELEPHONE NO. LISTED ON THE TOP OF THIS INVOICE. ~ Simplex Time Recorder Co. CUSTOMER COPY ~'/9'? M 1299 (t 0~g2} MERCHANDISE MENTIONED HEREIN HAS ~EEN MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE U S FAIR LAiR STANDARDS ACT AS AMENDED of .Simplex Simplex Time Recorder Co. Gardner, MA 01441-0001 U.S.A. FIRE ALARM TEST/INSTALLATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ZIp B~TERIES V~T~ CtW~E. r.t I D.i^ TEL NO. ANNUNCIATOR DOOR ooo. ~ o~c~ ~.CLU~ C~OSERS ~o LA,CHiS HOLDERS ELEVATOR m=,ECAU. TO F~MARY ~LOOR FIRE RECALL [] ~ [~ NOTE · ~N/A Fl NORM 0~S ~A ~Y ~Y ~N ~NECllCN OR c~L :~s~ ~ AU~ IO~FC~.CC,'~T~O CUSTOMER COPY' Simplex FIRE ALARM INSPECTION REPORT April 1997 Inspection pREPARED FOR JEAN W. COCHRAN SUPERVISOR SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL ATT: JEAN W. COCHRAN 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971-0000 (516) 765-1889 04/10/1997 pRELIMINARY REPORT SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO. SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO. FIRE ALARM INSPECTION REPORT 04/10/1997 PAGE 1 JEAN W. COCHRAN SUPERVISOR SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL ATT: JEAN W. COCHRAN 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971-0000 This is the Preliminary Fire Alarm inspection Report for the inspection completed on April 10, 1997. A Final inspection Report will be forwarded to you within the next seven business days. RECOMMEND THAT BELLS/SMOKES/PULL STATIONS BE INSTALLED INTO THE JUSTICE COURT OFFICES AND TIED INTO THE 4208 FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SIGNALS WERE NOT TESTED/SOUNDED PER REQUEST OF M~. ~NOSKI. // SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO. FIRE ALARM INSPECTION REPORT SITE: SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL INSPECTION DEFICIENCIES SUMlVlARY THi'~RE WERE NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED 04/10/1997 PAGE 2 DURING THIS INSPECTION SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO. FIRE ALARM INSPECTION REPORT 04/10/1997 PAGE 3 SITE: SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL Date / Date IFYOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION REPORT, PLEASE CONTACT Dennis DiPrima Branch Service Manager Phone: (516) 496-8690 Fax: (516) 4968489 Address: 370 Crossways Park Dr. Woodbury, NY 11797