HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaddington, RobertALBERT ROMANIA LAWRENCE BALDWIN . FISHERS ISI. ND FIRE DISTRICT FIBHE:RI IBI. AND, NKW YORK PERRY EDWARDS OATH OF OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF ELECTION AND B~_LT.OT OLFa~ OF SPECIAL DISTRICT RL~CTI(~I OF THE FISB~R~ ISLAND FII~ DISTRICT. HELD SEPTEMBER 25, 1947. FlshG~s~IaIan r e rl tI~'~-~t/~ 'ca resident taxlmYer in here~efere ap~elnted as ~spector ef Elec~i~ ~d Balle~Clerk ef the Special Dlstr~c~ Electien ~f the Fishers Is~nd Fire Dlatr~o~ te be held In said District, at the Fire Heuse, in said Dls~r~ct en the ~wenty-flfth ~ ef Sept~ber 1~47, de sele~ly swear that I will supper~ ~he Censtl~u~l~ ef the United S~a~es ~d the Cens~l~utien of ~he S~a~e N~ Yerk, and ~ha~ I will fal~h~lty discharge duties ef the efface of Inspec~er ef Eleotien ~d ~l- let Clerk ef ~he Special District Elec~len ef Fishers Ia~d Fire District accerdl~ ~e the bes~ ef ~ ability. Swern te before me this ~wen~y-flfth day of September 1947. RADFORD C, S/"/ANKL~N N~tary Public in ~be Sta~e of New~ ~esiding :~ Sul~oik Suffolk f~ouu~ No. 1841 ALPRP*'D Ro GR[BI;, CHAIRMAN Hm'NRY L. I=I;RGUBON, ALRm'RT ROMANIA LAWRm'NCE BALDWIN SlERGm' J. BOY£N FISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT F'ISHERS ISL.AND, Ns='W YORK E. PERRY IrDWARDS TE;E;AE;URE;R AND ~IE;CRE;TARy WILLIAM PYLIt' CHIE;F AND FIRE; MARE;HALL fishers ISland Fire DFstrict heretofor a]::pointed as Inspec- tor of ~lection and Ballot ClErk of thc Special District ::;l~ction of ~ha Fishers Island Fire District to be held in said district on the second day or-Dec~nbe~ 1947, do solemn- ly swear that I will support ~he Constitution of ~he United States ~nd the Constitution of the .~tate of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge %he duties of the office of Inspector of i,lection ~-~d ]mllo~ Clerk of th~ Special District ~:lection of the Fishers Island Flr~ District ac- cordlnE ~o thc best of my ability. Sworn %o before ~.~e thi:; (~;econd day of December 1947 MotarY Pu~flld' ~ufj olk county, New York.