HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS DOT Scenic Byways & Seaview Trails STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALBANY, N.Y. 12232 February 18, 1997 GEORGE E, PATAK] GOVERNOR Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman Southold Transportation Committee Town Hall 53095 Main Street Southold, NY 11971-0959 Dear Mr. Brashich: Here is an Agreement Between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Tawn of SouthoM for a New York State Scenic Byways Program project, State Project Number SB93.09.321. The agreement is revised from the original that was signed by the New York State Department of State as the "applicant". Without changing the scope of the project, Schedule A (see page 11) has been reworded to more specifically define the work to be accomplished by the Town of Southold. As we discussed, this agreement is contingent on the Town of Southold's continued willingness and ability to provide the required matching funds through in-kind services. Please obtain the notarized signature of the Town Supervisor, and return the signed agreement to this office. If you have any question please call me at (518) 457-4460. Sincerely, MARK WOODS New York State Scenic Byways Program MW:mw Enclosure AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (State Project No. SB93.09.321) THIS AGREEMENT made this 4th day of March , 1997, by and between the People of the State of New York (hereinafter referred to as the "State"), acting by and through the New York State Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), having its principal office at the State Campus, Building 5, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12232 and the Town of Southold, (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant") acting by and through, Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor of the Town of Southold, its duly authorized representative, having an office at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971-0959. WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has provided Federal funds to the State for the purpose of carrying out a Scenic Byway Program pursuant to Section 1047 of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991; and WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (hereinafter referred to as "FHWA") has the responsibility of administering Interim Scenic Byway Grants pursuant to Section 1047 of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991; and WHEREAS, the Department has been selected as a recipient for a grant for carrying out eligible projects under the Interim Scenic Byways Program pursuant to Section 1047 of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiecy Act of 1991; and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of State (hereinafter referred to as DOS) and the Department had entered into a contract (D007684) in which DOS was to perform certain work; and WHEREAS, DOS has advised the Department that it is unable perform such work and wishes to be relieved of its responsibilities thereunder; and WHEREAS, Contract D007684 has been terminated; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a Project Description as more fully described in Schedule A (hereinafter referred to as · Project"); and WHEREAS, FHWA has advised the Department that it concurs with the Applicant performing the work associated with the Project; and Wq~REAS, the estimated total cost of the Project is $68,750 and FHWA has approved the Project and has authorized the State to enter into an agreement with the applicant to carry out the Project; and WHEREAS, the Department is authorized, pursuant to Section 2 349-bb of the New York State Highway Law, to enter into agreements for services relating to the development of the New York State Scenic Byways Program or services relating to the operation, development or promotion of a specific scenic byway; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Applicant shall render all services and furnish all materials and equipment necessary to complete the Project. Upon completion, said Project shall be the responsibility of and maintained at the sole expense of the Applicant. 2. The work associated with the Project shall be completed within two years of the date of this agreement. 3. The Applicant must receive the prior written approval of the Department before entering into any contracts associated with the completion of the Project. 4. The Department agrees to reimburse the Applicant an amount not to exceed 80% of the total direct cost of the Project or $55,000 whichever is less, for only that work and those items that are eligible for federal reimbursement pursuant to Section 1047 of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. The State shall be entitled to recover from the Applicant any moneys which it pays to the Applicant under this agreement which are determined to be ineligible for federal reimbursement and the Applicant hereby agrees to either reimburse the State for such moneys or authorizes the State to withhold such moneys from other moneys due the Applicant. 5. The Applicant agrees to comply with all Federal and State laws, rules and regulations, guidelines and procedures which are applicable to the Project, including, but not limited to, all environmental laws, regulations and requirements which may apply to the Project and further agrees to obtain all regulatory permits, if any, before beginning the Project. 6. If the Applicant finds it desirable to have reimbursement made intermediately, between the start of such work and the final inspection thereof by the State and the FHWA, the State shall make progress payments on billings prepared and submitted by the Applicant based on costs incurred as disclosed by the records thereof with adjustments to be made after audit by the State or the FHWA. Work will be progressed and payment made in accordance with a work plan prepared by the Applicant within 45 days of the date of this Agreement and approved, in writing, by the Department. 7. A final certificate of completion shall be prepared by the Applicant and approved, in writing, by the Department demonstrating that the Project has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement before final payment is made. 8. The Applicant certifies that requests for reimbursement do not and will not duplicate reimbursement of costs and services received from other sources. 9. The Applicant shall maintain accurate records and accounts of all financial transactions entered into by the Applicant relating to the Project which shall show in detail all income of the Applicant and all expenditures, including but not limited to, payments for eligible costs, made by the Applicant. Such records and accounts shall include, without limitation, property, personnel and financial records, cash receipts and disbursements journals and general subsidiary ledgers. All records and accounts shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards. All expenditures of the grant monies shall be supported by invoices and/or other documentation sufficient to establish that such monies have been used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Department, Comptroller of the State of New York and any other authorized representatives of the State of New York or FHWA shall have the right to examine all records and accounts relating to the financial transactions of the Applicant including the expenditure of the grant monies and all other funds secured and 5 services rendered for the benefit of the Applicant. 10. The Department may review the performance of the Applicant in carrying out the Project work in such manner and at such times as the Department shall determine. The Applicant shall at all times make available its employees, records and facilities to authorized representatives of the Department in connection with any such review. Such review shall be for the purpose, among other things, of ascertaining the quality and quantity of the Project work performed by the Applicant, the conformity thereof to the provisions of this Agreement and the financial integrity of reimbursement claims submitted by the Applicant. 11. The Applicant shall notify the Commissioner of the commencement of any audit by any governmental agency of any of the Applicant's activities within five (5) days of receiving information relating thereto. 12. If the Department determines that the Applicant has failed to diligently progress the Project, the Department may demand repayment of all financial assistance provided by the State in connection with such Project and make a final notice of termination. Upon such demand, the Applicant shall repay the State all funds received from the State in connection with such Project. 6 13. The Applicant shall maintain all records relating to this Agreement for not less than three (3) years after the date of completion. 14. This Agreement shall be deemed executory only to the extent of money available to the State for the performance hereto and no liability on account thereof shall be incurred by the State beyond money available for the purpose thereof. 15. If the Applicant performs work under this Agreement with its own forces, it shall be responsible for all damage to person or property arising from any act or negligence performed by or on behalf of the Applicant, its officers, agents, servants or employees, contractors, subcontractors or others in connection therewith. The Applicant specifically agrees that its agents or employees shall possess the experience, knowledge and character necessary to qualify them individually for the particular duties they perform. The Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State and the Department and FHWA and their respective agents and employees from any and all liability for injuries to or death of any person or persons and for the loss of, damage to, or destruction of any property which arises from the activities conducted by or on behalf of the Applicant, its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement, including all related costs and counsel fees. 7 16. The Applicant agrees not to assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this agreement or any part thereof, or of its right, title or interest therein, or its power to execute such agreement to any entity, public or private, without the previous written consent of the Department first having been obtained. 17. Appendix A, a standard clause for all New York State Contracts, and Appendix B, U. S. Government Required Clauses, are attached hereto and are hereby made a part of this agreement as if set forth fully herein. 18. This Agreement consists of this document, Schedule A, Appendix A, Appendix B and the Resolution of the Applicant authorizing its duly authorized representative to execute this Agreement. 19. The Applicant agrees that the scenic, historic, cultural, natural and archeological integrity of the highway and adjacent area along which the project is to be carried out will be protected. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Department has caused this Instrument to be signed by its authorized representative and the Applicant has caused this Instrument to be signed by its duly authorized officer ,to be effective on the date first written above. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE: March 4, 1997 PEOPLE OF THE.~hTATE OF NEW YORK Commi ~o/~er of Transportation ..'~AP, 2 4 i~97 DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: / I / Attorn%?3s~Aa~ / ,~ ~ ~/gg7 ~AR 3 1 1997 APPROVE~t~:~/ ./] F~omp~l er pur~ant to Sec~on l12~a~ Finance Law STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFO[K ) On this 4th day of March , 1997, before me personally came Jean W. Cochran to me known and known to me to be the Town Supervisor of the Town of Southold, the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument pursuant to a Resolution of the Town of Southold, which was adopted on March 4, 1997 and to which a certified copy is attached and made a part thereof, and she acknowledged to me that she executed the same by like order. NOTARY PUBLIC JUDITH T. TERRY Notary P.Jblic, State of New York NO. 52~963 Gual~fi~ in Suffolk ~unW~ ~mmJ~mn ~ires M~ 31, 1~ lO SCHEDULE A The Town of Southold, located in Suffolk County on the North Fork of Eastern Long Island, will use grant funds to produce an innovative model within a corridor management framework that can be replicated by other communities in New York State for the protection of scenic byway corridors and viewsheds, tourism development, and recreation. The project will be a valuable resource for the New York State Scenic Byways Program and Advisory Board. Project Grant $ 55,000 Project Cost $ 68,750 The Town of Southold will use these grant funds to: Develop a Model Eligibility Assessment Procedure for Scenic Byways Designation: The Town of Southold will develop an eligibility assessment procedure that will be transferable to other potential New York State Scenic Byways. The eligibility assessment procedure will afford a unique opportunity to bring together a number of federal, State and local planning and management initiatives for the protection and enhancement of scenic byways corridors and viewsheds. Assess the Eligibility of Roads for Designation as New York State Scenic Byways: Using the model Eligibility Assessment Procedure and the New York State Scenic Byways Program Nomination Handbook, the Town of Southold will assess the eligibility of roads within the town for designation as New York State Scenic Byways, and identify a specific road as a model for nomination and eventual designation. 3. Develop a Corridor Management Plan: The Town of Southold will develop a corridor management plan for the specific road to be used as a model for nomination and designation. This corridor management plan can then be used as a model for preserving scenic byways characteristics in New York State. RAR0042B 11 CONR 335-~f (~"/89) APPENDIX A STANDARD CLAUSES FOR ALL NEW YORK STATE CONTRACTS The parties to the attached contract, 'license, lease, amendment or other agreement of any kind (hereinafter, "the contract" or "this contract") agree to be bound by the following clauses which are hereby made s part of the contract (the word "Contractor" herein refers to any party other than the State, whether a contractor, licensor, licensee, lessor, lessee or any other party): 1. EXECUTORY CLAUSE- In.accordance with Section 41 of the State Finance Law, the State shall have no liability under this contract to the Contrac';or or to anyone else beyond funds appropriated and available for this contract. 2. NON.ASSIGNMENT CLAUSE.. In accordance with Section 138 of the State Finance Law, this contract may not be assigned by the Contractor or its right, title or interest therein assigned, transferred, conveyed, sublet or otherwise disposed of without the previous consent, in writing, of the State and any attempts to assign the contract without the State's written consent.are null and void. The Contractor may, however, assign its right to receive payment without the State's prior written consent unless this contract concerns CertificAtes of Participation pursuant to Article 5-A of the State Finance Law. 3. COMPTROLLER'S APPROVAL In accordance with Section 112 of the State Finance Law (or, if this contract is with the State University or City University of New York, Section 355 or Section 6218 of the Education Law), if this contract exceeds $5,000 ($20,000 for certain S.U.N.Y. and C.U.N.Y. contracts), or if this is an amendment for any amount to a contract which, as so amended, exceeds said statutory amount, or if, by this contract, the State agrees to giYe something other than money, it shall not be valid, effective or binding upon the State until it has been approved by the State Comptroller and filed in his office. 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION BENE."tt~. In accordance with Section 142 of the State Finance Law, this contract shall be void and of no force and effect unless the Contractor shall provide and maintain coverage during the life of this contract for the benefit of such employees as are required to be covered by the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Law. 5. NON.DISCRIMINATiON REQUIREMENTS. In accordance with Article 15 of the Executive Law (also known as the Human Rights Law) and all other State and FederAl satutory and constitutionsl non- discrimination provisions, the Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employ- ment because of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, disabillty or marital status. Furthermore, in accordance with Section 220-e of the Labor Law, if this is a contract for the construction, alteration or repair of any public building or public work or for the manufacture, sale or distribution of materials, equip- ment or supplies, and to the extent that this contract shall be performed within the State of New York,. Contractor agrees that neither it nor its subcontractors shall, by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin: la) discriminate in hiring against any New York State citizen who is qualified and available to perform the work;, or lb) discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the perfor- mance of work under this contract. If this is a building service contract as defined in Section 230 of the Labor Law, then, in accordance with Section 239 thereof, Contractor agrees that neither it nor its subcon- tractors shall, by reason of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex or disability: la) discriminate in hiring against any New York State citizen who is qualified and available to perform the work; or discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract. Contractor is subiect to fines of S50.00 per person per day for any violation of Section 220-e or Section 239 as well as possible termination of this contract and forfeiture of ell moneys due hereunder for a second or subsequent violation. 6. WAGE AND HOURS PROVIS|ON~ If this is a public work contract cove~ed by Article 8 of the Labor Law or a building service contract covered by Article 9 thereof, neither Contractor's employees nor the employees of its subcontractors may be required or permitted to work more than the number of hours or days stated in said statues, except as otherwise provided in the Labor Law And as set forth in prevailing wage and supplement schedules issued by the State Labor Department. Furthermore, Contractor and its subcontractors must pay at least the prevailing wage rate and pay or provide the prevailing supplements, including the premium rates for overtime pay, as determined by the State Labor DepArtment in accordance with the Labor Law. 7. NON.COLLUSIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT. In accordance with Section 139-d of the State Finance Law. If this contract was awarded based upon the submission of bids, Contractor warrants, under penalty of perjury, that its bid was arrived at independently and without collusion aimed at restricting competition. Contractor further warrants that at the time Contractor submitted its bid, an authorized and responsible person executed and delivered to the State a non-collusive bidding certification on Contractor's behalf. CO. NR 335-3f 12. EQUAL EMPLOYMEIN~.~PPORTUNITIES FOR MINORITIES AND ~MEN: In accordance with Section 312 of the Executive Law, if this contract is: (i) a written agreement or purchase order instrument, providing for a total expenditure in excess of $25,000.00, whereby a contracting agency is committed to expend or does expend funds in return for labor, services, supplies, equipment, materials or any combina- tion of the foregoing, to be performed for, or rendered or furnished to the contracting agency; or (ii) a written agreement in excess of $100,0(30.00 whereby a contracting agency is committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, construction, demolition, replacement, major repair or renovation of real property and improvements thereon; or (iii) a written agreement in excess of $100,000.00 whereby the owner of a State assisted housing project is ccmmitted to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, construction, demolition, replacement, major repair or renovation of real property and improvements thereon for such project, then: (a) Thec~ntract~rwi~n~tdiscriminateagainstempl~y~es~rapp~icantsf~rempi~ymentbecause of race, creed, color, national ori(~in, sex, age, disability or marital status, and will undertake or continue existing programs of affirmative action to ensurethat minority group members and women are afforded equal employment oppcr~unities without discrimination. Affirmative action shall mean recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgradings, demotion, transfer, layoff, or termination and rates of pay or other forms of compensation; (b) at the request of the contracting agency, the Contractor shall request each employment agency, labor union, or authorized representative of workers with which it has a collective barganing or other agreement or understanding, to furnish a written statement that such employment agency, labor union or representative will not discriminate on the basis or race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status and that such union or representative will affirmatively cooperate in the implementation of the contractor's obligations herein; and ('c) the Contractor shall state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees, that, in the performance of the State contract, ail qualified applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status. Contractor will include the provisions of "a", "b" and "c", above, in ever'/subcontract o~er $25,000.00 for the construction, demolition, replacement, major repair, renovation, planning or design of real propeAy and improvements thereor~ (the "Work") except where the Work is for the beneficial ~Jse of the Contractor. Section 312 does not apply to: (i) work, ~ccds or services unrelated to this contract; or (i~ employment outside New York State; or (iii) banking services, insurance policies or the sale of securities. The State shall consider compliance by a contractor or subcontractor with the requirements of any feder.~l law concerning equal employment opportunity which effectuates the purpose of his section. The contracting agency shall deterrhine whether the imposition of the requirements of the provisions hereof duplicate or conflict with any such federel law and if such duplication or conflict exists, the contracting agency shall waive the applicability of Section 312 to the extent of such duplication or conflict. Contractor will comply with ali duly promulgated and lawful rules and regulations of the Governor's Office of Minority and Women's Business Development pertaining hereto. 13. CONFLICTING TERMS. in the event of a conflict between the terms of the contract (including any and all attachments thereto and amendments thereof} and the terms of this Appendix A, the terms of this Appendix A shall control. 14. GOVERNING LAW. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York except where the Federat supremac~ clause recuires otherwise. 15. LATE PAYMENT. T~meliness of payment and any interest to be paid to Contractor for tate payment shall be governed by Article XI-A of the State Finance Law to the extent required by law. 16. NO ARBITRATION. Disputes involving this contract, including the breach or alleged breach thereof, may not be submitted to binding arbitration (except where statutorily authorized) but must, instead, be heard in a court of competent jurisdiction of the State of New York. 17. SERVICE OF PROCESS. In additicn to the methods of service allowed by the State Civil Practice Law & Rules ("CPLR"}, Contractor hereby consents to service of process upon it be registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Service hereunder shall be complete upon Contractor's actual receipt of process or upon the State's receipt of the return thereof by the United States Postal Service as refused or undeliverable. Contractor must promptly .notify the State, in writing, of each and every change of address to which service of process can be made. Service by the State to the last known ad,ross be sufficient. Contractor will have thirty (30) calendar days after service hereunder is complete in which to respond. August 1989 U. S. GOVL'-~h~NT KEQUIRED CLAUSE5 The Contractor and its subcontractors agree to comply Executive Order 112&6, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" and Departmen~ of Transportation regnlations (49CFK Parts 21, 23, 25,~ and 27), and the following: 1. Non Discrimination. No person shall, on the ground of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age or handicap, be excluded from participa- tion in, or denied the benefits of or be subject to discrimination under this Project. 2. Equal Emotoy~nent Opportunity. In connection with the execution of this Agreement, the Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for e=ployment because of race, religion, age, color, sex or 'national origin. The Con=rector shall take affirmative actions tO ensure that 'applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during their' e:ployment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, national origin or age. Such actions, shk!l include, but not be limited to, the following: .employment, upgrading, ~emotion or transfer; rec.-uitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other for~s of compensation; and se!ac- tion for training, including apprenticeship. ~isadvanta~ed Business Enterprises. In connection with the performance of this Agreement, the Con:rector will cooperate with the State in meeting its commitment~ and goal? with regard to the maximum utilization of 'disadvantaged business enterprises and will use its best efforts to ensure 'that disadvantaged business enterprises will have t'he maxi=an practicable opportunity to compete '~or subcontract work Under this Agreement.. Also, in this connection the .Contractor shall, undertake such actions as may be necessar~ to comply with Section 105(f) of the Surface Transportation Assis:ance Act of 1982, as implemented in 49CFK Part 23. ~ In addition, the Contractor and its subcontractors agree to abide by the state- ments in paragraphs (1) and (2) below. ~--aese statements' are, by reference, made par~ of this Agreement a~d =ust be included in all subsequent %greements between the Contractor and .any subcontractor and in all U~TA-assisted contracts between recipients or subrecipients an~ any contractor. "Policy. It is ~he policy of the Department of Transportation that minority business enterprises as defined in aPCDF Part ~3 shall have the maximum opportunity to ~articipate in the performance of con~raczs financed in whole or in par: with Federal funds under :his agreemen:. Consequently, the M. BE requirements of ~9CFK Part 23 apply to this agreement." "}/BE ~bligation. minority business The recipent or its contractor agrees to ensure that enterprises as defined in &9CF~ Part 23 have the maxi=u= ogportunity, to par:icipate in the performance of contracts an4 subcontracts financed in ~hole or in part with Pederal funds provided under this agreement. In thi~ regard, ali recipients or contractors shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordane with aPC~t Par= 23 to ensure that minority business enterprises have the maxi--u= opportunity =o compete for and perform contracts. Recipients and their contractors shall not discri=inate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and perfo~ance of DOT-assisted contracts." TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCENIC BYWAY CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT PLAN March 1996 WORK SPECIFICATIONS 1. Description Background: The Town of Southold is requesting proposals from qualified consultants for the preparation of a Corridor Management Plan for the Town of Southold. A Corridor Management Plan forms a major element of a nomination for the designation ora Scenic Byway. It demonstrates how a Scenic Byway will be operated and managed and how comdor preservation and enhancement will be implemented. It must also show a strong evidence of local support. The Comdor Management Plan will form one part of a multi-phase project being undertaken by the Southold ' Transportation Committee. This Committee will present tho Town Board with "...a Transportation Model, including a comprehensive scenic byway/comdur management plan, which addresses the nsc and protection of local resonrces, and their impact on town residents, for recreational and economic benefit through an innovative road-rail-trail-waterways network while maintaining the scenic, historic, and rural characteristics of the Town, as well as to guide its subsequent implementation." The Southold Transportation Committee recently held a Transportation Symposium tiffed "One Town, Many Routes". The need for the symposiem came out of a lengthy study of the challenges facing the town as it becomes a tourist destination, while attempting to maintain its rural character. The symposium is expected to be the beginning of a continuing dialogue on transportation issues within Southold. The recommendations of the symposium were summarized in a report and become the topic of hamlet meetings to get further citizen input. As part of their continuing work, the Southold Transportation Committee will bring together in the Transportation Model the results of a series of independent, yet related, studies on transportation in Southold. In addition to the Corridor Management Plan, the Town has been awarded $2.25 million of grants for a storm water mitigation project, a transportation and traffic study and the creation of recreational trails. Task: Assess the eligibility of roads within the Town of Southold for designation as Scenic Byways, pursuant to the federal In~aixodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. Produce a Comdor Management Plan that: identifies certain roads for nomination as Scenic Byways and demonstrates how the(se) proposed Scenic Byway(s) racet(s) the basic designation criteria describes how the proposed Scenic Byway(s) will be operated and managed and how Scenic Byway(s) comdor preservation and enhancement will be implemented within the Town of Southold. The report may also serve as a model for assessing the eligibility for the nomination and designation as Scenic Byways of scehie roads in communities on Long Island and elsewhere along the state's coastal and inland waterways. Organization: The preparation of the Comdor Management Plan will be developed by a consultant(s) under the guidance of the Southold Town Transportation Committee and the Town Planning Department. Technical Assistance will be available from the New York State Deparlment of State. The Town of Southold is keen to utilize local expertise end knowledge in the preparation of the Corridor Management Plan and expects to see the consultant develop local partnerships in the preparation of the Corridor Management Plan. Project cost: A maximum of $50,000 is available for this project through the Federal ISTEA Program. This will be matched at 20% with in-kind services through the involvement of the Southold Transportation Committee, the Town of Southold Planning Department, the Town of Southold Financial Department end the Town of Southold Attorney. 2. Study Area The study ama is the entire Town of Southold, with a focus on the transportation corridor that includes thc Long Island Railroad, NY Route 25 from Laurel to Orient Point, County Route 48 (Middle Road), two ferries, and. associated local highways. 3. Performance Standards The final report shall contain thc completed Comdor Management Plan for the proposed Scenic Byway(s) in the Town of Southold, with all of the products listed in Section 4, Deliverables, as a minimum. The final report shall also include a discussion of the methqdology used, reference all sources of information, end identify any information gaps and issues requiring further study. This final report shall incorporate and respond to the comments on the draft report provided by the Department of State, Department of Transportation and the Town of Southold. Throughout the project period, public participation activities will be undertaken to: raise local awareness about the intrinsic resources associated with the Town's byways gain insight into local perceptions about these msoorces determine the naturo of local commitment to preserving these resources The consultant will be required to attend a minimum of three public meetings organized by the Town of Southold to elicit local concerns on scenic byway issues and obtain public comment on the draft document. The report will be prepared using WordPerfect 5.1. Map products and tabular data shall be prepared using the guidelines in Attachment 1. 4. Deliverables A. A draft Corridor Management Plan for the Town of Southold containing the following elements: (1) Inventory and Analysis (a) A review and discussion of the Town of Southold's Transpoaation Core Concept and the charge of the Southold Transportation Committee, placing the proposed Scenic Byway(s) nomination end Corridor Management Plan in the context of the work of the Southold Transportation Committee. (b) An identification of intrinsic resources related to the transpoaation comdor, characterizing the 2 (i) nature and extent of the resources, their context in the conSdor and significance to the comdor. The intrinsic resources to be identified include scenic, historic, natural, cultural, recreational or archaeological features considered representative of the transportation comdor or umque or irreplaceable to the corridor. A map identifying the transportation eomdor and the location of intrinsic resources and different land uses associated with the comdor. A determination of whether the quality of the intrinsic resources warrants the nomination and designation of any part of this transportation corridor as Scenic Byways. An identification of the parts of the transportation comdor to be proposed for nomination and designation as Scenic Byway(s). A map identifying the parts of the transportation comdur to be proposed for nomination and designation as Scenic Byway(s) and their boundaries. An identification of any conditions which impair the intrinsic qualities of potential Scenic Byway(s). An identification of existing user features associated with potential Scenic Byway(s) in the Town, such as: traveler service facilities, including parking, food service and restrooms access and accessibility, including features designed to accommodate various transportation modes and types ofnsers tourism and related amenities and on-go'rog tourism promotion activities, including brochures, maps and signagn interpreting the visitor experience, including promoting and interpreting the significant features, history and rural characteristics of the comdor and signage Reco~izing that the effects of traffic accidents cause a catas~ophic impact on the quality of life, an important element will be a review of traffic safety to include the following: (i) a general review of traffic and driving practices that are illegal, such as failure to yield, pedesUian right of way, speed and passing on the right. (ii) a general review of the potential Scenic Byway(s) safety and accident record to identify any correctable faults in highway design, maintenance, or operation. (iii) a review of the existing level of traffic congestion and smtability for additional traffic. (j) The Southold Transportatien Commattee and the New Yonk State Department of Transportation are undertaking a txansportation/traffic study which will provide information for this review. This will become available by mid-1997. A discussion of whether the potential Scenic Byway(s) are in an air quality attainment or (k) (2) (a) (b) (3) non-attainment area, and if in a non-attainment area, an assessment of the impact of designation on air quality. An identification and investigation of existing local and state management tools, including laws and regulations, to determine their usefulness in maintaining and enhancing the intrinsic resources of thc potential Scenic Byway(s) in the Town of Southold. Corridor Management Strategy A strategy for maintaining and enhancing those intriusic resources. The strategy should include recommendations concerning design review and land management techniques such as zoning, easements, and economic incentives. NOTE: The level of protection for different parts of the proposed Scenic Byway(s) can vary, with the highest level of protection afforded those parts . which most reflect their intriusic values. The strategy should include: (i) a development strategy describing how existing development might be enhanced and new development might be accommodated while still preserving the intrinsic values of the comdor. (ii) a plan to accommodate commerce while maintaining a safe and efficient level of highway service, including convenient user facilities. (iii) a strategy to integrate the proposed Scenic Byway(s) with on-going work in the Town to develop an alternative transportation initiative which involves integrating transportation improvements for bicyclists, pedestrians and boaters and identifying linkages to transportation provided by the railroad and ferries. Ov) a demonstration that inmasions on the visitor experience have been minimized to the extent feasible, and a plan to enhance that experience. Such improvements should be eligible for Federal scenic byways program funding grants. (v) A signage plan which demonstrates how to control the number and placement of signs to make them more supportive of the visitor experience. (vi) A discussion of design standards as they may apply to proposed modifications, if any, to the roadway, with a discussion and evaluation of how they may impact on its intrinsic qualities. A narrative describing hew ~he proposed Scenic Byway(s) will be positioned for promotion and marketing. (i) Develop proposals for promotional activities which may be appropriate, recognizing the rural nature of roads in the Town. (ii) A description of plans to interpret the significant resources of the proposed Scenic Byway(s). Implementation Strateg~ 4 (a) Dcvelop concepts for new local legislation, road maintenance guidelines and other actions which may be needed to protect proposed Scenic Byway(s). (b) A schedule and a listing of ail agency, group, and individual responsibilities in the implementation of the corridor management plan, and a description of enforcement and review mechanisms, including a schedule for the continuing review of how well those responsibilities arc being met. (c) A plan to assure on-going public participation in the implementation of corridor management objectives. (d) A demonstration of compliance with all existing locai, state and Federai laws on outdoor advcrtizing. Five final report copies including comments from the drafi report provided by the Department of State, Department of Transportaaon and the Town of Southold, and a 3.5"floppy disk containing the report in WordPerfect 5.1 format. 5. Proposal Requirements Each proposal received will be carefully evaiuated for its technical merit. The following items must be addressed in the proposal. Those proposals which most satisfactorily address these items will be considered in the finai selection: A work program for performing thc Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan based on the performance standards set forth in Section 3, Performanc~ Standards, and provisions for delivering ail data products listed in Section 4, Deliverables as a minimum. The work program should show the Contractor's ability to provide the necessary products and meet the deadlines for delivery described in Section 4, Deliverables. Work program should also discuss the methodology and specify sources of information for performing the Corridor Management Plan. Your firm's ability to perform the required services. Names, titles, qualifications, and relative con~bution of all the individuals who will be providing their services should be given for evaiuation. Indicate how their combined qualifications/assignments enablc them to competently complete thc work. Your gum's direct expetienca with scemc byways, visual and scenic assessment and scenic protection work and examples of this work should be presented. In addition, consideration will be given to how well each proposai demonstrates an understanding of the goals and objectives of the Scenic Byways Program and the Southold Transportation Committee. It should be noted that because the corridor management plan concept is relatively new and experimental, the Southold Transportation Committee is looking for an innovative approach to the Corridor Management Plan and envisages a dynamic implementation document which will not be filed and forgotten, but which will sell the concept of Corridor Management to the officials and residents of the Town of Sonthold. As the concept of a Corridor Management Plan is so new, the RFP does not specify the detailed products required, but rather outlines the general nature of the deliverables, ailowing the consultant flexibility to develop an innovative approach. 6. Schedule of Work 5 The following schedule of major milestones and accompanying completion dates shall be maintained in developing the Scenic Byway Comdor Management Plan for the Town of Southold. MAJOR MILESTONE: Issue Request For Proposal Prop6sal Due Date Proposal Review and Selection; Contract Award Date Comments from DOS, DOT and Town on Consultant Work Program Public Meeting # 1 Draft Inventory and Analysis Public Meeting # 2 Revise Inventory and Assessment Draft Comdor Management Strategy Comments from DOS and Town on Comdor Management Strategy Revise Corridor Management Strategy Draft Implementation Strategy Comments fi.om DOS and Town on Implementation Strategy Public Meeting #3 Revise and Finalize Corridor Management Plan TOTAL: Time from each milestone: Start one month one month one month one month three months one month one month two months one month one month two months one month one month one month 18 months Public Meeting #1 Public Meeting #2 Public Meeting #3 Introduce project and scope local concerns on scenic byways issues. Prepare display mater/als and conduct public information meetings on the Inventory and Assessment, including roads identified as eligible for possible federal designation as Scenic Byways. Prepare display materials and conduct public information meetings on Comdor Management Strategy and Implementation Strategy. 6 ATTACHMENT 1: REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT MAP PRODUCTS GENERAL MAP PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS The following general cartographic requirements must be adhered to by the Contractor: 1) Map Products - The Town of Southold's preference is for the delivery of digital map products that meet the specifications outlined in the Digital Cartographic File Requirements section. If analog map products are produced, fi~y must meet specifications outlined m the Digital-Ready Map Product Requirements section. Thc ability to provide digital map products will be one of the factors used in selecting a Contractor. 2) Deliverable Format - All digital map and attribute table fries must be provided in Maplnfo 3.0 for Windows format on 4 mm DAT tape or 3.5" floppy diskette media. Alteaaatively, the digital products may be provided · in UNIX or PC ARC/INFO bina~, format or AutoCAD DXF format un the same media types upon approval of the Town. All other digital formats require prior approval of the Town. All non-digital map products must be provided on stable base material at a scale agreed upon by the Town. The map products must include an index map to all map sheets and thorough descriptions of all the cartographic elements portrayed on the maps. 3) Documentation -- A data dictionaxy must be included along with the map files describing file contents, file names, map projection, coordinate system, RMS accuracy, information sources, and creation methodology. 4) Map Accuracy -- Unless otherwise stated by the Town, all deliverable map products must conform to National Map Accuracy Standards for horizontal accuracy as established by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). For example, maps at 1:20,000 or smaller, not more than 10% of the well-defined map points tested must be more than 1/50 inch (5 mm) out of cermet position. At 1:24,000, this tolerance translates to a required horizontal accuracy of 40 feet. DIGITAL CARTOGRAPHIC FILE REQUIREMENTS Thc following cartographic construction requirements must be adhered to by the Contractor: 1) Edge-matching-- All map sheets must be both visually and coordinate edge-matched with adjacent map sheets. No edge-match tolerance will be allowed. Attributes for splitable features must also be identical. 2) Common Boundaries -- All f~tures that share a common bounda~, regardless of map layer, must have exactly the same coordinate position of that feature in all common layers. 3) Point Duplication -- No duplication of points that occur within a data string is permitted. 4) Connectivity - Where graphic elements visually meet, they must also digitally met. All confluences of line undershoots, shvers, or "offshoots" are NOT permitted. and polygon data must be exact; "overshoots"," "" ' " 5) Line Quality - A high quality cartographic appearance must be achieved. Transitions fi~m suaight lines to curvilinear elements must be smooth, with angular inflections at the point of intersection. The digital 7 representation must not contain extraneous data at a non visible level. There should be no jags, hooks, or zero length segments. Any lines that are straight, or should be straight, should be digitized using only two points that represent the beginning and ending points of the line. 6) Polygon Closure - For area f¢,0_~ms being digitized, tbe l~st coordinate pair must be exactly (mathematically) equal to the first coordinate pair. No line or polygon must oross itself except to join at an actual confluence. All digitized features across map boundaries must be edited to effect smooth and continuous lines. 7) Graphic Precision -- All digital graphic elements must contain positional coordinates significant to one thousandth (.001 ) of a foot. 8) Digitizer Accuracy -- The required RM$ error for digitizer aecura~ must be .003 or better for digital map registration. DIGITAL-READY MAP PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS The following requirements for non-digital map products must be followed to facilitate the future conversion of the maps to digital map products. 1) Base Map Media - All maps must be created on mylar or other stable base material. 2) Map Scale -- All maps of a similar series should be created using the same base scale. Unless othenvise stated by the Town, all maps should be compiled at 1:24,000. If other map scales are approved by the Town, they will conform to standard map scales such as 1:9600; 1:50,000; 1:75,000; or i: 100,000. 3) Map Registration - The maps must provide a minimum of four (4) comer and four (4) interior ticks tied to USGS/NYSDOT quadrangle Lat/Long or NYTM coordinates. The maps must be geometrically correct and should register when overlaid on the appropriate USGS/NYSDOT quadrangle control ticks. 4) Map Projection and Datum -- The maps must include the map projection and the map datum used. 5) Map Title ~nd Legend -- The maps must provide a title and legend block describing the information contained on the maps. 6) Cm'tographic Quality - The quality of all map line work and symbolization must conform to items 1 - 6 in the map criteria set forth in the Digital Cartographic File Requiremants section outlined above. 8 CONTRACT DATABASE STANDARDS Delivery Media All database and tabular files must be delivered on 4 mm Digital Audio Tape (DAT) or 3.5" diskette. Delivery in another media format must have prior approval of the Town. Software Format All database and tabular fdes must be provided in Borland's Paradox for Windows version 4.5 format. Other formats that are convertible to Paradox may be used with prior approval of the Town. Geographic Attributes Database and tabular fdes that contain elements with a geographic reference must provide a corresponding data field and a geographic coordinate pair for each feature location. Neboysha R. Brashich Chairman Michael Acebo Robed Bayley Margaret Brown Robert W. Brown Victor Brown Gaif F. Horton Barbara Michelson Merlon E. Wiggin Southold Transportation Committee Town Hall, 53095 Main Road. Southold, New York 11971-0959 (516) 765-1938 December 6, 1996 Mr. Harry Tenenbaum, P. E. Regional Enhancements Project Manager NYS Department of Transoortation Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Re: Seaview Trails of the North Fork Southold, New York PIN # OT 1199 Dear Yr. Tenenbaum: Enclosed please find the ISTEA Transportation Enhancement Project Agreement for the Seaview Trails of the North Fork duly executed by Southold Town Suoervisor Jean Cochran. The Town Board authorized the sum of S77,000 in cash and $10,000 in in-kind services to cover the cost of oarticipation in the above project. An additional S33,000 is anticipated in in-kind services from the National Park Service, the )IYS Deoartment of State and the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers. Public/private rights-of-way are valued at and some $7,000 is expected from Harchiselli Funds bringih~ the oroject total to S535,000. The Committee would greatly appreciate your office reviewing the aoreement and forwarding it subsequently to NYSDOT/Albany for final signature. If you need additional information or clarification, olease do not hesitate to get in touch with Enclosure a/s ~!ncerely, Nebeysha ~. Brashich Chailrman Seaview Trails of the North Fork: Southold Town's Alternative Transportation Initiative ISTEA Transportation Enhancement Project Agreement PiN # 0756.99 Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 NY State Dept. of TranspoCcation State Campus, Building S 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12Z3Z The Southold Town Transportation Committee Seaview Trails of the ProJeC~ iden'.ified as: North Fork, Southoldf NY - PIN ~ IsTEA TRANSPORTATION ~qHANC~TJ~2~T FROJ]~CT AGP.ELML:"RT ~ e=ween =he people ~,,~ .~in~ by ~d =~ough ~e New xo ~ -DeuCe-- ~ -- - -- -~--~on AvenUe, ~---~- ~ ~ _. .he 2!32 ~d - 1007(a) (IST~) of 1991; and . -~{-~-~a=ion ..... -~a"~ h~ ~e re P --- ~- Sec'-ion 1007 (a) s ~en delegated responsibility ~, ~e Dep~n= ha _- ---~ wl~in New York '-- n E~ncemenu ~or the Trans9°~=i° of =he in~o~l S~ace pursuant no Sec=ion 1007(a) %ranspOr=anion Ef[icien~ Ac= of 1991 and ~e New York Highway Law; and ~, ~he IS~A au~orizes ~e Dep~~n= =o receive applications for Federal fi~cial assis=~ce for ~ and no provide ~or the accomplis~en= of ~Y authorized ~P Project wi~in =he !~i~=io~ of appropriations avail~le therefor and wi=bin ~he l'~=io~ oE allocations av=il~le therefor, 9ursuan% =o ~ A~reemen= be=ween ~e Dep~= and ~he and Spo~or unde~a~ng such Proje~; ~E~, the ~P ProJec= =o be unde~ken p~suant to this Agreement is/is not on the National Highway System. (1~ the Projec= is on the National Highway System, ~icle 12 will apply to this ~reement); ~, %he IST~ ~P au:horizes =he Spo~Or %o unde~ake and ca~ our any such apDroved ~ projec: for which Federal assisnance is received or is =o be received; and - , ~en= has :evieWed and approved ~he Agreemen= Co~=alne~ Ln ~ NOW, ~{EF~FORE, in considers=ion ~ -h_ mu:ual .' .... fi:- moving to each of :he carries hereto, and in pursuance cf aooro~riate sections of Title 23, U.S. Code, as amended, and N~ ~'~.o... S~a=e ~i=hway_ Law, as amended, and"Budge~ ____ applicable ~hereto, i= is agreed as follows: Article 1. pefinitions ~ used herein, the following shall include and mean: !. .IS?~-_A Transportation E~h~ncemen= Program" or "Program".. The program which provides for TEP Projec:s =o be ~nder=aken pursuant =o agreemenus baDwean Municipalities, Sna=e Agencies, or Au=hori=ies (Sponsors) and =he Deparl:men=, wi=h funds provided in part by the IST=-A. / 2. .Depa_~cmen=." The Dep~men= of Transpor=azion of the .: State of New York. 3. "Municipality." A city, a coun=y no~ wholly conuained witkin a city, a =own cra village, or ~wo or more of ~he foregoing ac=lng join~!y. 4. "Sponsor." A Municipality, S~a~e Agency or Au:hority which under=ekes a TEP Projec~ pursuan= =o an agreement be=ween such Municipa!i:y, S=ate Agency or Aur-hori~y and t_ha Depa_--Umen= which has by resolu=ion au~_horized =he principal officer of ~he Sponsor to ac~ and has confirmed and accepced che ca_-ms of ~his Agreement. 5. "Commissioner." The Co,~issioner of Transpor=aticn of =he State of New York. 6. ".-~P Project" cr "Projecn". A Projec~ which provides for ~rsnspo_~auion e~--hancemen= acnivizies in connec:ion wi~h ..... _-mo=a_ - . - - i sysnem . application ~nd furnher described in Schedules "A" and ar:ached aere~o. 7. "State." The People of the S=ate of New York acuing by -.-.-2 =l-_--ough =~" Commissioner. ti ~. "Agreemen=." This document a~d any au-.acbmen~s hereuo re_erred to herein. 9. "~F,~k." Federal ~ighway Admi=is:ra=ion of =he United S-~_--, == Depa~men= of Tr=-napcrns~icn. ---_ ........= --- ~"e underna2cing of =he m~.~ ';.-~"~ =co'sc- with Federal fin~a-nciai=ss,- i~:~c-_ ~dar =he .:rovisicns cf -h_~-- !S~ ~n=- ' =o s:=~-_-_ -'._~ ~a~, con~=ions, wn_c., such Feder~! assisn~nce 4 ~ilt~be p?ovided- ..Ar%ic!e 3. Documents Fo.--minc the Acreement. This Agreemen~ shall consist of this document and the following attachments: Schedule "A" Description of Financial Obligations in connection with ApprOved Transportation Enhancemen~ Project. Schedule "B" Description of the Project Scope of Work. Appendix ! - Resolution authorizing the Sponsor or anoropriate officer to execute this Agreement on behalf o~'the Sponsor and agreeing to the terms and condiLions thereof. Appendix 2 (if applicable) - Resolution authorizing the oar~icipation of the Sponsor in the Program and authorizing the Highest Ranking officer to act on behalf of such Sponsor a~d affirming the terms and conditions of this Agreement. F/(HIBIT A - Construction Contract Approval. EXHIBIT B - Ccnsu!tant selection Procedures and Guidelines Attachment A - Sponsor Consultant Proposal Evaluation Sheet Attachment B - Sponsor Oral Evaluation Form E~IBIT C - Sponsor Record Keeping Guidelines Appendix "A" Provisions. Appendix "B" New York State Required Contract - U,S. Government Required Clauses. A~ic!e 4. Poweus and Duties of Sponsor. !. The Sponsor shall familiarize itself with the ~,~ '~ s. The Sponsor shall -end"~ all services and furnish G__c___ne all maueria!$ and ~cuiDment necessary to complete the Project. The Sponsor has responsi~i!it¥ for the assurance and avai!abi!i~y of h_ non-federal share cosu ~nc-~ases and cos= over~'-ns, Project p!a~ning, design, consu--uction, cons:ruction inspection, envircnmen~ai compliance, and Project maintenance. The Project imDiemented or improved D,'~suant to this Agreement will be av~iiab!e at all reascna~!e times for use by the public and no sig~.s or ph¥$ica! barriers to the contra--y shall ~e erec=ed. 3 2. The Sponsor may con=fac= wiuh any person, fiT.,. cctv-Dora=ion or agency, el=her governmenua! or priva=e, uo acc~mp!ish =he purposes of =he TE_? in accordance with applicable S=ate and Federal law. The choice of contract engineers by =he SnonsOr to perform preliminary engineering or cons=ruc=ion i~speczion is subject to =he approval of =he Departmen=. 3. The Snonsor shall hold =he S=a=e harmless from any !iabi!i=y occurring from any aspe¢= of the design or cons=ruc=ion of Projec=s under contrao= wi=h any person, firm, corpora=ion or agency, either governmen=al or priva=e, or Projecus accomplished with Sponsor's forces. 4. The Sponsor shall initia=e the Project or cause i= =o be initiated wi=bin 90 days o~ the daue specified for this purpose in =he Project application, or within 90 days of approval cf the Projec= applica:ion by the Department, whichever is la=er. Failure by a Sponsor to initiate the Projec= shall cause the funds so programmed to such Sponsor to be subject to reprogramming by the Department. 5. The Sponsor shall be responsible for submi=ting vouchers or causing vouchers to be submitted for reimbursement by the State of the Federal share of She eligible cost of =he Project as se= forth in Schedule "A". 6. Unless de=ermined otherwise by the Depar=ment, upon completion said Project shall be the responsibility of and main=ained at the sole expense of the Sponsor. The Sponsor shall a= its own expense properly main= ~ain or cause to be maintained by others the physical and operational imp_rovements com~.leted pursuann to this Agreement for =heir useful life. The Sponsor shall maintain this Project for the life expectancy of any facility constructed under the Project. If the Sponsor in~ends uo have the Project maintained by another, any necessary main=enance agreement will be executed and submitted to =he Depar~men~ before construction of any TE-? Project is be.tun. 7. The Sponsor shall be responsible for all damage =o life and property arising out of =he activities of =he Sponsor, agents and employees, in connection with the TE-P Project. The Sponsor specifically agrees =hat its agents and employees shall possess =he experience, knowledge and character necessary to qualify ~hem individually for the duties they perform. S. THe Sponsor shall comply with all applicable sta~u~es, permi=s, ordinances, ~-,!es and re_erie=ions relative to the Proj~c,_ - including those for Projects which may have a significant _f~ _ on ~h- environment (e.g Na"-iona! ~2nvironmental Policy Ac~ ("N~_PA") and =he State : ~- - , ,nv_,onm~n=&l Qua!i=y Review Act) significan= _.= -_ -_z-c: on agricultural diszric:s (Agriculture and Markens Law, A_r~ic!e 25A_~), =he preservation of his=oric 4 stkUct=reS; the quality of water and the potential for flood hazards and losses (Environmental Conserwacion Law, Articles 8 and 36) and certify in a form acceptable to %he Department that such-~equirementS have been met. ' 9. There muS% be an environmental determination by FHWA pursuant to NEPA for the Project. The Sponsor must provide the necessary documentation to the Department in order for the Department to' obtain a determination from FHWA that the environmental process is being properly followed. 10. The sponsor agrees not to assign, =ransfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or any part thereof, or of its right, title or interest therein, or its power to execute such agreement to any e .....y,.~ubl~ ~r private, without the previous written consen= of the Depa=~Cment first having been obtained. 11. The Sponsor agrees that Che sceruic and natural integrity of the highway (if any) and adjacent area along which the ProjeCt is to be carried out will be protected. The Sponsor ess the effect that the ProjeCt ~ay have on also agrees to a~s . c with the requirements of historic properties ~n aocordan · Section 106 of :he National HiStoric preservation AC~. 12. Any right of way acquisition to be performed · · w~h a connection with the Projec~ must be done ~n accordance it Right of Way Plan and =he Federal Uniform Relocation Ac=, as may be amended. !3. The Sponsor shall perform such other and fur~-her acts as may be necessary, proper or desirable to carry out the project or oblige:ions, duties or functions related thereto in accordance with the TEP Guidelines and State and Federal law and rules. Article 5. Method of Performance of Work. (a) The work of the Project shall ~e performed by contrac~ o~ by the forces o~ the Sponsor in accordance with 5¢hedule "A". The Sponsor shall insure that all work perfoL-med by its employees, cont. rac=or$, agents and assignees shall be in accordance with all applicable provisions of S=a~e and Federal law. (b) Work on the Project shall not be staz~-ed unCil the Project has been officially authorized by the Department. Contracts shall not be awarded until the Sponsor has been officially notified by-the Department %hat the con=tact award has been authorized by the Depa-~ment. (c) All appropriate required Fe~era! clauses and attachments must be made a pa-~ of any ProjeCt contract and any ocher requiremen% which conflic=s with said Federal requ£remen%S must be excluded and/or expressly superseded. 5 (d) The Sponsor, in cooperazion with the Depa~menz, will develop a reporzing system to describe the progress'of Project, the resources used and other per~inen~ data to info.--m the Department of the status of the Project. The reporting system will include the consultant's monthly progress report with comment and evaluation by the Sponsor. (e) Cons:ruction Progec:s. (i) All construction materials and construction methods shall be in accordance with specificacions approved by the Depaz"~ment. The Sponsor shall design and constl-uct the Project, or cause it Co be designed and cons:rucced, in accordance with standards agreed to by the Depal-cment. under the supervision of a professional engineer, or architect or o:her proZessmonai as agreed ~o by the Depar~:men:. Cons:ruction super~ision work shall be performed by :he Sponsor or by conCrac=. Whenever Che estimate for the construction work for che Project exceeds one hundred :housand dollars ($100,000), such work shall be performed by concract ,,~qess che law governing the Sponsor sets a lower esnima~e. (ii) The record sampling program, independent testing and qua!i~y assurance procedures applicable to federal-aid Projects performed by the Sponsor shall be in accordance with specifications approved by the Department whether or no= such procedures are required for =he receipt of Federa!-~%id. (iii) Any con=rac= plans and specifications shall be 'stamped with the seal of a professional engineer licensed in this State and shall be signe~ by such professional engineer, or shall be si_a-ned by such other professional licensed in ~his Sta~e, as approved by the Department. The plans and specifica=ion~ shall be filed with the Department. (iv) The procedure for advertising, letting and awarding construction contrac=s to be used by the Sponsor are se~ fo~h in E~iBiT A at~ached hereto. (v) The contract be=ween the Sponsor ~nd the confract0r' must comply in eve_--y way with Federal laws, rules, regulations and the Federa!-A~d Policy Guide (FPG). The Depar=men: shall no~ be a party to any such con=rsct. (f). Ccnsu!=an= Pro4ec~s. (i) if the Sponsor desires =o perform Project work ~hrough a consu!=~nt, all architecture!, engineering and survey work shall be performed only by ~he mos~ highly qualified consultant with which a satisfactory contrac: for fair and reasonab!~ com.Densa=ion can be negotiated. Ail onher work to be performed by a consu!~ant mus~ be performed by the ~st higb. ly qqa!ified . of %be'costs- consultant chosen '-= -- proper consideration consultant the sponsor shall ccmp!y ..(ii) In se!ecuing a and -~ederal laws% "_~ules and wi~h all 'applicable S~ana -- - ~ecula~ions- The consul~an~ se!ec~ion procedures and guidelines ~o=be u~i!ized by ~he Sponsor are a~=ac~e~ hereto as E~iBiT B. The sponsor ~Y use cons~=~= se!ec~ion procedures and ~ide!ineS ocher =h~ ~hose listed in ~IBIT B o~y if those written procad~es ~d ~ide!ines ~ve been s~~:ad :o and approved by ~he Depar:m~- (iii) The con=.a .... ~--~1 laws, ~!es, ra~_a~lons musU co~!Y ~ eve~ ~Y wm=n r==~ and =he Federal-~d Poli~ Guide (FPG)-. The DeP~men~ shall not be a pa~y =o ~y such Conuracn. (iv) The Sponsor ~s= direct ~Y con~!:~ re~ained pursuant ~o =his Agreemen~ ~ the develo~en~ ~d ~c!usion in ~ns work produc~, where appropriate, of feb~bili=a=i°n ~ec~i~es ~d conS~c~ion con,fac= schedules- tot_es. ~- -t ~_ ..... ~4~h will =ove~ re~- (vi) The contract between the sponsor and r, he consul=ant and any supp!emenUa! agreements thereto shall not be ef~ecnive withouu %he ~_xpress writuan approval of %he Depa,~menU. A_~ic!e 6. ~' !. Mutual Ob!ication~. subject to compliance with %b~ uerms s.nd conditions of this Acreement, %he Depa~men~ agrees ~o reimburse ~he Sponsor ~or no~ ~ore ~han 80 percent of approved e!i~i~!e cos=s ~n co~ec=io~ with the Project up ~o the maximum amou~nt se~ forth in Schedule "A" a~tached hereto. Federal auuhcrization for the .~r_ojec: is set at the time of ~he signing of %his Agreemenu. Changes in =he dis:ribunion of uhe federal ~unds through =he phases of =he Project. to faf!ecu ac~ua! bids ..- ~. . the mu=ua! agr_eemen~ of %he modifications to Son-=u-- A upon · .. ._ .~. =a=~,s obligation for the Project in no ~-r~es. mower--, ~.._ S - . · __--- =,~ ,%. ~-n4ect and all even_ w~!! _x ........ ~ne cosus cf -h_ Projecu which ~xc°~= =ha: resUcnsi~i!i=Y cf ~he Sponsor. 2. :.~mbursemen~ cf Costs. The S%ate shall reimburse the Soonscr for the ~ntire a.:proved --~--- p~ruicipa~ing costs incu_-T_ed Ln connection with a Projec:, 7 subject ~o -L_ maximum amounts oavab!e and other !imiuau_cns forth in Schedule "A" a~ached hereto. If the Sponsor finds desirable to have reimbursement made intermediately, between star~ of such work and the final insFec~ion"thereof by the State shall make progress payments on billings prepared and submitted by ~he Sponsor based on actual costs incurred as disclosed by the records ~hereof wi~h adjustments to be made after audit by the State or ~he Federal Highway Administration. Such orogress payments shall not exceed 90% of the maximum ob!ig~tion of the State for the Project until final acceptance by the Deoartment. ' Such items shall be subject to audit by =he S~ate ~nd the Federal Highway Administration. (a) The Sponsor shall not include in f:s reimbursement claims ~he Sta~e any costs for any con~rac~ c~ge crier, suppiemen~a~ agreemen:, disrupted work settlemenns or court awards, unui! the~ basis for each such change order, supplemental agreement, se=tlemen: or award has first be~-n fullydocuman=ed and submitted to the DeparCmen~. for review and approval. (b) Reimbursement claims %o the State shall inc!u~e only such costs that have been approved ~ writing by the Department. (c) Record keeping and billing shall conform ~o the procedures set foru~h in EX~iBIT C attached hereto. All records established pursuant to ~his Agreement shall be maintained by the Sponsor for ~ot less th~n tan years after final payment is made by the Depa_~:men= to =he Sponsor for the Project. 3. Reimbursable Items. The State shall reimb,~se the Sponsor for :he Federa~ share of only tha~ work and those items ~ha~ are eligible for Federal pa_~icipa:ion under Title 23 of the U.S. Code, as amended, and :he State shall be entitled to recover from the Sponsor any monies which i~ pays ~o the Sponsor ~nder ~his Agreement which are subsequan:!¥ ~e~ermined ~o be ine!igi~!e for such Federal participation, items that are reimbursable include: acuua! cost of employee personal s=--vices, leave and fringe benefit additives dire~ly 'r-~la:e~ ~o the work of the TEP Project. acuua! cost of con=fac:s; ulanning studies; ma=eria!s and supplies; cons~ruczion supervision; design and constx-uczion costs; equipmen: leases or purchases; equipment use charges; and such other Federal pa_~icipating cos=s ~irec=!y iden=ifiab!e with the Proj ec~. %. .... =i-=l payment. A final c-_~-.lc=:-__ i=' - _ Of comp!etlon shall be ~-=:= == by ~a- Sponsor and a==-ove~, Ln writing, by Department demcnsureting that the Project has been comp!e=ed in =c_o-c~nc= wm:n .h_ terms and conditions of ~his Agreemen~ before final payment is made. Final paymenn :o =he Sponsor shall be made with__--sDect. to a T~_-::_ Projecn by the S~a:e, upon submission of a voucher therefor and =~' auuroved., ce~,~lcato_ i=' _ of completion 8 'by the Sponsor, -f-__ cer~ificazicn bv the Desar~men~ tk-~ an inspection was made of the work and ~ha~ the work is approved for pay~.~n~ · Article 6. Reports. The Sponsor shall submit to the Department such data as the Department deems necessary to assure compliance with this Agreement and for the Department to prepare ~er~odic reports on the scope and results of the Program. Article 7. Accomplishment of the Pro~ect Pursuan~ to Feder~!, State and Local law. In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice or other proceeding or authorization is required under applicable law to enable the Sponsor to enter into this Agreement or to accomplish the Project or portion~-= the Pr:jcc: hereunder, or zo observe, assume, cr carry out any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Sponsor = will initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any such matters. Article 8. Termination or SusPension of State's Ob!i=ations. If the Sponsor abandons for more than one year, or, before completion, finally discontinues the TE-P Project, or if, for any reason, the commencement, prosecution, or timely completion of the Project by the Sponsor is rendered impossible or impracticable, ~he Department may, by written notice to the Sponsor, suspend any or all of the Sta~e's obligations under this Agreement until such time as the event or condition resulting in such suspension has ceased or been corrected, or the Departmen~ may terminate any or all of the State's obligations under this Agreement. Upon receipt of any final notice of termination, the Sponsor shall proceed promptly to terw~nate or cause to be terminated Project activities and conuracts and to take such other actions as may be reTuired or desirable to keep to a minimum the costs upon ~he basis of which the S~ate payments are to be computed; and certify to the Deparument, according to good accounting practices, the amount of work performed under the Projec~ and the amount of all eligible costs. If the Department determines that the Sponsor has f~i!ed to c___g_n=_y progress the Project, the Depar~men~ will include a demand for repayment of all financial asslstenc-' - _ provided by the State in co,~-nection with such Project with its fica! notice of ~armination and' the Sponsor shall repay the S~ate all fu~nds received .-'rom the Sta~e in co~ecuion with such Project. AJzic!e 9. Remission o~ Disellowed Pro4ect Costs Upon Ccm~!eticn of Pro4eCt. Upon comp.!euion of the Project and final accounting, ~he Sponsor s~a!l remit ~o ~he S~ze any disallowed previously paid to iu under ~his Agreement. 9 The acceptance by the State of a remittance of any cS all Project funds previously received by the Sponsor or uh~ closing out of Suave financial participation in the program shall not constitute a waiver of any claim which the State may otherwise have arising out of ~his Agreement. Article 10. Executory Clause. This contract shall be deemed executory only to the exnen= of money available to the State for the performance of the terms hereof and no liabi!i~y on account thereof shall be incurred by ~he State of New York beyond monies available for the purpose =hereof. Article 11. Eaual EmPloYment O~Dortunitv and Disadvantaaed ~usiness Ente-~orise Participation. The~Program is subject to the recuirements of Section 1007(a) o~ ISTEA of ~99i and regulations ur~mulgated pursuant thereto relating to equal employmen~ ~oDor~uni~y and disadvantaged business enterprise participation. T~ Sponsor agrees to comply with all provisions of such statute and regulations regarding equal employment opportunity and disadvantaged business par=icipation adopted by the State and determined by the Department to apply to the TEP Program. The Sponsor agrees to include, and require its con:ra¢~ors to include, all required contract provisions relating to equal employment opportunity and disadvantaged business enterprise participation in all contracts let in connec=ion wi~h =he Program ~nd in ~!! documents soliciting bids or proposals ~herefor. ~ticle 12. For National Hi=hwav System Pro4ects Only. If ~he TEP Project is on the National Highway System and is estimated to cost more than $1 million to con~truct, the approval of =he Federal Highway Adminis=ration will be necessary before work on the Project can begin, and before contracts may be awarded by the Sponsor or amendments to those contracts may be made. F~-WA will also accept and approve the final payment before ~hat final payment is made for any such National Highway System Project. 10 Jea~.~W. Cochran T!T-~: Supervisor DA."~-: December 6. 1996 A_:PRO~:.u AS TO FORM: DA~: For ~he C~:!!~ p~s~nn n~ Se~on 112, S~=e Fi~c~ Law MAR 2 1997 ..A-- OF ~F!--W YORK ) ) ss.: CgLrNT~.. OF SUFFOLK ) On :his 6th ~ay of December , 1996 , before me personally came Jean W. Cochran '.~ me k~nown and known :o me :o ~ ~e Supervisor of ~e Town of Southold , ~e s~e ~on descried in and who execu~ :he :oregoin~ i~--~en=; ~a: she~e aunhcrized %: execu=e .~e luregoing i~--~en= on be~!f of ~e Town. Bosrd pursue= %: and as provided ~ NAIvlE OF SI'ONSOI~ IJNI')EP, TAKING PI~,OJ~C'I~: NEW YORK STATE I)EI)AI~,TMEN'F OF TRANSPORTATION TI~ANSPORTATION ENI IANCEMENT PROGRAM $chcdnlc "^" NYS AGR~EMI~IT NO. AMMENDMENT NO. Town of Southold, New York ( NY~I)OT I Yl ¢ of O.-(mlracl/Work Tolal Federal Cosl Share 0'1'1199 Tolal Schedule Construction/Sponsor ~ 3 Trail Loops Equipment Purchase/ Sponsor Consultant Contract/Sponsor Contingencies/Sponsor Construction Supervision/Sponsor plus Technical Assistance Donations Construction Contract: 5 Trail Segments (6 miles) Construction Contract: Resurfacing of Shoulders (4.5 miles) Easements Purchase/Donations Trail Equipment & Brochures Purchase $ 2 B,O00 $ 23,000 $ 16,000 $ ] 0,000 $ 43,000 $180,000 $180,000 5o,ooo $~ 5o,ooo 6z,ooo $ 4o,ooo 23.2,000 $ ~3,ooo $535.000 $393.000 I:cdcr. I shm'c ()l'cligihlc cosls is al the pcrcenlagc noted: 77 % * IVhtxim,uu nmounl i)ayablc under this Agrccmcm:_ $ 393.000 77% is based on the total agreed project cost of $510,000 (with the Town of Southold provldlng an additional $25,000) to cover certain items. "disallowed" In the original project submission of $615,000. Colilracl Scltcdulc B Of Agreenlcllt - Traltsportalion Enhal)Celttellt Project New York Stale Department of Transportation and SpoDsor DESCRIFI'ION OF THE PROJECT Slart Dcscril)lion of Project Conll)onel~! __ Dale I. I~llaJneeril!R Work F'cll'()nned shall include: Effective - PreLiminary and tinal design at 5 trail segments (fi milan) Date of this - Final ~sign [~ d~oulder resurfacing of ~5 milesd T~n road Agreement 2. Ili(l(lin~ Ibr [;onlrucl (~ooslruciiolI 1 O/1/97 - Specs by Town Consultant and National Park Se~lce; Bids by Town Clerk - Specs by Town Engineering ~pt; Bids by Town Clerk 3. ?roicc! COll~fllcl~O~ Work i~=i~)m)ca shall include: 3/1/98 - Clearing, leveling, surfacing of trail segments byContractor; - Excavating and debris renloval by Town Highway Depal'tmeot; - Base coa~tltlCtioa and resurfacing by Contractor 4. Col~sh'llclion Eneinecrin~ nad Ins~clio~ 3/1/98 - Town-hired private engineer to oversee and inspect construction et trail segments; - Engineering and Inspection of Town road resur~aclng by Town En9ineerJn9 Department 5. Ensamcal~ ?m'c!laac 6/1 - Negotiations by Town ConsuRant and To~ Planning Department; Finalization by Town Zoning Board and Town Board 6. Trail Si-anne, [[qnil)m¢~!! & linx:lmres purchase. 9/1/96 - Specs & purchase of trail signs ~ Town Highway Oepa~ment; - Specs & bids of trail equipment by Town Highway ] 0/} {9~ Department and Town Clerk 7. Conlingene}e~ ~ Finish Dale 9/30/97 12/31/97 12/31/98 3/31/99 ~/3o/~7 ~/30/97 3131/98 Totals Project Idclailicalion Number Amcedmeflt Number (Town Consultant - $8,000) (National Park Se[vice - $1Z,O00) (Town Engineering Dept - $1,000) (Town Consultant - $2,000) (National Park Service - $3,000) ( Town Engineering Dept - $1,000) (British Trust for Conservation - $3000) $180,000 - ISTEA (Town Highway Dept - $6,000) $150,000 - ISTEA (Town Consultant - $4,000) (Town Engineering Dept - $1.000) (Town Consultant - $2,000; Town Planning Dept - $500) (Town Zoning Dept - $500; Donations - $22.000) $40,000 - ISTEA (Town s~ns- $Z8,000) (Town Equipment-$23,000) $23,000 -ISTEA (Town- $10,000; NYSDOT- $15,000) ($14"Z,000- Town and Other) $393,000 - ISTEA JLrDrrH T. TERRY TOWN C LEI?~ REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS NLARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORNLATION OFFICER APPENDIX I Totem Hall, 53095 Main. Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CT~ERK TOV~rN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR laeJ:i lNG HELD ON SEPTF-MBER 3. 1996: RE. SOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO PARTICIPATE TO THE EXTENT OF UP TO 100% OF THE NON-FEDERAL SHARE IN THE COST OF A TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT FEDERAL-AID PROJECT. ?/HERF-AS, a Project for the Seaview Trails of the Nor"th Fork, P.I.N. 0756.99 funded for in Title 23 U.S. Code, as amended calls for the apportionment of the costs of such program to be borne at the rat/on of 80% Federal funds and 20% non- federal funds; and ¥1/HEREAS, the Town of Southold desires to advance the above project by making a commitment of 100% of the non-federal share of the costs of personal services, consultants, equipment, supplies and materials, NOW, THEREFORE, that Town Board of the Town of Southoid, duly convened does hereby P.E-~OLVE that the Town Board hereby approves the above-subiect proiect; and it is hereby FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town of $outhold to pay 100% of the non-federal share of the cost of the above stated work for the subject proiect or portions of the subie~::.t proiect; and it is FURTHER RF_--KOLVED that the sum of $535,000 in cash and in in-kind services is hereby appropriated to cover the cost of participation in the above phas,'e of .the project; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event the full non-federal share costs of the proiect exc,~ads the amount appropriated above, the Town Board of the Town of $outhoid shall convene as soon as possible to appropriate said excess amount immediately upon the notification by the Department of Transportation; and be it FIJRTHER RESOLVED that $outhold Town Supervisor Jean W. Cochran be and she hereby is authorized to execute all necessary Agreements on behalf of the Town of Southold with the New York 5tare Department of Transportation approving of the above-subject project and providing for the Town's administration of the Proiect and its participation in :he cost of the local share of the subject proiect; and be it 14 FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the New York State Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreements in connection with the Project. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk September 4, 1996 -iJS~iB iT A .. Cons=ruc=ion Connrac: Approval The Sponsor agrees =ha= all proposed cons:rucuion con:fac= lez=ings a~d oroposed cons:ruc:ion con:fac= awe-ds shall be based on comDe:iriv~ bidding,' and shall recul-e prior auorova! of =he DeDar:m~n= and =he.S=aue Compurot!er in uhe following manner: A. Prior =o adver~ising for bids; one copy each of the Drouosed con~z_--uc=ioD conzrac=, plans, specificanions and all ~e!4ted ~idding documen:s shall be submi:ted :0 :he Depar=men= for approval, and mus= receive approval from :he Deparnmen: prior ~o such adve~isemen:. The bid invi:ation and :he con:tact to be let shall contain a szatement -~ha: ~he contract will be awarded by zhe Sponsor subjec: to =he approval of =he Depa-~men=. B. Adve~isemen~, mus= be placed in n-wsDaDe-s_ . _ _ , b~!!etins, zrade journals and/or minority publications for a minimum of -l~-~=__ weeks ~o ~ure ~_---~ and open. competition_ unless a differenz period is a.~proved by =he Depa_--amen:. C. Al=er :he bid op,~ng and before award, the following shall be submi=:ed :0 the Depa_~men:: !. .:"roof of pub!ica:ion of adver'.i$ing for bids. 2. Ce~ificazion of all bids received wizh ~abu!azion of up zo six lowest. 3. Copy of =he :roDosa! signed by the bidder se!ec~ed f _ award of nhe con:fac=. 4. If the award is not =o be made to the !owes: bidder, a snatem~nt of expiana=ion. 5. Rid amount broken down by fiscal sh~--es 6. Compe:izive bidding sta~emen= 7. Recommendauions for award. 8. Analysis of low bid. Caruification of =uan=ities. of items bid 2~% ~r _ct_ease-_ - _ over ~he engineer's estimate. The Departmenu shall --c-~ve uhe bid confirma:ion seu fo_~h above , =_~r receiving the conc',-rr---ncs of the State Comp=ro!!er, iu shall nouify the Sponsor =hat ~he con~rac~ may be w=-*=c .... Sponsor shall award th~ contrac: and file an axecuu~d copy ~ .... f wi=h -h_ Deparnmen=. !$ .- Consu!uant selection ProCedureS and Guidelines The following are the procedures the Sponsor mus~ use in order to se!eCU any consultant :o perform work on a T ....o] · The procedures comply with Federal and State law and rules and must be used by the Sponsor unless alternative procedures are approved by the Department ~ any selection is initiated- For the services of a consultant to perform architectural engineering or su,--veying work the s=eps oS the procedure no~ marked by any asterisk a~nd those st~ps marked by one asterisk (*) =~1,, For any other =yp.e of consultant services, the steps. steps marge~ the procedure not marked by any asterzsk nAD~d those by ~wo asr'~isks (**).apply. T~e Sponsor'S choice of which ~ '' use ~or its se!ect~on of a consultant must be Droce-ure to ....... . ~m~e the select,on Ls initiated. ~oDroved by the ~eparum=~ ~ The names of the offices or persons responsible for actions under =hess procedures are for illustration purposes only. The $Donscr may substi=ute its own Derso~ne! ~it!es etc., however, no s~bstantive change in ~he procedures may be made without ~he approval of the Depar=ment- pERFOPd~--D BY ACTION TAKE~ Sponsor's Division ~equiring uhe Consulumnt o--Da~- a contract requirement package and forward i: to the Director, office of Consultant Programs. The service package must inciu~e: - A work statement describing in detail the se_-vices to be performed; - Recuired performance sche~u!es/comp, leuion dates; Sta~ing estimates, det&iie~ according to ca=sgories of personnel (if~ Dossib!e), tasks to be perfo-~-med, and ~erson days required; - A~! other data which must be included in the Request For Proposal (~FP); such as any specific qualifications or prior experience recuired of consu!~ants wishing to su~mit proposals. Also included might be prior inspection reports or other =ecP~ica! information meant to be made available for ~7 evaluation by prospective proposers au this stage of the process. Assign a Projecu Manager to direct the consultant's activities. Designate individual(s) uo se_--ve as representative(s) on the Consu!tan~ Selection Committee. The committee's work shall be coordinated by the Sponsor's Chief Contracting Officer. The Project Manager shall not se_--ve on the Committee for his/her Project. Sponsor's Chief Contracting Officer 4 o Review the contrac= requirement package'~ If necessary, arrange for follow-up with the Project Manager to resolve outstanding issues, missing items, arc. Assign a con=tact number to the proposed con~rac~. Confer with =he Projec= Manager and establish rating criteria to be used in evaluating consultant's proposals including the relative weight of each criteria. Establish disadvantaged business enterprise participation goals as appropriate. Prepare a Request For Proposal (RFP) package, to be sent to prospective proposers. It must include: a statement of the work to be performed. the time frame for completion of the. s~a~ed work. ~ DRE requirements, if any. a listing of the se!ec:ion criteria and ~he re!auive weight of each criteria. (See seiec~ion criteria listed on Sponsor Consu!=ant Proposal Evaluation Shee~). =he deadline date and time by which proposals mus~ be submitted (must be at 18 (**) least two weeks from the da're t~ RFP ns sent to the interested party), and the location and individual to whom they must be sent. site inspec:io~ information, and/or other information, as appropriate. A request for a person/hour/day estimate, by discipline and task, required to complete the Project. (A detailed cost proposal is not requested at this point. The purpose of receiving this est~mate,~ which will be in a separmtely sealed envelope, will be to ' speed up the negotiation process once the top-ranked proposal is determined. 0nly the estimate of the top-ranked firm will be opened.) The P, FP shall specify that should the consultant's proposal be considered the top-ranked technical proposal received for ~his Project, the consultant will be required to submit a price proposal within two days (48 hours) of request. A cost proposal. A cost proposal consists of the lump. sum fee/specific hourly rates for performing the work in =he scope of se-~vices- Each cost proposal should contain the following elements: !. Salaries A salary schedule !isling descriptive job titles for the s~aff to be assigned to this project and their present hourly rate. If additional titles are used but are not assigned, they should be listed. The ~chedu!e should be prepared to distinguish an~icipatedassignmenU by project section/task. Non-Salary Costs A direcn non-salary cost schedule shall list by task number the items of direct non-salary co:us (out-of-pocket expenses) ex?ected to be incurred in the De~forma~nce of the project. Travel, ~aa!s ~nd lodging reimbursements shall be !imi:ed :o :he preva~!ing maximum re:es established by :he NYS'Office ~f the State Comptroller. On separa:e sheets, explain each item will all factors leading to the derivations of the cost. 3. Summary A final schedule will summarize the direc: labor, direct non-salary applied Overhead costs and fee for the Project. Make all necessary arrangements for advertising the proposed Project. The' adverz~isement must include a description of the services required, performance schedule, etc., required response date, time, and location, and any other pertinent information. Adve-~:isement should be made in: an appropriate newspaper in the Sponsor's area The New York State Contract Reporter an appropriate minority publication Advertisements shall run for one (!) day in each of the publications. The deadline for interested firms to contact the Sponsor and reques= an P-=P package will be one (!) week after the publication date. In addition, individual copies of the adve~isement text may be sent to firms known to be capable and/or intevest~a in perfo-~-ming the subject work if the Director, Office of Consultant Programs deems =his appropriate to assure the maximum possible participation of qualified fi_-ms. These fi_--ms will have identified themselves as a result of the ongoing process within ~he Sponsor in which firms deliver promotional information describing their capabilities. This information will be kept on file. 20 Consultant selection Committee !0. Issue an RFP to the firms responding.%c the advertisement. All firms responclng to the advertisemen~ and all others requesting an RFP Will be sent a copy. !!. Handle questions from prospective proposers regarding point of clarification, omissions, etc. Confer with the Project Manager and other personnel, as required. 12. If it is determined, as a result of ~rospective proposer's questions, that. ~ny part of the RFP requires clarification, caange or augmentation, issue an addendum to the P-=P, and if necessary, an extension of the response deadline. !3. coordinate site visits, to be conducted by the Project Manager to the ex~ent that they are necessary for the consultants to fully understand the nature, scope, and requirements of the Project. Arrange for appropriate safety personnel to be present, where necessS~-Y. (e.g., flaggers). 14. Make available plans, repor=s and other written maneria!s pertinent to the Project as necessary to all bidders. 15. The proposers should be na-~rowed-down as follows (i.e., a -short-list" developed from the group initially proposing) to the three mosn qualified to fulfill the terms of the proposed connrac%. The f£rms shall be ranked by scoring each firm's Droposal against each of the selecni~g criteria established in sCep 8 above, taking into account the relative weight of each of the criteria. Each committee member shall complete and submi~ to the Committee Chair a Sponsor Consu!:anu Proposal Evaluation Sheet (autachm_=nz A) showing pre!imina-~Y ratings prior to a=tanding the "short- list" meeting. A~ the meeting, the Committee chair will Sponsor's Consul=ant Se!sc=ion 15 .A presenU a composite summary of zhe ratings and give each member an ouDoruuni=y to voic~ his/her opinions. T4~s'meeting shall be an open discussion and commit=es members shall be reoep=ive =o the points raised. By =he end of =he meeting, each member shall finalize =he ra=ings and a summary ranking shall be prepared by the Commit=es chair. In the event that more than three top- razed firms are evaluated as having minimal ~ifference and are found by the committee to be qualified tc perf~--m the work, then all such firms shall be included in the shot= lis=. "Minimal " difference" shall be defined as firms having to=al scores within ten percent of =he third-ranked firm. In similar manner, if a significant difference is found be=ween the 2nd and 3rd top-ranked firms, such that the co,~m~ttee would ~ues=ion =he ability of =he 3rd-ranked ~irm to sa=isfactorily perform =he work, =hen only =he two =op-r~nked firms may be shot= lis=ed. .Significant difference' shall be defined as firms having =oral scores grea~er than twenty- five percent different from each other. In =he even~ that only one firm is evaluated as having an ability to perform the work, and no other firm is evaluated as cap-=bls, such ~hat the committee dete.-mines that no benefit would be derived from hearing an'oral presentation, then the commi=tee may dispense with oral presentations and diYect!y recommend the top-ranked firm ~or con:tact award. Al=er completion of =he technical evaluation of all proposals, a r~nking of =he proposals is prepared in summary forma=. The selection committee mus= de~ermine which proposals are =ecb~ica!!y acceptable and which proposals are not. Only proposals determined =o be technically accept-=ble will be considered further and will have their proposal inc!ude~ in the se!sc=ion process. Uoon review of :he cos:,proposals cf the t~cl~nically accep~ab!e firms, a competitive range shall be established by ~he selection committee on ~he basis od cost and ~he other factors stated in ~he RFP. The competitive range should include all proposals %hat have a reasonable chance of being se!ec~ed for award. Written and/or oral discussions may be conduc:ed by ~he Soonsor if needed for clarification, identification of deficiencies, .etc., of a proposer's proposal. Award can be made withou~ any discussion wizh any proposers if !) it - is de~ermined to be in the bes~ interest of the Sponsor and 2) if the RFP notified all proposers that award may be made without any discussion taking place. The content and exten~ of discussions with proposers is a matter of judgement ~ased upon ~he paZ~aicu!ar circumstances of the ac.cuisi~i°n- ~ When discussions do take place,.the Sponsor shall control all discusszons. The purpose of the discussions may be to ~) advise the proposer of deficiencies in its proposal, 2) resolve any uncertainties regarding a property's proposal, or 3) resolve any suspec:ed mistakes. In all cases, a proposer must be civen an opportunity to submit ~ny revisions to its proposal ~hat may result from discussions. The pu-~pose of dis~lssions should NOT involve !) tec.hnical leveling (~i.e., assisting a proposer in raising its urooosa! up ~o zhe level of others by ~oi~ting out weaknesses caused by a lack of diligence, competence or innovstiveness) 2) technical transfusion disclosure of ~ec.hnica! informs=ion of a competing proposal( or 3) aucnion techniques (i.e., indicating a cos~ uha~ must be meet to be considered further or advising a proposer of i=s price relative =o 23 Sponsorms Consul=an= Selection Comm{=~ee Sponsor's Cconsul=an= Selection Commit=es Sponso='s Chief Con=fac=lng Officer 16. 17. 18. 19. others). Upon completion of discussions, all proposers within =he competitive range shall be requested in writing =o submit best and final offers. The request shall include 1) ~/le no=ice that discussion have concluded, and 2) a deadline ~hat allows a reasonable oppor~un/=y for submission of a best and final offer. (*) 20. Request fi~m from ~he shor~-lis=ed group ~o of~er'an oral presen~a=ion of its proposal =o =he comm'=tee. Inform each firm of =he evaluation " criteria =o be used. Request that =he f/~m's presen~ation be made by lnd/viduals of su~hori=y within its organize=ion (e.g., ~he proposed Project Manager, =he firm's principal, senior officers, or other individuals of sufficient authority =o com~t company resour=es =o =he Project). Convene the selection committee =o at=end ~he oral presen~a=ions. These presentations shall be evaluated using =he Sponsor Oral Evalua~ion Form (attachment B). Convene formal meetings of '~he Consul=an= Selection Comm/=tee =o decide on =he firm to be recommended for award of =he con=rac~. Arrive a= a consensus decision on =he firm =o be recommended. Doc=men= any dissenting opinions for =he con=rac~ file. Subm/= completed Architect/Engineer Evaluation fo=ms =o' =he Sponsor's Chief Con=fac=lng Officer for incorporation into =he contract file. Send a letter to the recommended firm requesting a detailed cos= proposal~ include ins=ruction regarding =he response deadline, addressee, etc. Receive ~he detailed cos= proposal and Sponsor ' s Proj ecu Manager 21. send a copy :o the Project.Manaqer. Evaluate costs, labor hours, overhead rates, etc. Review. items, as necessary, with-the Project Manager. Review the cost proposal and notify the Director, office of Consu!tan: Proqrams of any unacceptable or questionable items, etc. Sponsor'S Chief Contracting officer 22. Formulate a negotiating position on behalf of the Sponsor. Consul: with the appropriate areas of axp_ertise= to develop this position. Meet with the Consultant to negotiate the contract price. Review: overhead races labor hours level of expertise (and respective hourly costs) associated with specific tasks subcontractor costs other costs (e.g., printing, etc.) contractor fee 23. Negotiated contracts will follow Federal policy, chat a cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) type contract be negotiated for archi~ec=ura! and engineering contracts. ~ COST°PLUS_pERCENTAGE_OF-COST ~_N-D PERC~_NTAGE.OF_CONSTRUCTION COST ~ODS OF CON~.~ACTING SF}T.~. NOT BE uSED. Federal :rocurement regulations mus~ be cited in' determining the allowability and a!!ocabi!i=y of overhead items. 24. Review and approval of the selected firm and final contract price shall be r~cUesued of the Depa.-=ment and, tbjough ch~ Department, of Federal Highway Administration, if necessary. 25. Send a let:er to each unsuccessful firm, nouifying them ~hat they have nou b-~" selected, and thanking them for uheir' efforts, etc. pIN ATT. ACHMENT A sPONSOR CONSULTANT PROPOSAL EVALUATION SHEET DATE Prime Firm DESCRIPTION Project i Project 2 Prcjec~ 3 ANY VALUE (0-10)- I. EXPERIENCE A. ~RM IN GENERAL 10 - Very Significant --- 7 = Significan: (several recent re!a~ed assignments B. pROPOSED STAFF 5 ~ Sufficient (to perform accep=ably) C. WIT~ SPONSOR 3 = Margin~!lY sufficient (Prime Only) 0 = None ii. oRGAniZATIONAL CAPABILITY FOR THIS WORK A. SPONSOR PRIOR pERFo~C~ RATING Any-Value (1-!0) may ' be used) oUTSTANDING VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY MIN. UNAC~PTABLE GOOD ACCEPTABLE !0 8 6 4 2 0 -ute- 5 if no Performance Evaluation Available - oVER.~LL A::ROACR/I/NDERST'~'NDING OF Project~WORKPL'~lq Schedule =-u-~-~ ~_DJUST (+ -) ! POINT C. ..=.=-._N_NG WORK7-~O-~ BASE R3%TING $ W/S~ONSOR LOGiSTiCS A~ND :.~.=.~_A5--. .'._%-f VALU~- (0-!0) !0 = ~'_%Y RE USED 5 = ESTABLI SF--ED LO C.'- '.LLY NOT ACCL!-'~-ATED OR NOT RS.:tDILY AVAi~ .'-_=~, --~ 27 ATTAChmENT B SPONSOR ORAL ~-VD~UATION FORM PIN Projec~ DATE- FACTOR/~ATING INITIALFINAL. 1.RATING FROM TECHNICAL PROPOSAL EVALUATION BY SELECTION 2.OVERAT,?, A_:PROACH/UNDERSTANDING OF Projec~ CONCEPT 3. GENERAL MANAGEMENT 4. PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS 5. WORK.PLAN & Schedule RATING SC~?,~ (whole numbers only) 0 2 4 6 UNACCEPTABLE MIN. SATISFACTORY GOOD ACCEPTABLE Recommended By: ". Selection Commiz~ee Approved By: PRIME FIRM SUBCONsu~TANTS 8 VERY GOOD 10 OUTSTANDING / Date / Daue 28 PIN FACTO.-'. RATING sUMMA .~. sUM.~_~_R!ZE IN WORDS THE p~ON'(S) FOR A~SIGN!NG THE R~IT!NG GIVEN FACTOR (iF N~CE-SSARY USE SEP.~TE SH-~ET) FOK E. OVE_RALL APPROACH/UND-ERST'~/~DING OF THE Pro~ec~ CONCEPT - ~nterpreta~ion of Scope of Services and Project obje, ~ives. Recognition cf vital tasks, use of proven me~hodo!ogy or need fc innovative approach on appropriate elements of the Project, discussion of anticipated problems and proposed solutions. G=-'~%L MANAGEMENT - Identification of lines of authority and essential management functions. !ntegra~ion and coordination between the Sponsor , ~he Prime Consultan: and subconsultan~s, any. ~ p~RSON~-E-L OUA3~iFz-CATIONS ' Based on resumes provided in Standarc Form, (SF) 255. of nhe WOREP~M ~_.~D c ~',,~ DemonsZration of undersnanding Project scope by providing a logical, realistic, efficient Work and Schedule. 29 -2}2~iE -" T C Sponsor Record Keeping Guidelines The following are the authorization, funding approval and Sponsor recc keeping requirements for State =eimbursement of participating direct costs on Federal-aid TE_P Projects: ~ A Schedule "A" is required to support the DeparUmen~ authorization and funding of the Federal share, and the State matching share (if applicable) of the cost of TEP Project. Projects may be added to this Agreement by amending Schedule "A". Applicable costs include personal service and non-personal se_-vic costs of Sponsor employees, construction contracts, consultant services and/or other contract costs. Supporting estimates of su costs are required to support the Department's request to ?aderal Highway Administration for Federal authorization and fundin~ for such costs. o Consultant A=reements. The procurement procedures used by the Sponsor for all proposed consu!tan~ agreements must meet the requirements of Title 23, USC. Prior to the award of any consultant agr. eemenz, the Sponsor must conduct a review of the proposed consultant agreement to independently evaluate i~s compensation provisions or reimbursable cost elements, and for cost-based agreements, the ability of the consultant's cost accounting and billing system to properly classify and segregate direct and indirect costs related to the work, and to adequately document all costs claimed for payment by the consultant. The Sponsor will retain and provide to the Department upon reques't documentation showing compliance with required procurement s~ndards and pre-award evaluation of the consultants cos~ propol and accounting and billing systems. As a general requirement fo: reimbursement of consu!tan= se_~-~-ices, the Sponsor will provide the Depar~men= a copy of i~s written procedures for procurement . consu!tan= se_-~'ices if those procedures differ from ~hose set in -I~iBiT R, =o include selection, negotiation and evaluation o consu!tan: cos= proposals and compliance with Federal affirma=iv action re.cuiremen~s. These written procedures must be consisten with all applicable Fe~era!, and State laws and recu!ations. Const_--uc=ion Contrac~s/Const_,-uc~ion Encineerinc. A separate ii on z~- Schedule "A" detail sheet will define the portion of the con=racz amount applicable toeton- ~ Federal .na~iciDa=ing. fiscal share and t~ corresponding Department PIN ~. The estimated cos' of cons~_-uc=icn engineering fo-_ =he conzracu will be assicned_ each fiscal _h___:, =-= on =- .D~o- -_-~=t=- basis and shown on a SOD=--. -_at~- line(s) of Schedule "A". Const_--ucuion engineering includes all e__=.=__ cos=s of inspection, cua!ity assurance, la~ora=orv testing, etc. performed by Sponsor employees and/or b~ con~u!tan Each component must be sho~. separaue!y on the suDDornin¢.. _ ='et~ sheet for Schedule "A". These cos:s, combined with the cos~ o~ 30 · services orovided by the Department, canno~ exceed 14% cf tke f~ adjusted construction contract amount. The supporti~ ..documentation for consultant agreements outline in the second paragrap~ of Section 2 above, also applies to construction engineer~ng- Proaress Bi!lints. A~ter approval of a Schedule "A" by the bepartment for any phase of work, the Sponsor may submit progres billings to the Depar=men~ for the Federal share and the app!ica State share of approved costs to be supported as follows: a) Conuracts/ConSu!~ant Aareements - Separate invoices or billings are required for each contracu, each consu!~a agreement, and roi work,performed by Sponsor employees Billings for payments made on contracts or consuiuant agreements will be made on the Department's Form-FIN 4 as it may be amended, and supported by a copy of the aoDlicable payment estimate(s) for contracts or c~sultant agreements. b) Work by SpOnsor Employees - Billings for Sponsor employees will be on the Department's Form AP-3, supported by an =_ngineer's ~ayro!l Abstrac~ for ~he period(s) covered by the billing, couies of payroll timesheets for the applicable bil!in~ period and copie of paid invoices or supporting documents for all non- per'cna! service cost item in excess of $250. Only t! ~irecU Projec~ costs as defined in applicable Federal regu!a~ions and incurred subsequent to the date of Federal Highway Administration authorization can be included in billings. The supporting documents for persona! service and non-personal service costs are t: ~nc!ude the following: (1) parsec!! Timesheets - The signature of the employ ~Dd approval of the employee's supervisor is required on each timesheet. These signatures at to the employee's assignment and hours worked on Projects indicated, and demonstrate =ha~ periods leave oaid leave =-e char=es to appropriate ~auegories or accoun:s. ~m~!oyee t~me for sick leave, holidays, vacation o~ other paid leave ca be charged directly to Projects on timeshee~s si such costs mus~ be allocated to Projects by usin approved percentage additive rate applied to dir Davro!! costs. Timesheets must correspond with ~u~!icab!e payroll records and amount paid for e e~!oyee based on a comprehensive payroll/labor distribution system. (2) Encineer'~ ~avro!! ~s=rac= o Leave and ~ringe bena~i~ additives are =o be calculated and char~ to Projecus at percennage rates.ureviousiv -U7-" by the Doper:men: for provisiona!.bi!!ing.purpo~- subject to final audit. c) (3) Non-personal Service Costs - Copies of invoices c documentation showing amounts and no~auions as ma be reef/ired to clearly identify the pu-~-pose of ea item. Copies of employee rei~oursement vouchers travel or similar costs are not required with progress billings but must be retained by the Sponsor for subsequent audit. The Department will reimburse only the Fed~ra~-share c Sponsor personal service, fringe benefits, non-persona servlce an~ related costs incurred in connec~ion with TEP Project. Therefore, on A.D-3S used to support preliminary engineering or construction engineering or o~her approved work by Sponsor employees, the personal sea-vice, non-personal service and fringe benefit costs identified on lines 1-3 of the Work Performed Section the A~-3 ~nd the supporting documentation should be fc 100% of the share of the participating costs app!icab! to the Federal Project. However, the amount shown on line 3 of the A~-3 must be for ~he Federal share only. with a notation after tha~ amount "$ x__%". Li 6 a~d 7 for such billings should show only the comput~ ~ Line 7 is ~he amoun~ that is claimed ~ reimbursement from NYSDOT. Pro4ect Detail Led=ers. For audit purposes, a Project. Dote Ledger is required as the ~ accounting record of th~ Sponsor to record and accumulate all cost transactions applicable to the T~-P Project. ~tl! costs recorded on the Project Detail Ledger should be for 100% of such cos:s, without reduction for the'non-Federal share. Reduction =o Federal share is done only on billing documents submitted ~ the Department claiming reimbursement for the Federal shar~ and for any applicable State share. Every tr&nsactio~ listed on the Project De~ai! Ledger will recorded in the same level of detail as ~he totals'from ea suDDor=inc source document (no summarization of source document amounts). Ail transactions listed on the de=ail ledger will identify the source document for the =ransac=i by referencing conurac:/es:imate numbers, social security numbers (for =imeshee=s and employee reimbursemen=s), vend~ or payee numbers for vouchers, euc. The applicable accoun system record date will also be included for each ~r~nsac= _~.e. .DAY. neriod. =toes'- for timesheets, or voucher approve da~e paid for pa?~ents to the consultant, employee reimbursements, etc. , 32 ~ The ledgers for the TEP Project will ~ ~ ,~= ~ota!s f-r -ii ~ransac=ions recorded during (!) each accounuing month, (2) the fiscal year of the Sponsor and (3) for the Projec~ life date. source DocumentS~ The Sponsor will retain an official ccpy consultant estimates, payroll timesheets, employee travel claims and all other original source documents ~or transactions listed on the Project Detail Ledger. These wi! be systematically filed in an order that will facilitaue retrieval. Ail expenditure vouchers or o~her cost documents must also be traceable through the Sponsor's disbursemen= :rocesS ~o copies of warrants or checks issued and to ~orresponding documentation maintained in the official accoun~in9 r=cordS of ~he Sponsor's cenurul financ= copies of all accounting source documents supporting . claims on the. Project must be ex~_'endi~ures and relmbur~ement -:od of ten years after the re=ained by =he Sponsor zor a per~ Federal-aid TEP date =he ~inal reimbursemen= claim ~or ~he contrac= is paid =o =he Sta=e by Federal Highway Administranion- Audi= Disa!!owances~ Cos=s claimed or previously reimbursed =ha~ canno~ be suppor=ed as ou~!ine herein, are subjec= to audit disallowance by =he Depar=men=, the State comptroller, Federal Highway Administration, and/or ~he U.S. Department ¢ Transportation, Officer of ~he Inspector General. Amounts paid =o the Sponsor by =he Department the= are subse.cuen~!y ~isallowed by the Federal Governmen~ are subjec~ to recove~ by the Depar=ment from the Sponsor, or a[ =he option of S~ate, will be offset or reduced against currant or future reimbursement claims on the same or c~her Projects. 33~.~ 19:~Sl APPENDIX A STANDARD CLAUSES FOR ALL NEW YORK STATE CONTRACTS ~'he !~artie$ to the attached contract, license, lease, amendment or other agreement of any k~nO (hereinafter, "the contract" or "this contract") agree to be bound Dy the Iollowing clauses wn~cn are r~ereoy ma:3e s Dart of the contract (the word "Contractor" herein refers to any party other than the State, wnetner a contractor, licensor, licensee, lessor, lessee or any other t3arty): 1. E3(ECUTORY CLAUSE. In accordance with Section 41 of the State Finance Law. the State shall have no liability uncler this contract to the Contractor or to anyone else beyond luncls apl~robriated and available for this contract. 2. NON.ASSIGNMENT CLAUSE. tn accordance with Section 138 ol the State Finance Law. this contract may not De assigned by the Contractor or its right, title or interest therein assigned, Iransierred, conveyed, sur.,iet or ot,~s,-wise ~,;~-p--.$---'- c.: wJt,'~cut tr.c pre,.'icus ocr. sent, in writing, cf the St---ts an..d =ny attempts to assign the contract without the State's written consent are null and void. The Contractor may. however, assign its right to receive payment without the Stata's prior written consent unless this contra,ct concerns Certilicates of Particil3ation bursuant to A~ticle S-A of the State Finance Law. 3. COMPTROLLER'S APPROVAL In accordance with Section 112 of the State Finance Law (or, if this contract is with the State University or City University c! New York, Section 355 or Section $218 of the Education Law), il this contract exceeds ~5,000 (~.0,000 for certain SJJ. N.¥. and CJJ. N.Y. contracts), or if this is an amendment tot any amount to a contract which, as so amended, exceeds said statutory amount, or ti. by this contract, the State agrees to give something other than money, it shall not be valid, effective or binding -goo the State until it has been approved by the State Comptroller and filed in his office. 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION BEN/~-i [-'. In acco~ance with Section 142 of the State Finance Law. this contract shall be void and of no toroe and effect unless the Contractor shall provide and maintain coverage during the file of this contract for the laenefit of such eml31oyees as are recluired to be covered by the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Law. 5. NON-DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS. In accordance with Article 15 of the Executive Law (also known as the Human Rights Law) and all other State and Federal satutory and constitutional non- d['scrimination provisions, the Contractor will ncr discriminate against any emDlnyee or abDlicant for eml31oy- merit because of race. creed, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or marital status. Furthermore. in :~cccrdance with Section 220-e of the Labor Law, if this is a contract for the construction, alteration or recair ct any public duilding or bublic work o:' for the manufacture, sale or distribution bt materials, ecluiD- merit or sudplies, and to the extent that this contract shall De Dertormed withi, the State of New York, Contractor agrees that neither it nor its subcontractors shall, by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin: fa) ciiscriminate in hiring against any New York State citizen who is Qualitie~ and available to perform the work; or (b) ctiscrfminate against or intimidate any emDIoyee hirecl for the perfor- mance of work under this contract. If this is a building service contract as clefined in Section 230 of the Labor Law, then. in accordance with Section 239 thereof, Contractor agrees treat neither it nor its subcon- tractors shall, by reasc, n of race. creed, color, national origin, age, sex or disability: fa) discriminate in hiring against any New York State citizen who is ~3ualified and available to perform the worlc; or (13) discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the !:)ertormance of work under1 this contract. Contractor is subject to lines of ~s0.n0 Der Deraon per clay lot any violation of Section 220-e or Section 239 as well as possible termination of this contract and forfeiture of ali moneys due hereunder for a second or suPsec~uent violation. 5, WAGE AND HOURS PROVISIONS. If this is a public work contract covered hy Article 8 of the Labor Law or s ~uilcling service contract cove,'ed by Article ~ thereof, neither Contractor's emDioyees nor the emDloyees bt its subcontractors may t~e recuired or permitted to work more than the number bt hours or clays state{3 in said statues, ex=edt as otherwise provided in the Labor Law and as set forth in prevailing wage ant suoblement schedules issued dy the State Labor Department. Furthermore. Contractor and its succontractcrs must 0a.v :~t least the prevailing wage rate and pay or grovicie the prevailing subdtements, including me premium rates lot overtime [Day. as Determined by the State Labor Department in acoorclance with the LaDer Law. 7. NON.COLLUSIVE BIDDING REOUIREI~,ENT. In acco~ance with Section 139-d bi the State Finance Law. If :his contract wa.s awaroed based uloon the submission.of bids. Contractor warrants, unaer benalty of oerjury, that its bid was atriveCi at inctebencently and without collusion aimed at restricting comDetition. Contractor fur~er warrants that at the time Contractor suOmitted its Did. an authorized and resoonsible person executed and Deliv.-red to the State a non-collusive bidding certilication on Contractor's behalf. ACmmistrat~on ACt Ol 1979 (50 USC A~, Sections ruination or disposition oi appeal (2 NYC~R 105.4} f its common law. e~uitaDle ant statutory rionts of o ~.OFF RIGHTS. T~e State snail ~a~ al~ ~ ,A t~C State'S OptiOn tO wttnnoto ~or t~e ~urDoses s~t-ofL ~e~e Hgnts snail ~ncluOe. ~ut not De m~m~e~ .- to any amounts ~ue an~ owm~ to the State wit~ re~ard to t~is contract, any ot~e~ contract wlt~ any State ~e0a~men~ or agency, mctuCmg any t~e State lot ~ny otne~ mason intruding, without timitation, tax ~elin~uencies. tee Oel~n~uenc~es or monetary penalties reta;~ t~ereta- T~e State snail ~ercise its set~l~ rights in accordance with normal S=~te Dra~- tice~ in=lu~in~, i~ cases of set.oil pursuant to afl audit, the linal~ation ct suc~ audit ~Y the State agency, its re=tesenmt~ve~, or t~e State Comptroller. ~0. REcORD~ T~e Contra=tot s~all estaDiis~ ~d maintain complete an~ accurate DOOES, reco~s. ~o=ume~ts. ~c=ountS an~ other c-~,~Oence ~irectty pe~inen~ to perchance un0er tins contac: ~nereinat;er. c~tlecfiveiy '*t~e Recor~S"~. T~e Records must De Kept for t~e =atance of t~e calendar year in w~ic~ they were mace an~ tot si~ (6} a~itional yearn tnereattec The State ComDtroller. the Attorney General an~ any ot~er p~-son or entity aut~or[zed to conduct an examination, as ~11 ~s :~e agency or agencies invotve~ in t~is contract, s~all ~a~'~ access to t~e Records ~uring no.al Dusi~ss ~oum at an otfice ol t~e Con- tractor wi~am t~e State of New York or. if no suc~ Office is available. ~t a mutually a~ree~Dle an~ reas~n~!e venue wit~i~ t~e St~[~ for t~e te~ sDecifie~ ~D~ tot t~e =~rposes o~ inspection, auditing a~ coDy~n~- The S[~e s~all take ra~so~,a~le ste=s ~o p~tect trom puDiic discto~re any of ~e Rec~rOs w~lc~ are exempt from disclosure under Section E7 of the PuD c Oil ce~ ~w (t~e S,atu[. Co~:ractor s~all timaly intorm ~n aDDropri3te State official in ~itin~, t~t ~i~ records s~oul~ not ~e 0isciose~: ~n~ (il) said taco:cs s~all De ~l[icie~tly i~enti[~e~: ~ (ii~ Ges[g~tto~ o~ ~ai3 retorts ~s exempt unaer the S:~tute is re=sonaDle- Nolh~n~ con[ained ~erei:~ s~all 0iminis~, ct in any way aoversety ~e=t, ~e S;ate=s ri~t to discave~ in ~ny pen~in~ or ~uture titivation. 11. IDENTI~ING INFORMATION AND PRIVACY NOTIFICATION: (a) FEDERAL EMP~YER iDENTIFICaTiON NUt,~EER end,or FEDERAL SOC~/~[ SiC[tR~TY NUMBER. Al: invo~Zes or New Yor~: State stanaar0 vouc~er~ suDmitted to: ~ayment for t~e sate of ~oods or ~'ee's i~entific3[mn numOer. ~. t~e salt-r s or Isssor's [dentilicaiton nu~Def. The numar is either (b) PRIVACY NOTIFICATION. ova persona intormatton from a seller of g.~ocs or services .... ' and Fin/n-'-~. The ~ntormat~on will De u'seC tot tax tot ct S[st~. Accounts, Office o! the S:~,Ie Com=trolle' A-'SOB, Albany. New York '[?.2.'~.. 12. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIt;ORITIES ANC WOMEN: tn acc~.*cancs lid) at the re~duest of tl~e contracting agency, the Contractor sllall reauest each emldloyment agency,, o~ldo~lunities wi=hour discrimination 13e"~use of race. ¢ree¢l. color, na[tiona~ origin, se~, age, di=.aldility Contractor will include the ~rovisions of "a", "b" and "c'*, above, in evar¥ subcontract over S25.000.00 lor the construction, demolition, replacement, major reldair, renovation, 131arming or design of real an'" imldrovaments t~ereon (the ' Work ') except where the WO~ is tot tl~e b~e. neficial use oi the Contrac;~r. ou1-.icle New York State; or (iii) Danking service[ insurano.' Dolicie$ or the sale of securities. The State sn--.ll. 13. CONFLICTING TERMS. 'in tl~e event of a conflict tdetween t~e terms of tl~e contract (including any 1.~. GOVERNING LAW. This contract sl~al] De governed by tide laws of the State of New York exceDt where the ;eceral suDremacy clause tecuires otherwise, 15. LATE PAYMENT. Timeliness of ~dayment and any interest to be ~dai¢l to Contractor for late Dayment s~dall De governed ".v Article XI-A of tt~e State Finance Law to the extent reduirea ~y law. 15. NO ARBLTRATION. Disputes involving t~is contract, including the breach or allege~ '~reacn II, creel, may no; De su'~mJ.'.tecl to O=nO~ng ar~itra;~on le~CeOt where Statutorily authorized) Out most, instead. De near~ 17. SERVICE OF PROCESS. In adclit,on to I~e melnods of service allowed by the $:a;e Civil Practice I.aw & F[ul.~$ ("C[=LR"). Cc~ltractor nereO¥ consents to sa~v~ce el Drooess uoon it De reg~sterecl or certilied August lg~9 .,FILE." Seaview Trails ~ Town Committees-Transportation