HomeMy WebLinkAboutLamb, Raymond AFISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT FISHrRc= ISLAND, NE:W YORK COMMISglONER~= S~RGE 3. DOYEN, CHAiRMAN HENRY L* p£RGUSON HANS C. HANSEN LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN E. PERRY EDWARDS TREASURER AND SECRETARY WILLIAM H. PYLE FIRE MARSHALL I)Io~RIC~ i~L1) ~B~R a4 1948. Fishers i~'d /~~u~ric~, her~ofo~ ap/~oint~d as in- spector o~lec~ion ~d Bailo~ Clark ol ~ll6 Slt,~cial Dis- trict ijl~c~ion of ~ll,~ ~ish~rs Is~nd Fir~ District ~o be held in said district, at the Firehouse in said distric~ on ~he ~en~y-fo~th day of S~p~eHb~r i9~8, do sole~nly swear tha~ I will sul)por~ zhe Constitution of th~ United Stat~s and the Constitution of the S~a~ of i~6w York, and that i will faithfully discharge %he duvies of the office of Insl)ector of Election and Ballot clerk of the District Election of the i~is cr~ Island Fire District ~o the b~st of zly ability. Sv~orn ~o b~fore ~ie this twenty-fourth day of S~pt~mber !94~J. i7otary pu~ic-, Suflolk Cou~'fy, i'[ew York. . :: ¢ i::. '" .,: ~1 ,s~