HomeMy WebLinkAboutWall, E RFISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT OATH OF OFFICE OF I~SPECTOR OF ELECTION ~D B~LT.OT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT EleCTION OF TH~ FiSiLF~HS ISLAMD FiRE DISTRICT i~,~,~ SEPT~'~ER Z7, 1949. I, /~_ /~ I~£~ / / , a re sidenS taxpayer in SHe Fishers Islahd Fire Dist~lcS, hereSofor a~poinSed as Ins~ecSor of Election and Ballot Clerk of the S~ecial District Election of ~he Fishers Island Fire District So be held in said district at the Firehouse in said district on She twenSy- seventh day of September 1949, do solemnly swear Shat I will support the ConstituSio~ of She United States and She Constitution of the State of New York, and Shat I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Inspector of Election and Ballot Clerk of the S~ecial District Election of the Fishers Island Fire District according to the best of my ability. Sworn to before me this twenty-sevenSh day of September, 1949. N ~ary Pu~Flic, Sui'foIk County, New York. RADF(3RD C. S~AN~LIN KOtary Public in the State of New Residing in SUffolk Suffolk CoUnty NoC°unty · 1841 T~m ~xp~es A~arc~ 80,