HomeMy WebLinkAboutWalsh, Arthur JFISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT. GOMMIESIONSRS: ALFRED R, GREBE, CHAIRMAN HENRY I., IflfRGUEON, BR~ FIBHE:RB lEI. AND, N"rW YORK PERRY EDWARDS TREASURER AND SEC[RETARY WILLIAM PYLR CHIEF AND FIlE MARSHALL (~T~ OF O~ICE OF C~IH~ OF SPECI~L DISTRICT EI~CTION OF T}~ FIS~[ERS ISLA~D FIt~ DISTRICT ~LELD SEPTemBER E,~, 1947. Fishers iSland~/Fire DistTict, heretofor appointed as Chairman of the Special Fire District Electien of the Fishers Island Fire District to be held in said dis- trict, ~t the Fishers Island Fire House, in said dis- trict on the twenty-fifth day of Septe~ber 1947, de solemnly swear that I will suppor~ the Constitutien of the United States and ~he Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Chairmen of the Special District Election ef the Fishers ~sland Fire Distric.~ accerding te t,he best cf my ability. / Swern to before me this twenty-fifth day of September 1947. FISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK OATH OF OFFICE OF Ci~iR~iAN OF oP],~CI~.~L DISTRICT ELECTIOH OF TttE FISHERS ISLAI~D FIRE DISTRICT HELD DECt~IBER 2, 1947. , a re id..t t xp Ter in the I. Fishers ISlcnd Fi~e/~strlc~ ~eretofor appointed as Chairman of ~he Special Fire District Election of ~he Fishers Island Fire Dis- trict to be held in said district, a~ the Fishers Island Fire House, in said district on the second day of December do solemnly swear ~hat I will support ~he Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faiShfully discharge ~he duties of Chairman of the Special District Election of the Fishers Island Fire District according to the best of my ability. Sworn to before me this second day of December FISHERS ISLAND FIRE: DISTRICT 0,qTL OF OFFICE OF US~IR1JuN OF oP~CL,~. DISTRICT SLEGTi0N OF THE FIStr~RS iSLaI~D FIR~ DISTRICT iS;LD ti~LD 8EPTA~ER 27, 1949 . i,~~-~ , a resident taxpayer in the Fishers IsEand Fire District, herstofor appointed as Chairman of the Special Fire District ~lection of the Fishers Island Fire District to be held in said dis- trict, at the Fishers Island Firehouse in said district on the twenty-seventh day of September 1949, do sols~m- ly m~ear that I will su~ort th6 Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ilew York, and that I will faithfully discharEe the duties of Chairman of th6 S~6cial District Election of the Fishers Island Fire Disti~ according to the best of ~ ability. Sworn to before ~m this t~,enty-seventh day of Septem~ber 1949. ilotary ?~blic, Suffolk counmy, Hew York. RADFORD C. SHAR'~C!jN Residing iu Suffolk Cou.ty SugoIk County No. 1841 Term Expires March 80, 19~0