HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuffolk County Water Authority 6/2O/00 policy talks about is,~meas ofb~ water, and we l~ow the areas of bad wat~, zmd ~ee only have.:,700 hookaps, md ~ moratorium bas. b~ in ptace .for the lhst, how long? ~ar~, 1oas lust ~ sue&t ebnf~siom and ineonsisttmoy of who gets watex, and who ?,O. -~d,of~Town Board:..g. yes: !~ouaoilm~ Richter, Councilman Murpky; Cotmeaq'm m~ Moo~e, secmaded by Justice Brain, t~ ~ the prowi~ioff of noedod pnblie wa~r County W~te~ Authority ha~e agreed H abide by a public water maiu extension.~ subject : Suffolk County Departme~ of Health Services Dfis tcmiudon ~'as dui/ADOP'i ~E~OLVE~ ~. fl~ town Board o t ~ To~ of 8~old ~by ~ ~ To~ ffaaual~y L~L, ~. v. Town of Soutnoi~ us ~c ~ d~d~t '[ l:;s ~sotutioe,~.ts duly Al :~E-~OI.:~?;D 'fl~t,:[thc i'ov, a Bt,am! of the Town of 8ou. thold hereby modif~ the CTOnet'al Fund W!loldTown 2000 bueb~t a.~ :b!lowa: ~S;¢:500;200 ~, Conlractnal $1,883.00 FrOm:. "~'~5,4.500~160 ~s~m, co~m~'aal $1,883.00 P~NING I~OARD i~/[EIVfBIERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman '~VILLIA~ J. C~MERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. JR. [{ICI~IARD ~AGGIA-NO Town Iiall~ 53095 Siate Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631, 765-3136 Telephone (631) 765-1938 PLANNING;~ BOAR~D OFFICE To'~r b~ SOUl. OLD MEMORANDUM -TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Je,an W. Cochran, Supervisor Valede S¢0P~z, AiCP; Town P Jb[nt'Meeii~g ~Sf the S~fbll~ Coa~,Water Authonty (SCWA); the Suffolk Ceunty Department of H~I~ Services (scDHs) arid To.wo. of ~uthold (YOS) Jb{y On.Wednesday, July 12tl~, a joint n~eeting took pla ~c~. among key representatives of the above-noted a~nc es for the purpose of d ~cuss ng ssues perta n ng to the map that was' adopted by the Town Boa{:d on ~lune 20th. Thi~ map, entitled "Locations of Existing rWater Mains and Potenti~ Futi. ire Water Mains Re ative to rotected LandsWith n Southold Town ~s the first act on related to the implementati0n~of~he'V~/at~er Supply Management, ~. Watershed Protection Strategy (WSM~WPS) th~ wa~ endorsed b~/the Town Boacd, aiso on June 20, 2000. The adopted map~was reviewed by the Board of ,Directors Of the Suffolk County Water Authority o~, Jdne ~7t~. HOWeVer the SUWA B0a?d Sdopted a'Slightly d fferant version of the above-noted map, one Wh;ich indicates areas of highest~ priority as per the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. The Priority Map is identical.to the,Town'S Map, except that i~ ; specific areas of concern to th~a ~lealtfi De~artmen~ due to w~ ~. The Priority Map advocated b~'tl~e SCDHS and '~ areas, some ~f which lie W, ithin the Proposed ~ defined tn the WSM&WPS. ~S ace the the extension Of that !ie outsi( other ~ of, It is ction ,Zone, as , is t0 focus ~ting development of pUblio wate¢ or [o be the subject Two priorities have been agreed upon by the SCDHS and the SCWA. The first priority is the area nod. h ~0 northeast of the landfllt. The seCOnd priority is New Suffolk. A copy of the Pdodty Map and the SCWA's resolution of adoption are attached for your information. The second item of discussion at the July 12TM meeting was to review procedures whereby the SCWA, the SCDHS and the TOS review applications for subdivisions and permits to construct, tt was agreed that new and pending subdivision applications, whether major or minor, would be required to undertake an analysis of the quality of water within the proposed subdivision as part of the environmental review process. Where poor water quality is found, an analysis of the availability of public water must be undertaken as part of that environmental review. This means that the TOS will have to coordinate its environmental review with the SCWA and the SCDHS. This procedure must also be applied to area variar~ce applications to the Zoning Board of Appeals to create non- conforming Iqts. A request was made of the SCDHS to expedite their review of subdivision applications that are part of a Conservation Subdivision (limited development), particularly where the Town and/or the County are spending public funds for the acquisition of development rights or land. The SCDHS's position is that they receive many requests for expedited review for other worthy projects and that they are not inclined to institute an expedited review procedure. Instead, they will assign one person to review all applications from the Town. With regard to the issuance of building permits on single and separate lots, agreement was reached on the following coordination procedure. First, it was agreed that key personnel should be designated as contacts on the issue of building permits, health approvals and water hook-ups. These contacts are: John Milazzo, attorney for the SCWA; Steve Costa, Chief, Department of Wastewater Management at the SCDHS and Ed Forrester, Code Enforcement Officer, at the Town of Southold. (A listing of their telephone numbers can be found at the end of this memo. ) Second, as before, no building permits will be issued without the SCDHS's "permission to construct" stamp. However, where the proposed construction lies within 300 feet of an existing public water main, the applicant will be directed by the SCDHS to the SCWA to obtain a "water availability~ letter. If water is available, a "permission to construct" stamp will be issued. If water is not available, the application will be examined further by the SCDHS, and a determination made as to whether potable water can be obtained from a private well on the site. Non-conforming lots with insufficient distance between the proposed well and septicsystem or with poor water quality will most likely be required to petition the SCDHS's Board of Review for permission to install a pdvate well to be used until such time as public water is available. Further, where non-conforming lots are involved, the TOS~ Zoning Board of Appeals typically will be asked to grant other variances. It was agreed that there would be coordination betwee, q the,~own and~tb~C{aunty dur ng these reviews as well. Thus the SCDHS will cot~he To~i~ ~ll applications before their Board of Review, and the Town wiil be respdh§~l~;for see ng to the r internal distribution to all re evant offices ~i~ r~ the Town~ 'Fhe town a so is respons b e for n0bfying the SCDHS of all pending subdN~9, apphcabons and requests for area variances. A separate meeting will be set UP between myse f and Paul Ponturo, Principal Engineeq SCHDS, in the,r3ear [uture to' discuss recent, changes in federal ' a legislation and regulations, as they pert in to satellite water and sewage treatment;systems, I have met with developers-seeking, to bypass,the.SC,WA by i~s~!]i~g SeParate water systems,and to ir~rease density by censtructing pa~ge ~eat~ehf~syst~t ~Re~ei~ a~ t~det.~, regular ors are ~rcing 8r~i..dera~oaof this ~ at ~e~Ceunty fever. 'The :r~ific~ion~fo~ Southo d ~r~o,~t~Ct.early::U. nd~rstoo.~.~t~- rth.!~po~r~[, and-~ rCqu~e~rf:Utther d scuss on. riew a Io~ts., The T. owr~;s, keeping ir~ rhind the SCDI S'S ont~ have yet to,.betlegahy.su,b~vldeO w~l~ not. V~/hEn..this ~iP, tern~l r~vie~,~,ii~icomp, lote. I r by th, e Tov~i Bbard'in:a';ti/fi(~ly {ashion 3ts that ~ervice. reviewed ~:'~f~O~ plBase do not hes,tate t~ c~nttact e,ther myself or i~- Edward Forrester. Code Enfoccement Officer 765-1802 Subdivisions-¥alerie Scopaz, A~CP, Town Planner 765-1938 Environmental Review - Kimbedy Shaw, Office of Ecology, SCDHS, 852-2077 Permits to Co[~struct - Steven Costa, Director, Wastewater Management Office. SCDHS, 852-1400 Water Availablity Letter - John Milazzo, Esquire, SCWA, 563-0308 Cc: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman The undersigned, Chairman of the SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY, hereby certifies that at a meeting of the Members of said public-benefit corporation, duly called and held at the AuthoritT's principal office on Sunrise Highway at Pond Road, Oakdale, County of Suffolk, New York, on June 27, 2000, the following resolution was adopted and that same is in full force and effect: WHEREAS the Suffolk Cou,'~ty Water Authority provided a grant to the Towa of Southold to develop a water supplY plan for the entire town; and WHEREAS the Town of Southotd prepared and adopted the plan and map in sccordanse with the grant provided; and WHEREAS the Map indicates those locations that the town deems acceptable for water service as well as those areas for preservation where mains are prohibited; and WHEREAS the Suffolk County Department of Health Services has indicated other areas which shouEl be given consideration for public water, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Suffolk CountyWaterAuthority hereby adopts the mac and plan including areas identified by Suffolk County Department of Health Services and will develop the water system in · e Town of Southold in accordance with that p!an; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Suffolk County WaterAu~hority will provide water to approved tots in a~cordanos with such map subject to the capacity lirnitstions of its water system and the limitations of the water resources of the equifer. W 1 T N E S S my hand and seal of the Authority this 17~ day of July, 2000, at Oakdsfe, NeW Y, er-k.- ........ Michael A. LoGrande, Chairman:, (SEAL) TOTAL P. IZ~ VALERIE SCOPAZ TOVFN PLANNER Town Hall. 53095 Ma/n Road P.O. Box 1179 Southotd, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AGENDA July 12, 2000 Joint Meeting of the: Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk County Water Authority Town of Southold 1. Review of Details of Town Board Resolution and SCWA Resolution regarding the Water Supply Management & Watershed Protection Strategy Map entitled "Locations of Existing Water Mains and Potential Future Water Mains Relative to Protected hands W~thin Southold Town" dated June 2000 2. Review of Procedures as they pertain to: Permits to construct (new) Pre-existing lots Conforming Non-conforming Subdivision approvals (new and pending) > Majors > Minors > Conservation/Partnership 3. Designation of Key Contacts: Town of Southold: Building Dept. and Planning Dept. Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services ), Wastewater Permit Division and Drinking Water Division > Suffolk County Water Authority Review of List of Applications for hook-ups to public water 7/12, 11:30 a.m. Meetin.q Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services: Vito Minei, Director Martin Trent, Principal Public Health Sanitarian Peter Akras, Senior Engineer, Rvd. Wastewater Management Office Sy Robbins, Hydrogeologist Paul Ponturo, Principal Engineer Suffolk CouR~ty Water Authority: Michael LoGrande, Chairman Town of Southold Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Bennett Orlowski; Jr., Planning Board Chairman Edward Forrester, Code Enforcement Officer VA~LERII~ SCOPAZ TOWN PLANNER Town PIall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Rox 1179 Southold; New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 OFFICE OF TttE TO~ PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTI-IOLD June 27, 2000 Mr. Vito Minei, Acting Director Division of Environmenta/Quality Suffolk County Department of Health Services 220 Rabro Ddve East Hat~ppauge~ New York 11788 Dear Vito: ~¢ On June 20, 2000, the Southold Town B~ard voted to endorse the enclosed document, Water Supply Management & Watershed Protection Strategy, June 200f~. As the first step towards implementation of this Strategy, the Board also voted to adopt a map showing the location of existing and fu~£e water mains relative to protected lands within the Town. A copy of that map is bMng sent under separate cover. Also enclosed are copies of the Town Board resolutions and the environmental determination. In order to eliminate any confusion during the coming weeks and months about changes in procedure and in priorities, as welt as how pending applications will be reviewed, you and your staff are invited to meet with the Suffolk County Water Authority and with Town Building, Planning and Zoning Staff. The meeting has been tentatively slated for Wednesday, July 12th at 10:00 a.m. here in Southold Town Hall. PIease inform my secretary, Carol, as to how many people from your office will be attend~g. It woufd be helpful if a representative of the Wastewater Permit Division could attend'as the Building D~13artment has some outstanding questions about certain issues. Thank you for your assistance in the completion of this Strategy. I look forward to ongoing meetings with your office as we attempt to implement the Strategy. Sincerely, Valede Scopaz, AICP Southold Town Planner VS:ck IEncls. cc: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Bennett Odowski, Jr., Planning Bd. Chairman