HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdditional Officers - Laws of NY 1860 Chapter 113LA~ ~ ~W ~O~K - 1860 - C~APT~ ll3. AN ACT c~eating Certain additional offl~e~s in ~be tc~n of Sout~[d~ ~n the o~nty off Pasa.d ~ ~, 18~$ th~e-fift~ ~ p~aont. The Peo~ ~f th~ Stat. ~f ~' Y~k, ~e~aen~d in ~e~. 1. ~n mdd~on to tbs ee~r~ now p~serlbed by law, there ah~l be e~eted at t~ ~ ge~ral e~ etlon In the cowry euffo~, and e~ thee yea~a t~rea~$er~ a echoer, who ~li~ elt~r ~on FXa~rls ImI~ or ~on o~ of the ial~ adjUSt the~to, called the M~eke, or upon ~mtie Iala~ (f~Fly called R~ Islam), In I~d eo~ty. ~ee. 2. T~ a~ll be e~ cted at t~ ~xt ~ual ~e~i~ of t~ ~ of ~ou~td, in ~e ee~ty of Suffolk, and eve~ four ye~a ~~r, o~ Jua~l~ cf ~ ~ace (in addition to the fo~ p~ri~d by ~w), whe s~ll ~ea[~ eXt~r upon Flaher'a Iala~ o~ upon o~ ~f t~ ~al~adJaeent t~to called the ~ecka, or upea ~atXe Islam, ~n aal~ tow~ ~e first Justlee ao e~eted ah~l ente~ upm~ t~ duties of ~a office i~dtately upon hXs emotion a~ ~XX~ b~s oath ef office, ~ shall ~ his effi~ ~til e~a~en ~f fo~ yea~a fr~ t~ thirty-first day ~ Deeem~r aueceedf~ his elec~i~. ~c. 3. T~ s~ll :~te~ be ab eted at each ~al ~etI~ said to~ of ~out~eld, ~ conatab~ ~d o~ po'~ ~ater, who s~l each ~aIde eit~r upon Fis~r*a Xala~ or upon o~ o0 thc iala~a~ Jaeent t~reto called t~ ~ocka, or up~ ~yatic Islam, Sec. 4. In c~e either of the ~fficera provide.~ for by this act shall cease to ~aide up~ either cf said lala~a, ~a off,ce shall be dee~d vacant, and a~ll ~ filled in tb~ ~r preacri~d by law See. 5. This sot s~ll take efffeot ~diately.