HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965BUDGET TONN OR T(~/~NS OF FIRE DIS1RICT COGNTY OF FO~ THE YE~I! 196~ FILE NITH T(~N CLERK BETWEEN SEPTE~[BER 20TH AND 30TH WESTCHESTER CC~UNTY OCTOBER 20TH AND 30TH NEW YORK STATE DEpARTmENT OF AUDIT AND CONIROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANYj NEW YORK SU~VIARY OF 1965 BUDGET Appropriations Less~ Estimated Revenues Estimated Unexpended Balance Total Bstimated Revenues and Unexpended Balance To Be Raised by Real Property Tsxes VALU AT IONS (1) (2) (3) Assessed State Valuation of Equalization Fire District Rate Town (1964) (1964) (4) (5) Full Real Valuation of Property Fire District Taxes (1964) $ $ District Total $ $ $ Columns 1 and 2 to be completed by fire distrtctt columns 3, 4 and 5 are for use of the officer required to apportion the charges among the towns. Note that the 1964 assessed valuation and state equalization rate are to be used in computing the real property taxes to be levied in 1965. 2 APPROPR TAT IONS Actual Expenditures 1963 Budget as Modtfted 1964 Preliminary Estimate 1965 100 Personal Services: $ $ $ $ T~easurer Secretary Firemen Legal and Audtt Fees Adopted Budget 1965 200 Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment $ Totals carried forward 3 Totals brought ~orward 400 Other Expenses= Office Supplies - Postage Travel Expense= Conventions Fire Training Other Travel Association Dues Uniforms Employees' Retirement Benefits~ State Retirement System Social Security Public Drills, Parades, Inspections Election Expense: Rent of Voting Machines Publication of Notice Printing and Supplies Rutldtngs and Grounds: Fuel, Light, Water Repairs Rent Maintenance Supplies Fire Apparatus and Equipment, Repairs to Apparatus and Equipment Gasoline, Oil, etc. Fire A1armSystem= Telephone Maintenance Other Maintenance of Wells Insurance~ Premium on Treasurer's Bond Workmen's Compensation Public Liability and Property Damage Other Insurance Totals carried forward APPROPRIATIONS Actual Budget as Expenditures Modified 1963 1964 $ $ Preliminary Estimate 1965 $ $ $ $ 4 Adopted Budget 1965 $ 2000. oo APPROPR IAT IONS Totals brought forward 601 Hydrant Rental 602 Payment to Fire Department Services Outside the District 603 Payment to Outside Agency Services Within the District 680 Interest on Bonds 681 Interest on Notes 690 Redemption of Bonds 692-696 Redemption of Notes~ 692 Capital 693 Bond Anticipation 694 Budget 695 Tax Anticipation 696 Revenue Anticipation 801 Transfer to Capital Fund~ Actual Expenditures 1963 Budget as Modified 1964 Preliminary Estimate 1965 Adopted Budget 1965 802 Transfer to Reserve Fundl Total Actual Expenditures 1963 Total Appropriations 5 ESTIMATED REVENUES 20 State Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax Revenue 30 Federal Aid for Civil Defense 40 Fire Protection and Other Services Provided Outside the District 50 Other Revenuess 51 Interest on Deposits 52 Rentals 53 Sales of Apparatus and Equipment 54 Gifts and Donations Actual Revenues 1963 Budget as Uodifted 1964 Preliminary Estimate 1965 Adopted Budget 1965 Actual Balance December 31, 1962 Actual Balance December 31, 1963 ESTIUATED U~XPEt~ED BALANCE AT DECE~R 31, 1964 Total Revenues and Unex~ed Balance (P vz s TO ~ RAISED BY RE~ PROPBRTY T~ES - 1965 $ $ $ 0 6 as of OUTSTANDING DEBT Tax Anticipation Notes Revenue Anticipation Budget Notes Capital Notes BOnd Anticipation Notes Total Notes Bonds $ $ Commissioners Chairman 7 CO~UTATIONOF FULL VALUATION , Assessed Valuation of 1963 divided by Equalization Rate of 1963 will glve the Full Valuation which is to be used in computing the spending limitation for 1965. COMPUTATION OF SPENDING LIMITATION subtract Full Valuation - 1963 ~ First million of Full Valuation Excess over first million of FUll Valuation multiply add $ 2,000.00 One Mill Expenditure permitted on Full Valuation above $1,000,000 Expenditure permitted on Full Valuation below $1,000,000 Spending Limitation for 1965 ~ To the Spending Limitation should be added the expenditures outside the limitation as authorized in Section 176(18) of the Town Law,