HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/2010September 07, 2010 To: Town Board Fr: Phillip Beltz Re: AUGUST 2010 SUMMARY REPORT-SPECIAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR Housing: ?? With Town Attorney, several meetings with resident of the Cottages who has submitted letter of intent to sell her unit. Resale price with CPI % adjustment $231, 067. In soliciting 27 names on waiting list from the Cottages lottery, 2 expressed interest for purchase of resale-1 expressed interest at later time. Most envelopes were returned with “no return address.” ?? Facilitated Housing Advisory Commission along with dissemination of minutes. Youth: ?? Facilitated Youth Bureau (YB) board meeting along with dissemination of minutes. ?? Facilitated Youth Advisory Council (YAC) meeting along with dissemination of minutes. ?? Site visit by Suffolk County Department of Labor to meet with students working at Human Resource Center, Dept. of Public Works and Zoning Board of Appeals. ?? Continue work with intern, Anne Davey, to develop recycling initiatives in schools as well as anti-bias education day in October. Assistance from Jeff Standish and Jim Bunchuck with recycling initiative that included a preliminary meeting with David Gamberg, Southold superintendent. ?? With Jeff Standish, facilitated Family Movie Nite in the Park – attendance 54. Facilitated sponsorship from Suffolk County National Bank. Loss Control Program and Executive Safety Committee: ?? Meeting with Wright Risk Management and Jen Andaloro regarding PESH compliance and development of exposure control plan. Workplace Violence Prevention: ?? Meeting with Jen Andaloro, to review workplace violence surveys and comments. Sandi Berliner developed spreadsheet analysis of responses. ?? With Wright Risk Management, provided final annual Workplace Violence training to staff. Comprehensive Plan: ?? Attended three Comp. Plan team meetings. Met with Melissa Spiro and John Sepenoski re development of goals and objectives for Land Preservation chapter. ?? Attended four-hour National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration “Coastal Hazards” training. Community Development Block Grant: ?? Several meetings with Jim McMahon regarding development of 2011 CDBD budget/public hearing. Processing voucher payments for 2010 and prior years. Other: ?? Coordinated Cutchogue and New Suffolk community meeting for Town Board. ?? Several meetings to assist Anti-Bias Taskforce with community picnic ?? Met with Fishers Island hamlet stakeholders and residents to report on outcomes of hamlet stakeholder recommendations and Fishers Island strategic plan. ?? With Supervisor, attended East End Supervisors and Village Mayors Association meeting.