HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/201008/11/2010 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page July 01, 2010 -July 31, 2010 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certif~ that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share BID Bid Specifications & Fees 2010 Scavenger Waste 13 325.00 Sub-Totah $325.00 FISW Fishers Island Sewer District Sewer District 15 3,375.00 Sub-Total: $3,375,00 INTEREST Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account 1 28.22 Sub-Total: $28.22 PART Building Department Fees Application Fees 11 29,895.40 Certified Birth Trans. Birth Trans. 2 20.00 Certified Death Trans. Death Trens. 120 1,200.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical I 11.00 House Trailer Permit 2 200.00 Event Fee 4 250.00 Permits 111 1,665.00 Application Fees 10 4,800.00 PT-HIGHWAY SR.2650.10 SWMD House Trailer Permits Special Events Fee Yard Sale Zoning Board Highway Excavation Solid Waste Management Distrtct SR.2130.10 SR.2130,20 SR.2130,30 SR.2130.40 SR.2130.50 SR.2130.60 SR.2130.70 SR.2130.90 Sub-Totah $38,041.40 Permits 6 1,063.12 Sub-Total: $1,063.12 fre mulch I -7.50 free mulch 1 -15.00 free Mulch 18 -235.00 returned check I -90.00 Sub-Total: -$347.50 Tipping Fee Deposit 23 74,431;00 Tipping Interest 16 251.86 C G - Commercial 11 263.15 G R - Grass 23 462.80 T Tires 7 122.00 APPL (Appliances) 29 43~.00 M Metal 30 1,377.50 Propane Tanks - Used 4 8.00 R Rubbish 29 16,521.70 Refrigerants (appl) 58 1,160.00 C Construction/demolition 29 11,720.40 C O N - Concrete/Asphalt 16 907.90 Bags - On Account 13 38,930.18 Bags- Retail - Large 94 211.50 Bags ~ Retail - Medium 188 282.00 Bags - Retail - Small 61 45.75 Bags - Vending Machine 44 20,280.64 CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) 9 270.00 Residential Single Entry 5 1,250.00 Resse (resid. Single Entry) 255 1,275.00 Br- Brush 29 6,580.20 Bags - Leaf 60 28.20 08/1112010 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 2 July 01, 2010 - July 31, 2010 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certif~ that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth ^. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the per[od stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by ]aw. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share WHOLE SR.2590.10 SR.2590.20 SR.2650.00 SR.2650.10 Ala rj'n Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Dog Adoptions Dog Licensing Dog Redemption- 1st Domestic Partnership Filming Fireworks Bags - VV~olesale Leaf 2010 2 Year 2010 Add'l 2 Year Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit - Lessee Disposal Permit - Non Resident Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit-VOIDED 2010-11 Additional Permit 2010-11 First Permit Sale Of Recyclables Delivery Outgoing Leaf Mulch SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 60 21.60 380 11,400.00 65 975.00 18 450.00 8 200.00 1 50.00 50 0.00 7 0.00 17 510.00 28 3,310.00 4 8,720.70 1 200.00 47 4,787.70 62 10,942.21 Sub-Totah $218,381.99 Credit Card Fee 1 -0.04 returned check I -60.00 2008 Fines 2 200.00 2009 Fines 1 100.00 2009 Renewals I 10.00 2010 Fines 9 900.00 Initial 14 350.00 Renewals 2010 47 470.00 Beach AttendanFlifeguards 1 0.00 Beach Daily 330 8,205.00 Guest 197 5,910.00 Lessee 83 2,490.00 Motel 32 640.00 Non-Resident Seasonal 18 2,700.00 Replacement Sticker 71 0.00 Resident 1354 8,124.00 Sticker Missing 1 0.00 Voided Sticker 30 0.00 Bingo Proceeds 4 34.75 Marriage Trans. 10 100.00 Conservation (DECALS) 21 185.41 Dog Adoptions 2 20.00 53% License Fee 66 103.35 Female, Spayed 35 262.50 Male, Neutered 25 187.50 Male, Unneutered 6 45.00 Dog Redemption - 1 st 3 30.00 Domestic Partnership 2 20.00 Application Fee - Non-Refund 1 100.00 Beach Permits 1 10.00 Daily Filming Permit 1 100.00 Fireworks 1 100.00 08/11/2010 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 3 July 01, 20'10 -July 31, 2010 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby (:edify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share WWDD Historical Items "Houses" Soft Cover - Retail 2 8.00 "1 Love Southold" Sticker 2 2.00 Liber D 1 10.00 Marriage License Marriage License 7 122.50 Passpod Fee Passport Fee - Town Portion 3 75.00 Photocopies Photocopies 113 351.00 Postage Postage 1 5.00 Returned Check Charge 1 20.00 Sale Of Used Equipment Used Equipment - Whole Town ? 693.00 Shellfish Commemial 4 200.00 Free - Non-Commer. 86 0.00 Non-resident 17 850.00 Replacement 8 0.00 Resid. - Non-Comm. 197 985.00 Voided 3 0.00 Special Events Remuneration Fee 1 2,627.32 Wastewater Disposal District Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Sub-Totah $37,286.29 7 70.00 25.00 $95.00 Septic Permit ~ Construct. Non-resid. 1 Sub-Total: Total Local Shares Remitted; $298,248.52 Amount paid to: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax ................................................................................................................. 1.74 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses ............................................................... 91.65 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program ..................................................................... 18.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation ................................................................................................... 3,659.59 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License ............................................................................................................................... 157.50 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $302,177.00 Total Non-Local Revenues: $3,928.48 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided forby law. Southold Town Supervisor Date d Soutt~o~d ~owr~ C;erk --Date