HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12374 P 361THIS IS A LE~4L L~STRU. M F~YF A~D 8H(N:LD BE I~ECUT~D UNUE# SI PERYISIOOq OF A~ DETWEElq Paul Pantaleo and Shirley Eusulis, 4100 Youngs Avenue, Southold, NY 11971, wantor and party ofthe first part, and William L. Grodaki and Shirley Cusulis and Paul Pantaleo, 4100 Youngs Avenuo, Southold, NY 11971, grantee and puffy ofthe second part: WITNESSETH. that the party of the tim pan, in comidemtlon of One and 00/100 ($1.00) dolhu's, and other good and valuable cop. sidemtion, paid by the puffy oflhe second part does hereby ~mise, release and quit~isimunto the party of the second pa~ the helm or successors and ~ of the pony of the second pan, fmever. SEE SCIIEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF. Subject to any easenmm, covenants ,restrictinm and reservetions of rc-,;o;~ which nay exist affectin~ the Subject Premises. BEING THE SAME PREMISES conveyed to the panlor herein by deed from Michael J. StankewLr'z and 'fJz. resa Ooldenae dated September 28. 1996 and recorded February 13, 1997 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Offiec in Liber 11815 at Pag~ 998. SECTION: 055.00 BLOCK: 02.00 LOT: 014.000 TOGETJIKR with the apln~emnces and all the emte and rilhts of the puffy of the fiat pert in and m said premises. TO JIAVE, AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pm~y of the second ~ the heirs or successors and miln$ forever. The word "patty" shall be construed a~ ifit rend 'parties" whenever the sense of this indemu~ so requires. This deed is subject to the trust provisions of Sectinn 13 of thc Lien Law. IIq WITNESS WHEREOF, th~ party of Ihe I'mt part has duly executed this, dfjnd the day,pnd~yea~ first above written. Iq PR~E.'qCE.' OF: ~14~ ' L.S. '$hirl~, 12 1..8. ~TATE OF NEW YORK+ COUNTY OF Suffolk ss: ~p~ Paul P~mlm ~ Shirley C~uhs p~lly kno~ m me or pm~ m me on the ~s the in~mm~ the individ~(s), or ~e ~f of whi~ the indivtaual(s~ ~t~, ex~ut~ ~e instmm~l. t~ing ~owl~t) Filc Number: 2005010274 Schedule A Legal Description of Subject Premises ALL that certain lot, piccc or parcel of land, situate, lying nnd being, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more paflic, ulnrly .bo.u. nded and desonbed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly side of Railread or Youngs Avenue where the same is intersected by the northerly side of land now or formerly of Harris; RUNNING THENCE along the said easterly side o f Railroad or Youngs Avenue, North 11 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West. 90.00 feet to land now or formerly of Gagen; RUNNING THENCE along said land now or formerly of Oagen, North 79 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East, 151.67 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 10 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds East, 90.00 fi:et; RUNNING THENCE along other land of DicJu~son, ct al and along said Innd of Harris, South 79 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds West, 150.00 feet to the said easterly side of Rallread or Youngs Avenue at the point or place of'BEGINNING. ._../ Number of psAes . ~ TORR£NS hr[al #. Corlificate #. Prior Ctf. # · Deed / Mortff, aae Instrument I-7 Deed I Mor~llal~c Tax Simp FEES 200~ Mar O! 0~14~1~9 P~ Edward P. gcemine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L E~0012374 P 361 DTi 04-30919 Ke~ordin~, I Filing, Stamps Pa~e ! Filth8 Fee Ilandlin8 '1T-584 Nolation EA-S2 17 (County) SubTotal EA-5217 (State'} R.P.I:S.A. Comm. of Ed. Certified Copy O~h~r '1 Stamp Date -~OO ; G Sub T~I Real Properly Tax .~'vico As~:y V~erific. atimr DbL [ Suction Block[ Lot ~-'fl008232 1000 0SS00 0200 01400 Pm~y'Owners M,~ilins~.ddres~ Morlff, a&eAmt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssiL Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town__ Dual County.__ Held for Apportionment __ Transfor Tax . ~1~'~ Mansion Tax 'll~e pmpe~y covmed by this mortlf, a&e is or will be Improvnd by a one or two family dwellin& only. YES~m NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause un paae # of Ihi,t ipttrument. 6 Preservation Fund Comntuxtity Conulderation Amount S CPi"' 'Fax Duc $ Improved Vacant Land initials , 7 [ S.tis factions/umctmrges/l~l~.'~s List TD RECORD & RETURN TO: , · /' · . , ' 'rD L O Olfl ff, ClO SOITIO [ .m.d, by:  (SPIT. CIFY TYPE OF ~~) · ~ 'i~e premises i~Tein is sittnted in SUF~ ~, ~W ~R~ / TO ~ 5 qTIRU 9 MUDI' BE'~P~ OR PRINIED IN B~CK INK ONLY P~OR'~ ~RDING OR FI[.~G. (OVER) l'~rpe o£ Znftz~montz DEBDB/DDD Reasipt Numbs= z 05-0022328 TRANSFER TAX ~TOMBBR: 04-30919 Dietri~l 1000 Deed Amount= RecoFdedz T.TBRR: PAGE: geo~ion: BloGk: 055.00 02.00 BXAMZHBD AND CHARuJSu AS FOLLOWS $o.oo o3/o~/2oos 05t43:39 PM Received the Following Fees FOF Above Page/FiX/rig $9.00 NO w--al/rig cos $5.00 RA-C'I~ $5.00 NO BA-STA/~ TP-584 $5.00 HO Cert.Copiss RPT $30.00 ~0 8CTM ?~ane£e~ trix $0.00 HO Fees Paid I~.AHBI~R TAX HUMBERt 04-30919 ~IITS PAGE TH A PART OF THE TNBTRm(EN~ /'HZB Z8 NO~ A BTT'L Edw&Ed P. Romaine Counter Clerk, Su££olk County D00012374 361 014.000 Exempt $5.00 $.xs. oo $75.oo Ho $0.00 $0.00 HO S0.00 NO $149. O0 pLEASE TyPE OR PRE.~S FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM 'INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orpa.ntnte.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY // ~.'~ ~.~ ~1 I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWl8 Code 1'7, , ~ I ~ ~TAI~ O~ N~W I~ItX """'"'"'"0"'" c,,. ,,~.'~;. I.. ,I ~ RP- 5217 ,:0.~., /.o7..~.?.,-,/', ,,.~ ,._q,.~._. ,,.,,,...,., ._ , . anf leo r C ,,&ul'rS 13. Full Sds ~ J [ [ [ [ [ , I ,~).O,OI ! ! · J ASSESSMENT INFORMAllON - DatJ should reflic~ tim I~#t Final )4#Mment floll and Tax Bill I -'l~ltmn i0 I~1 17. TeMg::::::¢Val.e(dallpsm.bhtmuMtl ~ oft~ ~ k ~ a Sdk, r Ilale ef Free,anal m Le~ men Fee Imemm ~ Bea~,l ~ Umalaal Fm ~.,.~..~ hie Prime t~ Below) None i" i .v-Lb, .o-0~ SM.~R INEW YORK STATE I ·