HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12416 P 654COHFIRNATIOH DEKI) · in the year 2005 Naureen H. Wolfe a/k/a Naureen H.H. Wolfe 3810 DenESeld Avenue KenuinsCon, HD 20895-1603 Diet. L000 Sec. 055.00 Blk. 02.00 l.ocs 11.00 p/o 010.000 WITI~f~ that the utrtv of the mr~ k cmide~ of Ten Dolhrs and other ~u~e ~ Mid by the mlfly of ~e second pail, does ~ereby grant and relosse unto d~e lm~y of the ~ ~, ~ ~u ~r suc~essofrs mil usiEns of the party of ~be saxmd part brevet, ALi. the cerUi.u plot, .-_'__~e or psdul of Ired, wi~h the buildln~ sad imseovemenU ~ ereaed* gimm bin~ and heb~ m *he SEE SCHEDULE A ATTAGII~I) HERETO AND HADE A PART HEREOF. SEIH$ ~ I~fEHDED TO BE the s~ne preuises conveyed ~o ~he grantor by Deed £rou John Carroll to John W. Hoffat and hureen H. Hoffa~ da~ed July 1, 1960 recorded July 6, 1960 tn Ltber ~836 pase 236. Johp ~. Hoffa~ died 9/8/80 (Suffolk County Surrogate's Court 1565P1980) leavi~ ~ureen H. ~ffa~, his ~ife, n~ kn~ as ~uEeen Rtl.~olie a/k/a Naureen H.H. ~olfeaa8 survivinS tenet by the encire~y, ~ose~her vi~h ~he premises conveyed ~o ~he sran~or by Deed ~en da~e herewith to be ~ecorded s~l~aneously wl~h ~his Deed. Said Deed be recorded a~l~e~sly i8 [~ Hau~een H.N. Molfe, as T~s~ee or her Suceooors in a T~s~, u~e~ ~e hureen B.H. ~olfe Livi~ T~s~, da~ed ~he 18~ day of Octobero 1997, a~ any ~e~meu~s ~here~o, Seen Carroll Brian H~ley Hoffa~ a~ Bean ~. Nof~a~, aa T~s~ee of ~he Res~a~e~nC o[ ~he ~ffat Special Needs T~s~ da~ed July 21, 199~ ~o ~he ~anCo~. TOGETHF. R with ell right, title and Tnterost, if any, of the party of the firKpart in ,a~d. to any streets and to.uts abuttin~ the above dcse~ihed premises to the cenler lines thereof; TOGETJ. IKR wsh the appurtena,~c~ and all the cs'~te ami rJ~ts o! the party of the first pm't in and to mid prem~es: TO HAVF.. AND TO IIOLD the prt'mlses heron granted umo the party of the second pm, the heir~ ot successors sad a~ilea of the patty of the secoml pan forever. AND the party of the ifil par covenams thai the party of the first peri bas not doue or suffered anythiJ~ whereby the said premises have been eneumbered, in any way whatever, exceM as afovesaid. ' AND the party of the first pan, iu compliance wsth Section 13 o( the Lieu L~w, ~mnants 0ut the party .of the first part will z~ceive the consideration for this conveyance.and will held the right to receive such coasld- eration as a trust fund to he applied first for the .purpose of paTmg the cost of the improvement and will apply the nme first to the pmyment of the cost of the zmptovement before u$io[ any pert of the total of the same for any other purjx~se, The w'~rd "par~y" shall be consirued u if it read "parties" wbenever the sense of this indenture so rexlulres. IN ~ Wil~, the l~rty of the bst part Im duly executed this deed the day and year am gaeve written. ~een H.H. Wolge SCHEDULE A ALL THAT certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements the~on ~c~lcd, situate,, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of n~w York. I~ing boundcd and dc'~cribed ~ fiffiows: BEGINNING al a point on thc westerly side of C.R. 48 (Boisseau Avenue) distant 1,275 feet more or less from the corner R~rreod by thc intersection of the westerly side of C.R. 48 (Boisseau Avenue) with the southerly side of OId North Road; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Old North Road, in a southerly direction along thc arc ora curve having a radius of 2259 feet, a distance of 148.05 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 86 degrees 00' 00" West, 115. I 0 feet; RLI~q~TING THENCE North 4 degrees 00' 00" East, 127 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 88 degrees 5? 00" East, 173.98 feet to the westerly side of C.R. 48 (Boisseau Avenue) at the point or place of BEGINNING. Number of pages q TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi, # Deed. Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 /9-- 5.00 Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp I Notation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. ~f Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy~= Reg. Copy Olher I 1ooo 4 ] District Real I~)pany Tax Service Agency Verification Sub Total 2 05042461 1000 05500 0200 010002 Satisfaction/Discharges/Release List Propany Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Patti. cia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Hain Road Souchold, NY 11971 Co. Name Tide # 2005 0c~ 26 11z51:15 ~ £ddard P.Roeaine · ' StFFOLK C0t~TV L D00012416 P 6~4 DT# Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total Spec, I Assit. or Spec. I Add. '[~T. MT~ TAX Dun] Town ~ Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax The properly covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO __ If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this inst~tment~ 5 Consideration Amount CPF Tax Due Communlt~, Preservation Fund -O- Improved Vacant Land TD Title Company Information Peconlc Abstract, Inc. Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement.Page This page forms part of the attached Conftz~atton Deed ma~le by:' (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Naureen H. }/olfe The premi~is herein is situated in a/k/a Moureen H.N. ~/olfe SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In Ihe 3bwnshJp of -qouthold Moureen R. Wolfe In thc VILLAGE a/k/a Haureen H.H. L/olfe oF. LIAML~*Tof Southold BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED 1N BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO R~CORDING OR FILING SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDTN~ PaGE Type o£ Tnetnnent: Dm~r~B/DDD Receipt ~--~or s 05-0112473 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-12524 Dimtricts 1000 ReQorcled: Att LTBER: PA~B: 055.00 02.00 ~AMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo 10/25/2005 11t51:15 AM Received t~e Following Feem For Above Xnatrunent ~xempt TRANSFER TAX NUMBERs 05-12534 THIS PAGE XS A PART OFT HE ZNHTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012416 654 Edward P.Ro~mtne County Clo=k, Suffolk County Lot: 010,002 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 Ss.00 $o.oo $o.oo $177.00 · -- ~ ......... PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIR~I[V' WHE-N-VVRI~FlfqG~O~FORM ............... INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 C,.SWJCod~ I-'~. -~',~'~, ~, g, ~1 I ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ""' """ RP - 5217 [ Heu=een H. e/k/a Haureen I DLJ Na~,RMdm~ll/~ntLmd lm~llnmeM/Amu#mem LU For.~ I~ D~e M ~Ii I TfJ~M ~ ~. .J 1LbufkaMthevduodpJJiad I , 0 , 0 I J ~ME~ IN~R~. ~ Kid re~ ~e ~ Rn.I Mmm ~18~ Tax Bill J ,L~b ~-~ ,ib~l S~tho~ i ' ' ½ * ' i , , I I [ 1000-055.00-02.00-11.00 I I 1000-055.00-02.00-p/o OLO.O0 I L *J I J £enstnston [ HD [ 20895-1603 I NEW YORK STATE COPY