HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12431 P 364I%tm lQ02 (~) - ~ Bmr3pifl sod hie Deed, wilh ¢ovemlts qmlul Grulof's ~ IndivMull or Coq~.ldo.. (ll.(b .b,..) CO#SIJI.T YOUR LAWYBJ BB:ORE ~GIIING THB JTRUlJNT - THIS IISTRUMBtT 81IOULD BE IlJJ~ BY LAWYERS ~Y. THIS INDENTURE, mJdcthc 27th d,y of Dece3~)er 2005 BETWEEN residing at 3350 Pine Neck Road, Southold, NY 11971 DOMINICI~dMILONB~and CATHY MILONE, hfs vile, residing at 194 Cedar Avenue, Rockville Centre, NY DI~TIL~CT 1000 070.00 BI~}CK 12.00 LOT 002.000 11570 lofty ~thc sccend pert, WITIqI~SETtl, that the pray ~ the fir, K prt, h censidcmfim ~ tan dolhus ned c~t.-r valuable enasidamim ptid by the pray ~ thc second pm, docs herc~ peru m~ nlnn unto the peri,/of the second peri, the h~n ff successon nd a~s 0f the l~ly 0f the ~cced ~u~ f0fcver. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel o[ land, altu~te, lying and being at Pine Neck, Southold, Town o[ Southold, County oE Suffolk and State of Ne~ York, more full~bounded and described on schedule &, attached hereto and made a part hereoE. BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed to pa~t¥ of the pert by deed dated March 29, 1999 and ~ecorded in the Su££01k County Clerk's Office o~ April 19, 1999 at Liber 11958 cp 179. TOGETHER with all right, title and interc~t, if any, of the party of the first part, ia and to any su'eet~ and roads abutting the above-dexcrihed premises to the center lines thereof; TO~ETHER with the nppuftemmcce and all the estate end ~,hts of tha party of the Fu~t pm in nnd to sald p~-mi~.; TO HAVE AND ~ HO~ ~ ~ ~ granted unto the pm~y ofthe ~ part. tho helm or sucec~on ..a ~igns of dm ~ ofthe second pan forever. AND ~e party of the firdt part covenant, that thc pat~y of the £ant part has not dene or suffer, ed any~ing whereby the ~ premises have becn encumhe~d in any way whatever, except a~ aforesaid. AND the party of the fintt part. in compliance with Section 13'.of the Lien Law, covenanls that the party oflha first p~t will receive the comldemtion for dds conveyance and will hold the r~ght to _~_~_--____;ve ankh consldu~ ation an a mast fired to be applied first for the pmpore o~'paylng ti~ cost of dm iml~ovemcnt and will ni~ly the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement hefore using any part of the total oftbo same for any other pu~pcee. l~e word '~nny" shall he consuved as ff it mad "parties" whenever ~he sense of this indent~e so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa~y of the f~t pa~ has duly executed ~is deed thc day and year first above w~tten. KAREN TAYLOR VALADBZ gC~DUI~ A ALL that certain plot:, piece or parcel of land w~.th the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Pine Neck, Sout:hold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State o'f New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: B~INNIN~ at a point marked by a monument set on the southerly line of Pine Neck Road at the northwest:erly corner of the premises herein described and the northeasterly corner of Lot No. 33 as shown on a map of 'Southwoodm filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2141; RUNNING THENCE in a general easterly direction along the sont:herly lane of Pine Neck Road, North 85 degrees, 55 minutes 20 seconds East:, a distance of 110.05 feet to land now or formerly of T~nu~; R~NNING THENCE along last named land South 3 degrees, 30 minutes, $0 seconds East, i distance of 140.00 feet; R~NNING THENCE South 85 degrees, 55 minutes, 20 seconds West, a distance of 109.00 feet to a point: marked by a concrete n~)nument and said Lot No. 33; R~NNING THENCE alc~ last: named land North 4 degrees, 04 minutes, 40 seconds East, a distance of 140.00 feet to the point or place of B~GINNING. For Information Only: SCTM: 1000-070.00-12.00-002.000 · ,A,,kn?vladgeisant taken In New YOrK 8tara Stata of New York, Countyof Suffolk , m: Onlhe 2?th day of December In the year2005 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared TAYLOR VALADEZ personally known to me or proved to me on the beale of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual whose name ia subscribed to the within Instrument ,,nd ecknowladged to me that She executed the eame In her capacity and that by her signature on the Instrument, the Individual or the person upon behalf Of which tho Individual acted, executed the Instrument. Notar~ ;~blic ANTHONY B. TOHILL No, · ~50510 .(~.ifled_ln Suffolk CouiMIf~ oo~ Acknowledgement by $ubacrlblng Witnsae taken In New York State State of Ne* York. Ceunty of Onthe deyof , In Ibe ysar the undemlgnad, pemm~lly appeared , f~fore mo, the subacdblng withe--., to the forngoing instrument, with whom I am porsomllly acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose end asy. that he/abe/they rasJde(a) In that he/she/they know(s) to be the Individual described in and who executed the foregoing in,,tmment; that said subscribing witness wa,, present end saw said exeoute the same; and that said witness at tho same time ,ubemthad hle/her~beb' name(a) as a wilneas thereto. TO Acknewledgement taken In New YMk State State of New York. County of Onthe dayof ,In the ysar the undemtgnad, pe~onally appeared , before me. pemonelly known to me or proved to me on the b#ll of sattoth~tory evidence to be the IndlvldsaK-) whosa name(e) Is (am) .~bar, dbed to the within bretmment end admewtodgad ~ ma that he/.he/they executed the same in htoJher/thelr capacity(lea), and that by hlWher/thMr ,lgnature(u) on the Instrument. the InGTvtdual(-) or the pemo, ulxm behalf of whk:h the individual(,) acted, exeouted the Instrument. Acknowledgement taken outside New York State · State of ~'-'~,,,~, o~ * (or Inset Dietfict ~ ~um~, ~ or ' ": ~n ~) ~ u~ ~al~ .p~ personally known to me or proved to me on the beale of ~aUsthctory evidence to be the IndivkluaKa) whose name(i) Is (am) .ubK~tbed to Ihe wBhln Instrument end ast~dadgad to me that ha/she/they executed the same In hta~harlthelr ~apec. Jty(ims), that by hla/her/t~elr elgnatum(e) on the Instrument. the IndlvidsaKe} or tbe pem(m .pon behalf of wNch tho Indlvklual(a) acted, ~ the Irmtmment. and that aseh Indlvtd...I made such eppeenm~ before the unde~gnad Irt the (add the r. Jty M political suadivtoton and the ~;e or su~nt~ or SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN MIL,ON~ RETURN BY MAIL TO: Distributed by Chicago Title Insurance Company 20J~gN/~,~MILONE,Avenue ESQ. P~c~vxlZe Centre, NY 11570 Number of pages ~7 TORRENS Serial # Cmificate # Deed. Mo~gage Instrument 3 Page / Filin~ Fee Handling TP-$g4 Notation EA-$217 (County) EA-$217 (Sram) R.P.T.S.A. '~~5, '~-- ~ C. omm. of F.d. Affidavit c.~. 'ned C.o~y Re& C~y 200~ $~ 19 lle2~t~ f~l Cl. El~ OF SUFFOLK L 000012431 DWi 05-2~86~, Deed ~ Mbrt~e Tax Stump [ Recording / Filing Stamp~ Mortgage Amt. I. Bnsic 'Fnx 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. / As~it. or Sub Total Spec. / Add. TOT, MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Trnnsfer *mx ,_.~- · ,- Mansion Tax The property covered by this mot~age is or will he improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO __ Sub Total If NO, see appropriate tax clauM on Or, nd To~l · 1~Se #. of thxs instrument. 1000 070.00 m2.00 002.000 4 District Section Block Lat ' Pre~rvaflon Fund ~_7-~ -- ~ooo'~6'ooo ,2oo oo'~oo _ . . ~ ..._.~ ~,;onsiaerntion.~mount :5 ouu r uuu. uu Property //T$'"~p T $ : Verification -- Jennifer Mi.~one~ E~q. I ITD-- Rock~ie, Centre, NY 11570 IITD Title # WX02611S Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page ThLm pngc forms lXm of the attached Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTI VALADEZ The pmmisis heroin is simaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Southold TO In the Township of In the VILLAGE MILONE ~ HAMLET of THROUGH S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFF:ICE RECORDTN(~ PA~B Type of Zne~:~--,3men~.: DEBDH/DDD l~-~eF of Fagee: 4 Re=e4pl: NUmbeE : 06-0005861 TRANSFER TAX NU~BUR: 05-23863 DXBtr~ct: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: LXBER: PAGE: Section: BXock: 070.00 12.00 m~]~Z~.eu AND C~ED AB FOLLOWg $600,000.00 Received the Following Feee For Above TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-23863 THZS PAGE TS A PART OF Tile ZNeTRUM~qT THTB TH NOT A BZLL Ol/19/2oo6 11:23:46 AM D00012431 364 Lot:: 002.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $9,000.00 NO $11,552.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www. orpa.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE ONLY _...-_ - --. --. ~ I REAL PROFERTY TRAI~FER REPORT c2 D~DNdlM~d~d ~ I ~ STA~BOMDOFSbLFS0FBnY · __ , RI) . 6217 ~'~1 3350 I Pine Neck Road [ Southold ] z~ I MILONE-~-- I Dominick [ MILONE [ Cathy I 11971 J I LDMd ,, s,mw I VA.T.~.DE Z I Karen Taylor i i[] *"'~='" [ C:] Amltmer, I K. Ii,~~ Er, m.i~lA~ LI [ Fo~ & OwnMMllp Type b C.~lomlnium ~. New (:m~mJ(~m on Vmmnt Land 1M. Pml~ Lmm~d v,.i~hi~ in Ag rkultmd DI,,~ 1~. BW~ m~k~l ~ dl,dmum _.~'- bditmlng B ' Sole geiv,~en Relmmd Compe~,M or Paemees kl BuelneM l) Bulw or Sell~ b Gownmem A~M~ m I. indlng Ir~tutkm F ~lJeMFtlGIk~MMLMigli~FoolM~r~M!_~_~_ Bd(lw) .rds.b___ I I I ,6 , 0, 0.0. 0,0.0 ! ! ,e ffIaU Seie pdce is the tMM imourA pMd fm the pmpeety i~lu(l~ iNmMtM iM~l]ely. I 1bls ~ymidtt may be In the from d cmh. MhM iXol~ny or ._'~'?~_ ~. o~ the IMumpdon af J I ASSESSMENT iNFORMATION - ~ should retied the Imst F'md AsMssment Roll and TLX Bill llkWwdA~Ml~r°mI q5 I 17ToMAlllmdVd,elddlN?k. btrml~)l m. P,w,dy'"-- I 2. I. 0 I-I I ~. Mod Dk,d,, ~ I So~thold None , . .... 6, 0,0,01 ! ! ! I 1000-070.00-12.00-002. 000 I I I I I I I ~h~l~t 12/2~./o5 ,,,~,,bomdmic~R.z,J.2-one..,/ I .,, 194 I Cedar Ave. Rockvtlle Centre NY 11570 Mtlone I Jennifer 516 I 764-1819