HomeMy WebLinkAbout4670 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard E Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Homing BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF APRIL 8, 1999 Appl. NO. 4667 and 4670 - JOHN AND LUCIA SICA PARCEL 1000-31-14-9 STREET & LOCALITY: 12860 Main Road, East Marion DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: March 25, 1999 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: This 23,689 sq. ft. parcel is located along the southerly side of the Main Road (S.R. 25) in East Marion with dimensions of 100 ft. along the Main Road, 280 feet at the westerly property line, 235 feet at the easterly property line, and 94.02 (tie line) along average high water line of Orient Harbor. The property is bounded on the south side by an existing bulkhead along Orient Harbor, to the east by a lot improved with a single-family dwelling, and the Main Road to the north. A survey prepared ,luly 23, 1973 for Peter Pizzarelli shows a former easement to the water over the westerly abutting property. This easement has not been used as a vehicular right-of-way. BASIS OF APPEAL: Two Notices of Disapproval dated February 5, 1999 in applicants' request to place a new single-family dwelling with attached garage and deck. The building permit application was disapproved for two reasons: (a) construction is proposed closer than 40 feet to the westerly front property line and (b) closer than 75 feet to the existing bulkhead. Southold Town Zoning Code, Article XXlV, Section 100-244 and Article XXIII, Section 100-239.4B. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicant has submitted a survey revised February 21, 1999 showing a proposed dwelling location with the following setbacks: (a) 20+- feet from the westerly (front) property line, 36+- feet from the southeasterly section of the bulkhead (50+- ft. from the 9/19/97 high water line). The location of the septic system at the northwest area of the proposed dwelling, as approved 7/22/98 by the County Health Department, is approximately 120 feet from the high water line, 10 ft. from the westerly property line, and 100 feet from the proposed well near the northerly front property line. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: On the basis of testimony presented and personal inspection, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Given the width of the property, applicant needs a variance from the front yard setback requirement on the westerly side in order to build a house of reasonable width. Page 2 - Appl. No. 4667 and 4670 J. and L. Sk:a: 1000-31-14-9 ZBA Decision Rendered April 8, 1999 2. The sole purpose of the right-of-way abutting the property to the west is to give access to the waterfront lot immediately to the west. The right-of-way is not improved, and as a practical matter does not constitute a road. Thus, the westerly yard of applicant's proposed house is a front yard only in a technical sense. Because this yard will have the character of a side yard, grant of a variance allowing a setback of only 20 feet from the property line will not create an appearance that would produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or detriment to nearby properties. Together with the 15-foot easterly side yard setback, the two yards will satisfy the Code requirement that side yards be at least 15 feet deep and total at least 35 feet. 3. Given the shape of the property and the County Health Department requirements for siting the septic system, in order to build a house on their property, applicants need a variance from the requirement of a 75-foot bulkhead setback. 4. Applicant proposes to locate the house so that its southerly deck will be 36 feet from the bulkhead at its closest point. At the hearing on March 25, 1999, applicants indicated a willingness to locate the house further back from the bulkhead, to the extent feasible in light of the required location of the septic system. 5. Construction of the house five feet further back than proposed -- i.e., a setback of 41 feet at the closest point to the bulkhead -- will mitigate any potential undesirable effects on neighboring properties and will give maximum feasible effect to the Code's bulkhead setback requirement. 6. There are no factors present to suggest that grant of the relief set forth below will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. 7. Grant of the relief set forth below is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable applicant to construct a house on his property while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, welfare of the community. RESOLUTION/ACTION: On motion by Member Collins, seconded by Member Tortora, it was RESOLVED, to DENy the bulkhead setback applied for, and BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, TO GRANT ALTERNATIVE RELIEF with a 41 F~. setback from the bulkhead at its closest point; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to GRANT the setback from the westerly property line as applied for at 20 feet at its closest point. VOTE OF-THEB~YES: MEMBERS GOEHRINGER, DINIZIO, TORTORA, COLLINS. (~eng~a~r[lltom~qQ~lFiAh~rs ~sland was absent as agreed). This Re~lution was duly adopt~ (4- G~RD P. GO~HRI~G[R For Filin~ 4/14/99 v NOTICE OF PLrB/~C HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARDOF APPEALS THURSDAY, MARCH2$, 1999 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to Section 267of the town ~aw ahd the,Code oLthe Town of Southold, the following applications wilt ~1~ hald, for pubtio hc~ings by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF~.A~P~PEALS,'at thc $0uthotd Tow/i~Hall-, 53095 Main Road, South~idjN%w York 11971. on '11-1 LU~SDAy, MARCH 2S, 1999 at tha-fi/~e~:not~d ~e!ow (or as soon the~r~as p0~ble ): 6.'30~)~!m2 AppL No. 4652 -- BUILDING DEPARTMENT by EDWARD FORRESTER. This is a request for a Town-Wide Inter- pre. itoh with regard to the SouthoM Town Zoning code. tide Ill. Section 100-31C(1), cessoryBulid~gs and StmCthL~. for an answer, to the Building De- part~e~t's Question: "Is ~ structnre -- that was orie- ioa]~ '~lefi~nedand intended to _ be f&~ ~ehi~uhr use ~- a sxruc~ure that can:be construed to be acus- tomarv structure or use that is cioar~se?'; 6:~ p~m. Appl. No, 4662 -- PATRIClA RUSHIN & PAMELA MOT]CLEY. This is a request [or Variances under Article IlL Sections 10032, 10(L33, and Section 100-23~A(2) based.upon a Notice of Disapproval issued December 10, 1998i~thls pendlug subdivision pro- jcet.a~ follows: (~)~Insufficlent lot width for each g~d Parcel A:and II, [O~ m~,~ ~slngle4amliy~ dwel5 ~g use · on.each Parcel; (b)~Insufficieat lot area of pro* posed Parce! A; . (c) Insufficient side yards for each : proposed Parcel A and II (d) Insufficiem total side yards ~r each proposed Parcel ' and B. (e) Proposed :ParcePB -- with "no safe and conveniont ac- cess'L (f) Bathhouseslmctme on Parcel A. ~ Loeatlon of Property: 6850 Indian ~k Lanei,, Peeanic, NY; County ~Map Parcel 10O0-~-?-S (con- ~affilng 3.43-~ acres), R?~ ~o ~t~os ~O~L,CO. (ContinUation from February 23 1999). U~e Of abutting strip of Reddentia ly Zoned Land. NJs Main Road Orient, NY; part Of 1000-18-2- ~3. ~7:.00 p.m. Appl. No. 4660 -- EMPIRE PETROLEUM~ Contract and Southold ,Town Zoning Code. Article XXIM Section 100-2~4B and Articl~ XXIII~ section 100-239.4B for l~'mis~ion tO locate proposed dwe'lling Wi~h,setbacks at,te~ than 75 feet ff°m~e~sti~g b~lkhead and-lt~t~dO~q~t from tba front property line (~tcing priva~ right- of~w~y). L0~atlpn of pw~pt~rty: Pdva~ rigIn-~f-~ay ext~ffd~pg off tba~ slde'~t?Main 25)..East Marion, NY~ Parcel.1000- 31-14-9. ?:~0rp ,'~' Ap~LNo. 4663.~-- DR. Thin'is a mqnesl for a Variance under Article X~I~ section 100- 244B, based upon -a Notice o[ Disa~pproval issued January 2~/, 1999 fer approval of the setback feeation of an "as built" addition to dweging ioc~afed at 2485 Yennecot Drive, S0uthold, NY; County Tax Map Par ;I ~,$ Fan. App!. No. 4664 -- ~RT LIJS~ARTEN {Joseph Ta'~ nno. Contract Vendee)_This is a n quoSt for ~ Variance under A~ :le XXI~, Section t00-244B, . ba ~}upon a ~I~ o£Disapproval iss dJa~0ai'y<lg,~;1999 to c~,nstruct ne dweir~,~ ~er demolishing ex lng dwelling, which I~ilding ar, i.~lil ~xce~l, th~ ~tio~ for-~ lot co~n~se and be~3i~eatea I~ss tfimi 35 feel f~m the fro~ properly' line. Location of Pr~eny~ 25?$ Old Orchard Lane, Ear,Marion, NY; County Tax Map 705 p,m. AppL No. 4666 -- R~ER¥ AND JOYCE BARRY. Th~s~ is a request for a V;~riance under Article III-A, Section 100- 30~4, based ~upon a Notice of Df~ppro~al datod January ~ 1999 to,construct new detached two-car ga~e with second flo~r attic, locat- ed~i~ a yard other than the requited re~yard~ This p~rcel is a comer lot knOWn a~ 875 W~t Cove Rg~_d (at W~t L0o~6)~~ Nassau Point. Cutehogue, NY~ County Tax Map 10~1tl-348~ also referred to as Loti20 on the Subdivision: Map of ~7'~,8 ~ Appl. No. ~669 -- G~ ~E~.LDINE ~EREND~-This is a request f6r a~ Waiver of !~ under A~le II~ Section 100-26, regarding L~t #249, ~onsisting of pr~ximatoly 26,000 sq. ft. in area. sl~crwn on Amended Map A of N~ps~ au Point Club Properties. In the Nb~ce o~ Disapproval issued June 2~ ~998, tho T~n determined that th~[~il0t has beam,~/~ged With Lot ~ Locatio~0f? property: 5125 afi~5345 Vanston Road, Cutchogue` N~ Coufity Tax Map Parcels 100~ 1H~14-1 bed2..' /~ ~ Appl. No. '4671 -- S,I~JM. Narianc~ are requested ufi~er Article XXIM' Section 24~-A and Article III,' Section 100- 2. per. mission to .cbnstruct imaW~ie~ fce~ yard tO an R-go Residential Zone (Bgll Hill West Street), Fishers ~-.Map No. No. 4668 -- LI~iMBER This is a requesl for a under Article. XXIV~ sexton 100-241 -G, for p~nnission reinstate (re-~stablish) us~ as a lure- able for ~ day of STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFF.OLK) ~ ~O A F, {.1.) i ( { ~ of Mattimck, in said county, be'nag duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regu- larly published in said Newspaper once each week for / weeks successively, com~menci~g on the- ~ \+~' day of ,orc . 19 . t~ARY DIANA FOSTE~ ~ARY PU.~U~, S~ATE OF NEW YORK S , ~PtR~S, UGUST To: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL~1~ Date: February 5, Mr. John T. Sica 12860 Main Road, Route 25 East Marion, New York 11939 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated January 5 , 1999 For permit to Construction of a new single family dwelling with attached garage. Location of Property 12860 Main Road, East Marion, New York County Tax Map No. District 1000- Section 31 - Block 14 - Lot Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: a~ 11939 9 Under article XXIII.. Section 100-239.4B, Construction within 75' of a bulkhead is not permitted. The proposed single family dwelling and attached deck is approximately thirW six (36') feet from the existing bulkhead. Building Department To: Mr. Jo~u T. Sica TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL ~_/~ ~L Date: February 5, 1999 12860 Main Road, Rome 25 East Marion, New york 11939 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated January 5 , 1999 For permit to Construction of a new Single family dwelling with attached garage. Location of Property 12860 Main Road, County Tax Map No. District 1000 - Section 31 .Subdivision: Filed Map No. East Marion, New York Hamlet - Block 14 - Lot Lot No. Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: 11939 9 Under article I. Section 100-13. Defmitions: RIGHT-OF-WAY-LINES -- The boundary_ lines of land used or intended for use as streets, as Shown on deeds, plats or the Master Plan. and from which yard and other requirements shall be measured. Under article XXIV. Section 100-244. Nonconforming Lots: Lots in a R-40 District with areas between 20,000 & 39,999 square feet shall have a minimum from yard of forty (40') feet. The proposed width of the dweltine is fifty_ six (56') feet and six & one half (6-1/2") inches. With one side yard of fifteen (15') feet the remaining front yard would be approximately twenty (20'~ feet. ~i~ed ................. , 19 .... Approved 19 Vemit · . . ui~ a/c ~.~[ . - - H~IL TO: .................... APPLICATION ]gOR I~DILDI't/G 2EBHIT · Date ................ ,19 .... INSTRUCTIONS a. ~nis applicati°n msst be'c~le~ely filled in by ty/e~i~er or in h/c and =~t~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~or ~ 3 ~rs of pl~, ~ plot p~ W ~-~e. V~ ~ ~ ~- b. mot pla :~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ of ~lfl,~ a ~, ~ti~ip .~ ~j~ ~ ~ ~lic s~cs or ~, ~ ~ a ~1~ ~of ~ of ~ ~ ~ a~ m ~ ~ ~i~ is ~ of e. ~ ~ldi~ ~1 ~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~11 a ~i~ of ~ ~~~.~..~.i ............... ~i~ ~ of ...........~.. ........................... . . . -...~ ................................................... . ~ . ... . ....... . . . . ...................... . ........... ~ Of ~ O~ ~ ............... ~ ......... : ................... ..... . (~ ~ ~i~le of ~te offi~) Electricians L~n~e NO ...... Other Tra~'s License llo ..................... proposed ~ vi11 be ~ ............... 1. Locatico ~ ~ co ~2nich ............................................... ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ..~) .......... ~ .... li. ......... ~ ...~.~. ......... ~i~i~ ........................ 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Bi~iu of ~ti~ ~ ~i~l ~t 5t~ ~ . ..~. ......... ~ .... ~i~ ..... ~ ................ ~, o~ s~....no~.Cl) .......... ~.~,~ o~,0,, ~, .... a .............. ~..i~' ......... ~*....¢2!'Y~ ........ ,0. ~t~ o~ ~. 11. ~ ~ ~ dls~ct in ~i~ ~,~ m ~t~ ...... ~-JO .................................................. 12. ~ p,u~ ~C~Ci~ ~o~ ~ ~i~ 1~, ~i~ ~ ~latt~: . ..~.~ ................. }3. ~ill loc ~ 14. ~, o~ ~ o~ ,~ ..~ ..... ' ................. ~ ..~ ........................... ~ ~ .............. ~ o~ ~ttm~ ............................. ~m .............................. ~ ~ .............. ~ o~ ~t~ ............ N~ ............ ......... ~ ........ ~ .................... ~ ~ ..... -- 15. t~ ~Jm ~ ~m ~ ~ O~ m t~l ~tl~? * ~ ...~. .... ~ .......... ~OT ~ ~~ ....... (Contractor, ~en~, ,~,~,,,~te officer, etc.) of ~d ~r e ~rs, ~ is ~y ~r~ to ~ri~ ~ ~ ~t~ fl~ ~d ~t ~ to m~ ~ file this ,9~r~ to be[ore ~ ...... ~ ...... ~o~.3~_ ..,~.~.~... N~ 01DIMO~04 Town Clerk SOUthd~- TOWH OF SOUTIIOLD, NH YORI( APPEAL FROM DECISION OF OUILDIHG INSPECTOR T0 TI IE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTI-IOLD, N. Y ,. ....... ........ Street arid Number Nome of ~PpellOnt .......... .~.~..~..:..~.~..:..~.~.~ ............................................. ,~,~,Y ..... ~uniciP~llty Stole TIlE ZOH NG BOARD OF ~.P. PE~LS. FROM TIlE DECISION OF THE BUILI~II'IG INSPEgI'OR O1'1 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NC) ..................................... DATED ........ )..~..~. 2 WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO .Name~ 0f Applicant for permit of : .... ~i;';;,'i";~i'~;;i;~; ............................................................................................... Municipality State ( ) PERMIT TO'USE I ) PERMIT Far, OCCUPANCY i. ~ocA'nON DP TU~:,~o~w ..... ~$.£~...4~:~;;~.~,~....,F..~.~.~..~.~.....,....: ....... ~.... Street /llalatel; / Use District' on Zor'dng Map Dist:ricl; 1000 Sect:Jon'~ BlockJ~Lol: O~ C, rreni: Owner ~T~K//./ ~'. .,.~J~op No. ~-- , n · . //~./,,.~,o-.D~..~.l: ~-.~./'/.. ~.~, . Prior' 0ttner.., ,. 2, PROVISION (S).:OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not qtJole the Ordinance.) 3. TYPE OF ^PP~ALAppeOI Is made herewilh fat (p'le~e check .pproprinte box) ( ~ A VARIANCE t~the Zoning Ordinance or Zoi~h~g Map . ( } A VARIANCE due to lock, of oecess (Stole of New York Town Law Chap. 62. Cons. Lo~s Art. 16 C~ec. '>BOA, 'Subsecl|an 3 (.) 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (has) (ho._~s not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector ~r ~with respe.ct to this property. Such appeal was ( I request for a special permit { ) request for a variance and wa~ made Itl Appeal No ................................. Dated .............................~ ........................................ ( ) (~/) ( ) REASON FOR APPEAL A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 A Varlar*ce Io the Zonlr~g Ordinance Is requested for the reason tidal (Co~ttn.~.m or~ oilier side) (~O&~/]S -qO AEALrlOD (~FtIO~L M~N :TO ~o :z~:~o~:~qo ~qo, UT paonpo:zd ag &ON TTT~ a§ueqo aTc[~:~TSapu~ trd 'T ('sa=n~U~TS g~Ta ,,C~ssmoau ~T s~aags qoe~e OSTY) .-UOT~daoxa ~2 .,4