HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Audit - LVL, Inc 2010Gem Commercial Credit, Inc. 34026 Navin Dr. Livonia, MI 48152 Phone: 888-445-3108 TJ .ASE APPLICATION Please fax to Joan Modes for immediate processing Fax: 888-445-3109 COMPANY INFORMATION company Legal Name d/b/a Street Address County City/State/Zip Code Bus. Phone Fax Number Years in Business E mail address Federal Tax I.D. # Please Check: [] Corporation [] S Corp. []Partnership [] Proprietorship [] LLC OWNER/PRINCIPAL INFORMATION Name Home Address City/st/Zip Soc. Sec. # Title % of Ownership Name Home Address City/St/Zip Soc. Sec. # Title % of Ownership If additional Principals~ please include on additional sheet. BANK INFORMATION Name of Bank Contact Account # Phone Number How Many Years? Other Loan, or Trade References: Acct. # Phone Number: Other Loan, or Trade References: Acct. # Phone Number: I authorize Gem Commemial Credit, Inc., its assignees, or designees to obtain such information as may be required concerning the statements made in this lease application, and agree that the application shall remain your property, whether or not credit is granted. I also agree that the information regarding the account may be given to a credit bureau. I affirm that I have carefully read each of the answers given to the forgoing questions and agree that they are correct. Signature of Applicant X Date: VENDOR INFORMATION AND LEASE TERMS Vendor Name and Address: Cost: $ Contact: Equipment Description: Lease Term: [] 24 [] 36 [] 48 [] 60 [] Other Purchase Options: [~ $1.00 [] 10% of Equipment Cost Phone Number: Fair Market Value [] Other Page 1 of 1 Peter Meeker From: Joan Modes [joanmodes@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday. July 15, 2010 11:14 AM To: peter@lvlenergy.com Subject: RE: Muni Credit Application ! just need them to fill in the name of the town on my standard application along with the billing address. [n the dba section, the name of the division that is getting the installation such as the Fire Dept, School, Library etc. Besides that, ! would simply need a copy of their current budget and the contact information for their purchasing agent who would be responsible for issuiing a purchase order. loan Modes Gem Commercial Credit, Inc. ph: 888-445-3108 fax: 888-445-3109 www. qemcredit, net Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 09:00:01 -0400 From: peter@lvlenergy.com Subject: Muni Credit Application To: joanmodes@hotmail.com Joan, Do you have a credit application especially for municipalities? The one I have is cleady designed for companies. If so, please email a copy. Thanks. Regards, Peter Meeker Director LVL, Inc. 631-276-3202 7/15/2010 LVL, inc. 1020 Seawood Drive · Southold, NY 11971 ° 631-276-3202 peter@LVLENERGY, com· www. LVLENERGY. com Dear Board Members, I am offering this statement into the record because I found little information on the last lighting retrofit (1994) when I did my research. Most of the information came from news articles and anecdote. This outline, coupled with the comprehensive audit report, will provide a complete record of what will be done here in 2010 and thus be totally transparent. As I have said before, this project was a stiff challenge. We were charged with the task of achieving two goals: 1. provide better, adequate lighting and 2. save money through the reduction of consumption. We managed to achieve both goals. In addition, the new lighting eqm'pment will be standardized so only a few components will exist throughout the Town and replacement parts will be available through any commercial supplier. I think the town employees will be much happier with the new lighting design, and the Town can look forward to at least a $393,360. savings over the life of the project. The cost is less than the poorly designed, draconian installation of 16 years ago. The performance contract will be structured so that a positive cash flow of $88. per month for the first 42 months will be realized, after which, $19,688. will be returned to the Town each year- at today's utility rates. Since the savings is a percentage, the dollar amount goes up with increases in electric rates. Rates are not expected to go down. LVL, Inc. is an engineering/design company speciab~ing in electrical efficiency programs. We lake a holistie approach to reducing KWH. We have a suite of technologies proven to reduce consumption. This lighting retrofit represents the low hanging fruit throughout the Town. There is more that can be done, for example, the 10.41% of A/C load shown on the "Load Breakdown' page, but that decision can be made sometime in the future. LVL also has a solution to the exorbitant, in some cases unnecessary, street lighting cost problem. One important energy saving measure that can and should be done is a "total employee compliance with energy conservation program". What that comes down to is education and enforcement. A top down approach is n'e~essary. Enforcement can be softened by the use of incentives as a means of achieving conservation goals set up and publicized in advance. Even small, inexpensive trophies, name recognition badges or publications, or other coveted giveaways will go a long way in sparking an energy eouseious culture at work where people can feel motivated and appreciated. The overall savings to the Town's operating costs can be si~ificant. Large corporations are now utilizing this program. I am willing to take questions at the work session scheduled for August 24, 2010. I will also be prepared to expand on the suggestion of a conservation compliance program. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. Thank you. This detailed energy package has been especially prepared for Town of Southold LVL, Inc. 1020 Seawood Drive Southold, NY 11971 (631) 276-3202 The Practical Energy Company Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Bi li 9 Histow Month kWh Demand Days kWh/Day 5 / 2009 34,664.0 6 / 2009 42,630,0 7 / 2009 51,892.0 8 / 2009 58,574.0 9 / 2009 47,178.0 10 / 2009 34,960.0 11 / 2009 37,602.0 12 / 2009 42,560.0 I / 2010 44,174.0 2 / 2010 48,860.0 3 / 2010 40,184.0 4 / 2010 38,498.0 Cost 29.0 1,195.3 $ 6,478,00 32.0 1,332.2 $ 8,621.00 30.0 1,729.7 $10,11600 32.0 1,830.4 $11,210.00 290 1,626.8 $ 9,049.00 30.0 1,165.3 $ 6,262.00 32.0 1,175,1 $ 6,158.00 31.0 1,372.9 $ 7,359.00 29.0 1,523.2 $ 7,633.00 28.0 1,7450 $ 8,482.00 32.0 1,255.8 $ 7,141.00 30.0 1,283.3 $ 7,141.00 Annual Total 521,776.0 Averages 43,481,3 Highest 58,574,0 Lowest 34,664,0 364.0 17,235.1 $ 95,650.00 30.3 1,436.3 $ 7,970.83 32.0 1,830.4 $11,210.00 28.0 1,165.3 $ 6,158.00 Billing History $12,000 $ 10,000 $ 8,OOO $ 6,000 $ 4,000 $ 2,00O $0 (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Kilowatt-hours (kWh) is the actual amount of energy used. KW Demand Penalty is an additional charge based upon the maximum amount of running load during the month. kWH History 60,000.0 50,000.0 40,000.0 30,000.0 0 ~ 20,000.0 10,000.0 The Demand Penalty is usually measured during the highest thirty minute period of use during the month and is reset to zero each time the meter is read Demand History 10 0.9 0.8 0,7 05 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Cost & Load Analysis It's interesting to note how much your company spends for electricity. Your company's total cost for power is much higher than the published Kilowatt-Hour Rate. It includes items like fuel adjustment sumharges, demand penalties, basic service charge and sometimes sales tax and/or power factor penalties. The actual total cost for each kWh used will vary each month, depending on the charges added into your electric bill. Average Daily Average Cost Load kWh per kW of Month Electric Cost per kWh Factor* Demand 5 / 2009 $ 223.38 $ 0.19 6 / 2009 $ 269.41 $ 0.20 7 / 2009 $ 337.20 $ 0.19 8/2009 $ 350.31 $ 0.19 9/2009 $ 312.03 $ 0.19 10/2009 $ 208.73 $ 0.18 11 / 2009 $192.44 $ 0.16 12 / 2009 $ 237.39 $ 0.17 1/2010 $263.21 $0.17 2 / 2010 $ 302.93 $ 0.17 3/2010 $223.16 $0.18 4 / 2010 $ 238.03 $ 0.19 * The Load Factor is a ratio of kwh use to the Demand Penalty incurred. You will pay the same Demand Penalty for operating a given piece of equipment whether it is used for 720 hours, or just thirty minutes during the month. Like paying rent on a building, you would pay the same rent if you occupied the building 24 hours a day as you would if you occupied it for only eight hours. If you view the Demand Penalty as "rent" on the electric company's generator, then the higher the Load Factor, the more efficient the use of the electdc company's generator. Utility companies like to see a high Load Factor. A Load Factor of 100% would mean that you are operating all of your electrical load twenty-four hours a day, every day. A Load Factor of greater than 100% would indicate a billing error. (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold E ectdcal Cost Pro ection For more than a decade, energy costs have been increasing at a rate much higher than the general rate of inflation, In some areas, averaging more than fifteen percent (15%) annually. Increasing costs of fuel, construction of new generating capacity and clean air (and-pollution) requirements will assure spiraling costs. The following table illustrates the effect of gradual rate increases over the next five years if electric rates increase only a modest 5% a year and you continue to operate as you have. It does not include increased electrical use due to expansion or growth of your business, Neither does it reflect reduced use resulting from conservation efforts. Month Current Year One Year 5 / 2009 $ 6,478 $ 6,802 6 / 2009 $ 8,621 $ 9,052 7/2009 $10 $10,622 8 / 2009 $11 $11,771 9/2009 $ 9,501 10 / 2009 $ 6,262 $ 6,575 11 / 2009 $ 6,466 12 / 2009 $ 7,359 $ 7,727 1 / 2010 $ 7,633 $ 8,015 2 / 2010 $ 8,482 $ 8,906 3 / 2010 $ 7,141 $ 7,498 4/2010 $ 7,141 $ 7,498 Totals $ 95,650 $100,433 Two Years Three Years Four Years Five Years $ 7,142 $ 7,499 $ 7,874 $ 8,268 $ 9,505 $ 9,980 $10,479 $11,003 $11,153 $11,711 $12,296 $12,911 $12,359 $12,977 $13,626 $14,307 $ 9,977 $10,475 $10,999 $11,549 $ 6,904 $ 7,249 $ 7,612 $ 7,992 $ 6,789 $ 7,129 $ 7,485 $ 7,859 $ 8,113 $ 8,519 $ 8,945 $ 9,392 $ 8,415 $ 8,836 $ 9,278 $ 9,742 $ 9,351 $ 9,819 $10,310 $10,825 $ 7,873 $ 8,267 $ 8,680 $ 9,114 $ 7,873 $ 8,267 $ 8,680 $ 9,114 $105,454 $110,727 $116,263 $122,076 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 $ 8,000 $ 6,000 $ 4,000 $ 2,000 $0 I~Current Year mFive Years (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Load Breakdown We made a careful inventory of the electrical loads connected to your meter(s). We then placed them into several primary categories and show them as a percentage of the total connected load. If all of these loads were permitted to operate simultaneously during the same thirty minute period, your electric bill would show about one (1) kW of Demand for each horsepower. For ease of comparison, we converted lighting wattage to horsepower, Again, one horsepower is approximately equal to one kW of load (or Demand). Lighting Refrigeration Air Conditioning Resistive Equipment Totals Horsepower Percent of Load 5Z16 16.30% 6.70 2.09% 33.3O 10.41% 210,17 65.67% 17.70 5.53% 32003 100.00% Percent of Load aLighting la Refrigeration OAir Conditioning oResistiv~ la Equipment (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Cost Breakdown Your electric bills are not itemized and give no indication how much you spend each month to light your facility, operate your air-conditioning, equipment, etc. In order to solve a problem, it is useful to first identify it. The following information will help you determine how you spend your money for electricity. We began by obtaining the wattage of each Icad during our physical survey. Then, by determining the hours of operation of these loads, we calculated the average annual kilowatt-hour use and cost. The results may surprise you. Average Average Percentage kWh/Month Cost/NIonth Cost Lighting: 16,946.7 $ 3,106.61 38.97% Refrigeration 3,170.4 $ 581.19 7,29% Air Conditioning 5,294.6 $ 970,59 12.18% Resistive 16,865.7 $ 3,091.76 38.79% Equipment 1,203.8 $ 220.68 2.77% Total 43,481.3 $ 7,970.83 10000% Percentage Cost 13Lighting la Refrigeration OAir Conditioning f~ Resistive I~Equipment (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Savings ?ro]ection The project we are recommending is an integrated system comprising several proven technologies. They work together to improve the overall efficiency of many of the loads in your facility, Based on our inventory of your electrical loads, we determined which technologies will apply and how many kilowatt-hours (and kW) would be avoided for each of these loads. The table below shows the results for the five primary categories and the annual savings, averaged on a monthly basis. Lighting Refrigeration Air Conditioning Resistive Equipment Torsi kWh Saved 7,213,6 Percent of Bill Monthly Saved Savings 16.59% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 000% $1,322 $0 $0 $0 $0 7,213.6 16.59% $1,322 t~onth~y Savings Projection I~1 Refrigeration aAir Conditioning aResistJve I~lEquipment (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Environmental Benefits Corporate organizations ara increasingly recognizing that climate change is a major strategic, economic, and competitive issue. Companies now realize that taking action on climate change by incorporating projects such as this one will improve their competitive position in the marketplace. Emissions reduced by this custom-designed Energy Project include carbon dioxide (the primary greenhouse gas causing global warming), sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and memury. We have calculated the annual environmental savings based on implementing the proposed energy project. Based on your annual energy savings of 86,563.6 kWh, you will be saving: · 135,255.6 Pounds of Carbon Dioxide · 50.2 Barrels of Oil · 38.1 Tons of Coal · 1,018.4 Pounds of Suffur Dioxide This is equivalent to removing the carbon dioxide emissions of 11 vehicles per year. It is well documented that energy projects: · demonstrate and capture value of reduced emissions from energy efficiency · enhance property values · increase productivity and potential labor cost savings · enchance image as a responsible corporate citizen · enhance image as a well-managed company (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Outright Purchase The project we ara racommending is a complete turnkey system. It comprises several technologies that are detailed elsewhere in this proposal. The project cost includes all the engineering, equipment, installation labor and post-installation service and warranties. The equipment we ara installing is modular, and therefore will never become obsolete. As your business expands, additional equipment can be easily installed to cover new loads. It also means that in the unlikely event of a component failura, only a fractional port of the system will be inoperative for a short time. For all practical purposes, the savings would be unaffected. The following table outlines the financial considerations of the project. A well executed energy conservation program is probably the best investment your company can make. Flint, this is new profit that is available immediately. Second, by carefully selecting the methods and technologies, you can gain a rate of return on investment that is probably much greater than can be earned in your normal business operations. By '~vell executed" we mean a program that saves energy costs by incraasing overall efficiency without sacrificing either comfort or the way you operate your business and without committing further resources. Project Cost*: Average Monthly Savings: Annual Savings: $ 79,342.53 $1,322.38 $15,868.51 Simple Payback Period: Rate of Return (R.O.I.): 60.0 months 20.00% * Purchase Price is good for 45 days. (R1) Praparad on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold IRS Section 179 Savings Under Section 179, businesses that spend less than $ 530,000.00 a year on qualified equipment, can wdte off up to $134,000.00 for the current year. The rules are designed for small companies, so the $134,000.00 deduction phases out when a business pumhases more than $ 530,000.00 in one year. (Companies cannot write off more than their taxable income). Project Cost: Section 179 Deduction: $ 79,342.53 $ 79,342.53 1st Year Depreciation Deduction: Total 1et Year Deductions: $ 0.00 $ 79,342.53 Assumed Tax Bracket: Cash Savings: 35.00% $ 27,769.88 After Tax Project Cost: After Tax Payback Period: $ 51,572.64 39.0 months The total cost of property that may be expensed for any tax year cannot exceed the total amount of taxable income dudng the tax year. Section 179 property is property that you acquire by purchase for use in the active conduct of your business. To ensure property qualifies, reference Publication 946. Under Section 179, equipment purchases, up to the amount approved for a given year, can be expensed (deducted from taxable income) if installed by December 31 of that year. Non-Tax leases qualify for this deduction in their year of inception. Any excess above the expensed amount can be depreciated depending on the equipment type. Not all states follow federal law. Contact your tax advisor for further detail or visit www. irs.gov for specific detail. (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Tax Savings The system will qualify for depreciation allowances, however, we don't presume to offer accounting advice. The following table is for illustrative purposes and makes certain assumptions regarding your company's tax bracket (Federal and State) and the method of depreciation your accountant will use. We're showing a straight-line depreciation over five years with a salvage value of 10%. Annual Allowance: Assumed Tax Bracket: $14,281.65 35.00% Annual Tax Savings: Total Tax Savings: $ 4,998.58 $ 24,992.90 Project Cost: $ 79,342.53 Less Tax Savings: $ 24,992.90 Net Cost: $ 54,349.63 After Tax R.O.I.: 29.20% Payback Period*: 41.1 * For the purpose of showing the after tax Payback Period, we used the pro-rata depreciation allowance up to the time the project cost is paid back. That means you will have several more years of tax savings that have not been applied to the after tax Payback Period. (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold nvestment Comparison The table below illustrates why we believe this project is one of the best financial investments your company can make. Let's assume you are looking to invest a sum equal to the cost of this system. Like this system, you would want an investment that was safe, required no management responsibilities, and offered the highest rate of return possible consistent with the foregoing requirements. Let's further assume that you found a Certificate of Deposit that paid 3.0% interest and you let the interest accumulate and compound, How would the CD compare with the results of this system over twenty years (the reasonable life of the equipment) if electric rates increase an average of only 5% annually? 3.0% Certificate of Accumulated Percent Year Deposit Electric Difference 1 $ 81,723 $ 16,662 -79.6% 2 $ 84,174 $ 34,157 -59.4% 3 $ 86,700 $ 52,527 -39.4% 4 $ 89,301 $ 71,815 -19.6% 5 $ 91,980 $ 92,068 0.1% 6 $ 94,739 $ 113,333 19~6% 7 $ 97,581 $ 135,662 39.0% 8 $ 100,509 $ 159,107 58.3% 9 $ 103,524 $ 183,724 77.5% 10 $ 106,630 $ 209,572 96.5% 11 $ 109,829 $ 236,713 115.5% 12 $ 113,123 $ 265,2t0 134.4% 13 $ 116,517 $ 295,132 153.3% 14 $ 120,013 $ 326,551 172.1% 15 $ 123,613 $ 359,541 190,9% 16 $ 127,32I $ 394,179 209.6% 17 $ 131,141 $ 430,550 228.3% 18 $ 135,075 $ 468,740 247.0% 19 $ 139,128 $ 508,839 265.7% 20 $ 143,301 $ 550,943 284.5% $ 600,000 $ 500,000 $ 4OO,OOO $ 300,000 $ 200,000 $100,000 $0 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold Lease Purchase A project of this type is perfect for Lease/Purchasing, or financing. If your company qualifies, leasing can be an extremely convenient way to get started. Your investment is minimal, and is usually recovered through the savings in the first month or two. From then on, as you will see, the savings created will exceed your lease payment. This provides a PROFIT or NET GAIN every month until the lease term expires. When the lease has run its course, all the monthly savings will be yours to keep. Because a lease payment is 100% tax deductible, the after tax profit each month can be quite dramatic. As part of our service, we can arrange the financing for you, or you may use your own bank or leasing company for a more favorable rate. Average Monthly Electric Costs: $ 7,970.83 Total Monthly Savings: Monthly Lease: Monthly Profit: $1,322.38 $1,804.25 -$ 481.87 Annual Profit: -$ 5,782.48 Paybacks greater than 41 months may reflect a negative profit. After Tax Lease* Average Monthly Electric Costs: $ 7,970.83 Total Monthly Savings: After Tax Monthly Lease: After Tax Monthly Profit: $1,322.38 $1,172.76 $149.61 After Tax Annual Profit: $1,795.36 * For illustrative purposes, we used: Tax Bracket: 35.00% Lease Term: 60 Months Purchase Option: 1 Dollar Lease Factor: 0.02274 (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southold The entire pie represents the average monthly savings on your electric bill. The savings that are used to lease the system and the amount left over as new profit are indicated. At the end of the lease term, all of the pie will be profit, As electric rates continue to climb, the pie will become larger because your overall savings will increase. Your share of the pie will be larger because your lease payment remains the same. Lease/Purchase of System .$1,8~ la Monthiy Lease I~ Monthly Profit After Tax Lease of System ~$1,173 I~After Tax Monthly Lease aAfter Tax Monthly Profit (R1) Prepared on Jury 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc, Energy Audit and Proposal for Town Of Southoid Cumulative Lease Profit Accumulated Total Lease Year Savings Payments Accumulated Profit 1 $16,662 $ 21,651 -$ 4,989 2 $ 34,157 $ 43,302 -$ 9,145 3 $ 52,527 $ 64,953 -$12,426 4 $ 71,815 $ 86,604 -$14,789 5 $ 92,068 $108,255 -$16,187 6 $113,333 $108,255 $ 5,078 7 $135,662 $108,255 $ 27,407 8 $159,107 $108,255 $ 50,852 9 $183,724 $108,255 $ 75,469 10 $ 209,572 $108,255 $101,317 11 $ 236,713 $ 108,255 $128,458 12 $ 265,210 $108,255 $156,955 13 $ 295,132 $108,255 $186,878 14 $ 326,551 $108,255 $ 218,296 15 $ 359,541 $108,255 $ 251,286 16 $ 394,179 $108,255 $ 285,925 17 $ 430,550 $108,255 $ 322,295 18 $ 468,740 $108,255 $ 360,485 19 $ 508,839 $108,255 $ 400,584 20 $ 550,943 $108,255 $ 442,688 Cumulative Lease Profit $ 600,000 $ 500,000 $ 400,000 $ 3o0,000 $ 200,000 $100,000 $0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mTotal Lease Payments 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I~Accumulated Savings (R1) Prepared on July 9, 2010 by LVL, Inc. Energy Conservation Lighting Upgrade Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Energy Manager Detailed Fixture Summary Existing System: 235 Units Total Propa~d System: 245 Uni~ Total 1 unit - 60w Incandescent A60 1 unit - 13w CFL 15 units - 2L9w FI LED 15 units - EZXTEU2RW 2 units - 2L9w Fl LED 2 units - CXTEU2RW 2 units - 250w High Pressure Sodium Wall 2 units - EWP 354 UV 1PS E PC 841A(49w) Pack 6 units - 70w High Pressure Sodium Wall 6 units - EWP 224 UV IPS E PC 841A Pack 4 units - 70w, 150w, 250w Exterior HPS 4 units - No Change 4 units - 1L32 4 units - RL 132 841ADV 2 units - 2L32 Strip 2 units - RL 232 841ADV I unit - 4L32 Strip 1 unit - RL 432 841ADV 3 units - 2L40TI2 Wrap 3 units - RLRB 232 UV 1LI 841ADV 2 units - 3L40T12 Industrial 2 units - RLRB 232 UV 1SI 841ADV 2 units - 3L40T12 Industrial 2 units - S 132 UV 1HI W(I) 841ADV 2 units - 1L20TI2 2 units - VL 117 UV 1Ll W 841ADV None I unit- SB D23 14 132 UV lH1 B 841ADV None 1 unit - WE 232 UV 1Ll W 841ADV 15 units - lx4 IL32T8 Surface 15 units - TRD23 14 132 UV IHI B 841ADV 87 units - lx4 1L32T8 Surface 87 units - TR D23 14 132 UV 1Lt B 841ADV 45 units - lx4 IL40TI2 Surface & Rec 45 units - TR D23 14 132 UV 1LI B 841ADV 16 units- lx4 IL32T8 Surface 16 units- TR D23 14 132 UV 1PSL B 841ADV 2 units - lx4 2L32T8 Surface 2 units - TR D23 14 232 UV 1Ll B 841ADV 1 unit - lx4 2L40T12 Surface 1 unit - TR D23 14 232 UV ILl B 841ADV 2 units - 2x2 2U40T12 Surface 2 units - TR D23 22 2U32 UV 1Ll B 841 9 units - 2x4 2L40TI 2 Surface 9 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1Ll B 841ADV l0 units - 2x4 2L32T8 Surface & Rec 10 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1LI B 841ADV 1 unit - 60w Incandescent A60 1 unit - 23w CFL 1 unit - 60w Incandescent A60 1 unit - OET D23 24 232 UV 1PSL B 841ADV None 8 units - LHMTS1 Initial & submit with Proposal page:. Energy Conservation Lighting Upgrade Police Station Main Road Peconic, NY 11958 Attn: Energy Manager Detailed Fixture Summary Existing System: 119 Uaits Total Proposed System: 136 Uaits Total 5 units - 75w Incandescent 5 units - 15w CFL (R30) 13 units - 75w Incandescent 13 units - 26w CFL (R40) 4 units - 60w Incandescent 4 units - 23w CFL 5 units - 2L9w FL Exit 5 units - EZXTEU2RW I unit - 100w Metal Halide Wall Pack 1 unit - EWP 224 UV 1PS E PC 841A 6 units - 100w & 175w Exterior MH 6 units - No Change None 1 unit - OET D23 24 232 UV IPSL B 841ADV 4 units - lx4 1L32T8 Recessed 4 units - OET D23 24 132 UV 1PSL B 841ADV 6 units - 2L20TI2 Strip 6 units - RLRB 217 UV 1PSL 841ADV 1 unit - 2L32T8 lndus~xial 1 unit - RL 232 841ADV 2 units ~ 200w Incandescent 2 units - S 232 UV 1Ll 841ADV 2 units - 2L96T12 Strip 2 units - SRSBT 132 UV 1PSH B(S) 841ADV 1 unit - 2L96T12 Strip 1 unit - SRSBT 154 UV 1 PS B(l) OS 850A(49w) 4 units - 2L96T12 Strip 4 units - SRSBT 4.25" 132 UV 1PSH B(S) 841ADV 3 units - 2L96HO T12 Strip 3 units - SRSBT 4.5" 232 UV 1SI+ B(S) 841ADV 24 units - lx4 1L32T8 Recessed 24 units - TR D23 14 132 UV 1Ll B 841ADV 3 units - lx4 1L32T8 Recessed 3 units - TR D23 14 132 UV 1PSL B 841ADV 8 units - 2x4 4L40T12 Recessed 8 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1HI B 841ADV 2 units - 2x4 2L32T8 Recessed 2 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1Ll B 841ADV 5 units - 2x4 4L32T8 Recessed 5 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1PSH B 841ADV 4 units - 2x4 3L32T8 Recessed 4 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1PSH B 841ADV 16 units - 2x4 2L32T8 Recessed 16 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1PSL B 841ADV None 1 unit- PIR10P & UVPP None 15 units - LHMTS1 Initial & submit with Proposal page: Energy Conservation Lighting Upgrade Southold Highway Depurtmem Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958 Attn: Energy Manager Existing System: 150 Units Total 11 units: 60W & 100W Incandescent units: 75W R40 Incandescent 3 units: 2L 13W CFL Exit 15 units: 200W Incandescent units: 200W Incandescent units: 250W High Pressure Sodium units: 1000W Quartz - Flood units: 4L 40 TI2 - 2x4 unit: 175W MH - Cobra Head 5 units: 2L 40 TI2 - Strip I 1 units: 200W Incandescent ~ units: 2L FC12 T9 units: 2L 40 TI2 - Industrial 35 units: 2L 96 T12 - Strip units: 2L 96 T12 - Strip 7 units: 2L 96 T12 - Industrial 20 units: 2L 96 T12HO & 4L 96 TI2 units: 2L 96 TI2 - Industrial 2 units: 2L 96 T12HO - Strip unit: IL 20 TI2 unit: 2L 96 T12 - Strip unit: 8L 40 TI2 - 8' Wrap None None None None Detailed Fixture Summary Proposed System: 167 Units Total I 1 units: 23W CFL units: 26W R40 CFL - 4100K units: EZXTEU2RW - LED Exit units: Gl0 454 UV 1PS E OC C6 OS 850ES (49W) units: Gl6 554 UV 2PS E QC C6 850ES (49W) units: No Change units: No Change units: OET D23 24 232 UV 1PSH B 841ADV unit: Remove units: RLRB 232 UV IPSL 850ADV 13 units: S 254 UV 1PS B(S) 850ES (49W) units: SB D23 22 217 UV 1PSL B 841ADV unit: SRSB12T 232 UV 2Ll B 850ADV 35 units: SRSBT 132 UV IHI B 850ADV units: SRSBT 132 UV 1PSH B 850ADV units: SRSBT 232 UV 1Ll B 850ADV 20 units: SRSBT 232 UV IPSH B 850ADV units: SRSBT 232 UV IPSL B 850ADV units: SRSBT 232 UV 1SI+ B 841ADV unit: VL ll7UV ILI W 841ADV unit: WET 132 UV 1PSH W 841ADV unit: WET 232 UV 1PSH W 841ADV 1 units: PIR10P - Ceiling Sensor unit: Lutron Sensor units: LHMTSI - Wall Switch Sensor 6 units: HBA UVPP - Relay Initial & submit with Proposal page: Energy Conservation Lighting Upgrade Human Resources / Nutritional Center 750 Pacific Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Attn: Energy Manager Detailed Fixture Summary Existing System: 54 Units Total Proposed System: 64 Units Total None 3 units - OET D23 24 232 UV IPSL B 841ADV None 1 unit - OET D23 14 132 UV 1LI B 841ADV 4 traits - 2L9w FL Exit 4 units - EZXTEU2RW 4 units - 400w High Pressure Sodium Pole 4 units - No Change Mount 1 unit - 175w Metal Halide Mushroom 1 tmit - No Change I unit - lx4 1L32T8 Recessed 1 unit - TR D23 14 132 UV lH1 B 841ADV 11 units - 1 x4 1L32T8 Recessed 11 units - TR D23 14 132 UV 1 L1 B 841ADV 1 unit - lx4 1L32T8 Recessed 1 unit - TRD23 14 132 UV 1PSL B 841ADV 25 units - 2x4 2L32T8 Recessed 25 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1L1 B 841ADV 7 units - 2x4 2L32T8 Recessed 7 units - TR D23 24 232 UV 1PSL B 841ADV None 6 units - LHMTS 1 Cost of Delay {with HVAC) Paragon Electric believes that this is one of the most important charts contained within this presentation. Energy is one of the highest expenses associated with operating your facility. As such, this lighting upgrade project will greatly reduce your operating expenses. With energy costs on the rise, this chart takes a "Static View" of your savings potential: Per Day, Per Week, Per Month, and finally Per Year. That's right...for every day that you delay, at your current kWh and operating expenditures, you spend this much more than you have to! Losses Avoided per Day - $1.05 Losses Avoided per Week - $7.35 Losses Avoided per Month - $31.86 Losses Avoided per Year - $382.32 Initial & submit with Proposal page: Commercial Credit. Inc. July 12, 2010 LEASE OPTIONS FOR SOUTHOLD NY Ol~rlON 1 PROJECT COST: $79,342,53 60 Months ~ $1551.42 OPTION ;Z 60 MONTHS @ $1322.38 (EQUAL TO THEIR PROJECTED MONTHLY SAVINGS FUNDING MAXIMUM: $68500 1~t payment upfront, $1.00 Buyout at the end Please call for pricing if quotation price changes. Subject to credit review. Ten Advantages in Leasing: 1. Saves Cash - no money down. :Z. Usually longer term available, resulting in, lower monthly payment. q. Fast and convenient - less hassle for long term borrowing. 4. Tax benefits, such as faster write-off; more rapid amortization than possible with depreciation. 5. Allows cost-cutting or profit making equipment to be installed immediately. 6. Pays for equipment out of before-tax savings rather than after-tax profits. 7. Leverage - leaves normal lines of bank credit undisturbed. 8. Avoids alternate corporate minimum tax. 9. May increase the firm's ability to acquire funds, plus does not dilute ownership. :10. Creates or maintains working capital for inventory, accounts receivable, other expenses. Thank you for the opportunity to present you with this quotation. Gem Commercial Credit, Inc. Joan Modes, Your Leasing Representative PH: 248-477-2170 FAX: 248-477-2144 imodes~gemcredit.net Page 1 of 1 Peter Meeker From: Joan Modes [joanmodes@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:14 AM To: peter@lvlenergy.com Subject: RE: Muni Credit Application I just need them to fill in the name of the town on my standard application along with the billing address. In the dba section, the name of the division that is getting the installation such as the Fire Dept, School, Library etc. Besides that, I would simply need a copy of their current budget and the contact information for their purchasing agent who would be responsible for issuiing a purchase order. ]oan Modes Gem Commercial Credit, Inc. ph: 888-445-3108 fax: 888-445-3]09 www. qerncredit, net Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 09:00:01 -0400 From: peter@lvlenergy.com Subject: Muni Credit Application To: joanmodes@hotmail,com Joan, Do you have a credit application especially for municipalities? The one I have is cleady designed for companies. If so, please email a copy. Thanks. Regards, Peter Meeker Director LVL, Inc. 631-276-3202 7/15/2010 Gem Commercial Credit, Inc. 34026 Navin Dr. Livonia, MI 48152 Phone: 888-445-3108 LF. ASE APPLICATION Please fax to Joan Modes for irm'nediate processing Fax: 888-445-3109 COMPANY INFORMATION Company Legal Name d/b/a Street Address County City/State/Zip Code Bus. Phone Fax Number Years in Business E mail address Federal Tax I.D. # Please Check: [] Corporation [] S Corp. []Partnership [] Proprietorship [] LLC OWNER/PRINCIPAL INFORMATION Name Home Address City/St/Zip Soc. Sec. # Title % of Ownership. Name Home Address City/St/Zip Soc. Sec. # Title % of Ownership If additional Principals, please include on additional sheet. BANK INFORMATION Name of Bank Contact Account # Phone Number How Many Years? Other Loan, .o~ Trade References: Acct. # Phone Number: Other Loan, or Trade References: Acct. # Phone Number: I authorize Gem Commercial Credit, Inc., its assignees, or designees to obtain such information as may be required concerning the statements made in this lease application, and agree that the application shall remain your property, whether or not credit is granted. I also agree that the information regarding the account may be given to a credit bureau. I affirm that I have carefully read each of the answers given to the forgoing questions and agree that they are correct. Signature of Applicant X Date: VENDOR INFORMATION AND LEASE TERMS Vendor Name and Address: Cost: $ Contact: Equipment Description: Lease Term: [] 24 [] 36 [] 48 [] 60 [] Other Purehase Options: [] $1.00 [] 10 % of Equipment Cost Phone Number: [] Fair Market Value [] Other