HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/2010ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York l 1971'0959 Fax (631) 765-906,1 Telephone (631) 765-I809 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (for Distributiou to Supervisor Russell and Town Board Members) Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA Chairperson/Department Head ~' MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORT for: July 2010 August 5, 2010 II. Requires Immediate Attention: The newly adopted code changes regarding accessory apartments in principal dwellings, now as of right, and in accessory structures by special exception of the ZBA, requires tile transference of code standards and rental pemfits to the Building Departmeut in the first instance, and the creation of new application instructions and determinations of findings template for Board use in the second instance. To expedite putting new documents, policies m~d procedures in place, the Chairperson called a meeting with Town Attorneys Martin Finnegan and Jemfi fer Andaloro. Special Projects Coordinator Phillip Beltz, and ZBA Secretary Vicki Toth on July 9, 2010. As a result, the Chairperson has drafted the necessary new documents and, based upon discussions at the meeting, Asst TA Andaloro has drawn up a list recommendations to thc Board to consider regarding variance relief from the code for accessory apartments in principal dxvellings. The Chairperson has scheduled an extra legally noticed meeting of the Board to review and discuss all of these documents and recommendations on August 5,2010, The Assr TA will also be present. Items of Concern: Complex applications for appeals before the Board are becoufing more fi-equent and the numbers of public hearings at monthly Regular Meetings has been increased, leaving little time for deliberations on those days. It is most importaut that the decisions we render incorporate the best thinking and full participation of all 5 Board members. To avoid prolonged delays in reaching those decisions, the ZBA continues to respect fully request that the Town purchase and install the equipment that will enable Member Homing to deliberate and vote on decisions from Fishers Island at our monthly Special Meetings. As an interim measure, Member Horning will be telecon fcrcncing with thc Board at Special Meetings, and relYaining from voting. Carryover We are waiting for £eedback fi'om the Workplace Violence Prevention team regarding improving staff safety through modifications to access to the ZBA office, which was reviewed and discussed two months ago. II1. Policies: permits for Special Events at Winerie_s Effective Jutv 7,2010 the department adopted for use a ne~ application with instructions and attachments for permits for special outdoor events at wineries, and an interdepartmental review process coordinated by the ZBA office, plans to mail out copies to every winery in Southold Town have been put on hold until the Code Committee an~l Town Board hold additional discussions that may create changes in language, requirements, lees and/or review procedures. The Chairperson plans to make recommendations during these meetings based upon office experiences. Financial/Budget Issues: .... ~ 9 ZBA Consultanl Linda Kowalski Bdlmg submttted July 25~ 2010_. $42/._1 For services between 3/6/l 0 and 4/8/10. Basic training as per cuntract for Vicki Toth has been completed. When the Municity Program is up and running in the ZBA office lbr final review prior to stafftraining, the Chairperson, Board Secretary Vicki Toth. and Legal Secretary Lucille Cappabianca will collectively determine if additional consulting hours are needed from Ms. Kowalski, The Chairperson remains relatively confident that we will be capable of handling all such matters in house. Personnel Matters: Summer Intern - e ~he Chairperson is pleased to welcome recent Greenport H~gIa School graduat Veneesa Brooks as a summer intern in our office assisting staff with legacy data entries for 20 hours pet- week. Her training is proceeding very well and Veneesa is proxdng to be att efficient and enthusiastic addition to our office. Activities of the Board/Accomplish merits: gegular Meetin_g2 Date: July 29, 2010 Call to Order: 9:02 AM Adjourned: 3:11 PM Public Hearings: Total: 14 Number of new applications heard: 1 l Number of Carryovers from previous hearings: 3 Number closed reserving decision to later date: 7 Number closed subject to receipt of additional infmnnation: 3 Number adjourned to another date: 4 Number adjourned w/o a date: 0 Nnmber of Resolutions passed: 2 Number of decisions made: 3 Next Re_g.~!ar Meeting; August 26, 2010 _Speci_a[ Meeting: Date: July 13, 2010 Cai1 to Order: 6:12 PM Adjourned: 7:52 PM Number of assigned draft findings discussed: 7 Nmnbcr of decisions made: 5 Number of Resolutions passed: 3 · . , , : 14x5=70 Number of Site Inspections made by Board members ~Iunicit~v Work Sessions: None this month ~' ' ' , ha ersor[/De mtmeut Head Meetings attended nnt~ated b'r ZBA C rp , p__ · 7/01 Code Comnlittee · 7/01 Chairperson with Assr TA re: various applications befbre the Board · 7/06 - Chairperson with Assr TA re: Litigation · 7/09 - Chairpemon called meeting with Asst TA. Town Attorney, Special Projects Coordinator and ZBA Secretary to review changes to Accessory Apartment Code and create mad implement new application lomas, findings template and operating procedures/coordination with the Building Department · 7/10 Town Board work session re:',vinery permits and deer fencing · 7/20- Working meeting on permit for NOFO Rock and Folk Festival at Peconic Bay Winery: Supetwisor, Chairperson, Town Attorneys, Planning, Police, Building, and applicants · 7/20 - Chairperson and Asa TA re: various applications before the Board · 7/29 Appearance by Chairperson in NYS Supreme Court in Riverhead re: NOFO Rock and Folk Festival Staff Activities Number of people assisted at the counter: 64 hours spent assisting: 14 fAssistance includes fillmg out new application,s, mailings and postings, providing copies of decisio.s. FO.IL requests and other materials, arm ge~eral inqutrtesj Meetings attended bv ZBA staff · 7/09 - ZBA Secretary Vicki Toth and Chairperson met with Assr 'FA, l'own Attorney, and Special Projects Coordinator to review changes to Accessory Apartment Code Respect¢*tly Submitted l.cslie Kanes Weisman Chairperson/Department Head ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Towm Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971'0959 Fax (631) 765-9064 Telephone (631) 765' 1509 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: MEMORANDUM Leslie Kanes Welsman, ZBA Chairpersoh/Deparlment Head NEW APPLICATIONS AND FEES REPORT August 5, 2010 July 2010 Total applications received for the month: Fotal filing fees collected for the month: 9 $4,200