HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/2010TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT: JUNE 2010 AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARD TRAINING RECERTIFICATION COURSE: was held on Tuesday, June 15 at Stirling Harbor Marina in Greeoport from 6:00 - 8:30 p_m_ All town lifeguards who needed receflfification attended this training program_ Our thanks goes out to the kind folks at Stifling Harbor for allowing us the use of thew pool. DEPARTMENT ~II~AD MEETING: took place at town hall on Thursday, June 3. Numerous topics were discussed in an effort to keop departments aplxised of the various issues within the town. BEACH TELEPHONES/VERWON PHONE COMPANY: I sent an e-mall to Verizon asking them to reconnect all 6 of the town's phones at our local beaches. Over the fall, winter, and spring months, I put a temporary suspension on these phones, thus saving the town quite a bit of money. Once they are reconnected, I will install the phones and check to make sure that they are in working order. 2010 SUMMER RECREATION BROCHURE: was an insert in the May 20 edition of The Suffolk Times. Registration began that day and brochures were delivered to all 4 local libraries, various supermarkets, and town hall All activities, programs, and bus trips were also listed on our website. Registration has been go'mg strong throughout the whole mouth of June. SUMMER EMPLOYI~ ORIENTATION MEETING: took place on Wednesday, June 16 at the recreation center. All lifeguards, beach attendants, beach managers, water safety instructors, and playground program instructors anended this mandatory meeting. Various topics were discussed pertaining to their job duties. LYME DISEASE~ BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN~ PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMF~NT, & POISON IVY/OAK TRAINING PROGRAM: was held at the recreation center on Wednesday, June 16. This trainin§ program is mandatory for all town lifeguards, water safety instructors, playground iustmc~ors, beach attendants and beach managers. CPR RECERTIFICATION PROGRAM: CPR recerfification for town lifeguards was held at the recreation center on Thursday, June 10. All town lifeguards who needed to update, their CPR certification attended this class. 2010 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EMPLOYI~ HANDBOOK: In an ongo'mg effort to reduce the amotmt of paper distributed by our office, the Town of Southold F. mployee Handbook was e-mailed to all summer employees - lifeguards, beach attendants, beach manager, water safety instructors, lifeguard trainer, and playground instructors. All em?oyees are required to receive this handbook and sign an F. mployee Handbook Acknowledgement Fo~m, which was included in the accounting paperwork packet that was mailed out last month. BEACH OPENINGS: All six of our town beaches opened on Saturday, June 26. All beaches will remain open until Labor Day, Monday, September 6. Preparations on our end included chocking all heach phone connections, first aid kits updnted, cleaning restrooms, weeding beaches, training programs, handing out staff shirts, chockin§ keys and locks to beaches, scheduling employees, hiring new staff, stocking the beaches with paper towels, toilet paper, soap, etc. BATI~ING BEACH SAI?ETY PLAN: has been updnted for this year. In accordance with the SCDOH rules and regulations, copies must be kept onsite at each beach. Six copies have been printed and will be kept in a folder at each beach. SWIMMING I.I?.gSONS: officially began on Monday, June 28 at Veteran's Beach in Matfituck. Four 2-week sessions are held at beaches on the bay, namely Ve~'an's Beach, Nassau Point, Founders Laoding, and Norman E. Klipp Park. Our thanks goes out to all of the generous people at the Matfituck Park District, the Cutchogne-New Suffolk Park District, and the Sonthold Park District for allowing ns the use of their beaches at no cost to the town. Respocffully Submitted, Ken Reeves Rocre~on Supervisor BRIDGEHAM PTON N3~?IONAL BANK 77~e b,.~t~ yo~ ca~ ~a~t~ ~o.~ http://www.bridgenb, com TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0500035647 Average Available Balance Previous Aee~age A~a ab eBa Average Ledger Balance Previous 60,180.66 Month: Average Ledger Balance 2009: 30 220.72 Las~ Che~k; !2/30/2009 46,000,00 Available Balance: 69,371.71 'edit Line: Last interest: 06~3012010 i8.39 Statement Transactions as of 07/21/2010 9:28 AH EDT 06/02/2010 000431264398881 277.00 50,577.27 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 06/04/2010 06/04/2010 000431264398881 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 489.00 58,120.32 06/05/2010 000431264398881 75.00 58,261.32 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 06/09/2010 000431264398881 573.00 59,015.32 PAY[q ENTECH POS TRANS 06/11/2010 000431264398881 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 40.00 59,100.32 06/15/2010 000431264398881 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 140.00 59,484.32 06/23/2010 000431264398881 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 25.00 62,953.32 DEPOSIT 731.00