HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-125.-1-2.3ROTHSTEIN & WEINSTEIN
, 1982,
New York, hereinafter
by LAUREL PROPERTIES, a New York partnership having Offices
1455 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge,
called the "Declarant".
a certain parcel of land
Suffolk County, New York,
the Declarant is the owner in fee simple of
situate at Greenport, Town of Southold,
and designated on the Suffolk County Tax
rMap as District 100 Section 125.00 Block 1 and Lot 2 containing
~approximately 65.766 acres, being part' of the same premises acquired
by the Declarant by deed dated October 13, 1977 and recorded in the
Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 20, 1977 in Liber 8328 at~
Page 102-105 and referred to herein as the "Premises"; and
WHEREAS, the Declarant intends to set off from said
Premises for residential purposes a six (6) acre part of said
premises described on Exhibit A hereof and to subject said six
acre parcel to certain conditions, covenants and restrictions in
order to preserve the maximum open space, natural scenic beauty and
natural vegatation and to prevent overcrowding and to conserve the
ground water resources of the Town of Southold; and
and assigns, and the Town of Southold, and its successors and
assigns, and the failure of any of the foregoing to enforce any
of such covenants, conditions and restrictions shall in no event
be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this indenture has been execute the
day and year first above written.
e?~in Kasper~, Partner
On the ~ .~ day of >~ , 1982, before me
personally came Benjamin Kasper~, to me known to be the person who
executed the foregoing instrument, and who, being duly sworn by me,
did depose and say that he is a member of the firm of Laurel
~Properties, a co-partnership, and that he executed the foregoing
instrument in the firm name of Laurel Properties, and that he had
authority to sign the same, and he acknowledged to me that he
executed the same as the act and deed of said firm for the uses
and purposes therein mentioned.
Nota~ry Public
NOTARy PUBLIC State of New
No. 52-286~S5, S.nfolk Cour~,
Term Expire~ r/larch 30, ~ ,.~
WHEREAS, the Declarant had applied to the Planning Board
of the Town of Southold for its consent to said set off and
development of the said six (6) acre part of said Premises.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant does hereby declare that
the aforesaid six (6) acre parcel and every portion thereof is
hereby held and shall be conveyed subject to the conditions,
covenants and restrictions hereinafter set forth, and that every
purchaser of said Premises, or any portion thereof, by the accep-
tance of a deed thereto, covenants and agrees that the premises
so purchased shall be held subject to the covenants, conditions,
and restrictions hereinafter set forth.
1. No lot or plot as shown and designated on the
Premises described as Exhibit A hereof shall be subdivided.
2. That all of the covenants, conditions and restrictions
contained herein shall be construed as real covenants running with
the land and shall continue and remain in full force and effect at
all times as against the owner of the premises or any portion
thereof in perpetuity. Said covenants, conditions and restrictions
shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable
by the Declarant, their heirs, successors and assigns; any owner of
any portion of the aforesaid premises, their heirs, successors and
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the
buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and
being at Laurel, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York, bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Main Road at the
southwest corner of the land herein described which point in the
following two courses and distances from the division line between
the easterly side of other premises of Laurel Properties and the
westerly side of land now or formerly of Cecil Young: (1) South
54 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds West 66.85 feet; and (2) South
53 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West 493.95 feet to land now or
formerly of Brian Murphy; Running thence from said point or
place of beginning along last mentioned land the following two
courses and distances: (1) North 19 degrees 37 minutes 15 seconds
West 367.34 feet; and (2) South 72 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds
West 300.00 feet to land now or formerly of School District 11;
Running thence along last mentioned land and partially along land
now or formerly of Mattituck Park District North 20 degrees 16
minutes 30 seconds West 391.33 feet to a point; Running thence
North 69 deg;r~ 43 minutes 30 seconds East 489.72 feet; Running
thence Sout2N~_~degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East 718.81 feet to
the North side---of Main Road; Running thence along the North side
of Main Road South 53 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West 200.00
feet to the point or place of BEGINNING.