HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/2010 Town Hall 53095 Main Rd.
PO Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Minutes of the June 21, 2010 Regular Meeting
Of the Southold Town Anti-Bias Task Force
Task Force Members Present: Peter Bel, Marjorie Day, Patricia Fulford, Jean LePre, Eleanor Lingo,
Jeanne Marie Merkel & Cynthia Smith.
Guests: Philip Beltz & Mark Terry of the Southold Town Planning Dept., Lucius Ware of NAACP.
Absent: Edana Cichanowicz, Mike Domino, Rev. Nathaniel Heyward, Audrey Horton, Merle Levine,
Caroline Peabody, Betty Murphy & Val Shelby
Philip Beltz & Mark Terry of the Southold Town Planning Dept., reported on The New Comprehensive
Plan for the Town of Southold, entitled “Southold 2020”. They are soliciting feedback and involvement
in developing the plan from all of the Committees and Task Forces in the Town, as well as from
individuals in the community. The plan is comprised of 14 Chapters related to different areas of town
planning. Areas of special interest to the Anti-Bias Task Force include: Economics, Community
Character, Housing and Human Services. In order to identify and address the needs in the town, those
needs need to be structured and on paper, and then implementation tools developed. Task Force Members
are encouraged to look on the Town website
(http://southoldtown.northfork.net/Planning/Southold%202020/Southold_2020.htm) for more details and
to send feedback. Anyone can read about the plan online and send an e-mail. All public comments will
be answered and posted online. In addition the Task-Force as a whole can decide to get involved in issues
they feel are relevant, and should communicate with the Planning Department our suggestions.
It was suggested that local communities of faith might also like to be included in the planning process,
and that the Greenport Ecumenical Alliance might be contacted. Jeanne Merkel will send Philip contact
information for the congregations.
In addition, Philip Beltz will bring news of the Anti-Bias Task Force’s First Annual Community Picnic to
the Youth Bureau and Jeanne will send him an electronic copy of the poster for distribution and posting
on the website and Channel 22. Lloyd Reisenberg is the person who handles this and he may be
contacted at .
The Minutes of the May 17, 2010 Meeting were read and accepted with the following
corrections: Correction on spelling of Task Force Member names: Jeanne Marie Merkel and Edana
Cichanowicz; Under Landfill Concerns, the name should be Frank Lyburt. Jean LePre made a motion to
receive the minutes as amended and Marjorie Day seconded. All in Favor.
The Task Force has received an invitation to a farewell party for Rev. Addae
Kraba, former member of the Task-Force, on Friday,, June 25 5:30-7:00 at Founders Landing. A card
will be sent to Rev. Addae, from the Task-Force, and several members will attend.
Lucius Ware of the NAACP came into the meeting, and informed the Task-Force of a special vote that
will take place in the NY State Legislature in the next few days. The vote is on The Dignity for All
Students Act, also known as DASA, which is New York State’s proposed comprehensive safe schools
legislation. It has been languishing in the state Senate for several years and has not been brought to the
floor for a vote at all in that entire time. The Assembly has repeatedly passed this bill, only for it to die in
the Senate without being brought to the floor for a vote. He requested that we contact Senator Lavalle as
soon as possible by phone to request action on this. To find out more go to www.assembly.state.ny.us
and search for bill # A03661 or www.nysenate.gov and search for bill S1987B.
Mr. Ware sent information on this bill to Jeanne Merkel by blackberry for distribution to all Task-Force
Pat Fulford discussed setting up a meeting with Scott Russell and the Picnic committee to go over details
of things that the Town is supplying for us.
The letters to Congregations and Businesses have been sent. A list of these was given to Pat Fulford and
Ellie Lingo. Jeanne Merkel offered to write thank you letters and record donations from businesses, as she
can do this directly from her database. We discussed sending letters to non-profit organizations and it was
decided not to involve them until next year. Mr. Ware requested an electronic copy of our picnic flyer to
distribute to his contacts, and gave us the address for the Southampton Anti-Bias Task Force committee
chare Darlene Troje dtroge@southamptontownny.gov., so that they can receive flyers as well.
Southampton ABTF will have their picnic on September 12.
Scott Russell came in at the end of the meeting and filled us in on his progress. He can definitely get
us: some long tables (those at the Southold Recreation Center) and porta-potties. The chairs at the Rec
Center are not really good for outdoor use and don’t transport easily, Scott will look into other options.
He will call Jim Murphy from the Lion's Club personally to see if they can lend us their tent. If their tent
is not available he will call Jim McBurnie of McBurnie Tent Rentals. They have supplied tents for town
functions before. He will also find out from the Lion's Club where they got their chairs, etc for
Strawberry Festival. If the platform from NF Chamber of Commerce does not go through, Scott was able
to work out a deal to get the portable stage from Southampton Township for the Relay for Life Event, and
he could try that again, but you have to go through him.
The Picnic Committee will meet on Monday, June 28 at 11:30 am at Mike's Greenport Deli and Scott
may be able to attend. Otherwise he will call Pat Fulford personally with an update.
Greenport School
Cynthia Smith reported that the Board is attempting to offer an early retirement incentive, in order to
perhaps be able to keep the teachers that were going to be let go. Cynthia was pleased that they were
listening to the public outcry about these staff cuts.
Southold School
Mike Domino was not present to give an official report, but Ellie Lingo and Jean LePre reported that they
had a meeting with Superintendent Gamberg and Principal Galante regarding the young girl who had been
bullied on the bus. (See May 17, 2010 minutes) They discovered that the school sent the police to the
home to see why the child was absent from school. The Task Force discussed the legality of this
procedure, as it could be perceived as harassment of a family that needs support. It was decided that the
Legal Committee would look into the policy aspects of this situation, and utilize information from the
Dignity for All Students Act, in order to ascertain a positive way to approach this situation. Lucius Ware
of the NAACP was present and provided insightful comments on the issues involved and received a copy
of the original police report and the minutes of the May 17, 2010 meeting regarding this issue.
Mattituck School
Carolyn Peabody went to a meeting regarding Mattituck School, but was not present to comment.
: Jeanne Marie Merkel will work on the brochure for the next meeting.
No report
Peter Bel volunteered to be on the Legal Committee with Carolyn Peabody and Cynthia Smith. His offer
was gratefully accepted.
Cynthia Smith reported on a Police Report received regarding a bias incident in Greenport School. The
school took a strong stand and approach. The Task-Force is grateful to the Police Department for their
cooperation in sending us reports, and would like to encourage further participation and collaboration.
Local Tea Party activity was discussed last month, but no further activity was reported. There is concern
regarding the momentum of hatred in the movement.
The Anti-Bias Task Force will hold its next meeting on July 19 at 10 a.m. at Town Hall.
Marjorie Day made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Cynthia Smith. All in Favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Marie Merkel