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FORM NO. 4 TOWiq OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPA=RTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-34409 Date: 06/17/10 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS Location of Property: 3258 SOUTH HARBOR RD SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 75 Block 7 Lot 6.1 Subdivision Filed Map No. __ Lot No. __ conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JUNE 10, 2008 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 34019-Z dated JTJNE 27, 2008 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS, INCLUDING SCREENED PORCH, TO AN EXISTING ONE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. /~ne certificate is issued to NANCY C PEARSON (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SuFMOI=K C~)UI~rYDEPART~E~FT OF }~ALTHAPPRO~q%L N/A RLRC~I~ICAL u~KTIFIC3%TH NO. 133955 C 06/04/10 PLI~BERS ~KTIFICATION DA'£~O N/A Rev. 1/81 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be fdled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new usc: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% Icad. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accmate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant, ff a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swmuning pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pm-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate ofoccupuncy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of occapancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. ~[0 ~' / 0 New Construction: Location of Property: Old or Pm-existing Building: ~ (checkone) House No. Street Ownar or Owners of Property: /~O ~ ('C~ /Od~¢ ~'"~ ' Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, ~ectlOn Subdivision ~ 4 PerimtNo. Health Dept. Approval: Hamlet Pla,ming Board Approval: p,3 ~r Request for: Temporary Certificate Fe~Submitted: $ ~ '~,' 0 0 Final Certificate: (check one) Applicant Signature Lot Filed Map. Lot: Oate of Permit. ¢- ~20-O~>Applicant: ~fw6, ~ ~ Und~te~ Ap~ov~: Issue Date 6/4/2010 Electrical Inspection Certificate Electrical Inspection Service, Inc. Application Number 375 Dunton Avenue 133955 C East Patchogue, New York 11772 (631) 286-6642 Issued To: Nancy Pearson Street: 3258 South Harbor Road Village: Southold Zip: Section: Block: Lot: Contractor: Ice Electric (L) 11971 Town: Southold Lic.# 4586-E Was examined and found to be in compliance with the National Electrical Code. [] Commercial [] NV Defects [] Pool [] 1st Floor [] Indoor [] Basement [] Hot Tub [] Residential [] Det. Garage [] Attic [] 2nd Floor [] Outdoor [] Addition [] Survey Switches Receptacles Fixtures GFI Heaters A/C Fans 15 16 13 7 2 Dishwasher Washer/Amps Dryer/Amps Oven Range/Amps Microwaves Furnace Oil Gas Circulators Smoke Detector Bell Transformer Meter Amps Phase UG/OH Jacuzzi Television CO Detector / BMg. Permit: Other Equipment 16' track / 12 track heads Hugo S. Surdi President ~-~ough Inspection: r~n: J ~l~fspector: 06/02/2010 lohn Mc Mahon III This certificate must not be altered in any manner. Inspectors may be identified by their credentials. FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34019 Z Date JUNE 27, 2008 Permission is hereby granted to: NANCY C PEARSON 3258 SOUTH HARBOR RD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for : ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at 3258 SOUTH HARBOR RD SOUTH/PEC County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 075 Block 0007 Lot No. 006.001 pursuant to application dated JUNE 10, 2008 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on DECEMBER 27, 2009. Fee $ 777.60 Aut ho~i zed Signature ORIGINAL Rev. S/8/02 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION FOUNDATION 1ST [ [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: INSPECTOR__~~~ DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FO~JI~ON2ND [ ~FRAMING / STRAPPING ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] RRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [] RRE RESISTANT PENETRATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [/..3~ NSU LATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTR ~Ur~ION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMA~~~~ ~-~-. DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [~IREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ F~INAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE RESlSTA#T COIA"TRUCTI~ [ ] FIIIE RESlS'rJI#'r I~IETllATIO# REMARKS: ~ ~/~-~ ~ DATE~INSPECTOR~ Frank Wolfgang Uellendahl Architect PO Box 316 Greenport, NY 11944 tel 631-477-8624 e-maih fuellend@optonline.net December 15. 2009 Owner: Dr. Nancy C. Pearson 3258 South Harbor Road Southold, NY 11971 Project: Additions and Alterations to the Pearson Residence, 3258 South Harbor Road in Southold Letter of Certification - Permit # 34019 Z INSULATION The Energy Compliance Report dated 06.09.08 of the above referenced project which was filed with the Building Department proscribes the following R-values: R-38 - Ceiling R-17 - Wall R- 9 - Basement Ceiling: The 2x10 roof rafters were filled with 7-1/2" closed cell foam insulation (Icynene) which results in an R- value of R-50. Wails including basement: Traditionally the thermal performance of a wall is measured by R-value. In the case of the ARXX assembly which was used on this project the R-value alone is an insufficient measure of performance. Arxx provides R-22 due to the thickness of the expanded polystyrene insulation However, due to the moderating effect of the thermal mass of concrete, thermal performance of the Arxx wall exceeds the performance of a traditional wood framed wall insulated up to R-50. Additionally it reduces air infiltration and exfiltration substantially,thus reducing energy demand. The thermal performance as executed in this project exceeds by far the NYS code requirements. h~e that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge, BLDG, DEP¥. TOWN OF SOUTHOtD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL ~ SOUTHOLD, Nfl 11%71 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ Examined Approved ~./,~.~,20~ Disapproved a/c Expiration PERMIT NO. Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date INSTRUCTIONS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey_ Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Mail to: ~/~ ~//~/~k/ a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (Signature of applicant or name, if a corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Nameofownerofpremises ~),~ ,,,C/,;Z),IL.~ d;2%(.)~____4~t' ~,Z~t~-r)eQ] (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. ~/~ / ~7¢~ Plumbers License No. Electricians LicenseNo. Other Trade's License No. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street County Tax Map No. 1000 Subdivision (Name) Section Hamlet Block ~, 22~. Filed Map No. Lot ~i~ ~2 .. I Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy. £~-~ ~/~AJ'/~APC 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building. Repair Removal Demolition Addition Other Work 4. Estimated Cost 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units If garage, number of cars Alteration Fee (Description) (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front .~.~Z./ Rear ~.'5t~ _Depth 70, q / Height ~¢), ~ Number of Stories 2- Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ~/ Rear ,~4 ¢ Depth ~-~-P, ~ ! Height ~ ~, ~ ~ Number of Stories ~ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Height 9. Sizeoflot: Front 10. Date of Purchase Rear Depth Number of Stories Rear Depth Name of Former Owner ~tPd/~,_J b/~t2C/~_. 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES__ NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES__ NO x//Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES__ NO v 14. Names of Owner of pr~emises ~; AJ~ ~(,t~OAddressff~-fl ~4vW~r,b~£~/Ph?ne No. ~ NameofArchitect ~/4k~ ~.,,'~,~_~/~/~-~Zz/ Address P~; ¢~'~,V,~/tPhoneNo ~,~'. NameofContractor c~z~/~_~_~?~ Address.V~jpj~z~u~,Phone No. ~3/ 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES ,/ NO __ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE .R~EQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO ~/ * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. 18. Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? * YES__ NO ~/ · IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF ~/3/~S: ~Ir~[/,~)~t/ being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the ~fi3]._~fi~ (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are tree to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this ~i~q dayof ~.~, ~r~^ A~,.,g.X I~ ~ No~ Pub~ta~ ~ N~Yo~ No. 0]D06095328, Suffol& ~oun~ Tern Expires July 7, 20 ~ 20 5~ Signature of Applicant Erosion, Sedimentation and Storm-water Run-off Control Plan ASSESSMENT FORM Yes EXEMPTIONS: A. Does this project meet thc minimum standards for classification as an Agricultural Project. Note: If you answered Yes to any of the above, a Storm-water, Grading, Drainage 8, Erosion Control Plan is not required. ACTIONS REQUIRING THE SUBMISSION OF A STORM~WATER, GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN CERTIFIED BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YORI~ Item Number: (A Check Mark (,/) for each question is required for complete application) Yes 1~Io Will this project retain all Storm-Water Run-offgenerated on Site? (This will include all run-off created by site clearing and/or construction activities as well as all _! site .provem nts and be p. .ent. tion of im o. surfa.s.) I--I 2. Will this project require any land filling, grading or excavation where there is a change to the r'~ natural existing grade involving more than 200 cubic yards of material within any parcel? 3. Will this application requiresquareland disturbing activities encompassing an area r~l of five thousand (5,000) feet of ground surface or more? One hundred (100) feet of wetlands or a beach? I--I 5. oneWill there be site preparation on slopes which exceed fifteen (15) feet of vertical rise tOhundrcd (I00) feet ofhorizontal distance? D 6. Will driveways, parking areas or other impervious surfaces direct Storm-Water Run-off ~ into and/or in the direction of a Town Right-of-Way? I--I 7. Will this application require the placement of material, removal of vegetation and/or the ii-.ii .construction of any item within the Town Right-of-Way or road shoulder area? (This item doss not in¢luds the installation o! driveway aprons.) 8. Will there be site preparation within the one hundred (100) year floodplain of any watercourse? · N0ta: If any answer to que~tlens 3ns through sight is answered with a check mark in the Box, a Storm-water, Orating, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is required and mu~t bo submitted for review prior to iasuanee of any building permit. STATE OF NEW YORK, -- ~t ~ ~ ' ' SS cotnqzy OF....~.....~, ............ ~at I ............. berg duly sworn, d~oses and sa~ that he/she ~ ~e applicant for Pe~t, ~e of individual s/Dfing D~um~t) (~, C~ctor, Agen[ C~mte Offi~r, etc.) O~er an~or repr~entative of~e O~ or ~egs, and is duly auto,ed m ~ffo~ or ~ve perfomd ~e said work and m ~ke and file ~s application; ~at all state~nts contained in tiffs application are ~e to ~e best of ~s ~owledge and belier; and ~at the work sill be peffo~d ~ the ~er set fo~ ~ ~e application filed herewiflx. Sworn Io before me this; ........... .................... Notary Public: ...... !~~ ~.~.. ~ ............................... [ ]' BONNIEJ. OOgO$1g ',J No~ Public, S~ ~ N~ No. 01D06095328, Suffolk Coun~ Term ~ires July 7, 20. ],~ NEW YORK STAT~ DEPARTMENT OF EN¥IPDNMENTAL CONSE~ATION Regulatory Affairs Unit Bldg. 40, SUb, f--Room 219 - -- Broo - NY 11794 ~ t°n[Y)m 9J~7~ [_ 7900 January 21, 1983 John & Nancy Pearson 542 East Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Pearson: A review has been made of your proposal to: construc~ a home Location: Richmond Creek/Hog Neck Bay; Intersection of South Harbour Rd. & Hiawatha's Path, Peconie, Town of Southold, Suffolk Co. New' York State_~.partment of Environmental Conservation has found the . parcel project to be. Greater than 300' from inventoried tidal wetlands. XX Landward of a substantial mnn-~de structure greater than 100' in length constructed prior to September 20, 19'B7. Landward of 10' contour elevation above mean sea level on a gradual, nat- ural slope. __Landward of topographical crest of bluff, cliff or dune in excess of i0 feet in elevation above mean sea level. Therefore, no permit under Article 25 (Tidal Wetlands of the Environmental Conservation Law) is required at this time since the current proposal is beyond State mandated Jurisdiction pursuant to ~is act. However, any additional work or modifications to the project may require a permit. It is your responsibility to notify this office, in writihg, if such additional work of modifications are contemplated. Very truly yours, Daniel J. Larkln Regional Supervisor of Regulatory Affairs DJL:KNT:cz Generated by REScheck Package Generator Compliance Certificate Project Title: PEARSON RESIDENCE Report Date: 06109/08 Enemy Code: New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Location: Suffolk County, New York Construction Type: Detached 1 or 2 Family Heating Type: Non-Electric Glazing Area Percentage: 9% Heating Degree Days: 5750 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: 3258 South Harbor Road Frank Uellandahl, Architect Soathold, NY 11971 Designer/Contractor: Sid Beebe Sld B~ebe and Sons, Buildem. Inc. PO Box 979 Cutchegue, NY 11935 Ceiling: 38.0 Wall: 17.0 0.0 Basement: 9.0 Wall height: 8.0' Depth below grade: 5.0' Insulation depth: 8.0' Window: 0,450 Door: 0.350 The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building pla~s, speciitcaitons, and other cal~Jlafions submitted cWi~hdethrlsSq uiPerermmite~Pt si !iwheCatk~nnn 'aTRl'l~egPismtered~eSsignyStenf~rSofe%V~orlalbeenhas~tam~: a n dmeetsi~t hee~3 sYpa°~ eS. thtat~yEare ane~esting that tC°nsenm~o theC°~str~ oCt~On his/h~ knowladge, bellaf, and professional judgment, such plans or spectficaitons ~a~?~j~e with this Code. PEARSON RESIDENCE Page I of 4 Generated by REScheck Package Generator Inspection Checklist Date: 06/09/08 Ceilings: [] Ceiling: R-38.0 cavity insulation Comments: spray foam insulation, R-6.7 per inch: totst R-42 Note: The ceiling R-values do not assume a raised or oversized truss construction. If the insulation achieves the fall insulation thickness over ~e plate lines of exterior walls, R-30 insulation may be substituted for R-38 iseulafJon ang R-38 insulation may be substifuted for R-49 insulalJo~. Ceiling R-values represent the sum of cavity insulafJon pins insulating sheathing (if used). Above-Grade Walls: [] Wall: R-17.0 cavity insulafio~ Comments: ARXX ICF wall system R-22 Note: Wall requirements apply to wood-frame wall constructkxts. Metal-frame wall or mass (concrete, masonry, log) wall equivalent R-values can be found in the Help User's Guide. Basement Walls: ~1 Basement: 8.0' ht 15.0' bg / 8.0' insul. R-9.0 cavity insulation Comments: ARXX ICF wall system: R-22 Note: Walls of conditioned basements pelow uninsulated floors must be insulated from the top of the basement wall to a depth of 10 feet below ground le~,~l or to the level of the basement floor, whichever is lass. The entire opaque portion of any individual basement wall with an average depth less than 50% below grade must meet the same R-value ~luirement as above-grade walls. Basement doors must meet the door-U-factor requirement. Windows: [] Window: U-factor: 0.450 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe features: ~Oanes Frame Type Them~al Break? Yes NO Comments: Nots: Up to 1% of the total allowed glazing area may be excluded from the U-value requirement. For example, 3 fl2 of decoraitve glass may bo excluded from a buiining design with 300 fl2 of glazing area. Door: U-factor: 0.350 Comments: Front door exempt Note: Door U-values must be tested and documeofed by the manufacturer in accordance with the NFRC test procedure or taken Air Leakage: Vapor Retarder: [] Instalted on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings, walls, and ifoors. Materials Identification: [] Matebals and equipment are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's inststlation instructions. [] Materials and equipment are identified so that complianse can bo determined. PEARSON RESIDENCE Page2of4 Manufacturer manuals for all thstalled heating and cooling equipment and sen/ice water heating equipment have been provided. I-t Insulation R-values and glazing U-factors are dearly mad(ed on the bu~ing plans or specifications. [] Insulation is installed according to manufaoturer's instructions, in substantial contact with the surface being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value without compressing the insulation. Duct Insulation: ~1 Supply ducts in uncond~ at,cs or outside the building are insulated to R~. I--IReturn ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to R~, I~1 Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces are insulated to R-8. [] Return duds in unconditioned spaces (except basements) are insulated to R-2, Insulation is nat required on retem ducts in basements, Duct Construction: [] All joints, seams, and connections are securely fastened with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic-plus-embadded-tabdc, or tapes. Tapes and mastics are rated UL 181A or UL 181B. Excep~ons: Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints aed seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa). ~1 The HVAC system provides a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: Each dwelling unit bas at least one thermostat sepabte of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: [] Separate electric meters exist to~ each dwelling unit. Fireplaces: [] Fireplaces are instelleq with tight tiffing non-combusitble fireplace doors. Fireplaces have a source of combustion air, as required by the Fireplace consf;uction provisions of the Building Code of New York State, the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code, as applicable. Service Water Heating: [] Water heaters with vertical pipe dsem have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. [] Circulating hot water pipes are insulated to the lavels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems: [] Cirsulafing hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: All heated swimming pools have an on/off heater s~itch and a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-dppieteble sources. Pool pumps have a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insul;~tlon: [] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 degrees F or chilled fluids below 55 degrees F are insulated to the levels in Table 2. PEARSON RESIDENCE Page 3 of 4 Table 1: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Heated Water Up to 1 ' Up to 1.25' 1.5" to 2.0' Over 2' Temperature (°F) 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-169 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-139 0,5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes Fluid Temp. Piping System Types Range(OF) Insulation Thickness In Inchea by Plge Sizes 2' Runouts 1" and Less 1.25" to 2.0" 2.5' to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate (for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant and 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 Bdne Bek~w 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD: (Building Department Use Only) pEARSON RESIDENCE Page 4 of 4 OWNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD COMM. CB. MICS. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS SUB. LOT / Mkt, Value TYPE Of BUILDING 'L. AGE NEW FARM Tillable Woodland Meadowl~d House Plot Total .~ "'~ BUILDING CONDITI?,~.,/~.. 05, ):: P'~, ~I 'z- NOR~L BELOW ~-ABOVE Acre Value Per ~ ~ ~ ~~,:~ / ' ~ FRQNTAGE ON ROAD Extensibn ~ExtensJon Porch, Garage Patio Total //X /~ = / · Z ~'- ~7 ~ Foundation Basement /, o~) / Z(~ Ext. Walls "~ ~ ~ ~ Fire Place / ? /~ ~ Type R~f ~ ~, Dormer Recreation Room Bath Floors InteriOr Finish Heat Rooms~ 1st Floor Rooms 2nd Floor Driveway Dinette IR. R. BR. FIN. B COLOR Foundotion LINOr:~/RI~-RS C£RT1FICAE -REQtJ~D OCCUPANCY OR USE IS UNLAWP WITHOUT CE"- ~ ,"', '"* ? I ~r'.' bHALL ALL C'~,t "' MEETr';~ :: . OFTHE CODES OF I;~-', i~ 3fATE, CERTIFICATION OF NAILING & CONNECTIONS REQUIRED. APPROVED AS NOTED ' '? ~T AT .6:' '-- % FOR THE .... T' ' " .... REQUtRED 2. ROUG5 - FRAM~:,¢ & PLUMBING 3. INSU~tON 4. FINAL - 60NSTF: .... N MUST BE 60MPLETE ' ", ~.0. ALL 60NSTRgC%ON SHkLL ME~ THE RE~glREMENT8 OF ~HE cODES OF N~ YOR~ 8~A~E. ~OT RESPONSIBLE o~IGN OR ~NSTRUCTION ERRORS. RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFF PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 236 OF THE TOWN CODE, GENERAL NOTES DESIGN CRITERIA: ',~//1 II/ ~ ALTERATIONS ~t~.k ~"~, / ~x// // / ~l & ADDITIONS t. ALL WORK MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IN GROUND SNOW LOAD - 45 PSF. ~,~,'x~ V '~: / i yi/Ol':E ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE UNIFORM LIVING AREAS AND DECKS - 40 PSF. , // 2. ALL CONCR~E S~LL BE STONE AGGRE~TE WITH A SEiSMiC DESIGN CATEGORY - B ~INIMUM 28 DAY STRENGTH Of 3000 PSi W~THERING - S~ERE I)ii~ mil ) )I ) , 3. ALL LU~BER S~LL BE G~QE STAMPED DOUGHS FIR- FROST LINE DEPTH - 36" ~RCH STRUC~L G~E J2 OR B~ER.TERM~EDEcAY --SLIGHTMODE~TE TO H~ ~ Fm hJ ii: mJ =m II,~,, ) m ~ RESIDENCE P~TmONS, EXCEPT ~ NOrD ON D~WING. DES~N IN ACCORD~C[ WITH AMERI~N FOREST , ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 5. BRIDGING TO BE PR~IDD FOR AL gOISTS ~D PRODUCTS WOOD F~E CONS~UCTION FLOOR B~MS. SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 6.0 ~. FOR 1A2- F~ILY HOUSE - PRESCRIPT~E DESIGN M~HOD SOUTHOLD, NY 6. ALL DIMENSIONS ~D G~[ CONDITIONS TO BE ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION ~D ~DERI~ OF ~TER~S. THIS FOUNDATION ~ BEEN ASI~NEg FOR A SOIL DEBRIS PROTECTION SCHEDULE B~ING ~AgI~ OF ~ ~) TSF ~D LESS l~ 5%. CO~CIOR ~K S~L VERI~ ~T THESE CONDmONS ~E W~. ALL FILL BEN,THPRECUT WOOD STRUCTU~ P~E~ wmm A THICKNESS ~m P.O.~X CONCR~E S~BS TO BE COMPACTED TO 95% OF MmN 7/16 m~CH WITH 2-1/2 ~6 ~ SCR~S, RE,THE DENSl~. ~X ~ XX ~ EXISTING SOUTH EL~ATmON SPACINg: ,2,NOHES,~ETOBEPRO~DEDTOCO~r 5~ WI /// 7. ALL H~ERS 6.0 ~ IN LENGTH AND O~R TO BE ~E G~ED OPENINGS OF THE PRO~SED E~ENSlON i F~: 631-4~ 2997 BY TRIPLE UPRIS~S. ~L ~D[RS TO BE ~INI~U~ OF 2-2x8 OR AS S~WN ON D~WINS, OWNER ,. PROVIDE ,,RESDPP,,,' 'EL L'EL WINDOW SCHEDULE ~ ~' g. PROVUE F~SH~N8 AT ~L R~r BR~KS, PROPOSED ~iNDOtS ARE ANDERSEN PRO~UOTS ~00 S[R~ES. . . ~-~6S-~82 CHIMN~. S~LIG~S, E~ERIOR DOORS, WINDO~ G~SS TO BE HIGH PERFOR~NCE LOW-E G~S ) m~ ,,'~ AND DECKS ~C.. SCREENS ~E PRODDED FOR ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS 10. ~ NOT SeAL D~NSS. ~aA Size Descriplion Quantity ~ 11. DESIGN CONSULT~TS OR RECORD ARCHITECT- , ,,n..,,o , ,NSPECTION. SUPE~SI~.ORADMINIST~TIONOF B ~G 1~80-4 GU~ING~OR, LR/SUNR~M 1 ] THIS CON'PUC"ON PR~ECT. FEDE~L. STATE C ~H 60~APLR Glidi~ Palio Door, ~LWAY 1 '~'.:: '.,'~ :~'.:(,~ 2L:'~'~ i;.:t :..~ ~-'"~;)'/'/ ~-- k~'~ X AND~LL~LBEZONINGTHE ~DREsPONSiBiL~BUILDING CODE COMPL~NCEoF THE D1 ~0 29~AL Hinged Patio Door 1 :: ~ ~ ~J' s" ~'~:{ '~. CON~CTOR. D2 ~0 2gSOAR Hing~ PaDo Doo~ ~ ~::~:, ~ ~ ~ ~. ~lllll ~11~~ ~[~ ,~ } 7 12. THIS D~WING IS AN INSTRUMENT PREPARED TO E C26 Casement, HoII~ay/SUNROOM 9 ~':;'.~: ~: ~ ~:i :r~:::: rr ~ r : ' w-~ mm ~ ~,~,:11 : : X~(~ OWNER' d GT ~6 ~othic fixed panel. DR ~ 13. THIS STRUCTURE ~ BEEN DESIGNED IN K '"296'L ,,ngedPatioDoor,.LCONY 1 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION ACCORDANCE WITH THE N~ YORK ~A~ ENERGY L ~H 416~PLR Hing~ Patio Door, BP3 CONSE~ATION CODE. M C35 Casement, BP2 1 14. ENGINEER TO BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING OF ~L N C24 Casement, UBR 2 C~GES PRIOR TO ~D DURING CONS~UC~ON. P C15 Casement, ~U~ 1 Q C16 Casement, SUNROOM 1 15. ELECTRICA AND UECH~I~L COMPONENTS TO BE R ~H 60611~ Hinged Patio ~or, UBR 1 DESIGNED ~D SPECIFIED BY OTHERS. S C34 Casement, HOME OFFICE 1 i6. CO~CTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AND T RS ~ FIXED S~m,T, SU,,~V ~ DINING RO0~ ADDITION WITH 2ND FLOOR BALCONY, SAUNA AND ROOF TERRACE ~J m INSU~NCE NECES~Y TO PROTECT THE ENGINEER U ~20 ~[~[~ WI,DOW ~ SUNROOU / GREENHOUSE ADDITION ON SOUTH SIDE OF EXISTING BUILDING AND OWNER, WINDOW A~D SIDING ~[P~C[M[NI ~1[: A-1 TIl~ SHE~ - DESIGN CRITER& - GENE~L NOTES , , ~E: N.T.S. A-3 1ST FLOR P~N 1/8' SCALE ~ TITLE SHEET A-4 2ND FLOR P~N - 1/8' SCALE C J es A-IoA-9 CONNECTOr,NAiLiNG SCHEDULE,CRITICALFRAMINGPATH NOTES FRANK W. UELLENDAHL, ARCHITECT P.O. BOX 316 GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 ~ ~. NO a - " ~'*" ' " f 9 1/2" · o-o 6-8 - / F- ] ~ r~ Jj I ~ ALTERATIONS LEGEND~=- ~ - - -~- - - -~ .'-~i~- ~/~x:-~ ~ ~ Z;;~ & ADDITIONS ~ ~ ' ~' - ~) ~ ~]~ ~ ' ~ TO THE 3/4 SUBFLOOR, ~LED AND GLUED TgT n ~v~ ~CT ~ T I ~ ~ T~,~ ...... J ~ ................ 11-7/8' TGI 360 JOISTS ~ 16' OC J2J ~'~'~"~' %%""F ~IT ~ 'LN~'~Ct"LE"m-- ' ( -- ," ~NO,m DUST C~T ~/~T~:~YDRO ADDm~ ~N~""~ , ~ ;~,,y~j"?Jy"~ ) ~ m ONCOUPAC~Dg~L flu? n ~g nwl n I ~ m 8~ ~URE~ CONCR~E FOUNDATION WALL ~kmF -Fnn~-~ "' -~ j ~ ~ ~ 1-6 X 8 POURED CONC. F~TG W~ K~AY m · i ARRX - INSULTING CONCR~E FORU SYSTEU , ~ 2 ~ ~l m ( ~ TRTD 2X~O HOUSE B~ J : ~~P~50N STreNgTH = 000 AT RESIDENgE C-94 R~DY MIX CONCRgE F-/m m ~ I ] --I: m ~/~ ..... ~ -- -- -- ~ m m ALL FOOTINGS FOUNDATmO"= ........ F ~ -- ~l ~~A ~ ~ m REST ON UNDISTURBED SOIL. I J I [ ~ ~ ..... ]4~o~ ........ IJ ~ I L ALL FOOTNGS AND FOUNDATIONS S~LL BE ~a ~ .................. ~ ~ ~ APPLY HIGH STRENGTH )NDUST )~j ~ j ~ ) ~ UNVENTED ~ , ~]~ UP ~ ARCHITECT ~q EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL ~IC./}~,~/~L,~g~.~ ;~.,~, ~ m x CRAWL SPACE <l ~ ; ASEMENT ~ P.O.~X 316 ~/~] N~ FOUNDATION W~L I J I I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~R~P~,~11~44 ~ ~ J J J % ~ F~UNDATION WALL 2X10 HOUSE Bg' ~ ~ J ~ ~L: 631-,77 8624 ~ F~: 631-~77 2997 / ~ I I J ~ ~" 8 POURED CONCRBE , ~ ~J ~ F . ,.:.-::~: : ~-~ ~,~--~-- ~--~ ~ ............ = ~ ] ~ I / ~ OWNER ,,, .............................. ~ ..... I ~ c 0'-~ /2' , 2820 , ~ ~ ~ I ~ J ~ ~ I ...... , ~ I ~- P~OVI~E ~XBO~ OPEN ~ ' ~ ~L: 6~1-7~7~2 Y ~ ~ Io PRAPAqrB o ~ I, ~ ~ I I .......... ~ ~ ~,,~,,~ _ ~ ., .,~6 ~ 3-0 ~, I ....... ~-7 J I i i ~; ~ ~ : ,~ ~ ~ ~ ............... I ~l ~ -, ~ ~ I , J "' = j I ~'~ ~ .............. ~--~ 1 I ~ I ~ ~,_~,- ~ ~/4 ~ ~ ~z ~ ......... ~ ~ FOUNDATION tALL 28~0 ~ , ~ ~ F~UNDATION W~L nWr~Trn I ~ , ~ ~ I APPLY HIGH STRENGTH INDUSTR~ J I ~ L .... ~ = . ~ - -- ~ ..... ~~-'""[- ~,~ i P~STIC FILM ON C~WL SPACE i 1/4 f-O" ~ ~ 27-6 ~ ,~ J , ~ ~ L ................. ~ ' ........... ~ ~ FOUNDATION P~N FOUNDATION ~J J ADDITION EXISTING COVERED PATIO PROPOSED SCREENED PORCH GARAGE ENTRY FOYER P~T~ HALLWAY DINING ROOM tCLG.H6T.: 9'-o'j KITCHEN LIVING RM 86'-0" I ADDITION D;EN DECK ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS; TO THE PEARSON RESIDENCE SOUTHOLD, NY ARCHITECT FRANK UELLENOAHL P.O.BOX 316 GREENPORI, NY 11944 1Et.: 631-477 8624 EAX: 631-477 2997 OWNER DR. I,,P~J~CY C. PF.~RSON 3258 SOUTH HARBOR RD SOUI'HOLD NY Hg7l EL: 6~1-765-5782 OATE: 06/09/2008 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0' i PROPOSED ~ 1ST FLOOR PLAN NO ADDITION RAILING PROPOSED ROOF TERRACE OPEN TO BELOW DINING ROOM ATTIC/J STORAGE !OME/(~FFJCE BEDROOM 3 DN x BEDROOM 2 TUB MBR FWH6061 IAPLR 36' HIGH ALUMINUM RAJUNG ADDITION DECK BELOW ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS TO THE PEARSON RESIDENC SOUTHOLD N' ARCHffECT FR~K U[LLEMDAHL P.O.BOX 316 GREEN~RI NY 11944 TEL: 6`]~-477 8624 FAX: 631-477 2997 OWNER DR, NAMC¥ C. PEARSOM `]258 SOUTH HARBOR RD NY I1971 TEL: 6,]1-765-5782 OATE: 06/09/200 ~N~E: 1/8' = 1'-0' ~ PROPOSED ~ 2ND FLOOR PLAN ~G, NA~E A-4 O~ D~.NO ~4×4 mT'O ~OSm~ ~ LEGEND EXISTING WALL NEW WOOD STUD WALL NEW CONCRETE WALL PROPOSED SCREENED PORCH 2X4 TAG CONSTRUCIION CEO~R 4-'-6' (2) 2X8 HEADER (WP.) C26 C26 HALLWAY 5,25"X9.5" PARALLAM 6080 gloss I EL ± OLOO I DINING ROOM HW FLOORING IEL :' o.oo t p~2 sgl , _ 8'-7" . CXW145 CXW145 CXW145 S070 PROPOSED ADDITION 2X8 C.J. 0 16" O,C. BR~CKI OVEN 25'-g' 1/2' ~ ~' 2T-6" m LIVING RM STEP UP r SKYLIGHT RS4446q L295 FWGIO080-4 PROPOSED SUNROOM : CLG.HGT.: 9'-0" ALTERATIONS & ADDIT ONS TO TH iSOUTHOLD, NY ARCHITECT FRANK UELLENOAHL P.O.BOX 316 GREENPORT, ~ 11944 TED 631-477 8624 F~: 631-477 2997 OWNER DR. t'~CY C. PF.,,~SON ,t2~ SOUlt~ H~RBOR RD SOUIHOU), NY 11971 EL: 631-765-5782 -SPIGOT PROPOSED GREENHOUSE r--- --q TT~E~I [- (2) 2X8 HEADER ('PCP.) 31'-6" L_ C26 J L__C26 ~ m~T~: o~/o9/2oo8 i/4" = 1'-0' PROPOSED 1ST FLOOR PLAN {~G. NA~IE A-5 DWG. NO LEGEND EXISTING WALL NEW WOOD STUD WALL NEW CONCRETE WALL RAILING ROOF d d DININC ROOM OPEN TO BELOW GT5046 GT5046 RAI BALCONY HW FLOORING y-8 ~/4' 8'-7" 5'-2' 5'-2' 8'-7' ~ ~/2" 2T-6' TERRACE SAUNA C15 BEDROOM ,5 2868 BEDROOM 2 C55 DN C24 TUB ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS TO THE RESIDENCE ~ SOUTHOLD, NY ARCHITECT FRANK UELLENDAHL P.O.~X 316 GREENPORT, NY 1194~ feb ~1-477 8~24 FAX: 631-477 2997 OWNER DR. NANCY C. PEARSON SOUTH H~RBOR ~ ~OUTHOLD, NY 11971 El: 631-765-5782 ~s~;. · 1/4' = 1'-0' PROPOSED 2ND FLOOR PLAN D~G. N/~4E PROPOSED ADDITION DINING ROOM JOIST HANGER TO LEDGER BASEMENT RE-BAR RE-BAR ICF SYSTEM -- STUCCO -- ACRYLIC PARGING ON FIBRE MESH LIGHT SHAFT sc~ 1-3/4"X11-7/8" LVL LEDGER ANCHORED TO WALL W/ANCHOR BOLTS #5 HORIZONTAL REBAR IN EACH BLOCK t4 VERTICAL RE-BAR 2'-0" O.C. EXT'G BASEMENT BEYOND 12 3.5"X14" PARALLAM RIDGE BEAM RIDGE STRAPS EACH RAFTER 12 PANELS WITH STANDING SEAMS PL~OOD SHEATHING : CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION: ~R~42 ~LINO BFA~ 1/2" GYP (2) #5 BRICK HEATER DINING '1 I 3/4" T&G SUBFL( IR ON ~ __ L_ _. Z , ~_._ BASEMENT -j 8' CWU W~LL ON 1'-6' DEEP ~ ~T - - m ~RED CONCR~ rO0~,O 17'q 2X10 ROOF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C. MATCH PITCH OF EXISTING ROOF ICE SHIELD UND~:RLAYMENT REQUIRED - 24 FROM EDGE HURRICANE CLIP 0 EACH TRUSS (2) 2X8 SILL PLATE, TREATED WRAP + NAIL STRAP (4-4d NAILS) AROUND SILL PLATE AT ANCHOR BOLT I 1/4" WIDE 20 GAGE METAL STRAP ~ 48" OC. (6-6d NAILS) 5/8" X 12" ANCHOR BOLT @ 48" OC. w/FENDER WASHER. 8" POURED CONCRETE WALL WALL: ICF SYSTEM BLOCK SIZE: 12 1/2"(w)X16"(h)X48" R-VALUE: R-22 ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS TO THE PEARSON RESIDENCE SIDING: STUCCO ON MESH ON BUILDING WRAP ACRYLIC PARGING ON FIBRE MESH LAP OVER WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE ALL JOINTS SHALL BE LAPPED MIN. 2 1/2" R-VALUE: R-22 BLOCK SIZE: 12 1/2"(w)X~6"(h)X48"(I) WALL: ICF SYSTEM IO"X 1'-8" CONT, POURED CONC, FOOTING W/(2) ~5 RE-BARS, CONTINUOUS SECTION A-A SCALE: I/4"= f-o" SHAFT SOUTHOLD NY ARCHITECT FP~,NK KO.BOX ~16 NY 11944 TEL: 631-477 8624 FAX: 6~1-477 2997 OWNER DR. ~ C. PEkRSON 3258 SOUTH HARBOR RD NY 11971 TEl: 631-765-5782 DATE: 06/09/2008 SCAE 1/4'= f-O' PROPOSED SECTION A-A ©~ DWG. NO NEW DORMERS SKYLIGHT IN AIT~ TO BE REPAIR ALL EX'FG FRAMI~ EFFECTED BY WA]IR INFILTRA]ION AND SUBSEQUENT RO~NG. OORWERS 10 IWPROVE BOTTOM PAIL: WOUNTED TO DOOR CAS+NGS OFF WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS TO THE PEARSON RESIDENCE iSOUTHOLD, NY ARCH~ECT FRANK UELLENDAHL P.O.~X 316 GREENPORT, NY 11944 TEL: 631-477 8624 FAX: 631-477 2997 OWNER DR. NANCY C. PEARSON 32~ SOU]H HARBOR RD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 EL: 631-765-5782 ~TE: 66/28/2068 SCALE: I/8' = 1'-0" PROPOSED SOUTH ELgt^TION WEST ELEVATION A - 8 ~E ALTERATIONS ~'! & ADDITIONS TO THE = ,'~ ', ~ ~PEARSON --'! ~ = ,~ . ~RESIDENCE __- , ~ARCHITECT ~ P.O.~X 315 ~E~ 631-477 ~24 F~: 631-477 2997 ' -L~' ' I ~ ; ; , ~ OWNER , ~_ ~'~(~ i ~, ~.// ~ = WEST ELEVATION .............. ..... ........ .__~ .....:~:~... ~ ..... ~ ...... ~ III ~: ]/8' = 1'-o' PROPOSED ~ SOUTH EL~ATION WEST EL~ATION DR. NANCY C. PEARSON i 3258 SOtITH I'I~OR RD SO, THOLe, NY 11971 TEL: 631-765-5782 !ii GABLE ROOFS PRO.DE Sd NAILS · A' O.C. AT PERIMETER INTERIOR POR~ONS OF PANELS IN HIGH PRESSURE ZONES. NOTE : o = 4 F~ IN ALL CASES COMPONENT AND CLADDING PRESSURE ZONES R~DGE TENS,ON STRAPS EACH RAFTER I' : I 4-8D COMMON NAILS IN EACH END OF I ~ ' / DOUBLE FRAMING ~ ~ / AROUND SKYLIGHTS , //7 %~- / .ICE SHIELD UNDERLAYMENT J ! J J J REQUIRED - 24" FROM EDGE ! II JI I J J HURRICANE CLIP TYPICAL, ~ "W'I¢~-~.~ / ~ALTERNATESiMPSON H3POSFnON OF , i i ~ ///~'.,~/ / HURRICANE CLIP USE i ~ ' i : i HEADER · / ~ OVDE 8 COMMON CLIP NAILED FROM I PR I d RAFTER TO STUD. - / ~NAILS 0 4" O,C. AT TYPICAL ALL RAFTERS / /EXTERIOR EDGE OF ALL 5 - 8d NAILS EACH END___/ /SHEATHING. APA RATED PLYWOOD TO //! EXTEND TO TOP OF TOP / , / PLATE. / METAL STRAPS AT DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR HEADER TO STUD CONNECTION--~ SUNROOM AND FOUNDATION TO STUD CONNECTION GREENHOUSE I 1/4" WIDE - 20 GAGE , ~ 4ETAL STRAP ~ 48" DC. ' ' TOP OF FOUNDATION 1ST FLOOR ADDITION WRAP + NAIL STRAP-~,, (4 - 4d NAILS ) AROUND SILL PLATE ~ AT ANCHOR BOLT ~ 1 1/4-" WIDE - 20 GAGE E ~_~>~?. METAL STRAP ~ 48" OC. 4 - 8d NAILS W~_' pa /------~NAIL SHEATHING TO SILL PLA~ TREATED ' ' ............. · .... SECTION ; ii / ENOER WAS. ER. 8" P..C.F~)UN D?.TION ELEVATION W/ 1-4 X 8 CONT. FTG. HOLD DOWN + SHEAR CONNECTION CRITICAL PATH ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS TO THE RESIDENCE SOUTHOLD, NY ARCHITECT. FRANK UELLENDAHL P.0.BOX 316 6REENPORT, NY 119~4 TEl' 631-4.77 8824 F~X: 631-477 2997 OWNER DR. NANCY C. PEARSON ~258 SOU'TH HARBOR RD SOUIHOLD, NY 11971 TEL'. 631-765-57~2 DATE: 06/09/2008 SCALE: N,T,S. Critical Path Connections D~G. NA~E A-9 ALTERATIONS FRAMING NOTES NAILING SCHEDULE TABLE 3.1- WFCM ~ & ADDITIONS ~ TO THE j Joint Description I Nail Sizes I Nail Spacing 1. ALL FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE GRADE STAMPED R'OO'~ ~R,~rV~NC 8d per rafter DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No, 2 OR X ~Ra!!er t,OmT,OR P~te [T,o,e-r)giled) .q ,Wall Height: 10 fl, Spacing 16" O.C. (Table 3.3A) 4.-}. per.jo)st BETTER. ~elllng dolsI Ia lOp rlat~ [,ioe-lpollea) ceiling Joist to Parallel ~arter LraF, e-nailedI , eacn lap 2. ALL SHEATHING TO BE ARA RATED, EXPOSURE 1, 5/8" ~Ceiling.,.Jois, t L, gps ov)Lr Poditig, ns,,(Face-naimd) n/~a each. lap collar ~e to ~after,j, race-naitea) per MIN. THICKNESS OR AS NOTED, ,BJocki..ng t,o .Ro~e.r. LIo,?n, ailed.]., 2 n-/aGd each end 3. ALL SUBFLOORINO TO BE ARA RATED STURD-I-FLOOR, mm uoara to ~aiter tLno-natlea) 2- 16d each end ) P~N EXPOSURE 1, .t/4." MIN. THICKNESS. ALL EDGES OF W~L F~AMiNG PL ®O TO BES ON SOL,D BLODK,NG. GLUE ! RESIDENCE NAIL PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS. ~Top ~P!~e lo.T,op. Plate.. (Focal-nailed).,., 2 - 16d par fool /DP Plates al )?Fsec'[ion~ L~'ace-na,leo) 4 - 16d joinls-,oach side ~) SOUTHOLD,NY 4. ALL HEADERS 6'-0' AND9'- --OVERoS HALL BE SUPPORTED .S, tud, to,Stgd L~,ace,;nailed). ,, 2 - 16d . 24 o.c. Meaaer ~o Meaaer krace-nalea} 1Od 16 o,c. along edges WITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS. AND OVER WITH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADERS SHALL BE A 2- tod MINIMUM OF 2-2X8 OR AB SHOWN ON DRAWING. Top or Bottom Plate to Stud (End-nailed) ~_ I~ ~:rr ~x,~ :I~ - per 2x8 stud ARCHITECT 5. SOLID BLOCKIN~ SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOISTS IjANDG'-o"FLOORo,c,BEAMSMIN, AS PROVIDEPER N.Y.S.2, CODEsPAcEORFoR AS NOTEDAiR Bottom Plate to Floor Joist,Bandjoist,Endjoist or Blocking (Face-nailed) 2 - 16d per foot ~ FRANK P.O.BoxUELLENDAHL316 CIRCULATION IN ROOFS. FLOOR F~Ah¢I~C ~ DREENPOR[, NY 11944 6. DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND ALL OPENINGS ( skylights, ~ojqt .to ,Sill, .TDp,?late gr ,girder (Toe-nailed) 4- 8d per, joist. ~ FAX:TEL: 631-477631-47729978624 stain etc. ) OR AS NOTEO ON DRAWINGS. urlagmg to umst ~,m, oe-nml~.( 2 - 8d eacn eno ~B)ocF]ng )o J~.o, jst tTpe-njil,ea),.... *~ 2 - 8d each end UI~KInQ,,IO ~1~1 or mop,mom k moecna"ea) 3 - 16d each bilk ~ OWNER 7. DOUBLE UP FRA~INO UNDER ALL POSTS AND PARALLEL Lme~ger~,rip, to ~m kFage,-naile.dj,~ 3 - 16d each, ioist " DR. NANCY C. PEARSON PARTITIONS OR AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. UOlS~ on Leager ~o ~am Lmoe-z~nauea] 3 - 8d per jo!s) ~ 3258 SOUTH HARSOR RD ~Bond Joist to Joist (EcU-nail,ed/. ,., 3 - 16d per jols~ 8. ALL FLUSH WOOD CONNECTIONS SHALL BE FASTENED uand Joist to Sill or mop Plale (Toe-noilea) 2 - 16d per foot r- SOUTHOLD, NY 1197~ WITH RATED GALVANIZED METAL CONNECTORS BY.. ~TEL: 631-765-5782 h'ECO' OR APPROVED EQUAL. R3©~ S~EAT~I~,C Structural Panels 8d 4' o.c. ,perimeter zone other 6 o.c. edges of 9. NAILING SCHEDULE SHALL BE AS PER THE N.Y.S. panel, 12' o.c. interior ~ ~-/ , BUILDING CODE AS A MINIMUM. ALL 2X6 STUDS of panel SHALL RECEIVE 5-10D NAILS AT SILL AND PLATE. glogona!,Boar, d, Shea[hlng, ~!_ EXTERIOR ~ILS SHALL BE G~VANE[D. f ~ 10 or ~ider 3 - 8d per support c.c. EXTERIOR EDGES AND 6 d IJ i2' c.c. J I" INTERMEDIATE Gypsum Wallboard 5d edge / 10' field 11, ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FINISHES, FLASHING WAL= SHEAT'~;NG AND WATERPROOFING SHALL BE BY ARCHITECT. Structural Panels 8d 6' edge / 12" field 12. ALL ROOF RAFTERS SHALL BE A1TACHED TO THE PLATE Fiberboard Panels 3. edge / 6' field AND STUD WITH -GALVANIZED HURRICANE 1YPE 25 ~ 32" 8d edge / 6" field CONNECTORS BY 'TECO' OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR TIMBER PILE FOUNDATIONS, PROVIDE HURRICANE CUPS AT ALL PERIMETER JOIST TO GIRDER Gypsum W, ollboard Bd 7~ edge/, 10' field CONNECTIONS. ffardbeara ~ 6, edge ~ 12' field ParUcleboord Panels 8cl 6 edge/ 12' field 13. ALL PRE-ENGINEERED LUMBER SHALL BE GEORGIA Diagonal Board Sheathing PACIFIC CPI SERIES WOOD-I-BEAMS AND LVL 1~ x 6',or 1" x 8" 2 - 8d per suppad, PRODUCTS OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS, GIRDERS AND 1 x 10 or wider 3- 8d per support HEADERS SHALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENERS INSTALLED AS PER WANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. WEB FLOOR SHEATHINC STIFFENE~ SHALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARINO POINTS AT A MINIMUM. A SINGLE I 3/4" Structural Panels 1' or less 1' 8d 6~ edge/, 1,,;~",field ~BATE: 06/09/2008 LVL RIM JOIST SHALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR greater than lOd 6 edge ~ e field PERIl,lET[RS. HANDLINO, STORAGE, AND EREDTION OF SBAE: N.T.S. COMPONENTS SHALL BE AS PER MANUFACTURERS Diagonal Board Sheathing REOOMMENDATIONS. 1~ ~ 6",or ' × 8" 2 - 8d per suppoR, ' Nailing Schedule 1 x 10 ar wider 3 - 8d per suppor~ FRAMING NOTES N. ALL MULTIPLE LVL PRODUCTS TO HAVE 2 ROWS OF 1/2' DIA. DALVANIZED klAOHIN[ BOLLS JJ 12" 0.¢ .... Nailing requirements are, be, sM on wall s,hea, thlag, nailed §' ,on-cente.r, at the ~anel ,edg, e. If?al! sh, eathing is na. ile. d ,) on-career at the ~ne~ eage to obtain Mgner shear capaGUes naiGng regmremems mr sJrucmra~ memeers sna, ~ B~/6. Nk~E be, ,d, oubled,,, o,r a,!t.ema.te con,.~ectars , such as qbe,ar pla!~s , sh,,al~ ,be, u,s,ed, to m,alntain, the., lead ,pa, th. . .... be reduced to 1 - f~d nail bar roar. A - 10 !ands along Richmond Creek, ~, t~o sanitary disposal, facility ~ball be installed or constructed ,¢ithin I00 £est Of the upland edge tae tidal wetlands along the 0horeline of Richmond Creek. Erosion and sediment control neae~res shall be required during and immediately after construction >n each lot to insure that storm- ~ater r~moff will not carry eroded ~d other deleterious materials into Richmond Creek and the tidal ~etlands that bo~der the creek, ~. No stormwater runoff resu~ting from the development of the sub- liv±sion or any of the lots shall be discharged directly into the adjacent body of water. 5. A conservation or scenic ease- nent having a ~inimum width of 50 feet shall be established along the shorelt~ of Richmond Creek to insur~ that no development ~dverse to the aesthetic attri- butes of the shoreline will take 01ace along the shoreline. 5. No lot shall be subdivided or its lot lines changed in any man- ~er at any future date unless ~uthorized by the Tow~ of Southold Planning Board. 7. Approval of this subdivision shall shall be made subject to the sub- division, s meeting the require- nents amd standards of the Suffolk ~ounty Department of Health Services. B, The above conditions shall be filed ~s covenants and restrictions in the office of the County Clerk on or prior to the granting of ~pprov~l to this s~bdivision. ~g 7t B z,,U . ~iLva - N oJ. ~'qO~ DNINNWId [ kg GtAO dddV 0 :4' N, 6o°o/'2o"~. GO SOLAR, INC.