HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/2010ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall Annex. 54;]75 Route 25 P,O, Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971'0959 Fax (631) 765-90434 Telephone (631) 765-1809 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: ii. Ill. Elizabeth Neville, Town Cler, kpf~r Di~tributio~ to,Supervisor Russell and Town Bnard Members) ;~(~L~//f" ', [f~'d" ~ Leslie Kancs Weisman, ZBA ChairPe~o~cpa~ment He~d MONTHLY DEPART~NT HEAD REPORT for: June 20 i 0 July 7, 2010 Requires Immediate Attention: To better address issues of parking and public safety at outdoor public events at wineries, last month the ZBA chairperson initiated a coordinated inter-departmental review process of all applications for permits by Police, Building, Planning and Land Preservation. The workload for ZBA staffhas increased exponentially and it is having a significant impact on time available to process applications for relief in a timely manner. We respectfully request additional staffsupport through hiring part time staffer Elizabeth Sakarcllos on a full time basis, with the continued part time employment of ZBA Legal Stenographer Lucille Cappabianca. Items of Concern: Carryovers We are waiting for feedback from the Workplace Violence Prevention team regarding improving staff safety through modifications to access to the ZBA office, which was reviewed and discussed last month. · The ZBA office still needs an additional part time staff person to work on data entries of legacy files from 1957-1999. · The ZBA continues to respectfully request that the Town purchase the equipment that will enable Member Homing to deliberate on decisions from Fishers Island at our monthly Special Meetings, thereby increasing the time available for public hearings at the Regular Meetings of the ZBA, and Member Homing's ability to participate fully in all decisions rendered by the Board. Policies: Permits lbr Special Events at Wineries Effective July 7, 2010 the department adopted for use a new application with instructions and attachments for permits for special outdoor events at wineries that incorporates comments and t~edback from the ZBA staff; Assistant Town Attomey, Plaaming, Land Preservation, Building, Police, and Suffolk County Planning. The new instructions were written to more clearly inform winery, owners and the public about when a permit is required, what must be provided and the rules that must be tbllowed to iasure public safety and compliance with Town and County regulations. The new application requires a parking plan, and information about sale of development rights and on site catering/food service. Copies have been sent to the To~ Board and all applicable deparUnents, posted on the Town website and will be mailed to every winery in Southold Town.. IV. ZBA u~e_ of Co_n_sultants ~n light of the increasing numbers of tear down of dwellings that were granted relief by the ZBA on the basis of proposed additions and alterations, the Chairperson met v~Sth the Town Board to discuss code changes that would permit the Board to hire consultants, as per Planning Board, to advise on structural soundness of foundations and other matters where unbiased expert opinion would be useful in making determinations/decisions. The matter was remm~ded to the Code Committee tbr further discussion. Financial/Budget Issues: ZBA Consultartt Linda Kowalski B~ilting for June 2010: No---ne this month. Basic training as per contract ft~r viC-ki Toth has been completed. Linda will review the installation oftbe Municity Program in the ZBA office when it is ready tbr review, if needed. PersOnnel Matters: The Chairperson is pleased to have submitted ZBA Secretary/Board Assistant Vicki Toth' s 180 day evaluation with the recommendation to continue her full time employment based on her excellent performance to date. The department continues to be short-staffed, whde workload continues to mcreas . Money remains in our budget for Lmda Kowalskl: contract that could be used toward hiring ZBA Clerk Typist Elizabeth Sakarellos on a full time basis. Activities of the Board/Accomplishments: Regular Meeting: Date: June 30, 20t0 Call to Order: 9:00 AM Adjourned: 5:20PM Public Hearings_: Total: 12 Number of new applications heard: 9 Number of CurD'overs from previous hearings: 3 Number closed reserving decision to later date: 6 Number closed subject to receipt of additional information: 3 Number adjourned to another date: 2 Number adjourned w/o adate: 1 Nunlber of Resolutions passed: 4 Number of decisions made: 2 Next Rc,ular Meetin~ 7/29/2010 S~p~cial Me~tin~ Date: 6/t0/2010 Call to Order: 6:05 PM Adjourned: 7:50PM Number of assigned draft findings discussed: 9 Number of decisions made: 9 Number of Resotutkms passed: 15 Num~ber of Site Ins_lzcctions mad~e by Board members: 12x 5 = 60 ' ' ~ ' ns' None this month Work Sess~o . Meetings attended/initiated by ZBA Chairperson/Department }lead · 6/I - Chairperson and Town Board re: propose code change io permit ZBA to hire consultants · 6/3 - Department Heads Meeting · 6/10 - Code Committee m: ZBA hiring consultants and code changes requiring updated surveys · 6/15 .- l'o~m Board work session meeting with TDR Work Group · 6/18 - Chairperson with staffand Asst. Town Attorney re: outdoor public events at wineries · 6/18 - Chairperson and Assr TA re: various applications before the Board · 6/23 - Chairperson mid Assr TA re: various applications before the Board · 6/24 - Code Committee · 6/25 - Staff, Chairperson, interview with student and high school counselor re: potential summer internship with ZBA Staff Activities Number ofpcople assisted at the coanter: 58 hours spent assisfing: 12. (Assistance includes filling out new applications, mailings and postings, providing copies of decisions. FOIL requests and other materials, and general inquiriex) Meetings attended by ZBA staff · 6/18 - Staff; Chairperson. Asst. Town Attorney re: outdoor public events at wineries, 10:30 AM -- 12:30 PM · 6/25 - Staff, Chairperson, interview with student and high school counselor re: potential summer intemslfip wifla ZBA 10AM-I 1:30AM