HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 391Jul' 01 10 01:39p SUFFOLK REAL PROPERTY 6318521566 p.4 :HR.~TOPHER A. B. CLARKE, m~ng et 425 Country Road 39.% Southampton, New Ymk 1196~, , paty ~f the tirst part, and LAUREL LAKE, LLC. a limi~ecl ~M ~,ii~/comp~r~ havi~g ~ 14 425 Coun~ Roa~ 39A, Soutlmmplon, Hew York 11~8, p~rty o~ the smcor~l BEING AND ZNT'ENDEO TO BE tl~ ~ premises as co.eyed m ~ ImcO' ol' U~ flr~ pad b~ dee~ dat~l and in~ndLKi t~ be recorded In U~ OIIYO of the C~'k of &m Cou~ of SM~Ic' Jul"01 10 01:39p SUFFOLK REAL PROPERTY 6318521566 p,5 File No~ RHCO43D22~7 SCHEDULE A-DESCR3PT[ON J~4ENDED 05/27/05 AU.b'~at certain plot, piece er parcel of &and, s{tua'oe, lying and being at Hett~tuck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State Of New York, being more partlodar~ bounded and descflt~ed as fotlows: 5E$LflN]NG at a poi~t on the J~chwesterly stale Of ]qaln Road (New York State Route 25) at a paint thereon where the same is intersected by the Southwesterly s~de of' la~d now or $'cwmerly of Goodale, formerly of Chew; RUNNING THENCE along U~e Northwesterly side of Hain Road (N.Y~. Route 25) South 51 degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 1B3.94 f~.t to land now or formerly o~'Konkal; RUNNING THENCE along said land now or formed¥ of Konkel the ~ollowing ~wvo (2) courses and d~stances: 1) North 22 degrees 55 mlnutes 50 seconds WeSt a distance ef 151.29 fee~; 2) So~th 52. degrees 02. minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 62.22 feet to la~d now or formerly of Gondola; Iq. UNN;NG THEHCE a{ong said land now or formerly of Goo~ale North 22 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 35.34 feet to the Easterly tine of land now Or formerly of Begshaw and Woodhull; RUNNING THENCE along said lend Of Bagshaw and Wondhull North 23 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 25~.97. feet; RUNKING THENCE North 45 degrees 16 minutes tO Sacancts West o distance of .54~4 feet bo The Long Island Railroad; RUNNT. NG THENCE from said ,long land now or flnnne~y o~The Long %s$and Railroad North 44 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 738.43 feet to land NFS Develupment Corp.; RUNNING THENCE along said land South 7.3 degrees Lg minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 259.53 ~ to ~and of 6ressler & Wickharn; RUNNItOG THENCE along said land and ~ands Of Sumbo~ Assoc~fes South 65 degrees 05 minutes West a distance of 170~O3 fe~; RUNNIHG THENCE Soul~ 60 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds WeSt a distance of 246.40 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 58 degree'= 32 minutes OO se~ We~t a dastance of 3g.12 feet te land new or. ' · formerly of Goo~ale, formerSy Chew first above firSt mentioned; RUNN].NG THENCE along said land the fo41owlng ~vo {2} courses and d~stonces: 1} South 23 o~-,grees 03 minutes 0O seconds East O distance of 315.82 feet; 2) 50uth 37 degrees 57 mlnutoS 50 seconds East a distance of 100 feet to the Northwesterly side of Hain Road (N.Y, 5. Route 25) ut the point: or place of BEGINNING. Legal Jul" 01 10 01:39p SUFFOLK REAL PROPERTY 6318521566 BARGAIN AND $,M,.E DEED 'WITH covEit,~rr AGe. aT GRANT~R'$ ACTS 11tie Ne. CHRISTOPHER A.B. C~J(E TO LAI,IP, EL LAKE, LLC ~r~ commonwealth DIS'~ICT SECTION 122.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT 035{310 COUNTY OR TOWN T~ of STREET ADDRESS Rece~eci at Requesl of Jul' 01 10 01:39p SUFFOLK REAL PROPERTY 6318521566 p.2 I IIIIIIIIl llllllllllllllliilll]llllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllll[llllill SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK P. ECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAQE Recorded.- At. ~ Receipt ~*m~r : 05-0064893 ~SFBR T~ ~= 04-45557 LIBER: D00012393 PAGE~ 391 1000 122. O0 06.00 035,010 Deed ~t~ $~.00 06/20/200S 11:18.'23 Received the Following Fees Per Above Znstnunent Exempt Pege/F&ling $12.00 COE $5,00 EA-C'r¥ $5.00 TP-504 $5.00 RPT $30.00 Transfer ~ax $0.00 TRAN~F~ T~,~ NUMBER= 04-45SS7 NO Handl&ng $5.00 NO BY5 SRCI.EG $15.00 NO FA-STATE $165.00 NO Cert.Cop&es $0.00 NO GCTM $0.00 NO C~.~rea $0.00 Fees ~e:l.d $242.oo THIS PAGE I$ A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT TH~H IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Su££olk County 'Juf' 01 10 01:39p SUFFOLK REAL PROPERTY 6318521566 p.3 'dot Ct( W IDc~d ! Mortgage I~tqm~ .... ' DTO ~ S~rvi~ ' 050~,T? 1000 12200 osoD 035011) Communlt~'.Pre~n F~u,d Improved_ -'~ Snffoik County Recording & Endorsement Page 'Ibis pn~¢ ~'oom ~ c~£ thc aaach~ ~ ' made by: 7 I Title Company Information co. N~,~,,r,~ p,*~.~--, ,~ o_ ~,~-. ,*,., .-,,..~x. ~