HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-69PU~IC O~FICIAL BOND COMPANY Amount INSURANCE PH 1 HXA A STOCK COI~IPANY AMERICA Know All Men By These Presents, That we,. ............... ~.~.~.~.....~.~ ..~ ~.~.~....~.~.t ............................................... of .................. ~.....~.~.~..-..Q.~:.~.~.- .~...-~.~.~ in the State of New York as Principal, and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a corporation duly organized and exist- ing under and by virtue of the ~ws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and authorized to b<ome surety on bonds in the State of New York, as Surety, are held and firmly ~und unto in the State of New York, in the full and just sum of.....~_..~.~.~....~...~Q~.~Q~.~.~.~.~.~.:.~.r.<.~.~.~.:.m., ............... ~..~.~..~.z.~.~.~ z.z~.~ z ~.Tz.~ T~.~.~.~.~.~ ~ ~.~ ~.z.~..~.~.z ~.~ z.T~ ~.~.~.~ T~ ~.~..~.~ ~ollars ( $...~.: .~.Q~.Q.Q.. ), lawful money of th~United States, for payment of whi~ well and truly to be ma~, we bind ourselves, our heirs, ex<utors, administrators, successors and assigns iointly and severally, firmly by these presents. 8i~d and Sealed this ..................... ~.~.~ ...................... day of ..................................................... Q.~Q.~: ........................... , A. D. 19...~ .... ~er~a, the above bounden principal has been duly el<ted or appointed to the office of TREAS~ER in and for the ................................. Q.~I~T..N~....Y0~...FI~...DIS. TRI~ for the term beginning on the .............. ~.~ ................ day of ..................................... $~D~ar~; , 19..60 and ending on the 3.~.~ day of .................................. ~.Q.~b.~ ..................................................................... , 19.6.O Now, There[ore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden principal shall well and faithfully discharge the duties of his o~ce and promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him as such officer, in accordance with law, or in default thereof, the parties executing this undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses, resulting from such default, not exceeding the sum above mentioned, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in Charles wilson At t or,,ey-in-fact STATE OF NEW YORK ] TOWN OF.....O..~ l .......... 3 On this......3../.~?' .......... day of /~ ~.~ 19~-~ ~, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared ................... fia(~/~./~..~.~'.O, dlZ..... ~ ...... ,~. _t~_/~.aLrT,~.~7 .......~tt~ to me personally Unox,,, and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the within instrument, and he duly ack,owledged to me that he executed the same. FLOYD F. KING, JR. NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New Yor~' STATE OF NEW YORK ] SS. COUNTY OF. ~au ........... J On..10/22/59 , before me personally came ~;.~T,IZ.~...~.TT,,qO~ ................... to me known, who, ~ing by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that ..he resides in ........ ~RE~K.~...~. YD~ : that he is the attorney-in-fact of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation described in and which ex<uted the within i~trument; that..he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal a~xed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so a~xed by order of the Board of Directors of said cor~ration, and that . he signed his name thereto by like order; and that the Su~rintendent of Insurance o{ the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 19~, as amended, constituting Chapter 30 of Cahill's Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, issu~ to the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said Company is qualified to b<ome and ~ ac~pted as surety or~uarantor on ali ~nds, undertakings, and other obligations or guarantees, as pro- vided by the Insura~e Law of the Stateo{ New York~a~,~me~atory thereof and }upplementary thereto; and that such certificate has not ~en revoked. ~-~ / -- .......... ::: ............ ~ o%%5 ~ea / ' Notary Public, County ~PPROF~L: ~thin undertakin~ approved a~ to ]orm and ~uffidency ot *~rety an~ the amount o[ llabHity therein fixed a* ~c~ent, p~r~nt to the pro,on* ol Section 11, ol the P.blic O~cer*' Law. APPROVAL AND FILING: Bond of a FILL~G£ Treasurer, as well as any other bonds required of the ¥illage officers, shall be approx'ed by the Village Board anti filed ~ith the X/il[age Clerk (Section $8~Villa~e ~aw). Bond of a MUNICIPelL officer, if not otherwise provided by Law, shall he allproved hy the Chief Executive officer or goYernlng body anti i~led xHth Clerk thel'eof (~etion Il--Pub. Off. Law). COMPANY INSURANCE AMERICA To be attached to and form part of Bond No. M2].62~8, executed by Harrison M. Demarest, Jr. as principal and Ii~EMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, as Surety, in the sx~ of SIX THOUSAND AND N0/lO0 ($6,000.00) Dollars, i~a favor of ORIENT, N~'~ YORK FTRE DISTRICT, and dated the 22nd day of October, ].959. WHEREAS, ORIENT, ~g YORK FIRE DISTRICT has requested that said Bond be increased to SEV~EN THOUSAND Ai~ N0/!O0 ($7,000.00) Do]lsrs, effective January 1st, 2960. ~OWj THEREFORE, subject to all the terms, conditions and limit- ations of the Bond, the amount thereof shalI be, and the sate is hereby increased to THOUSAND A~YD NO/lO0 ($7,000.00) Dollars. after the 1st day of January, 1960. THE LIABILITY of the Surety shall not exceed the penalty of this Bond at the time the act resulting in loss shall have been committed; nor shall the liability of the Surety for Ioss occurring during two or more periods in which the bond penalty is in different amounts exceed sum equal to the largest penalty set forth in the bond during the two or more periods in which the loss sha]I occur. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 10th day of February, 1960. Harrison M.'Demarest,J~. ACCEPTED: I?DEM~ITY INSURANCE COMPANY O? NORTH AMERICA w~¥ecuted in Duplicate PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA, PA. Executed in Duplicate Amount A STOCIt COMPANY N°'l~'~8~ Know All 1V~en By These Presents. That we, ....~.~?~,~91~..M,....~'~ts .~". ouge 26 0~eng N~ York i ' ' of.....~ · * n the State of New York as Principal, and the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a corporation duly organized and existing ~der and by virtue of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and authorized to become surety on bonds in thc State of New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto in the State of New York, in the full and just sum of ~ .~H0~ .~ .~0/~~.~r.~' lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assi~s, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Si~ed and Sealed this ~fi~h day of 0~O~s A.D. 19 ~0. ...... in and for the 0~. ~ .~0~. ~..~ for the term beginning on the ~8~ day of ~B~ , and ending on the ~.~ day of D~.O~ , 19.~.~ Now, Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden principal shall well and faithfully discharge the duties of his office and promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him as snch officer, in accordance with law, or in default thereof, the parties executing this undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses, resulting from such default, not exceeding the sum above mentioned, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF.. rJ:~<~-~ TOWN 0 F ~ ,'~ .-/~ ,~.7~ On this ~ ~/d, day of ap~ared ~ ~.~Z.~.~ . and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK SS. COUNTY OF ,l~,~,a%~ o..2,0/26/6.0 h~fo~e me personally c~m~ ~ ~ to me known, who, ~ing by me duly sworn, did depose and'say, that he resides m R~ ~s INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument in such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereio by llke order; and that the Superintendent of Insurance the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1~9, as amended, constituting Chapter 30 of Cahill s Consolidated Laws of the State AMERICA his certificate that said Company other obligations or g.arantees, as prowded by the Insurance Law mentary thereto; and that snch certificate has not been revoked. SHIRLEY g. BROWN NOTARY p~BLIG, STATE OF NEW No. 30.5485755 Qualified in N~ss~R ~ ~~ ...~~ APPROVAL: Within undertaking approved as to form a,d su~cie.cy of surety and the arno,mt o! liability therein fixed as su~icient, purslmnt to the pro,ia'ions of Section 11, of the Public O~fcers' Law. FB-IS3 2M 7-11-60 PRINTED IN U.S.A. APPROVAL AND FILING: Bond of a VILLAGE Treasurer, as well as any other bonds required of the Village officers, shall be approved by the Village Board and filed with the Village Clerk (Section 58--Village Law). Bond of a MUNICIPAL officer, if not otherwise provided by Law, shall be approved by the Chief Executive officer or governing lmdy and filed with Clerk thereof (Section ll--Pub. Off. Law). Bond of a COUNTY officer shall, if not otherwise provided by Law be a }proved by the County Clerk and filed in his office, except the County Treasurer's bond and the County Clerk's bond, which shall be ap>roved by the Boar~l' of Su }ervisors if in session, otherwise by the County Jud~ee or aIudge of the Supreme Court and filed in the office of the County Clerk and State Coml~tro er s office respect ye y (Sections 140 and 160, County Law). County Clerk employees' bonds are filed in the Count Clerk's office Section Il--Pub. Off. Law). Bonds of all. TO[~N officers, includlng the Supervisor's General or regular undertaking, as well as Town Tax Collectors, shall now be approved by the Town Board and filed tn the office of the Clerk of the County in which the Town is located Section 25--Town Law). The SuPervlsor's Highway Money bond is written under the State Highway Law, on a sl~eial bond formr, repared by the State Highway Del~rtment. Bond of a Rural SCHOOL Collector (acting as Treasurer) is aPl>roved by the Trustee and by the District Superintendent of Schools and is filed with the County Clerk of the County in which the Collector resides Section 252 Education Law Amendment A ~ril 7 1947). Bond of a Treasurer or Co ector of a Un on Free or Centralized School District is approved hy the Trustees and by the District Superintendent of Sch~ols and filed with the County Clerk (Section 254 of Educational Law. Amendment April 7, 1947). PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA, PA. Amount $ ~..QQQ, ...... A ~TOCK COMPANY Know All Men By.These Presents, That we, .......... ~I~Q~[...FL....~MA!5,:g~qT.._.~ ........................................ of ~.Ql~....E.t~ ~.. QR:~}q~.......!~.'~'{..YQ~ in the State of New York as Pr ncipa, and the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a co~oration duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the ~ws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and authorized to become surety on bonds in the State of New York. as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto in the State of New York, in the full and just sum of..~.~....~Q~A~...~ ~0/~0~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ......... ~.~.~.~.~.T ~.~ T ~ T ~ T ~ ~ ~ T ~.~ ~.~ ~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o lars lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Si~ed and Sealed this Whereas, the above bounden principal has been dulz elected or appointed to the o~ce of in and for the .............. DIS.T~ for the term beginning on the &O~ day of ~.~ , I9...62 and ending on the ~.~ day of D~.~D~ , 19..62 Now, Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonnden principal shall well and faithfully discharge the dnties of his o~ce and prolnptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him as such o~cer, in accordance with law, or in d~fanlt thereof, the parties executing this undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses, resulting from such default, not exceeding the sum above mentioned, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to relnain iu full force and effect. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF...J:~'7(~(.f~ ..... ~ ss. Z J ~gff~n this..Z..~ .............. day of and known to me to ~ the person described in and who executed the within instrumenh and he dilly acknowledged to me that he executed the samc. FLOYD J. STATE OF NEW YORK ~ SS. COUNTY OF ~$ ,~ L1 On be or me ~a~~ ~.~On to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that. he resid~ in ~.~ ..~]~. ~Q~ ; that he is the attomey-ln-fact of tb~ INSU~NCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, ~l;e corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that be knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to Said instrument in s~h corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of tbe Board of Directors of said corporation, and that be signed bis name thereto by like order; and tbat tbe Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 19~, as amended, constituting Chapter 30 of Cahill's Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, issued to the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said Company is qnalified to become and be accepted as snrety or guarantor on ali bonds, undertakings, and other obligations or guarantees, as provided by the lnsnrance Law of the State o~' York and all laws amendatory thereof and supple- mentary thereto; and tbat such certificate ~s~kb~ revoked. , ] ApPROVaL: Within under~akin~ approved as to form and su~ciency of surety and the amount of liability ~herein fixed as su~cient, purnmnt to the providons o] Section 11, o] thc Public O~cers' Law. APPROVAL AND FILING: Bond of a VILLdGE Treasurer, as well as any other bonds required of the ViIlage officers, shall be approved by the Village Board and filed with the Village Clerk (Section 58--Villaee Law). Bond of a MUNICIPAL o/fleer, if not otherwise provided by Law, shall be al~proved by the Chief Executive officer or governing body and filed with Clerk thereof (Section ll--Pub. Off. Law). Bond of a COUNTY officer shall, if not otherwise ~rovided by Law be approved by the County Clerk and filed in his office, except the County Treasurer's bond and he Coun y C erk s bond, wh ch shall he approved by t ~e Board of Supervisors if in session, otherwise by the County Judge or a J'udge of the Supreme Court and. filed in the office of the County Clerk and State Com ~troller's office res ~ectively Sec ions 40 and 160 Coun y Law) Court y C erk emp oyees' bonds are filed tn the County Clerk's office (Section 11 Pub. Off. Law). Bonds of all TOWN officers, including the Su )ervisor's General or regular under ak ng as we as Town Tax Co ectoxs sba now be approved by the Town Board and filed in the office of the C erk of he Coun y in which the Town is ccated (Sect on 25--Town Law). Fbe Su[~ervisor's Highway Money bond is written, under the State Highway Law, on a s)ecial bond form )re tared by the State Highway Depar merit Bond of a Rura SCHOOL Co ector (acting as Treasurer) is approved by the Trustee and by the District Superintendent of Schcols and is filed with the County Clerk of the County in which the Collector resides (Section 252, Education Law, Amendment April 7, 1947). Bond of a Treasurer or Collector of a Union Free or Centralized School District is al~proved by the Trustees and by the District Superintendent of Schools and filed with the County Clerk (Section 254 of Educational Law. Amendment April 7, 1947). PUBLIC, OFFICIAL BOND INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA, PA. Amount A STOCK COMPANY Know All Men By These Presents, That we ....... ttgtCoUi. SQD..~:!~, .])~lS!~?~g~ ,. .. J.U.~ ............................ of ............ ~.~.~._~5.~... Q~.~.~.~., ..}[~)L. ~4J~ in the State of New York as Principal, and the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a co~orafion duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the ~ws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and authorized to become surety on bonds in the State of New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto in the State of New York, in the full and just sum of..~g~I. ~It~SA~...A!:~..N~/(~Q~.=.~.~.~ ~.=.~.~.~r 7 ~ .... lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assi~s, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Si~ned and Sealed this ~.h day of..0.~.~ , A. D. 19. Whereas, the above bounden principal has been duly elected or appointed to the office of in and for the ..QE~N~ ~L..Y.QEtQ .~I~ for the term beginning on the %.~ day of ~g~Bg.U~[., , 19 ~S and ending on the 3~ dayof Deoe~ber~ , 19 ~o Now, Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden principal shall well and faithfully discharge the duties of his office and promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him as such officer, in accordance with law, or in default thereof, the parties execnting this undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses, resulting from such default, not exceeding the stun above mentioned, then this obligation to be vokl, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Executed in Duplicate STATE OF NEW YORK ] COUNTY OF...J~F~'~//~' ~ ss. TOWN 0 F.. ~'~'~"~.'~ .- -]' .'. ' J 3RANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA On this ...... ~.,_~ day of .... ;.._ .,~,~.( ............. i962, before me, the suhscriber, personally ..... ~ ~ ~ o me )crsonaHy knowll and known to me to ~ the person described n and who executed the w th n nstrument, and he duly ack.owledged to me that he executed thc same. STATE OF NEW YORK ] SS. COUNTY OF...~X[~ ~ ~ P'.15l J On ¢0//~//~? before me personally came Jqs~Ph TqEP%r~s to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he > resides in ~O'~Qi~... ~0~7~.~1~.. ~!.~Br Y0~ ; that he is the attorney-in-fact of th~ ~. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, lhe corporation described in and which executed tile within instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument in sneh corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order; ami that the Snperintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of N Chapter 30 of Cahill's Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended AMERICA bis certificate that said Company is qualified to become and other obligations or gtmranti~es, as provided by the Insurance Law of mentary thereto; and that such certificate has not been revoked. SHIRLEY E. BROWN NOT/lilY P%IBAi~ ~T ATE OF NEW YOI~ N~ 30-5485755 ~ualified in Hassau County Term expires Mc~rch 311, 196i York for the year 1909, as amended, constituting ~ tile INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH or gnarantor on ali bonds, undertakings, and and all laws APPROVAL; Within undertaki.g approved as to [or,;, a.d s.l~cie.c, surety a.d the a.,ount o] liability therein fixed as su~icie~gt, purst~ant to the pro*ii*ions o] Section I1. o! the Public O~icers' Law. APPROVAL AND PILING: PUBLIC OFFICI-AE BO'ND INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA, PA. Amount A STOCK CO~IPANY Know All Men By These Presents, That we, ............. ~...,1,.....]~M[~.....~ .................................................. of .................... I[0l~....o~t..._~,s,l~l~t~)....m....~(~ll[; in the State of New York as Principal, and the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a co~oration duly organized and existing ~der and by virtue of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and authorized to become surety on ~nds in the State of New York, as Surety, are held and firmly ~und unto......~....~._~..~...~~ ......................... in the State of New York, in the full and just sum of....~...~....~....~ ................ ...... ~ ........ ~..~..~.~..~.~..~.~.~..~ ...... ~ .... Dollars ($..~0~,), lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, ex~utors, administrators, successors and assi~s, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Si~ed and Sealed this ~gg~... day of ~ A. D, 19~ Whereas, the above ~unden principal has been duly elected or appointed to the o~ce of in and for the ~.....~...~..~.. ~~ for the term beginning on the ...... ~ day of ~ , 19~ and ending on the ~8~ ............. day of ~, , 19~ Now, Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden princi~l shall well and faithfully discharge the duties of his office and promptly account for and pay over all moneys or pro~rty received by him as such officer, in accordance with law, or in dehult thereof, the parties executing this undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses, resulting from such default, not exceeding the sum above mentioned, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK 1 COUNTY OF....~.~f/ffff~,('/ ~' ss. TOWN appear ....... a and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same· STATE OF NEW YORK O . ...... lo~3 .............. before me personally came ~ ~...~l~ , to me known, who, being by me duly sr,'om, did depose and say, that he resides in ~lll~t~[~..1~1~'..'~J~ ; that ... he is the attorney-in-fact of th~ INSURANCE COMPANY O~ NORTH AMERICA. the corporation described in and which executed the wiffiin instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrnment in such corporate seal; thai it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order;and friar tbe Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New Y~rk has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of ffie Laws of the State of New York for the year 1~0, as amemled, constituting Chapter 30 of Cahills Consolidated Laws of tbe State of New York. as amended, issned to the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said Company is qualified to become ami be accepters surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, and other obligations or ~mrantkes, as provided by the Insurance Law of tbe Stat~ N~ York and all laws amendatory tbereof and supple- mentary thereto; and tbat sucb certificate has not been revoked./ // HOT~YPUBMC, STATE OF NewYO~ / ~ ~ - N~. 3~-5485755 ..................... ~ ~ · ~PPROF~L: ~ithfn ~d~tak~ approved a~ to ]orm aad *u~cienry of *~rety and the ammmt o] liability therefi[ ~ t~ci~t, p~r~*~t ~o th~ pr~'on* oI ~ection 11, o~ the PuMir O~rer~' APPROVAL AND FILING: PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA, PA. Amount $. ~.Qj.QOQ,.Q~) A STOCK COMPANY Know All Men By These Presents, That we, ........... ~..~.,...~~..~.~., ..................................... of ................. I~,0Ur~'~.....~.~a....~1~..~-~]~....i~'~'ld... XQ...I~ in the State of New York as Principal, and the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a co~oration duly or~nized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and authorized to become surety on bonds in the State of New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto . ._.QR~....I~ .YQ~ .~....~ ~g!~,......~!...X~ in the State of New York, in the full and just sum of . . ~...~O~8~....~....~O/~.~.~m=~.m~.~- lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointl~ and severally, firmly by these presents. Si~ed and Sealed this ~... .. day of ~ereas, the above bounden principal has been duly elected or appointed to the office of in and for the O~I~..~ .~Q~...~ for the term beginning on the ~S.~ dav of J~B~ 196~ and ending on the B~ da3 of Q99~.~.~ ~ 196~ Now, Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden princi~l shall well and faithfully discharge the duties of his office and promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him as such officer, in accordance with law, or in default thereof, the parties executing this undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses, resulting from such default, not exceeding the stun above mentioned, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain iu ~ '1 INSURANC~ COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA meeuged ~n Dup~eage COUNTY OF...~.~'~'~e.~.~ ....... ~ ss. TOWN OF...~.~/~.7' ........... J o. thi, ......II..Z~ .............. O,y of . .~ ................... 19~Y, ~fore me, the suhscriber, personally ap~ared ~Z~ ~., fff~A~t~Z ~, to me personally know,, and known to me to ~ the person described in and who executed the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF .l~.~.~3,L~ $$, On ~-~)/~/~ 3 ...... before me personally came K.oY~..D... ~Q.~a~ to me known, who, ~ing by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resid~ n g~egd.,....~..Yor~ ; that he is the attorney-in-fact INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation descried in and which executed the within instrument that he knows the seal of said cor~ration; that the seal affixed to said instrnment in such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order; and that the Snl~rintendent of lnsnrance of the State of New Y~rk has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the Slate of New York for the year 1~0, as amended, constitnting Chapter 30 of Cahill s Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amemted, issued to the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety or gnarantor on all bonds, undertakings, and other obligations or ~mrant~es, as provided by the Insurance Law of the State of ~York and all laws amenda~ thereof and supple- mentary thereto; and that such certificate has not been revoked. ~ ~ S~LEY E; BRO!~ ~uannea m Nassau Coun~ ' ~PPRO~L: ~i~ki~ ~dt~a~iny a~rm,ed ~ ~o form and $u~d~nc~ o~ $~re~ and tk~ ~.wunt a~ ~u~i~m, ~ Zo ~ ~to~on~ o] ~tio~ 11. ~ tke Publi~ O~c~rd L~. APPROVAL AND PILING: Bond of a FILL~4GI~ Treasurer, as well as any other bonds required of the Village oi~cers, shall be approved by the Village B~rd and filed with the Village Clerk (Sect/on 58--Village Law). Bond of a MUNIC1P.4L officer, if not otherwise provided by Law, shall he approved by the Chief Executive officer or governing bedy and filed with Clerk thereof (Section Il--Pub. Off. Law). Bond of a COUNTY officer shall, if not otherwise ~rovlded by Law be approved by the County Clerk and filed in his office except the County Treasurer's bond and the County Clerk's bond, which shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors if in session, otherwise by the County j'udge or a]udge oI the Supreme Court and filed in the office of the County Clerk and State Comptroller's office respectively (Sections 140 and 160, Coun y Law) Collnty Clerk empoyees' boads are filed in the Count Clerk's office (Section Il--Pub. Off, Law . Bonds of all TOWN officers, including the Su ~ervlsor's General or regular undertaking as well as Town Tax Collec~rs shall now be approved by the Town Board and filed in the office ed the C erk oI the County in which the Town is I~cated (Sec ion 25--Town Law). The Superwsor's Highway Money bo~d is writ eh, under the State Highway Law, on a ~pecial bond Iormj~repared by the State Highway DeFartment. Bond of a Rural SCHOOL Collector (acting as Treasurer is approved by the Trustee and by the District Superintendent oI Schools and s fled wth the County Clerk of the County in which the Collector resides (Section 252, Education Law, Amendment A ~ril 7 1947) Bond of a Treasurer or Collector of a Union Free or Centralized School District is approved by the Trustees and by the District Superintendent of Scheols and filed with the County Clerk (Section 254 of Educational Law. Amendment April 7, 1947). PUBLIC OI~FIClAL DIVISION BOND NO. ~"3680D~8 HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut d Stock Company EXECUTED IN TWO COUNTERPARTS OFFICIAL BOND Know All Men By These Presents, That we, HARRISON M. DEMAREST, JR., of Orient in the State of New York as Principal, and the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Connecticut, and authorized to become sole surety on bonds in the State of New York , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT, ORIENT, in the State of NEW YORK , in the full and just sum of TEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 ........... Dollars ($ 10,000.00) lawful money of the United States. for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed and sealed this 2.18t; day of Deoombor , A. D. 19 64-. Whereas, the said HARRISON M.DEMAREST, JR., has been duly elected or appointed to the office of Treasure'l- in and for the ORIEN FIRE DISTRICT,ORIENT,NEW YORK for the term beginning on the 1st day of January , 19 6~. and ending on the 31st dayof December ,19 Now, Therefore, The Condition of the Above Obligation is Such, that if the above bounden HARRISON M.DEMAREST, JR. , shall, during the aforesaid term, faithfully and truly perform all the duties of his office and shall pay over and account for all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his said office of Treasurer as required by law, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. COUNTERSIGNED BY: ReSident Agar. State In Witness Whereof, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its officers proper for the purpose the day and year first above written. ATTES~~ ................... FY Stateof ~ V~A~ss. ~xgu&o ,.~&~ce~.ass~.oec~e~a~y County of Sd,'FFol/'f } Before me, this 3/5' T, .dav~f ~) -t!-~', A.D. 19 (~ ¥ personally appeared the said HARRISON M.DEMARt ,ST, 5R. ~ to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who execut~ the foregoing bond, and he acknowl- ~ged to me that he executed the same. FLO~ F. K~G, '~ ~Nota~ ~blic OFFICIAL BOND BOND NO. HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut On Behalf of In favor of ~ Dated .......................................................... .., ........ 19 ........ Expires ..................................... : 19 STATE ~)F NEW YORK, / COUNTY OF NEW YORK, ~ /ss' On ....... ~.O{~.I/~b.oc...~.l..q ~,.~(2[ ......................... before me personally came.R.,.l}.,.P..a~,re..h.}.l:.~ ......... i .................... to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in..~.~...~'~[~a.~l.~t....~.~......; that he is the Resident Vice-President of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corpora- tion described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by occur 9~f the Boar~t of Directors of said corpora- .... ~~~~air~n~~d tion, and that he maned h~s name thereto by hke order; and the smd ............................................................ further said that he is ac uainted with Angelo V.Giudice a k .... ~:~ ~^ u~ ~u~Res ,Asst. Secty. of said company; that the signature of the said ...................... ..A~...~[~.~...~P.~ ................................. subscribed to the within instrument is in the genuine handwriting of the said .................. and wass~.g.~a~rc~l~S i her t him by like order of the Board of Directors and in the presence of him, the said ............................................................................ ; and that the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1909, as amended, constituting chapter 30 of Cahill's Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, issued to the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND IN- DEMNITY COMPANY, his certificate that said company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided in the Insurance Law of the State of New York and all lav~ gm~hetl~t,~y thereof and supplementary thereto; and that such certificate has not been~revoked ' '" ' ........ ''~' At ec~el~q~t¥ a~a~vffll'~tneeting of the Board of Directors of the HAR~'RD ACCIDENT AND II~M~T~'~Y CO~M~P4~;~j~.,qUOrum was present, held at the office of the ComSp~ny, in the City of Hartford, ~ate of Con- necfi~h~x~C~t~t'~l/day of May, A. D. 1964, on motion, it was unanimously "RESOLVED, that B. F. GATES, FRED J. KEHRLI, EDWARD M OZANICK, JOHN W O'CONNOR, CLAUDE E. GLASER, JR., HAROLD SCHAFFNER, G. P. FRIEDRICH, S. CAPOTOSTO, R. S. FAIRCHILD, THOMAS E. McGUIRE, T. P. WHELEHAN, WILLIAM A. MUELLER, and C. A. JOHNSON, Resident Vice- Presidents, be and each of them is hereby authorized and empowered on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver, and to attach the seal of the Company to, any and all bonds, recognizances, undertakings, guarantees, contracts of in- demnity, agreements and writings obligatory in the nature thereof withln the purview of any of the following corporate powers and purposes of the Company, to wit: to guarantee the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust; to guarantee the performance of contracts; to execute or guarantee bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any and all actions or proceedings or by law allowed; to indemnify banks, bankers, brokers, financial or moneyed asso- ciations, or financial or moneyed corporations against loss of any bills of exchange, notes, drafts, acceptances of drafts, bonds, securities, evidences of debts, deeds, mortgages, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, documents, instruments, papers, any evidence of value, currency, money, gold, platinum, silver and other precious metals, refined or unrefined and articles made therefrom, jewelry, watches, necklaces, bracelets, gems, precious and semi-precious stones, and also against loss resulting from damage to the insured's premises, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, safes and vaults therein, caused by burglary, robbery, holdup, theft or larceny, or attempt thereat, and without limitation by reason of the fore- going to become principal, surety, indemnitor, endorser, or otherwise bind itself on, or upon, any bond, recognizance, undertaking, guarantee, contract of indemnity, agreement and writing obligatory in the nature thereof, and on, or upon, every obligation whatsoever on, or upon, which any company or insurer, authorized to transact a liability, casualty, accident, health, fidelity, indemnity or surety business in the jurisdiction involved having the same qualifications in respect to doing business as the Company, is permitted to bind itself; such bonds, reqognizances, undertakings, guarantees, contracts of indemnity, agreements and writings obligatory in the nature thereof, however, to be attested in every instance by one other of said Resident Vice-Presidents or by H. R. BIRKEL, GRACE C. BARRETT, MARY T. MALONEY, R. E. DeHECK, EMIL J. DZURILLA, JOHN A. McMAHON, RENARD PETRONZIO, or ANGELO V. GIUDICE, Resident Assistant Secretaries." STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss. COUN Y O N O · ~nm)e~o ~.G~Du~be,~esidont Asst. Socretary ~ ......... '~ .................................................................................................................. m the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, have compared the foregoing resolution with the original thereof, as recorded in the minute book of said company, and DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of the said resolution, and that the same is still in full force and effect. Given under my hand and the seal of the company, at .... ~.~.~i.~.~.~i~l.:~ffq~.~ ~.~,.. 5_~.i4~r the City 0f New York, O ~ ~21st ,196~ Hartford Accident and Indemmty [5ompany Hartford, Connecticut Financial Statement, December 963 ASSETS U. S. Government Bonds ..... $118,933,506 Bonds of other Governments .... 4,788,913 State, County, Municipal & Misc. Bonds. 334,463,321 Stocks .......... 220,299,342 $678,485,082 LIABILITIES Reserve for Claims and Claims Expense . Reserve for Unearned Premiums . Reserve for Taxes ....... Miscellaneous Liabilities ..... Cash in Offices and Banks ..... $6,044,958 Outstanding Premiums less Commissions (Under 90 Days) . 57,534,723 Interest Accrued ....... 4,572,159 Sundry Assets ........ 16,114,257 Voluntary Reserve Capital Paid In Unassigned Funds (Surplus) $332,300,663 161,713,689 9,393,227 8,751,147 Total Admitted Assets ..... $~62,751,179 $103,000,000 20,000,000 127,592,453 Surplus as regards Policyholders . $512,158,726 STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ss. COUN'I~Y Oo~' NF~. G~ ~u~, ~ng o ce, sident Asst.Socreta~y I,. ........................................................................................................................................... ot the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the forgoing is a correct statement of the financial condition of said Comply, as of the thirty-first day of D~ember, ninet~n s~ty-th~ to ~e best of my knowl~ge and belief. Subscri~. ~ sw~-t~b~To(~,~e on ............ ........ ............................. ¢ ............................... Total .......... $762,751,179 $250,592,453 PUBLIC OFFICIAL DIVISION BOND NO. N-3680898-A HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 .EXECUTED IN TWO COUNTLRPA~TS A Stock Company OFFICIAL BOND Know All Men By These Presents, That we, HARRISON M. DE'~?SREST, JR., of Orient in the State of New York as Principal, and the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Connecticut, and authorized to become sole surety on bonds in the State of New York , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT, ORIENT in the State of New -xrork , in the full and just sum of TEN THOUSAND ~UD 00/100 ................................ Dollars ($ 10,000.00) lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed and sealed this 20th day of September , A. D. 1968 Whereas, the said HARRISON M. DEMAREST, JR. has been duly elected or appointed to the office of Trea surer in and for the ORIENT FIRE DIS!?R [CT, ORIENT, NEt~ZORK for the term beginning on the ls t day of January and ending on the 1st day of January , 19 69 Now, Therefore, The Condition of the Above Obligation is Such, that if the above bounden ~AgRISOY M. DEMAREBT, JR. shall, during the aforesaid term, faithfully and truly perform all the duties of his office and shall pay over and account for all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his said office of Treasurer as required by law, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. COU~*TERSIGN~D BY: Re~s id~fit A-~ e nt,-~ft e 5tate%t d/ff~, ~?J0' In Witness Whereof, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its officers proper for the purpose the day and year first above written. .....~~..~/~..~~.t.~.~..) HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY J~-~--~~Re s [ den t Vic e - ~;'~'~_'~;'i'~';c ATTEE New York R~~~nt Asst. Secretary County of .J'Olr~otO' °I~ ss. Before me, this J ? ~A~ day of -5'&'t°7 , A. D. 19~,~ personally appeared the ~id HARRIS'~N M. DE~AREST, J9. to me known and known to me to be the individual de~ribed in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he acknowl'- edged to me that he execut~ the ~me. ~- ~TARY PUBLIC, State of New York No ~ar~ruoi 1 c ~ ~ No. 52-7267800 Suffolk Coun~ Te~ Explr~ March 30, ~9~0 OFFICIAL BOND BOND NO. HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford Plaza Har~ord, Connecticut 06115 On Behalf of In favor of ~ Dated .......................................................... ~ ........ 19 ........ Expires ......................................................... · .......... 19 ...... Form S-3720-0 STATE OF N. EW YORK, COUI~TY OF NASSAU, f ss. On....;~e.p.L.amhe. Ja..20..., .1.9.(>.8 ............................ , before me personally came....~.T.9..~..~.h_....A..,....~9...~.~...n...n_a.. ................ to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in.~.5...n...e..9.~.~.~.....N..%¥.....¥.9. J2..k. ............... ; that he is the Resident Vice-President of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corpora- tion described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed his name thereto by like order; and the said......J-o...s...e.~..h.....A..,......M..e....K..0..n...q.~ ....... further said that he is acquainted with.....~.,.~.^...~..e...r'J.~.c!.4 ............................................................ and knows him to be the.i~ea.,.~.s.t.,Sae ty. of said company; that the signature of the said ............... .R.~......D. eYJack .................................................................................. subscribed to the within instrument is in the genuine handwriting of the said...R...~,...De. ISe.ek .......................................... and was subscribed thereto by him by like order of the Board of Directors and in the presence of him, the said ....... .J..o.~.e.p.h...P~.,...~.c~[arxa8 ..................... ; and that the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York, has, pursuant to chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1909, as amended, constituting chapter 30 of Cahill's Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, issued to the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND IN- DEMNITY COMPANY, his certificate that said company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided in the Insurance Law of the State of New York and all laws amendato~ thereof and supplementary thereto; and that such certificate has not been revok~l. public. ~-~ ~[ New York At a reg~¥~r an~ ~w~hl meefmg of the Board of Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, at which a quorum was present, held at the office of the Company, in the City of Hartford, State of Connecticut, on the llth day of July, A. D. 1967, on motion, it was unanimously "RESOLVED that FRANCIS M. COX, JR., ALLAN I. WOODS, JOSEPH A. McKENNA, and ANGELO LoBIANCO, Resident Vice-Presidents, be and each of them is hereby authorized and empowered on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver, and to attach the seal of the Company to, any and all bonds, recognizances, undertakings, guar- antees, contracts of indemnity, agreements and writings obligatory in the nature thereof within the purview of any of the following corporate powers and purposes of the Company, to wit: to guarantee the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust; to guarantee the performance of contracts; to execute or guarantee bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any and all actions or proceedings or by law allowed; to indemnify banks, bankers, brokers, financial or moneyed associations, or financial or moneyed corporations against loss of any bills of exchange, notes, drafts, acceptances of drafts, bonds, securities, evidences of debts, deeds, mortgages, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, documents, instruments, papers, any evidence of value, currency, money, gold, platinum, silver and other precious metals, refined or unrefined and articles made therefrom, jewelry, watches, necklaces, bracelets, gems, precious and semi-precious stones, and also against loss resulting from damage to the insurer's premises, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, safes and vaults therein, caused by burglary, robbery, holdup, theft or larceny, or attempt thereat, and without limitation by reason of the foregoing to become principal, surety, indemnitor, endorser, or otherwise bind itself on, or upon, any bond, recognizance, undertaking, guarantee, contract of indemnity, agreement and writing obligatory in the nature thereof, and on, or upon, every obligation whatsoever on, or upon, which any company or insurer, authorized to transact a liability, casualty, accident, health, fidelity, indemnity or surety business in the jurisdiction involved having the same qualificatiofis in respect to doing business as the Company, is permitted to bind itself; such bonds, recognizances, undertakings, guarantees, contracts of indemnity, agreements and writings obligatory in the nature thereof, however, to be attested in every in- stance by one other of said Resident Vice-Presidents or by WILLIAM GRIFFITHS, WILLIAM P. RIORDAN, or R. E. DeHECK, Resident Assistant Secretaries." STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU, f ss. · ~...~..:..F...~.....D.9.~..e.e...k.~.....~...e..s...i..d..e...n...t.....A...~..~..t.'....~e.~.J2.~"g.aa~ .................. of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, have compared the foregoing resolution with the original thereof, as recorded in the minute book of said company, and DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of the said resolution, and that the same is still in full force and effect. Given under my hand and the seal of the company, at Mineola, New York on Septembep 20 ~ 196~ .......... ................................................... ~esioa, r~z ----,n~ Asst. cecretapy Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Hartford, Connecticut Financial Statement, December 3 L 967 ASSETS U. S. Government Bonds .... Bonds of other Governments . State, County, Municipal and Miscellaneous Bonds ..... Stocks ......... $57,401,767.12 4,389,440.22 513,202,218.88 312,221,156.00 $887,214,582.22 Real Estate ........ $9,508,049.82 Cash in Offices and Banks .... 5,570,681.74 Agents' Balances (Under 90 Days) 84,426,765.59 Interest Accrued ...... 6,563,682.62 Sundry Assets ....... 19,310,948.77 Total Admitted Assets .... $1,01~,594,710.76 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU, f ss' LIABILITIES Reserve for Claims and Claims Expense ..... $488,181,540.83 Reserve for Unearned Premiums . 220,728,870.43 Reserve for Taxes ...... 14,602,517.63 Miscellaneous Liabilities .... 14,685,120.82 Total Ltabilltlea ...... $738,198,049.71 Voluntary Reserve . $140,000,000.00 Capital Paid In . 40,000,000.00 Surplus .... 94,396,661.05 Surplus as regards Policyholders . $274,396,661.05 Total Liabilities, Capital Stock and Surplus ....... $1,012,594,710.76 ~.~:~.D...e..~..e.~.k..~.~B.~i~:~.a.~.~.~ea~e~g~.¥ ................................. of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the financial condition of said Company, as of the thirty-first day 9f December, nineteen sixty-seven, to the best of my knowledge and belief. (7-St~bscribed and swo~before me on( ~ September 20, 1968 ......... ............................................. .......................... -N~..-~0-~a~0~ ............................................... ) " sst. Secretary Qucdifiod in Nassau Countl' aNo~ry Publ~