HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-59· BOND NO....~.?.Q~.~.~..E~ .......... '- .PUBLI~C OFFICIAL BOND'
Amount S.....~.& Q.o,...O...z.Q.Q .... No......~(~.0-.~(~-.5..:D. ............
KNOW ALL MEN BY TH SENTS, That we E. E.....I.IICE ..............~ ...........................
.............................................................................. or ......................................................................................... tn t ~ ....................................................................................
...................................................... as Prlnclpal, and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA,
a corporation duly organized and existin~underand by _virttte~of_theJa~f the State of Pennsylvania, as
........ n' nto DRIE~Ts N.Y. FIRE
in the fugloaf~d~st sum of THB_EE THOUSAND AlXlI) 0~)~]:00 ............
well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly
and severally, firmly by these presents;
SIGNED AND SEALED this ............. 5.}.%.~ ............................. dayoe........... ..............A. D. 19.5.!..
WHEREAS, the said .............. ~.~..._~..~......~.~.~ ............................................................................................................................................................ has
been duly elected or appointed.......~ASU~R .....................................................................................
for the term beginning.....~g.a.~.gr.g....1.~.~..~......l.~SR.......and
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden
g. E. LUC~ '
............................................................................................................................. : ........................ : ................................................................. shall well and fa~thhlly per-
btm all the duties of his said omce of ............. ................................................................................................................................................
as required by law, then this obligation to be null and void; otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue.
This bond is given and received under the following express conditions:
That if the Surety shall so elect, this bond may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing
to ...................... ............................................................................................................................................................
and this bond shall be deemed cancelled at the expiration of thirty (30) days after such notice has been given,
and said Surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond, which may have been committed
by the Principal up to the date of such cancellation, under the terms, conditions and provisions of this bond,
and the Surety shall, upon surrender of this bond and its release from all liability thereunder, refund the premium
paid, less a pro-rata part thereof, for the time this bond shall have been in force;
That the Surety hereunder shall not be liable for any loss which may be sustained through the fiilure
of any bank or banks or other depository to pay or deliver over any moneys and securities deposited with it by
' E E E
the sam ............................ ~ ........... ~ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
which may come into his hands by virtue of his said office.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said
INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, has caused these presents to be signed
by its duly authorized officers, and its corporate seal to be hereunto ~x~ t~e day and year first above written.
.............................. ...................................
Re s ~den g V~e e -Ppe~'~'~n'~'""a~Attest: ~~~ent"~8~'a'~e'"'~f
Before me, a........~..~...~ ........................... this ........................... !.~...i ......................... day of........._~ .................. A. D. 19.~
E E. Lute
personally appeared the said ........................................ 7 .................................................................................................................................................................................
to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he
acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Effective Date ........................................................................... 19. ........
Expires ......................................................................................... 19. ........
Bond No ......................... i ...............................................
New York
STATE OF ..................................................................................................
New York t~s-:
COUNTY OF ..............................................................................................
On this ................. Z~..~.I2. ............. day of. ......................................... .~...~_Q.~ilIJ~.P,d~. .................................... 19..~.~., he[o~ me personally
appeared ......................................................................... ~.~h~E.D.....~.....~to me kno~ wM, b~g by me duly ~wom, did depose
and ~ay: That he reddes in ........................... ~9.~.~.~..~.....~.z.~.: ............................... ; that he i~ Resident Vice P~ddent o[the
INDEMNITY INSURANCE ~MPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the ~oraron descMbed in and which executed
the [oregolng instrument; that he kno~ the corporate seal o[ the ~ald ~rporation; that the ~eal a~ed to
strument is such corporate ~eal; that it wa~ so a~d by order et the Board o[ Director~ of ~ald ~rporatlon; and
that he si~ed his name th&eto as Resident Vice President by order of the Board of Director~ of said ~rporadon;
and the deponent saith fu~her that he is acqu~nted ~th ........... .~.~....~..t_..~.~R~ .............................................................
and knows her to be the Resident As~t 5ecreta~ of said ~rporation; that tho si~ature of the said Resident Assi~
tant Secretary subscribed to said instrument, is in the genuine hand writing of said Resident Assistant Sec~ta~ and was
thereto subscribed by order of the Board of Dire~o~ of said ~orafion and in the presence of the deponent; and the de-
ponent saith further that the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant
of the Laws of the State of New York for the Year 19~, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the
State of New York as amended by Chapter 182 of the Law~ of the State of New York for ~e year 1913, issued to the
INDEMNITY INSURANCE ~MPA~ OF NORTH AMERICA his ~ficate, that said ~mpany is qualified
to become and be accepted as surety or guarantor on aR bonds, undeRakings and other obligations or gua~ntee~, as pr~
vided in the Insurance Law of the State of New York and all laws amendato~ thereof and supplementa~ thereto;
and that such eertifi~te hasnot. been. rev~; and ~at the asse~ of said ~mpany, unencumbe~d and liable to
execution exceed its debts an~ i~a~ve~ nature whatsoever, by Thi~y Seven Million ~lla~ ($37,~,~0.00).
BE IT ~a~ that a
D, at ~gular meeting of the Board of Directors of the INDEMNITY
INSURANCE ~MPA~ OF NORTH AMERICA, duly called and held at ~ o~ee of the ~mpany, in the City
of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, on the 12th day of July, 1920, a quorum being present~ the follo~ng By-Law
was duly adopted:
ARTICLE ~L '~8~o~ 1. The ~d~t, or ~ Vi~dsnt ~ ~ ~ ~d au~o~ ~ ap~ ~den~ Vi~-
dents, ~d~t ~s~t ~ ~d At~m~ ~d ~.an~o~e them ~ ~u~ ~ ~e ~ o[ ~.~mE~ ~d ~t~h
th~ ~ of ~e ~m~ ~, ~n~ ~d ~d~*~ ~s, ~n~ of md~ ~d o~ ~ ob~ m
S~o~ ~. ~dsng Vi~d~ ~ ~ ~w~ ~d ~u~o~ ~ ~ ~d ~u~ on beh~ of ths ~mp~
~ ~d ~ bonds ~d ~d~, ~, ~n~ of ~de~ ~d o~ ~ ob~ ~ the nat~
bind ~e Com~ ~eb~ m f~ ~d ~ ~e s~e ~x~n[ m ~ ~d~t ~d b~d it.
~ a~s~ 9n the beh~ o[ ~ OomE~, ~ ~d ~1 bon~ ~d ~der~s~ r~, ~n~ of ~de~gy ~d oth~
ob~ m ~e ~e ~f, ~d ~ brad ~e ~m~ ~by m f~ ~d ~ the ~e ~n~ ~ ~e ~ or oth~
offi~ ~d b~d it.
~d ~ ~ an~o~ ~d em~ ~ ~Y ~ a ~ et ~ b~-~ws ~n~ ~ ~ II, IIL ~, ~I ~d XIII, o[ the b~-
la~ of ~ ~m~."
Cash in Oflloe and Banks ............................... $ 6,191,512.60
*Government Bonds (amort~ed values) ........ 39,2~6,450.84
*Misoellanoous Bonds (amortized values) ...... 5,9~2,986~9
*Stooks (market values) .................................... 54,233,398.00
Aeerued Interest ................................................ 240,189.89
Prenfitums in Course of Co]]eofion .................... 6,352,245.20
AH other Assets .................................................. lj~7,784.28
Reserve for Unlmid Lo~ ................................ $ 45,198,006.00
P~erve for Uneaened Premiums ...................... 26,791,867.00
Reserve for T~xes and Expenses ...................... 2,477,283.00
Reinsurance in Non-admitted Companies ........ 1,190,2~3.36
Parterre for
Gonerat Contingeneies........$17,936,177.74
Capital ................................ 5,050,059.$$
Surplus ..............................
Surplus as regards policyholders ........................ 37,936,177.74
*On tho basis of Desomber 31, 1950, market quotations for all stooks and bonds, the total assets would be $113,g44,262.97, sad the
Reserve for Oenel'al Contingonoies $17,685,963.61. Securities oarried at $3,959,605.71 in the above statement are deposited as required
by law.
It is hereby certified that .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Albert K. Hall and
A. N. Eliassen
............................................................................................................................................................................. have been appointed Resident Vice-
President and Resident Assistant Secretary, respectively, of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF
NORTH AMERICA at. ................ ..N...~..~.......Y..Q_.v....k...~........N_......Y...:. .............................. , that both of said appointments are in full force
and effect as of the date hereof, that said appointments were made under and by authority of the foregoing By-Laws,
which said By-Laws have been compared by me with the originals thereof as recorded in the minute book of said Com-
pany and is a true and correct transcript therefrom of the whole of sections 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Article XII thereof and are
in full force and effect, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial condition of said Company,
ae of December 31, 1950.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said corporation this
............................................................ ..3:....1...}...h.. ................... day of. ....................... ~.~c_emb..e._~,~ , 19:51.
Resident A~istant Seorafary.
BONI~ NO ............................................... PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND
Amount $.-~O~OT00 ...... No..J~_~'.~ ...............
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we......J~.,....Z.s....~ll#J]~:..........: ............................................... : ..................
.............................................................................. o£.......~i11~1~ ........................................................ in the State of. ............ 1[0.~.....~..O.:15~ ........... ~ ............ 2.......~.
...................................................... as Principal, and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA,
a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, as
Surety, are held and firmly bound unto........~,J[o.....l'.,....~l~...]~'~{~ .....................................................................
in the full and just sum o£......~....~....lll~[...OO,~J,00.....~.?.~.~.~.?.~..?.~..?....-..~..-
($..........~O00.OO ....................................................... ) Dollars, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which
well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly
and severally, firmly by these presents;
SIGNED AND SEALED this ........................... ~,~:~ ............... day o£....~1~O~11~. .................... A. D. 19....~..~
WHEREAS, the said.........~.o.....~,....,~ ................................................................................................................................................................. has
been duly elected or appointed..........~"O~b~l/~. .....................................................................................................................................................................
for the term beg{nnlng......~l~....~,~....~.~;~ ............. and ending ........... ~1~....~.....1~.~.
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden
......................... ~o....~....~;~l~[ ................................................................................................................................................... shall well and faithfully per-
form all the duties of his said office of....~L'l~lll~]~..~',~.ltlll....~...~,~}~l~][~....~[.~.....~95~ ·
as required by law, then this obligation to be null and void; otherw~s~a~r~Y~'Ifl ftll~br~{~ffvirtue. This bond is given and received under the following express conditions:
That if the Surety shall so elect, this bond may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing
to ..................... ..........................................................................................................................................................
and this bond shall be deemed cancelled at the expiration of thirty (30) days after such notice has been given,
and said Surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond, which may have been committed
by the Principal up to the date of such cancellation, under the terms, conditions and provisions of this bond,
and the Surety shall, upon surrender of this bond and its release from all liability thereunder, refund the premium
paid, less a pro-rata part thereof, for the time this bond shall have been in force;
That the Surety hereunder shall not be liable for any loss which may be sustained through the failure
of any bank or banks or other depository to pay or deliver over any moneys and securities deposited with it by
the said .............................. .~,....~,~....~ ................................................................................................................................................................................................
which may come into his hands by virtue of his said office.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said
INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, has caused these presents to be signed
by its duly authorized officers, and its corporate seal to be hereunto~tffi~ed, the day and year first above written.
.................................................... (Seal)
....... i';'""i Principal.
Wltn z2
........................................ ~ INDEMNITY INSURANCE COi~PANY OF NORTH
STATE OF ~ ~ ss:
~; Before me, a~...?,t~,~,~,..........this ........... ~.....~ ............................................... day o£..~Ot~:..........A.D. 19~...
personally appeared the said ................ ~,.....~,.._~ ...............................................................................................................................................................
to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he
acknowledged tS'o me that he~ecuted th~?same. ~
£ffective Date ........................................................................... 19. ........·
Expires ........................................... : .......................................... 19 .........
Bond tiro .........................................................................
JOH~ A, DIF2V~AND, l~ddent
COUNTY OF ...............
On this ................... ~L~".~ .................. day o£ ................................ ~ll~. ............................................................. , 19~.~.., before me personally
appeared..........~]~L~l~K...Wtl~/lID .............. to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: That he
r~Sides in.........8~gllffit&.~._~#....l~l~k ...................... ; that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
~MPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrUment;
that he knows the corporate sett} of the said Corporation; that tone seal al~ed to said instrument is such corporate
sial; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and that he signed his name thereto
~s Attorney-in-Fact by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and the deponent saith further that the
Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New
york for the Year 1909, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as amended by
Chapter 182 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1913, issued to the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety
~ guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided in the Insurance Law of the
~,tate of New York and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto; and that such certificate has not been
~,oked; and that the assets of said Company, unencumbered and liable to execution exceed its debts and liab!~ties of
eoery nature whatsoever, by Fifty-One Million Dollars ($51,000,000.00).
.WitnesS.,. my hand., andu~ .,.., ~ ~,r~sealc.~ thev,,r ~m- :?~'~t~ .day and year,, aforesaid:
' QualiS*d i~ ~- }~ '~ ..................
Cerls filed ~} h' ~.zu Coun F .......
N. ~., ~ro= t s,~fo~ Co. cl~ COPY OF BY-LAW
Te~ exp~ Mar~ 30, 1956 ~
BE IT REMEMBERED, that at a regular meetin~ of the Board of Directo~ of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
~Mp~ O~ NORTH AMERICA, ~duly calle~ and held at'~he o~ce of the Company, in the' Ci~ of PhiIalelphla,
~a~e of PennsyIvanla, on the 12th day of July, 1920, a quorum beln~ present, the follo~n~ By-Law was duly adopted:
A~ICL~ XIL "~o~io~ L The ~den~, or ~y Vi~den~ ~ Mve pow~ ~d ~utho~ ~ ap~ ~den~ Vi~e~-
den~s, ~den~ As~s~ S~e~ and A~tomey~f~, and ~.au~o~e ~em
the se~ of the Comply ~o, bonds ~d ~der~n~, r~z~ese, ~n~te of mde~ ~nd other ~t~ ob~ ~n the
8~o~ 4. A~me~in-f~ may be ~ven f~ ~ ~d ~utho~ ~ e~ for ~d ~ ~ ~e ~nd on beh~f
of ~he Comply, ~ ~d ~ ~nds ~d undertones, r~s~ ~n~ of mde~.
thereof, ~a ~y sueh ~en~ ex~u~ by ~y suoh At~om~rm-f~
~den~ ~d ~ ~d a~ed by the S~et~ or othar ~ offi~.
S~IO~ ~. ~ ~dsn~ Offi~ and Attome~-f~ ~ hereby ~uthg~ed ~ .very ~ ~ ~ed
~o ~ ~hed ~ bon~ ~d ~der~, r~noes, oon~te of mde~E ~d. other.~s ob~ m the ~ ~her~f,
and ~ ~se autho~ ~d em~we~d to ~t~ ~o a oopy of ~y byqawe ~n~ed m ~fiol~ II, III, ~, XII ~d XIII, of the b~-
laws of ~e Comps.'
Cash in 0fflee a~d Banks ................................ $ 10,147,775.83
*~ovarnment Bonds (aanortized values) .......... 61,020,105.47
*Miseellaneous Bonds (amortized valuse) ........ 21,614,466.48
*S~oeks (market values) .................................... 70,919,573.00
Aoerued Interest ................................................ 371,592.09
Premiums in Course of Collsetion ..................11,542,875.14
All other Assets ............ ~ ..................................... 2,522,~45.97
Reserve for Unpaid Losses ................................ $ 72,516,712.00
Reserve for Unearned Premiums ...................... 46,032,882.00
Reserve for Taxes ~nd Expenses ...................... 5,168,982.50
Reinsur~noe in Non-admitted Companies ........ 2,616,577.81
Reserve for
General Con~lgenoies....$23,758,447.44
Reinsuranee Fund ............ 3,045,132.23
Capital ..............................
Surplus ............................ 20,000,000.00
Surplus ~s r~,rds palieyholdars ........................ M,803,570.~7
*On the basis of De~ember $1, 1958, market quotations for all s~oeks ~nd bonds, the tetal a~set~ would be $177,320,..~1.03, a~d the
Reserve for General Contingencies $22,940,564.49. Securities carried at $5,714,398.65 in the above statement are depomted as required
by law.
It is hereby certified that ................................ O-]2~1~,~....~.1~O~, ............................................................................................................................................
has been appointed Attorney-in-Fact of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA
at ............... I~]:~s~g~d[.~.....]~i~L.~O.~It ............................................... , that said appointment is in full force and effect as of the
date hereof~ that said appointment was made under and by authority of the foregoing By-Laws, which said By-Laws
have been compared by me with the originals thereof as recorded in the minute book of said Company and is a true
and correct transcript therefrom of the whole of sections 1, t and 5 of Article XII thereof and are in full force and effect,
and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial condition of said Company, as of December 31,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said corporation this
....................................... ~ ......... ~ ........... day of. ...................... ~)~.a~. ............................................ ~J~
.......................... ......................... ........
BO~D NC[ .............................................. PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we.........~.~..~.....X.'.....~ ...................................................
.............................................................................. of..........~.O..~.~. ..................................................... in the State of........~....~..O..~ ..........................................
...................................................... as Principal, and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA,
a corporation duly organized and existln~ under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, as
Suret,, are held and firmN bound unto O~TI~I~ NEW YO~ ~ DIg~OT
(s ........... .................... money of the United States, for the payment of which
well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly
and severally, firmly by these presents;
SIGNED AND SEALED this ................ ~ ............................... day of.......~.~ ................... A. D. 19~...
WHEREAS, th~ said .......... ~.~.~....~.~......~ ....................................................................................................................................... ha~
been duly elected or appointed.......~.~ ........................................................................................................................................................................
for the term beginnin,...~....~.....l~5.~........and ending....~.O.~h~...31~.g,.....19~Z
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden
............... .HI[~[~!~...~.,.....~ ..................................................................................................................................... shall well and faithfully per-
form all the duties of his said office of.........~g~. ...................................................................................................................................................
as required by law, then this obligation to be null and void; otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue.
This bond is given and received under the following express conditions:
That if the Surety shall so elect, this bond may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing
tO ........... O[~,.....~....YO~ ,....~.~...D~ ....................................................................................................................................................
and this bond shall be deemed can~ed at the expiration of thirty (30) days after such notice has been given,
and said Surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond, which may have been committed
by the Principal up to the date of such cancellation, under the terms, conditions and provisions of this bond,
and the Surety shall, upon surrender of this bond and its release from all liability thereunder, refund the premium
paid, less a pro-rata part thereof, for the time this bond shall have been in force;
That the Surety hereunder shall not be liable for any loss which may be sustained through the failure
of any bank or banks or other deposito~ to pay or deliver over any moneys and securities deposited with it by
the said ............... ~ !It!t! ~....~.,......~ ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
which may come. into his hands by virtue of his said office.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said
INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, has caused these presents to be signed
by its duly authorized officers, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written.
......... ~'"'~"" ~ ....... Principal.
..................... ......................................................
By ............
Before me, . .............. this .......................... ?:...~.~ ............................... day o£......~. ........................... A. D. 19.57~
personally appeared the said .................... .~..I..~._.~.L...~ ...........................................................................................................
to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he
acknowledged to me that he executed the same.~L~2?.¥ L
Nots y P,~
ISZ g$o0 1-a7-~6 .~.~7 Residing in · r~ '
' ' t' 30, 19 ,': '~:'
Effective Date ........................................................................... 19 ........
Expires ........................................... : ............................................. 19. ........
Bond No ................................... & ...................................
STATE OF ................. l{~l~....~.O]~ .......................................................................... }
COUNTY OF ........... l/5,1/i.15< .................................................................................. I~s':
On this .................... ~,O)~b, ................ day o£...][~.~.~.11~.~.~ ....................................................................................... , 19..~..., before me personally
appeared...O~l~tlt....It/:t~,lt~n .................... to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: That he
resides in..........-cl~.l;&uk~t~,.....~llL.~'.O~ ................... ; that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument;
that he knows the corporate seal of the said Corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate
seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and that he signed his name thereto
as Attorney-in-Fact by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and the deponent saith further that the
Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New
York for the Year 1909, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as amended by
Chapter 182 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1913, issued to the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety
or guarantor on all b~nds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided in the Insurance Law of the
State of New York and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto; and that such certificate has not been
revoked; and that the assets of said Company, unencumbered and liable to execution exceed its debts and liabilities of
every nature whatsoever, by Eighty-Nine Million Dollars ($89,000,000.00).
Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid:
BE IT REMEMBERED,~I~egular meeting of the Board of Directors of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
~MPA~ OF NORTH AMERICA, duly called anl held at the o~ce of the Company, in the City of Philadelphia,
State of Pennsylvania, on the 12th day of July, 1920, a quorum being present, the following By-Law was duly adopted:
AE~ICL~ XII. '?~o~ 1. ~he ~d~t, or ~ Vi~den~ sh~ h~ve power ~d ~uChofi*y ~o ap~M~ ~dent
~n~s,~esO~A~s~ ~e~? ~d At~om~m-~, ~d to. suthome them ~ ~u~ o~ ~e beh~ of th3.Comp~y ~d
the se~ oz ~ne ~omp~y me~, ~onas ~a ~de~gs, r~s, ~n~ of mde~ ~d other ~ ob~aW~ ~ ~e
nat~ ~f.
SE~ON 4. At~ey~-f~t may be ~v~ fu~ ~wer ~d au~o~t~ to ~u~ for ~d ~ the ~e ~d on beh~
of the Com~y, ~y ~d ~ ~nds ~d ~d~t~gs, ~s~ ~n~ of ~d~ ~d o~ ~n~ obH~ in the nature
~en~ ~ ~e~ ~ a~s~ ~y ~ne ~e~ or other at~ om~.
S~m~ 5. ~ ~dent O~e~s ~d At~me~-f~t ~e h~eby autho~ ~ ve~ ~y ~t requ~
~ be att~h~ to ~nds ~d ~dert~ngs, r~, eon~ of ~de~ ~d.o~er.~gs ob~ M the ~t~ th~eof,
and ~e ~ au~o~ ~d em~w~ed ~ c~tffy to a ~py of ~y by-~ws ~nt~ed m ~eles II, III, ~, XII ~d ~II, of the
laws of ~e ~mp~."
Ca~ ~ O~ ~d Ba~, ................................ $ 11,~,~3.69 ~e for Unp~d ~s~s ................................ $ 95,~6,866.~
*Gov~ent Bon& (~or~ed v~ues) .......... ~,~,6~.12 Re~e for Un~ ~ums ...................... ~,~9,~.~
*~el~ Bon& (amor~ed v~u~) ........ ~,~6,178.~ Re~ for T~es ~d E~e~s ...................... 6,719,326.~
*S~ks (~ket v~u~) .................................... I13,919,666.~ Oth~ ~abi~ .................................................. ~6,574.~
A~ed ~est ................................................526,~.~ ~s~ ~ ~on~tted Com~ ........ 4,~,~.69
~u~ ~ Co~ of ~tion .................. 15,616,695.~ Rede for
~ ether A~ets .................................................. 3,072,~.~ G~ Con~eies.._$~,~,l16.33
~ for
Atone En~ ~ ...... 2,~,~.~
~ ~nd ............ 5,375,9~.51
Capital .............................. 5,990,999.99
Surplus ............................
S~lus as ~& ~holde~ ........................ 89,9~,~8.~
~,014,8~.~ ~,014~
*On ~e b~is of D~em~ 31, ~9~, m~ket quo~ons ~?~ ~ s~ ~d ~nds, the ~ a~ets wo~d ~ ~,~,~.61, ~d ~e
Rese~e for ~ne~ Cont~nmes ~,~6,~.71. S~t~ e~ed at $6,467,9~.~ ~ ~e above s~ment ~e de~ ~
by ~w.
k ere y .............................................................................................................................................................
has ~een appo~nte~ A~omey-~n-Fact of ~he INDEMNI~ INSURANCE COMPANY OF NO~TH AMERICA
............... ........................................... , and effect of
date hereo[~ ~ha~ s~M appointment was ma~e ~nder and By an~ho~y of the fo~dn~ By-Laws, wMch sam By-Laws
have ~een compared ~y me w~t~ r~e o~g~nals thereof as recorded ~n the minute boo~ o[ sa~d ~mpany and ~s a ~r~e
an~ correct ~ranscfip~ ~Berefrom or,he whole of sections 1, 4 and ~ of A~cle XII ~ereo~ and are ~n ~ull [orce and e~ect,
and ~ ~e foregoing ~s atruc and correct staremen~ o~ the ~nanc~al condition o~ sa~ ~mpany, as o~ December ~1,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said corporation this
.................. ~ ................ day o£ _._.1~._0._~_ _~.~.:~_._ ~ ~.~
Assista~nt Seeret4~ry.
N. v. ~? ~M ~-~-~ ~
BOND NO ................................................ PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we ............. ~.?......~..-......~ ................. :..:..: .................................................
.............................................................................. o£........~ ....................................................... in the State of.......~....~ ...........................................
...................................................... as Principal, and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA,
a corporation duly organized and existing under and byvirtue of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, as
Surety, are held and firmly bound unto..~g~..s....I.L..~.,~,...~...l~[~][~ .............................................................................
in the full and just sum ~....~....~......~/~...~...-....~t..-:....~:...~....~L..-%..-L.-.`..-.....~..--~...~...~....~...-t...~...~...~...~....~...~...~....~...~...~...~....~
($ .................... ~.~.~.~ ......................................... ) Dollars, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which
well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly
and severally, firmly by these presents;
SIGNED AND SEALED this ........................ ~:.....~ o£......~ ........................ A. D. 19.....~
WHEREAS, the said ..................................................... ~. ............................................................................................................................................................. has
been duly elected or app_ointed..~~.....~ ...................................... ~......~ .............. =~......:...........=-.::.= ...........................................
for the term beginning....~...~....~.~.~.-.*......~.~, and endin~....~.~.~......~.~. ....
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden
f~~el 'fler
....................................... : .................. .:.........: ............................... -x s
form all the dunes of h~s sam office o ....... : ...................................................
as required by law, then this obligation to be ~e ~o be and rdmain in full force and virtue.
This bond is given and received under the following express conditions:
That if the Surety shall so elect, ~ m~[~?e~:n~b~~y (30) days notice in writing
to ......................................................................................................... ~ ................. ,11 ...................... : ...........................................................................................................................................
and thls bond shall be deemed cancelled at the expiration of thirty (30) days after such notice has been given~
and said Surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by thls bond, which may have been committed
by the Principal up to the date of such cancellation, under the terms, conditions and provisions of this bond,
and the Surety shall, upon surrender of this bond and its release from all liability thereunder, refund the premium
paid, less a pro-rata part thereof~ for the time thls bond shall have been in force;
That the Surety hereunder shall not be liable for any loss which may be sustained through the failure
of any bank or banks or other depository to pay or deliver over any moneys and securities deposited with it by
the said ...................................................................................... ~-~....~.?....--~ ................................................................................................................................................
which may come into his hands by virtue of his said office.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said
INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, has caused these presents to be signed
by its duly authorized officers, and its corporate seal to be hereu~o~ffix~d, the day and year first above written.
..................................x~ ~.~: ~~ ................................................... (Seal)
~* ~,~ s Principal.
STATE OF ~ ~ ................................................................................................................................................
personally appeared the ~a~id. it~ ~...~.1~ ............ ,, ...................................................
to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he
acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Notary Public, State o{ Ne~Y..otk
~mmission Expires ~a~ci~ 30,
Effective Date ............................................................................ 19. ........
Expires .......................................................................................... 19. ........
Bond No .........................................................................
STATE OF .................... ~l~t...TOl~ ............................................... .;~- .............. r..l.:
COUNTY OF .............. ~i~ ................................................................................ 1 '
On this ................... 6'g,~ ...................... day o£ ......................................... ~'~l,l&~ .......................................................... 19......~ before me personally
appeared..........0111~SJ-..ll~],~l~ .............. to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: That he
resides in.........~if~$.r...~l~l'....TO~'lC ...................... ; that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument;
that he knows the corporate seal of the said Corporation; that the seal a~ed to said instrument is such corporate
seal; that it was so a~xed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and that he signed his name thereto
as Attorney-in-Fact by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and the deponent saith further that the
Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New
York for the Year 1~9, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as amended by
Chapter 182 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1913, issued to the INDEMNITY INSUR~CE
COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said ~mpany is qualified to become and be accepted as surety
or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided in the Insurance Law of the
State of New York and all laws amendato~ thereof and supplementa~ thereto; and that such certificate hns not been
revoked; and that the assets of said Company, unencumbered and liable to execution exceed its debts and liabilities of
eve~ nature whatsoever, by Seventy-Five Million Dollars (~75,0~,~.00).
Witness m~'hand a~ seal the day and year aforesaid:
BE IT REMEMBERED, that ar a re~ff~eerlng of ~he Board of Directors o~ ~he INDEMNITY INSURANCE
COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, duly called and held at ~he o~ce o~ ~he Company, in ~he City o~ Philadelphia,
Sta~e of Pennsylvania, on the 12th day of July, 1920, a quorum being present, the following By-Law was duly adopted:
ARTICLE XII. "S~o~ 1. Tho ~dent, or ~y Vie~e~d~nt sh~ hsvo power ~d an~ho~ ~ sp~int ~dent Vi~d-
don~, Resident As~stant ~t~se ~d Attomey~n-f~t, ~d W au~o~e them to ~ute o~ ~e b~ of th~.Comp~ ~d ~tt~h
the scm of the Comply there., bonds ~d under~, r~s, ~n~ts of mde~ty and other ~t~ obHga~ ~n the
~t~ thai.
SECTION 4. At~ey~in-f~t may be ~ven f~ ~w~ and autho~t~ to ex.ute for ~d in the n~e ~d on behalf
of the Company, any ~d ~] bonds and ~der~Mngs, rseo~an~s~ eon~ts ~fjnde~t~. ~d othellO.s ob~ga~ ~n th~ ~at~?
ther~f, ana any such inst~mont ox~u~d by ~y such Attom~fln-f~t s~n ~e ~ olnm~ upon ~no ~omp~y as ~r m~ea oy ~no
Preddent ~d ~ed ~d attes~d by the Seeret~ or o~er at.ting offi~r.
S~ON 5. AH Resident Offiee~ ~d AtW~ey~in-f~t ~e h~by authored ~ very ~y ~t ~q~red
W be att~hed to bonds ~d underta~ngs, r~o~anese, eontr~ts of inde~t~ ~d.o~er.~tlngs obH~W~ in t~%~at~t~er~f,
and ~e also autho~zed and em~we~d to eerti~ to a copy of ~y by-laws ~ntmned ~n ~t~eles II, III, ~, XII ~a ~III, oi tne by-
laws of ~e Comfy.'
Cash in Office and Banks ................................$ 7,858,346.45
*Government Bonds (amortized values) .......... 63,165,434.16
*Miscellaneous Bonds (amortized values) ........ 37,422,277.48
*Stocks (market values) .................................... 96,027,739.00
Accrued Interest ................................................ 495,700.80
Premiums in Course of Collection .................. 13,196,861.84
All other Assets .................................................. 2,559,909.06
Reserve for Unpaid Losses ................................$ 84,475,945.86
Reserve for Unearned Premiums ...................... 50,092,294.00
Reserve for Taxes and Expenses ...................... 6,983,052.73
Reinsuran~ in Non-admitted Companies ........ 3,575,833.21
Reserve for
General Cont/ngenoise....$40,423,545.75
Reinsurance Fund ............ 5,175,597.24
Capital ..............................
Surplus ............................ 25,009,000.66
Surplus as regards policyholders ........................ 75,599,142.99
*On the basis of Dseember 31, 1954, market quotations for all stoeks~and bonds, the total assets would be $221~315,553.15, and the
Reserve for General Contingencies $41,012,830A1. Seeuritles carried at $6,371,425.22 in the above statement are deposited as required
by law.
It is hereby certified that ..................................................................... 0J~,~....~)~ .......................................................................................................
has been appointed Attorney-in-Fact of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA
at ..... ]~lllll~l[glllillll; l~lOl~]~ .............. that said appointment is in full force and effect as of the
date hereof, that said appointment was made under and by authority of the foregoing By-Laws, which said By-Laws
have been compared by me with the originals thereof as recorded in the minute book of said Company and is a true
and correct transcript therefrom of the whole of sections 1, 4 and 5 of Article XII thereof and are in full force and effect,
and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial condition of said Company, as of December 31,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff~xed the seal of said corporation thi*
.............................................. i...,6glX .................................. day of. .................... J~l~l~l~~ ............. ,19..~.
.............. ............................. ........
BOND NO ............................................... PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we ................ .~.A.....M....X~......~..Y. .............................................
.............................................................................. o£.......~.~...O....B_~.L .................................................... in the State of...........N..~.~....~.~.~. .......................................
...................................................... as Principal, and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA,
a corporation duly organized and existinl~ under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, as
Surety, are held and firmly bound unto ORIENT ~ NEW YORK FIRE DISTRICT
in th~ full and :ust sum o£ FIVE T~..~.~.~.....~....~.~..~.....~.{J2~2.~.~.~..2.2.2.~.2.~.~X~2~2~.i..2.2.~.~.2.2.2.~L
well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly
and severally, firmly by these presents;
SIGNED AND SEALED this ...........................
WHEREAS, the said ~II,LTI~ Y. ~B~ ................................................. has
been duly elected or appointed ......... ~POaS~O~ ..........................................
for the term
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden
........................................................................................................................... ~.~fi.~....~.,......~ ......................... shall well and faithMlly per-
Mrm all the duties of his said office o[ ....................... ~.~.g.~.~.~ .....................................................................................................................................
as required by law, then this obligation to be null and void; othe~ise to be and remain in full force and virtue.
This bond is given and received under the %llowing express conditions:
That if the Surety shall so elect, this bond may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing
to .............................................. 0RI.ER~.,~....Y0~....EI~....DIB~ICT ........................................................................................................................
and this bond shall be deemed cancelled at the expiration of thirty (30) days after such notice has been given,
and said Surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond, which may have been committed
by the Principal up to the date of such cancellation, under the terms, conditions and provisions of this bond,
and the Surety shall, upon surrender of this bond and its release from all liability thereundeh refund the premium
paid, less a pro-rata part thereofi for the time this bond shall have been in force;
That the Surety hereunder shall not be liable for any loss which may be *ustained through the hilure
of any bank or banks or other depository to pay or deliver over any moneys and securities deposited with it by
the said ...................................................................................................... ~.[~[~Z~.~...X ~ .....~X .......................................................................................................
which may come into his hands by virtue of his said office.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Principal has hereunto act his hand and ~eM, and the said
INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, has caused these presents to be signed
by its duly authorized o~cers, and it* corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written.
........... ....................................
~11~ ~. ~e:~, Pdnclpal.
Q~~ ~~-~'"'6'a t
EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ~~'~,~--=~. i'"""
COUNTY OF %... ,.¥..~ ss:
Before me, a~~ ............. this ........................... ~.~. ................................... day of...~..~:~......A.D.
personally appeared~:~the said..~...~..~..~ .............. }Tf,,~TA,I~i...~.,....~'~ ~x ......................................
to me known and known to me to be th~ ~d~iv)d~al described~in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he
acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~
Efftctivt Dart ........................................................................... 19. ........
E#pires .......................................................................................... 19. ........
Bond No .........................................................................
COUNTY OF .................... .~B~.~.A..U. ........................................................................
On this ................. ~_2~_d... ................... day of. ..................... ._O_..q_.~.._o.._b..e_~.,. .......................................................................... 19..~..~..., before me personally
appeared ............ .(~..h_.a_.~..~.~._8.__.~..8...o...n. ........... to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: That he
resides in ............ .~..~_~_a_.R.k_.e...~.~....N.-e.~__.-Y-.o-~..k. .................... ; that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument;
that he knows the corporate seal of the said Corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate
seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and that he signed his name thereto
as Attorney-in-Fact by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and the deponent saith further that the
Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New
York for the Year 1909, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as amended by
Chapter 182 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1913, issued to the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety
or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided in the Insurance Law of the
State of New York and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto; and that such certificate has not been
revoked; and that the assets of said Company, unencumbered and liable to execution exceed its debts and liabilities of
every nature whatsoever, by Ninety-Five Million Dollars ($95,000,000.00).
Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid:
[SEA ] ~ ~
,,,~I~11~I~'~Ic' ~ --'4'~ .... ~..,l..~{ .............. ...N~....~._...X,~L....I ............................................
~'"' ~o. 41'~'''z ~
BE IT REMEMBERE~;~ai~ ~ I~l~aa~at1 meeting of the Board of Directors of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE
COMPANY OF NORTH P~i'~IERICA, duly called and held at the office of the Company, in the City of Philadelphia,
State of Pennsylvania, on the 12th day of July, 1920, a quorum being present, the following By-Law was duly adopted:
ARTICLE XlI. "SEcTzo~ 1. The President, or any Vice-President shall have power and authority to appoint Resident Viee-Presi.
dents, Resident Assistant Seeretaries and Attorneys-in-faet, and to authorize them to exceute o.n the behalf of the Company and attaeh
the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recegnizanees, eontraets of indemmty and other writings obligatory in the
nature thereof.
S~CTmS 4. Attorneys-in-fact may be given fun power and ~,.uthorit~ to exceute for .a~..d in the name and on behalf
of the Company, any and all bonds and undertakings, _re_cegnlzances: centraets of mdemm, t~..and other writings obligato.r.y !n the naturs
thereof, and any sueh instrument exsouted by any sueh Attorney-m-fact shall be as bmamg upon the Company as if signed by the
President and Sealed and attested by the Secretary or other attesting oflieer.
S~c~m~ 5. All Resident Officers and Attorneys-in-fact are herebtYhaUthO.~zed to verify any affidavit required
to be attaebod to bonds and undertakings, rsoognizances, eontraets of indemnity, and. et er .writings obligatory in the nature thereof,
and are also authorized and empowered to eertlfy to a copy of any by-laws eontmned ~n Art~eles II, III, IV, XII and XIII, of the by-
laws of the Company."
Oath in Office and Banks ................................$ 10,274,299.64
*Government Banth (amortized values) .......... 69,416,201.67
*Miscellaneous Bonds (amortized values) ........ 43,853,875.05
*StooPs (market values) .................................... 123,670,646.76
Acerued Interest ................................................ 637.994.73
Premi~m~ in Course of Collcetion .................. 18,232,750.05
All other Assets .................................................. 3,332,003.63
Reserve for Unpaid Losses ................................ $108,177,$14.81
Reserve for Unearned Premiums ...................... 58,409,493.00
Reserve for Taxes and Expenses ...................... 6,129,379.77
Other Liabilities .................................................. 1,922,058.75
Reinsurance in Non-admitted Companies ........ 4,195,692.45
Ressrve for
General Contingeneies....$57,3B~,698.00
Reserve for
Atomio Energy Risks ...... 2,500,000.00
Reinsurance Fund ............ 5,721,134.75
Capital .............................. ~,0~0,~0~.69
Surplus......~ ..................... 25,000,000.00
Surplus as regards policyholders ........................ 95.583,832.75
*On the basis of December 31, 1956, market quotations for all stoops and bonds, the total assets would be $260.651,222.05, and the
Reserve for General Contingencies $48,596,148.52. Securities oarried at $7,226,027.61 in the above statement are deposited as required
by law.
It is hereby certified that ......................................................... .~LI~I~T.~.-.J/~-~.Q~ .....................................................................................................................
has been appointed Attorney-in-Fact of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA
at .............. .[-I~IR~.gS..~..~gd.~._.~l. fl.K..~.O.E.k~ ................................................. that said appointment is in full force and effect as of the
date hereof, that said appointment was made under and by authority of the foregoing By-Laws, which said By-Laws
have been compared by me with the originals thereof as recorded in the minute book of said Company and is a true
and correct transcript therefrom of the whole of sections 1, 4 and 5 of Article XII thereof and are in full force and effect,
and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial condition of said Company, as of December 31,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said corporation this
.................................................................... ~...xT....d.. ............................ day of, ..................... ..O...c...~...o....b...e. ~. ............................................................ ..~9..~..~...
Assistant 8ceretary.
Know All Men By These Presents, That we, ...................... W.llJA.alILY,....~I'~t' ..........................................................
of 01~$~ .l{~t....~'ol~r., ................................................................................... in the State of New York as Principal,
and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a corporation duly or~nized and exist-
ing under and by virtue of the ~ws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and authorized to b~ome sure~y on bonds in
the State of New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto
O~ien~r .~...-~o~... ~ ..Dl~.~e~
in the State of New York, in the full and just sum of.....~t~8...~~..~-..-.~O~Z~
~.~.~ ~.~.~ ~.~.~ .~.~. ~.~.~.~ ~.~., ,.~.~., ....................................... Dollars ($..~.~.~.~....),
lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, ex~utors,
administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents·
Si~*d and Sealed this ................. ~ ............................. day of ............................................. ~~ , A. D. 19....~8
Wherea~, the above bounden principal has been duly elated or appointed to the o~ce of
in and for the ...........
for the term beginning on the ~ day of ..................................................... $~.) , 19~ .....
and ending on the ~ dayof .......................................................
Now, Theretore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden principal shall well and faithfully
discharge the duties of his o~ce and promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him as such ol~cer,
in accordance with law, or in default thereof, the parties executing this undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses,
resulting from such default, not exceeding the sum above mentioned, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to renmin in
full force and effect. ~~ ~$~)
~les Wilson At torr, ey-in-fact
COUNTY OF.'~'~tS~g.~ ....... ! ~ ss.
TOWN OV..'r~0.0..~ ~/~.g.~ ........ J
On this ....... ~.~ ............... day of O.~.C .......................... 19~ ~fore me, the subscriber, personally
ap~ared ~.[Z.~ ]~ ...... ~ ....... ~.~.~ to me personally known
and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he ex<uted the same.
No. 52-7267800 Suffolk C~lli~ ............................. ~;[~;~6~'(k
~erm Expires March 30. 1~
On ................ 'l lf1~/~8 ................ before me personally came ....................
, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that ..he
resides in ......... ll~lOk...-~l~'~. ~O~ ; that ...he is the attorney-in-fact of the INDEMNITY
INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that..he knows
the seal of said corporation; thai the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors
of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order; and that the Superintendent of Insura.ce of the St.ate of New York ha~,
pursuant to Chapter $$ of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1909, as amended, constituting Chapter 30 of Cahill s Consolidated Laws
of the State of New York, as amended, issued to the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that
said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety or guarantor on all b~d~, undertakings, and other q~ligations or guarantees, as pro-
vided by the Insurance Law oI the State O[l~el~.r~u~aws amendatory there6I aj~d supplementary thereto/~nd that such certificate has not
been revoked LI
Qualified in Nassau CounIF
Term expires March 30, 1960 //~
..~/ ......... "~;';~ry P,'-"" ";~ ............... C;;;~'~ .....
APPROVAL: Within undertaking approved as to ]orm and sufficiency of surety and the amount o! liability therein fixed
as sufficient, purs~ant to the provisions o] Section 11, o! the Pablic Officers' Law.
Bond of a VILLAGE Treasurer, as well as any other bonds required of thc Village officers, shall be approved by the Village Board and filed with the Village Clerk
(Section 58--Village Law).
Bond of a MUNICIP.4L officer, if not otherwise provided by Law, shall he approved hy the Chic( Executive officer or govern.~g body and filed with Clerk thereof
(Section Il--Pub. Off. Law).
~ow All M~ By These Presents, That we, ~ ~ ~~ ~*
and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a corporation duly or~nized and exist-
ing under and by virtue of the ~ws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and authorized to b~ome surety on bonds in
lawful money 0f the U~ted States, for payment of which well and truly to bc made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, ex~utors,
Si~ed and Sealed this ............... ~.~ ..................day of ...................................................................................... A. D. 19..~
Whereas, the above bmmden principal has been ~~ appointed to the o~ce of
Now, There[ore, thc condition of this obligation is such that if the above bmmden principal shall well and faithfully
discharge the duties of his office and promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him as such oJ~cer,
in accordance with law, or in default thereof, the parties executing this undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses,
resulting from such default, not exceeding the sum above mcntloncd, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in
On this ........ day of ~.~,~.~ .................. 19 ~, before me, the subscriber, personally
speared ~Z~a.~ ...... ~ ........~ ~/4~ ~
and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
FLO~ F, K~G, ~R,
No, 52-7267800 Suffolk
Tern Explr~ March 30. 19~ Notary Public
COUNTY OF ...... ~.. J
On ~9 before me personally came
to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that .he
resides in ..... ~...~...~:~ ; that
INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows
the seal of said corporation; thai the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Bmrd of Directors
of said corporation, and that he sign~ his name thereto by like order ;and that the Superintendent of Insurance of the St53e of New York has,
pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 19~, as amended, constituting Chapter 30 of Cahill s Consolidated Laws
of the State of New York, as amended, issu~ to the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that
said Company is qualified to b<ome and ~ ~cept~ as surety' or guarantor on all ~nds und~takings and other obligations or guarantees, as pro-
vided by the Indurate Law of the State o{ New York and all laws sine.story ther~f and sup~ementary thereto; and that such certificate has not
been revoked.
~PPRO~L: ~ithin undertaking approved as to form and su~ciency of surety and the amount of liability therein fixed
as $;~cient, pursJmnt to the pro~'onx of ffectlon 11, oJ the Public O~cers' Law.
Bond of a VILLAGE Treasurer, as well as any other bonds required of the x.'illage o~cers, shall be approved by the Village Board anti filed '~itb the \'illage Clerk
Section 58--Village Law).
the County Clerk's bond, which shall be approved by the Board of Supervisoys if in session, otherwige hy the County Judge or a Judge of the S~ul,r,e?e {.'ot~t and !~l, ed,i,n