HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942STATE OF NEW YORK FIRE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN ~F___~~__ ................................ COUNTY OF___ ~ .......................................... FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING ..... ,~_.~,~-'--/-~-'~-~ ............................ This Report must be filed on or before February first. The fiscal Year is from January first to December Thirty-first. Town Law - Section I 8 I. DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE RECEIPTS PROPERTY TAXES ................................ EARNINGS: $ ........................................ Services Outside District ............................................................. Rentals ....................................................... Z_.._..~.. ...... Interest ....................................................... ~-,..-~-~ ....... Other (Specify) ...................................... /.d, .~{_.-~.. ...... TOTAL EARNINGS .................... Temporary Loans ............................... Bonds ......................................... Certificates of Indebtedness ....................... Sales of Material and Equipment .................. Contributions ................................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ......................... OTHER RECEIPTS ('Give details) ................... $ ....................................... TOTAL ........... Total Receipts .................................. Balance at Beginning of Year (19~*___) ............ Total Receipts and Balance ....................... DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wages .............................. APPARATUS: Purchase ........................... Rental ............................ Maintenance and Repairs ............. EQUIPMENT: Purchase .......................... Rental ............................ Maintenance and Repairs ............. BUILDINGS: Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs ............. Hydrant Rental ................................. Insurance ...................................... REDEMPTION OF DEBT: Temporary Loans: Bonds: Principal ............... Interest ................. Principal ............... Interest ................. Certs. of Indebtedness: Principal ............... Interest ................. Other Payments (Give details): TOTAL ............................. Total Payments ................................. Balance at Close of Year (194___) ................. Total Paymen~ and Balance ...................... $ ................. ,2.0 ..~. .... 18 t a-s ..... _&~.~.~'...a._. .......................................770. z, ~ $...._Z~o.. ............. a Z 113~. o ~ .../~.~...~.~..~..~ .... ........... ~.~.,._.~.o. ......... ~.~.._~._.0. ..... / 2 2 0,2 ~ ...Z_o_~_4.~,~ $....._.g.~.Zzz_. GENERAL INFORMATION OUTSTANDING DEBT: BONDS: Original Issue ~/,~ ~ Date_ __/_ ~_ ~_~__ ...... Interest l~ate_~_ _~____ Total Payments Thereon .................. ............. /...~.~_/~. ........ Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS: Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. TEMPORARY LoANS--Balance Unpaid ............... Total Outstanding at Close of Year ............... ASSESSED VALUA/~ION (R_epqrting Year) Town of_ ~d .................... $.....~..o~.-/..,.{'....~..'./...0 Town of .................................................................... Town of ...................................................................... Town of .................................... TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION ........... CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER Treasurer of ....... ~.-~.-2..~ir~ Distrlct located in ~e Town or Towns County of........~' ........................ and that the foreg~ statement of ~e receipts ~d pa~ents of such Fire District for the fiscal year ending ................................... ~..~..~.~ ..................................................... , 194..~.. is true to t~e best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. Treater