HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943STATE OF NEW YORK FIR£ ANNUAL REPORT OF THE I]ISTltlI T TREASURER ~OUNT~ OF .............................................. FOR THE F~s¢,,,, Y~R EN~)~Ne .... _.~__~__4~:/~_-~-~ ........................... This Report must be filed on or before February first. The fiscal Year is from January first to De,ember Thirty-first. Town Law - Se~fion 181. · DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL ACCOUNT~ COMPTROLLER'S OFFICI: 1942 RECEIPTS PROPERTY TAXES ................................. EARNINGS: Services Outside District ........................ ~ .................................... Rentals ....................................... , .............................. ~ ..... Interest ..................................................... ./.~.,_.~...~. Other (Specify) ............................... , ............................... TOTAL EARNINGS .................... Temporary Loans ................................ Bonds .......................................... Certificates of Indebtedness ........................ Sales of Material and Equipment .................. Contributions ................................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ......................... OTHER RECEIPTS (Give details) ...................... TOT~ ........... Total Receipts .................................. Balance at Beginning of Year (194___) ............ Total Receipts and Balance ....................... DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wages .............................. APPARATUS: Purchase ........................... Rental ................ Maintenance and Repairs ............. EQUIPMENT: Purchase ......................... Rental ............................ Maintenance and Repairs BUILDINGS: Rental Maintenance and Repairs. Hydrant Rental .......................... Insurance ..................................... REDEMPTION OF DEBT: Temporary Loans: Bonds: Certs. of Indebtedness: Other Payments (Give details): Principal ...................................................... Interest ................. Principal ............... Interest ................. Principal .................. - ................................... Interest ................. TOTAL .............................. Total Payments .................................. Balance at Close of Year (194___) ................. Total Paymen~and Balance ...................... .23o.~o GENERAL INFORMATION OUTSTANDING DEBT: BONDS: Original Issue ................................. $---~-~-~ Date___/_ g_,~_~'__ .... Interest Rate__t~- ~t~'~ .... Total Payments Thereon ................................ ,,~-.~-.-~ ..... Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBT~NESS: Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. TEMPO~Y LoAN~Balanee Unpaid ............... Total Ou~tanding at Close of Year ............... ASSESSI~ VALU/~I'ION (Reporting Year) Town of __~~---~- ............... Town of .................................... Town of ................................................... Town of .................................... ToIal. ASSESSS.~ VALUATION ........... CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER ~l..~ ................................................................................. , do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of .... '- First District located in the Town or ~"X,,,~ of ~ ~ ~1' ~ ~';i~~._-.~ __~iiiii--..--i'~ ~-d-'t~ ~' ~2";~;'2~i-~t-~}'e~;"~;";~-;~;~i';'i~''' of such Fire District for the fiscal year ending ..................... ~.....3_.!7_ ........................................... , 194..~_. is true to the be~,~y knowledge, informatiOn and belief. Datea______Z--___._. f . Treoxarer