HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944STATE OF NEW YORK FIRE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN OR .T.~WN60F___~ ......... _~__O_~_'Z'_/'i~_O__A_D ..................... COUNTY OF ............. .__k,,~_ ~'_ ~_ ~_ ~ ~ ............................... FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING .... : .... ~)-- -'-'~-*'P"---"~' J-- 7- ~/-~'- -'~'- -/"LZ- ............... Th;s Report must be filed on or before February first. The Fiscal Year ;s from January first fo December Thirty-first. Town Law - Section 181. DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE: 1944 RECEIPTS PROPZRTY TAX~ ................................ EARNINGS: .~ ......................... Services Outside District .............................................. Rentals ...... ~-Oie,~... ~ .................... ~...~z~. Interest ............ . ........ It ............ _~__,~ Other (Specify) TOTAL EARNINGS ............ ........ Temporary Loans ............................... Bonds ......................................... Certificates of Indebtedness ....................... Sales of Material and EqUipment ............... &.. Contributions Refunds (Insurance, etc.) OTHER RECEIPT8 (Give details~. ~-~. $___~._....~.~:r'~ TOTAL .......... Total Receipts..... ........................... . Balance at Beginning of Year {194-,,,~_) ............ Total Receipts and Balance ........................ D I S B U R SE M ENTS Salaries and Wages ............................... APPARATUS: Purchase ........................... Rental .............. .... .// ........ Maintenance and.Repairs. Y. .......... EQUIPMENT: Purchase .......................... Rental Maintenance and Repairs ............. BUILDINGS: Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs .... /.' ....... Hydrant Rental ................................. Insurance ....................................... RVl)~:M?T~O~ 0~' DWOT: Temporary Loans: Principal ............ Interest ............. Bonds: Principal .......... Interest ........... Certs. of Indebtedness: Principal ............... Interest ................. Other Payments (Give details) TOTAL .............................. Total Payments .................................. Balance at Close of Year (194~_) .................. Total PaYments and Balance ....................... GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District Com- missioners? ..... ............. OUTSTANDINO DEBT: BONDS: Date_ l~:-~- ..... Interest Rate___ Total Payments Thereon ......................... Balance Outstanding at Close of Year .... /. ~.~..~... CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNE~: Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. TEMPORARY LOANS Balance Unpaid ............... Total Outstanding at Close of Year ............... ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Reporting Year) Town of .................................... $ .................................... Town of .................................... . ................. Town of .......................................................... own of .................................... CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, ._.___~a~___..~.._.~ ................... :-.-,, do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of ....................................... F~re District located m the ow or el of ............... , and that the foregoing statement of the receipts and payments County ~ ......... of such Fire for the fiscal year ending ......... ,v~ ~ ~/4a,,,~.,l~.,,~_...~.~_I ................................................ , 194_4._~t~ is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Date d_..__...~......._ J.~ ................. ,194~._~~_~~ ,~ . Treasurer P.O. Address....-~) ..~.-,.~ -~.~5~--~.,7