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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF ......... -O-'-0-~-"'~-.AJ--O--~-O- ..................... FOR THE RSCAL YEAR ENDINe .....~__E_ C_ F.~A flEl_ iL,ff._ ,3./_ T ~ ~_ ~_~. ~ .-'-__: .... This tleport ~t ~e ft~e~ c~ c~ before l~coh fh~t. The FJzca~ Gener, al F,,,W%tl:m,1 Lay - Sect/on 30. RECEIPTS PROPERTY TAxEsJ ~ARNING$: Town of .......... Town of ......................... ['own of Services Outside District ....................... Rentals Interest ................. ._ ............... Other ($peeifY) TOTAL IZ-ARNII~IGS .................... Temporary Loans ........... : .................... Bonds ......................................... 8ales of Material and Equipment ................... Contributions .................................... Refunds (Insurance~ etc.) .......................... OTHER RECEIPTS (Give details) .................... Total Receipts ................................... Balance at Beginning of Year (19~) ............. Total Receipts and Balance ........................ t~ the p~ t~a reoelve~ ~ each t~ sho~d ~ $h~, DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wages ......... , .................... APPARATUS: Purchase ........................... Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs .......... P chase ' EQUIPMENT: ur ........................... Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs .............. BUILIIII~GS: Rental ........ ~ ................... Maintenance and Repairs ............ Hydrant Rental ................................ 'Insurance' . ..................................... I~,D, EMPTION OF DEnT: Temporary Loans: Bonds: Principal ............... Interest .... , ............. Principal ............... Interest ........... Other Payments (Give details ): ~ ............................. ยท ot~ ~cnts .................................. 9 5".13 GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District Com- ....~i~~)~t~~c .. _./~.E..._ ./. $.~__ 1._ ~..c .......... missioners? .... . . ......... ,. g, /. ., ........... ~i~ of ~e B~ P.0.~ees ~ BONDS: Original Issue Date.!~_,,~IL~_3_~ .... Interest Rate----~t-~--~- Total Payments Thereon............... .... . . .... Balance Outstanding at Close of Y/~ar. ;./~..~..~.'[... T~MPOl~2,Y LoANs---Balance Unpaid ............... Ass~ss~.D VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Reporting Year) Town of .......... : ......................... $- Town of .................................... Town of .... Town of ....... Tor.~ Asszssz9 V~LUA~I01~.~f.b'TI~. /) ~'$ T. CERTIFICATE OF' FIRE DISTRICT TRI~'A.qURER Trea~~_Fire ., do hereby certify that I am the District located in the Town or Towns of County of.__~/_l~'_g~.ff~- , and that the foregoing statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the fiscal year ending_' .a~_d~'~.~,~'~L~.3 ./ ; 194.~ is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Treasurer