HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946.AC ~=0 STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT 'TREASURER NAIdE OF DISTRICT ..... 5~'~I.¢L'?'-~A,/~D--c/~-~,/J.~--- J~)J-,~-"/'-iff--/'-~-T- .... IN THE TOWN-OR TOWNS OF ...... __~_.~_(L?Z.,/../_.~ J... CI ........... .._ ............ COUNTY OF ........ -~uF-.~-CL~.K ............. ~ ........................ FISCAL YEAR ENDING .... J~- Z C Z A/J- ~-~'-,c~--- ~l,~---J- ~-'//-~- ............ COI~,'~KmT~ ' 6 ~lelC~ RECEIPTS PJ~OP~T3, TAX~ Fown of "own of ......................... EARNIN08: Services Outside District ..................................... Rentals ....................................... ...................................... Other ........................... ....;...... T~AL EAR~INGS ..................... Temporau Loans ...... Bonds ............................... .- ........... Sales of Material and Equipment ................... Contributions .................................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ..... ~ .................... OIH~ R~CEI~ (Give details)~P~.~ T~AL ............ Total Receipts .................................. ~ ~ Ao~o~ .. ~o~ Total Receipts and Balance ........................ *lr/hon district ia located in more than one tc~n, the property ta~e8 received from eaeh to~n should be shown. ~ 12 .,i'd DISBURSEMENTS ,Salaries and Wages ............................... APPARATUS: Purchase' ....... - ..................... Rental ............................ Maintenance an&Repairs .............. EQUIPMENT: Purchase ........................... Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs .............. BUILDINGS: Rental .............................. M~ aintenance and Repairs .............. Hydrant Rental .................................. Insurance ....................................... RF..D, EMPTION OF DEBT: Tempora~ Loans: Principal ................ Interest .................. Bonds: P i ipal Inter~st ............ TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT: ......... Other Pnyments (Give details): l~aance at Close of Fiscal Year (19¥~) ' To~. Pjay~c~ and Balance ...................... TOTal. ............. · Total Payments ................................. ' ' · GENERAL INFOR~t~TION , , Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fi£e DistriCt missloner~? .. J~t~.. ~..~. .... ~ ............... Bolx-l)6: Original Issue .................................. $ ,/tt_~/~/)/)./) 0 Total Payments Thereon.........' . . ...... .. . ... .. 2.2/0d_ al. dO Bali',ce Outstanding at Cio,e of Year.. 7. ~. ~i... TI~Mt'On.A~Y LOA_~S Balance Unpaid ............... $ ASSESSF_~ VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Sub,eot to Fire District tax levy for reporting yea~) Town of ..................................... $: .......................... Town. of .................................... Town of Town of TotAL iss~ W~u~rzo~ ........... CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, .__~.,-~-'..~-.~, do hereby certify that I sm the Treasurer of__..----._ff-~gv~E~d~---Fire District located in the Town or Towns of oi_~l~t.~,~ ..... , and'that the foregoing statement of the recclpts and payments Counly of snch Fire District for the fiscal year endlng~..~/l~:f~-~_~ ............. , 194..~_ is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.