HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE T0~ Ol~ ~O~S 0¥ ..... _~_O_C'_T_H_~A/) ............................ COUNTY OF ........... _~_U_E~r_~ ~.~ ~ ................................ FOR THE FISCAL YEAR m'IDING ..... l~&cf'n,~lt_F__R__~JJ_v_/~__~J['__ This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Mtmicipal Law - Section 30-31 Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ~O~%PTROLLF2' S OFf'ICE 19 RECEIPTS: Town of Town of *Property Taxes Town of RECK I PTS Other Revenue: From Services Outside District ...... $ Rentals ............................. Interest ............................ Sale of Materlal & Equipment ........ Contributions ....................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ........... All Other ........................... Total Other Revenue ............................... 62. ~ Total Revenue Receipts ......................... ~ NDN-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Temporary Loans ....................... $ Total Non-Revenue Receipts ........................ TOTAL RECEIPTS ................................. BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF yEAR (19;~') ...... S ~Fund or Account .... / ~.~g~.~Fund or Account .... ~'.'~,g. ~ Fund or Account .... TOTAL BALANCE .................................. ~TAL ~C~P~S ~D BALASCE ..................... * When ~istrict is located in more than one town, the property taxes received from each town should be sho~m. DISBURSEMENT$ GOVERN~4ENTAL% COST PAY14ENTS: Salaries and Wages ................... Rental of Apparatus ..................... Maintenance & Repair of Apparatus ..... Rental of Equipment ................... Maintenance & Repair of Equipment ..... ~'?.~o 2_ ! Rent of Buildings ..................... Maintenance & Repair of Buildings ..... tiydran t Rental ........................ Insurance ............................. Total Current Expenses ............................ $~~" Interest . . Total Governmental Cost Payments ............... $~-- 'NON-GOVERNMEnTAL COST PAYMENTS: Capital Outlays (Purchase of Apparatus or Equipment) ........ $ Temporary Loans...... ................ . Redemption of Bonds ................... Total Non-Governmental Cost Payments TOTAL PAYMENTS ................................. BALANCE AT CLOSE OF ~EAR (19¥~') .......... Ill or ........ d or Account ......... d or Account ........ SAUCE TOTAL PAD~-.NTS AND BALANCE ..................... GENERAL INFORMAT ION Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District C~mm~ssloners? .~$A~D ~, g ~/~E C~i~ of the B~rd ' P. 6', Address OUTSTANDING DEBT BONDS: Issue ....................... $ Original Date_/. ,, , Interest ~te ~/,I~ -i,/~ ~ To~l P~ents There~ ................ Barco Outs~ding at Close of Year~ ~Y ~S - Bal~ce Un~id ......................... ~T~ OUTST~DING AT CLOSE OF TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Subject to Fire District tax levy for reporting year) T~wn of Town of Town of Town of Tax Rate Assessed Valuation TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATIO~ ........................ ~IFI~TE OF Fire Dlstrlc~ lo~t~ In the Town or To~ of Ce~m%y of~emd that the foregoing statement of th& receipts ~nd of I~ Fire ~str~ct for the fis~l y~r ~dtn~ ~~ ~ .~/ Il %~e to t~e best of ~ ~owledge, infor~tion ~d belief, ~ ,~A~. /& . z,47. P. O. ~ress_ ,