HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949AC,- 960 STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF ........ __~_~_{~__'i~_~f_~_~.__~:~ ......................... GOUNTY OF ...... _~ f~_ ~(3~_~[ ...................................... FOR TiiE FISCAL YEAR F~IDfNG___D_~f~%_B_~-J~___J]__~-F_~-~- ........ -- .... This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December th~rty-first. General Munictpal Law- Section 30-31 Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE 19 RECE I PTS , RECEIPTS: ' Town of *Property Taxes Town of Town of Total Taxes ....................................... $~_~_~ Other Revenue: Fro~ Services Outside District ...... Rentals ............................. Interest ............................ ~'~.~ Sale of ~aterial & Equip~ent ........ . Cc~trib~tions ....................... . ..~.0, ~-~ Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ........... Ail Other ........................... Total Othe~ Revenue ............................... Total Revenue Receipts ......................... #(~ -REVE~JE RECEIPTS: Temporary Loans ....................... Bonds .......................... ...... . Total ~oa-Revenue Receipts ........................ TO~AL a~C~PTS ............................. · · · · SA~.~CE AT SEGI~I~G OF YEAR (19 ) ...... $. _C~~Fund or Account .... ~Fund or Account .... ..TOTAL RECEIPTS A~D BALANCE ..................... *When district is located in ~ore than one town, the property taxes received frc~ each town should be shown. ~r ~ DISBURSEMENTS GOVF/~MENTAL COST PAYMENTS: Salaries and Wages .................... $~_~__ Rental of Apparatus ........................ Maintenance & Repair of, Apparatus ..... Rental of Equipment ................... Maintenance & Repair or Equipment ..... Rent of Buildings ..................... Maintenance & Repair of Buildings ..... Hydrant Rental ........................ Insurance ............................. /I0 ?or. 9& Total Current Expenses · Interest........ ............................... .. . Total Governmental Cost Payments ............... NOtI-GOVERNME~TAL COST PA~M~i~TS:' Capital Outlays (Purchase of Apparatus or Equipment) ........ $-I~_0- ~-7-- Temporary Loans ....................... Redemption of Bonds ................... Total lten-Govermaeatal Cost Pa BALANCE AT CLOSE OF YEAR (19) ........ ~~.__Fund or Account .... [i.. ~~md or Account ........ ~e~~nd or Account ........ e TOTAL BALMtCE ................................. ,. $_~~ TOTAL PAYM~TS ARD Ba!,aMCE ..................... / - GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District C~mtssioners? .~ARD S~ FI~£ ~_~M~'~31~a/~F~ C~f~ of the Boa~ P~ 0, A~dreSs ' OUTSTANDING DEBT BONDS: O~lgl~ai Zs~e '_e~-_~.~. ' .J~.--,.~... ~ '~-~. Da~e?~/¥,&. --IntereSt Rate ~7, Total ~yments Thereon ................ ~,~ Balance Outstandtn~ at Close of Year ..... TEi~)RARY LO~NS - Bal~ce Un~id ......................... ~T~OUTSTANDING AT CLOSE OF Y~ .............. TAX BATE A~D ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DIST~LICT (Subject to Ftre District tax levy for reporting year) Tax Rate Assessed Valuation Town of Town of Town of $.t ? 2 $~ TOTAL ASSF~SSED VALUATION ........................ CERTIFICATE OF FIRE ~$TBI~ ~,~urer of ~a ~ ~ D ~ m ~ire District lomt~ tn the Town or To~ of / Sou~Ho~D , % , ' ~ ' ~ o~~~ ~ ~be ~o~e