HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950AC-960 STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN TIiE TOWN OR TO~IS OF ...... ~_7/__g~A, il ........................... COUNTY OF ............ _~S...{/_ _,_F_F_ ~.A K ............................... FOR THE This Report ~ast be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Municipal Law - Section 30-31 Town Law - Section lB1 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROLLER' S OFFICE 19 1 RECEIPTS REVENUE RECEIPTS: *Property Taxes Town of Town of Town of Town of Total Taxes ................................· .... Other Revenue: From Servicee Outside District ...... Rentals ............................. Interest ............................ Sale of Material & Equipment ........ Contributions ....................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ........... Ail Other ........................... Total Other Revenue .................. /~0'~7' · 7. Total Revenue Receipts ...................... 10. NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Temporary Loans .................... 9..$ Bonds .............................. 8.. Total Nou-Revenue Receipts ........................ TOTAL RECEIPTS ................................. BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR (19 ) ...... ~,. ~~ Fund or Account .... ~Fund or Account .... .~~Fund or A c court t .... TOTAL BALANCE .................... ' ...... .................. TOTAL * When dl~trlct is located in more than one town, the property ta×es received fro~ each town should be sho~. 2 ' " ' DISBURSEMENTS ' " ' GOVERNMENTAL COST PAYMENTS: Salaries and Wages .................... Rental of Apparatus .................... Maintenance & Repair of Apparatus... Rental of Equipment..~.~... Maintenance & Repair of Equipment... Rent of Buildings ...................... Maintenance & Repair of Buildings... Hydrant Rental ...................... Insurance ............................. Other Payments... ~'~I~-../~.g~4 ..... Total Current Expenses ......................... Interest ............. ~. ~ ~, ~'~ Total Governmental Cost Payments~ .............. NON-GOVERNMENTAL COST PAYMENTS: Capital Outlays (Purchase of Apparatus or Equipment) ...... T eml~rary Loans ..................... ~. Redemption of Bonds ................. 5. ~ Total Non-Governmental Cost Payments ........... /3 2 ~..~,, t~9 TOTAL PAYMENTS .............................. BALANCE AT CLOSE OF YEAR (19) .......... ~Fund or Account ........ _ F~d or Accost ........ ~d or Accost ........ TOT~ B~CE ............................... 8.. $~~ TOTAL P~S ~ .~C~ .................. · "' GENERAL INFORMATION · " Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District Commissioners? ~l.~_m a~ r~ C~t,ea;~&l'aal~.~& c~t~ of the B~/ ' ' ' /P. O. Address ~ / OUTSTANDING DEBT BONDS: Original Issue.. Date. ¥/,/~-0 I Tot. al ?ayments Thereoa ............... S&lance Outstandl'ng at, Close o£ /'ear ................ $/~ ,$"d'~,. ~.~ TEIaPORARY LOANS - Balance Unpaid ......................... TOTAL OUTSTANDING AT CLOSE OF YEAR .............. TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Subject to Fire District tax levy for reporting year) Town of Town of Town of Town of Treasurer of '~.~e U'~'~4 A D 'Tax Rate Assessed Valuation Per ~1000 TOTAL A~Mf~SEO VALUATION ........................ CERTIFICATE OF FIRE I~STIHCT Fire ~strict lo~t~ in the Town or To~ of Cottnty of~k~m.~and that the foregoing statement of th5 receipts ~nd ~ents of such Fire ~strict for the fis~l y~r endtnR is t~e to the best of my knowledge~ ~nfor~tion ~d belief.