HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951AC.- 960 · STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF. THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAHE OF DISTRICT .... h~.OJ~7~.~.~}~-.~....~.~.~. · IN THE TO~ 0~ T0~S OF ............~.O.~T.~ ~.&.~ ....................... COUNTY OF FOB THE This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Municipal Law - Section 30-31. Town Law - Section 181 ~ev. DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIN~ COMPTROIJ.RR,S OFFICE RECEIPTS · ~EVENUE RECEIPTS: Property Taxes: (When district is located in more than one town, the property taxes received from each town should be shown. ) Town or Town of Town of Town of Total Taxes ........................................... (3) Other Revenue: Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... tll Other (Itemize) .................. ...~,.~Ar. ~ ~. £x~ ~v¢~ .CA ... ~a~. ~£. ~P.. ~.o~z ......... Total Other Revenue ................................... Total ~venue ~ceipts ............................ ~ON-~E ~CEIPTS~ Notes Issued ........................... ~nds Issued ........................... To~l Non-Revenue Receipts ............................ ~T~ ~CEI~S .................................... BALANCE AT BEGINNING 0~ YEAR (195~) ...... ~ Fund or Account ...... ~ P. ~ C~ Fund or Account ...... .~ ~/. TOTAL BALANCE ..................................... (13) $ TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE ........................ (l&) $~~_~_~_ 2 ' D I SBURSEME NT$ CU~r E~ENSES: 8. es RAil es .................... {/aintenance and ~r (~d~s. E~ip. ).. Li~t ~d Heat ......................... Adve~[s~g ............................ P~t~E ............................... Tele~one .............................. P~ on T~asu~r~s ~nd ............ Dues Paid to Ne~ ~o~ State is~c~tion of Fi~ Districts ........ ...... .......... /~3aFR~CE ............... :z?o. ~ 7~/ Total Current F_~penses .................................. (1) $ CAPITAL OUTLAY: Purchase of Apparatus or Equilment ......................... Purchase or Erection of Buildings ...... ./ Total Capital Outlay .................................... (2) DEBT SERVICE~ Payment of Notes - Principal ........... (3) S Payment Of Bonds - Principal ........... (3) Interest on Notes and Bonds ............ (~) ~d.~-~ Total Debt Service ...................................... $ BALANCE AT CLOSE OF IF. AR (19)EJ/~A~Y~. ~ Fund or Account ......... CRF/'~ Fund or AccoUnt ......... TOTAL ~C~ ....................................... (8) $ ~-TOt./; o TOTAL PADIF2/TS M~D B~LANCE ..........................(9) $9.~.~'~'.~ ~ / 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed by t~e To~ Board or a separate Board of Fire District C-.~t$-~tn~eFs?--~2~-- ' - ~halrman of the ~oard ' ' P.O. Address/ DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Notes '(Principal Only): 0utstandin8 Iesued Redeemed Outstanding Types of Notes Beginning During Total During Ead of of Year Year Year Year Bond Anticipation $ .......... $ .......... $ ......... $ ......... $ .......... Capital Budget ................................................ Tax Anticipation ................................................ Revenue Anticipation ................................................ TOTAL - NOTES Bonds (Principal Only).. Year Interest Outstanding IssUed Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue Separately by of Rate Beginning During During End of Title and PuruQ$~ of Each) Issue ,9~ Year Year Year Year - . ......... /,~,.~'~. . ,~'~,~..,~ To~ of Town of Town of Town of TAX RATE A~D ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (~aluation which was used for SpreadIng the Propert~ Taxes Collected and Sho~ on Page 2) Tax Rate Per $1,000 Assessed Valuation TOTAL , ASSESSED VALUATION Print Name Fire District located in the Town or Towns of: CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER · do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of County of ~,.~UF~eL ~. and that the fore~oin~ statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the fiscal year endin~ ~m~W£~ 3/ , 195~--, is trUe to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Dated: P. O. Addres