HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN O~ TOWNS OF .......... ~ ................. COUNTY OF FO~ TdE This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. ~eneral M~nicipal Law - Section 30-31. Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROT.T.F.R, S OFFICE RiCE I PTS REVENUE RECEIPTS: Property Taxes: (When district is located in more than one town, the property taxes received from each town should be shown. ) own , I? 7 Town o~ Town of Town of ?ot~I r~ee ........................................... O) ~ Other Revenue: Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... Refunds (Insurance, Etc. ) ~ · Total Other Revenue ................................... (?) $ .~ ~. ~ ~ Total Revenue Receipts ............................ (10) $~_~~ NON-REVENUERECEIPTS: Notes Issued ........................... (9) $ Bonds Issued ........................... (8) $ $ T0t~l Non-Revenue Receipts ............................ TOTAL RECEIPTS .................................... BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR (19) ...... Fund or Account ...... Fund or Account ...... $ .~/'7. TOTAL BM. Jd4CE ..................................... (13) TOTAL REGEIPTS AND BALANCE ........................ 2 D I SBURSEME NT$ CURRENT EXPEqISES: Salaries and Wages ..................... Maintenance and Repair (Bldgs. Equip. ).. Light and ~eat ......................... Printing ............................... Telephone .............................. Premium on Treasurer's Bond ............ Dues Paid to New ~ork State Association of Fire Districts ........ Legal Fees ............................. Other Expenses Total Curremt Expenses ................................. .(1) $ CAPITAL OUTLAY: Purchase of Apparatus or Equipment ......................... Purchase or Erection of Buildings ...... Total Capital Outlay .................................... (2) $ DEBT SERVICE: Payment of Notes - Principal ........... (3) $ Payment of Bonds - Principal ........... (3) Interest on Notes and Bonds ............ (~) Total Debt Service ...................................... TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (5) BALANCE AT CLOSE OF YEAR (19~J) .......... ~ ~ orAccount .........  or Account.. ....... TO~A~ ~A~C~ ..................................... .. (~) S 63-'a/. TOTAL pAYMF-MTS AND BALANCE .......................... (9) $~_~.~.~ 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District Eoverned by the To~ Board or a separate Board of Fire District Ce~.t ssionere? u~alrmaa of the Boar~ F. O, Address DETA~LF.n STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNF~S Notes (Principal Only); Outstandin~ Issued Redeemed Outstanding Ty~es of Notes Begfnning DurinE Total During End of of Year Year lear Year Bond Antici~ation $ .......... $ .......... S ......... $ ......... $ .......... Capital ................................................ BudEet ................................................ Tsx Anticipation ................................................ ~evenue Anticipation ................................................ Bonds (Principal Only): Year Interest Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue Separately by of Hate Beginning DurinE During End of Title and Purpose of Each) Issue of Year Year ye&F yeaF To~ of Town of T~wn of Town of TOTAL - A$SF~qa~n VALUATION TAZ BATE AND ASSF_~SE~ VALUATll )N OF FIRE DZSTI~CT (Valuation ~i~ ~s u~d for Sp~g the P~pe~y T~s Co~ected ~d Sho~ on Page 2) T~ ~te Per $1,~ Assess~ V~uatio~ CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER ' ' P~ln%' Name ' ' Fire District located in the Town or Towns of: \~g; ~F'~9~. . /'~ , County of ~.(~/;~.A"'/)/-.$~'. and that the fore~oin~ statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the fiscal year endin~ ~=~ ~ , 195~, is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.