HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE FOB THE This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General MUnicipal Law - Section 30-31. Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROT3.gB,$ OFFICE RECEIPTS REUENUE RECEIPTS ~ Property Taxes, To~m of To~n of To~n of To~n of (When district is located in more than one to~n, the property taxes received from each to~n should be sho~n. ) Totel T~es ........................................... (3) Other Revenue.' Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... Refunds (Insurance, Etc.) ............ A~ Other (Ite~,e)../d/..Z',fi. ~.4~.s..T.. Total Other Revenue ................................... (7) $ 7~. 77 Total Revenue Receipts ............................ MOM-aEVEMUERECEIPTS: Motes Issued ........................... (9) Bonds Issued ........................... (8) Total gon-Revenue Receipts ............................ TOTAL RECEIPTS .................................... 2 D I SBUR'SEME NT$ CURRENT EXPOSES: Salaries and Wages ..................... Maintenance and Repair (Bldgs. Equip. ).. Light and Heat ........................ Advertising ........................... Printing .............................. Telephone ............................. Premium on Treasurer's ~omi ............ Dues Paid to Mew York State Asmciation of Fire Districts ........ Legal Fees ............................. Tot~ Curet ~ses .................................. (1) ~hase of Ap~mtus ~hase or E~ction of ~ld~gs ...... To~ Capi~ ~tlay .................................... (2) DE~ Paint of Notes - P~ci~l ........... (3) Pa~t of ~nds - P~nci~ ........... (3) Inte~st on Notes ~d ~nds ............ (&) To~ Debt Se~ce ...................................... BALANCE AT CLOSE OF YEAR (19[¥) .......... ~~ Fund or Account ......... ~~j~ Fund or Account ......... .Y'7 7~,J 7 ~A~ ~AU~CS ...................................... · (s) TOTAL PA~llEI~TS AMD BALANCE .......................... GENERAL INFORMATION rate ~oard of Fire District Co-',,-*~ sstoners? X~erned by the To~n Board ora sepa e / P.O. ~.ddress OF Notes (Principal Only): Outstanding Issued Red~S, Outstanding Types of Notes Beginning During Total During End of of Year Year Year Year Bend Anticipation $ .......... $ .......... $; ........ $ ......... $ .......... Capital ................................................ Budget ................................................ Tax Anticipation ................................................. Revenue Anticipation .................................... ~ ........... TOTAL - NOTES Bends (Principal Only): Year Interest Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue Separately by of Rate Beginning During During End of Title and Puroose of Each) Issue of Year Year Year Year (Valuation which was used for Spreading the Property Taxes Collected and Shown on Page 2) Tax Rate Per $1,000 Assessed Valuation CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER · do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of Town of Town of Town of Town of TOTAL -. ASSESSED VALUATION i. //,77'./i'ic,NO Pr int Name Fire District located in the Town or Towns of: and that the foregoin~ statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire ._-,~! , 195~, Is true to the best of my knowledge, County of District for the fiscal year endin~ information and belief. Dated: /