HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF ........ ~..d..~..'~..~. 19. ~. ........................ COUNTY OF .~..~. ~..1~ ~. K .. FOR THE ~ISCA~. ,z~R ~mi,~ ......... DJr.~ ~z~a~r./r...J./././f..~.,: ..... This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Municipal Law - Section 30-31. Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROT.T.~R'S OFFICE RECE I PTS EEVE~UE P~ECEIPTS: Property Taxes t town should be shown. ) (~hen district is located in ~ore than one town, the property taxes received fro~ each Town of___~~.~ Town of Town of Town of Total T~en ........................................... (~) Other Revenue.* Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... Hefunds (Insurance, Etc.) ............ *n Other (Itek,e). ~f~~. ..... Total Other Revenue ................................... (7) $ Total Eevenue Eeceipts ............................ (10) $ NON-REVENUE EECEIPTS: Notes Issued ........................... (9) $ Bonds Issued ........................... (8) T tal No ipts o n-Revenue Rece ........... ,,.......,.....,, TOTAL RECEIPTS .................................... B&LANCE AT BEGINNIN~ CF YEAR (195~ ...... ~~d~,~ Fund or Account ...... Fund or Account ...... To~ ~cmPTs ~tm ~NC~. ........................ (lz,) 2 D I SBURSEME NTS . CURRENT EXPENSES.. Salaries and Wages ..................... ~aintenance and Repair(Bldgs. Equip.).. Light, aa~ Heat ......................... ~lstlFa~lce Advertising P~nt~ ............................... ?eleph~e .............................. Premi~ on ?r~asurer' s Bond ............ Dues Paid to New York State Ass~ciati~n of Fire Districts ........ Legal Fees ............................. Other Ex~enses ($pecify)~~ ... Total Curreat Expenses .................................. (1) OAPITAL O~TLAY; Purchase of Apparatus or Equipment ......................... Purchase or Erection of Buildings ..... Total Capital Outlay .............. ...................... (2) $_ ~_~ ~ DEBT SERVICE: Payment of Notes - Principal ........... (3) $ Payment of ~onds - Principal ........... (3) Interest on Notes and Bonds ............ (~) Total Debt Service ...................................... TOTAL D~SBDRS~HEBTS .......... ....................... (~) TOTAL ~a*,~C~ ....................................... (e) TOTAL PAI'I~ AND ~LAMC~. .......................... (9) 3 GENERAL INFORMAT ION Is the_District ~verned by the To~e~ Board or a separate Board of fire District Com~ssioners? Gh~'irm~n of the Board Notes (Principal O~y): Outstandtn8 Issued ~edeemed Outstanding Types of Notes Beginning Durin~ Total During End of of Year Year Year Year ~ond Antici~ation $ .......... $ .......... $ ......... $ ......... $ .......... Capital ................ ~ ................................ Budget ................................................ Tax A~tictpation ................................................ Revenue Anticipation ................................................ TOTAL - Bonds (Principal Only): Year Interest Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue Separately by of ~ate Beg~u~ng During During End of Title and Puruose of Each) ~$sue of Year Year Year TOTAL - BOI~S To~ of Town of Town of Town of TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIEE DISTRICT (The Assessed Valuation multiplied by the Tax ~ate should, generally, agree with the amount shown for Property Taxes on page 2. ) Tax Rate Per $1,000 Assessed Valuation TOTAL - ASSESSED VALUATION CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER , do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of Print Name Fire District lobated in. the Town or Towns of: County of ~(~-~- and that t~lforegoin~ statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the ~scal year endin~.-m~-~''- ~ ~! 19§~, is true to the best of my knowledge, lnformatio~ and belief. Dated: ~ ~_.~ , 195~.