HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989All Numbers In ~is Report Must be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar Method of Accounting (Check One) y Single Entry Cash " Double Entry Modified Accrual ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 89 NAME OF DISTRICT .q(~UTHP, LD PTRE DTSTRTCT IN ~ SUFFOLK TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF RECEIVED FEB 1 9 1990 Revised 1989 THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners X or Tow~ Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law "1. A*~evezya~Xfire*aXdistrict***shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Compzroller. Such report shall be made by the a~treasurer of each firealadtstrictXXA.'' AAA "5. Ail reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of sucha*adistrict~x~.'' PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: ~ - State of New York ~ Office of the State Comptroller ~, Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building . Albany, New York 12236 GENERAL FLfiD -'BALANCE SHEET - AS OF EDPCOOE AZO0 $ AZO1 AZIO $ Zr~estment ~n R~x~r~'~s~ Agreements To~a! Zrwe$ime~t $ $ $ $ S $ Due from Other Fun~s S~ate m~d Fe~r~l Receivables Stite~r~cl Fed~l, O~r Total State ~ Fed~r~l Rmc~ivables Due fr-o~ Ot~mr ~cwers~ments A~0 Ir'~v,m',t ory A6~..5 $ Restricted Assets Cash, ~oecial Reser~ms AZ30 Cash in Tim Deposits, Special Reserves AZ$1 To~l Restricted Assets LIABILZ1-ZES AND FUND E~UITY Account s Payable IFOR DOUBLE ENTRY UNITS ONLY) EDPCOOE A&O0 $ Aoorued Liabilities Accrued Liabilities Due to Esploy~s' Retiree~t Total located Liabilities A601 A637 Notes Payable Tsx ~tloi;~tim Revenu~ A~tici~tio~ Total ~ to Ot~r F~ A6ZO A6Z1 A62Z A&30 $ Oue to Other ;over~ueflts Deferred Re~e~,M~s Total Liabilities F~ E~IZTY Enc~.brm~oe~ ATO0 lnvm~tory A7ZO Debt A88~ Total Ft~d B~l~c~ - Unr-mf. mr,~ed lppr~orist~d-Ersulng Y~ar's Bucket AglO tl~wropri,t~d A911 Total Unreserved $ $ $ Fmd Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES ~qD FUND E~UITY GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCODE Real Property Taxes Al001 Charges for Fire Protection A2262 Interest and Earnings A2401 12954 Rentals A2410 Sale of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 Refund of Expenditures A2701 2647 Gifts and Donations A2705 Other Unclassified Revenue A2770 Federal Aid for Civil Defense A4305 Transfers A5031 4Kon44 (2)Budget Notes Issued A5750 (2)Tax Anticipation Notes Issued A5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A5770 $ 395515 PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES EDPCODE Judgments and Claims A1930.4 Personal Services A3410.1 Equipment/Capital Out]ay A3410.2 Fire Protection A3410.4 State Retirement System A9010.8 Police and Fire Retire System A9015.8 Local Pension Funds A9025.8 Social Security A9030.8 Workers Compensation Insurance A9040.8 Life Insurance A9045.8 Disability insurance A90558 Medical/Accident Insurance A9060.8 {3) Redemption of Notes A9 .6 Interest on Notes A97 .7 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 lnterest on Bonds A9710.7 Transfer To Other Funds A9901.9 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES $ 861560 Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginning of Year A8021 95619 End of Year **TOTAL $ 957179 .~W~TOTAL Other (Specify) ContracturalE~p~ TOTAL PAYMENT$/EXPENDI~JRES *A8029 Notes: (1) Cash balance for single entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, cash. (2) Single Entry Un/ts Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *For Double Entry Units A8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 1. ~These must be equal. 5?467 5075q4 3480 141a0 ~320 · 1755 47000 __79000 132784 $ 857725 99454 957179 investments and petty CAPZTAL PROJECTS FOND - BALANCE SHEET - A~ OF ASSETS Cash Tiae Deposits Total Cash State at~d Federal, Restr~ct~ Assets Cash, ~ial ~ial Rese~es Total Restricted Assets EDPCODE H200 HZ01 H~SO H39! HZ30 HZ31 H452 $ $ $ S $ Accr~ Liabilities Total Accrued Liabilities Notes Payable Revenue ~ticipat ion Bond ~tici~ti~ Total ~tes Parle Parle ~ ~o O~r F~ Deferred Revenues Total Liabilities FLed Del~nc~ - Reserved Encumbranoes Capital Reserve Total Rmrved F~ E~i~ TOTAL LIABZLITXES ~ FUND EE~JXTY IFOR DOUBLE ENTRY UN/TS ONLY ) EDPCOOE H&OO H&O1 $ $ H&Z1 $ H&Z& $ H605 H630 H631 H $ H&gx $ HTO0 H878 $ Hgx1 $ $ $ 3 CAPITAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES Interest and Earnings Prem. and Accrued Int. Other (Specify) on Bonds Transfer From General Fund Bonds (1)Bond Anticipation Notes Capital Notes TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Fund/Cash Balance at Beginning of Year **TOTAL RECEIPTS EDPCODE H2401 H2710 H2770 H5031 H5710 H5730 H5740 $ 23785 79000 $ 102785 H8021 468821 $ 571606 PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fire Protection Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Other Fund Other (Specify) Bank Charqes TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fund/Cash Balance at End of Year **TOTAL PAYMENTS EDPCODE H3410.2 H9730.6 H9901.9 H *H8029 450444 6 450450 $ 571606 (1) Single Entry Units Only *For Double Entry Units H8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 3. *~l'hese must be equal. 4 RESERVE FUNDIS) IFOR SZNGLE ENTRY UNZTS ONLY~ DOUBLE ENTRy UNZTS HUST ZNCLUDE EACH RESERVE ZN APpROPRZATE FUND ! Do Not Key RECEZPTS Tnter~$t and Earnings 0 ~d~ r ! Specify) T~s ~o Ot~r Ohr TOTAL PAYHEHTS Balanc~ mt End of Year ~-~TOTAL PAYNEI~S ~ID BALANCE EDPCODE RE660 R2770 RSOE1 RSOZ9 Totml $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AGENCY FUNDS # BALANCE SHEET ~ AS OF , I FOR DOUBLE EHTRY Lt~ZTS ONLY ASSETS EDPCOOE Cash TA200 $ Time Deposits TA201 Total Cash $ ~nvest~t in R~purchase Agr~mmnts TA~S1 Securities and ~ortg~]~s TA~S Accrued Znterest on S~c~r~t~es AGENCy FUND LI)3ZLZTZES Deferre~ Compensation Disability Znsur.an¢~ F~der~l I~ Tax I~ Ex~{i~ ~ial ~ri~ Tax O~r A~ F~ f~ify~ EDPCODE TA17 TA19 TAZO TAZ1 ' TAZZ TAZ~ TAZ5 TAZ6 TASO TABS TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL AGENCY LZ~ZLZTZES GENERAL F/XED ASSETS ACC(XJNTS ~ BALANCE SHEET" AS OF ~ (FOI~ DOUBLE EHTRY U~/T$ ONLY ASSETS EDPCODE IHVESTHEMT IH GENERAL Fled Aid F~e'a ! Aid EOPCOOE K15Z K K TOTAL ZHVES11~EHT IN GENERAL FTXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG-TE~ OBLZ~AT'/ONS *~ BALANCE SHEET '~ AS OF , __ ! FOR DOUBLE ENTRY UN~TS ONLY ASSETS /uem~t AvaiZable in Debt .~rvice F~rd ~t; to ~ p~i~ for L~-Te~ EDPCOOE H].20 LXABX LXT~ES Term Bonds Payable ~ ~o ~lo~s' ~ti~t Syst~ 0~ L~-Te~ ~ EDPCOOE H623 $ H627 H628 H657 H685 H687 N689 $ TOTAL MIOUNT AVAZLABLE AND TO BE PROVZDED TOTAL LZABZL/TZES 8 Balm~s by Ftmd at End of Yea~':llnclud~ c~sh in ct~ki.9 ~coc~ts, tim ds~osits, investors ~d p~tty o~sh! Capital FA .................................... ; ......................................... H ..... $ RJser~ FA .............................................................................. R ..... Trust ~r.d A~ Ft~ds .................................................................... T ..... $ Other F~ds .................................................................................... $ 99454 220610 Total - All Ftr~s ........................................................................... $ B~nk ~l~r~s at End of Year: ~ ~8 Locatim of ~ 100430 $ 1015 $ 99415 North Fork Bank and Trust 121154 121156 $ $ $ Main Road Southold, NY 11971 TOTALS Cash ~n ltand IDate D~positedl ............................................................... Petty Cmsh ................................................................................. $ 39 Fur~ INVESTIIENT$ HELD AT DECE~ER ~1, 19 D~scriptio~ of P~r~mse Pri~ TOTAL ZNVESTttENTS .................................................................................... S Total B~r~ Balances, Cash o~ ~r~, Petty Cash DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds (Show each issue separately by) Serial Bond ~1 TOTAL BONDS EDP ~ode 2P1877 2P1861 2P1862 2P1863 2P1875 Notes Tax Antici_~ion Notes Revenue Anticipation Notes ~Notes Ca~tal No~es Bond Anticipation Notes I 2P1876 TOTAL NOTES -- TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES Year Outstanding Is.sued Redeemed Outstanding of Interest Beginning During During End Issue Rate of Year Year Year of Year 1 3 $ 7 _ oooo 0ooo ~o. /~ o 225000 ~ ~ 20800---~ XX'X J $ 285000 ?_L~~ 23800~ ~TAL BO~S O~ST~ING AS OF DECEMBER' 31 $ 238000 TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 285000 238000 10 EDP TOWN Code Assessed Valuation of Fire District Within Town Tax Rate per $1,000 of Assessed Valuation Amount qf Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) DISTRICT TOTAL 5 26,236 · 767 5 *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as shown at top of page 1 15.074B I $ 395,515: ~ ~ 15.g74fl $ ~9~,~1~ COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY TOWN Assessed Valuation of Fire District Within Town Equalization Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Southcld 5 26,236,767 5 3.91% $ 671,107,059 Total Assessed Valuation 5 26,236,767 Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE 5 671,017,059 EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Town A $10,000 25% = $40,000 Town B 5,000 40% = 12,500 Town C 20,000 100% = 20,000 Assessed Valuation 535,000 Full Valuation 572,500 11 Sotioes Filed Ou~inQ In~olvir~ Codef~.-,,~nt/Thir~ P~rty Other Claims Less: Claims disposed of durln~ ~ y~ar Prior to c~m~r~t of oourt .ctlon: - By I~u~ C~rrier Equals: Claims P~ding - End of Y~r Involving Co~efendani/T~ird Party Ot~r Clai~, NOTICES OF TORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENOINO 19 TOTAL MJItBER OF CLAZHS EDP CODE NU'~E R 9ZTRIO 9ZTR15 9ZT'R~O 9ZTR~5 TOTAL ~ OF CLAIY~S EDP COOE AHOUNT 9ZTRll 9ZTRE1 9Z'TRZ6 9ZTR30 9ZTP31 9ZTRS2 9Z'TR~O 9Z'TR~I 9ZTR,I,2 TOTAL AHOUI~ PAID ON CLAZHS EDP COOE AHOUNT 6 9ZTR~O 9ZTR$1 9ZTP~2 7 9ZTR60 9ZTR61 9ZTR6Z 8 9ZTRTO 9ZTRT! 9ZTR?2 9 9ZTRSO 9ZTR81 9ZTRSZ 10 9ZTRgO 9Z'I'Rgl 9ZTRgS 9ZTR96 11 12 AUTHORIZATION Article i, S~otim ~O-f of ~ G~rm~l ~ioipal L~ ~mi~ ~ of s~ ~iciml m~ti~ or of s~ ~ri~ or ~issi~ ~ s~ll file a ~ h~f in ~ offi~ of h s~ie ~t~ller ~ity or ~issi~ ~i~ by ~ti~ thirty of t~ ~1 ~i~i~l 1~ to file ~ ~1 ~nt of its fi~i~l ~Jiti~ ~ith ~ state ~t~llmr ~11 file ~ ~nt ~i~ ~ this a~ti~ ~i~ a fi~i~l ~nt." 12 EDPCODE bUYER EDPCOOE OF CLAZt~ HOTICE$ OF TORT I'LllffS FOR THE FISCAL YE&R ENOZNG 19 -- ~icipallty's E~it~bl~ Sl~r~. EDPCOOE M~OUHT PAID ~REATER THAN E~JZT~BLE S~ARE ? 9ZT'R_~ 9ZT'R.66 9Z'TR.K8 8 9Z'TR&k 9ZTR66 9ZTR68 9 9ZTR ?~, 9ZT*R76 9Z'rR78 ~.0 9ZTRS~ 9ZTRG6 9Z'TRS~ R~ort P~r'ecl By: t3 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, Karen A. Helinski certify that I am the Treasurer of Southold (Please Print or Type) Fire District and that the following report is a true ~Ld correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, 89 Dated February 6, , 19 90 Signature ~_~--~-~ ~. ~~_' P.O. Address P.O. Box 908, Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (516) 765-3385 Area Code CHAiR~N OF THE BOARD Name Georqe Berry, Sr. Address P.O. Box 908, Southold, NY 11~'7~ " STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER