HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992All Numbers In This Report Must be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar Method of Accountin& (Check One) Single Entry Cash ~ Double Entry Modified Accrual ANNUAL REPORT OF THE RECeIVeD FEB 2 4 Southold Town FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT IN '£~ TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF TH~ DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners V/ or To~n Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law "1. AAAeVeryAXAfireAA;districtAAAshall ---ually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the AA~treasursr of each fire***districtAAA.'' AAA "5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shell be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such;;;district~*~.'' PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Mlmi¢ipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Buildin~ Albany, New York 12236 Revised 1991 Cm~h To~l C~.h GENERAL ~ - BALINCE SHEET - AS OF A~O0 e A~01 AZIO $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ /n~eent in Repur~l~ A~51 A391 end F~d~11 St~ ~ Fedm11, ~ To~l $~te and Federel A~IO To~! btrio~d TOTAL Iqq - LIABILITIES Ne FUH~ (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY UN~T~5 ~qLY ) AbO0 Aoofu.d Li,-i-iliii# Du~ ~o E.pXoy~wm' RwtirEm.nt System A637 To4:~. Accurm:l L~bili'lrles To~X 14~ Ou~ to O4her F~b A630 A69Q Due to O~r A631 A691 $ $ $ Ft~o E~u~rY F~md I~]~11~ - ~ ~.~ropri~4~d-EnauingYamr's Budg~ Agxo Unm~pr~)ri~Bd A911 T~bl~ F~d Equity TOTAL IT~BXL-TTZE$ MiD ~ EGUZI'Y $ -"/'1 j L~ I $ To~l C.~sh No~ Pebble Band ~ic~ticn O~he~ L~bilities To't~i ~ To~J. * %q 7~ a ~/~ ~O~AL I.T. ABXLr~ES Am R,ND Emm'Y Er.p~.uuE H&O0 4 H~21 H&~& $ ~OS H630 H631 # H691 * u~qT; oe~ TOTAL PAYMENTS Be~moe l~ End o~< Yelr ~wl'uiAL PAYItENI~ M~ ED~GGE R~.O! RE&O0 R~)770 RSO:~I R ~8029 RESERVE To~t~l FUNDtS) Typ~ of (FOIl SOIgLE ENTRY UIG'TS I~ILY, {X~LE ~ [Jl~l]i [ ZNCLI~E EACH ~qVE ~1 APflR01~TATE ~ ! of Reeerve $ of Reserve $ $ $ $ $ $ $ GENERAL lONG-TERN OBL.ZGATZOIIS ~ BAUINCE SHEET # AS DF ~t Av~i~b~e in D~bt S~rvim ED~.~E TOTAL ~ AVA.TI.ABLE JlND TO BE PROVZDED TOTAL LZABZI TTZES 8 Be~noe~ by F~IXt at End of Yeerci~.lucie mmh in =heck~lg a~o~ll~, time dis)oBits, ~ve~oeen~ and pet~ mtsh) GanMlZF,md ................................................ A ..... R~M~.~,F~YI ............................................... · ~ ............ R Tr~8~ .nd Aglfloy Fqlmds ............ T Totml - [11 F4L,mCIS ........................................................................... $ $ Pe*'~C~.h ................................................................................. 7JWESTNENTS HELD AT DECEMBER 31, 19 -- $ TOTAL ZNVESTI'ENT'S ................................................................................. . . . $ Tob! Be~k BiJJnoN, ~ an Illnd, Pl~:%~y ~ Ircl Zllvel~lBnt~ ~The~e to*t:~zs u* ~ 9 Assessed Valuation Tax Rate -EDP of' Fire District per $1,000 TOWN Code With/nTown of Assessed Valuation Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) *Should a~ee with Receip~ of Real Pr~e~y T~es as sh~ at ~op of page 1 COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY Assessed Valuation of Fire District Equalization TOWN Within To~n Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION:' Town A $10,000 25% = $40,000 Town B 5,000 ~0% = 12,500 Town C 20,000 100% = 20,000 Assessed Valuation ~35,000 Full Valuation 11 ~72,500 1 NOT~S OF ~ eLM, S FORll(E ~LYE~I~ ~1~ (~) M~dOUNT PAZD ~EAll;R Tt~N E~UXT~LE ~- 6 1l~ By: N~ 13 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, ~o_-~ ~X. t~C~m~ certify that I am the Treasurer of the ~muT)a~ (Please Print or Type N~me) Fire District and :ha: the following report is a true and correct statement of the f/nancial transactions of such Fire District: for the year ended December 31, %~q~.. Dated CHAIP~AN OF THE BOARD Area (]ode STATE OF NEW Y0~K OFFICE OF 'i.',tu:; STATE CO~fl:~'P. OT.T.'R/R 1/+