HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993· All Numbers In This Report Must be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar RECEIVED UAR g lgg4 So.fkol~ T~,~.~ CI="L Method of AccountinK (Check One) __ Single Entry Cash X Double Entry Modified Accrue] THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners X or Town Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law "1. ***every~*fire**Adistrict***shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the AXAtreasurer of each fireXAAd,istrict~-~*.'' "$. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such~AAdistrictx~A.'' PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 93 NAME OF DISTRICT TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT IN TRE SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK Revised 1993 ~SSET$ C~sh Cash T~me Deposits Petty C~sh Total C~sh GENERAL FUND - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF EDPCODE A200 AZO! AZIO $ Znvestmeflts To~a! ~nvesbuoflt December 31, A~c~nts Receivables A~80 Due from o~(h~r Fc~cls A$91 Sta~e and Federal Receivables Stere end Federal, Other Total State ~nd F~der~l R~iv~bles .AqlO Due fr~xu Other Tnvafltory A~,O Restricted Assets Cash. Speci=l Reserves AZ$O Cash in T~me Ds~oslts. $p*ciel Re,~rves Ag31 ~iu~ Reredos A4SZ I~es~t in R~se Total Restricted Assets TOTAL ASSETS 20,412 100 20.512 17.385 $ 37,897 1993 . LZA~.ZLZTZES AND FLI4D E~dZTY Accounts Poyuble FOR DOUBLE El;TRY Lt~ITS ONLY EDPCODE Asoo S 2,004 Due to E~ployees' Rotlremefl~ Syst~, A&O! A657 8,520 8,520 A620 A62! A622 A630 A690 A631 A69! $ 10,524 A821 k882 S22,266 . ~2,266 $ $ 5,107 $ 5,107 37,373 ~7,897 F~d ~1~ - O~rlserved Approprleted-Ensu{ng Year's Buc~ AglO To~l Unrmrved F~rtd Equ~ ty TOTAL L'rABILTI'~ES AND FUND E~AJZTY GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCODE Real Property Taxes AIO01 Charges for Fire Protection A2262 Interest and Earnings A2401 Rentals A2410 Sale of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 Refund of Expenditures A2701 Gifts and Donations A2705 Other Unclassified Revenue VARIOUS MISS, A2770 Federal Aid for Civil Defense A4305 Transfers A5031 (2)Budget Notes Issued A5750 (2)Tax Aaticipation Notes Issued A5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A5770 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES 816,004 pAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES 7O 832,558 EDPCODE Judgments and Claims A1930.4 Personal Services A3410.1 59,081 4,851 Fire Protection Equip/CapOutlay A3410.2 21,770 Fire Protection Contractual A3410.4 219,405 State Retirement System A9010.8 9,163 Police and Fire Retire System A9015.8 2~395 Local Pehsion Funds A9025.8 249,409 75 Social Security A9030.8 4,460 Workers Compensation Insurance A9040.8 12~072 Life Insurance A9045.8 Disability Insurance A9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance A9060.8 1,133 (3) Redemption of Notes A97 Interest on Notes A97 ._.7 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 39~000 Interest on Bonds A9710.7 20,060 Transfer to Other Funds A9901.9 150,000 Other (Specify) Prior Period/Adj A (B) 99,849 TOTAL pAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES $ 876,239 Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginning of Year **TOTAL Fund/Cash (1) Balance at A8021 (A) 71,054 End of Year *A8029 27~373 $ 903,612 **TOTAL $ 903,612 Notes: (1) Cash balance for single entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, investments and petty cash. (2) Single Entry Units Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *For Double Entry Unite A8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 1. **These must be equal. (A) Fund Balance Recap: FB 1/1/93 $ 111,132 Prior Period Adj. ( 40,078) For 12/31/92 Accts.Payable Adi.FR 1/1/93 $ 71,054 (B) Prior period adjustment represents excess 1992 funds transferred in 1993. '' CApTTAL PROJECTS FUND ~ BAUU4CE SHEET - AS OF December 3] , 1993 (FOR DOUBLE EHTRY UNZTS ONLY) J~SETS Time Deposits Total l.ves hm~ts I~e fr~m OtYmr Funds State and Feder-al, Receivables I~es~t in ~se Ag~ts, EDPCODE flZOO Hi01 H~S0 Hc~s1 Htgl .H~lO H2IO Hill 400,744 LXABXLITIES,~D FUND Ei~UZTY ~ts Payable Amr'u~d Liabilities A~med Liabilities Total ~tes Pebble Re~ai~ Pectins, C~t~c~s Parle D~ to Ot~r F~ O~r Liebilltles ~ferr~d Revenues FUND E~UITY To~l Restricted Assets 400,744 EDPCODE H600 $ H601 $ H $ H621 H626 $ H605 $ H6tO $ 17,385 H6l! fl H691 $ $ 17,385 H878 383.359 $ .383,359 H911 $ $ ~83,359 TOTAL ASSETS $ 400,744 TOTAL LI'ABZLIT/ES ~ FUND E~UZTY S 400,744 CAPITAL FUND (B) RECEIPTS/REVENUES Interest and Earnings Prem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds Other (Specify) Prior Period Adjustment Transfer From General Fund Bonds (1)Bond Anticipation.Notes Capital Notes TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Fund/Cash Balance at Beginning of Year EDPCODE H2401 H2710 H2770 H5031 H5710 H5730 H5740 HS021(A) 10,508 99.849 150,000 $ 260~357 497,087 **TOTAL $ 757,444 pAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fire Protection Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Other Fund Other (Specify) TOTAL pAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fund/Cash Balance at End of Year **TOTAL EDPCODE H3410.2 H9730.6 H9901.9 H *H8029 374,085 374,085 383,359 757,444 (1) S~_ugle Entry Units Only *For Double Entry Units M8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 3. **~Aese must be equal. (A) Fund Balance Recap: FB 1/1/93 Prior Year Eucumbrances Adj. FB 1/1/93 To agree with 12/91/92 financial statements. 150,647 346,440 $ 497,087 (B) Prior period adjustment represents excess 1992 funds transferred in 1993, ~CETPT$ Interes~ ~ Eam~rlgs ~a~e of Assets Transfers TOTAL RECEXP~ ~la~ ~imi~ of Y~r ~TOTAL RECEZP~ ~ BAL~E PAY~S Fi~ T~nsfers ~o O~r O~r I~ify) TOTAL PAYHEHT$ Balmnce m~ End of year ~XTOTAL pAYHEHTS AND BALAHCE EDPCODE RZ660 R2770 L~031 RSO~l R3410.2 R9901.9 R8029 RESERVE $ $ $ $ F U N DIS) N/A Ty~ I Purpose) of Rmr~e $ $ (FOR SINGLE ENTRY UNZT$ ONLY, DOUBLE ENTRY IJI~TS HUST TNCLUDE EACH RF~ERVE ZN APPROPRZATE FLt4D ) Do Ho~ Key N/A Type N/A Type tPur~ose) $ $ $ $ $ ~hese mus~( be equal. AGENCY ~dHDS # BALANCE SHEET ~ AS OF December 31 , 1993 C~sh Cash Time Deposits Total ~sh #Ser~ioe ~r~ progrtm Assets EDPCOOE TA200 $ TA201 TA4~O TA45! TA4S5 TA4S5 TAq60 TA~6! AGENCY FUND LZABI*LTTZES EDPCODE 183,36,7 TA8S 183,347 TOTAL TOTAL AGENCY LIAGILIrT/E$ 183.347 .Program udministrutor rotainod by district. ~ progro~ is uchinistr~tod by the district tho TE f~r~d should be usod. Soo S~rvlce ~ds Ac~ting p~grim procedures dated S~ptember 6, 1990. b*ENERAL FZXED ASSETS ACCOUNTS # BALAHCE SHEET # ~S OF December 31 , ASSETS Lend Bu~ld~ngs lmprov~nts O~her ~n B~ildings Hachin~y ~ E~i~t TOTAL ASSETS EDPCODE K101 K10Z K103 KIO~ K K EDPCODE ZHVESTFEHT ZN GENERAL FZXED ASSETS ,I; 206,892 ~..~ m~ NOtN K1G1 1,565,650 Currm~t ~riati~ KISZ State A~.d KIG6 3, 120,528 F~r~! Aid K157 t4,893,070 K K TOTAL I'HVIE$1~ENT TN GENERAL FZXED ASSETS 4,4~97_~, 215 395,855 $ 4,893~070 GEHERAL L~NG-TEI~I OBLTGATZOHS ~ BALAHCE SHEET ~ AS OF .December 31 , 19~ 301,100 LTABZLI'T][ES EDPCOOE Tmrm Bo~ds payable fl6~'3 C,~pi*t~l No~es P.ylble H6~:7 Bonds P~,y~ble H6~8 DLm to Eaploy~s' Retirmmflt System N637 lrm~11maflt Purchase o~b~ H&SS JtJGq~ilNIn'l:S K rll~.ms PByib~e H086 Ohr L.-~-Term Debt H689 299,000 2,100 $ TOTAL AI'dGK.,1HT AVAILABLE JU~IO TO BE PRO¥IDED e 301,100 TOTAL LZAB/LTT/ES $ 301,100 RECGNCZ LZATI~I This ~t be oo~pl~t~d. B~lsno~s by Ft~t et End of G~n~r~l Ftr, d .............................................................................. A ..... $ C~i~el Ft~d .............................................................................. H ..... $ R~ser~e Ft~cl .............................................................................. R ..... $ Tm~s~ m~d A~ Ft~cls ....... '* ...T ..... O~er F~ds .................................................................................... 20,512 400,744 Tote1 - Ali Funds ........................................................................... Bm~B~Zm~c~s at Er~dof Year: Naw and Loc~tlm of Bank North Fork Bank, Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 30,190 t 1,339 $ 28,851 Suffolk County National Bank, Main Road, Cutchogue, N.Y. 255,226 Fleet Bank, Main Rd., Southold, NY 129,786 Bridgehampton Nat'l Bank,Southold,NY 7,293 TOTALS $ 422,495 t Cash o~ ~ (Date D~ii~d! ............................................................... Petty Cash ................................................................................. 255,226 129,786 7~293 $ 42i.156 , 100 F~d ZN~ESI~ENTS HELD AT DECEI'~,ER $1, 19 -- D~scripti~ of Purchase Pri~ TOTAL 1rNVE STHENTS .................................................................................... $ ~Th~se to~ls m~st 421,256 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds (Show each issue separately by) Year Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding of Interest Beginning During During End Issue Rate of Year Year Year of Year 1 3 5 7 EDP Code Serial Bond #1 Serial Bond #2 TOTAL BONDS 2P1877 1988 1992 xxxx i 6.75% [ $ 148.000 5.30% [ 190,000 XXX ~ 338~000 [$ $ 24.NNN 15,0Q0 39,000 l?~;nnn 175,000 299.000 TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 $ 299,000 Notes Tax Anticipation Notes 2P1861 XXXX XXX Revenue Anticipation Notes 2P1862 XXXX XXX Budget Notes 2P1863 }ODiX XXX Capital Notes 2P1875 XXXX XXX Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 XXXX TOTAL NOTES XXXE TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES 39,000 I $ 299.000 10 TOWN EDP Code Assessed Valuation of Fire District Within Town Tax Rate per $1,000 of Assessed Valuation Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) Southold DIS~RICT TOTAL 27~293,830 I $ 29,897 27,293,830 $ 29,897 *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property T~xes as shown at top of page 1 COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE PEAL PROPERTY 816,004 ~16.oo4 TOWN Assessed Valuation of Fire District Within Town Equalization Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Southold ~ 27,293~830 $ 2.38% ~ 11,467.996 Total Assessed Valuation ~ 27,293,830 Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE $ 11,467,996 EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Town A $10,000 251 = $40,000 Town B 5,000 40% = 12,500 Town C 20,000 100% : 20,000 Assessed Valuation ~35~000 Full Valuation 872,500 11 NOTICES OF TORT CLAIHS FOR THE F/SCAL YEAR EHDZN~ 19 TOTAL I~J~ER OF CLLTHS EDP CO~E 93 TOTAL J~OUNT OF CLAIH$ TOTAL JMGUNT PA/D ON CLAZHS EDP COOE N~UHT EDP GODE AHC~UHT Claims Pe~dlng - Begir~ing of Year Involving Codefendant/Thlrd P~rty Defeey]ant 9ZTR10 O~r C lai~P~ 9ZTRXS NONE 9ZTRll 1 NONE 9zTHl& z Hotlc~s Filed During ~he Year Involving Codefmnclanf. q~ird Party D~fmnc~nt 9ZTR20 NONE O~r Claims 9ZTR~ .NONE - Claims disposed of c~ring ~ year Prior to - By Z~u~ ~rrier 9~ ~0~ - By Insu~ - O~r I ) 9~ ~0~ 9ZTR~I 3 9Z, TRS,6 4 9ZTR31 9ZTR3Z 5 9ZTR~X 9ZTH~ 6 9ZTRE1 9ZTRS~ 9ZTR61 9ZTR&Z 9ZTR71 9ZTR7Z 9ZTRSX 9ZTRS~ Equals: Claims P~rN~ing - End of year Tnvolving Codef~t/lhlrd I~rty Def~wtdant 9~90 NONE 9~RgX Ohr C1Bims 9~95 NONE 9~96 Article 4, S~ction 50-f of ~he 6.nerml ~ke~icipml Lm~ NOT/¢£S OF TORT CL&~HS FOR ~E FZS~AL YEAR END~I~ 19 9._.~ EDPCODE NUV~ER EDPCODE ~i¢ipalit¥'8 Ec~ui~le S~mr~ EDPCODE o; C,L~ 13) PAID ~R~ATER TH&~ E~JITABLE SHARE 7 9~ NONE ')Z'I'~6 9~ 8 9ETR6~ 9ZTR66 9ZTR68 9 9ZTR7~ 9ZTR76 9ZTR78 10 9ZTR~ 9Z~R86 9ZTRS~ Title 112 Maple Place, Port Jeffersont N.Y. 516/474-0182 1/19/94 13 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, Karen A. Helinski certify that I sm the Treasurer of the Southold (Please Print or Typ~ Na~e) Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31,,.1993 Dated February 21 ., 19 94 Address P.O. Box 908 Southold, NY 119'71 Telephone (516 Area Code 765-3385 CHAIRMAN OF ~ BOARD Name John Stankewicz Address P.O. Box 908, Southold, NY Telephone (516) 765-3385 Area Code 11971 STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF I~E STATE COMPI~OM~R 14