HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997All, R~.bers In This Report Kust be Rounded to the Nearest OoLlar RECEIVED MAR 1 6 1998 Southold Town Cler X Kethod of A;countinn (Check One) Single Entry Cash Double Entry Kodified Accruat ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FiRE DISTRICT TREASURER TEAR ERDED DECEKBER 31, 19 97 RAKE OF DISTRICT TOUN OR TOUNS OF SOUTltOLD IN THE SOUTIIOLD Ptease check here if the and/or telephone n~ber is different from (asr year. COUNTY OF THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners ~ or Togn Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General K~icipal LaM #1. ***every***fire***dJstrict***shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the ***treasurer of each fire***dlstrJct***." "5. ALL reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be fi(ed with the Comptroller Mithin sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such***dtstrict***." PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of NeM York Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State office Building Albany, #eM York 12236 Revised 1996 SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT - 12/31/97 ASSETS GENERAL FUND - BALANCE S[IF, ET - AS OF I)ECI~MBEF. 31, 1997 EDPCODE Cash Cash A200 $ l 11,562 Time Deposits A201 Petty Cash A210 Total Cash $ I I 1,562 Invaslments Investment in Securities A450 $ Investment in Repurchase Agreements A451 Total Investment $ Accounts Receivable A380 $ Due from Other Funds State and Federal Receivables State and Federal, Other Total State and Federal Receivables Due fi.om Other Governments Inventoi'y A391 $ A410 $ $ A440 $ A445 $ Restricted Assets Cash, Special Reserves A230 $ Cash in Time Deposits, Special Reserves A231 Investment in Securities, Special Reserves A452 Investment in Repurchase Agreements, Special Reserves A453 Total Restricted Assets Prepaid Expenditures A480 $ 1,646 TOTAL ASSETS $__113~208 Page (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY UNH'S ONI.Y) LIABILHIES AND FUND EQUH'Y EDPCODE Accounts Payable A600 $ 36,051 Accrued Liabilities Accrued Liabilities Due to Employees' Retitcment System Total Accrued Liabilities A601 A637 Notes Payable ]'ax Anticipation A620 Revenue Anticipation A621 Budget A622 Total Notes Payable $ 1,971 $ 1,971 Due to Other Funds A630 $ 30,000 Overpayments A690 $ A631 A691 Due to Other Govermnents Dcfegrcd Revenues Total Liabilities FUND EQUH'Y Fund Balance - Reserved Inventory Repairs Debt A821 A845 A882 A884 Totsl Reserved Fund Balance - Uureserved Appropriated - Ensuing Year's Budget Unappropriated Total Uureserved l:m~d Equity A910 A911 TOTAL IJABILFHES AND FI. RID EQUYFY $ $ $ 68,022 $ 38,693 $ 38,693 6,493 $ 6,493 $ 45,186 $ 113~208 SOL1THOLD FIRE DISTRICT - 12131197 GENEF, AL FUND RECE~TS/REVENUES I~DI~CODE PA YMENTS/EX PEN DFFUI{I';S Real hoparty Taxes Charges for Fire Protection Interest and ~Eamings Rentals Sale of Equipment Insurance Recoveries Refund of Expanditures Gifts and Donations Other Unclassified Revenue Miscellaneous Federal Aid for Civil Defense Transfers (2) Budget Notes Issued (2) Tax Anticipation Notes Issued (2) Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued Al001 A2262 A2401 A2410 A2665 A2680 A2701 A2705 A2770 A4305 A5031 A5750 A5760 A5770 $ 850,249 9,811 1,636 675 Judgdnants and Clai~ns Personal Services Fire Protection Equip/Cap Outlay Fire Protection Contracttml State Retiremant System Police and Fire Retiremant Systear Local Pension Funds Social Security Workers Compansation h~sulance Life Insurance Disability Insurance 1 tospital/Medical Insurance (3) Redemption of Notes Interest on Notes Redemption of Bonds Interest on Bonds Transfer to Other Funds Other (Specify) TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES $ 862,371 TOTAL PA YMENTS/EXPEN DI'IMRES Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginning of Year Ftmd/Cash [ 1) Balance at A8021 54,303 End of Year **TOTAL $ 9161674 **TOTAL No~s; (1) Cash balance for siugle entry units should include cash in checkh~g accounts, time deposits, investtnents and petty cash. (2) Single Entry Units Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double enOy uuits. *For Double Entry Units A8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 1. **These must be equal. F. DPCOI)F. AI930.4 $ A3410.1 74,142 A3410.2 66,933 A3410.4 272,640 A9010.8 68 A9015.8 A9025.8 245,91 I A9030.8 5,622 A9040.8 22,188 A9045.8 A9055.8 A9060.8 6,244 A97__.6 A97__.7 A9710.6 125,000 A9710.7 22,740 A9901.9 30,000 A $ 871,488 *A8029 45,186 $ 916~674 Page 2 SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT - 12131/97 ASSETS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - BALANCE SI IEET - AS OF DECEMBEP. 31, 1997 (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY UNITS ONLY) EDPCODE LIABILrI1ES AND FUND EQUITY EDPCODE Cash Cash Time Deposits Tolal Cash Investments Investments in Securities Investment in Repurchase Agreements Total Investments Due from Other Funds Deposi~ with Other Govermnents State and Federal, Receivables Res~icted Assets Cash, Special Reserves Cash in Time Deposits, Special Rese~es Investment in Securities, Special Reserves lnvestmant in Repurchase Agreements, Spoeial Reserves Total Restricted Assets Accounts Payable 11600 $ 11200 $ 11201 Accrued Liabilities Accrued Liabilities t1601 $ $ Il Total Accrued Liabilities 1t450 $ Notes Payable 11451 Revenue/Mdicipation $ Brad Anticipation Total Notes Payable 11391 $ 30,000 Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable I1395 $ Due to Other Funds I1410 $ Due to Other Goverlmlents 11230 $ 223,988 Other Liabilities 11231 11452 Dc fermd Revenues 11453 Total Liabilities $ 223,988 FUND EQUITY 11621 11626 11605 11630 11631 1l 11691 Fund Balmme - Reserved Encmnbrm~ces Capital Reserve Total Reserved 11821 11878 l:m~d Balmlce - Umeserved Unappropriated Total Unreserved f1911 Fund Equity TOTAL ASSETS $ 253 988 TOTAL LbXBtLrI1ES AND FUND EQUFFY $ $ $ $ $ 253,988 $ 253,988 $ 253.988 $ 253~988 Page 3 SOLrFHOLD ~ DISTRICT - 12/31/f~7 RECEIPTS/REVENUES lnte~st and Earnings ~ and Accrued Int. on Bonds Other (Specify) Transfer From General Fund Bonds (1) Bond Anticipation Notes Capital Notes TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Fund/Cash Balance at Beginning of Year **TOTAL EDI'CODE CAPITAL FUND 112410 $ 5,797 112710 112770 H5031 30,000 I{5710 }15730 H5740 $ 35,797 H8021 $ 226,961 $ 2621758 PAYMENTS/EXPEN DrI'UIH~S Fire Protection Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Other Fund Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDiTURES Fund/Cash Balance at Begimfing of Year * *TOTAL EDPCODE 113410.2 H9730.6 I [9901.9 11 $ 8,770 $ 8,770 *H8029 $ 253,988 $__262~758 (1) Single Entry Units Only *For Double Entry Units, 118029 must equal Fund Equity on F'age 3. **These must be equal. Page 4 SOUTHOLD FI]~ DISTR~CT - 12/31/97 RESERVE FUND(S) (FOR SINGLE ENTRY UNITS ONLY, DOUBLE ENTRY UNFI'S MUST INCLUDE EACH RESERVE IN APPROPRIATE FUND.) RECEIPTS Interest and Earnings Sale of Assets Other (Specify) TOTAL RECEIPTS Balance Beginning of Year **TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE PAYMENTS Fire Protection Transfers to Other Fm~ds Other (Specie/) TOTAL PAYMENTS Balance at End of Year **TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE EDPCODE R2401 R2660 R277O R5031 R8021 R3410.2 R9901.9 R R8029 To~al $ N/A N/A N/A Type (Purpose) Type (Pulpose) Type (Purpose) o£ Reserve of I~,e~rve of Reserve $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ **These must be equal. Page 5 SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT ~ 12131/97 AGENCY FUNDS * BALANCE S/LEET * AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1997 ASSETS EDPCODE LIABILITIES EDPCODE Cash Cash TA200 $ Time Deposits TA201 Total Cash Investments Investment in Securities TA450 $ lnveslraent in Repurchase Agree~nents TA451 Securities and Mortgages TA455 Accrued Interest on Securities Acquired TA455 Cash and Securities with Deferred Comp. Plan Provider TA460 *Service Award Program Assets TA461 724,268 TOTAL ASSETS $ 7241268 *Service Awards Deferred Compensation State Retirement Disability Insurance Group Insurance New York State Income Tax Federal Inemne Tax Income Executions Association mid Union Dues U.S. Savings Bonds Social Security Tax Guaranty and Bid Deposits Foreign Fire Insurance Other Agency Funds (Specil}0 TOTAL AGENCY LIABILITIES TAI3 TAI7 TAI8 TAI9 'fA20 TA2 I TA22 TA23 TA24 TA25 TA26 TA30 TASO TA85 $ 724,268 $ 724,268 *Program administrator retained by l)istrict. When program is administel-ed by thc district the TE fund should be used. See Service Awards Accotmting Program Procedures, dated September 6, 1990. Page 6 SOUTHOLD FIRF-. DISTRICT - 12131/97 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNrI'S * BALANCE SIIEET * AS OF DECEMBER 3 I, 1997 ASSETS EDPCODE INVESTMENrF IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS EDPCODE Land KI01 $ 206,892 Bends aud Notes KI51 Buildings KI02 2,796,466 Current Appropriations K152 Improvements Other than Buildings K103 3,300,165 Gifts K 153 Machinery and Equip~nent K104 State Aid K 156 Construction Work in Progress K I05 Federal Aid KI57 K K__ K K__ TOTAL ASSETS $ 6~303~523 TOTAL INVESTMENT IN GENEIL-'kL FIXED ASSETS $ 5,028,961 1,274,562 $ 61303~523 Page 7 SOUTHOLD ~ DISTRICT - 12/31197 GENERAL LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS * BALANCE SitEET * AS OF DECEMJ3ER 3 I, 1997 ASSETS EDPCODE LIABILITIES Amount Available in Debt Service Fund Amounts to be Provided for Long-Term Obligations WI20 WI25 300,000 Term Bonds Payable Bond Anticipation Notes Capital Notes Payable Bonds Payable Due 1o Employee's Retirement System h~stallment Purchase Debt Judgments and Claims Payable Compensated Absences Other Long-Term Debt EDPCODE W623 W626 W627 W628 W637 W685 W686 W687 W689 300,000 TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE AND TO BE PROVIDED $ 300~000 TOTAL LIABILFFIES $ 300~000_. Page 8 $OUTllOLD FIRE DISTPJCT - 12131/97 P, ECONCILIA'HON (lifts must be completed.) Balances by Ftmd at End of Year: (h~clude ca.Th m checkh~g accis, time deposits, inves0ncn~ and petty cash.) General Fund ........................................................................................................................................................ Capital Fund ......................................................................................................................................................... Reserve Fund ........................................................................................................................................................ Trust and Agency Fm~ds ....................................................................................................................................... Other Funds .......................................................................................................................................................... Total - All Funds .............................................................................................................................................. i) 2) 3) Bank Balances at End of Year: Name mad Location of Bmtk: Bridgehampton Nat'l Bank, Bridl~ehamIoton, NY Fleet Bank, Main Rd., Southold, NY North Fork Bank, Main Rd., Sou0~old, NY 13ank Bahmce $ 49,266 204,922 81,567 Outs~ding Checks $ 306 ............ A ............ $ Ill,562 ............ H ............ $ 223,988 ............ T ............ $ $ 335~550 ' Net Bank Balance $ 49,266 204,922 81,261 335,450 TOTALS: $ 335,756 $ 306 Cash on Hand (Date Deposited) ............................................................................................................................ Petty Cash ............................................................................................................................................................. INVESTMENTS HELD AT DECEMBER 31, 19__ Fund 1 O0 Description of Investment TOTAL 1NVESllvLENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................... $ Total Bank Balances, Cash on tland, Petty Cash and Investments $ 335,55~0' *These totals must agree. Page 9 SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT- 12/31/97 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outslanding Bonds Year of Interest Beghming of During Duriug End of (Show each issue separately by) Issue Rate Year Year Year Year I 3 5 7 EDPCODE Serial Bond # I ]1988 6.75 % From Pal~e 11 I TOTAL BONDS 2PI 877 XXXX XXXX 50,000 i i 25,000 $ 25,000 375,000 100,000 275,000 425,000 125,000 $ 300,000 TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 300,000 ~otes Tax Anticipation Notes 2P 1861 XXXX XXXX $ $ $ Rev~aue Anticipation Notes 2P 1862 XXXX )OO~X Budget Notes 2PI 863 XXXX Capital Notes 2P1875 XXXX O(XX Bond Anticil~ation Notes 2P 1876 XXXX XXXX TOTAL NOTES XXXX KXXX $ $ $ $ To'rAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES I Ixxxx Ixxxx 15 425,000 I$ o 1$ ~2s,ooo I$ 300,000 Page l0 SOUYHOLD FIRE DISTRICT - 12131/5'7 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS (Continued) Outstaoding Issued Rcdccmed Outstanding Bonds Year of h~tercst Begimfiog of Daring During End of (Show each issue separately by) Issue Rate Year Year Year Year 1 3 5 7 EDPCOI)E Serial Bond # 3 SUBTOTAL- To Page 10 2P1877 XXXX 5'10~X 120,000 255,000 375,000 $ 20,000 15 100,000 80,000 175,000 100,000 $ 275,000 TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 Notes T~x Anticipation Notes 2PI 861 XXXX XXXX $ $ $ R~amue Anticipation Notes 2P1862 XXXX XXXX Bud~ Notes 2P1863 XXXX X2XXX Capital Notea 2P1875 XXXX XXXX Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 XXXX ~ TOTAL NOTES XXXX XXXX $ $ $ I$ TOTAL NOTES OLrI'STANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 TOTAL BONDS AND NO'132S I Ixxxx Ixxxx I$ I$ I$ I$ Page I1 SOL1THOI.~ FIRE DISTRICT - 12/31/97 TOWN EDPCODE Assessed Valuation of Fire District Within Tovm Tax Rtdc per $1,000 of Assessed Valuation Amotmt of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) Southold $ 27,649,525 $ 30.727 $ 850,249 DISTRICT TOTAL $ 27,649,525 $ 30.727 $ 850,249 *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as shov, a~ at top of page I. COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY Full Valuation Assessed Valuation (Assessed Valuation of Fire District Equalization Divided by TOWN Within To~m Rate Equalization Rate) Southold $ 27,649,525 2.75% $ 1,005,437,273 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION Toad Full Valuation EDPCODE $ 27,649,525 9ZFE $ 1 ,I)05,437,273 EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: TownA $10,000 25%= $40,000 Town B $5,000 40%= $12,500 Town C $20,000 100%= $20,000 Assessed Valuation $35,000 Full Valuation $72t500 Page 12 SOUTHOI~ FIRE DISTRICT o i 2131~7 Claims Pending - Beginning of Year Involving Codefendanl/Ttfird Party Defendant Other Claims Notices Filed During the Year Involving Codefendant/Third Party Defendant Other Claims Claims disposed of during the year Prior to commencement of court action: - By Locality - By Insurance Carrier Claims disposed of during the year afl. er commencement of court action: - By t.oc~ity - By Insurance Carrier - By Judgment - Other ( ) NOTICES OF TORT CLAIMS FOR TIlE FISCAL YE/Mt ENDING 19 97 TOTAL NUMBER OF CLAIMS TOTAL AMOLrNT OF CLAIMS EDPCODE NUMBER EDPCODE AMOUNT TOTAL AMT PAID ON CLAIMS EDPCODE AMOUNT 9ZTR10 I 9ZTRI I UNKNOWN 9ATR15 0 9ZTRI6 9ZTR20 0 9ZTR21 9ZTR25 0 9ZTR26 9Z'HL30 0 9ZTR31 9ZTR32 9ZTR40 0 9ZTR41 9ZTR42 9ZTR50 0 9ZTR51 9ZTR52 9Z1l~.60 0 9ZTR61 9ZTR62 9Z'11~70 0 9ZTRTI 9ZTR72 9ZTRS0 0 9ZTR81 9ZTR82 9ZTRg0 I 9ZTR91 UNKNOWN 9ZTR95 0 9ZTR96 7 8 9 l0 Claims Pending - End of Year Involving Codefendanffl'hird Party Defendant Oth~ Claims 11 12 AUTHORIZATION Article 4, Section 50-f of the General Municipal Law "3.a. Each officer charged with the duty of making and keeping the record of claims shall make an armual report thereof, in smmna~ to the governing board of such municipal corporation or of such authority or conUmssion and shall file a copy thereof in the office of the state comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation or of such authority or cmrunission. A municipal corporation, authority or cmmnission required by seclion thirty of the general municipal law to file an annual report of its financial condition with Ihe state comptroller shall file the report required by this subsection with such financial report." Note: It is not necessary to fttmish any additienal infommtion or details on Ibc above claims or notices of claims, lfthcre ~vere not notices of Tort Claiins filcd or disposed of, please state "NONE" mid return Ihis ~cport xviO~ fl~e Annual Financial It. clmrt. Page 13 SOUTHOLD FIILE DISTRICT - 12131/97 EDPCODE (1) NUMBER OF CLA1MS EDPCODE NOT1CES OF TORT CLAIMS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING 19 97 MUNICIPALITY'S EQUITABLE SllARE EDPCODE (3) ,,M,.,lOLh'xCC PAID GRF_,ATER THAN EQUITABLE SHARE 5 6 7 9ZTR54 9ZTR56 9ZTR58 8 9ZTR64 9ZTR66 9ZTR68 9 9ZTR74 9ZTR76 9ZTR78 10 9ZTR84 9ZTR86 9ZTR88 11' Identify the number (colutnn 1 ) of claims disposed of during the year where file settlement was detenuined in accordance with the relative culpability of each party pursuant to an itemized decision or jury verdict and where the amount paid by the municipality was greater than the municipality's equitable share. Enter the municipality's equitable share (column 2) and the excess amount paid (column 3). 12 Report Pm-pared By: William F. Glass, Jr. Name Attorney Title 611 High Street, Port Jefferson, NY 11777 Address 516-265 -7200 Phone Nmnber Febma~ 4~ 1998 Date Page 14 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, Kax~n Helinsld, CPA, certify that I am the Treasurer of the Southold Fire District and that the following report is a tree ~nfl correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, 19 97. Dated .19 Signature Address Telephone P.O. Box 908, Southold, N.Y. 11971 516-765-3385 CIJ~IRMAN OF THE BOARD Address Telephone STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF TIlE STATE COMPTROLLER P.O. Box 908, Southold, N.Y. 11971 516-765-3385 Page 15