HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 Orient Fire District ORIENT, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK Dec.3,1951 ~iIS !o TO C~,-~INt[ that the Annual Neetinc and ~lection of fflcers o_, the Orient Fire District ¥~as held on tho above date at the Orient Firemen's iiall in accordance with the duly publmoneo, notice in"~e Suffolk Times" and posted in other public places within the District. Th~ Polls were opened at ~:00 2.N. and closed at were appointed Toilers and The result~ of "-:)~ Election vms as follov,~s: 10:00 P.N. 3ecty. For Co:mmssioner(5 years) For Appropriation Ho. of Votes Cost For i[o. Ballots void Blanks ~6 Ho.of Taxpayers Voting For Appropriation ([~ Against O0 was declared the elected Cozmuissioner for a te~ of five (~) years(l?~2-19~6 zncluslve ). The ~m~ount of Appropriation was declared to be ]~ ~ . Teller Toiler Orient, H.Y. O int ....