HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962Orient Fire District ORIENT, LOI~G ISLAND NEW YORK. OYSTER PONDS CHEMICAL CO, ORIENT FIRE DE;PAI~TI41=NT OI~II='NT, NI=W yORK CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION - ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT In the Matter of the Special Election of the Orient Fire District hold on the 5th day of June, 1962. COUNTY CF SUFFOLK ) TOWN OF SCY0TH©I.D ) This is to certify that on Tuesday, the Sth day of June, in the year Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two, a special election of tho Orient Fire District was held at the Orient Fire House in said District at Orient, Town of Southeld, Suffo)k County, New York, at which election there was submitted to the qualified voters of the Orient Fire District of Orient, Town of Southcld, New York, the following proposition:- PROPOSITION Shall the resolution entitled: "BOND RESOLUTION DATED MAY 15, 1962. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN~ THE PURCttASE OF FIRE Fi~HTING APPARATUS FOR THE ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT IN TItE TOWN OF S©UTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, CONSIST- ING OF A FIRE TRUCK (PUMPER) EQUIPPED WITH A 750 GALLON PER MINUTE PUMP AND A 1. 000 GALLON BOOSTER TANK AND ACCESSORIES AND EQUIPMENT .AT A TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF NOT EXCEEDING $18, 500.00 INCLUDING INCIDENTAL EXPENSES IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PURCHASE AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF A $17,500. O0 STATUTORY INSTALLMENT BOND TO PAY A PART OF THE COST THEREOF." duly adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of said Fire District on May 1962, be approved? The following is a true and accurate canvass of the ballots cast at such oleotion:- The total number of votes cast was The total number of ballots cast in favor of the proposition was The number of ballots cast in opposition to the proposition was The total numbe~' of void ballots was Dated: June , 1962. il ATTEST:' Secretary of ~tr~ Commissioners of the Orient Fire District ~hairman of Election Inspectors of ~lection B allot Clerks -2-