HomeMy WebLinkAboutGroundwater Quality Assessment Report 01/1993I I I I I I I I I I I PAINT 360 AND PHASE II GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT REPORT JANUARY t993 SAMPLING EVENT Southold Landfill, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York I I I I Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers MARCH 1993 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3635G IO27 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL PART 360 GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT REPORT JANUARY 1993 SAMPI.ING EVENT PREPARED FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEW YORK BY DVIRKA AND BARTILUCC'I CONSIJLTING ENGIi'qEERS SYOSSET, NEW YORK MARCH 1993 Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 SOL1THOLD LANDFILL PART 360 GROUNDWATER QUAI.rl'¥ ASSESSMENT REPORT JANUARY 1993 SAMPLING EVENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Title IN'iRODUCTION P~ELD INVESTIGATION 2.1 Monitoring Well Sampling 2.2 Pump Decontamination Procedure 2.3 Private Well Sampling 2.4 Field Forms 2.5 Data Validation Results FINDINGS 3.1 Groundwater Flow Patterns 3.1.1 Shallow Water Table 3.1.2 Deep Groundwater 3.2 Groundwater Sampling Results 3.2.1 Organic Results 3.2.2 Inorganic Results 3.2.3 Leachate Parameter Results CONCLUSIONS RECO1VLMENDATIONS Appendices APPENDIX A APPENDIX B Title Field Forms Data ValMation Report Page 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-5 3-5 3-13 3 -22 4-1 5-1 S3635G Io27 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Number 1-1 l-2 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 Number 2-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3~4 5-1 S36350 1027 LIST OF FIGURES Tire Monitoring Well Sampling Locations Private Water Supply Well Sampling Locations Water Table Contour Map - January 26, 1993 Potentiometric Surface Contour Map - January 26, 1993 Organic Compounds Exceeding Class GA Groundwater Standards/Guidelines Inorganic Constituents Exceeding Class GA Groundwater Standards/Guidelines LIST OF TABLES Title Groundwater Elevations - January 26, 1993 Vertical Hydraulic Gradients at Each Well Cluster Groundwater Sampling Results - Organic Compounds Groundwater Sampling Results - Inorganic Constituents Groundwater Sampling Results - Leachate Parameters Baseline and Routine Parameters to be Analyzed P__ag~ 1-2 1-3 3-2 3-3 3-14 3-21 3-4 3-6 3-16 3 -23 5-2 Section I I I I I iI I I I I I I I I I I ,I 1.0 ~RODUCTION A Part 360 and Phase Il Hydrogeologic Investigation was conducted at the Southold Landfill, Town of Southold, Long Island, New York in 1991 to obtain detailed hydrogeologic information pertaining to the landfill site and to determine if the landfill is a source of groundwater contamination. The results of this investigation are contained in a report, entitled "Part 360 and Phase II Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, Southold Landfill, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York," dated October 1991. As a recommendation of this report, a long-term monitoring program was proposed as a result of the data developed from the hydrogeologic investigation, and which satisfies the requirements of the New York State Part 360 regulations for the operation and closure of the existing landfill, and the permitting of a new landfill adjacent to the existing landfill. This report presents the results of the most recent phase of the long-term monitoring program which was conducted in January 1993, and a comparison to the July 1992 results, as well as any other available sampling results. During the period January26 through February 1, 1993, groundwater samples were collected from 14 monitoring wells installed during the Part 360fPhase II Hydrogeologic Investigation and two monitoring wells installed by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) at the landfill site. The locations of these 16 wells are shown in Figure 1-1. In addition to the groundwater monitoring wells at the landfill, water samples were collected from five private water supply wells which are located both upgradiem and downgradient from the landfill (Figure 1-2). The groundwater and water supply samples were analyzed for the Part 360 Routine Parameters. The routine parameters list referenced throughout this report was modified to include additional parameters based on the results of the July 1992 sampling evem. S36360 1027 1-1 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 5-6883 MW-4 STORAGE GARAGE × 'EXISTINO~(NINO AREA //' I ] MW-2 / MW-5 MW-7 MW-3 ~ OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WASTE OIL STORAG;E CE~['i~TM -- WEIMN~ STAT,O" LEGEND EXISTINQ mUILDING ON LANDFILL 81TE ..... ,-- EXISTINe FENCE LINE 8-69?61 · 8GDfl8 Q,m~OUNDWATER MONITORING WELL MW- 1 (~) PART 8801PHASE~'OROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL CLUSTER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL FIGURE I-1 (ACCESS DENIED) GW-5 GW - 6 WS-11 (PW--O04 GW-7 (PLANNED BUT NOT SAMPt_ED) GW-8 ?W-O01 ) $OU.THOLD LANDFILL WS-~- wg-6 (PW-O06~- WS-7 (PREMISES DESTROYED DIRECI~OR¥: C: %1027 FILE NAME: P(~WATER DATE: R.A. 3/24/93 SCALE: 1=1 Dvirka and Bartilucci 0 400 SCALE IN FEET I LEGEND DESIGNADON DESCRIPTION · APPROXIMATE USEPA GROUNDWATER GW-1 SAMPLING LOCATIONS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY SAMPLING LOCATIONS FIGURE 1-2 Section 2 ! m m m m m m m mm m ~mm m mm m m m ,~, m m m 2.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION 2.1 Monitoring Well Sa~,~pling The depth to groundwater and total well depth was measured in all monitoring wells comprising the long-term groundwater monitoring well network on January 26, 1993. The measurements obtained from the wells were used to determine the groundwater level elevation and calculate the volume of water to be purged from each well prior to sampling. Groundwater elevations are presented in Table 2-1. Four well volumes were purged from the monitoring wells in clusters MW-1 through MW-7. A minimum of four field measurements for temperature, pH, specific conductance and turbidity were obtained from the water purged from the wells. Stabilization was satisfied if three consecutive measurements indicated that the water was representative of groundwater in the aquifer. The measurements of the field parameters stabilized after removal of three well volumes from wells S-68831 and S-68916. The shallow wells in clusters MW-I through MW-7 were purged using disposable, dedicated polyethylene bailers and polypropylene rope. The seven deep wells in the clusters, as well as S-68831 and S-68916, were purged using a Grundfos Rediflo 2 submersible pump. As described below, the pump was decontaminated before use on the site and between monitoring wells to prevent introduction of contaminants from prior use and cross contamination between monitoring wells. Samples collected from the monitoring wells were analyzed for the Part 360 Routine Parameters and additional parameters based on the results of the July 1992 sampling event. Field measurements of turbidity from samples from the shallow wells in clusters MW-1 through MW-7 were greater than 50 NTUs immediately after purging. Samples for metals analysis from these wells were collected approximately 24 hours after purging to allow water in the well to clear. 36370/I 1027 2-1 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I Monitoring Well MW-IS MW-1D MW-2S MW-2D IVIW-3S MW-3D MeN-4S MW-4D MW-5$ MW-5D MW-6S MW-6D MW-7S MW-7D S-68916 S-68831 *Below ground surface MSL - Mean Sea Level 36370/I 1027 Well 521 152 27 85 55 125 73 150 77 56 145 50 125 102 2O4 Table 2-1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS JANUARY 26, 1993 (measured in feet) Groundwater (From Top of Well Cas'rog) 38.61 38.45 12.83 11.93 43.06 43.18 58.72 58.75 63.37 62.89 46.94 47.03 42.50 41.45 47.79 47.84 2-2 Elevation Top of Well 44.38 44.39 18.15 17.23 48.50 48.63 63.60 63.76 68.44 67.89 52.50 52.59 48.07 47.03 53.23 53.27 Groundwater Elevation (MSL) 5.77 5.94 5.32 5.30 5.44 5.45 4.88 5.01 5.07 5.00 5.56 5.56 5.57 5.58 5.44 5.43 I I I I I I I I ! I I I i I i I I i I 2.2 Pump Decontamination Procedure Decontamination of the Gmndfos Rediflo 2 pump consisted of an extemal wash with Alconox and a brash followed by a rinse with clean water. Decontamination of the interior of the pump consisted of pumping approximately 10 gallons of potable water through the pump. Water for decontamination was obtained from a public water supply source at an outside hose connection at the rear of the Town of Southold Recreation Center located in Peconic. 2.3 Private Water Supply Sampling Samples from downgradient private water supply wells were collected from outside hose connections at locations GW-6, GW-8 and WS-11 (Figure 1-2). The property at location GW-7 is the subject of a bank foreclosure and was not accessible for sampling. Access to private well GW-5 was denied by the owner at the time of sampling. Samples obtained from the water supply wells were analyzed for Part 360 Routine Parameters. Upgradient private supply wells WS-4, WS-6 and WS-7 were all scheduled for sampling as part of this round, but the residence at WS-7 has since been destroyed by fire and could not be sampled. Samples were obtained from WS-4 and WS-6 from outside hose connections and were analyzed for Part 360 Routine Parameters. 2.4 Field Forms Daily Field Activity Reports, Sample Infomaation Records, Water Supply Sample Information Records, Daily Equipment Calibration Logs and Chain of Custody forms were prepared during the sampling program and are contained in Appendix A. 2.5 D~t~ ValidationResult~ All sample data was validated to ensure that all analyses were performed in accordance with the 1991 NYSDEC ASP. All results were IIX)percent contractually compliant. The results for volatile organic compounds and select metals were qualified due to Quality Control (QC) criteria falling outside control limits; however, all data is deemed usable. Data validation summaries and data user advisory tables can be found in Appendix B along with completed data validation forms. 36370/I 1027 2-3 Section m m m m~ m m mm ,m ~m m m m m mm ~- m ,-, m m I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Groundwater Flow Patterns Groundwater contour maps were prepared from the groundwater elevations contained in Table 2-1, and are presented in Figure 3-1 and 3-2. 3.1.1 Shallow Water Table The water elevations measured in the shallow wells ranged from 0.78 feet to 1.04 feet higher than water table elevations on July 22, 1992, but were approximately the same as those measured in July of 1991. The water table contour map prepared from these measurements (Figure 3-1), indicates a northwesterly flow of groundwater through the site reaffmning previous findings. The groundwater gradient ranged from 1.8 x 10-4 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance in the southem end of the site to 5.2 x 10-4 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance in the northern end of the site. The hydraulic gradients are consistent with previous results. 3.1.2 Deep Groundwater Water level elevations measured in the deep wells ranged from 1.03 to 0.75 higher than the July 1992 round of measurements, but were consistent with those measured in the July 1991 round of measurements. Well S-68831 was not included in the groundwater level measurement because its screening interval places it far below those of the on-site deep wells. The piezometer contour map prepared from the January 1993 level measurements (Figure 3-2) indicates a general northwesterly flow direction and confirms all previous findings. The flow gradient ranges from 2.8 x 10.4 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance in the south end of the site to 4.1 x 10.4 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance in the south end of the site. The hydraulic gradients are comparable to the previous findings. The vertical hydraulic gradient at each well cluster location is shown in Table 3-1. 36590/I ~o27 3-1 m m m ,m m mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m :2: MW-GS ~ (5.5~) / ~ \ ^CT~¥E MW-SS (5.4~) MW-7', (S.ST)~ / LAND C LEARIN~'-' DEBRIS AND AUTOMOBILE DISPOSAL STORAGE GARAGE II ~- WASTE OIL CENTER STORAGE OVERHEAD ELECTRrC lINES WEIGHING STATION (coUNTY LEGEND DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION · MONITORING WELL LOCATION MW-4S 5.0 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR -- --'--- GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION DIRECTORY: C: ~1027 FIlE NAME: WTCMAP01 DATE: R.A. 3/8/93 SCALE: 1=1 DESIGNER: L.V.G. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSUL33N~ ENGINEERS TOWN OF $OUTHOLD $OUTHOLD LANDFILL WATER TABLE CONTOUR JANUARY 26, 1993 MAP 0 250 500 FIGURE ,3-1 ? DEBRIS AND AUTOMOBILE DISPOSAL ~O~GE CENTER WEIGHINO STATION WASTE OIL STORAGE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES LEGEND DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION · MONITORING WELL LOCA~ON MW-4D 4.70 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR ~ GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION DIRECTORY: C:~1027 FILE NAME; 1027ps01 DATE: R,A. 3/24/93 SCALE: I=1 DESIGNER: LV.G, I/Dvirka ~11~1 ~ and. . El L.)] Bartduccl ~L~---.~' CONSUL~NG ENGINEERS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD $OUTHOLD LANDFILL POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE JANUARY 26, 1995 MAP 0 250 500 FIGURE 5-2 Table 3-1 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL VERTICAL HYDRAULIC GRADIENTS AT EACH WELL CLUSTP_.R Between Shallow and Deep Well Vertical Well Water Level Hydraulic Cluster Number Elevations (fO Gradient MW-1 0.17 1.6 x 10-3 MW-2 0.02 3.4 x 10-4 MW-3 0.01 No Gradient2 MW-4 0.3 1.5 x 10-3 MW-5 0.07 1.0 x 10-3 MW-6 0.00 No Gradient2 MW-7 0.01 No Gradiem2 DirectionofVe~cal Upw~d Downw~d Upw~d Downw~d Vertical gradient computed by dividing the difference in elevation by the distance between the water table and the midpoint of the deep well screen. The vertical gradient at these locations could not be accurately determined since the difference in groundwater elevations were below the limit of accuracy of 0.01 ft. when measured using hand held water level recording equipment. 1027 3-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The vertical gradient was determined by calculating the difference in hydraulic head between the shallow and deep wells, and dividing this figure by the distance between the water table and the midpoint of each deep monitoring well screening interval. A slight downward gradient of 3.4 x 10-4 ft/fI and 1.0 x 10-3 fi/ft exists at cluster MW-2 and MW-5, respectively. A slight upward gradient of 1.0 x 10-3 ft/fI and 1.0 x 10.3 ft/ft exists at clusters MW-I and MW-4, respectively. The vertical gradient at well clusters MW-3, MW-6 and MW-7 could not be calculated since the difference in groundwater elevations between the shallow and deep wells at these clusters was equal to or below 0.01 fi which is below the limit of accuracy for hand held water level recording equipment. The 1993 vertical gradients were consistent with those obtained during the 1992 round of water levels indicating essentially horizontal flow conditions with little or no recharge. However, relatively stronger downward vertical gradients of 1.4 x 10.2 ft/ft and 1.3 x 10-2 ft/ft were found to exist at well clusters MW-2 and MW-7, respectively, in 1991. Slight downward gradients were found throughout the site in the remaining wells in 1991, except for well clusters MW-3 and MW-6, where a slight upward gradient was present. This indicates that, in general, the aquifer was in a state of recharge during 1991. 3.2 Groundwamr Sa~Fling Results 3.2.1 Organic Sampling Result~ The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detected in groundwater samples collected during this round of monitoring are presented in Table 3-2. The analytical results for samples collected in July 1991 and July 1992 ate also included for comparison purposes. For those wells not sampled in July 1992 (PW004 GVS-11), PW005 (WS-4), and PW006 (WS-6), the most recent available analytical results are included for comparison. Care should be taken when comparing the results of these two sampling rounds since the most recent available data for WS-6 and WS-11 was August of 1980. VOCs detected in this round of on-site groundwater sampling include very low concentrations of benzene, chlorobenzene, methylene chloride, 1,2 dichloroethane and vinyl chloride. All of the above compounds have been detected previously in past groundwater sampling events. Compounds detected previously, but not present in this round of 36890/I 1027 3-5 m m m m m m m mm m m m m m m m m m m m TABLE 3-2 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MWIS MWIS MWIS MW1D MW1D MW1D GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/22/92 1/26/93 7/25/91 7/22/92 1/26/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ugJl) (ug/I) Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U i U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U ' U U 2 ST Chlorcethane U U U U U U $ ST Methylene Chloride U 14 B U U 11 B U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1-Oichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,1-Trichlo~oethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Te{rachloride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloroprop&ne U U U U U I U 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,1.2-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U U 0.7 ST Trans-l.3-Dichloropropene U U U ' U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroelhene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1.2,2-Tetrachloroethane U U U U U U ' 5 ST Toluene U U U U U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST* 2-Chloroethylvinylet her U U U U U U Trichlorofluoromethane U U U U U U 5 ST !,2-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST 1.3-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST 1.4-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U U U U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected I~: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST': Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW2S MW2S MW2S MW2D MW2D MW2D GA STANDARDS/ ~/24/91 7/23/92 1/27/93 7/24/91 7/28/92 1/27/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 BT Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U 2 ST ~hloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 9 B U U 2 e U 5ST 1.1-~)ichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST ! 1.1-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U U U U U 5 Sl' Chloroform U U U U U U 7 ST 1.2-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1.1.1-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichlo~omethane U U U U U ~ U 50 GV 1.2-Dichloropropane U U U U U U 5 ST cis-l,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U $ ST Tric hlo~-oethene U U U U U U S ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1.1,2-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U U 0.7ST Trans-l,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1 ,t ,2.2-Tet rachloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U U U ' 5 ST Chlorobenzene U 3.5 1.8 U 1 U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST* 2-Chloroethyivin ylet her U U U U U U .... Trichlorofluoromethane U U U U U U 5 ST t,2-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST 1.4-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U U U U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Slandard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST *: App(ies lo each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guide nes TABLE 3-2 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW3S MW3S MW3S MW3D MW3D MW3D GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/23/92 1/27/93 7/25/91 7/28/92 1/27/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U S ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U 2 ST Chloroe[hane U U U U U U $ ST Methylene Chloride U 7.5 B U U 23 B U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroelhene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1 -Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1.2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U U 7 ST 1.2-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1.1,1-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U U 2.7 U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U U U U 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST Dibrornochloromet hane U U U U U U 50 GV 1.1,2-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U 'l! U U U U 0.7 ST Trans-l,3-Dichloropropene U U U i U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U U U 5 ST Chlo~obenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST* 2-Chlo~oe~h ylvin ylether U U U U U U .... Trichlorofluoromethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST 1.4-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U i U U U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST*: Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW4S MW4S MW4S MW4D MW4D MW4D GA STANDARDS/ 7/26/91 7~27~92 1/28/93 7/26/91 7~27~92 1/28/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 47 B 28 U 4.1 B U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1 -Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U U U U U 5 ST :Chloroform U U U U 2.2 U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U I 3.1 5 ST 1,1,1-Tdchloroeth&ne U U U U U U 5 eT Carbon Tetrachlodde U U U U U U 5 ST Brocnodichloromet hane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U U U U 5 ST cis-l.3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Trich~oroethene U U U U U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U U U 07 ST Tr&ns-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST t ,1,2,2-Tet rachloroet hane U U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U ~ U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST ' 2-Chlor der h ylvin ylether U U U U U U Trichlorofluor omethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichlorobeflzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST t ,4-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 47 ST Bromolorm U U U U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST*: Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS I NYSDEC CLASS MW5S MW5S MW5S MW5D MW5D MW5D GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/27/92 1/28/93 7/25/91 7/27/92 1/28/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chlc~omethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U :~J U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 4.5 B 27 U 4 e U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (frans) U U U ~ U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U U t .2 5 ST 1,1,1-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichlo~omethane U U U U 2 U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U U U U 5 ST cis-l,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST Dibrornochlo~omethane ' U U U U U U 50 GV 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U 0.7 ST Tr ans-l,3-Dichloropr opene U U U U 5ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U U U 5 ST Shlorobenzene U U U U 1.3 1.2 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST ' : 2-Chloroet hyivin ylether U U U U U U --- Trichlorofluoromethane LI U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST 1,3-Dichlo~obenzene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U U i U U i U U 4,7 ST Bromoform U U I U U I U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected ST: Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST': Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds et ndards/guide,nes TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW6S MW6S ' MW6S MW6D MW6D MW6D GA STANDARDS/ 7/24/91 7/23/92 1/27/93 7/25/91 7/24/92 1/27/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ugJl) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U i U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 8.6 B U U 12 B U 5 ST 1.1-Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1 -Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1.2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U 5ST 1,1,1-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachtoride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U U U U i 50 GV 1.2-Dichloropropane U U U U U I 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U U U 0.7 ST Trans-1.3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U 2.2 U U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST' 2-Chloroethylvinylet her U U U U U U Trichlorofluoromet hane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 1.5 U 1 2.6 U 4.7 ST 1,3-Oichlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 2.5 U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U U U U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST*: Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW7S MW7S MW7S MW7D MW7D MW7D GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/22/92 1/26/93 7/26/91 7/22/92 1/16/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 17 B U U 15 B U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1 -Oichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,1-Trichtoroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U U U U 5 ST tis-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U S ST Trichloroethene U U U U U U $ ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U U U 0.7 ST Trans-l,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1.2.2-Tetrachloroet hane U U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U i U U U U U $ ST Ethylbenzene U ' U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST' 2~hloroethylvin y/ether U U U U U U -- Trichlorofluoromethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1 U U U U U 4.7 ST 1.3-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1 U U U U U 4.7 ST 3romoform U U U U U U 50 GV QUALIFIER,~ NOTES: U: Analyzed foe but not detected ST: Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST*: Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS PW-001 PW-001 PW-002 PW-002 NYSDEC CLASS GW-8 (GW-8) (GW-8) GW-6 (GW-6) (GW-6) : GA STANDARDS/ 12/4/90 7/24/92 2/1/93 12/4/90 7/24/92 2/1193 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chforomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U 2 ST Chloroethaa~e U I U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U I 10 B 1.5 U 10 B 1.2 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1.1 -Oichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1.2-Dichlorcethene (tran$) U U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U U 7 BT 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1.1-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichioromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U U U U 5 ST cis-f ,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,1.2-Trichroroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U U U 0.7 ST Trans-l.3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1.1,2.2-Tetrachloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U I U U j U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST" 2-Chloroethylvinylet her U U U U U U -- Trichioro~ uoromet hane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Oichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,4-Dichiorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U U U U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST*: Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS PW-003 PW-004 PW-005 PW-006 NYSDEC CLASS GW-5 (GW-5) WS-11 0NS-11) ,WS-4) 0NS-4) WS-6 0NS-6) GA STANDARDS/ 12/4/90 7124192 8/80 2/1193 ~/12/89 2/1/93 8/80 2/1/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chloromethane U, U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Bromomethane U i U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U NA U NA U NA U 2 ST Chloroethane U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 12 B NA U NA U NA U 5 ST 1,1 -Dichloroethene U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST 1,1-Dichlo~oethane U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST !1.2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Chloroform U U NA U NA U NA U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST 1,1.1-Trichloroethane U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U NA U NA U NA U 50 GV 1.2-Dichloropropane U U U 11 U 27[[ U 5 ST cis-l,3-Dichloropropene U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U U U U U 50 GV 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Benzene U U NA U NA U NA U 0,7 ST Trans- 1,3-[:)ichloropropene U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U 2 U U U 2 2.6 5 ST 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroet hane U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Toluene U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Chlo~obenzene U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST* 2-Chloroeth ylvinylet her U U NA U NA U NA U ---- Trichlorofluoromet hane U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U U NA U NA U NA U 4.7 ST 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U U NA U NA U NA U 5 ST 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U U NA U , NA U NA U 4.7 ST Bromoform U U NA U I NA U NA U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NA: Not Analyzed NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST ~: Applies to each isomer individually TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS S-68916 ~-68916 S-68916 ~-68831 S-68831 S-68831 GA STANDARDS/ 12/4/90 7/29/92 1/29/93 7/25/89 7/29/92 1/29/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/i) Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST MethyleneChloride U 0~3 J U U U 1.5 5 ST 1.1 -Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Oichloroethene (tran$) U U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U , U U U 5 ST 1,1,1-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U 3.5 U U U U 50 GV 1.2-Dichloropropane . 1~ U U u U U 5 ST tis-1.3-Dichlo[op[opene U U U U {J U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane ' U U U U U U 50 GV 1.1,2-Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U U U 0~7 ST Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,2.2-Tetrachloro~lhane U U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene 2 1.2 U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U U 5 ST' 2-Chloroethy~vin ylether U U U U U U Trichlorofl uoromet hane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U ~ U 4.7 ST 1.3-Oich~orobenzene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U U U i U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST*: Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS TB 7/25 TB 7/28 TB 1/28 TB 1/29 TB 2/1 GA STANDARDS/ ! 7/25/91 7/28/92 1/28/93 1/29/93 2/1/93 GUIDELINES Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Chloromethane U U U U ~ U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U 2 ST ~',hloroethane U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 6.8 B U 3.5 2.1 5ST 1.1-Dichloroethene U U U U U 5 ST 1,1 -Dichloroethane U U U U U 5 ST 1.2-Dichlo~oethene (frans) U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U U 5 ST 1.1.1 -Trichloroethane U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U U U 50 GV 1.2-Dichloropropane U U U U U 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U ' U U U 5 ST Oibromochloromethane U U U U U 50 GV 1.1,2-Trichloroethane U U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U U 0.7 ST Trans-1.3-Dichloropropene U U U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,2.2-Tetrachlo~oethane U U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U U U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U U 5 ST* 2~:;hloroethylvinylet her U U U U U Trichlorofluoromethane U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichlorobenzene I U U U U 47 ST 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U U U U U 5 ST 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1 I U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform UI U U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U; Ar~alyzed for bul not delected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST*: Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds sland alcJs/guid elines TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS FB01 FB 7/24 DW-1 GA STANDARDS/ 7/15/91 7/24/92 1/28/93 GUIDELINES I Volatile Compounds (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) 'Chloromethane U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U 5 ST Methy[eneChloride U 8.7 B U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene U U U 5 ST 1,1 -Dichloroethane U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U U ~ 5 ST Chloroform U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U 5 ST 1.1 .t-Trichloroethane U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U 5 ST Rrom°dichloromethane U U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U 5 ST cis-1.3-DichJoropropene U U U 5 ST Tdchloroethene U U U 5 ST Dibromochlo~omethane U U U 50 GV t ,1,2-Trichloroethane U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U 0.7 ST Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U 5 ST 1,1,2,2-Tet rachloroelhane U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U 5 ST* 2-Chloroethylvin ylet her U U U Tdchloro~luoromet hane U U U 5 ST 1.2-Dichlorobenzene U U U 47 ST 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U U U 5 ST 1,4-Oichlorobenzene U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U U U 50 GV QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established ST': App!ies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines sampling, include chloroform, 1,2 dichloroethene, 1,2 dichloropropane, 1,2 dichlorobenzene, 1,4 dichlorobenzene and bromodichloromethane. Of the VOCs detected in on-site groundwater samples collected as part of this investigation, only benzene, 1,2 dichloroethane and vinyl chloride were found at levels only slightly exceeding New York State Class GA groundwater standards. Figure 3-3 illustrates those organic compounds exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards during this round of sampling. Methylene chloride, which was detected in on-site wells MW-4S (2.8 ug/1), MW-5S (2.7ug/l) and S-68831 (1.5ug/1), was also present within two trip blanks at similar concentrations. Since methylene chloride in a common laboratory contaminant it is not considered as a groundwater contaminant. Benzene, which was not detected in the July 1991 round of sampling, but was found in monitoring well MW-5D in July 1992 (1.5 ug/1) and Januaxy 1993 (1.2 ug/l), was also found to be present in upgradient monitoring well MW-ID at a concentration of 1.6 ug/1. The reason for the detection of this compound, first in MW-5D and now in MW-ID, is unknown at this time and will be evaluated further as more data becomes available as part of the long-term monitoring program. Benzene was found to no longer be present in wells MW-2S and MW-3S where it was detected during the July 1992 round of sampling. Vinyl chloride was also found at monitoring well MW-5D at concentration of 4.6 ug/1, which exceeds the standard of 2 ug/l. However, the level of vinyl chloride was lower than that detected in July of 1992 (17 ug/l). Since vinyl chloride was not found to be present in any other well both on and off-site, its detection at MW-5D cannot be fully explained at this time. However, the detection of this compound in 1992 and the decline in concentration since the last time MW-5D was sampled may indicate a limited "slug" of contaminated groundwater passing through the area of MW-5D. A possible source of this contamination could be the commercial properties located upgradient of this well and immediately adjacent to the landfill along Cox Lane. These properties include a commercial landscaping company, a cement company, and a company that handles refrigeration units. 1,2-Dichloroethane was found in well MW-6D at a concentration of 16 ug/1 exceeding the NYSDEC standard of 5 ug/l. Although not detected in the July 1992 round of sampling, 1,2 dichloroethane was present at an elevated concentration of 12ug/l in July of 1991. This compound has also been found in low concentrations (below NYSDEC standards) in well MW-4D and MW-5D. MW-6D is located downgradient of the former scavenger waste lagoons. 1,2-Dichloroethene was found previously at concentrations contravening the standard but was not present in this most recent round of sampling. 3689011 ~027 3-18 m mm mm imm am mm mm mm m m COMPOUND CONCEN~A330N COMPOUND CONCEN~A~ON I [ ~ ~ ~ BENZENE ND ~ (PW-O04) SHALLO~ ~ 0 ~i SHALLOW D[EP -' VC ND ' ~ -- ) CONCEN~A~ON ~NDFILL - WS-4 1,2 DCA - ~ ~= ~ ~ N~~ (utDOLE) ROAO ~'~ LEGEND / DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION MW-6 MONITORING WELL AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS ~ PRIVATE SUPPLY WELL SAMPLING LOCATIONS OW-5 1~2 DCA 1~2 DICHLOROETHANE VC ~N% CHLORIDE BENZENE BENZENE ND NOT DETEC~D * PRESENT ABO~ STANDARDS DIRECTORY: C;~1027 0 400 J ESTIMA~D VALUE BELOW DE~C~ON LIMIT DA~: R.A. 3/24/~3 SCALE IN FE~ SCA~ 1=1 ALL RESULTS IN ug/I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD ~NDFILL  Dvirk~ ORGANIC COMPOUNDS EXCEEDING C~SS ~ ~nd G~O~RDW~TER SI~RD~RDS I~ GRO~DW~IER- ~,~[~iJy,~,~..~ JANUARY, 1995 F, GURE CONCENTRA~ON COMPOUND SHALLOW DEEP 7_=~,2 DCA N~ ~.1 VC ND . BENZENE ND ND CONCENmA~ON COMPOUND SHALLOW DEEP _ 1,2 DCA ND ND VC ND N~D BENZENE ND ND CONCENT~A~ON COMPOUND 68916 68831 ~12 D~CA ND ~ VC _ ~g_ ND BENZENE ND ND CONCENTRA~ON COMPOUND SHALLO~ DEEP _. 1,2 DCA ND .16~ VC ND ND_ BENZENE ND ND I I I I I I I I I i I 1 I 1 I I Tetrachioroethane was the only VOC detected in private wells sampled as part of this investigatinn. Tetrachluroethane was present in upgradient well PW006 (WS-6) at a low concentration of 2.6 ug/1 which is below the NYSDEC standard of 5.0 ug/1 and was also detected in 1992 (2 ug/1). Since this well is upgradient of the landfill and tetrachioroethene was not detected in any other on-site or off-site well, the landfill is not the source of this contaminant. Further smnpling of this well is part of the long-term monitoring program and will be further evaluated as more data becomes available. 1,2-Dichioropropane had been detected previously in private wells PW004 (WS-II), PW005 (WS-4) and PW006 (WS-6) at concentrations exceeding NYSDEC standards. These samples were collected in August 1980 (PW004 and PW006) and September 12, 1989 (PW-005). This indicates that at one time 1,2-dichloropropane, an insecticide, was more prevalent than it is today and is no longer of concern. 3.2.2 Inorganic Sampling Results The inorganic constituents detected in groundwater samples are listed in Table 3-3. Iron, manganese, magnesium and sodium were the metals found to exceed New York State standards/guidelines for Class GA groundwater in a number of samples collected during the 1991, 1992, and most recent rounds of sampling. Cyanide was previously found during the 1992 sampling program at a concentration of 110 ug/1 at monitoring well MW-2D which contravenes the NYSDEC standard of 100 ug/1. It was suspected at that time that this detection of cyanide may be due to matrix interference and would need to be confLrmed. Cyanide was not detected during this round of sampling. Figure 3-4 illustrates those constituents exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards and includes leachate parameters discussed in Section 3.2.3 of this report. In general, the levels of contamination with respect to groundwater standards have decreased since the July 1992 round of sampling. No metals were found to exceed NYSDEC groundwater standards or guidelines in both wells at well cluster MW-1 and at monitoring well MW-5S. Concentrations have remained relatively the same at well clusters MW-2 and MW-6 and at individual wells MW-3D, MW-5D and MW-7D. Iron concentrations in monitoring well MW-3S have decreased from 2110 ug/1 to 498 ug/1. Manganese has decreased in well MW-4D from 1540 ug/l to 425 ug/l although ixon levels have doubled to 61 ug/1. Both kon and manganese 3689G/[ 1027 3-20 TABLE 3-3 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING INORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW1S MWIS MW1S MW1D MW1D MW1D MW2S MW2S MW2S MW2D MW2D MW2D GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/22/92 1/26/93 7/25/91 7/22/92 1/26/93 7/24/91 7/23/92 1/27/93 7/24/91 7/28/92 1/27/93 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/I) (ug/i) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Aluminum 501 1190 NR 612 822 NR 1490 173 NR 146 B 92.7 NR Antimony U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 3 GV Arsenic U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 25 ST Barium 68 B 51.9 B NR 30 B 30.1 B NR 198 B 180 B NR 264 219 NR 1000 ST Eleryllium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 3 GV Cadmium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 10 ST Calcium 11500 6810 NR 22800 15900 NR 7620 153000 NR 106000 112000 NR .... Chromium U 11.7 NR U U NR U 8.5B NR U U NR 50 ST Cobalt U U NR U U NR U 13.6El NR 32 B 19.1 B NR Copper U 10.8 El U 12B 11.8B 9.1 El 21 B 13.6B U U U 11 B 200ST Iron 244 300 ST Lead U 3,2 NR 13 8.1 NR 4 U NR U 3,3 NR 25 ST Magnesium 7740 5260 4240B 9220 6910 5580 22000 23300 10500 ~ ~'72,4~ 350006V Manganese 178 243 224 127 300 ST Mercury U U NR U 0.25 NR U 0.33 NR U 0.34 NR 2 ST Nickel U 33.4 B NR U U NR U 18B NR 79 82.2 NR .... Potassium 2380B 1960 NR 2090B U NR 93500 80000 NR 130000 118000 NR .... Selenium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 10 ST Silver U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 50 ST Sodium 19600 1630 14600 15800 20000 ST Thallium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 4 GV Vanadium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR .... Zinc 16 B 33.8 NR 36 35.3 NR 17 B 14.8El NR 17 B 99.7 NR 300 ST Cyanide U U U U U U U U U U ;it0 U 100 ST QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected. B: Value less than contract required limits but greater than instrument detection limits, N/A: Not analyzed. NR: Not Required NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established Exceeds standard/guidelines m mm m mmmm m Imm m mm mm m m TABLE 3-3 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW3S MW3S MW3S MW3D MW3D MW3D MW4S, MW4S MW4S MW4D MW4D MW4D GA STANDARDS~ 7125/91 7/23/92 1127/93 7/25/91 7/28/92 1/27/93 7126/91 7/28/92 1/28/93 7/26/91 7/28/92 1/28193 GUIDELINES Constituent tug/I) tug/I) tug/I) tug/I) (ugll) tug/I) tug/I) tug/I) tug/I) (ugll) tug/I) tug/I) tug/I) Aluminum 410 348 NR 196 B 269 NR U 253 NR 300 170 NR Antimony U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 3 GV Arsenic U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 25 ST Barium 282 210 NR 133 B 125 B NR U 22.4 B NR 155 B 133 B NR 1000 ST Beryllium U U NR U U NR U 1.2 NR U U NR 3 GV Cadmium U U NR U U NR U 5 NR U U NR 10 ST Calcium 118000 121000 NR 125000 140000 NR 9080 12700 NR 133000 136000 NR .... Chromium U 8.5B NR U U NR U 6.9 B NR U U NR 50 ST Cobalt U 11.9B NR 77 84.5 NR U U NR U U NR .... Copper U 11.8B 7,3 B U U U U U U U U 7.3 B 200 ST Iron ~ 79 B 54 B 300 ST Lead U U NR U 5 NR U U NR 5 U NR 25 ST Magnesium 32800 27100 18700 1950 B 2910 B 3590 B 35000 GV Manganese 21700 2~ 40 40.2 19.5 425 300 ST Mercury U 0.4 NR U 0.75 NR U 0.56 NR U 0.88 NR 2 ST Nickel U 23.9B NR 36 B 32.2 B NR U U NR U 31.6 B NR .... Potassium 72500 47700 NR 84000 86600 NR 3330 B 3050 B NR 53800 44300 NR Selenium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 10 ST Silver U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 50 ST Sodium i55000 ~4~ i63~ 2400 B 4720 B 7020 !07000 !53000 20000 ST Thallium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 4 GV Vanadium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR .... 7inc U 14.4B NR 19 B 58.7 NR U 12.2 B NR U 46,9 NR 300 ST ICyanide U 30 U U 40 U U U U U 30 U 100 ST QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Value less than contract required limils but grealer than inslrumem detection limits. N/A: Not analyzed NR: Not Required NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established : Exceeds standard/guideli~]es TABLE 3-3 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW5S MW5S MW5S MW5D MW5D MW5D MW6S MW6S MW6S MW6D MW6D MW6D GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/28/92 1/28/93 7/25/91 7/27/92 1/28/93 7/24/91 7/24/92 1/27/93 7/24/91 7/24/92 1/27/93 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Aluminum 460 537 NR 319 198 NR 754 255 NR U 56,9 NR .... Antimony U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 3 GV Arsenic U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 25 ST Barium U 14.7 B NR 58 B 160 B NR 40 B 123 B NR 134 B 101 B NR 1000 ST Beryllium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 3 GV Cadmium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 10 ST Calcium U 1490 B NR 51100 83600 NR 42300 61200 NR 80400 78000 NR .... Chromium U U NR U U NR U 14.2 NR U 7.6B NR 50 ST Cobalt U U NR U U NR U 14 B NR U 13.6B NR Copper U U U U 22.2B 11 B U 10B U U U U 200ST Iron 37.4 B 300 ST Lead 5 3,8 NR 8 5.4 NR 16 U NR U U NR 25 ST Magnesium 2160 B 2200 B 2410 B 28700 72400 11100 15400 14100 ~7{)0 35000GV Manganese 110 122 13 B ~16 300 ST Memury U U NR U 0.30 NR U 0.69 NR U U NR 2 ST Nickel U 18.5 B NR U 24 B NR U 35 B NR 51 32.9B NR Potassium U U NR 377 3060 B NR 42500 37000 NR 44800 38100 NR .... Selenium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 10 ST Silver U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 50 ST Sodium 8720 10600 ~i~ 1~ 8570~ 20000 ST Thallium U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 4 GV Vanadium U U NR U U NR U 9.2 B NR U U NR .... Zinc U 12.1 B NR 49 78.9 NR 20 21.2 NR 14 B 23.6 NR 300 ST Cyanide U U U U 10 U U U U U 10 U 100 ST QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected. B: Value less than contract required limits but greater than instrumenl delection timits. N/A: Not analyzed. NR: Not Required NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established : Exceeds standard/guidelines TABLE 3-3 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS PW001 PW001 PW002 PW002 NYSDEC CLASS i MW7S MW7S MW7S MW7D MW7D MW7D GW-8 (GW-8) (GW-8) GW-6 (GW-6) (GW-6) GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/23/92 1/26/93 7/26/91 7/22/92 1/26/93 12/4/90 7/24/92 2/1/93 12/4/90 7/24/92 2/1/93 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ugll) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ugll) (ug/I) (ug/I) Aluminum 664 238 NR 8860 258 NR N/A 63 NR N/A 32,6 NR .... Antimony U U NR U U NR N/A U NR N/A U NR 3 GV Arsenic U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 25 ST Barium 72 B 51.9 B NR 110 B 38.3 B NR U 20.5 B NR U 43.7 B NR 1000 ST Beryllium U U NR U U NR N/A U NR N/A U NR 3 GV Cadmium U U NR U 6.3 NR U U NR U U NR 10 ST Calcium 15600 14300 NR 10900 9320 NR U 5270 NR 36500 58900 NR .... Chromium U U NR 21 U NR U U NR U U NR 50 ST Cobalt U U NR U U NR N/A U NR N/A U NR Copper U U U 22 B U U U 107 62.1 :: 284 i 200 ST Iron i::::i::! ~ i~.i :. ~ ! U 280 U U 300 ST Lead U U NR 16 U NR U U NR U U NR 25 ST Magnesium 3490 B 3090 B 3860 B 6270 4680 B 4040 B U 5320 3730 B 9140 15100 13900 35000 GV Manganese 136 34.1 19.5 U 203 77.8 U 7 B 6.5 S 300 ST Mercury U U NR U 0.34 NR 6 0.39 NR 0.7 0.36 NR 2 ST Nickel U U NR U U NR U U NR U 17 B NR .... Potassium 5310 2800 NR 3920 B U NR U 4080 B NR U 7460 NR .... Selenium U U NR U U NR N/A U NR N/A U NR 10 ST Silver U U NR U U NR U U NR U U NR 50 ST Sodium 16600 14200 12100 8670 9870 9510 8730 11900 12700 20000 ST Thallium U U NR U U NR N/A U NR N/A U NR 4 GV ,Vanadium U U NR 31 B U NR N/A 10.1 B NR N/A 6.2B NR .... IZinc U 19.2 NR 67 33.4 NR 221 35.3 NR 38 50.2 NR 300 ST Cyanide U U U U U U N/A U U N/A U U 100 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected. ST: Standard B: Value less than contract required GV: Guidance value limits but greater than instrument .... : Nol established detection limits. : Exceeds standard/guidelines N/A: Not analyzed. NR: Not Required TABLE 3-3 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS PW003 PW004 PW005 PW006 NYSDEC CLASS GWd (GW-5) WS-11 ,'WS-11 WS-4 0NS-4) WS-6 (WS-6) 868916 S68916 S68916 GA STANDARDS/ 12/4/90 7/24/92 8/80 2/1/93 9/12/89 2/1/93 8/80 2/1/93 12/4/90 7/29/92 1/29/93 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ugll) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Aluminum N/A 32.6 N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR N/A 153 NR .... Antimony N/A U N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR N/A U NR 3 GV Arsenic U U N/A NR N/A NR U NR U U NR 25 ST Barium U 51.9 B N/A NR N/A NR U NR U 106 B NR 1000 ST Beryllium N/A U N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR N/A U NR 3 GV Cadmium U 5 N/A NR N/A NR U NR U U NR 10 ST Calcium 56600 37000 N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR 6830 58400 NR .... Chromium U U N/A NR N/A NR U NR 20 U NR 50 ST Cobalt N/A U N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR N/A 15 B NR .... Copper 156 83.2' 170 110 25.6 U 65.8 31 18.6 B 7.3 B 200 ST Iron 250 U 270 ~:~ 191 ~01~ 300 ST Lead U U N/A NR N/A NR U NR U NR 25 ST Magnesium 12400 11300 N/A 26600 N/A 21300 N/A 19100 35000 GV Manganese u 7.2B 60 16.2 U 26 U 300 ST Mercury 0.8 0.24 N/A NR N/A NR U NR : ~::: U NR 2 ST Nickel U U N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR U U NR Potassium U 4320 N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR 167000 118000 NR .... Selenium N/A U N/A NR N/A NR U NR N/A U NR 10 ST Silver U U N/A NR N/A NR U NR U U NR 50 ST Sodium 8860 14100 13900 16600 20000 ST Thallium N/A U N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR N/A U NR 4 GV Vanadium N/A U N/A NR N/A NR N/A NR N/A U NR Zinc 32.1 U NR U NR U NR 20 28.8 NR 300 ST Cyanide N/A U N/A U [ N/A U N/A U N/A 40 U 100 ST NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected. ST: Standard B: Value less than contract required GV: Guidance value limits but grealer than instrument .... : Not eslablished detection limits. Exceeds s andard/guidelines N/A: Not analyzed. NR: Not Required TABLE 3-3 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS S68831 S68831 S68831 FB0724 DW-1 GA STANDARDS/ 12/4/90 7/29/92 1/29/93 7/24/92 1/28/93 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/I) (u¢) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Aluminum N/A 99.4 NR 32.6 NR .... Antimony N/A U NR U NR 3 GV Arsenic N/A U NR U NR 25 ST Barium N/A 21.4 B NR 31.4 B NR 1000 ST Beryllium N/A U NR U NR 3 GV Cadmium N/A 6 NR U NR 10 ST Calcium 15000 17800 NR 26400 NR .... Chromium N/A U NR U NR 50 ST Cobalt N/A U NR U NR .... 'Copper N/A U U U 43.8 200 ST Iron 30 170 U 16.6B 300ST Lead N/A 6.7 NR U NR 25 ST Magnesium 2100 2050 B 1630 B 8400 7070 35000 GV Manganese 60 83.5 42.2 8.7B 13 B 300 ST Mercury N/A U NR U NR 2 ST Nickel N/A U NR U NR .... Potassium 2500 U NR U NR .... Selenium N/A U NR U NR 10 ST Silver N/A U NR U NR 50 ST Sodium 10800 11600 20000 ST Thallium N/A U NR U NR 4 GV Vanadium N/A U NR U NR Zinc N/A 96.1 NR 91.1 NR 300ST Cyanide N/A U U U U 100 ST QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected. B: Value less than contract required limits but greater than instrument de~ection limits. N/A: No1 analyzed. NR: NO~ Required NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value .... : Not established : Exceeds standard/guidelines CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION '~ONSTITUENT ' CONCENTRATION CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION Mq 26.6 Mn O.O07B ' Mn 0.075 --CHLORIDE ,5 X N'~A~ 1.82 ~ Cu Ng O, O07B CHLORIDE ~ ~ ~ CONCENT~TION SHALLOW ~EEP AMMONIA 68.4 * ;~-;' ~ ~~ SHALLOW DEEP ~ PHENOL ND ND Mn 0.013B .088 CONCENT~TION AMMONIA ND ND CONS~ENT S-6891~ ~-6883 NImA~ O.07 ND ..... CHLORIDE 17 265 * ~ Fe {)~ ~ c 0.170 PHENOL ND ND _._~ 39.6 * L 1,63B Mn 2.59 * 0.042 PHENOL ND N~ CONS~ENT SHALLOW BEEP - j S-68831 ~[.~ ~.498 * 2.52 Mn 2.85, 14.5. - NDFILL~ NI~A~ ND %93 Cu ND ND PHENOL ND 0.03 CHLORIDE 45 161 PHENOL ] ND j ND 1 ~ OONS~ENT CONCENT~ON MW-7 Cu 0.066 Mn 0.435 * 0,0195 AMMONIA ..... ND ~ - ~2.1 57.2 - ~ ~ " LEGEND Mn 0.026 - ~ ~ DESIGNATION DESCRIP~ON - ~ ~ ~ MONITORING WELL AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS F ~ ~ MW-6 PHENOL ~ ~ PRIVATE SUPPLY WELL SAMPUNG LOCATIONS  gW-5 ~ CONCEN~TION m Fe IRON NOR~ (~IDDLE) ROAD CONS~ENT Mq MAGNESIUM ~~ SHALLOW DEEP ~ Mn ....... MANGANESE Mq 4,24 5,58 Cu COPPER Mn 0.18 0.13_ AMMONIA AMMONIA NI~OGEN No 19.60 15,80 Cu ND O.O09B NITRATE NITRA~ AMMONIA 0.09 ND CHLORIDE CHLORIDE NI~A~ 2.69 1.56 PHENOL PHENOL CHLORIDE I 57 16 ND NOT DETECTED PHENOL I O.02 * ND B LESS THEN CRDL BUT GREATER THEN IDL. · PRESENT ABO~ STANDARDS/GUiDELINES D~RECTORY: C: %1027 0 400 FILE NAME: INORGST1 ~ NO~ DA~: R,A, 3/24/95 SCALE IN FE~ ALL RESULTS IN Mg/L TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dvirka SOUTHOLD ~NDFILL and INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS EXCEEDING C SS GA GROUNDWATER STANDARDS/GUIDELINES IN GROUNDWATER FIGURE CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION .... M~ _ 3.73B M~n _ 0.07~8~ .... Na 9.51 Gu NITRATE 1.82 CHLORIDE 10 PHFNOl 001 * CONCENTRATION CONSTITUENT SHALLOW DEEP Mq 3.59B 44.7 * Mn 0,019 0.425 No 7,02 90.1 * Cu ND O. O07B AMMONIA ND __ . ~45 * NITRA~ 7.51 0.87 CHLORIDE 18 195 PHENOL ND ND CONCENTRATION CONSTITUENT SHALLOW DEEP ~ o.8~; .~d~ ;' Mq 4,24 5,58 Mn 0.18 0.13_ No 19.60 15.80 Cu ND O.O09B AMMONIA 0.09 NO NIT~A~ 2.69 1.56 CHLORIDE 57 16 PHENOL 0.02 * ND I I I, I ! I I I t I I I I I I I i I i have increased in monitoring well MW-7S when compared to the July 1992 round of sampling but ate still far below those levels found during the July 1991 round of sampling. The smnpling results for both wells S-68916 and S-68831 have remained the same except for an increase of [ton concentrations in S-68916 from 6530 ug/l to 17,100 ug/l. Conversely, the concentration of iron has decreased in S-68831 to a level below NYSDEC groundwater standards. Sampling results for the private wells are also included in Table 3-3 and are compared to results from December4, 1990, which were obtained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and results from the July 1992 round of sampling. The metals found to contravene standards during this sampling phase were iron, copper and sodium. Iron was found in private well PW001 (GW-8) at a concentration of 1,150ug/l. Previous results indicated the presence of this metal at 8,210 ug/l. Copper was found in private well PW002 (GW-6) at a concentration of 241 ug/1 and was detected previously at a similar concentration of 268 ug/1. Sodium and zinc were detected above NYSDEC standards in well PW003 (OW-5) during previous rounds of sampling but were well below the standard during the 1992 round as well as this round. Copper was found at concentrations of 758 ug/1 in downgradient private well PW004 (WS-11). No other metals were found at elevated concentrations within these wells. Iron was found at an elevated concentration of 743 ug/l in upgradient private supply well PW005 (WS-4) which is consistent with previous findings. Sodium was also found at levels exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards at this well as well as adjacent upgradient well PW006 (WS-6). Again, these results are consistent with previous findings. In both cases sodium was found at levels only slightly above standards. These elevated metal levels may be atlxibutable to piping in the residences and are not related to contaminants detected at the landiVfll. 3.2.3 Leachate Parameter Sampling Results Leachate parameters found to contravene NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards as part of this sampling round include ammonia, chloride, nitrate and phenol. These constituents were also found during the July 1991 as well as the July 1992 sampling events. In addition, hexavalent chromium and boron found in isolated samples during the 1992 investigation were not detected during this investigation. The sample results are presented in Table 3-4. Leachate parameters exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards were included in Figure 3-4. 368~t3/I m27 3-28 TABLE 3-4 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LEACHATE PARAMETERS NYSDEC CLASS MW1S MW1S MWIS MW1D MW1E MWID MW2S MW2S MW2S MW2D MW2D MW2D GA STANDARDS/ 7125/91 7/22J92 1/26/93 7125191 7/22/92 1/26/93 7/24/91 7123/92 1/27/93 7/24/91 7/28/92 1/27/93 GUIDELINES Color, Pi/Co. 10 <10 NR 10 20 NR 50 150 NR 75 40 NR .... Turbidity, N.T.U. 255 3760 548 26 60 12.9 244 400 534 17.5 8 5.2 .... Results in mg/l: Alkalinity 13 9 NR 46 40 NR 689 932 NR 192 790 NR .... Ammonia Nitrogen 0.17 U 0.09 0.09 U <0.05 i i!92~!:i!:!. :. 2 ST Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 U NR U U NR 3 8 NR i U 40 NR .... ;heroical Oxygen Demand 7 83 NR U 16 NR 189 188 NR 143 129 NR Hardness 26 232 NR 100 148 NR 390 408 NR 620 720 NR .... Hexavalent Chromium NIA 0.03 <0.01 NIA 0.02 <0.01 NIA U <0.01 NIA U <0.01 0.05 ST Nitrate 0.15 1.05 2.69 1.69 2.04 1.56 0.34 0.10 <0.04 U :.::!ii[~:ii:i 2.12 10 ST Sulfate 20 22 NR 58 41 NR 77 85 NR 71 63 NR 250 ST Tolal Dissolved Solids N/A 186 NR N/A 216 NR N/A 1400 NR N/A 1514 NR Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.40 1.18 NR 2.69 1.99 NR 100 74.3 NR 90 60.2 NR .... Total Organic Carbon 9,1 3,19 NR 7.4 2.1 NR 2.25 55.6 NR 253 40,4 NR .... Boron U 0.067 U U 0,058 U U 0.797 0.157 0.938 :.?~i~ii 0.735 1 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed but not detected ST: Standard N/A: Not analyzed GV: Guidance value NR: Not Required .... : Not established. Value exceeds allowable standard/guidance value TABLE 3-4 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LEACHATE PARAMETERS NYSDEC CLASS MW3S MW3S MW3S MW3D MW3D MW3D MW4S MW4S MW4S MW4D MW4D MW4D GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/23/92 1127193 7/25191 7/28/92 1/27/93 7/26191 7/28/92 1/28/93 7/26/91 7128/92 1128/93 GUIDELINES Color, PtJCo. 75 40 NR 50 20 NR 10 <10 NR 125 20 NR .... Turbidity, N.T.U. 1820 1050 288 75 15 27 700 620 594 24 32 23 Results in rog/i: Alkalinity 682 666 NR 707 624 NR 6 16 NR 546 522 NR .... Ammonia Nitrogen ii ~,~ ?? l.i~ U <0m05 <0.05 ~: ~,E~ :! 2 ST Biochemical Oxygen Demand 6 6 NR U 21 NR U U NR U 7 NR Chloride 239 168 .:~:~4:: :: :i ~:::?i:i :::::::::1[:::::::::::: 5 10 18 ili::~.~[::i193 250ST Chemical Oxygen Demand 170 193 NR 92 74 NR 104 51 NR 93 74 NR Hardness 530 452 NR 640 684 NR 32 64 NR 650 618 NR .... Hexavalent Chromium N/A U <0.01 N/A U <0.01 NIA U <0.01 N/A U <0.01 0.05 ST Nitrate 0.89 0.67 <0.04 U 1.48 1.93 0.64 2.14 7,31 0,91 0,71 0,87 10ST Phenol :.::0i~i!: i:.:.::i~::i!:ii <0101 ii ~.~:.::ii:. U <0.01 : ~:": <0101 0.001 ST Sulfate 56 28 NR 78 88 NR 25 23 NR 153 179 NR 250 ST Total Dissolved Solids N/A 1135 NR NIA 1205 NR N/A 99 NR N/A 1260 NR .... Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 46.1 29.7 NR 30.4 27.4 NR 1.18 2,14 NR 37.8 35.3 NR .... Total Organic Carbon 233 36.5 NR 192 19 NR 4 2.4 NR 135 1.3 NR .... Boron 0,614 0,692 U 0.626 0.696 0.536 U 0.143 U 0.617 U 0.151 1 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed but not detected ST: Standard N/A: Not analyzed GV: Guidance value NR: Not Required .... : Not established. Value exceeds allowable standard/guidance value. TABLE 3-4 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LEACHATE PARAMETERS NYSDEC CLASS MW5S MW5S MW5S MW5D MW5D MW5D MW6S MW6SiMW6S MW6D MW6D MW6D GA STANDARDS! 7125191 7/28/92 1128/93 7/25/91 7/27/92 1/28/93 7/24/91 71241921127193 7124191 7/24/92 1127193 GUIDELINES Color. Pt/Co. 15 20 NR 15 40 NR 35 40 NR 50 10 NR .... Turbidity, N.T.U. 495 210 210 13.5 16 11.2 113 180 288 3.8 280 189 .... Results in mg/l: Alkalinity 8 12 NR 230 426 NR 267 320 NR 401 434 NR Ammonia Nitrogen U U <0.05 U U <0.05 :: :~i~ :: ~:: i~':~ iil !iSiS:. ~7.~ 2 ST Biochemical Oxygen Demand U U NR 353 U NR U 3 NR 5 8 NR .... Chloride Chemical Oxygen Demand 24 16 NR 492 65 NR 41 79 NR 41 60 NR .... Hardness 16 28 NR 290 586 NR 160 228 NR 396 480 NR .... Hexavalent Chromium N/A U <0.01 N/A U <0.01 N/A U 0.04 N/A 0.02 0.04 0.05 ST Nitrate U 0.04 0.07 0.21 U <0.04 0.13 U <0.04 0.05 U <0,04 10 ST Phenol ~:.i U <0.01 ::i~0~ :.:::i~i: <0.01 0~ ::~::i <0.01 U <0.01 0.001 ST Sulfate 11 12 NR 70 78 NR 128 121 NR 157 156 NR 250ST Total Dissolved Solids NIA 82 NR N/A 1076 NR N/A 635 NR N/A 981 NR .... 1'oral Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.23 0.07 NR 1.18 0.59 NR 13.15 10.1 NR 21.6 19.7 NR .... Total Organic Carbon 2.2 26.8 NR 149 1.3 NR 92.6 20,4 NR 78.6 9,9 NR .... Boron U 0.534 U 0.221 U U 0,159 0.252 U 0.393 0.326 0.393 1 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed but not detected ST: Standard N/A: Not analyzed GV: Guidance value NR: Not Required .... : Not established. Value exceeds allowable standard/guidance value TABLE 3-4 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LEACHATE PARAMETERS PW001 PW001 PW002 PW002 PW003 PW004 NYSDEC CLASS MW7S MW7S ~ MWTS MWTD MW7D MW7D (GW-8) (GW-8) (GW-6) (GW-6) (GW-5) ws-11 0NS-11) GA STANDARD;5/ 7/25/91 7/23/92 1/26/93 7/26/91 7122/92 1/26/93 7/24/92 2/1/93 7/24192 2/1/93 7/24/92 8/80 2/1/93 GUIDELINES Color, Pt/Co, 15 40 NR 250 <10 NR 20 NR <10 NR <10 N/A NR .... Turbidity, N.T.U. 154 620 740 516 10 8,6 153 5.8 0,27 0.01 0.30 N/A 0.01 .... Results in mg/l: Alkalinity 46 33 NR 60 38 NR 36 NR 10 NR 14 12 NR Ammonia Nitrogen 0.15 0.25 0.11 0.10 U <0.05 0.59 0.16 U <0.05 0.06 U <0.05 2 ST Biochemical Oxygen Demand U 7 NR U U NR 6 NR U NR U N/A NR .... Chloride 13 18 12 74 80 49 14 10 48 45 31 33 52 250 ST Chemical Oxygen Demand U 60 NR 32 20 NR 16 NR 24 NR 16 N/A NR .... Hardness 78 228 NR 50 80 NR 220 NR 264 NR 140 170 NR .... Hexavalent Chromium N/A ~?. <0.01 N/A 0.01 <0.01 U 0.01 U <0.01 U N/A <0.01 0.05 ST Nitrate 1.39 0.75 1.82 :: :i:~ ~i~::: 9.80 :?:i ~ ~ :ii:i:. 1.32 1.82 9.94 8.49 7.7 10ST Phenol U <0.01 U <0.01 U U <0.01 U N/A <0.01 0.001 ST Sulfate 26 51 NR 49 29 NR 16 NR 92 NR 75 114 NR 250 ST Total Dissolved Solids N/A 173 NR N/A 358 NR 108 NR 477 NR 337 N/A NR Total Kjeldahi Nitrogen 1.56 1.00 NR 12.7 9.52 NR 2.15 NR 8.30 NR 7.73 N/A NR .... Total Organic Carbon 48,6 3,19 NR 12.9 1.73 NR U NR U NR U N/A NR .... Boron U 0.099 U U 0.04 U 0.087 U 0.104 U 0.163 N/A U 1 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed but not detecled ST: Standard N/A: Not analyzed GV: Guidance value NR: Not Required .... : Not established. Value exceeds allo able standard/guidance value TABLE 3-4 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LEACHATE PARAMETERS PW005 PW006 NYSDEC CLASS WS-4 0NS-4) WS-6 0NS-6) S-68916 S-68916 S-68831 S-68831 FIELD BLK DW-1 GA STANDARDS/ )/12/8c. 2/1/93 8/80 2/1/93 7/29/92 1/29/93 7/29~92 1/29/93 7/24192 1/28/93 GUIDELINES Color, Pt/Co. N/A NR N/A NR 80 NR 20 NR <10 NR .... Turbidity, N.T.U. N/A 2.7 NIA 0,1 53 50 9,2 62 0.50 <0.1 .... Results in rog/l: Alkalinity N/A NR 14 NR 718 NR 122 NR 31 NR .... Ammonia Nitrogen U <0.05 U <0.05 ii::~?i ~ ~.~:.:. 0.67 <0.05 U <0.05 2 ST BiochemicaIOxygen Demand N/A NR N/A NR 107 NR 8 NR U NR Chloride 42 51 28 46 212 187 13 9 14 18 250 ST Chemical Oxygen Demand N/A NR N/A NR 177 NR 33 NR U NR .... Hardness N/A NR 114 NR 402 NR 64 NR 84 NR .... Hexavalent Chromium N/A <0.01 N/A <0.01 U <0,01 <0.01 U <0.01 0.05 ST Nitrate 10.1 9.46 11 8.03 1.12 0.20 U 0.t4 5.31 10ST Phenol N/A <0.01 U <0,01 ::::::::::::::::::::: <0.01 U <0.01 U <0.01 0.001 ST Sulfate 66 NR 58 NR 77 NR 7 NR 47 NR 250 ST total Dissolved Solids N/A NR N/A NR 1007 NR 158 NR U NR .... :Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen N/A NR N/A NR 93.9 NR 0.82 NR 5.47 NR .... Total Organic Carbon N/A NR N/A NR 25 NR 5.4 NR U NR .... Boron N/A U NIA U 0.590 0.423 0.077 U 0.007 U 1 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed but not detected ST: Standard N/A: Not analyzed GV: Guidance value NR: Not Required .... : Not established. Value exceeds allowable standard/guidance value. I I I I I ! I I I I I I i I i I I I Phenol, found to contravene NYSDEC standards in all wells sampled in July 1991 was undetected in all on-site wells sampled as part of this sampling round, except for monitoring well MW-3D and MW-IS where it was found at a concentration of 0.03 mg/1 and 0.02mg/1, respectively. Phenol was found to contravene the NYSDEC standards in private well PW001 (GW-8) but the concentration of 0.01 mg/1 is below the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) drinking water standard of 0.050 mg/l. This indicates a possible trend toward decreash~g concentrations of phenol throughout the site. Ammonia was found to exceed NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards of 2 mg/l at monitoring wells MW-2S, MW-2D, MW-3S, MW-3D, MW-4D, MW-6S and MW-6D. The results are consistent with previous findings. Ammonia was undetected in downgradient wells lVIW-4S, MW-SS and MW-SD, indicating an attenuation of the plume as it moves off-site. Chloride, although not toxic, is a good leachate indicator since its presence corresponds closely with areas of elevated metal concentrations, as well as elevated ammonia concentrations. Chloride concentrations are generally unchanged since the last sampling round. In July 1992, hexavalent chromium was found in well MW-7S at a level of 0.06 rog/1 and in well S-68831 at a concentration of 0.09 mg/1, which slightly exceeded the NYSDEC standard of 0.05 mg/l. Hexavalent chromium was not analyzed in the 1991 round of sampling. Hexavalent chrominln was detected in this round in wells MW-6S, MW-6D and PW001 (GW-8) although at levels below NYSDEC standards. Boron, which was found at elevated levels during previous sampling rounds, was not detected at levels exceeding NYSDEC standards during this round. Nitrate was detected during this round of sampling at levels exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards in on-site well MW-7D and private well PW004 (WS-11) at concentrations of 13mg/1 and 14.7mg/l, respectively. Nitrate was also found in a sample of decontamination water (DW-I) collected from the recreation center at a concentration of 12.4 mg/l. The presence of nitrate in downgradient well PW004 (WS-I1) is consistent with previous fmdings where it was found at a concentration of 10.5 mg/l in downgradient private supply well PW002 (GW-6). Since nitrate was not found to be present at elevated levels in any wells located immediately downgradient of the landfill, the presence of nitrate in the sample cannot be attributed to the landfill, but most likely due to agricultural practices (fertilizer usage). 36890/I 1027 3-34 Section 4 m m mm~ m m ~ ~mmm mmm ~ m m m m m. m mmm m~m mmm I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.0 CONCLUSIONS In general, the analytical results obtained for the second phase of the long-term groundwater monitoring program conducted in January 1993 show lower levels of contamination compared with those collected in July 1992 and one yea~ earlier in July 1991. The presence of vinyl chloride, benzene and 1,2 dichloroethane at levels slightly exceeding the NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards at limited locations at the Southold landfill will be addressed further as part of the long-term monitoring plan. Further rounds of groundwater sampling are necessary to identify any possible long-term trends which cannot be established based on three sets of analytical data. VOCs were not detected in any downgradient private water supply wells sampled as part of this investigation, but tetrachloroethene was detected in trace levels in upgradiem private well PW006 (WS-6) and is not attributable to the landfill and is likely due to residential use and disposal in an on-site sanitary system. The general distribution and concentration of metals throughout the site appear to be lower as compared to the July 1992 and July 1991 sampling events. Cyanide, which was detected in well MW-2D in July 1992, was not found to be present in any well sampled as part of this sampling event. Metals detected above the NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards in private wells sampled as part of this investigation were the same as previous investigations and include iron, copper and sodium. Copper was not found in elevated concentrations in the landfill monitoring wells. Therefore, the elevated levels of metals in the private water supply well samples are not attributable to the landfill. The source of copper in the private water supply samples could be from the copper piping. The leachate parameter sample results obtained as part of this investigation, were also generally lower compared to those obtained during the July 1991 and July 1992 sampling rounds. Concentrations of phenol continue to show a decrease in concentrations throughout the site. However, phenol was detected in downgradient private well PW001 (GW-8) at a level of 0.01 mg/1. Phenol had not been detected previously in this or any other private supply well. Since the levels of phenol have shown to be steadily decreasing throughout the site and was found in elevated concentrations both up and downgradient of the landfill, the presence of this compound cannot be readily attributed to the landfill. 3690~/2 1027 4-1 Hexavalent chromium, which was not analyzed for in July 1991, was detected at levels slightly exceeding the NYSDEC standard of 0.05 mg/1 in wells MW-7S (0.06 mg/1) and S-68831 (0.09 mg/1) during the July 1992 sampling event. These are considered isolated occurrences since this round of sampling has shown them not to be present above NYSDEC standards. The only routine parameter to exceed NYSDEC standards in the private wells was nitrate, which was found in well PW004 (WS-I1) at a concentration of 14.7 mg/1. On-site nitrate levels were significantly below NYSDEC standards, indicating no impact from the landfill. The likely source of this nitrate contamination could be fertilizers or on-site sewage disposal. Nitrate was found previously in private well PW002 (GW-6) at a concentration of 10.5 mg/1 but was below NYSDEC standards during this round of sampling. In summary, the groundwater quality at the Southold landfill appears to have hnproved slightly during the January 1993 sampling event, and there continues to be no impact off-site on private water supply wells downgradient from the landfill. 3690<3/2 ~027 4-2 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the 1993 Groundwater Quality Assessment Report generally confirm the fmdings of the Part 360/Phase II Hydrogeologic Report, as well as previous investigations. The findings indicate that a weak plume is emanating from the landfill but is limited in that the plume has not caused any observable impacts to nearby downgradient groundwater quality in off-site private water supply wells. The 16 on-site monitoring wells, in addition to the downgradient and newly incorporated upgradient private water supply wells, provide an adequate and comprehensive monitor'mg network. Therefore, continued, long-term, semiannual sampling of the monitoring network is recommended to fulfill the Part 360 landfill operation, closure and expansion requirements. The Part 360 requirements call for all environmental monitoring points not previously sampled to be analyzed for two rounds of sampling. The first round of sampling as part of the Part 360/Phase Ill Hydrogeologic Investigation was performed for Part 360 Baseline Parameters. The sampling program, which is the subject of this report, comprises the first round of sampling as part of the long-term monitoring plan (July 1992), which was performed for Baseline Parameters and this, the second round of sampling which was performed for a modified list of Routine Parmneters as recommended in the July 1992 Groundwater Assessment Report. The existing data base for these three rounds of baseline sampling is considered sufficient so that the next round of sampling will be performed for Baseline Parameters as described in Section5.0 of the Part 360/Phase II July 1992 Groundwater Assessment Report. Since the 1992 round of sampling showed elevated levels of contaminants not previously detected, it was recommended that the list of selected routine parameters be modified to include those compounds not previously detected at levels exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards. Since hexavalent chromium was detected in elevated concentrations during the July 1992 round of sampling and is not part of the original list of Baseline Parameters, it is recommended that this constituent be added to the baseline list. Based on the results of this round of sampling, no modifications to the routine list are deemed necessary at this time, but may become necessary in the future as conditions change. It was recommended in the July 1992 report that the sampling frequency of the long-term monitoring parameters be semiannually, with one sampling event being for Baseline Parameters and one for modified Routine Parameters on an alternating basis. Therefore the next round of sampling will be in July 1993 and consist of the Baseline Parameters shown in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 also shows the recommended list of Routine Parameters proposed for the subsequent semiannual round of sampling. 36910/I 1027 5-1 Table 5-1 SOUTHOL.E) LANDFILL GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM BASELINE AND RoLrrINE PARAMETERS TO BE ANALYZED AS PART OF OPERATION AND CLOSURE MONITORING PLAN Parameters to b~ Anal.v'~(1) 1. Field Parameters Modifi~l Baseline* Routine(2) Static Water Levels X X Specific Conductance X X Temperature X X Floaters or Sinkers(3) X pH X X Eh X X Field Observations(4) X X 2. Leachate Indicators Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) X Ammonia X Nitrate X Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) X Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) X Total Organic Carbon (TOC) X Sulfate X Alkalinity X Phenols X Chloride X Total Hardness (as CaCO3) X Turbidity X Color X Boron X X X 0 X X 0 3. Metals Potassium X Sodium X Iron X Manganese X Magnesium X Lead X Cadmium X Aluminum X Calcium X X X X X 36910/I 1027 5-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 5 - 1 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM BASI~I.INE AND ROUTINE PARAME'EERS TO BE ANALYZED AS PART OF OPERATION AND CLOSURE MoNrroR1NG PLAN Parameters to ~ Analyzed(l) Toxic Metals Modified Baselim* Routine(2) Antimony X Arsenic X Beryllium X Barium X Cadmium X Chromium (total) X Chromium - Hexavalent O Copper X Lead X Mercury X Nickel X Selenium X Silver X Thallium X Zinc X O O Cyanide X O 4. Volatile Organics(5) X X (1) All samples must be whole and unfiltered, except as otherwise specified by NYSDEC. (2) Modified list subject to change based on future sampling results. (3) Any floaters or sinkers found must be analyzed separately for baseline parameters. (4) Any unusual conditions (colors, odors, surface sheens, etc.) noticed during well development, purging or sampling must be reported. (5) Volatile organics axe to be analyzed using EPA Methods 601/602. X Targeted parameter as per the October 1991 Hydrogeologic Investigation Report. O Additional targeted parameter based on data obtained from the July 1992 round of groundwater sampling. *Not all parameters in Part 373-2, Appendix 33 are analyzed under TCL+30. 36910/I 1027 5-3 Appendix I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ FOP. a~I$ DAILY ~ ACTIVITY I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I dDVIRK~ AND BARTI~UCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Field Log Book Page Number. Project: Addr~aa: Weather:. (AM) Rainfall: (AM) Inches ( PM): (PM) Inches Temperature: (AM) °F WimtSl~i: (AM) MPH Wi~iDi~on: (AM'} (PM) °F (PM) ~ (PM) Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Name ~)contractor Work Commencement: (AM) (PM) ~contractor Work Completion (AM) (PM) DB-DFAR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I dDVIRli~. A_ND BA.RTILUCCI DA'r~: DAH.Y FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work [~e .~__nn~/~d<~.oday by subcontract~o~s).~includes e~uipment and labor breakdown): ./ </< ~ DB-DFAR I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I dDV~RKA A~D BARTILUCCI DATE: DAILY FIELD ACT1NY~ REPORT General work ~erformed today by D&B: List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): List t~pe and location of tests pedormed and results (/nclude equipment used and momtoring results): Verbal comments r~ceived fwm subcomractor (include comuuction and testing problems, and recommendntions/xesuiting action): Prepaxed by: Reviewed by: DB-DFAR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I do~rn~KA AND BARTILUCCI DA ILy FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Project Number: ?~ Report Number: ~) Field Log Book Page Nmr: Project: Weather: (AM) (PM): Rainfall: (AM) (PM) Temperarar~: (AM) °F WimlSpee~ (AM) IPM~ -- °F (PM) Site Condition: ~c ~'~ Personnel On Site: _ Name MPH Wimi DimcUon: MPH Inches Inches (AM) (PM) Subcontractor Work Commencemem: (AM) Subcontractor Work Completion (AM) (PM) (PM) DB-DFAR ?) I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I i dbDV~RK,~ DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work perforated today by sut~;ontr~o~s) (includes e~q~me~ and l~or b~down): DB-DFAR BARTILUCCI DATE: I DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT List specific inspection(s) performed nnd results (include problems and conective actions): List tYlVe and location of tests performed and results (includ~ equipment used and momtoring results): I ! Verbal comments received from subcontractor (include construction and testing problems, and recommendations/resulting action): ! :1 I DB-DFAR Reviewed by: I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I i I DVlRKA AND B Ai~'! u. UCCI DAH.Y FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Project Number: Date: Field Log Book Page Number. Ad'ss: Weaiber: (AM) Rainfall: (AM) Inches (PM): (PM) Inches Temperature: (AMI °F WimiSpeed: (AMI MPH WtmiDi~cUon: (AM) (PM) -- OF (PM) MPH (PM) Site Condition: Personnel On Site:~ ~jCj~ Subcontractor Work Commencement: (AM) (PM) Subcontractor Work Completion (AM) (PM) DB-DFAR I I I I I I I [ I I I I I I I I I I I DVIRlf. A AND BARTR,UCCI DATE: DALLY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work p~erformed today~by~ subconwa~ris)..(includes equipment and labor breakd, ow~).~ , DB-DFAR BARTILUCCI DATE: DA{LY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): type and locaUon of tests performcd and results (include equipment used and momtoring results): Verbal comments received from subconmtctor (inciude construction nnd testing problems, and recommendations/resulting action): Prepared by: DB-DFAR Re~ewedby: I I I I I 1 1 i I I I I ! I I I I dDVIRKA AND BARTI~UCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Project Number: [/C/~ Date: Field Log Book Page Nmnber. Project: Address: Weather:. (AM} Rah~l: (AM) In¢~a (PM): (PM) Inches Temperature: (AM) °F wi~dSl~l: (AM) ~ Wt~dDi~on: (AM) (PM) o F (PM) IVI~H (PM) Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Subcontractor Work Commencement: (AM) (PM) Subcontractor Work Completion (AM) (PM) DB-DFAR I I I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I ! db D VIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT DB-DFAR DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DATE: DAHX FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT General work performed ,oday by D&B: List specific inspection(s) l~rformed and results (include problems and corruc~ve actions): I I I I I I I 1 I I I I List vype and iocarion of tests performed and results (include equipment used and momtorin$ results): Verbal conunen~s received from subconu'actor (includ~ construction and testing problems, and recommmmd~t!ons/~esuiting action): DB. DFAR Reviewed by: I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I DVI~KA AND BARTII,UCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: ,. Project Number: Date: Field Log Book Page Number:. Project: ~b, i l,:./~ ~,~ ,t 2 Weather: (AM) 5 ~'~ ~/ (PM): ~'~o.g Rainfall: (AM) (PM) Inches Inches Temperature: (AM) --) °F W"mdSl~'~d: (AM) (PM) ~ o oF (PM) MPH Wi~d Di_~ction: MPH (AM) (PM) Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Nme 0~ Subcontractor Work Commencement: (AM) (PM) Subcontractor Work Completion (AM) I I I ! I db D V1RKA AND BARTILUCCI D~IL¥ FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT ! ! List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): ! I L!~ typ~ and location of tests performed and results (include equipment used and monitoring resulL~): Verbal co .mm~. nts rece.iv, ed from subcomtnctor (include consu'uction and testing problems, and i recommendnt~ons/msultmg action): I I P r~mu'ed by: I D~-DFAR i Reviewed by: ! I i I db D V1RKA AND BARTILUCCI DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work performed today by subcontractor(s) (includes equipment and labor breakdown): I I I I I i i DB-DFAR I I II I I I I I I I t l I I I ! I I I I AND BARTI~UCC] DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Project Number: ,~. ~-- x?o, Date: Field Log Book Page Number. We~uhec (AM) (PM): Te,,,perature: (AM) (PM) Site Condition: ~',~ / ~ Rainfall: (AM) Inches (PM) Inches Wi~dSpee~ (AM) /o-i~ (PM) /~'- ~ IviPH Wtmi Di~e~tion: (AM) ~ MPH (PM) AJ Personnel On Site: Subcontractor Work Commencement:. (AM) Subcontractor Work Completion (AM) (PM) (PM) dDVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI D,~ lI.y FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT I I I ! List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and conective actions): type and location of tests pett'ormed and re~ult~ (include equipment used and monitoring resulL~): i Verbal commenta received ~ subcon~actor (include construction and mating problem~, and recommenda[!on~/m~uiting action): Prepared by: DB-DInAR Reviewed by: I I I I I I I I db D VIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work performed today by subcontractor(s) (/ncludes equipment and labor breakdown): II I I I I I i ! DB-DFAR ! CHAIN OF CU~'I~DY FORM~ II ~nytest env ronmental, CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD SHIP TO: Nytest Environmental Inc. REPORT TO: Client Name, 60 ~av~ew Blvd, Address Port Washington, NY 110~ {516) 625-~500~. Phone Attn. /'~. V~ ~/C~ Attn. Project No. Project N'ame ,--. /. Date Shipped Carrier 5ampl~,r~ig,n/at~el ~ J Analytical Prot~ol Air 8ill No. C~ler No. ~am~le Date/Time Sample No. Of Con- ANALYSIS REQUESTED I.D. Sampled Description tainers , _ j I I envlronmen CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD t U~r ~z~ Page ] of I SHIPTO: NytestEnvironmentallnc. REPORITO: ClJentName 0 ' ~ /~,<, ~ t~ ~'-C/' 60~vi~walvd. Address ~00 )cK:c~o ~ ,/~ orr Washington, NY 110~ ~ ~5C~ ~ /  (516) 625~)/ ~ Phone ~- ~-- ~ ~ I I I I I I I Project No. I Project Name Oat~ Shipped Carrier ~mple Oate/Time ~mple No. Of Con- ANALYSIS REQUESTED .D. Sampled Description tainers /_~ I I I I I I Client Retains Yellow Copy Only ~~'Z nyTeSTT~w ~9m menTa I ~ ~ - CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD SHIP TO: Nyte$t Environmental Inc. REPORT TO: Client Name I I 60 Seav~ew Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050 (516) =roject No. I Proiect Name Date Shipped Carrier ~arnpler:/p~Sh:~natu~_)/,~/(._. (-='R0''~'''-~ / Analytical/q ~ / p~ p Air Bill No. C~ler No. ~mple Date/Time Sample No. Of ~ Con- ANALYSIS REQUESTED I.D. Sampled Description tainers. \ I I I ~t~ Client Retains Yellow Copy Only CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD SHIP TO: Nytest Environmental Inc. REPORT TO: Client Name 60 Seaview Blvd. Address ~ Port Washington, NY 110~ ~ (516) 625-~ Phone ~/d-j~- ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ampler: (Sign.etu. r~x/' ~ Analytical Prot~ol Air Bill No. Cooler No. ~mple Date/Time Sample No. Of I.D. Sampled Description Con- ANALYSIS REQUESTED P OO ' I ..~ ~, _ ~ T,~ ? ~/~ , ~ F ,/~ '1 Client Retains Yellow Copy Only I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BART1LUCCI / SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SEDIlVlM.2qT SURFACE WATER/~ tI~mAM AIR SOIL OTHER (Dezcfibe, i.e., septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (fill out for g~oundwater s~nples): DE, PTH TO WATER ]~ ~'/~. (~ ( D~rHO~W~LL I~ / vo~.~a~ ~,~ow~ 5 ~ / ~ l~m n ~ RESULTS: COLOR OTm~R (OVA, sP~a,~c CONDUCTANC~ ¢~ho~/c~) ~ .3~)/~ CONu t ti UENTS SAMI~.lm: REMARKS: il I I i GAL/FF 1-1/4" = 0.0W 1-1/2" m 0.10 w~,-l- CA~qlNG VOLT~iP-,S 2" --0.15 3' --0,,37 4" =0.6*q 2-1/2" = 0.24. 3-1/2" = 0.~0 6" = 1.4~ DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Si'l,~ SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD / kl~LD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER SAMPLE TY~PE: GROUNDWATF_,R '~ SURFACE WA'rER/~ t R.EAM SEDIbiF..NT AIR SOIL (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (fill om for gx~undwater samples): DEFI'HTOWA'rE~ I~2 ~ ///. ~ .'~ VOL R O D MEA~U~ M~,TI.IOD MP_.AS ~ MI~,-IHOD REMOVAL b~, i rlOD Fl~-r~ TEST RF~ULTS: COLOR ¢'/?~/- C OTHER (OVA, Methane me~', e~.) p~ '7. ¥7/ ?, 2 ~' ODOR SPE~II-tC CONDUCTANC~ (umb~/cm)~ ,~,~c~: ~- ~0, I I I CON,iii UENTS SAM~ ~r~: h","'-"J :.c: ,~ ~ REMARKS: I I i GAL/IrT 1-1/4" ~ 0.077 1-1/2" ~ 0.1~ w~ ~- CASING VOLUMES 2" = OAS 2-1/2" n 0.2~ ~-1/2" = 0.~0 4" = $" ~B 1.4~ I I I ! I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI SAMPLE LOCATION/WELL, NO. F'[ELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER SAMPLE INFORMA~ONRECORD DATE SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WATER/$rRE. AM SOIL j~ SEDNvlENT AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e.. septage, leachate) I I I I WELL INFORMATION (fill o~t for ~ndwater samples): DEPTH TO WATER DEPTH OF W~! vo~ ~.~ow~ FU:I I~ TEST ~TS: COLOR TEMPERATURE (°F) 2 ~ 5-/20 ~ SPEcwiC CONDUCTANCE (umhoz/cm) OOOR I OTHER (OVA, Methnne meter, etc.) ~ L~7%~ ! CON~ i ii UENTS SAM~ ~t~:. REMARKS: ,! I I I w~s 1. CA~ING VOLUMES GAIJFF 1-1/4" = 0.gW 2" = 0. H; 3" = 0.37 4" = 0.65 1-1/2" = 0.10 2-1/2' . 0.24 .'3-1/2" = O.SO 6" = 1.45 SIR I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I DVIRK~ AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD BARTILUCCI ~,o~o. ~ ¢ ~ ~ SAMI~LE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SF~IMENT SURFACE WATER/STRF. AM AIR SOIL W'ELL INFORMATION (fill out for 8zuundwater samples): D~ TO WAT~ ~.~ / ~ ~ ~ D~mOFWm. ~ //9'c~ vo~.~.~O,~D ~ / ¥C~ ~ (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) ODOR CONslii ~ SAM~m~: REMARKS: w,eJ 1. CASING VOLUM~.~ OALI~rI' 1-114" = 0,~/'/ 2" = 0.1S 3" = 0.Y/ 4" -- 0.$S 1-1/2" = O. lO 2-1/2" = 0.24 3-1/2' . O.SO ~" = 1.4~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .DV]RKA AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD BARTILUCCI S AMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER t~ t~ -.L~5 ~ 6'~//~ kf~ V - ~- ~,t DATE ! SAMPLE TYPB: GROUNDWATER SEDIMENT SURFACE WATER/~rREAM AIR SOIL OTHER (De:scribe, i.e., septage, leachate) WELL INNORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): MEA~UREMENTMmlItOD ~'~'~. c~$ ~/~. ODOR CON,-iii UENTS REMARKS: w~.. ~- CASINO VOLUMF_.8 O~ 1-1/4" = 0.0'/7 2" = 0.14 3*' = 0.V/ 4" = 0.65 1-1/2" st O. lO 2-1/2" = 0.24 3-1/2" = 0.~0 ~" - 1.~ SIR I I I ~ DV1RKA f ~![ (~1 AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD ~ BARTILUCCI S AMPLE LOCATION/V~I J NO. /~J I=~ELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER . GROUNDWATER ~ SEDII~2~f ~~ SURFACE WATER/SI'REAM AIR ~ ~ SOK, ~ (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) WELL I.:'4FOP3vfATION (fill out for gxoundwater samples): VOLUI~RI~OV~D /g~ / Fll~I.r~ ~ RF-.~ULTS: ¢OLO~ ~.6, 1¥ ' TEMPERATUR~ CON~-i i'rUENTS SAMI~ I I m REMARKS: I I I GAL~ir~ 1-1/4" 1 1-1/2" I 0. lO Wl(.I ]. CJ.]]No VOIIUM] 2: = O,i~ 3" = 0.37 4'* -- 0.65 2'1/2' I 0'24 ~'Y2II = O.~l ~" = 1.4~ I I l I I I I I I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI ~LDS~I.D.N~ ~. ~-6'o/~- ~ -~ DA~ / SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WATF_agJ$ i ILEAM AIR SOft ~ (Describe, i.e., septage, [eachate) WELL LNFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): DEPTH TO WATER L/1-~'O / D~i'i. iOFWi~! :~c-'~.Z~' / /'~o/. ~S''~ VOLU~ P.~OV~D / a / ~-5- F~ r~ TEST REMULTS: ODOR CON ~-t ii ~ SAMPt m~ I~MARKS: 'l i I I wm J. CASINO VOLUMES GAt/IfF 1-1/4" = 0.07"/ 2" = 0.1~ 3" = O.4W 4" = 0.~ 1'1/2# - 0.10 Z'l/Z" . 0.24 3-1/2" = 0. S0 6" - 1.4~ SIR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DmKA AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD BARTILUCCI SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO, 5'- ~ ~ ~/~- ~-mLDSAMI~LEI.D. NUMBER ~-b~q/~ 5--C ~g3! DATE SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SEDII~.2~ SURFACE WATEE/$-rKEAM AIR SOIL OTHER (De~crilx~, i.e., septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): DEPTH TO WATER cf ~-.~fl eye.. vou.r~m ~ovm~ /! U / 3 /~ FI~.D TEST RESULTS: ~o,.o,~ ~/~ / OTItER (OVA, M~h~ MEASUREMENTIVm-n-IOD ~"~C us-~,-,,',-- SPR~J~iC CONDUCTANC~ ODOR Zt zo CON ~ I l i GENTS S~dVIP! .~n: REMARKS: I I I 1-1/4" = 0.0T7 I-Y2" = 0.10 w,~, ~. CA,~ING VOLUMES 2" = 0.16 3" = 0.37 2-1/2" = 0.24 3-1/2" = 4" = 0.65 6" = 1.4~ I I I ! I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI WATER SUPPLY SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD Name: Address: Telephone: ~ o ~ ~' Date and Time Sampled: Sample Location: Sample Number: Well Information: iL ii,2 ,,- ;,~ Depth and Type of Well: Date Constructed: Type of Constzuction and Diameter. Driller: I I I I I I Estimated Usage (gpm): Water Use(s): Type of Treatment Device and Location: Date and Location Last S~ul~,led: Homeowner's Perception of W~e~ Quslky: Comments: fUse of bottled water, etc.) I I I I I I Sketch of Lot. Budding, and Well and Septic System Location CO~ ~. ,~ a,,,~.. Sketch of Water Treatment System and Sampling Locations I I I I I I I I I I I I Photoii~ph of Wa~er Tree.em System I I I ! DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI WATER SUPPLY' SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD Telephone: I I I Date and Time Sampled: Sample Number: p{~- 0C3~ Well Information: I 2. oo ho~/g I I Depth and Type of Well: Date Constructed: Type of Construction and Diameter. I i I Type of Treaunent l~vig and Location: Driller: Estimated Usage (gpiii): Water Use(s): I I Date and Location Last Sampled: Homeowner's Perception of Water Quality: Comments: fUse of bottled wat~, ~:.} I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I i I I I Sketch of Lot. Building, and Well and Septic System Location Sketch of Wa~er Treatment System and Sampling Locations Photograph of Wa~er Trea~u~m System I I ! I Name: Address: Telephone: DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI WATER SUPPLY SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD ! I i ! I I Date and Time Sampled: Sample Location: Sample Number: Well Information: I Estimated Usage (gpm): Water Use(s): I Type of Treatment Device and Location: I I Date and Location Last Sampled: Homeowner's Perception of Water Quality: Comments: (Use of bottled water, etc.) i W55 ! Sketch of Lot, Budding, and Well and Septic System Location I i I I I I i ! I I i ! I I ! I I Sketch of Water Treatment System and $~npl~n~ Lo~ation~ Photograph of Water Treaunem System wss I I I I I I I i I i I I i I I I N~Ll~e' Address: Telephone: DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI WATER SUPPLY SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD Date and Time Sampled: Sample Location: Sample Number: Well Information: Depth and Type of Well: Date Constructed: Type of Construction and Diameter. Driller: Estimated Usage (gpm): Water Use(s): Type of Treaunent Device and Location: Date and Location Last Homeowner's Perception of Water Quality: Commems: fUse of bottled water, etc.) i WSS I t I I I Sketch of Lot, Building, and Well and Septic System Location ~oa oD u2-~tO ~ u~ ~,~ ~ Sketch of Water Treauai=nt System and Sampling Locations Photograph of Water Treatment System I ws3 I I I Name: DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI WATER SUPPLY SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD I I i I I I ! I I I Telephone: Date and Time Sampled: Z - { - q Sample Location: o~. ~ ~ ~ Sample Number: Well Information: ~ ~C~ Depth and Type of Well: Date Constructed: Typ~ of Construction and Diameter:. Driller: Estimated Usage (gpm): Water Use(s): Type of Treatment Device and Location: Date and Location Last Samplexl: Homeowner's Perception of Water Quality: Comments: CUse of bottled water. w$$ I I I I I I Sketch of Lot, Building, and Well and Septic System Location I I I I I I I I I I I I Sketch of Water Treaunent System and Sampling Locations Photograph of Water Tream~ent System WS~ I I I I DAn.¥ EQ~ CA~-mRATION LOCk~ I I I i I I DAlLy_ EOUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOG I I I I Project Name Project Number Calibrated by D' ~rr~c~ ~ Irmtrument Calibration Readings and Name and Model # Method Time Observations I I I I I I I I I I Project Number, Calibrated by P' Instrument Calibration Readings and Name and Model # Method Time Observations I I I I I I I I I I I DALLY EOUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOC, Date //~'/q 3 Project Number, /0 Z ~-/~bo] Ca]ibrated by P' f--v~c/ Instrument Calibration Readings and Name and Model # Method Time Observations I I I I I I I I a~r~luc~ DAILY EOUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOC ~oject Number /~ 2.~-yOot Calibrated by ~' ~ ~ Ln~trument Calibration Readings and Name and Model # Method Time Observations I I DAILY EOUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOG I I I I ! I I I Project Name ~o~/~C,~C,/t Date. Z/I/~ Project Number lc~ ~--,~o~ Calibrated by P, ~-~d ~ Instrument Calibration Readings and Name and Model # Method Time Observations il 374~0 10~7 dDVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI AIR MONITORING FORM PROJECT NUMBER: ./[' ~'~- RECORDED BY: ~'--f:'x ~. 1 / WEATHER CONDITIONS: INSTRUMENT: CALIBRATION DATE: RECORDINO PROCEDLrRP. S~: DVIRKA AND BA_RTILUCCI PROJECT NAMe: J<' or, ._~,~. c (v PROJECT NUMBER: ~ "~ '~ RECORDED BY: ~ ?~ '~e~''' ~'~-/~'~ AIR MONITORING FORM INSTRUMENT: t , ~c~ CALIBRATION DATE: WP. ATHF~ CONDITIONS: WIND SPEED ,~'~c c, o-'- ~- ~ LOCATION AND DIRECTION KEADINO OBSERVATIONS RECORDING. PROCEDLrp, E$/REMARI~: DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI AIR MONITORING FORM TIME LOCATION AND DIRECTION READING OBSERVATIONS RI/CORDINO PROCF.,DURF. S/REMARKS: I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: AIR MO.N1TORING FORM RECORDED BY: /c~ WEATHER CONDITIONS: DATE: /' CALIBRATION DATE: I I RECORDIIqO PROCF.,DURF~/RIiMARKS: I I I I I dbDVIR[L~ BARTILUCCI AIR MONITORING FORM PRO~ECT NAME: ;>,....~.x. . PROJECT NUMBI~T: RECORDED BY: 'v gx.~,z~ , , ~ ,~.~,(~__.~ WEA/TIER CONDITIONS: DATE: 2_- / ~ ~3 CALIBRATION DATE: WIND SPEED ~3 ~ ~ ~ '?~ ~ TIME LOCATION AND DIRECTION READING OBSERVATIONS i I I I I RECORDI~O PROCEDURES/REMARKS: I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I $36350 1027 APPI~DIX B DATA VA1 JDATION REPORT I i I I ! I I I I I il I I ! I ! I i I GROUNDWATER SAMPLES DATA VALIDATION REPORT Login 15569 VTSR 1/27/92 Smnples: MW1S, MWID, MW3D, MW6D, MW7S, MW7D, MW2D Login 15591 VTSR 1/28/93 Samples: MW2S, MW6S, MW3$, MW4D, MW5D, DW-1, TB 1/28 Login 15613 VTSR 1/29/93 Smnples: MW4S, MW5S, S68831, S-68916, TB 1/29 Login 15634 VTSR 2/1/93 Samples: PW001, PW002, PW004, PW005, PW006, TB 2/I Volatile analysis was performed utilizing Method 601/602. Samples were analyzed within holding thnes. Calibrations and blanks met QC requirements. No qualifiers were required. Metal analysis was performed by using Method 6010. All QC requirements were met and no qualifiers were required. Leachate parameters were analyzed for in accordance with the specified methods. All holding times were met and no qualifiers were required. All data is 100% contractually compliant and data is deemed valid and usable. 37730/1 1027 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Sample Matrix VOA M~tals Leachat~ MW ! S Water OK OK OK MW ! D Water OK OK OK MW3D Water OK OK OK MW6D Water OK OK OK Mvq7s Water OK OK OK MW7D Water OK OK OK MW2D Water OK OK OK MW2S Water OK OK OK MW6S Water OK OK OK MW4D Water OK OK OK MW5 D Water OK OK OK MW4S Water OK OK OK MW5S Water OK OK OK DWI Water OK OK OK TB 1/28 Water OK NA NA S68831 Water OK OK OK S68916 Water OK OK OK TB 1/29 Water OK NA NA PW001 Water OK OK OK PW002 Water OK OK OK PW004 Water OK OK OK PW005 Water OK OK OK PW006 Water OK OK OK TB 2/1 Water OK NA NA 3773G/I 1027