HomeMy WebLinkAboutTest Pit Waste Delineation ReportI I I I I I I I ! ! TEST PIT WASTE DELINEATION REPORT Southold Landfill, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York I I I Ovirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers NOVEMBER 1998 · 1314\G0609803.DOC(R01 ) TEST PIT AND WASTE DELINEATION REPORT SOUTHOLD LANDFILL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK NOVEMBER 1998 Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 TEST PIT AND WASTE DELINEATION REPORT SOUTHOLD LANDFILL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 TEST PIT PROGRAM ........................................................................................... 1 2.1 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris .................................................................................. 7 2.2 Delineation and Mapping of Municipal Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris ............................................................. 7 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................... 10 List of Appendices Dally Field Activity Reports .................................................................................. A Test Pit Logs and Test Pit Profiles .......................................................................... B Air Monitoring Forms ............................................................................................. C Daily Equipment Calibration Logs ......................................................................... D List of Figures List of Tables 2-1 Existing Topography, Limits of Waste and Existing Groundwater Monitoring Well Locations (Pocket following page) .................................. 1 2-2 Former Landfill Waste Disposal Map ......................................................... 9 2-1 Summary of Description of Test Pits .......................................................... 3 · 1314\G0609803.DOC(R01 ) i 1.0 INTRODUCTION A total of 87 test pits have been constructed within the Southold Landfill property boundary. Several separate test pit programs were conducted. Between March 23 and 31, 1995, 60 test pits were constructed to gain subsurface information to aid in the delineation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and construction and demolition debris (C&D). In November 1997, 6 test pits were constructed, and in January 1998, 11 test pits were constructed to better define the limits of waste along the southern boundary of the landfill. In June 1998, 10 additional test pits were constructed in the former scavenger waste lagoon and the northwest comer of the landfill to define the limits of waste in these areas. The results of the test pit programs were utilized to map the limits of waste which have been used in development of the Final Closure Plan for the landfill and land use plan for the property. In addition, the results of the test pit programs were used to determine the feasibility of consolidation of waste as part of landfill closure. 2.0 TEST PIT PROGRAM Seventy-seven test pits were constructed at 60 locations (TP-1 through TP-60). Where additional test pits were constructed in the same general area, they were labeled TP-#A, B, C, etc. Ten subsequent test pits were constructed at ten separate locations in June 1998 in the former scavenger waste lagoon and the northwest comer of the landfill. These test pits were identified as TP-NWRB-1 through TP-NWRB-5 and TP-SWL-I through TP-SWL-5. On the northern, southern and eastern portions of the landfill, test pits were constructed along the perimeter of the existing waste mass. On the westem portion of the landfill, test pits were constructed along the waste mass, as well as on an approximate 200 by 200-foot grid (where possible) to gain a better understanding of historical landfilling practice. Test pit locations are depicted in Figure 2-1. The test pits ranged from 5 to 15 feet in depth and from 8 to over 100 feet in length, and typically were a backhoe bucket width wide (approximately 3 to 4 feet). Depth in several of the · 1314\G0609804.DOC(R03) - 1- ~.~3/ -' / COX'S LAI',/~ ~~--: T/CASING ,, t~ ': ~ ~ ~¢ ' ' / ~ r~- / , ~[ ~,, (DEFINED / % ..... ,, ,., ,, ., , ,,. ,*,, , , ,~ Ut / ~', , n,, ..... * , k ~ '.'. 5(wAs~>8') ~ ~' ~' , ,'~', ' ' j:-. ,: % ' ' ~~-~__~.-~, Joseph Scho .... ,, , ,, , -, ~ ~(~*CEOF ~ ¢ , , , ~ w*s~~~', ......... ~ - ~b~ ~ '~'(~E~"~ // '%' ~. x ,~ ,',~ ':,: '>"~ ~ N %%' , ,.,.,,~,,: , ,,~',;,~,,,' .,,, J :' :,. ~ l ., '_~ .* .:, .~ ' ~ ,:~,, ' (w~s~ ', 7 " , ~ . v , -- . o %,~, ~o ~ -- ~/' ' ~ ' ' '% , * e , ~a, Z ~~~~ , ~'.~% ~ ~[~j I~- T/OASING I I I LIMIT OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WA~E/ ~' ' ' ' ~ ~ ' 'r, .~~- DEMOLITION DEBRIS ~ ~ , , z_~ ., .., .... , ~ ,. AND ,., ~~ ~ ' . I ~ ~' '%'---- ~ ,r ~ . ¢ '" ~ ~/ % .. -- % ~ ~ ~ M "~%~ = % * TEST PIT LOCATION NOT SU~V~ED, 13 (WASE >6) .................... / ; ~ - ~~ ~~'. ~ _ ~ ~~ : ' ~ ~] o I ], '~ % ON MAP BASED ON FIELD M~UREMENTS , S~-I WAS~ TO 6) g65.~3' ' ~~~~ ~ .~ ' ~-,~,,o . ~ f~ ~:~3 ' ~ EXISTING MONITORtNG WELL APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF WASTE B~EEN 17 (WAS~ >6')~ THICKNESS OF 0 AND 5 ~ ' 23D (WAS~ >5)- -23A (~EFINED LIMI~ ~ N55 4~ O0"W ' ~ J 2~c (w~s~ >~') ~2~ (w~s~ TO e') "~ 22,~5' ,",', ~ NOTE: SURV~ AND TOPOGRAPHY OBTAINE~ FRO~ SUR~ PREPARE~ / ~2~B (~AS~ >5') ~Y YOUN~ · YOUNG ~ND SURV~ORS, DECEMBER 199,7 // uow o~ former~ ~r~nk j Mcbride ' 0 ~0o' ~', , ~",, ~C~E: 1"~ 100t' , UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ~DITION TOWN O~ SOUTHOLD 1~1~ TO TH~S eOCU~NT ~S ~ WO~T~O~ O~ SUFFO~ O0~UN~, NEW YORK ' ', '~, EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY, LIMITS OF WASTE ' EDUCATION ~W. I'O) AND EXISTING GROUNDWATER MONITORING Nov~.~.,0.. 2'1:,,, ~c,,.~,~.,,~, i ~ SOUTHOLD ~NDFILL FINAL CLOSURE P~N WELL LOC IIONS , ' ,' DVlRKA AND BARTILUCCl s~: ~ES~N~O ~. CH~C~O BY CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~ NO~ED ' A DIVISION OF ~LLI~ F. COSULICH ASSOCIATe. P,C. ~'r test pits was limited due to buried C&D. Test pits constructed along the perimeter of the landfill boundary were typically shallow, since their purpose was to delineate the horizontal limit of MSW or C&D. The interior test pits were typically constructed deeper than the perimeter test pits, since their purpose was to delineate the thickness of MSW for purposes of possible waste consolidation (see Figure 2-1). The majority of the test pits were constructed with a John Deere 710R Backhoe with a bucket reach of 20 feet. The most recent test pits were constructed using a 755 Ford Backhoe also with a reach of 20 feet. During the excavations, the clean surface soil was placed separately from the waste material to the extent possible and replaced during backfilling in the reverse order. During each test pit excavation, logging was conducted to document the waste and geologic characteristics of each test pit, and included a sketch of a cross section with a description of the test pit contents and dimensions, and also the location of the test pit. A description of the work performed daily was reported on Daily Activity Reports contained in Appendix A. (Note: Daily Field Activity Reports are only provided for work completed in 1995 and 1997.) Test Pit Logs are included in Appendix B. In addition, photographs were taken to record the contents of the test pits. Following test pit excavation and documentation, waste and soil were backfilled and graded with a payloader. Finally, each test pit was staked for possible later return for additional waste definition or survey. Table 2-1 provides a summary description of each test pit, including dimensions and contents. Visual descriptions were additionally sketched on Test Pit Profiles (cross sections) which are also included in Appendix B following each Test Pit Log. The Test Pit Logs include a location sketch. Air monitoring was performed during the test pit excavations with a portable organic vapor analyzer (OVA). Air monitoring readings were measured from the open test pits and above the test pits in the breathing zone where elevated readings from the test pit (greater than 1000 parts per million) were observed. Elevated OVA readings were observed in the test pits with high · 1314\G0609804.DOC(R03) -2- I I I Table 2-1 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL TEST PIT PROGRAM SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF TEST PITS Test Pit Number TP-1 TP-IA TB-1B TP-1C TP-2 TP-2A TP-2B TP-3 TP-4 TP-5 TP-5A TP-6 TP-7 TP-8 TP-9 TP-10 TP-10A TP-11 TP-12 TP-13 TP-14 TP-15 TP-16 Dimensions Length x Depth x Width 15'x 8'x4' 16'x 6'x4' 20' x 6'x4' 25'x 7' x4' 15'x 6'x 5' 28'x 5'x 5' 22'x 6' x 6' 35'x 5'x6' 36'x 14' x 5' 75'x 8'x 15' 15'x7'x6' 15'x 6'x4' 31'x8'x5' 30'x 6'x4' 48' x9'x 4' 30'x 7'x4' 40' x 6.5' x 4' 35'x 7'x 4' 95'x5'x4' 105' x 5'x4' 10' x 10' x 3' 14'x 12' x 3' 12'x8'x3' Description of Test Pit Material (in order of descending content) MSW C&D, organic silt, sand MSW C&D, organic silt, sand MSW sand, organic silt, C&D Sand MSW, organic silt, C&D C&D organic silt, sand, MSW C&D organic silt, sand, MSW C&D sand, organic silt, MSW Sand, MSW, organic silt, C&D C&D, organic silt, sand, MSW Sand, C&D, organic silt, MSW Sand, C&D, organic silt, MSW Native sand Sand, MSW, organic silt, C&D MSW, sand, organic silt, C&D Sand, MSW, C&D, organic silt C&D, organic silt, sand, MSW Sand, MSW, organic silt, C&D, clay Sand, C&D, MSW, clay, organic silt Sand, MSW, C&D, clay, organic silt C&D, organic silt, MSW, sand MSW, organic silt, sand MSW, organic silt, sand, C&D MSW, sand, C&D, organic silt · 1314\G0609804.DOC(R03) -3- I I I i I I ,I i,I ! '! ! ! I I I :1 I Table 2-1 (continued) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL TEST PIT PROGRAM SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF TEST PITS Test Pit Number TP-17 TP-18 TP-19 TP-20 TP-21 TP-22 TP-23 TP-23A TP-23B TP-23C TP-23D TP-24 TP-25 TP-25A TP-25B TP-25C TP-26 TP-27 TP-28 TP-29 TP-29A TP-29B Dimensions Length x Depth x Width 20'x 6'x Y 12'x9'x4' 12'x9'x4' 32'x6'x6' 30'x7'x 5' 10'x 10'x Y 12'x6'x 3' 18'x 6'x 3' 10'x5'xY ll'x5'xY 10'x5'xY 20'x6'xY 15'x7'xY 10'x6'xY 14'x6'xY 8'x5'xY 35'x 6'x4' 10'x6'xY 8'x9'xY 20; x 6' x 4' 20'x 6'x4' 8'x6'x4' Description of Test Pit Material (in order of descending content) MSW, organic silt, sand, C&D Sand, MSW, organic silt Sand, MSW, organic silt, C&D C&D, sand Sand, MSW, organic silt, C&D Sand, burned MSW, clay, asphalt Burned MSW, ash, sand and organic silt, asphalt, C&D Sand, ash Burned MSW, ash, sand and organic silt, C&D Burned MSW, ash, sand and organic silt, C&D Asphalt, ash, C&D, sand Sand, organic silt, MSW MSW, organic silt and sand, C&D MSW, sand, organic silt Sand, organic silt, asphalt MSW, sand, ash, organic silt Sand, asphalt, C&D, organic silt Sand, clay, MSW, asphalt Sand, clay, asphalt Sand, MSW, organic silt MSW, organic silt, sand MSW, organic silt, sand · 131 ~-\G0609804.DOC(R03) -4- Table 2-1 (continued) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL TEST PIT PROGRAM SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF TEST PITS Test Pit Number TP-30 TP-31 TP-32 TP-33 TP-34 TP-35 TP-35A TP-36 TP-37 TP-38 TP-39 TP-40 TP-41 TP-42 TP-43 TP-44 TP-45 TP-46 TP-47 TP-48 TP-49 TP-50 TP-51 Dimensions Length x Depth x Width 10'x7'x3' 8'x7'x4' 15'x 10' x 4' 12'x9'x 5' 8'x9'x5' ll'x 14' x 4' 12'x6'x 8' 14'x7'x7' 10'x 13' x 5' 10'x 6'x4' 10'x 14' x 4' 13'x 10'x 5' 10'x 5'x3' 10'x7'x 3' 8'x 5'x5' 45' x 10' x 4' 37'x4'x4' 68'x 9'x4' 84'x9'x 8' 75'x 10'x 8' 12'x 8'x4' 15'x 11' 15'x 8' Description of Test Pit Material (in order of descending content) Burned MSW, ash, sand, organic silt, clay MSW, organic silt, sand MSW, sand, organic silt, clay MSW, organic silt, sand MSW, sand, organic silt, C&D C&D (wood), organic silt and sand, MSW C&D (wood), sand, organic silt, MSW Peat (compost), sand, organic silt, MSW Compost, MSW, organic silt, sand Compost, organic silt, MSW Sand, burned MSW, ash, organic silt MSW, sand, organic silt, clay Burned MSW, ash, sand, organic silt, asphalt Sand, burned MSW, ash, organic silt C&D, sand C&D (concrete), MSW, sand MSW, sand, C&D Sand, MSW, C&D (concrete) Sand, clay, burned MSW, C&D Clay, sand, MSW Sand, trace burned MSW Sand Sand · 1314\G0609804.DOC(R03 ) -5- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 2-1 (continued) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL TEST PIT PROGRAM SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF TEST PITS Test Pit Dimensions Number Length x Depth x Width TP-52 15' x 10' TP-53 15' x 10' TP-54 20' x 15' TP-55 15' x 13' TP-56 25' x 13' TP-57 15' x 12' TP-58 15' x 11' TP-59 15' x 10' TP-60 50' x 12' TP-NWRB-1 60' x 9' x 3' TP-NWRB-2 60' x 9' x 3' TP-NWRB-3 55' x 13' x 3' TP-NWRB-4 62'x 12' x 3' TP-NWRB-5 35' x 7.5' x 3' TP-SWL-1 14' x 10' x 10' TP-SWL-2 10' x 5' x 3' TP-SWL-3 25' x 12.5' x 3' TP-SWL-4 10' x 15' x 3' TP-SWL-5 15' x 15.5' x 3' Notes: MSW - Municipal Solid Waste C&D - Construction and Demolition Debris Description of Test Pit Material (in order of descending content) Sand, clay Sand C&D, sand Sand, trace C&D, trace MSW C&D, sand Sand C&D, sand Sand, clay, C&D C&D, sand, clay, trace MSW Sand, silty clay, sand Metal debris, sand, some black stained clay Metal debris, C&D, blacked stained clayey sand Metal debris, C&D, blacked stained clayey soil Metal debris, C&D, blacked stained clayey soil Metal debris, C&D, sand MSW and C&D mixed with black stained sand Metal debris, MSW and C&D mixed with black sand Metal debris, MSW and C&D, mixed with black stained sandy clay Metal debris, C&D mixed with sand, C&D mixed with black stained soil, sand · 1314\G0609804.DOC(R03) -6- ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSW content. These elevated readings are attributable to methane gas. Subsequent OVA readings were measured downwind of these test pits to ensure that the ambient air did not exhibit elevated readings. All measurements are documented in the Air Monitoring Forms contained in Appendix C. The OVA was calibrated daily, and calibration times and results are documented in the Dally Equipment Calibration Logs included in Appendix D. (Note: Air Monitoring Forms and Daily Equipment Calibration Logs are only provided for work competed in 1995 and 1997.) 2.1 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris Inspection of material excavated from the test pits revealed primarily two types of wastes: MSW and C&D. Characterization of the MSW and C&D is documented in the Test Pit Logs and Profiles (Appendix B). MSW typically consisted of household wastes in plastic bags, and in some areas was comprised of burned waste material and ash. Household waste is regarded as organic waste and includes decomposed food wastes, kitchen scraps and other residential-type wastes, such as newspaper and other paper products. C&D was comprised of mainly concrete (in many forms ranging from small pieces of concrete to very large steel reinforced concrete slabs), metal scraps and appliances, steel rebar, plastic tarps, glass, wood (including tree trunks, roots, logs, planks, boards, paneling and charred wood), sheetrock, carpeting and asphalt. In most locations, the wastes were covered with soil or wood chips. In addition, compost material was observed in some of the central test pits and consisted of decomposing leaves and tree debris. 2.2 Delineation and Mapping of Municipal Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris Due to the diverse history of landfilling practices within the Southold Landfill property boundary, exact delineation of MSW and C&D is difficult. Although specific areas within the landfill are known to contain certain waste materials, many areas are comprised of a combination of wastes. The test pit program was conducted primarily to determine the limits of MSW and C&D, and also the areas where the wastes are 5-foot and less in depth for evaluation of possible consolidation as part of landfill closure. Although, in general, the density of test pits provided sufficient coverage of the landfill for mapping the limits of waste, several areas were mapped · 1314\G0609804.DOC(R03) -7- I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I i I I I with limited data. These areas with limited information were inaccessible either due to steep slopes or coverage with asphalt which is impenetrable with the backhoe. Based on available information, existing gas migration control trenches are present along portions of the northern, western and southern perimeter of the landfill. The trenches vary from approximately 5 to 10 feet in width and 8 to 10 feet in depth, and mn parallel to and within 20 feet of the property fence lines. The trenches are filled with concrete, asphalt and other bulky wastes with the exception of the trench at the northern perimeter which has not been filled. In general, the northeastern portion (or quadrant) of the landfill (south of the former borrow area) contains a mix of MSW and C&D. Figure 2-2 depicts the general areas of waste types. The southeastern quadrant (north of the collection center facilities) is comprised of almost entirely MSW (except where C&D covers the eastern boundary slope and in the methane venting trench). The northwestern quadrant contains scrap metal and appliances (primarily in the northwestern comer) directly north of the former scavenger waste lagoon. The scavenger waste in this lagoon was removed in mid-1986, according to Town of Southold personnel. The northwestern quadrant of the landfill does not contain a high percentage of MSW. The interior of this northwestern portion is a combination of land clearing and composting debris, including leaves, tree trunks, logs and branches, most of which is the result of storm cleanup, and lesser percentages of MSW and C&D. The southwestern portion of the landfill contains primarily MSW with C&D along with the western boundary in the methane venting trench. Further south in the southwestern quadrant, especially directly south of the power lines (and slightly to the north), much of the waste is burned MSW. The limits of waste were mapped based on observations at the landfill (surface features, such as sloped, mounded areas), test pit excavations and discussion with Town of Southold personnel. The limits of waste generally follow the east, west, and north (excluding the former borrow area) boundaries of the landfill. The interior test pits constructed on the westem half of the landfill on an approximate 200 by 200-foot grid provided additional information in this area. The test pit locations are depicted in Figure 2-1 and the depth of the material observed is · 1314\G0609804,DOC(R03 ) -8- mm mm mm m m mm mm mm m ,m m m .m m ~m I1 LAND CLEARING DEBRIS, CONSTRUCTION R DEMOLITION DEBRIS, MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AND COMPOST ~FORMER BURN Af FORMER MAIN SCAVENGER WASTE LJ FORMER SOUTH SCAVENGER WASTE LAGOON-- II II I I FORMER ~IINING ARE \, ~ CONSTRUCTION 8 x, \ DEMOLITION DEBRIS ", ~ AND MUNICIPAL x \ SOLID WASTE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES OIL 9TORAGE TANKS CONSTRUCTION I1 DEMOLITION DEBRIS AND BURNED MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (OLD LANDFILL AREA AND FORMER BURN AREA) STORAGE GARAGE \~0 % CEN~I~TION -- WELSHING STATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ~ Dvirko and Bortilucci FORMER LANDFILL n o'~ c?...,..~_~.. .... .,.. , WASTE DISPOSAL MAP I 1 SCALE IN FEET O I00 EO0 EOO FIGURE indicated next to each test pit location. The limits of waste mapped between the test pits are approximate limits and are dashed. The approximate 5-foot thickness of waste was contoured and also dashed where data was limited. Limits of waste mapped between the test pits of considerable distance are dashed with question mark notations. These areas are extrapolated with a higher degree of uncertainty than the dashed contours. C&D waste has been used as a cover for the MSW, especially along the perimeter sloped areas. Wood chips have been used extensively as a cover for the C&D piles. The limits of C&D are essentially the same as the limits of MSW, however, the percentage of C&D is much lower in the southeast quadrant of the landfill. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are based upon the results of the test pit program: Except for the southeast quadrant and northwest comer of the landfill, buried waste comprises a combination of MSW and C&D. The southeast quadrant comprises essentially all MSW. The northwest comer comprises predominantly large metal debris. The area of buried waste comprises approximately 34 acres. Based upon a 5-foot depth of waste being a break point for cost-effective waste consolidation, there is little opportunity for consolidation of waste at the landfill. This is likely due to the steeply sloped sides of the excavation. In all areas of the landfill exclusive of the area of the borrow pit and collection center, waste extends essentially to the property line. For the most part, buried waste is present in both the floors and eastern side walls of the scavenger waste lagoons. · 1314\G0609804.DOC(R03) - 10- Appendix A / I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I i I I ~ 1314\T040650 l .DOC APPENDIX A DALLY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORTS d50VIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Field Log Book Page Number: Project: ~"- ~'~x~ ~ Address: C ,, {'-~k.~ ~*, Weather: (AM) (PM): Project Number: } ~ i °i ~ Date: Rainfall: Temperature: (AM) ) ~' °F WmdSpeed: (AM) {!; MPH (AM) 0 Inches (PM) Inches Wind DirecUon: (AM) PM) ~/iv' Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Arrival Departur~ Subcontractor Wofl~ Cofiunencement: Subcontractor Work Co~ul,lelio~ (AM) (AM) (PM) (PM) I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work performed today by subcontractor(s) (includes equipment and labor breakdown}: I ! I I I I AND I 8ARTILUCCl DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT ! I List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): I 'T~,~ I.~ ,,~ ~.~. '- ~A../ ~,- ~.~,~.~.( ~ List type and location of tests performed and results (include equipment used and momtormg results): I ! ! Verbal comments t~:~i~d f:txnn subcontractor (include consmiction and testin~ problems, and r~cornme~latioas/resul~-g action): P~p~edby: Reviewed by: I I i i I I I I I i 1 I il i t I d OVIRKA AND BART~LUCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: al. Field Log Book Page Number: Project: 5~ ~.~c;~o~ (.. ~ Project Number: Date: ~ / z_ ~/9~' Address: Weather: (AM) (PM): Rainfall: (AM) ~ Inches (PM)~ Inches Temperature: IA~ ~:~ °F iPM') ~ts'-3'o °F Wind Speed: (AM) .s- -/a ~ Wind Di~CUon: ~AM} ~1 ~ Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Axrival Depart~e Subcontractor Woflc~ceme~: Subcomractor Work~o..~leiion: (AM) (AM) (PM) (PM) DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work pedormed today by subcontractorls) (includes equipment and labor breakdown): ! i ! i I BARTILUCCI DATE: m DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT General work pefformed today by D&B: Co.,~/~'.:~ /'<~/- /,'/L~ ~ ~ / /C../ 7 ./ / ,1 List specific inspectionis) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): 7'~ ~,~ ,,,~,,,?'<,'/..'f /,,- ,~,"',~./"l (%"""'~) ''''~ I I! I List type and location of tests performed and results (include equipmem used and monitoring results): ! Verbal comments received from subconn'actor (include construction and testing problems, and r~comm--a,,tlons/r~suitl-~ L--don): ~/~ I! Prepared by: I DB-DFAR Reviewed by: i BARTILUCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: '~ Project Number: I )~ u~ ~ Date: Field Log Book Page Number: {~;)c. ~;'-~, to~b0~f-- ~p~,,c~) ?. 33 Project: Addi'ess: Weather: (AM') (PM): Rainfall: (AM) + Inches (PM) Inches Temperature: (AM) ~ '~ °F WindSpeed: (AM) ipMr) S-C -~$ oF ~PIVD Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Subcontractor Work C~rnent: (AM) Subcontractor Wo~ Co_~aletion: (AM) Amval 7~'c Depa~re (PM) (PM) DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work performed today by subcontractor(s) (includes equipment and labor breakdown): !1 I I I I I I DB-DFAR AND BARTILUCCI DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT ! ! List spe~fic inspection(s) pefforrned and results (include problems and co~ective actions): c4 ~ ~-~*: I/~,, ~ I I I ! List D'pe and location of tern performed and results (include equipment used and monitoring results): I Verbal comments received from~ubcontractor (includ~ consu~ction and te,~ing problems, and rec~ons/remddng ~ion): I Prepar~ by: d~, ~',-~, Reviewed by: d) DVIRKA ANO BARTILUCCl DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: ~ Field Log Book Page Number: Project: .(~,~., ¥¼~t J LF' Project Number: I 3 ~ ~ ~ Date: Address: (. ~rl. Noj~t , ~f. Weather: (AM) (PM): Rainfall: (AM) 0 Inches (PM) ~ Inches Temperature: (AM) ] 5 oF WindSl~ed: (AM) (PM') yo oF o - 2. ~ Wind Dit~clioa: ( AM} At' 0- ~/ IV[PR (PM} /Ct Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Arrival Departure T~me Time Subcom:ractor Wo~ff~fi~cement: Subcomxactor Wo~lefion: . (AM) (AM) (PM) (PM) d DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl DATE: DALLY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work performed today by subcontractoris) (includes equipment and labor breakdown): I I I I i I I I I DB-DFAR DV~RKA AND BARTILUCCl DATE: ..~/Z g/f$ DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT I.~ specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): I I I and location of testa performed and reaults (include equipment used and momtoring res~dt$): I I i I I Verbal comments re~iv~i from subcontractor (include construction and testing problems, and rt~omme~a .-or~r~lti~ ac=on). i Pxt~aazed by: ~ ~' ~)' Reviewed by: IDB-I:~Ag dDVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: ~' Field Log Book Page Number: Project: '~o,..fko[.~ L-~' Project Number: Date: (PM): 35-* Temperature: (AM) °F (PM') ~ Rainfall: (AM) (PM) Wind Spell: (AM) ~ MPH Wiml Di~ction: (PM)~' ~ Inches Inches (AM) (PM) Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Name Subcontractor Wozk~cement: Subconu-actor Wo~_~(npletiom Arrival Depam~re (AM) (AM) (PM) (PM) 0VIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work pert'ormed today by subcontractor(s) (includes equipment and labor breakdown): ! I I I I I d DVIRKA BARTILUCCl DATE: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT General work perfonned today by D&B: (._~dr~c~ ~e~J~ ~;~ 2~-(~,~ IL ~ 13., {~/ ~,~:~ ! I List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): List type and location of tests performed and r~sults (include equipment us~i and monitoring results): I Verbal comments re~ived .".om subcomxactor (include construction and t~ting problems, and recommendmio~ ~tion): I I I Pl~pared by: ~,/4], O' Reviewed by: Weber: (AM) ~ ~e,~5~, R~'. (AM) ~ ~ch~ ~ (PM)' . ~ (~) ~ch~ ~ Site Con~fion: ~v~ P~el ~ Site: I I I I ,, ~ S~on~or Wo~ ~~. d DVlRKA AND BARTILUCCl DATE: DAII.Y FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work performed today by subcontractor(s) (includes equipment and labor breakdown): I I I I I I DB-DFAR d]DVIRKA BARTILUCCI DAT~: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): iI I I List type and location of tests performed and remits (include equipment used and monitoring results): I I [ r,~omm,,nd~o~,i~ act~om: Verbal comments received from suloconwactor (include conzmiction and testing pioblems, and I I I Prepared by: ~ Reviewed by: db DVIRKA AHD 8ARTILUCCI 7 Report Numbe~: Field Log Book Page Number: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT project Number: t b~ ~'~ ,. Date: 0 R~ff~l.: (AM') ~ Inche~ (PM) Inches Site Condition: Personnel On Site: Arrival Subcontractor Work Cg~mencement: Subcontractor Work~mpietion: (AM) (AM) (PM) (PM) I I I I dDVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DATE; DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work performed today by subcontractorl s) (includes equipment and labor breakdown): I I I i I I I DB-DFAR DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT I ~t s~c ~on(s) ~omd ~d ~ (m~lude probl~ ~d co--lye action) I I I Reviewed by: m DB-DFAR DAILY FIELD ACTXWTYY REPORT Report Numt~: Field Log Book Page Number:. ~e~ (~1: Temper: Site tone, on: P~o~l On Site: , Project Numi:~--r:. Date: Arrival I I I Subconn-actor Woxk Comm,~-,-,aent: I Subcontractor Work Compledon: (Aid) . - ' I: DB-DFAR ~7 (AlVl3 ,-t. ~o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I OVtRKA AND BARTILUCC~ DAT~: DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Work per/ormed today b7 subconttacto~ls) (/ncludes equ/pmen~ and labor bteakdowm: DB-DFAR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I dDVlI~ BAR'I1LUCC{ DATI~: I DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT General work perfonned today by D~B: List specific inspection(s) performed and t_suits (include problems and con~-ctive acuons): L.~t typ~ and locauon of tests pedorrned and ~usuium (include equ/pment used and mon/tormg VeFoai comments received fi'om subconu-actor (include ,.oh..h,,ction and testing pioblems, and recommc~d~ion.~ui~! amou): Reviewed by:. - e~m. uc~ DArLy FIELD Ac'n'VITY REPORT Report Numbs. _ Fie. ld Lo~ Book P~e Number:.. (P~: (PM) Condition: ,, P~r~onnel On $iw.: I I I Subconwac~or Work Commencemenl: Subconwd~or W'orir Compl~ioa: DR-DFAR (AM) (AM) AND DAT~; BARTILUCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Wofl~ performod today by subcontractor(s) (includes equipment and labor breakdown): dk BARTILUCCI DAilY: DAILY FIELD Ac'rIvrrY REPORT General work performed today by D&B: List specific inspection(s) performed and ~esulcs (include problen~, and corrective actions): I.~ ~/pe and Iocalion of tests performed and results (include equipment used and monitoring results): Ve~oal co~ received from mbcon~-ac~or (include construction and ~e.~ing problems, ar~ recommendafions/~sulfin$ aciion): Prepared by: l~view~ by: DB-DFAR Appendix B I I ! i :1 ! I I I I I I I I I I ! .1314XT0406501.DOC APPENDIX B TEST PIT LOGS AND TEST PIT PROFILES I I I i ! I I I I I 1 I I I I I .D~l~l~ AND BAi~I'~UC~I TEST PIT LOg ~-~)JECT NO./NAN'~ I~)~H J~ / c~oo~rkot~l IN~i:~-CTOI~/OfP~ ]). 0 ~ r~ouick LOCA'RON srA~T/~.4 DAI~ INm~/AL OVA I I i I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Project Sample(s) Interval(s) N th Project Number [3Lq Test Pit Number Ti)- I I I ! I I 1 I I I 0 >~" L ! 8o?° ~,,,,~cit,,.t Sol.,J u~,,~k. (/~sw) 4',-,,,,,,. / Remarks ~%Vu ;5 ¥.c,¥,~.~';L',( o,"~*.,,,'C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! dDVIRKA AND BAI~TH. UCCI TEST PIT LOG' 1~1' ~ L~All(~N SI(~"tCH LOCATION ' 6 , tO , It ~ t2 t4 t~ I I 1 DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~,~.o ici Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number ! i I I I I t Remarks ! I i I ! I ! I 1 I I I ! L D ~lltl~A AND BAitTILUCCI . '1 PI"~JECT NO./NAME 13\~ ~ / ~ou+kot~l I~T~/~ TEST PIT LOG ~ ~ LOCA11C~ ~ErcH MA~ N I SAMPLE I OVA DEP11-I INterVAL ~ ! 9 , 10 · 14 L ~ DVIRI~t n r'm ~ ~ BARTILUCCl Project (~o,.-F[-,o I.c[ V~,,.cl ~ L[ Sample(s) Inte~al(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number Rema~s I ! I 1 i 1 DVmKA AND BAi[TILUCCI TEST PFF LOG ,~s~,,%~o_.t c. R"~J ECT NO./NAJVI~ EXCAVATOI~/~QUIPI~fC.F~/OP~J%ATOI~ LOCAnON T~ ~ff LOCA~CN S~EfCH ~ ~( b-rAl~'~l'~l DAI'~ :PIT i 1 ! i i i i !I OVA X,--'t ~ 0o-NLo ~,~) DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~ ~ ~ +t.,,o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number TP-tC tOd 2-.~' ' Remarks I I I i DVIRKA AND BARTII. UCCl Project ~o~.-~0 ~.cj, L-~ ~ I.I Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number t ~{.u( 1~ Test Pit Number "~'P - ~ i ! I i I ! I I I I ! I TP-~- Rema~s DVI~I[~ AND BARTI~UCCI I 1 I I i I I I I I I I Pff~C)JECT NO./NAM~ TEST PIT LOG LOcA'nON L~,,d ~'~L ~ IN~PECTOR/C~FICE TES'T I~/LOCAI~ ~/~/CH MAI~ ~.~'/IqNl~ DAT~ ~1~(~ i i DVIRKA AND BARTILLICCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project (j ,~,~-~ ~,o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number ! ! i I I I I I 1 DV1RILA AND BART~UCCI TEST PIT LOG LOCAtiON ,! I i i I I DVIRKA AND BART1LUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~o~,~k,o Ici 1..~.~n [~ Project Number Sample(s) Interval(s) Test Pit Number I i I I I i I I I I I I I I 5 Rema~s I i I I I I i I I I I I I I ! I i I AND BARTILUCCI P~OJ6CT NO./NAI~ ~CAVAT~~/O~T~ I~TO~/~ ~ I~T LC)CA'II~ ~(ErcH ~ ~J I STAI{T/~'.,~.~ DAT~ SAMITE OVA INdia'S/Al. ~ 3 6 ,,? I ,J~ DVIRKA ~ ~ .A.T,-UCC, TEST PIT PROFILE :1 ~ Project ~,-Fk, o [.c[ ~.uxdl{~ L~ Project Number ISample(s) Inte~al(s)~---- Test Pit Number ! I I i Rema~s I I I ! i I i I ! ! ! ! I I I I i ! CDVmKA AND BARllLUCCI TEST PIT LOG LOCAlION 1tog. IN~i~-CTORIOFI:IC~ CoNDmc~P~ SAMPLE OVA DEP~-I IN[I:~/AL ~ D~'$C~Ig]~I 0t: [VIAj[~J~dAI.S - 11 , 1~ I I I I I I OVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Sample(s) Inte~/el($) Project Number Test Pit Number i I I I i I I I I I I I I TP- ur Rema~s b-rAm'/lqf~l DAI~ mNJDePTFL I I I I I ! ! I I I ! I I I I I I ! DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~: ;,.~ko Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remarks I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I BARTILUCC~ TEST PIT LOG P~OJECT NO./NAM~ D-O~r~o~ick LOCATION Z.u ~os I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! DVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remarks I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DVT~KA AND BARTILUCCI lEST Pff NO. P~S)JECT NO./N~J~I~ 13~H .~. / c. ou+kolol TEST PIT LO~ ,~AnON p. ~ Pn' LOCA11~ SKETCH MAP CC~q~TrO~ OF -8 , tO t2 OVA / .7/ OV~RKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~ ~.J~,o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Rema~s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DVliI~A AND ~Ai~TILUCCI TEST PIT LOG ~EST PtT J~; '7 PROJECT NO./NAME LO~AIlON INSI~-CTOIJ/OFFIC~ D- 0 ~ r~cJouic-k CONDII~C~ O~ I~T SAMPLE OVA - / ~ / tO ti t2 14 ~ DVIRKA ~ =T,.~, TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~,+-L,o Lc[ [.-a_,~J~ L~ Project Number Sample(s) Inte~al(s) _ ~~ Test Pff Number ~rA~"/FINffi~ DAI~ CC~O~ON OF PIT S~,', - S~ ~ L,~._ m OVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~¢~.+'~,o I,c[ ~,t.~-JJ~ Li Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number I '5 ~. u~ '~- Test Pit Number T¢-~' N 5 Remarks I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I DVIBKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT LOG I:~'¢OJECT NO./NAN~ I~H .,T-- / c.o~'t'kolcj ~XCAVAtOR/EC~m,~/~TOR LO~AllON 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 , OVA I.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I D~ BA~T~LUCCI T~I' Pti' r I PROJECT NO./~ ~tol~ INSi~-CTOR/OI~C~ TEST PIT LOG LOCAI1ON TE51' I~ LOCA'II(~N ~KE'rCH IvLa, P 7 , 10 , 11 , 13 OVA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~,.+'~o ~.c[ l_~j t~ ~ Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remarks I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I AND BART~LUCCI TEST PIT LOO SAMPLE OVA INi~,v'AL --0 -- t 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13 14 I I I I I OVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number I I ! I I I I I I I I I I Remarks I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I DVIRK, A AND BAI~TILUCC[ I ~r pff NO. P~OJECT NO.I~ TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE OVA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project Sample(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remarks PI"<OJECT NO./NA~VlE LOCA'~ON lto~. II,,IffiJ~TOR/OFlqC~ ~¥~,~,~co Sl'ARq'~ DA'I~ DEPIN SAMRE OVA I N. rI~FrPL i I I I I I I I I I I OVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~ ~..+ko Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number I I I I I T?-~ I Remarks I - I I I I i I I ' 2 , , , 6 7 8 9 lO 11 , 14 15 I N~ffi~pL I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE 1..~_~cl ~ [~ Project Number Test Pit Number ! I ! i I / I I ! I ? Rema~s d~ ov,~ AND ~Ai~TILUCCI TEST PIT L~ IN~I~.CTOI~/OF~RC~ I I {I I I I t I I Ii 12 OVA SI'Ai~'/~INI~I DAT~ :lwr OVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~+'~o Ici 1,_~c]~ ~.[ Project Number Test Pit Number Sample(s) Interval(s) i ! I I I I I I Rema~s I B~TI~UCC~ Pr~DJEOT NO./NAME I~TOI~/OFFI(~ p. 01~ r~louick TEST PIT LOG LOCAllON rest ~ LocAnc~ ~<ETCH ~ START~ DAI~ i I ! I I I 1 I l i I I I I I I i DVIRKA AND BART]LUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~j,~,..+'ko Sample(s) interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number $ © Remarks DVIIKA TI~ST PiT LOg I~5'T I=tT LC)CATI~ SI<~CH ~ ~ I /NAIv~ 13~H ~ I ~ou+Kotc, l Lc~J'~'tt LOCk,ON I~ ."(. II',EPECTm/Ot:R(~ p. O ~ r~ovick I I i I I I I I I I I I 1 ! i I I I I OVIRKA AND 8ARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~j j,~+'ko Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number T f- tS Remarks I I i I i I I I I i ! t I I I I I I L D VIRI~ AND BAilTILUCCI TEST PIT LO(3 Pf'~:)JECT NO./NAM[ LOCA~ON OVA 7 , 14 'rEST ~ LOcA'nc~ ~V, ETCH MAP ~.~¢ 0 I i I ! I I I I ! I il I I i I I DVIRKA AND EIARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~o~+'ko l'c[ Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number t Remarks ! I I I I I i I I ! I I I I I I I I AND BAi[T~UCCI I ~ST P~ L~ ~ P~; LOCAI10N 0 7 , 14 C~ L~.c~.~ OVA INm~ I i I I i i I ! I I I I I I I I I ! DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number T?-t'~ Rema~s BA~TILUCCI I I ! LOCATION ! ! I I I I I I I I I OVA (.j.rr..r' ~o;[ 3" ~,-o~ ) I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Li Project Number Test Pit Number ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I Rema~s iNSPECTOI~/~ 1 I I ! I I I I SAMFt.~ OVA 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~jo~,+ko Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Rema~s I I TEST PFF LOG I TEST PIT i.~._ 10 I PI"eDJECT NO./NAIvIE LOCAIION D-O b r~,~ovicJ',. DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Rema~s CDVIRILA AND BARTILUCCI PIT NO. TEST PIT LOC} PI"IOJEC? NO./NAIVI[ LOCAI1ON CONDITION 09 ~T SAMPLE OVA I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~jg~'{"'[",O Ici 1...~.~J~ {.i Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number t3tu, ~ T'P-z-[ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 ~0/ Remarks I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DvmlCA AND BAiITILUCCI TEST P nyq~o..& ~.. F~OJECT NO./NAIVlE La,,d n t TEST PIT LC~3 LOCA~ON Z.u ~os b"TAitT/~.~_~ DATE 31Z.'f OVA 3 ,7 , - 14 I' ?'"' I I I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~o~.+'ko ~.c~, ~t.~,~{~ [~ Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number TP-ZZ. I I I I I I I I I I I ~. (,,4.0))~ ~ fro?. Remarks E 'I'~.,~T PIT LO0 i, I~H :l:: / Sou+kotg "?LOP. D- LOCAllON OVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE m Project ~ o..Jclmo m Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Remarks T¢- ~-3 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INI~i:~-CTORIOFRC~ TEST PIT LOG LOCA~ON Z.~ ~os KJ OVA SCION I I I I il DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number ,T~-Z. 3 N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Remarks I I I I I OVIRKA AND BART1LUCC! Project ~+[-,o [ct` Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number tStq I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,D~litI(A AND BA~,I'ILUCC~ PIT NO. ~ TF-2~6 Pf"~OJE~T NO./NAME TEST PIT LOG IN$1:~-CTCI~IOFIqC~ SAMPl.~ OVA ~ ~-~; tf~ C ~[) ~ r~,~ 6 9 ~0 13 ~4 DVmlCA AND BARTILUCCI Pf~DJEC? NO,IN~t~ I 3~H ~. l ~o u~ck~j TEST PIT TEST I~T LOCAI1C~e N J'l / IN~I~C'rOR/OR:ICE SAMPLE OVA ~ ° c~ tL~c~[ - 7 10 11 [4 I I I I OVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I Remarks I I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DVIPAtA AND BA~T~LUCC~ TEST PIT L~ DATE , u , 2 6 OVA .' _.~¢. __~ II ! I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Project 5o ~+~,,o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number T~-23D Remarks I I ! t I ! i ! I I I i i 1 I I 1  D VlltI[A AND TEST PIT LO(} ILOCA110N o OVA _~_ .~,-~4 ~ Of= ~ DVIRKA ~ ('-h'! AND ~ BART1LUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~,~.J¢~,o Ici i..~,cJ ~ II Project Number Sample(s) Inte~al(s) _ . Test Pit Number T~-Z~ I 1 I I I I I I ) 2-0' Remarks ! t I I I I i I AND BARTILUCCI PI'~)JEC? NO./NAM~ TEST PIT LOG ~ ~ LOCA]ION ~KETCH MAP~ ,x I~(~.~.c o DA~ CONDffiONO~I=tT OVIRK~ AND BARTILUCC! TEST PiT PROFILE Project ~+-k,o I,c~ t_u.~cl ~ L[ Project Number Sample(s) Interval(s) Test Pit Number T~- I Rema~s I ! I I i l I I 1 I BA~TI~UCC~ TEST PIT L~ I::,~JECT NOdNAIVI[ LOCA~ION Z.u ~os t~; TFffU b~'AI~'/FINI~I DA~ I I l 1 i I I ! ! I I i ! ii I I t DVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~o~Jrko Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number T¢-zSA, Remarks DVIRI[.A BA~TILUCCI TEST PIT LOG I:~'~:)J~T NO,/NA~M~ I~ ~ / Sou+kot~ LOC, AnON DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project Cja.. J~-,o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Rema~s I I i I I I i I I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI NO./NAME TEST PIT LOG [ ~~ LOCAlION TEST I~' LOCA~:~I~ ~lt, LrrcH M~O INSI~-CTO~/OI~C~ 7-0 ~os ~; STAAg'/I:g~S~ DAI~ I I I I I I i I I I I I ! I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl TEST PiT PROFILE Project ~o ~.Jrk, o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remands STA.RT/RNI~I DAI~ ~/~o(~ CONCI~ON OF I:qT I I I I I I I I ii 1 c~, tl*c 1<.,.I OVA SC~¢ I I I i DVIRKA AND BART1LUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Project Cjo ,, J~k,o ~.c[, Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remarks DVn~CA AND BARTILUCC~ TEST PIT PROJECT NO./NAM[ INSI~-~TOR/OF:HC~ TEST PIT LO(] ~5'T I~T LOCA'IION ~ETCH ~ CONI:~K~ O~ RT OVA 8 DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Project 5 o,., Jr[-,,o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Tp-Z? o ~- to Remarks I I I I I I I I i I I I i t I I I I DVI~gA AND BA~T~LUCCI T~" P~' NO. [ Pf'~DJECT NO./NANI~ iN~ia~-CTOR/Ch~tC~ D- 0 ~ r~c[oui~k TEST PIT LOG LOCAnON ~ I~' LO~AnCN a(ETCH ~ OVA SC~EN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~) ~,+~,o ~.c [..tt.~,cl ~ {.i Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remarks I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i~ BAltTII. UCCI ~ pr~ NO. I ~JECT NO./NAIv~ I~TOR/~ p. O~r~Jouick TI~ST PIT LOG LOCAlION 7.,: hos v~.Co ' 4 ~5 SAMITE INI~RV~L OVA boo ! ! I ! DVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number I I I I I I I I I I I I Remarks I i I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I DV1Rg, A AND BA~TILUCC~ TI/ST PIT LOG ~OCATION SAMI4..E OVA INIJI~/AL ~ ' 1 2 3 4 , 6 7 8 10 Il 12 13 14 ' 15 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DVIRKA AND 8ARTILUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Project (j ~ ~,4-k,o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Rema~s I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _DVlIKA AND BA.RTILUCCI Pf"~DJECT NO./NAIg~ mxc^vArom/m~,.,'m~cn' I~TC~/~ p. TEST PIT LOG SAIvlI~..~ OVA DE{m~4 IN.~/,,~&, ~ ~ ~ IvlAI~I~IAI.~ 1 8 9 I0 1{ 12 i3 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I ;I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~: a ,.,-~ ~.0 Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remarks dD~ AND BAITILUCCI TEST PIT LOG LOCATION DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~ ~ ~.~-~,o !.c[ 1.~J ~ [[ Project Number Sample(s) Interval(s) Test Pit Number Remarks I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I dDV1RKA AND BAi~TILUCC~ '~$'f PIT NO. I Pr~OJECT NO./NAN~ TEST PIT LOG ~ tO lO., INSPC-CI'OR/OI:FtC~ ~. 0 ~ r~,,~l, ov icl,-,. LOCAI1ON DATE CDVIRKA ~ AND BARTILUCC! Project Sample(s) interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number Tf'-31 I I I I I I I I I I I I Remarks E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DV~I~KA AND aAI~TILUC~I ~..~ L t ~ST P~ L~ ~J~T NO./NA~ ~A~ 0¢: ~ ~A~ ¢ ~ LOCATION ~ 01: PIT 9 11 14 OVA ~ LeO fir., DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I Remarks AND BART1Z,UCCI TEST PIT LOG T~ST PIT NO. Tr-~3 Pf'<OJECT NO.INAIv~ I ~H :~ / c~o o-ckot~l II,~i~CTOR/~ p. 0 ~ r~ovick ELEVAllON Of:. ~ 81JI~AC~ITOId O1: PiT LOCATION T~ I~T LOCAll~ SK~'tCH ~ m m D~ ' 0 ! 6 7 9 , 10 12 13 14 15 OVA _/ I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~+-ko ~.¢ Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Remarks I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DV1R~ AND T~ST PIT NO, Pr~JECT NO./NAN~ TEST PIT LOO LOCAnON II TEST I~T LOCATICf¢ ~I(ETCN MA.O ~tO~ IN$P~CTOR/~ ~. OI. r~d[ovick ST, I~qI'/FINIS~ OATE C(::)NOI110N OF I~ SAMPLE OVA DEPTH -- 7 8 zoo-Zl~ 11 14 DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCl TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~ o ~+[~o ~.c[ Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number I I m I I m I m m ! Rema~s d,DVlI~ AND B.4J~TILUCCI TEST PIT LOG' PROJECT {~H ~ /Sou+ko(ol LOCAllON v~ ~1' RT LOCA11C~ ~(~'CH -~-~- 3~ ~ OVA D~:~-I INteRVAL ~ ~ OF MAn~AI~ 2 7 9 I ~ OVIRKA i AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project Sample(s) Interval(s) ~+-t-.o ~.c~ L.~.~I~ I.t Project Number Test Pit Number ! ! I i: Remarks (b AND BAi~TI~UCC'I I ~$T prr NO. /NAJV~ p. 0 ~ r~o~ick TEST PIT LOG LOCA~ON Z.~ kos K.; ~ ~ LOC.A~CN ~/,E'rCH )ATE COf~ 01= I~' iNJ~ I ~ OVIRKA i AND BART1LUCCI TEST PiT PROFILE Project (j,;,~+-k,o ~.cI, ~a_-,g~ L~ Project Number Sample(s) Interval(s) Test Pit Number I i t ! ! ! I I I ! I Remarks I i i i I I ! i I I I I I I DVmlCA AND BAitllLUCC~ TEST PIT LOG IL(:~_..AIION ~AIVlP~ OVA DEP/H IN[u~/AI. I I i I DVIRKA AND 8ARTILUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~o~+~,o Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number I I I i l I I I I I i i Remarks I ! I I i I I i ! I ,! AND Pf"<OJ ECT NO./~ LOCAllON '~ I~T LO~A~N SI<LrrCH ~ J'g-x DVIRKA I'1~,/ ~NO ~ BARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~ ~,,+L,o ~.cL ~ R L~ Project Number Sample(s) Inte~al(s) ..... Test Pit Number TF~ I I Remarks AND B/LRTI~UCCI TEST PIT LOG "r to g, ~NSI~CTOR/OI=RC~ LOCA~N b'l'Ai~/l:ll'~ DAI~ ~/~ 115' DVIRKA AND 8ARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE I i I I I I I I ,, ! : ! Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Rema~s D¥11UL4, AND BA~TILUCCI TEST PIT LOG Pr'~OJECT NO./NAME LOCAnON · 't tO IL ~I,,I~PC-CTOR/OFPa~ DVIRKA AND BARllLUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~,-F~,,o {.c~ L.~.~;,I~ (.~ Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number Rema~s I I I ! I i I DVI~lCA AND BAIITILUCC~ TEST PIT LOG LOCATION DEI~14 ' 6 . . It OVA IN.,rDEFI'I~ AND BARTILUCCI Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number TP -~ o I Remarks AND TEST PIT LOG I:ff'~JECT NO.tNAIV~ p. 0 b r~,~l, ovi~.k LOCAnON N )AtE 3/3:1~5 OVA ' 7 [o - 2_'~0 DVIRKA AND BARTILUCC! TEST PIT PROFILE Project ~,2~+-~,o ~.c~ t..~:JR LI Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number I I I I I I I I I I I S I Rema~s AND BARTILUCCl Project Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PROFILE Project Number Test Pit Number I Remarks III / DVIIIE,& ~5'1' ~m' Loc~nC~4 sKErc3.4 MAP I~/ffi ' ~ ~A~ . ~ ~ ~ b' ll~ -  ~ OVA I . I I I io I I I DVIRKA AND 13ARTILUCCI TEST PIT PROFILE Project ,~+'[,,o !.c[ l_.~J~ ~.[ Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number T~-~3 Remarks TEST PIT PROFILE Project ,~,~,/'~*[~L~/~'// Project Number / Sample(s) Interval(s) ,Test Pit Number ~'T- ' I I I I I I I ~TARI'iF~I~H DA~ i ~ a~UnlLUC~ TEST PIT PROFILE ~ Staple(s) I~ewal(s) T~ P~ Number I ~ ~ (,~ I ~,,., i I~ LOCAIlOI~I I TEST PIT PROFILE I Sample(s) Interval(s) Test Pit Number7'~r'- ~(~ I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ! I I I I I PIT LOG H I I I I I Sample(s) Interval(s) TEST PIT PRORLE Project Number Test Pit Number TT-~7 I I I I I ! I ! I I I Im I I I I ! I I I I I I I TEST PIT PROFILE Sample(s) Interval(s) Project Number Test Pit Number I Rema~s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sample(s) Interval(s) Test Pit Number 0 , ' ~Z,~ Remarks I ~0 DVII~KA AND I BAR'r~LUCCI TEST PIT LOG IE~1' Pti' LOCAllON SKETCH MAP I I I LOCA110N ! F~OJECT NO./NAME EXC. AVATOR/EQUIPMENT/~TOR . I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUGCI LOCATION SKETCH TT-.Co Sample(s) Location(s) Sample(s) and/or Well Number(s) i Location of snmple points, wells, borings, etc., with ~fer~nce to ~ permanent r~-fet~nce points. I Measttre a/l distances, deafly label ron,4*~ wells and pennnnent featm~. I I D~R~ AND BAR'I'~UCCI TEST PIT LOO 'lEST PIT LOCA110N ~ETCH MAP ILOCA110N o 3 4 5 6 ~7 --8 9 tO --1! -- 12 ~ 13 -- 14 C~A D~SC~IP11ON OF MAErt,~ALS ! ! d)DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Sample(s) Location(s) Sample(s) and/or Well Number(s) LOCATION SKETCH Location of sample poims, wdls, borings, etc., wi~ mf~l~nce to ~ ~ mfe~nc~ points. Measure all distmces, clesdy label wads, wells and perms~nt features. ! ! I ! IEDI' Pg' LOCATION SI(DfCH MAP I I t/ I i t t I SAMPLE OVA INterVAl. ;CI~EN DESC~IP13ON OF MATEI'~ALS d DV~RKA i ~ND LOCATION S I, Lk'TCH ' BART1LUCCI Sample(s) location(s) Sample(s) and/or WeU Number(s) I.ocntion of sa,~,vie points, wells, borings, etc., with zeference to ~ permanent reference points. Measure aU distances, clearly label fonds, wells and permanent features. i I ! l i I  D VIRI~, AND PI~DJ~:~T NO,JNAME T~ST PIT LOG ELEVATION OF: ~ SURFACE~q~)I"rOM OF I~T I~ Pff LOCAI1C~N S~ETCH ~ ~ ~ r I STAI'~'/~'INI~'I DATE CONOI11ON OF ~8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 INil;J~VAL OVA DESCI~IPIlON OF MATEFaALS Ng3~l'l r~ ! dDVIRKA AND BARTILUCC1 LOCATION SKETCH Sample(s) Location(s) i Sample(s) and/or Well Numbeas) $~mple Crew location of s,.ample points, wells, borings, etc., with reference to thee permanent reference points. Measure all dmances, clearly label wads, wells and pen'nnnent feanu~. ! ! I, I ! SAlVlI~E OVA D~,,'IH INII~VAL SCREEN ' 0 6 7 --8 9 -- 10 11 12 14 JSTAI~/FtNISI'-I DAT~ N/Dt:I' 1 I'L II i DVIRKA t BARTILUCCI $~mpie(s) Location(s) LOCATION SKETCH Location of sample points, wells, borings, etc., wi~ t~fe~-nce to tt=ee permanent reference points. Measure nil distances, clearly label roads, wells and permanent feamzms s. I D~ AND BART[LUCCI 1~ pq LOCAnC~ SI~E~CH MAle TEST PIT LOG I~CTOI~/OFFtC~ E~/A'IION ~: ~ ~I,~FACE/BOITOM OF I~' I b"TART/HI~ISH DAI~ · t5 't d)DVIRKA BARTILUCCI Sample(s) Location(s) I Sample(s) and/or Well Nttmbez~s) LOCATION SKETCH TT- ~-% Location of sample l~k~t~, wells, borings, etc., with refers-ncc to thn=e Fennanent reference points. Measm~ nil distances, clearly label mars, wells and permanent feant;~. DYIRII. A AND B/kI~'rI~LUCCi TEST PIT L~ PROJECT NO./NAME EXCAVATOR/~QUIF~4ENT/~TOR {HSF~CTCR/C.~qCE TEST PO' LOCA'nC~4 S~k'~fCH MAD T "-<:;::}. STARI'/{:tN{SH DATE abDVIRKA BAFITILUCCI Sa.~le(s) Location(s) I Sample(s) md/or Well Numberis) ! LOCATION SKETCH Ssmple Crew TT-S-~ I Location of sample poinu, wells, borings, etc., wilh m~ to ~ permmem mf~r~nc~ poinu. Measme all distances, clesdy label wads, wells and penmment features. / ! I I I ! i I I t I i I I i I I I AND BAR'r~..UCCI I~O~ECT NO.INAIv~ INSPECTOI~/OFRC:E TEST PIT LOG '~m' mn' LOC,AnON ~'cx M~_T~ £ 7 k~'ART/~t.~,4 DATE ~ ~-,~ '~, 0 , 5 6 ~7 ~8 · 9 10 ~11 ~ 12 ~ 13 14 i5 IN--AL OVA a D~IRKA BARTILUCCI LOCATION $ KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIK~TCH I Project Sample Crew Sample(s) Location(s) I Location of sample points, wells, borings, etc., with reference to three permanent reference points. Measure all distances, cleatiy label wn,4~, wells and permanent feanues. TEST ~ LOCA11C~ ~ETCH MAP~ LSTART/~"INISH DATE SAMPLE OVA D~:'II-t INIId,~VAL SCREEN DESCI"~:~ION OF MAI~r'aALS r'~MARKS 8 9 10 13 14 BARTtLUCCt Sample(s) Location(s) I Sample(s) and/or Well Numbers) LOCATION SKETCH Sample Crew I l..oe, ation of sample points, wells, borings, etc., with reference to thine peamanent reference points. Measure all distances, clearly label to,id% wells and laennan~nt featu~a. I ! I I I ! I ! I I I I ! I dL D VIRKA AND BkRTI~UCCI I~ST Pff NO...~ ~'~ J F'~OJECT NO./NAME TEST PIT LOG TEST Pff LCX~A'[1C~I S~ETCH ~ ELEVAlION 0t:: ~ SU~FACE/BOITOIVl OF PiT STArd'/RNIT DAI'~ CONOi~Oi, i O~F ~~'> BAi~TiLU~tl Sample(s) LocG~ion(s) i Sample(s) and/oF Well Numberts) LOCATION S KL~rCI'I Locmion of sample poinl3, wells, boring, e~c., wid2 m~*uce to flll~e pezlTLunen~ m(erence po~. ~S~ ~/ Measur~ afl dL~aflces, cleJdy label ro~ds, wells ami pemunem ~eamsu. I I I YAO Hi,.r~3 ~ H3L-~ NC~1¥30] ~d IS~l DOll .T.I8 .T.S"4.T. I I I ! I I I I I I! I i I I I I db DVIRKA AHD BARTILUCCI Sample(s) Location(s) Sample(s) and/or Well Number(s) ~ LOCATION SKETCH Sample Cr~v I Loc~tion of sample points, wells, borings, etc., with Feference to thine pe~nanent l~inu. Meastu~ aL! distances, clearly label roads, wells and pemtm~nt feamr~. I I I I I I db D VIRKA AND BARTILUCCI I'~,~T PIT NO TEST PIT LOG PROJECT NO./NAME EXC:AVATOI~/EQUIPMENT/OPEP6ATOI~ IN..~ECTOR/OFRCE ELEVATION OF: GROUND SURFACE/BO1 rOM OF PIT (FT. ABOVE MSL) LOCA. ON START/FINISH DATE CONDITION OF PIT REMArkS: ! ! SAMPLE OVA DEHiH IN1ERVAL SCREEN DI:,~--~IPT~ON OF MATE~ALS ! ? 8 lo 14 I I I I I I db D VIRKA AND BARTII. UCCI I TEST PIT no.,~ n PROJEC.r NO./l'~akME TEST PIT LOG LOCAnON MAP EXCAVATOR/EQU, JPME,NT/OPERA'roR IrqsPECTOR/OFRC~(~, '/l~ ~. g ~ ELEVATION OF: Gr.)uNo SURFACE/BO'n"OM OF Pti' (FT. ABOVE ~) SIART/RNISH DATE CONDmON OF PIT REMARt(S: I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE OVA DEFTH INIEI,/VAL SCI~EN DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS REMARKS 10 11 12 14 I ~1~ ^~ _ LOCATION$ILETCH m Samples) and/or Well Number, s) ! Location of sample points, w~lla, borings, etc., with r~f~mnce to th~ t~rrnan~nt r~femnce pomta. I M~aatu~ all diatanc~s, clea~ly label mada, wella and l~rman~nt featm'~. ! m ! ! m ! ! ! ! m b o I I I t I I DVIRKA AND BARTII.UCCI TEST PIT LOG PROJECT NO./NAME EX C A V A T OR /E QUIPM..ENT I.(;~3ERA T OR LOCATION IN,~ECTOR/O~CE ELEVATION OF: GROUND SUI'~:ACE/BOTTOM OF Pfr (FT. ABOVE MSL) REMArkS: ]START/0NISH, DATE CONDIllON OF PIT I I I I I I I I l I I SAMPLE OVA DEFTH II'qI~'RVAL SCI~EN DESCRIPTION OF MATEI~ALS PEMAF~S o n 11 13 14 I '4IDEFIT'L Sample(s) Location(s) . -.~ Sample(s) and/or Well Numberfs) . Location of sample points, wells, borinF, s, e~c., with reference to thee s.P~rrnanen! reference points. Measure all di~Iances, cl~azty label roads, wells and permanent fearers I[ ~.?_ :__----- / .-" , !F'~- / I I I I I I db D VIRKA AND BARTILUCCI I TEST PIT ~ ~ Tp ~,~'~'~ ~- ~ PROJECT NO./NAME EX C A V ATOi~/EQI.~IPME NT,/O P EI3~TOI~ TEST PIT LOG TEST pn' LOCA~ON S~CH MAP tLOCA'I]ON INS~ECTOR/OFRCE ~,:~, ¢°4,-, ELEVA~ON OF: <~I~OUND SUI~:ACE/BOTrOM OF PIT (FT. ABOVE MSL) r~MARKS: S'¢AI~'/RNI~7,,..I DAT~ /CONDrnoN OF PiT I I I I I I I I I I I I il Sample(s) md/or Well Numbers) Location of sample points, wells, borings, etc., with reference to tb_~e permanent reference points. Measure afl distances, ciea~y label roseis, wells and permanent 0~~ I I I db DVIRK~ I AND BAR~ll~UCCI I I I I I TESTPITNO. ,~^ _1~~' TEST PIT LOG *E~r prT LCCA~(~N SKETCH MAP PROJECT NO./NAME LOCA11ON EX C A V A T OR IE ~UII::]VIENT / OPEP. A, T OR IN,.~ECTOR/OF~tCE ELEVAI~ON OF: GROUND SUF~ACE/BOTrOM OF PlT (FT. ABOVE MSL) START/FINISH DATE CONDrnON OF PIT REMARKS: I I I I I I I I I I I ~IDE¥IYL I ! I I I ! dD~IRKA AND BARTILUCCI Sample(s) Location(s) LOCATION SKETCH Sample(s) md/or Well Numberis) Location of sample points, wells, borings, etc., with r~ference to thx~'e permanent reference points. Measttr~ all distances, clearly label roads, wells and permnnent features. I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT LOG ELEVATION OF: GROUND SURCACE/BOTrOM OF PIT (FT. ABOVE MSL) TEST P/T LOCAT]O¢4 SKETCH MAP REMARKS: START/RNISH DAI'E I I SAIvlI=t.E OVA DI=PIH INTERVAL SCREEN DESC'~IPTION OF MAI~r'4ALS 1'4~vlARKS 7 8 10 11 S~pie(s) ~or WeU N~s) ~t ~fe~nce Location of s~le ~, we~, bo~, etc., wi~ ~ce to ~ ~ po~. Me~m ~ dhtm~s, cle~y 1~1 ~, we~ ~d ~nt fe~. [ m I I I I I dDVIRKA ~ AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT LOG PROJECT NO./NAME .. EXCAVAT©R/EQUIPMENT/OPE[;~kTOR, 15~-c K LOCATION INSPECTOR/OFRCj:E , ELEVATION OF: GROUND sur'd:ACE/BOTrOM OF PIT (FT. ABOVE MSL) STAI~T/R NISI.-I DATE CONDITION OF PIT I~EMARKS: I I I I I I I I I I I m NIDE~IYL ~I~L,~ BARTILUCCl LOCA~ON S~CH P j I ~ple C~w S~ple(s) ~or We~ I ocation of s~ ~le ~i I Location of sample points, wefts, borings, etc., with reference to tl'Lr~ permax~ent reference points. Measure all distances, cleatdy label roads, wells and permanent features. !l '1 I I I I I I db D V]RKA AND BARTILUCCI 1 TEST PIT NO. / TEST PIT LOG '~T ;IT LOCA~ION SKETCH MAP ~. ~,~ ~,~ PROJECT NO./NAME EXCAVATOR/EQUIPMENT/OPERATOR LOCATION INSPECTOR/OFRCEI , , ELEVAllON OF: GROUND sur~=ACE/BOTTOM OF P1T (FT. ABOVE MSL) START/RNISH DATE CONDITION O~F PIT ~ .,'/~.l, le REMAI~KS: I I I I I I I I I I I I m m m l I I I I I I db D VIRKA AND BARTILUCCI TEST PIT LOG TEST PIT L~C~,~C~N SKETCH MAP IN~ECTOr~/OmCE ~/0, ~),-, .(~v ~ ~.r, S ELEVATION OF: GROUND SURFACE/BOlrOM OF PiT (FT. ABOVE MSL) START/RNI~I"~/;7/ 'T ~ CONDITION OF PIT REMAINS: m ! ~MPt. E OVA DEFTH )Nmbi4VAL SCREEN DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS r4EMARKS Y / m l l m m m m m l m mm I Sample(s) and/or Well Number(s) I Location of sample points, wells, bomb, etc., with ~ference to thr~e s.Pe~nanent reference points. I ~leasure a~l distances, clearly lnbel wads, wells and permanent feantres ,o I .. ,I I m! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI 11~ST pit NQ. TEST PIT LOG pIT L©CAT1C~ ~-[CH MAP PI~OJECT NO./NAME EXCAVATC~/EQUII:~AENT/OPEr~,O~( LOCAilON INSPECTOR/OFRCE B.EVATION OF: GROUND SUI~ACE/BOTTOM OF ~ (Fr, ABOVE MSL) REMAI'~KS: START/FINISH DATE ~/~/,~ CONDI'IION OF PIT I NIDE~IrL AND LOCATION SKETCH BARTILUCCI I Sample(s) and/or WeU Number(s) I Location of sample points, wells, borings, etc., wilh reference to tlvee permangnt reference point. I Measure all distances, clearly label roads, wells and permanent feanu~. i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I B ! i I ! d ! ~, 1314~T040650 I.DOC APPENDIX C AIR MONITORING FORMS I I i DVTRKA AND BARTILUCCI PROJI~CT NAMe: A JR MONITORING FORM PROJI~CT .',tU~BI~: J~ lut I I i t I ! 1 1 I I t I I ! 1 DVTRK.A AND BAI~'rII, UCCI PROJ'~CI" N AM..~: PRO/EC'T NLrbl B !~,: R~CORDED BY: w~Ti-l~ CONDmON$: ~. ,f ~ co ~ M.R MONITORING FORM CALI]IO, TION DAT~: {/" "t /~ij' WIND Spmm LOCATION AND Dll~c'rlON ~...~ADIDIC), O~,~,VATION$ r,-~ ~ /-' ~ _. i D~'RiCA AND BA~TILUCCI PROJECT NAM,E: P ROJ~C"F N-tJ~B l~t: KECORDED BY: W-r. AT'rU~m co~rrloNs: ~'~ ~ M~R MONITORING FORM t'~ :r... AND i BARTR, UCC'X ,-LLR MONITORING FORM I I I 1 I I I I KECOIU~INO I~ : y, .., , -J &DvIRr~k AND BAJITI/,UCCI PROJECT N,AM~ ALR MONITORING FORM ~o,..,-t"~ I.~ t__~ ~3~c .I: -o-z. ~ I..U, iiI I I I I i i I I i I I I I ! I I t AND BA~ i ILUCCl PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUM.BEK: RECORDED BY: AIR MONITORING FORM WT=ATH~R CONDITIONS: C.&! InitiaTION DAT~: LOCATION AND D_m "r'T'lON R.F. ADINO o~q~I%VATION$ Tf_zo 0-?-- ~E o-~ IAMP AND BARTILUCCI PRO.r~c~ NAM.~ PRO.t~CT N~MBER: R~COKD~ ~ MONITOB.I1NG FORM ~o.fl~ Id LF DA'm 3/~ I~ ¢AI.~TION DA'rE: 3/3e./c~J' AMP I I I I 1 I I I I I I ALR MONITORING FORM wlI, CD ~ LOCATION AND _n_m ~el'lON lttCDIl'¢O O~S~IVATIONS 11~5 Tt'-3g A IL- t~ ,, (t~° T~'-~6 io.150 1°° ~-~o lo'~o ~-~ Vt-% /z-r~° " ~'"" " ! B~J~'r~UCCZ ~C*ORD~'r'j BY: AIR MONITORII~G FORM DA*rE: t ~7 I I I I I I I !1 Appendix D / m mm m m m mm m m m ~m. mm m m m mm mm m I I I I ! I I I I I i I I I I I I ~ [ 3 t 4~T0406501 .DOC APPENDIX D DAILY FIELD CALIBRATION LOGS I I DALLY EQUIPMF_2~iT CALIBRATION LOG Immm~ent Nan~ ·nd Mod~! Numt~ Calibrmon Me~hod Thn~ R~iia~ and Observ'flom /~. [:)ECL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ART~UCCI DALLY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATZON LOG Name: ~co.~otA I_~ . Dam: 31z~-I'i g pro~ec~ Number. ~. 3Z . C:~ihz~mdB~. ~). C~b(~x~,r~.x L,~rtlmem Name Calibra~lo . and Model NumJc~er Melhad Tune DV~RI[A AND B ARll~UCL"I IProjec: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEe'~ I DA n~y EQUIPMENT CAJ..IBRATION LOG . ~ 3/ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lnat~ttment Na~m Calibrau. on . R ..... and Obse~aam~ UARTff. UCCI DALLY EQUIPMENT CALmR~TION LOG ~ ~em N~ C~b~ -. ~;-~ ~ Ob~ {)sCL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I aA.m.'r'u, uCCl DAII,Y EQUI~M~ CALIBRATION LOG Project Nurni~r:. ~'$t~ ~ . CalJbraumBY:. p.. ~q.s~'ament Nm and Modei Num~ Calibrmon Method T~me Re~lia~ and Obse~mom { DECL I '1 I I I I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I DE~I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DV~k AND B ARTII.UCCX DAILY EQUIPMKNT CALIBRATION LOG · Callhc-a~d By:. L~ h'uaTlen! Nam~ and Mo(tel Numi~t Calibrmon Method Tim~ Readm~ and Ob~-'vmem BAa~ILUCC~ DAILY EQUIPMENT CA ~ .mRATION LOG CaUbra~i Sr. 'i>- ~;~ ~' ~ ~ i Proj~c~ Numl~c i 3 (q'- D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Inslmmer~ Nam~ CalibrSUon and Mod~t Numl~r l~li~od Tim~ R~gi~s stat Obs~rw~i~s