HomeMy WebLinkAboutF I Ferry District New London Terminal Expansion Preliminary Engineering ReportI ! I I I ! I I I I I ! I I i ! I i FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT NEW LONDON TERMINAL EXPANSION PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT MAY 31, 2001 PREPARED BY DOCKO, INC. MYSTIC, CONNECTICUT II. INDEX GENERAL 1. Description of Project ............................................................. 2. Adjacent and associated development .......................................... 3. Permits .............................................................................. 4. Property rights and boundary survey ........................................... 5. Property rights to be conveyed .................................................. 6. Existing Utilities .................................................................. BASIS OF PROJECT AND DESIGN PARAMETERS Operational Needs A. Passenger vehicle numbers and requiremems ........................... B. Freight Operations .......................................................... C. District Vehicles / Vessels and Requirements ........................... D. Pedestrians Segregation ..................................................... i. Patrons ............................................................... ii. Public Access ........................................................ E. Building ....................................................................... F. New Utility Design .......................................................... Layout Considerations A. Waterfront Factors ........................................................... B. Ramp Length / Width / Surface ............................................ C. Hoists and Counterbalances system ....................................... D. Dolphins ....................................................................... E. Maintenance Slip Bumpers ................................................. F. Staging Lanes ................................................................. G. Primary & Secondary slips ................................................. o Engineering Considerations A. Geotechnical Evaluation .................................................... B. Bulkhead & Tie-Backs ...................................................... C. Building Support ............................................................. D. Fencing ......................................................................... E. Lighting ........................................................................ F. Landscaping ................................................................... G. Drainage ........................................................................ H. Erosion and Sediment Controls ............................................. 1 1 2 3 3 4,5 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 29 30, 31 40 41 41 45 45 5O 51 52 53 56 57 59 61, 62 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT NEW LONDON TERMINAL EXPANSION PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT MAY 31, 2001 I. GENERAL I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - This project intends to double the size of the existing New London Terminal for the Fishers Island Ferry District (FIFD). It includes the installation of approximately 780 LF of steel sheet piling, placement and compaction of 32,000 CY of fill landward of the sheet pile wall bulkhead, installation of a tie-back system, placement of driven piles for building support and utility support in filled areas, installation of utilities, a cast-in-place concrete building foundation and slab system, cast-in-place concrete vaults for two underground storage tanks for fuel and waste oil, a perimeter drainage system for collecting and filtering ra'mfall runoff prior to its return to the New London Harbor / Thames River estuary, utilities including water, sanitary sewer, electricity, telephones / cable communications, a two story 5,400 SF (total) terminal building with peaked roof and designed for turn of the century period aesthetics, paved surface for ground surface transport vehicles and cars, two steel ramp systems to span between the terminal facility and the berthed ferries, dolphins for berthing stability of the ferries in place and surface amenities including security, lighting, fencing, landscaping and public access points. 2. ADJACENT AND ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT - The Fishers Island Ferry District property is bounded on the west and north by City of New London property and on the east and south by New London Harbor, as shown in Exhibit A. The New London downtown waterfront has undergone some major renovations in the past three years; most of it intending to benefit the City in the long-term by providing waterfront access to the public-at-large. Most of these facilities were substantially completed prior to OP-Sail 2000 which was conducted in the City of New London last summer. The bulk of the facilities which have a direct impact on the operation of Fishers Island Ferry's terminal operations include a 25' to 30' walkway along the wateffxont running immediately along the west edge of the Fishers Island Ferry property and crossing State Street to a public gathering plaza on the north edge of City Pier. The City Pier Complex has also been renovated and updated for aesthetics and structural characteristics. The new plaza extends all the way up to the south edge of the Cross Sound Ferry property. West of the site and waterfront walkway is AMTRAK's main rail system fi.om New York to Boston. On the west of AMTRAK's property is the downtown infxastructure of the City of New London including Water Street, State Street and the intersection associated with the railroad station in New London. West of Water Street and south of the train stationare independently owned buildings and business forming the central business district of the City. One of the long-term local benefits to be gained by this project is to ease traffic congestion, especially at the railroad track crossing in New London which has long been an issue of substantial safety concerns especially with the increased railroad traffic over the past few years. 3. PERMITS- Permits have been applied for and obtained fi.om all known necessary agencies. This includes the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the City of New London. The permits acquired thus far and the agency responsible for it are listed below: A. Structures and Dredging Permit No.199501565-PF issued by the Connecticut DEP on October 28, 1999 expires on October 28, 2004. B. Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, U.S. Army Permit No. CENAE-CO-R-1998-02195 issued on April 17, 2000, expires on December 31, 2005. C. New London Planning and Zoning Commission, Site Development Plan and Coastal Site Development Plan approval on March 4, 1993. D. New London Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Permit No. 0079, approved on March 11, 1993. E. New London Planning and Zoning Commission Flood Plain Management Ordinance Variance approved on December 2, 1993. F. State of Connecticut Basic Building Code Modification by New London Building Official, October 13, 1993. G. New London Zoning Board of Appeals Variance to Section 830 approved on December 14, 1993. Thus, the Fishers Island Ferry District as obtained all necessary permits fi.om local, State and Federal agencies required to conduct the proposed terminal expansion. Copies of these permits are contained in Exhibit B. 2 I I i I ! I i i I i I I ! I I i I I ! 4. PROPERTY RIGHTS AND BOUNDARY SURVEY- The Fishers Island Ferry District was created by an Act of the State Legislature of New York to act as the provider of transportation and needs and access to and fi.om Fishers Island. A parcel of land including subsurface rights to the bottom of New London Harbor covers approximately 10 acres with only about 3A acre of the property being exposed and situated above the mean high water/me. Boundary survey by Connecticut Surveying Consultants was conducted in 1991 to document the existing property rights reta'med by the Fishers Island Ferry District through the Town of Southold. It is l~om this property that the Fishers Island Ferry operates its New London terminal. 5. PROPERTY RIGHTS TO BE ACQUIRED - At this time, the Fishers Island Ferry District owns the land necessary for its existing operation and has a right-of-way onto State Street for access to and fi.om the site. Because the original easement was approximately 12 feet in width; the current width of the opening is 76 feet. This right of access will be clarified in an existing easement which has been prepared for the City of New London. No other new property rights are required or intended to be acquired in this project. 6. PROPERTY RIGHTS TO BE CONVEYED - The Fishers Island Ferry District intends to convey property rights in the form of an easement to the City of New London for public access and rights to pass and re-pass as well as maintenance of the walkway facilities immediately at the west edge of the property at the northerly end for a distance of approximately 100 feet. This conveyance will be consummated when the Ferry Terminal Expansion Project is complete and the new building is ready for occupancy, thus allowing for removal of the existing fi.eight building. Rights of access for passing and re-passing by the public on the new walkway system has also been granted to the City of New London on the "Barry" & "Lawrence" Wharves to the southwest of the proposed ferry terminal expansion to allow construction and use of the New London Waterfront Walkway. No other property rights are intended to be conveyed as a part of this project. Copies of the boundary plan and proposed easement plan are included in the preliminary drawings for the Terminal Expansion Project. 3 7. EXISTING UTILITIES - A. WATER- An existing 6" water line passes fi'om the New London water distribution system, just south of the sidewalk on the south edge of the train station under the tracks on State Sa'eet and then tums south just west of the FIFD freight building to run basically beneath the public access waterfront walkway to a distance approximately 110 feet south of the northerly property line of the Ferry District's land. This water line will be incorporated into the new project design providing water to the site and new Terminal Building. The new water line on the Fishers Island Terminal property will be extended over to the new terminal building via the most direct routing and will utilize a pile-supported framework for stability over filled land anticipating compaction and settling of various fill materials placed as part of this project. This 6" line is not adequate to provide a dead-end fire hydrant as was originally anticipated in the design submitted to and approved by the city of New London. The accumulation of deposits inside the 100-year old pipe have restricted its flow to about a 4 inch capacity and will have to be cleaned out and restored to full capacity by the City. B. SANITARY SEWAGE - The Fishers Island Ferry terminal currently does not have public rest rooms. The restroom facilities provided in the fi.eight building are strictly for the use of the crew. Waste water leaches out through a sub-surface sewage disposal system on the site. This system will be discontinued and the new sanitary facilities will be a 2" pressure line from grinder pump or booster pump at the terminal building. The new sewage disposal system will utilize a grinder pump located in a pit directly beneath the pavement outside in the east wall of the building. Sewage will flow to the pit via gravity lines within the building. The discharge line will be attached to the buildings pile- supported perimeter grade beam to avoid settlement cracking anticipated with the back fill. This line will run almost straight north and then enter a 15" reinforced concrete pile conduit which ties into a drainage manhole about 15 feet north of the northerly property line toward the west edge of the property. From there, the new 2" pressure line will run inside an existing 30" drainage pipe attached to the top of that drainage structure. It will run in a westerly direction beneath the train tracks to the first drainage manhole west of the track crossing approximately 200 feet west. The conduit and pressure line will then bend to the southwest, exit the manhole, and mn underground to the existing City Sewage Collection System at the southwest comer of State Street and Water Street. 4 C. TELEPHONE / CABLE COMMUNICATIONS - Telephone service currently comes to the site via overhead lines which run over the new AMTRAK electrification system crossing State Street, and then down, via galvanized steel conduit, into the telephone vault at the backside of the State Street bulkhead. From there, telephone service runs in a buried conduit system to the west over to the north side of the fi:eight building, inside of which it is distributed for the Ferry District's use. A new conduit has been installed on the south side of the vault running in a southerly direction onto the Ferry District property to a point approximately 10 feet south of the northerly property line. This conduit is currently empty but will be utilized as the point of origin for a new telephone service to the new terminal building. It will be extended to mn in a single trench immediately next to the electrical conduits for the terminal building and will also be supported by a driven pile fi:amework system over areas to be filled. Cable communications currently do not exist on the site however, it is anticipated that cable will be brought into the site via the same conduit system that currently exists for the electrical power supply and be extended to the building in the expansion project to avoid having to cut up the pavement at a later date. D. ELECTRICITY- The electrical power for the site has been a 208Y system which came to the site via overhead lines which are still in place. This system will be replaced in the immediate future by a new 480 volt, 3-phase system running to a new transformer inside the fi:eight building at the north end of the first garage bay. The new 480 volt service will come to the site fi:om a transformer and switchgear approximately 500 feet north at the southwest comer of the Cross Sound Ferry property. Conduits run from this switchgear all the way to the Ferry District property and will be extended and re-routed as necessary to provide temporary and ultimately the new power source for the new terminal building. All electrical cables will be set in conduit for ease of access and maintenance. The new electrical power supply cables will come down fi'om the Cross Sound Ferry property in the conduits previously installed. Two of these four conduits will be extended to the new terminal building to handle electrical service which will probably be a 480 volt, 3- phase system, 600 amps. A new distribution panel will be located in the terminal building, second floor, above the critical base flood zone elevation of 12' NGVD. Electricity will be distributed around the site to the new ramp panel and lights via a conduit encased line. EYTiJMINOU.~ C,O~ ~ P,~VEMEhl'; ~' MIN. OR PlA'roll EXI_~TIN~ [~EPTH '~ITHEVE~ I~ (MIN.) LO/~,P1 $ _~r~ Cl;~JE:,HE~ ~'rONE P,A'YI"IENT LINE FOI~ I::~EI~'I,ANENT ~^~e~ //~/,~T// X~VA~J~IIN~ TA~"~ ZONE ,AI~4DU ND ~I:::E: 1::~4DCE.G~ED E:,AN P, P'I;~DI'fl TI:aENC_.,H NOT' l::~5~"qil U~L,3 IN ZONE ImA'YM EN'T LINE 0~N.) COV~ I~K~L-L. ~-' IN ~ E,' IN IN ~ IN ~N~-I X,VII~rM T,~E~LE ~NdH ~ ~'~ J~'4' I PA~E~ ~R PA~E~ IN5TA~ ~ ~n BDOND PA~ gNE ~ BE ~E ONLY ~EN DU~H JNST~ON I~ ~ T ENCH DETAIL N~ NOT' TO ~ r::~DJECT: TEI~'~IIIXlAI- I~,~.~ION CITY (DF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON C_4DUNTY, C,C:;NNECTICUT WA'I"EI~.,VAY: NEW LONDON MAY .,~D. 2OO1 ~ DCSI"~JGT .A~c. NT: ~ B.N~ ~ OW~ 00-12-11~7jo 24-'-.~D' ~ ~x~ ~ I:::'LAS'11C TI::I FPdDN_.~ WA~NIN~ TAF~ / O~ CATV ~'~ / /-- 5AND ~LL 0" ALL 51DF.,5 (MIN.) IF I:~.QUlP.,E,D UNDEEI:~.DI~OUND !=:LECTI:~IC CONDUITS LOCATION: CTTY OF NEXV LONDON NE%V LONDON C..OUNT~, C.~NNEGTiOJT WATEIL:~.VAY: ND I_ONI::~]N IDA'F~: I~Y DO. AIR~J C,,,NNF: ~,-I~ DOCKC:), INC. ~-~0 ~'/~ ~"J~ FAX DNV~ 00-12-11~7~ NOTI~- 'Fl-lB ~*VA'I'~I~ IIN~ ~LL CC)MB INTO THE '9~.-~T F~E OF THE T~I~,MINAL I~UILDIN~ U.~N~ A 51MILAI;~ ~ 5UI:~OI~T CITY' OF: N~/L~NOON N~!,V LONDON COUNTY, GONN~:GTICUT ID'G/~ O0-12-1187.j~ DFI'IN~ ROD 'INSI~RT A MIN. CONCRETE TRA~NSFORI'IER p, aC) ~JECr: TEI~11NAL EXPANEdON NE~V I,.~NDON ~DUNTY, CC:~INEGT1OJI' WA I r_x~AY: NENV lONDON DATE AF~JCAN~: ~ DISTINCT DOCK(::), INC. BACF-.FLOW PP-.~-'VE~NTF_.I:2-. IN.~TALLATION NOT TO ~ PROJECT': TiEI~J~11N,~4_ EDr, I~AN.~ION ¢J'f'¢ OF NEW LONDON NE~V IJ:2NE:tON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONJ::K2N DATE PIA¥ 30, 2OO1 AI~LICANT: FISHB~S ISLAND ~ DISTI~Cr ACCENT: E~OCk~O, INC. 8~0 5~ &~3.9 FAX I ~EP. RATED BRAS~ WEDGE DETAIL 1:~3JEGT: 'P~"IINAL ~XI~A,N~ION L~.7,A'qON: C~r' OF NEW LONDON NE'~V LONDON C, OUNTY. C,,ONNE~Iq~UT WA I ~I~/AY: NE%V IJDNDON DATE MAY ~q::~, 2OO1 ~: ~E~ I~ B~ND /CAP O'yR) B~ND-PLAN PLUG/C~-PL~ Vb-~V CX~NCI24= i ~- TMRLI~T N~ 1. CONCI2.Fr~ FOR THI;~LI~T BI..OGK,.~ SHALL ~ MINIMUM ~M~ ~¢~ O¢ ~ ~1 AT ~ ~, ~¢T B~K ~N¢ ~ TOO B~ IN ~CB ~ T~ ~IL CONOm~& THI:2U T BLOCK D TAIL- NOT TO .¢__.¢kLE ~42JEO~': T'~C-2dlNA/- ~AN_~ION LO6AI~O~ ~VAI'BR~CAY: NEW LONDON ~O~KO, IN~. Gn~r· OF NEW LONDON NE"~V LONDON C, OUNTY. C, ONNE~--ao..rr U NDt.~TUI;2~r.~ CONCI2~- ~ ~- THI~J~T I~LOCK N,V1TH FOI~"IEI~ ~IIDFc_~ (~EE THI~J.J~T BLOC:K DET.~qL FOI~ MINIMUM ~IZ~) I T~N~ VALVE ~D VALN,~ BOX I EXI~T1N~ WATB;~IAIN NOT~ CON I'~'1'O1~ TO VEI~IFY OUT~IDE OIAl~l~- I'1::I~ OF EXI~TIN~ MAIN. TAPPlN~ .SLEEVF___. $ VALVE DETAIL NOT TO ~ I:~I~DJ~-"T: 'I~¢J"IINAI_ JEXI~'ANSION ~ OF NEW LONE:~N NEW ~ C, OUNT¥, ~,ONNEC'~I~UT I:::~/~ OO-12-11~7jo ~VI'f'~_.H PUMP~ ~ ~PANE. L C~I]IDN ,~.AIL~, UFTIN~ CH.,~IN --fT~BA~IN 2" ~ TO CONNE-C770N TO PUMP' DISTAl L L.Dc~'nON: CITY O~ ND~V LONDON NE'~V LONDON ~OUNTY, C, ONNEG-n~LIT wA'rF_R~AY: NEW LONDON ~ AI::~D~_,ANT: ~.G,HI~.G I~D ~: OOCKO, INC. ~ ~n~.~ SEWER NOPJ~IAL LIMiTS OF OUTSIDE SU~=ACE OF ~VATE~ lINE. PII~E TO BE[ INST~ i ~V1THIN TH~cSE ~S MUST TO O~L ~/~ WA'~ ~. CLASS 1~' MIN. - 2(~ MIN. '~ WATEI~ PiPE ~...- i l~_~.~~ 1~' 'TYPICAL .~EX.k/E~-. AND O~NN C~IN~ Nor' TO SCALE P~:~JECT: 7]EP~11NA~ ~XI::'AN.~ION cr~Y Of NEW' LONDON NEW [..C~DON COUNI'~. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NE~V LDNDON HARBOR MAY ...-~0. ~ Ac~JCANT: ~ I~D ~ DIS~ ~E~: ~OC~O, INC. UNO~I2.0UNE) ~TOI;~E NOT'~: ~UI~,L TANK ~HOVVN; ~VA.~'rr~ Oil_ Vv'lLJ.. HA~ NO ~VllD- EXTENI~ 'FO THE t~01"1 ~--0t~ l~t"lOV~¢. Ot= ~V,A~T~ 011_ PP. Oj ~C'T: "F~.~EI'"IINAL- iEY4r'AN~ION LOCATION: GIT¥' OF NEW' LONI::~N NEYV LONDON ~UNTY, WATE~/AY: NEW LONDON DATE MAY .~O, 2OO1 ~OC~O, INC. ~ B. N~l~n, ~ ~ ~ 0~355 H. BASIS OF PROJECT AND DESIGN PARAMETERS II. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT NEW LONDON TERMINAL EXPANSION PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT MAY 31, 2001 BASIS OF PROJECT AND DESIGN PARAMETERS 1. OPERATIONAL NEEDS The operational and geometric needs of the site are laid out as efficiently as possible in this design configuration. Each of the individual sections that follow will enumerate the maneuvering area and numerical capacities of pedestrian vehicles, delivery tracks, fi.eight operations, vehicles owned and operated by the Ferry District and vessels owned and operated by the Ferry District. It should also be understood that there is a substantial amount of pedestrian traffic on and around the site and this will be enhanced or increased due to the provision of public access in the proposed design. There are two key factors for providing the operational needs for vehicles and pedestrians on this site. They are the expansive space provided and the separation between fi.eight and passenger operations provided by the terminal building. The location of the terminal building is essential to the proper functioning of the site since all fi'eight operations will be contained to the north of the building and all pedestrian and passenger operations will be to the west of it. The only connection will be the emergency vehicle lane which runs the full perimeter of the site. The Fishers Island ferry handles virtually all transportation needs to or fi.om the island. The most demanding vehicles for geometry are highway tractor trailers including tractor lengths of up to 55 feet. The ferries also transport cranes which have gross weights of up to 100,000 pounds on two axles which are critical for weight design. t8 A. PASSENGER VEHICLE NUMBERS AND REQUIREMENTS- The basis of the staging area and "hot" parking is based on the continuous and recent experience of the Ferry District in the operation of the facility. Staging for 60 to 80 vehicles is required in order to provide a full boatload for both ferries. Typical vehicles are full-sized cars and SUV's similar to the Chevrolet Suburban. In order to minimize space and optimize the efficiency of the site, the staging lanes have been laid out so as to provide adequate space for trucks as well as passenger vehicles. Tmck spaces are laid out along the west side of the staging areas leaving the most direct route for the primary slip. Since vehicles must back omo the ferries (this is a back-on / drive-off operation) it is necessary to provide adequate room for vehicles to make U-turns in their staging for loading. Vehicle lanes are laid out as 11 feet in width except for the truck lanes which will be 12 feet in width. With nine lanes for passenger vehicles and two of which are for trucks, a total of 60 vehicles can be stored on the site. Twenty-three "hot" parking spaces have been allocated to the west edge of the property by the landscaping strip and perimeter boundary with the Waterfi'ont Downtown Park and Walkway. These vehicles are essential to provide space for people waiting to pick up or drop off`patrons for the ferry without interfering with the staging lanes or the fi.eight operations. B. FREIGHT OPERATIONS - All fi.eight deliveries will be relegated to the area immediately north of the terminal building. A 110 foot total clearance is provided between the edge of the guardrail system and the building to allow a WB50+ vehicle to turn around unimpeded. Obviously this must be close to a maximum performance turning effort on the part of the truck / delivery agem and there is basically no room to back up or re-try the maneuver. A vehicle off-loading area is provided adjacent to the northeast comer of the building, clear of the tm-around. A scissor lift of approximately 20 foot length and 10 foot width is to be provided at the south end of this space to allow removal of heavy pallets or fi.eight without loading dock ramping or depressing paved areas. The pallet scissor lift must be pile supported to avoid differential settlement. Dollies and freight pallets will also line the easterly and northeasterly edge of the turn- around area so as not to interfere with fi.eight delivery operations. It will be possible for the Ferry District's forklift to drive through the north 1/3 of the term/hal building on the ground floor to provide ease of access for fi.eight items which must remain in storage for more than a day, or must remain out of the weather for one reason or another. 19 C. DISTRICT VEHICLES / VESSELS AND REQUIREMENTS - The vehicles owned and operated by the Ferry District are limited. The most fundamental use includes transport and loading of freight items, especially palletized ~eight using the Ferry District's forklift. All maneurvering areas and turning space / access ports into the shop or fi:eight area are designed specifically to accommodate the forklitL The primary equipmem operated by the Fishers Island Ferry District are the two ferry vessels themselves. The M/V~CE POINThas A 700 gross ton displacement and an overall length (LOA) of 160 feet and a beam of 33 feet and the M/VMUNATvlWKET has an LOA of 130 feet and a beam of 30 feet. These vessels require stable berthing facilities for their loading and off-loading operations and tie-off points for safety and security during times when the ferry terminal is unattended and heavy weather. The line of wood pile dolphins adjacent to the two slips will provide adequate guiding structures and tie-offpoints for both vessels as needed. The length of the ferry landing slips exceed the length of the ferry boats enough to provide adequate stability during adverse wind conditions for the most part. When the vessels are undergoing maintenance, they may be relocated to the east face of the bulkhead. Therefore, tie-off bollards or cleats and fender piles or other fenders must be installed along the east bulkhead wall. These facilities are currently included in all permits and are adequate in size anticipating the wind load and impact loads which could be exerted by a boat if slightly greater displacement than the existing ferries. 20 D. PEDESTRIAN SEGREGATION - Pedestrian access to the site will accommodate ferry patrons as well as public access. The public access will be routed around the perimeter of the site to remain clear of normal operations. They will be separated fi.om these operational areas in a corridor bounded by fences with occasional gates. A guardrail will be installed between the public access route on the east face and the fi.eight maneuvering area / dolly and pallet storage area and perimeter emergency egress loop which are all located to the east of the ferry terminal building. This guardrail system will consist of driven piles and bolted timbers to maintain an aesthetic appearance commensurate with the building and adequate strength to shield the walking public from potentially injurious conditions. This protective guardrail system is going to utilize 12x12 or similar heavy timbers supported by wood piles at approximately 10 foot intervals along the west edge of the public access walkway on the east face of the site. Piles will be steel or a minimum of 12" butt diameter Southern Yellow Pine and terminate approximately 3 feet above the pavement grade. They will be slightly notched on the west face and a 12 x 12 guard rail will be attached to the face spliced as necessary at piles. All holes will be counterbored to provide a smooth and flush surface both on the pedestrian side as well as the vehicle side. It is anticipated that pile embedment of 10 to 15 feet will be required for guardrail stability. It is anticipated that patron access will be limited to the staging areas where riders will walk to and from their vehicles to purchase tickets for departure to the island. From the staging lanes they will also have access to the public access corridor, if they so desire, south of the terminal building. The terminal is specifically sited to separate as much as possible, patron foot traffic from the freight area. A steel railing will mn around the entire site for protection of the public and users. It will be 42 inches high and will match the Downtown Waterfront Park railing. A portable section of railing with a gate will be installed across the face of the property for security at, er hours. The peripheral protection railing along the east wall will be completely removable in sections to allow access to the boats for maintenance work as required. These railing sections will have to be pinned or locked in place with bolts or other securing devices in order to assure that the public at large cannot move them and thus deprive others of the perimeter protection of the devices. 21 E. BUILDING- The terminal building itself is broken up into six functional uses: fi:eight storage, lounge and ticket lobby, repair shop, administrative offices, storage and crew quarters. The lieight office will be allocated in such a way as to provide an independent and isolated freight dispatch office adjacent to the warehousing space with drive-through vehicle access at both the east and west wall and a stairway system from the ground to the crew quarters level of the second floor above. The warehousing area will be as wide open as possible with a centerline hoist built into the ceiling capable of 1 ton lilts. The lifl and drive- through access dictate a ceiling height of approximately 11 feet. The ticket lobby will be a walk-through area for ticket sales and approximately 10 to 20 seats for patrons lacking vehicles or otherwise wishing to walt for a ferry inside the building. There will also be restrooms for men and women, one of which will be fully handicap- accessible, and a walk-through area liom the passenger ticket counter to the fi:eight office. Finally, this area will also have a stairway to the second floor for administrative office and Ferry District official functions and a step down access doorway to the fi.eight lit~ area through the east wall. The shop will have an open work area in the core with peripheral tool storage racks and work benches. There will be a high volume exhaust fan located above the east wall exit door to the fi:eight area. Both windows will be permanently closed or merely simulated. Like the warehouse side there will be a roll-up garage door on the south face with a maximum opening clear height of 9' 6" at the center of the arch. The workroom will have a paint and solvent rack on the west interior wall and special tool and equipment storage shelves on the interior east wall. There will be a centerline rail-mounted hoist capable of 1 ton lilts located in the shop, mounted to the ceiling. All types of repair activities including welding, burning and painting will take place in this work area. Fire ratings will have to be provided for all columns and underside of concrete decking on the second floor. It is anticipated that this building will be built utilizing a cast-in-place concrete flame pile cap for driven wood or steel piles into the bearing stratum of the harbor bottom. The ground floors will be at elevation 8' NGVD for the fi:eight warehouse and shop and 8.6 for the lounge. The fi.eight and shop floors will be ramped up to the lounge level doorways so that the maximum step riser is 4 inches, per code. This flame will extend via colunms to also support the second floor which will also have a structural concrete floor system. The area between the columns will be filled with a brick and block structural wall which may be broken down by wave action without degrading the structural characteristics and support capabilities of the building lime. The second floor and roofing system will be permanently attached via steel flame and studs, joists and framing and typical commercial interior finishes. The building's rear doors open up to the pavement grade of 8' NGVD with a step down as appropriate. Doors open right or left as shown to allow a clear exit path, in case of emergency, whether or not the track dock / scissor lifl is in use. 22 ~.OJECT: T~,~.I"IlNAL- E~:XJ~AN~ION CYI'Y OF NE",V LONE)ON NE'~V LONDON COUNTY, C, ONNEC'RCLrT EL-~VATION p~ouEc'r: ~I/',,/A~ tEXI~AN.~ION LOCATION: cr~'F OF NE~V LON[::~ON NE%V LONDON COUNTY', ~NNECTI~L/T AWNING WINDOW~ I'~P. L~VEL 32'-(7 I 34'~,' pIIR~T LEVEL ,GRADE NOT TO EXT~ p'~oJEC~: '/~/~"/IN~ iEKIaANSION GFF'f' OF N~-'x,V LONDON ~ LONDON C.,OUN'J'Y, ~NNECTIC:UT DUTCH GAiSL~ MA~ON R.Y WALL iN 1 pOP~GP-.OUND TOP OF UFP[P-, LL~VEL WINDOW' OPENINGS ?R~CAST CONCP~ET[ BAND TO ~E I ' F'R,OUD Off MASONk~LY WITH 45 DEC CHAMPER. TOP' AND O~TOM g~O~O~El~ ~UIL.DIN~ ~ECTTON I'~OT TO E~ LOCATION: ~VAI~VAY: NE',..V LONOON I.-t,~l~R ~: ~H~ I~D CITY OF NEW' LONDON NE-'~/LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT 12~V~ SITE LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS 2.LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS A. WATERFRONT FACTORS - The tide range in New London Harbor is 2.6' between mean low and mean high water. High tide is approximately 3.9' above mean low water. The highest tides of the year, historically, based on the One Year Storm, are about 4.5' above mean low water. The lowest tide observed since 1985 is approximately 1' below mean low water. Thus it was felt that a tide range of approximately 6 feet should be considered as nominal for purposes of ramp design and with due consideration for the elevation of the top of the bulkhead at the loading / off-loading interface. New London Harbor is exposed to a wide variety of wind-driven and vessel-induced waves. The primary channel rum north and south, approximately 2,000 feet east of the site. Waves from larger vessels and typical high wind conditions (30 knots or so) will produce waves in a 2 to 3 foot range. In more stormy conditions, wave heights may be higher but typically sea conditions out in Long Island Sound would preclude ferry activity. Nonetheless, vessels must be securely berthed at the Ferry District site during these conditions and all impact loads for structures, beth along the bulkhead, ramp and dolphins must include an impact by the 700 gross ton M/V RACE POINT at speeds of up to 4 knots during maneuvering and 1 knot or so when at rest. Slips must be wide enough to allow ferries to maneuver, even during inclement weather, but narrow enough to constraint them when they are not in service. 29 B. RAMP LENGTH~ WIDTH & SURFACE - The ramps are the single most important element of the project because they provide the interface between the ferries and the shoreside facilities. The ramps are permitted to be 30' wide and 30' long. It is felt that at least for preliminary considerations, the overall cost of such ramps will be a minor factor in the overall project cost and thus should be pursued to the maximum size permitted. The added length to 30' over typical length of 24' allows for basically one additional foot of rise and fall in the tide range while still providing a 15% (+/-) maximum grade on the ramp. The ramp clear width of 20' is felt to be justified because it would give almost complete access to the full beam of the ferry and thus ease loading and off-loading considerations. The two major functions of the ramps are to allow vehicles to load and off-load fi.om the ferries but also, and equally important, to allow pedestrian traffic to safety board and off- load. Adequacy of the surface of the ramp as far as traction, drainage and safe usage by foot traffic are key elements in the design. Most ramps utilized by the Ferry District and other ferry operators as well, consist of a combination of support beams, wood planking as cross members, and some kind of a wearing surface such as ¼" checkered steel plate. The last ramp reconstruction project on Fishers Island substituted ½" checkered steel plate for the wood and wearing surface. To date this ramp has performed admirably and is considered preferable over the previous design with perhaps some improvements because of long-term wearing and structural stability and thus lesser maintenance concerns. The ramp is however exceptionally rigid and is not as likely to follow slight healing tendencies of the ferry when heavy loads are asymmetrically loaded on the ferry, a condition sometimes experienced during loading / off-loading. In order to improve vehicle traction during snow and ice conditions, it was felt that a grating type of surface would be better than plating. It would probably also be lighter in weight and provide substantial ease of inspection of support beams and undercarriage equipment. Steel grating however, represents a significant problem for foot traffic boarding and off-loading. It was therefore felt that perhaps a checkered steel plate surface walkway along one edge would be an adequate provision for foot traffic. It would also allow for foot traffic to be channelized to ease vehicle and passenger separation, thus an added safety benefit for the ramp. If this corridor were 4 feet wide, it would allow the remaining 16 feet to be utilized for vehicle access. The largest ramp currently utilized by the Ferry District is the comer ramp in Silver Eel Cove which has a width of 18 feet. All other ramps are 14 feet in width. The 20 foot wide vehicle travelway on the proposed ramp would be an improvement of almost 50% over the old ramps. One additional benefit of the grating deck material is the loss of adverse effect due to storm wave uplift forces which can and will exist at this site. 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Provisions would have to be made for a removable rail to exist between the steel grating surface and checkered steel plate. Some type of shimming between the undercarriage beam and checkered steel plate longitudinal support beams would have to be provided to take care of thickness differences between the grating and checkered steel plate (approximately 1" to 2"). A railing could be mounted between two channels substituted for the normal wide flange I-beam support stringers. Shims would only be required between the undercarriage beam and the longitudinal stringers. Pipe rail sleeves could be welded between the two opposing channels and thus be incorporated right into the framework of the ramp. It is probably advisable to have the outer support stringers as channels toed in so that pipe sleeves can be welded directly to them rather than utilizing a curbing mounted rail such as was utilized on the comer ramp at Fishers Island. One last consideration on the ramp is that the Ferry District would like to put the bumper system, the energy absorption strip between the ferries and the land shore facilities on the end of the ramp rather than to have them mounted on the ferry. This means that each end of the stringer beam or channel must be interconnected with a horizontal beam to which the energy absorbing bumper can be attached. Design loads for the bumper will have to be substantial since either ferry can use either slip and the largest of the ferries right now is the M/V RACE POINT at 700 gross tons. This will add to the rigidity of the ramp which has advantages and disadvantages as previously discussed. The ramp should be supported on the shore side by a pile-supported or bulkhead supported framework. If piles are used, they should be steel and filled with concrete because the stonework to be placed along the toe of the bulkhead in this area will preclude easy replacement of the piles. If the bulkhead were to be utilized, it would have to have skin friction bearing capacity of the bulkhead offset by the downward frictional forces on the bulkhead from behind due to consolidation of fill will have to also support as much as 50,000 pounds, the maximum vehicle axle load recently experienced during the off-loading of specialty cranes and construction equipment. The ramp will have to have a long-term structural capacity of at least 100,000 pounds and axle load of 50,000 pounds, dynamic, and axle loads on 2 tires. The ramp must also withstand a 700 ton impact load and uplil~ during storms of 2,000 PSF. Each ramp must have a bumper system to keep the stem deck of the ferry from getting too far underneath and the bumpers typically support a deck support beam in case the ramp slips oftha ferry or breaks a counterbalance support device. This system will be designed to support the dropped ramp and a 700 ton impact. 31 PI_AN VIEW NOT TO ~C~XLE LOCATION: WATERWAY: N'~-'vV LONJDON ~ O,~,TE: MAY ~. ~ ~T: ~H~ I~D ~OCKO, INC. 572 8~3~ ~ ~ 572 D~V~ 00-1241~7jo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION - IP-.~p BE~M COUNTEI~s/EIGHT TO~v~--~S NOT TO ~ ~Ou F--C-T: T~I;~J~INAL. ~..X~AN~ION L~-_-,A'~ON: WATE~I~VAY: N~"~ LONOON HA~R DAT~: ~Y BO, ~ ~: ~ I~O ~OC~O, INC. C,~TY OF N~%V N'~'~V LONDON COUNTY, GONNEC'lqCLZI' I~T TO ~ I~E.a,/~l 1' PLATE BY 10' ~ViDE - ~ 'TO 'vVEB, .AND p~oJ~;'r: T~P.~IlNd~. EX~d~I~ION ',~.ATEI;~VAy: NEW' LONDON DATE: MAy 30, :2OO1 ~ DI~TRI~'T I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I i i I I ;2" CTEEL 12..a, ll_ I:~)~T ~TEEL I~L NOT TO ¢C_.~1 1= ~:)jEc'r: TEI~J~11i',,.!,AL. EXI~AN.~ION '~VAT~AY: ~ LONDON DATE: AC:~L 30, 2OO1 ,~ENT: [2~V¢ 00-12-11~7J0 ¢.. PO~T END OF WOOD 5/8" PLATE BOLTED TO Vv12X.5~ PER PLAN 3/4'X8' LA~ BOLT AT .EACH POST 5/8" CHECHE~ED PLATE 12-AIL AT I:2-.A~P COP-.NEP- DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ~J~: TEPJ~IliXlAI_ Id, Ay .~,0. 2001 A~ENT: E~OC~O, INC. ~ ~72 893.¢ FAX CITY OF: NE~V LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, C.,ONNEC'flCUT Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ! ~ O,~,T I= NTII;~E~ .A.~51::MI~LY - 5ALV,, I~/NN ,a, LT~I~',,IA'T'IV~ ~"X,,4."X1/2" .AN~LE~ BOLT THI2.~USH 8X~ AND ¢/8" ¢'T'~=~=t PLATE TO Wd:;ZX_5_~ TOP OF: CHBCK~I~ PLATE ..~/4-" B, OLT..~ - (2) AT EACH I:::~D.~T ~ ~------~2X.5.~ GU/~E) / I-Ca,NE::) P~IL ~IECTION NOT TO .~:2ALE ~ITY OF NE-'~V LONOON N~-'~V LONDON ¢.,OUN"P¢, C.,ONN.~'TICUT NOT~ THI_~ I~ AN ILLUSTI~ATION OF:/NN IEXI~TIN~ COUNTI~I~:~,,,MI~I~HT BUCK..~-T - .a, LTI~I~N,a,~ MAY BI:: CQN~IDEI~-.~D COUNTIEI;L~IGHT BUCKET CH,~NNt~L 8X18,7_G --'~v~ELIDIEO TO C.~ AND DUAL CHANNELS E,/~" ~T~I~L PI~TI~ CAP TO ~T COUNTI~I~I~HT TCNVE.~ ~VITH BOLTI~D C.,ONN~--TION COUNTEI;L~tGHT FI~E_~/NND HOIST ~.oJ~ cm TNI~IIINAI_ IE~I~I~ION L~TiON: ~ ~ N~ ~ N~ ~N~N ~, ~N~ WA~A~: N~ ~N~N ~ OOCKO, INC. I I I I ! I I I I I I I i i FOI~ ~HF_.AVE CI-~a~NN~L 1~X25 ~ 'WELD TO CHANNI~L.~ BENEATH EACH HOI_~T 6F_AI'd ANID ~HEAVEE NOT TO ~ )/~-" ~,4 I;~I~ ~ALVd~'~ I~IED ~ )~:EN 5OCKET-~ ' THICH ~NO PLATE ~.~,, 1/~X~.~_~' ~ SI:~D~I~ BI=NEATH 6EA¢'I '~ELOEE) TO CH,a~NI=L..~ AT 22" CENTEI~ - HOIST 6~'d AT 12.,Al'dP EDGE NOT TO ~ ~'~OJF_CT: TNI:~,i'~IN, AI.. EXI~.,AN~ION GITY OF NEA,V L.~NDC)N NEW LONDON COUNTY, GONN~ C. HOISTS AND COUNTERBALANCES The counterbalance and hoist system for the ramp will follow conventional lines utilized by the Ferry District in the past except that it will be a refinement of the comer ramp facilities rather than the 4-pile supported structure curremly utilized at the New London Terminal. It will be desirable to leave only 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of contact weight between the ramp and the stem of the ferry. The counterbalance tower will consist of a single 18" (+/-) diameter steel pile driven into the bottom sediments with adequate fiictional bearing and end bearing capacity to bear the weight of the ramp and the counterbalance weight itself; plus impact loading. The ramp will weigh 40,000 to 50,000 pounds and the counterweight tower will be located approximately three quarters of the way out along the ramp's length, approximately 21 feet fiom shore. Each tower will have to support approximately 15,000 pounds of the ramp's weight plus an equal counterweight, so approximately 30,000, plus impact considerations. The top of the counterweight towers will have a "T" fiame with greaseable bronze bushed sheaves located at the two ends for support of the counterweight and ramp. One inch galvanized steel cable will connect the ramp to the counterweight over the sheaves. The "T' frame should have gusset diagonal braces which will also serve as the attachment point for the electrical and mechanical hoists. One counterweight tower on each ramp will have an electric hoist. This will probably be best served at the center support tower since that will be nearest to the common light tower and electrical panel. Manual hoists will be located on the outboard towers for operation of the ramp during electrical or equipment failures on the electric hoist. The hoist devices will bo mounted clear of the counterbalance weight cables. The manual chain lift will be connected to the electric hoist via a 1/2 inch stainless steel cable strung through greaseable sheaves mounted on a split channel beam beneath the deck support beams. 40 I I I I I I ! I I I I I I ! t I C. DOLPHINS- Dolphin piles exposed to wearing or direct bearing y the fences will be fitted with molded ultra-high molecular weight char'rog strips spanning from 2 feet above mean low water to elevation 12 feet. The current permits for the project include a system of 7-pile dolphins for alignment and maneuvering guidance and 19-pile dolphins for tie-off points adjacent to the ramps and approximately 180 feet out from shore and immediately adjacent to the stem of each ferry and the ramps. These dolphins will utilize Class A or B wood piles driven approximately 20 feet into the bearing stratum thus necessitating a length of about 50' to 60' in pile length. Top of piles will be approximately elevation 12 for the first 3 out from shore in each line and 18' for the remainder. Inboard piles on the dolphins should be as close to vertical as possible with a maximum batter of approximately 1:8 (1' horizontally in 8' vertically) and high density molecular weight plastic chafing strips should be attached to the wearing piles from mean low water to an elevation of 10 feet above mean low water.. Dolphins will be bolted together at the top and wrapped with 10 to 20 wraps of 1" galvanized wire rope spiked into each pile for stability and security. The tie-off lines for both ferries are 3" braided nylon which has a break strength of approximately 50,000 lbs. Lines of this size are purchased because of their long-term wearing characteristics and not absolutely for strength. Tie-off point loads in the range of 30,000 to 40,000 pounds should be anticipated. To a large extent, shock absorption for impact loads is provided by the stretching of the lines. E. MAINTENANCE SLIP BUMPERS- The maintenance slip sheet pile bulkhead will be fitted with ultra-high molecular weight plastic cha£mg or bumper strips. These strips will protect the waler from direct contact with the boats and the steel hull and bulkhead from each other. Wood spacers will be set between the spacers to prevent them from being sheared off during moments of contact in motion. 41 7 / / / D~r[1-~ AT Mb'A/ ",,VATEk~VA¥: NEW LONDON DAT~ MAY ~, ~ ~T: ~H~ ~NT: ~, ~ 0~355 [:NV< I ! I i NOT TO ~ TIMBEI~ PILl:= TIP DI~T'AIL NOT TO ~ I~DJF. Ct: T'EI;~"11~ tEXPAN~ION CITY OF NE',V MDN[R~IN NE~V LONI~:~NI COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATEEgCAY: NE~V LONDON ~ DATE MAY 30, 2001 ~ DI~ DOCKO, INC. ~, ~ 0~355 13 PILE DOLF:'HIN "7 PlLF_. DOLPHIN BOLT ~ (CHANNEL 13 PILE FEENE)EI:P-, ~.OJF-CF: 'T'EI~MINAI.. EXP/V',!SION LOCATION: GFI~ OF Nb-k,V LONDON NB'CF LONDON C. OUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATEk'~FAY: NEW LOND2N ~ DATE MAy 30, 2OO1 ACf;LIC, ANT: '~SH.6I:~ ISLAND A~ENT; DOCI~O, INC. K,~Cn B. NeiL~n. PIE [~,,V~; 00--124'187jo I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. STAGING LANES - Vehicle staging lanes will be as long as possible but provide a 24 foot vehicle access lane around both ends for fire and emergency response access. Vehicle lanes for passenger cars will be 11 feet in width, and for trucks, will be 12 feet in width. E. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SLIPS- Because of the staging lane geometry and necessity of providing truck access, it is envisioned that the primary slip will be the easterly of the two. This will allow trucks to drive into the site and make a 180° turn into a parking slot along the staging lanes for almost straight back maneuvering onto the vessel. The tracks in this possible will offer minimum impedance to the orderly flow of vehicular traffic on the rest of the site, both for waiting cars for loading as well as off-loading vehicles departing the site ~om the ferry. The secondary slip will thus be the westerly of the two because loading for it will utilize vehicle lanes in the westerly edge of the staging area which can obviously only support half of the vehicle load that the easterly staging lanes can support. Both of these operational methods will allow a clear vehicle access lane for departing vehicles aiter off- loading. 45 BITUI"dlNOU~ CONCI;~I~TI~ LII:::~ CUI~I~ .~TANDAI~.D I~I~-.F__C:.A~T CONCI~.~--'TI~ ~Vl--tI~:L STOl:~ I:~INN!=:O TO I:~AVI~MI~NT cr~' ol~ N~-'~ LONI~ON N~,V LONOON COUNTY, ~C~INE-CT1CLrl' J 16' b"l,~,l:~l,CI N G DETAIL NOT TO ~ GiT'r' OF NE"~V L~NDGN NEW L~NDON COJN'r'Y, C.Z~NNEC~CUT Ol~T~Cr INC. ~TOP ~I~N PI~OJfECT SIGNS PP~JECT: T'~J"11NAI- Cl'Pff OF NE'~V LONDON NE"~V I.ONE:)ON COUNTY, C, ONNEC'rlCUT W~i'~VA¥: NEW LONDON ~ AI~L 30, 2001 APPLICANt: FISHE2S I~:~ND ~E~: OOC~O, INC. D~V~ ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS IH. ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS A. GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION - Over the past several years several boring projects have been undertaken at the Ferry District in order to documem sub-surface geological information for construction. In 1992 borings were conducted by Clarence Welti Associates of Glastonbury with a preliminary engineering analysis of the results. These analyses were particularly appropriate and directed at bulkhead stability and preliminary design for the bulkhead as well as dolphin embedmem and wood pile driving characteristics. These borings were supplemented with a more detailed program conducted by Gibble Norden Champion in January of 2001. Borings were again done by Clarence Welti Associates. The documentation of all of these studies is attached herewith in its entirety. 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I B. BULKHEAD AND TIE-BACKS The bulkhead system is going to have to span approximately a 20 foot water column, 5 feet of organic soils with virtually no stability characteristics suitable for structural credit, and then a dense, fine sand bottom sediment into which the steel bulkheading will be embedded. The top of the bulkhead will be approximately 7 feet above mean low water. Thus, the total unsupported length of the bulkhead will be approximately 30 feet. A tie-back system will have to be installed landward of the bulkhead and with due consideration for the anticipated consolidation of organic soils on the bottom and the effect that this will have on backfill materials. It may dictate that a pile supported tie-back system will be required to maintain predictable strength and minimize the length of tie-back rods and thus their susceptibility to consolidation of the soils. A waler will be installed on the exterior of the bulkhead just above the mean low water line for maximum structural stability of the wall. This waler will have to protected by bumper-strips to keep the ferry fi.om ever coming in contact with the steel structural elements. Although the permit documents show that the fendering system will be individual wood piles along the exterior of the bulkhead, it may be better to attach ultra-high molecular weight plastic fender pieces of 12 x 12 square sections to the bulkhead instead of the wood piles. It is anticipated that a PZ40 sheet will be utilized for this project; not only for structural considerations but in order to provide the maximum steel thickness for long-term wear and corrosion considerations in this salt water environment. The highest susceptibility for corrosion of materials is in the splash zone f~om one foot below mean low water to 1 foot above high tide. The worst deterioration will be at approximately elevation 2 to 3 feet. Therefore, it will be recommended that the exterior of all steel sheeting be coated with 16 mils of coal tar epoxy and underlain with a 3 mil thick layer of zinc-rich primer. This combination was found to be the most structurally suitable and effective in preventing corrosion of bulkhead in the splash zone in studies conducted by Bethlehem Steel and U.S. Steel over the years. The tie-back system should use tie-hack rods on the order of 1" to 2" thick with full- strength transfer couplings for extended lengths and all materials should be galvanized and / or coated with coal tar epoxy. 51 C. BUILD1NG SUPPORT - The terminal building will be constructed in an area currently designated as a V-Zone and therefore must be supported by independent piles reaching down to natural materials. This would indicate that Class A or B wood piles or smaller diameter steel piles could be utilized for this purpose. Piles wilt be intemormected by and mutually support a cast-in- place concrete perimeter frame for the building. This perimeter t~ame will be reinforced to provide adequate support for columns and the first floor walls which must be break- away in order to comply with conditions of the permits and standard FEMA practices. The floor slab of the building will have to be structural reinforced to anticipate loss of support from beneath due to subsurface soil consolidation after filling. Utilities for the building will likewise have to be supported by pile and timber frames to allow their alignment to remain fixed during anticipated soil consolidation and settlement. The utility vault at the south end of the terminal building will likewise have to be pile supported and a cast-in-place or pre-cast anchored section which the tank will be placed and strapped down. The vault will have to have a pre-cast top capable of HS20 loading and lifling lugs for its removal. Access ports will be required for daily or routine accessibility during monitoring of the tanks or other purposes. Approximately mid-way along the east face of the terminal building, a set of scissor lffis will be installed for ease of off-loading tractor trailers with large or heavy freight. This scissor lffi should be a 10 foot square platform capable of handling the forklift plus reasonable pallet loads from the truck. 52 I ! I I I I I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '! ! I ! ! D. FENCING- A perimeter fence will be installed around the entire site from the New London Waterfront Walkway at the southwest comer, down the west wall to the primary slip. This fence will pick up between the primary and secondary slip and then continue from the east edge of the secondary slip, down the east wall and around the northeasterly comer and back to shore. The fence will be designed to the same standards as the Downtown Waterfront Walkway fence. It will provide security for pedestrians and comply to current codes in that regard. (4" balluster spacing, etc.) In front of each of the slips and at the openings indicated on the site plan, there will be pipe sleeves placed in the pavement at 8 foot centers to support a chain gate, easily removed for access to the ferries and yet providing continuity for safety of pedestrians when the vessels are not in use. A sliding chainlink gate will be provided just to the west of the westerly track slip to minimize encroachment by the public into the operational areas of the staged vehicles. In times of adverse freight related maneuvering, this gate can be opened to provide a secondary point of access for large or unwieldy loads. It will also serve as the access point for emergency response vehicles. A removable section of fencing will be provided across the entrance to the property. This will permit the site to be secure at night. The fence sections will be similar in appearance to the rest of the railing system. 53 I I I I I I,l,I I I, ELEVATION VIE'vV T'C!21CAL I~AILING IDETAIL ~OJEOT: T~I~J~INAL. t~KI~AN..~ION ~TION: CiTY OF NEW LONDON NEC,/LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT D%V¢ 00--12-fl8,7~ 15UL.KHT~kD _ ..¢~H.rr..ATHI N ~ ~ ~.oJ ~-"r: TEI~.hllN, N_ EXla. ANSION LOCA'qON: ~ (DF NE'¥V LONDON NE~V LONg;ON GOUNTh", C.,ONNE. G"qOJ'r V/Al ~VAY: NE'er L.OINIZ~N ~ D,A'T'E: HAy ...,-~O..2OO1 ,AI::~,.ANT: F~E~,'IEJ~ I.~J.AND OOCl~O, INC. I~V(~ OO--12-11&TJ~ E. LIGHTING- A perimeter lighting system will have to be installed to assure adequacy of illumination of proposed hot parking, vehicle staging and operational areas of the ferry. For the most part these perimeter lights will follow the standard of the New London Waterfi'ont Walkway where independent light fixtures are required especially along the north, east and west edges of the site. There will be flood lights and spot lights attached to the building for illumination of specific operational areas. In addition, a single, mast- mounted light will be situated between the two ferry ramps with spotlights and floodlights aimed at the ramp and berthing facilities. These lights will be aimed in such as way so as not to shed glare on adjacent properties, but they are functionally dependent on adequately illuminating the operational areas and some glare off the site may be experienced. At the base of this central lighting mast between the slips will be an electrical panel for distribution of circuitry to the electrical hoist and shore power for the ferries. All underground services to these lighting fixtures will be installed in conduit for ease of access during anticipated maintenance work, especially in view of the possibility of flooding of the site. 56 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I ! I I F. LANDSCAPING- Landscaping for this site is minimal but was required as part of the zoning permit for the City of New London. It is anticipated that globe junipers at roughly 5 foot intervals along the west edge of the property in the crushed stone strip between the hot parking paving area and the New London Waterfront Walkway. Because of the agreement to provide additional public access easement to the City of New London, the landscaping will terminate approximately 150 feet short of its original northerly terminus. One tree is to be planted at the southwesterly comer of the site for aesthetic treatment. This tree is intended to be a Japanese Black Pine which is tolerant of salt water exposure and hearty enough to exist in this seasonally harsh environment with the deletion of the cellular cofferdams, other aesthetic treatments may be required. Modifications to the landscaping plan will probably have to be administratively reviewed by the City of New London prior to granting of the building permit in order to assure compliance with the intention of the Zoning Permit. 57 3' ~N~ ~ MI/L.CH UNLE~ OTHEI;~:~V~E PLANTING I~,~,_,K~LL ~v~ I:~1..a~nN(~ MIXTLJI~ 1 l~,a~;~l' I:~r_~T 1 P,a~;~T ~ I=ROM ,,N~OUND TRUNK AND ~ ~ LOOSEN ~OIL 3' 1~ ~ I~T, I::~L!N~: ~WOOD NOT~ DO NOT ~DID F~FiL ~::"~'~ TO ;:~ANTIN~ ~OIL FO~ FALL PLANTING~ OR bMDE.~T ~ OF ~ ,A~IN~LE TI~--.NCH ~ [~IE DU(~ FOR ~ .GHRL.J~,5 IN ,~. HED(~E THAN .~.JRP,~NDIN~ (~ROUND PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO ~CAL~ L~k~A~O~ NE~,V L.ONDON C, OUN'Pr', C. ONNE~riO.~ O%V~ 00-1~-11~7..D I I ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G._:. RAINFALL SURFACE RUNOFF, DRAINAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM Surface runoff fi.om rainfall and precipitation in general, is going to require special treatment in this project. The DEP permit stipulates that a special rainfall collection system will be implemented and hinted during the permit review process that ~ &~soa ,.~e~,~a. h ol~ filtration system would be required. We have obtained engineering data on the !-~e~c~ i;, le"i'm3.~,~ie and have included it as details in this report. It is anticipated that the drainage system will be a combination of trench drains and underground piping around the perimeter of the site as follows: A trench drain will be set in the pavement running west to east, sloping to the east across the entrance drive. It is anticipated that pre-cast concrete trench boxes will be set across the pavement just above the utilities which will have to be encased in concrete for load distribution purposes. This system will be designed to the maximum loading capability possible in order to assure its long-term suitability for the ferry. At the east terminus of the trench drain, an 8" perforated drainpipe will be laid in the crushed stone perimeter fill area at a depth of approximately 1' to 2', sloped at 0.7% to the east. From the northeast comer of the new bulkhead this perimeter will turn south and transition into a 10" pipe for approximately 50 feet, the slope of 0.7%. Approximately abeam the terminal building, this pipe will become a 15" pipe and continue running south at a slope 0.7% until reaching the ~ 1,4¢Tm~,~bol~.' at the southeast comer of the bulkhead. Rainfall runoff will go through the Dc~{~/ t;~l~'mo~t~bot~ for gdt removal before discharging overboard to the east. The discharge elevation of the generator will be at approximately 3 feet above mean low water or 2 feet NGVD. The west perimeter drain system will consist of an 8" perforated pipe approximately 1' to 2' deep at the northerly end of the landscape strip. This will proceed in a southerly direction along the property boundary with the Waterfiront Park until it tums easterly approximately 10 feet north of the rabble revetment. The pipe will again turn south and run in a crashed stone trench at 0.7% slope all the way south to the south face of the bulkhead as a 12" pipe. The pipe then will turn easterly and flow at 0.7% as a 15" diameter perforated pipe until reaching the Vortechnics generator at the southeasterly comer oftbe site. Scuppers will be cut into the bulkhead immediately above the finished grade elevation in order to allow excess water to exit fi.om the site in the event that the Dc~xted v~*~ ¢o1- is overwhelmed by rainfall runoff`in the case of storms greater than 25 years, or in the event that high tide conditions preclude discharge efficiency of the ~¢r~- cc~.~, system. The details on the 'b~,-ded,-,~r m~,l~cte are included as a catalog submission follow this section. In order to avoid proprietary bid situations an "or equal" clause will be added to the contract documents. A stretch of pavement approximately 100 feet long at the northerly end of the site along the west border with the New London Waterfi'ont Walkway will drain to the north and be picked up by the trench drain across the north boundary of the property. The trench drain will be situated in a configuration running fi.om the northeast comer post of the Waterfront Park Walkway fence, almost directly east to the northeast comer of the property. 59 ~I:~Z~INAGEE TI:21ENCH IDtETAIL NOT TO ~OJECr: TEI~J~IIXI~4- IEXP.~X!~ION LOC~llON: CITY OF NE'er' LONDON NE%V LONDON COUNT'f, CONNECTICUT WATF-I;~AY: NEW LONDON AC~L 30, ~ ~: R~E~ ~: 572 ~9 F~ ~ ~ D",,V(~ OO-12-11E, TJo H.._~. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS The approved Site Plan for the expansion of the Fishers Island Ferry Terminal has general erosion and sediment control notes for the project. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN Project Description This project will be the expansion and improvement of the Fishers Island Ferry District's New London Terminal, consisting of the installation of approximately 780 (+/-) linear feet of steel sheet piling bulkhead with approximately 32,000 cubic yards of granular backfill over an area of approximately 32,000 square feet, paved vehicle staging, maneuvering, loading lanes and parking, and a new terminal building, as shown on this plan. It is anticipated that most work will be done between October 1993 and May 1994, with the remainder being finished during the same months of the following year. Construction Sequence A. For fill from the shoreside, install all tempora~ construction entrances, and sediment berms at the progressive edge of fill. B. Fill work site to subgrade level. Fill will be placed and compacted in 12 inch lifts to within 3 feet of finished grade and shall be free of brush, rubbish, logs, buildings debris, or any other objectionable material. Moisten soil surface periodically with water to minimize dust. Upon commencement of fill within 1 foot of finished grade, install silt fence along west edge of the site to retain erosion sediment on the site. C. Construct buildings, all utilities and downspout drainage systems. D. Place and compact base material to final grade and pave or place crushed stone surface as shown. E. The landscaped areas shall be prepared and stabilized as follows: I. Place minimum topsoil in all areas to the depth of the plantings. 2. Apply limestone and fertilizer in accordance with soil test recommendations. 3. Plant tree/shrubs per instructions. F. When all graded areas are permanently stabilized, remove all erosion and sediment controls. Remove trapped sediment. G. It shall be the responsibility of the Fishers Island Ferry District to ensure proper implementation of the soil erosion and sediment controls as shown on this plan; and shall include but not be limited to, installation and maintenance of any transfer of this responsibility to other parties. 61 These erosion and sedimem controls will be accomplished with a combination of silt fence and hay bales. Because the site is to be filled within the constraints of a sheet pile bulkhead for the most part, it will be unnecessary to provide sediment and erosion control on the bounded sides. The unconfined side, if phasing is actually implemented during construction, will he the side where sediments and erosion controls will have to be mn. Accordingly, the plans show hay bales posted along the entire east side of the project anticipating phasing. A silt curtain will also be installed on the water side of the fill immediately west of the existing M/V RACE POINT dolphin guides. Details of silt fence, hay bales and the floating silt curtain are shown in the attached details. I I I I I I I ,, I I I I I I I I 62 I I I I I EXHIBIITS EXHIBIT A GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION CONSUl_TING ENGINEERS INCORPORATED Kenneth Gibble, RE. lames F. Norden, RE. Laura E. Champion, P.E. Charles C. Brown, RE. ]30 ELM STREET POST OFF]CE BOX 802 OLD SAYBROOK CONNECTICUT 06475 gncengineers.com May 25, 2001 Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, Connecticut 06355 Re; Interim Geotechnical Report Fishers Island Ferry Terminal New London, Connecticut Dear Keith: This interim report summarizes subsurface explorations and our geotechnical engineering recommendations for construction of the expanded Fishers Island Ferry Terminal in New London, Connecticut. Our work was undertaken in accordance with our proposal dated November 7, 2000. Gibble Norden Champion is also providing structural engineering services for the project. The results of nineteen test borings completed at the site in October 1992 and January 2001 indicate that subsurface conditions typically consist of miscellaneous fill (within land and waters edge areas) over organic soils that are further underlain by a deep deposit of granular soils consisting primarily of medium to fine sand. Expansion of the terminal will require placement of fill to a level about 8 ft. above mean Iow water within an approximately 30,000 sq. ft. area. We recommend that the fill be confined by a continuous sheet pile bulkhead which is restrained laterally near its top by steel sheeting. The organic soils, which will be left in place, will require a carefully planned out sequence of work and consideration for long-term consolidation settlement. The new two-story terminal building and ground floor slab will require support on friction piles driven into the naturally- deposited inorganic granular soils. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of this study was to investigate subsurface conditions and to develop geotechnical recommendations regarding expansion of the existing ferry terminal. Comments on geotechnical aspects of construction are also provided. GIBSLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. May 25, 2001 Page 2 To achieve these objectives, Gibble Norden Champion Consulting Engineers Incorporated completed the following scope of work: Developed and monitored a subsurface exploration program consisting of four land borings and ten water borings to supplement the previous five water borings. Completed a laboratory soil-testing program on undisturbed tube samples of the organic soils to determine general index, organic content, strength and compressibility properties. · Conduced engineering analyses to develop bulkhead requirements and foundation support for the new terminal building. Prepared an engineering report that summarizes the field and laboratory investigations, engineering analyses, and comments regarding construction. SITE LOCATION AND EXISTING CONDITION(; The existing terminal facility is located at the terminus of State Street in New London, Connecticut. The existing facility, which will be rebuilt, includes a small warehouse building and two boat slips for ferry operation. The existing land area, which is at about El. 6, has an area of approximately sq. ft.. (Note that elevations are in feet and refer to Mean Low Water- MLW). The land slopes down towards the water to where mudline is as deep as about El. -18. The majority of the existing sloped surface is protected with large rip rap stone, ranging from about 4 ft. in dimension near the surface to less than 12 in. size below the water line. The slope is generally at a 2 hor:l ver slope, however is steeper at some locations above the water line. SUBSUFACE EXPLORATIONS Previous Explorations: tn October 1992, as part of a preliminary geotechnical investigation of the site, Clarence Welti Associates of Glastonbury~ Connecticut, drilled five test borings (B1 to B5) in the water. The locations of the borings are shown on the contract drawings. The borings ranged in depth from 30.5 to 61.5 ft. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. May 25, 2001 Page 3 be[ow the mud line. Logs of the test borings, prepared by the contractor, are included as Appendix A. Soil samples recovered from these borings were not available. Recent Explorations: In order to supplement the previous borings and to obtain soil samples for laboratory geotechnical testing, Gibble Norden Champion recommended a program of four land borings (B-101 to B-104) and six water borings (B-105 to B-110) be drilled at the site. The borings were drilled at the locations shown on the contract drawings during the period from January 16 to 25, 2001. Logs of the borings, prepared by the contractor and reviewed by Gibble Norden Champion, are included as Appendix B. Table I summarizes the pertinent test boring information. Clarence Welti Associates, Inc. of Glastonbury, Connecticut, under contract to Docko, Inc. drilled the test borings to depths below ground surface ranging from 22 to 47 ft. on land, to depths typically 40 ft. below mud line on water. Water depths ranged from 2 to 17 ft. at the water boring locations. Soil split spoon samples (ASTM D1586) were generally obtained at five-foot intervals, however some near continuous sampling was obtained of the fill materials on land. LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Four 3 in. diameter undisturbed tube samples of the organic soils were obtained at B-107C, B-110A, and B11 OB. GeoTesting Express, Inc., under contract to Gibble Norden Champion completed laboratory soil testing on representative samples of the organic soils in early March 2001. The test results are summarized on Table I1. The testing program, which was completed in substantial conformance to ASTM Standards, consisted of the following: Classification Tests: The classification tests consisted of the determination of natural water content, organic content, Atterberg Limits, and unit weights. The test results indicate the following range of properties: Natural water content: 60 percent to 120 percent Organic content: 7 to 14 percent Atterberg Limits: liquid limit- 85 to 120 percent plastic limit - 45 to 65 percent Dry Unit Weight: 40 to 45 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. May 25, 2001 Page 4 _Consolidation Tests: Four, one-dimensional consolidation tests were performed on to determine the compressibility and stress history of the organic soils deposit. The test results, as summarized in Appendix C in the form of plots of strain vs. log pressure, indicate these soils to be very slightly over-consolidated. In our opinion, the compression of the organic soils will be in virgin compression. Test results indicate a compressibility ratio (CR) ranging from 0.15 to 0.25. Strength Tests: Both undrained shear strength and consolidated shear strength testing was completed. The undrained shear strength ranged from 100 to 150 pounds per square foot (psf), while the shear strength once consolidated increased to at least 400 psf. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The test borings revealed four distinct soil units, consisting of a surface man- placed fill underlain by successive layers of mixed fill and organic soil, organic soil, and granular soil. Subsurface materials, as encountered at the test borings, are described below, progressing downward: Man-placed Fill (Stratum A): A 5 to 8 ft. thick deposit of man-placed fill (upper fill) blankets the existing land area. The fill consists of dark brown to black sand and gravel with varying amounts of silt, wood, and cinders. Mixed Fill and Organic Soil (Stratum B): A second (lower) fill material, which contains varying amounts of organic soil, underlies upper fill. The lower fill is primarily a black silty medium to fine sand with shells, organic soil, and wood. This lower fill deposit appears to be confined to land areas, and to the slope area immediately adjacent to the land (i.e. as encountered in B-105, B-106, and B- 107). Organic Silt (Stratum C): With the exception of B-105 and B-107, all the test borings encountered a deposit of very soft to soft, dark gray to black, organic silt. A few samples showed a trace amount of peat fibers. The deposit ranged up to 8 ft. thick; we believe, however, that within the existing boat slip areas, the operation of the ferry boats may alter the thickness of the organic soil. The laboratory soil test results that were performed on this deposit were previously discussed. GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. May 25, 2001 Page 5 Sand (Stratum D): The major soil unit at the site is a thick deposit of medium dense to dense fine sand to silty fine sand with pockets of medium to fine sand (Stratum D). However, an upper layer of loose to medium dense fine sand with trace organic soil (Stratum D1 ) exists within the north and east ends of the site, as it was encountered in B- 101,103, 106 to 108, and B1 to B2. As encountered at B-108, this upper sand may also contain a layer black organic silt. Tide levels may vary by a few feet above mean Iow water (at El. 0.0). Water level readings at the four land borings indicate that groundwater is a few feet above mean Iow water level. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS Proposed Construction: The ferry terminal project consists of increasing the land area of the existing terminal from about 30,000 sq. ft. to about 60,000 sq. ft. New land will be created south and east of the existing terminal facility by installing approximately 780 linear feet of new steel sheeting and filling behind the sheeting with approximately 32,000 cubic yards of backfill. Two new ferry slips will be created at the south end of the new sheeted bulkhead; an auxiliary boat slip will be constructed at the northeast corner of the new terminal area. The ferry operations, including warehouse storage, customer waiting areas, and administrative operations of the ferry district will be located within a new terminal building to be located along the east side of the new terminal area. The two-story building will measure about 90 ft. long by 36 ft. wide, having a footprint of about 2,700 sq. ft. Settlement Considerations: We understand that the cost and permitting issues associated with the removal of the organic silt deposit (Stratum C) requires that the material remain in place. The presence of the soft organic soils (Stratum C) is a significant impact to the overall project design and construction. As discussed be[ow, this deposit will settle significantly over a long period of time following placement of the backfill material needed to establish ground surface at approximately El. 8. In addition to the settlement, the following project impacts are realized by leaving the organic soils in place: The perimeter steel sheeting requires a large section modulus. The lateral support for the sheeting needs to extend to below the organic soils and the anchor rods require intermediate support. GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. May 25, 2001 Page 6 · The terminal building piles will need to be of a higher capacity to offset a greater downdrag load. · A portion of the utility run to the new terminal building will require pile support. The organic soils will compress significantly due to the weight of the approximately 26 ft. of backfill material to be placed to El. 8. The magnitude of settlement will depend on its original thickness, which varies from about 2 to 8 ft., and soil compressibility properties, as determined by laboratory testing. We expect that the organic soils will have a total settlement in the range of 1.5 to 2 ft. The majority (90 percent) of the settlement is expected to occur within 2 years, however 75 percent should occur within the first year. Thereafter settlement is expected to occur at a decreasing rate, in the range of 1 in. per year, decreasing to less than 1 in. per year after 10 years. Bulkhead Desi§n: The new bulkhead will need to support an effective height of fill of about 33 ft. height. This assumes that the top of new fill will be at El. 8 and the organic soil deposit at the mud line does not provide any passive resistance to the sheeting. Based on initial design calculations, it appears that a continuous sheeted bulkhead with one horizontal tie rod level will be adequate to resist the new fill. The tie rod level has been selected to be at El. 1, which is just above the mean Iow water level, and above the critical splash zone. The following summarizes the design parameters for the bulkhead design: · Minimum sheeting tip at El. -40 along the west and south sides and El. -55, along the east side of the bulkhead. · Minimum sheeting section modulus: 45 cubic inches per foot of wall. · Tie rod load: 11,000 pounds per linear foot We recommend that the sheeting consist of ASTM A690, Grade 50. For the minimum required section modulus, a PZ40 sheeting size, is needed. Due to the presence of the organic soils that will be left in place, we recommend that an epoxy coating be applied to both sides of the sheets. As described below, the backfill material will consist of either crushed stone or a sand and gravel that is compacted by in-place methods. For these conditions, we recommend that a continuous line of steel sheeting, instal[ed about 45 ft. behind the bulkhead, provide the bulkhead with lateral support. The bulkhead corners should be tied together with 45-degree anchor rods. New Terminal Building: The new terminal building frame and ground floor slab will require a pile foundation system. The new fill to be placed existing fill and organic soils are not suitable to support pile foundations. Suitable bearing material for the piles includes the granular soils (Stratum D or D1). I I i I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. Page 7 May 25, 2001 The top of the suitable bearing stratum at the terminal building is generally at Et. -22 to El. -25. We recommend that the terminal building be supported on friction piles driven into the naturally deposited granular soils. Suitable pile types include concrete-filled steel pipe or a cast-in-place concrete pile. Pile design will need to include a down drag load due to the presence of the soft organic soils that will contribute to settlement of the overlying backfill material. Gibble Norden Champion structural engineers estimate that building column loads will be on the order of 20 tons and that a single pile can be installed at each column. We recommend a minimum 12 in. diameter pile to support a 40-ton capacity, if driven approximately 60 ft. into the granular soils. Of the total pile capacity, approximately 50 percent is needed to support the down drag loads and 50 percent, or 20 tons, would support the building structure. Support of Building Utilities: Utilities, including water, electricity, sanitary, and telephone/communications, need to service the new building. Utilities will all enter the site from the northwest corner of the site, near State Street. Utilities located on existing land may be earth supported, however, utilities to be installed between the existing land and the new building should be pile supported. Within the existing land areas, it is anticipated that final grade will be a few feet above existing grade. We anticipate that Backfill: About 30 ft. of backfill material will be required behind the new bulkhead to create the finish grade of about El. 33. This accounts for anticipated compression of the organic soils that will remain in place, as discussed above. In our opinion, there are two options for the type of backfill material: 1) a clean sand and gravel fill, or 2.) 3/8 in. crushed stone. Regard]ess of the material used, we recommend that the fill be carefully placed, as described below (Backfill Placement), in order to minimize disturbance to the organic soils and possible creation of a mud wave. In effect, the greater extent of disturbance to the organic soils, will prolong and increase the magnitude of the consolidation of the organic soils. Backfill material will need to be placed underwater, until the level of the fill is at least one foot above water level. The fill at this level should be thoroughly compacted with a heavy vibratory roller. To minimize stability failures in the organic soils, we recommend a maximum fill slope on the organic soils of 2 hot: 1 ver. Fill placed above El. 1, should be placed in maximum 12 in. thick (loose) lifts and each lift compacted with at least four passes of a heavy vibratory roller. GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. May 25, 2001 Page 8 In addition to the compression of the organic soils, which would lower the level of fill placed, the sand and gravel "underwater" fill has the likely potential to settlement an additional several feet under its own weight. In order to eliminate most of this latter settlement, we recommend that the sand and gravel fill be compacted by vibro-compaction methods. One additional item that needs to be considered is the rip rap fill at the edge of the existing land mass. The rip rap varies in size from 4 and 5 ft. dimension pieces to 12 in. or less. The larger stone appears to be restricted to the upper portions of the slope, generally above water level. The surface of the rip rap needs to be choked off to prevent future migration of the new backfill into the rip rap material. Consequently, prior to placing the new backfill within the limits of the rip-rap, the surface voids should be filled with a free flowing concrete or a minimum 24 in. thick layer of 5 in. minus shone should be placed over the rip-rap. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS General: This section provides comments related to construction, bulkhead installation, filling, and other Geotechnical aspects of the project. It will aid in the preparation of contract plans and specifications, and monitoring of construction activities. The Contractor must evaluate potential construction problems on the basis of their own knowledge and experience in the area and on the basis of similar projects in other localities, taking into account their own proposed construction equipment and procedures. Installation of Sheeting: The majority of the sheeting will be installed within water depths up to 18 ft. Barge equipment will be required to complete the work. We would anticipate that temporary racks will be needed to maintain sheeting alignment and to help preserve the integrity of the sheeting under adverse weather conditions. Alternatively, the sheeting can be connected to individual piles driven behind the sheeting. Placement of Underwater Fill: Since the organic soils will be left in place, we recommend that the new fill be placed using special procedures to minimize the occurrence of a mud wave. Such procedures, which should be used for fill placed below El. -8, include the following: · The initial fill should be placed with a clam shell bucket that is first lowered to within 3 ft. of the surface of the fill. · Backfill needs to be placed in a fairly uniform lift over the river bottom. As a guide, the fill surface should not differ by more than 3 ft. GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. May 25, 2001 Page 9 Fill placed above El.-8 can be placed without the above restrictions, except the difference in fill height should not exceed 5 ft. We suggest, that the fill be placed to about El. 2 and it be thoroughly compacted with a heavy vibratory roller. Geotechnical Instrumentation: In order to confirm the progress of the work and acceptability of the sheeting performance, we recommend that the following instrumentation be installed: Sheeting off-set points'to determine the lateral movement of the sheeting. Points should established at 25 ft. spacing around the bulkhead perimeter, and off-set measurements made at the top of sheeting and at the tie-rod level. Ground surface settlement points, including deep seated points installed at the bottom of the new backfill, and a settlement platform set just above the tie-rod level. The deep seated points will provide information about the compression of the organic soils, and the near surface settlement platforms, in conjunction with the deep seated points, will provide information on the movement within the new backfill material. Construction Monitoring: The recommendations contained in this report are based on the predictable behavior of properly engineered and constructed facilities. As part of our contract for work, Gibble Norden Champion plans to monitor the following geotechnical related activities: · Part-time monitoring of the sheeting installation, backfilling, and tie- rod/waler connections. · Full-time monitoring of pile installation at the terminal building. Monitoring of this work is intended to observe compliance with the design concepts and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated. LIMITATIONS OF RECOMMENDATIONS This report has been prepared for specific application to the Fishers Island Ferry Terminal project in New London, Connecticut, in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. No other warranty, GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. May 25, 2001 Page 10 express or implied, is made. In the event that any changes in the nature or design of the construction is planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report should not be considered va[id unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing. The analysis and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data obtained from the referenced subsurface explorations. The nature and extent of variations between explorations may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear evident, it will be necessary to re- evaluate the recommendations of this report. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this aspect of the project. Our contract for work includes our involvement during the contract document and construction phases of the work. In the meantime, if you have any questions, or need additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, /(~ David L. Freed, P.E. ~-~ Geotechnical Associate Enclosures: Table I - Summary of Test Borings Table II - Summary of Laboratory Soil Tests Appendix A - Previous Test Boring Logs (B-1 to B-S) Appendix B -Recent Test Boring Logs (B-101 to B-110) Il I I I I TABLE I SUMMARY OF TEST BORINGS FISHERS ISLAND FERRY TERMINAL NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT Thickness Soil iFt.) Elevation Mixed Org Silt F. Sand Fine to Test Total Ground Elevation Fill/ w/Sand w/Trace F-M Boring Depth Surface Water Fill Organics Layers Organics Sand No. (Ft.) (Ft.) (Ft.) (A) (B) (C) (DI) (D) B 10 I(L) 32.0 6.3 0.3 5.0 10.0 7.0 6.0 4+ BI02(L) 22.0 5.6 1.6 5.0 11.0 1.5 --- 4.5+ B 103(L) 47.0 5.8 1.8 12.0 7.5 6.0 13.5 7.0+ B 104(L) 22.0 5.2 1.2 8.0 5.0 5.0 --- 4.0+ BI05(W) 41.0 -8.0 ...... 14.0 ...... 27.0+ B106(W) 36.5 -10.0 ..... 14.0 7.0 16.0 13.0+ BI07(W) 22.0 -10.0 .... 3.0 -- 5.6 13.4+ B 107C(WLT) 5.0 .10.0 ......... 5.0+ B108(W) 43.0 -17.0 ......... 8.0 20.0 15.0+ BI09(W) 40.0 -17.0 ....... 2.5 2.5 35.0+ B 110(W) 40.0 -2.0 ........ 6.0 -- 34.0+ B 110A(WU) 6.0 -2.0 ....... 5.5 -- 0.5 B 110B(WU) 5.5 -2.0 ........ 5.5+ ...... (L)- Land boring (W) - Water boring (WU) - Water boring for 3.0 in. undisturbed tubes Notes: 1. The for locations of test borings are shown on the contract drawings. 2. Elevations are in feet and refer to NGVD. 3. Gibble Norden Champion Consulting Engineers Incorporated monitored the fieldwork. TABLEI TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY SOIL TESTS FISHERS ISLAND FERRY TERMINAL NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT Natural Atterber$ Limit (%) Consolidation Test Shear Stre~ th (PSF) Test Water Organic Initial Final Boring Sample Depth Test Content Content Void Void CV No. No. (Ft.) No. (%) (%) LL PL PI Ratio Radio CR in-*/sec Undrained0) Drained(2) B107C I UI [ 1-3' WI/01 111.0 9.3 Description: Black clayey silt W2/AI/CI 73.3 120 63 57 2.40 0.93 0.2 10.3 with some gravel and shells W3/VU 1 113.6 100 BIlOA JUl I 0'-2' W4/02 104.7 14.0 Description: Black clayey silt WS/A2/C2 96.2 103 57 46 3.03 1.29 0.2 10.3 W6/UU2 103.6 150 Bll0A I U2 I 2'-4' W7/03 95.9 7.4 Description: Dark brown W8/A3/C3 63.4 85 51 34 1.93 0.91 0.2 10-3 clayey silt with some gravel W9/UU3 85.2 110 and shells WI0/CDI 56.3 2800 BIIOB [UI [ 3.5-5.5' WII/04 66.7 6.6 Description: Ve~/dark brown W12/A4/C4 32.7 92 46 46 1.04 0.71 0.1 10.2 clayey silt with sand W13/UU4 103.4 125 WI4/CD2 92.4 440 NOTES: 1. The locations of the test borings are shown on the contract drawings. 2. Laboratory soil testing completed by GeoTesting Express, Inc. in March 2001. (1) at 1200 PSF confining pressure (2) at 1.2 TSF consolidation stress Ill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A LOGS OF PREVIOUS TEST BORINGS BI TO B5 (OCTOBER 1992) CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. ' ,.,JENT ~ ,:CT NAME I P.O. BOX 397 0OC1(O INC. FISHERS JSLAHD FERRY DISTRICT GLASTONBUIRy. CONN 06033 LOCATION 1. HOLLOW STEM AUGER, Diameter .. 2. DRIVEN CA~ING. O~meter ~ ~# GROUND WATER OSSERVATIO~S START i 3. DRILLED CASING, O~mete~ , DATE 10/8/92 pEo -- SAMPLE ~ ~_~__.~..~___ ~ DATE 5 1-18-2 5.0~-6.5, 20 4 6-5-9 ~0-0'-21.5' I, I 25 5 /*-6-11 :5.0'-26.5, 30 6 8-10-13 I I 3,5 7 12-I~.-18 ~5.0'-36.5, ~6.$, LEGEND: Col. A CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. :..dENT P~:'- ZCT NAME P*O. BOX 397 OOC[O INC. FISHERS ZSLAND FERRY DISTRICT GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION 36.5' ! I I I I I ! I i I I i I CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. Box 397 GLASTONSURY. CONN 06033 DRILLING PROCEDURES ~ l.. 2.. 3.4. (Selecl o~e m' more) 7.0' 20.0~ 31.5' 1. HOLLOW STEM AUGER. Dieme{er LHI3LE NO. 2. DRIVEN CASING. Diameter ~.X.0# AATT~ 3. DRILLED CASING. Diameter GROUND BtX.ORGANIC SILT,TR.t~30D & SHELLS 5 1 1-0-0 5.0'-6.5, 10 2 6-7-8 10.0~-11.5~ gE.FINE SANO, TR.SILT 15 3 8-12-1/, 15.0~-16.5~ /* 9-9-11 20.0~_21.5, 2~ 5 5-6-7 ;'5.0'-26.5' ~.FINE SAND,LITTLE SILT 30 6 6-7-8 !5.0' -26.5' Driller: SROHLEy Dry C = Cored W = WaS~ed trace 0 Io 10% 0-10 LOOSe 0-4 Soft ¥ Helper: , CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. ..*.lENT P{ ECT NaME P*O. BOX 397 OOC~O INC. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION NEW LONDON. CT 2. DRIVEN CASING, Deameler ~ · (]" GROUND WATER O~SERVATIONS START 3. DRILLED CASING. Di~mmer DATE I0/7/9~ FINISH 10/7/92 I 1-1-4 4'0t-5'$' TR.SHELLS 5 5 7-T-8 30 $0.5' 40 LEGEND: Col A ! I I ,i I I I CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC.. INC. I P.O. BOX 397 GLASTONBURY. CONN 06033 DRILLING PROCEDURES: if ] 1. HOLLOW STEM AUGER. Diameler r~,.~.~= 2. DRIVEN CASING. Dm.meier 3.0~ 3 DRILLED CASING. Diameter , GROUND I HT NO BLOWS/6" DEPTH A I I l I WATER OBSERVATIONS 4.0' 20.0' HOURS AFTER_~.. HO~R$ FINISH 10/8/92 DATE REMARKS Driller 8RC~LEy Helper DATE 10/8/92 CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. GLASTONRURY. CONN 060~3 LOC~kTK~N NEW LONDON, CT I 45 ~ 15-15-17 4,5.0'-~.6.5~ 50 10 17-21-22 50.0'-$I.5' 50 12 18-18-18 50.0'-~1.5, 61.$' 65 7O 75 8O APPENDIX B LOGS OF RECENT TEST BORINGS B101 TO Bll0 (JANUARY 2001) CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. CLIENT PROJECT NAME P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. O~-[' SURF^CE ELEV JHO£E NO. B-101 TYPE PiSA SS LINE & STA. DATE 1/23/01 N. COO~INATE I AT 6.0 ~ A~ER 0 HOURS HAMMER FALL 30" : E. COORDINATE AT ~. A~ER HOURS FINISH 1/23/01 DE~H NO~ BLOW~/6~ DE~ A ~TUM D~CRI~ION + RE~A~ ELEV ~ PHALT .16- '" ;~ ~CONCRETE ~.66- ':::: Dark brown fine-medium SAND, some SHt, little ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fine-mediHm Gravel & Wood - FILL 5 10 :"": 2 ~-2-0-~ ~o.oo,_~2.oo, ~: 3 ~.0-0-~ ~2.00..~4.00. 15 4 1-3-60 15.00'~ 16.50' , . .... Black organic SILT 15.O - Black fine-medium SAND, li~le Si~t 16.0 Dark grey medium-fine SAND, trace Silt 18.0- 20 ::::: 5 16-~ 1-9-15 20.00'.22.00. 25 6 7-6-8-9 2s.00..27.00. :~}~ : :: :::. Brown fine-medium SAND, trace SHt 28.0- 7 4-s-s-6 30.00..32.00. BOSOM OF BORING ~ 32.0' 32.0 35 CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. CLIENT IPRO]ECT N^ME P.O. 8OX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCXO INC. NEW LONDON. CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. OFFSET SURFnCE ELEV. [Jc[O~E NO. I TYPE HSA SS LINE & STA. SIZE I.D. 3.75' 1.5" GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS ~TART 0 1 '15-14-3-4 0.50'-2.50' ,~iii: ~ASPHALT /'~.l ~ 5 1-1-I-I 12.00'-14.00' 30 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P~O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. OFFSET SURFACE ELaV. I HO£E NO. 1 03 I TYPE HSA SS LINE & STA. SIZE I.D. 3.75" 1.5' GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS START DATE 1/23/01 N. COORDINATE AT 4.0 FT. AFTER 0 HOURS HAMMER WT. 140lbs. : HAMMER FALL 30' E. COORDINATE AT FT AFTER HOURS FINISH 1123101 SAMPLE DEPTH A STRATUM DESCRIPTION NO. BLOWS/6' DEPTH + REMARKS ELEV 0 ::7:: I X~ASPHALT /--~. 1 6- 1 6-4-3-3 1.50'-3.50' !!!.....\CONCRETE /~1.0- .... Brown fine-medium SAND, little Silt & fine-medium ::::' Gravel- FILL 2 3-2-1-1 3.50'-5.50' Black/brown fine-medium SANG, some Silt, trace 4.0 5 ::: - fine-medium Gravel & Wood - FILL 3 5-20-4-1 5.50'-7.50' 4 3-2-1-1 10.00'-12.O0' 'iii! 10 6-4-5-6 I 30.00'-32.00' CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. CLIENT PROJECT NAME P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. SAMPLE DEPTH NO. BLOWS/6' DEPTH A STRATUM DESCRIPTION + REMARKS ELEV. 35 11 4-8-10-12 35.00'-37.00' ::.::. 13 5-8-10-15 45.00'-47.00' i;:ii 55 L CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCAl'[ON DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER COREBAR. !OPi~5~,i SURFACEBLEV. IHOI~NO. 8-104 I TYPE HSA NW SS LINE & STA. GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS ~TART SIZE I.D 3.75" 3.0" 1.5" D^TB 1/22/O1 N. COORDINATE AT 4.0 FT ^FrBR 0 HOURS HAMMER WT. 140lbs. HAMMER FALL 30" E. COORDINATE AT FT. AFTER HOURS FINISH DATE 1/22/01 DEPTH SAMPLE A STRATUM DESCRIPTION NO. BLOWS/6' DEPTH + REMARKS ELEV. 0 1 25-23-7-11 O.50'-2.50' · .... ~ASPHALT /-------. 1 ~ ::::: Brown fine-medium SAND, some Silt & Cobbles, little 2 108 2.50'-3.00' i i iii Boulders, fine-coarse Gravel & Wood - FILL 10 5 12-9-4-3 10.00'-12.00' !i iii Black organic SILT 13.0- ..... ..... ';; ;; Grey fine-medium SAND, trace Silt 18.0- 2O 22.0- BOTTOM OF BORING @ 22.0' note: spun 3" diameter casing from 5'to 22' 25 3O 35 LEGEND: COL. A: DRILLER: CHR[STIANA INSPECTOR: SAMPLE TYPE: D=DRY A=AUGER C=CORE U=UNDISTURBED PISTON S=SPLIT SPOON PROPORTIONS USED: TRACE=0-10% LITTLE=t0-20% $OME=20-35% AND=35-50% SHEET I OF I HOLE NO. B-104 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., lNG. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS iSLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO [NC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. Ot-t. sic[ SURFACE EL£V. IHOI~E NO. B-1 05 I TYPE NW SS LINE & STA. ii iii Gravel, trace organic Silt ..... .... Grey/brown fine SAND, some Silt 14.0 ..... Grey SILT, some fine Sand, trace Clay lenses 6 7-9-11-12 27.00'-29.0t)' 7 7-9-I 0-9 34.00'-36.00' CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 F~SHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. DEPTH SAMPLE A STRATUM DESCRIPTION NO. BLOWSt6" DEPTH + REMARKS ELEV. 35 BOTTOM QF BORING @ 41.0' 41.O NOTE: 12.0' OF WATER @O930 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 LEGEND: COL. A: DRILLER: LINDENBERGER PROPORTIONS USED: TRACE=0-I0% LITrLE=10-20% SOME=20-35% AND=35-50,% SHEET 2 OF 2 HOLENO. B-105 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. 0t~v.>t:[ SURFACE ELEV. [HOLE NO. B' 06 I TYPE NW SS LINE & STA. SIZE I.D 3.0' 1.5" DATE 1/17/01 N. COORDINATE AT FT AFTER HOURS HAMMER WT 140lbs. HAMMER FALL 30" E. COORDINATE AT ir[. AFTER HOURS FINISH DATE 1/17/01 SAMPLE DEPTH A STRATUM DESCRIPTION NO. BLOWS/6' DEPTH + REMARKS ELEV 0 1 PUSHED 0.00'-1.50' Black fine SAND, some organic Silt. trace Wood 2 PUSHED 3.00'-5.00' :::': 3 2-2-1-2 8.00'-10.00' 4 1-1-0-1 14.00'-16.00' :::::: Grey organic SILT, litzle tine Sand 14.0 5 WON 19.00'-21.00' 20 :::::; Grey fine SAND, little Silt, trace Organics 21.0 25 6 3-4-4 25.00'-26.50' :::::' ' 7 4-3-2-2 30.00'-32.00' !iii!ii ::::::. Black organic SILT 32.0- 35 8 2-0-1-1 34.50'-36,50 ........ 34.5- LEGEND: COL. A: DRILLER: LINDENBERGER SAN[PLE TYPE: D=DRY A=AUGER C=CORE U~UNDISTURBED PISTON S=SPLFr SPOON INSPECTOR: PROPORTIONS USED: TRACE~0-10% LITTLE=t0-20% SOME=20-35% AND=35-SO% i SHEET 1 OF 2 HOLENO. B-106 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. SAMPLE STRATUM DESCRIPTION DEPTH NO. BLOWS/6' DEPTH A + REMARKS ELEV. 35 ::::::: Grey SILT, some fine Sand, trace Orgamcs ...... Grey fine-coarse SAND, little fine-medium Gravel 37.0- 40 40.0- 9 4-6-6-6 40.00'-42.00' :::::: Grey/brown fine-medium SAND, trace Sift CLIENT ; PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY P.O. BOX 397 LOCATION GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 OOCKO ~NC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. OFFSET SURFACE ELEV [HOLE NO. B-1 07 TYPE NW SS LINE & STA, GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS START SIZE I.D. 3.0" 1.5" N. COORDINATE AT FT. ^rrER HOURS O^TE 1/22/01 HAMMER WT. 140lbs. E. COORDINATE AT FT. AFTER HOURS FINISH DATE 1/22/01 HAMMER FALL 30" SAMPLE STR3.TUM DESCRIPTION DEPTH NO. BLOWS/6" DEPTH A + REMA PJ~ ELEV. 0 1 PUSHED 0.00'-2.00' ;:::::' Black organic SILT, COBBLES and GRAVEL 3.0 -:::: - Black organic SILT and medium-fine SAND, lrace Wood 5 15 5 7-9-9-9 15.00'-18.00' - .... 20 6 6-5-6-6 20.OO'-22.00' 22.0' BOTTOM OF BORING @ 22.0' NOTE: 7.5' OF WATER @ 14OO 25 30 35 LEGEND: COL. A: DRILLER: LINDENBERGER INSPECTOR: SAMPLE TYPE: D~DRY A~AUGER C=CORI~ U=UNDISTURBED piSTON S=SPL1T SPOON PROPORTIONS USED: TP.~CE~0-10% LrI'TLE=I0-20% $OME=20-35% AHD=35-50% SHEET 1 OF 1 HOLE NO B-107 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. OFFSET SURF^CEELEV. IHOI~E NO. B- 0 7C TYPE HW SS LINE & STA. SIZE I.D. 4.0' 1.5' DATE 1 /24/01 N. COORDINATE AT FT. AFTER HOURS HAMMER WT. 140lbs. HAMMER FALL S0. E. COORDINATE AT FT. AFTER HOURS FINISH DATE 1/24/01 SPdv[PLE STRATUM DE~CRIPTION DEPTH NO. BLOWS/6" DEPTH A + REMARKS ELEV. 0 iiiii Black organic SILT 2 3"DIA.TUBE 3.00'-5.00' BOTTOM OF BORING @ 5.0' 5.0'- 20 25 30 35 LEGEND: COL. A: DRILLER: LINDENBERGER INSPECTOR: SAMPLE'rYPE: D=DRY A=AUGER C=CORE U=UNDISTUI~BED PISTON S=SPLITSPOON PROPORTIONS USED: TRACE=0-10% LITTLE*I0-20% SOME=20-35% AND=35-50% SHEET 1 OF 1 HOLENO. R-107C CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. )J"~'5]c,I SURFACE ELEV. IHOLE NO. B-1 08 TYPE NW SS LINE & ETA. GROUND WATER OBEERVATION~ START N. COORDINATE At ~c. ^~'rER EOURS HAMMER WT. 140lbs. HAMMER FALL 30" E. COORDINATE AT FT AFTER HOUR! FINISH : DATE 1/16/01 SAMPLE STRATUM DESCRIPTION DEPTH NO. BLOWS/6' DEPTH A + REMARKS ELEV 0 I PUSHED 0.00'-4.00' iiiiiiI Black organic SILT 8.0 :': . ! Grey fine-coats SAND, some medium-fine Gravel, .... .... occasional layers of fine Sand 2 42-33-19-10 12.00'- 14.00' 3 9-18-16-12 17.00'-19.00' CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. SAMPLE DEPTH A STRATUM DESCRIPTION NO. BLOWS/6' DEPTH + REMARKS ELEV 38 7 8-8-12-10 38.00'-38.00' 40 8 8-10-7-5 41.00'-43.00' BOTTOM OF BORING @ 43.0' 43.0- 45 NOTE: 17.0' OF WATER AT 0855 18.5' OF WA]'ER AT 1340 50 55 60 65 70 75 LEGEND: COL. A: : DRILLER: LINDENBERGER SAMPLE TYPE: D=DRY A~AUGER C=CORE U=UNDISTURBED PISTON S=SPLITSPOON INSPECTOR: PROPORTIONS USED: TRACE=0-10% LI~FLE=I0-20% SOME~20-35% ,MND=35-50% SHEET 2 OF 2 HOLENO B-108 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION OOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER COREBAR. Ot't'5~l' SURFACEELEV IHOI~ENO. B-109 TYPE NW SS LINE & STA. SIZE I.D. 3.0' 1.5" DATE 1/18/01 N. COORDINATE AT FT. A,C'fER HOURS HAMMER WT. 140lbs. HAMMER FALL 30" E. COORDINATE , AT FT. AFTER HOUR~ i FINISH DATE 1 /18/01 SAMPLE DEPTH A STRATUM DESCRIPTION NO. BLOWS/6" DEPTH + REMARKS ELEV. 0 ....... Black organic SILT :: '::: · Grey fine SAND, little Silt,[ayer$ of brown fine Sand 2.5 2 9-9-f0-13 7.00'-9.00' :::'" 3 7-B-10-9 12.S0'-14.50' ii]i! :20 E-s-8- o 23.oo'-2 .oo. ::::iii 6 4-7-6-7 28.00'-30.00 ...... 7 4-10-13-14 33.00'-35.00' iii!i!: LF. GEND: COL. A: DRILLER: LINDENBERGER INSPECTOR: CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ^~'"~'"~oc, u,.,., INC. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY P.O. BOX 397 LOCATION GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. SAMPLE STRATUM DESCRIPTION DEPTH NO. BLOWSI6" DEPTH A + REMARKS ELEV. 8 5-10-11-12 38.00'-40.00' 70 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. Oral'Sbt' SURFACEELEV IHOLE NO. 1 0 I TYPE NW SS LINE & STA. SIZE [.D 3.0" 1.5" DATE 1/23/01 N. COORDINATE AT FT AFTER HOURS HAMMER WT. 1 40lbs. HAMMER FALL 30" E. COORDINATE AT FT. AFl'ER HOURS FINISH SAMPLE DEPTH A STRATUM DESCRIPTION NO. BLOWS/6' DEPTH + REMARKS ELEV. 0 1 PUSHED 0.00'-3.00' Black organic SILT. some Cobbies. trace Wood & 2 PUSHED 3.00'-6.00' 5 4 6-7-8-8 11.00'-13.00' : :::::: Grey fine SAND, trace Silt 11.0- 6 7-7-10-10 22.00'-24.00' 7 5'8'7-7 27.00'-29.00 ........ . 8 6-8-7-7 32.00'-34.00' LEGEND: COL. A: DRILLER: LINDENBERGER SAMPLE TYPE: D=DRY A=AUGER C=CORE U=UNDISTURBED PISTON S~SPLFF SPOON INSPECTOR: PROPORTIONS USED: TRACE~0-10% I~fTLE=I0-20% $0ME=20-35% AND=35-50% SHEET 1 OF 2 HOLE NO. [5-110 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., lNG. P.O. [BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON. CT. SAMPLE STRATUM DESCRIPTION DEPTH NO. BLOWS/6" DEPTH A + REiVIARKS ELEV. 35 :i i i i Grey fine SAND, some Silt, few Clay lenses 35.0 9 3-4-8-12 38.00'-40.00' ~ i! :i BOTTOM OF BORING @ 40.0' 40.0- - NOTE: 12.0' OF WATER AT 0900 10.0' OF WATER AT 1330 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 LEGEND: COL. A: DRILLER: LINDENBERGER SAMPLE TYPE: D=DRY A=AUGER C=CORE U=UNDISTURBED PISTON S=SPLIT SPOON INSPECTOR: PROPORTIONS USED: TRACE=0-10% LITTLE=10-20% SOME=20-35% AND=35-$0% SHEET 2 OF 2 HOLE NO. B-1 10 CLIENT PROJECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., lNG. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY LOCATION GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 OOCKO INC. NEW LONDON. CT, AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. OFFSET SURF^CE ~LEV. [HOLE NO. B-1 1 0A 2 3'DIA.TUBE 2.00'-4.00' 5 3 3"OlA.TUBE 5.50'-6.00' ii;i~ 5.5- CLIENT PROIECT NAME CLARENCE WELTI ASSOC., INC. P.O. BOX 397 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY GLASTONBURY, CONN 06033 LOCATION DOCKO INC. NEW LONDON, CT. AUGER CASING SAMPLER CORE BAR. OFFSET SURFACE ELEV I HO~E NO. B-1 1 OB TYPE HW SS LINE & STA. SIZE I.D. 4.0" 1.5" DATE 1124101 N. COORDINATE AT FT. AFTER HOURS HAMMER WT. 140lbs. E. COORDINATE AT FT ^FTER HOURS FINISH 1/24/01 HAMMER FALL 30' I STRATUM DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DEPTH ~ NO. BLOWS/6" DEPTH A + REMARKS ELEV. 0 ::::::: Black organic SILT BOTTOM OF BORING @ 5.5' 10 15 2O 25 3O 35 LEGEND: COL. A: DRILLER: LINDENBERGER INSPECTOR: SAMPLE TYPE: D~DRY A=AUGER C=CORE U=UNDISTURBED PISTON S=SPLIT SPOON PROPORTIONS USED: TRACE=0-10% LITTLE=10-20% SOME~20-35% AND=35-50% SHEET 1 OF 1 HOLE NO. B-1 10B EXHIBITS B PERMITS US ARMY CORPS - 1998-02195 CT DEP OLISP - 199501565-PF CITY OF NEW LONDON PERMITS & VARIANCES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I US ARMY CORPS #1998-02195 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Fishers Island Ferry District Permittee l'ermit No 1998-02195 [=uing Omce New England District NOTE: 'the term "you" and its derivatives, aa used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term *'this office" refers to the appropriate distadct or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description: Perform the following work at the Fishers Island Ferry District terminal and dock at the foot of State Street in New London Harbor at New London, Connecticut in conjunction with the expansion of that ferry terminal, as shown on the attached plans, entitled, ~Terminal Expansion, City of New London, New London County, Connecticut, New London Harbor" in eleven sheets, dated 'March 1, 1994': a. Install & maintain approximately 780 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead below mean high water with approximately 500 c.y. of stone being placed for scour protection at the base of the steel sheet pile bulkhead within an approximately 2,500 s.f. area and approximately 32,000 c.y. of backt-fll being placed within an approximately 32,000 s.f. area below the high tide line. This area will be used for vehicle staging, loading and parking, freight and emergency access, public access as well as housing a new, two-story terminal building for passenger ticketing, freight, shop, office facilities and utilities. (PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) Project Location: In New London Harbor at New London, Connecticut Permit Conditions: General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on DECEHBER 31, 2005 If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration et least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and condi- tious of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the p~rmitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this pemfit from this office, which may requir~ restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of wha** you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordina- tion required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing iff the National Register of Historic Places. ENG FORM 1721, No~ 86 EDITION OF SEP82 IS OSSOI. ETE. (33 CFR 325 (Appendix A)) 4. If you *ell the property auociated with this permit, you must obtain the ti~natore of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of thiz authoriz~tion. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification ha~ been iuued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditlons to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification ~ attached if it con- teins such condttion~. 6. You must allow repr~Jentatives from thi~ office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure tha~ It I~ being or hes been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Special Conditlora: 1. The permittee shall ensure that a copy of this permit is at the work site whenever work is being performed and that all personnel perfoming work at the site of the work authorized by this permit are fully aware of the terms and conditions of the permit. This permit, including its drawings and any appendices and other attachments, shall be made a part of any and all contracts and sub-contracts for work which affects areas of Corps of Engineers jurisdiction at the site of the work authorized by this permit. This shall be done by including the entire permit in the specifications for work. (Special Conditions continued on Page 4) Further Information: 1. CongreMional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: 0~) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). ~0 Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C, 1344). ( ) Section 10B of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 141~). g. Lhnlta of this authorization. a. 'l~hi~ permit doe~ not obviate the need to obtain other Fedend, state, or local authorizations required by law. b. Thl~ pe~nit doe~ not g~ant any property right~ or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or right~ of others. d. This permit doe~ not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 9. Limit~ of Federal Liability. In i~uing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a. Damage~ to the permtttad project or u~s thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural b. Darnage~ to the perm]ttad project or uses thereof az a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United State~ in the public interest. c. Damages to per~ons, property, or to other permittad or unpermttt~ed activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Des[gu or construction deficiencies a~ociated wtth the permitted work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I e. Damage claims as~ociatad with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. l?.ellance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made hi reliance on the information you provided. 5. l~eevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstance~ that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a, You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The Information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider tn reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that. it is appropriate ~o use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedure~ contained in 39 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedure~ such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedure~ provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditlor~ of your permit and for the hiitlation of le~a[ action where appropriate. You will ?De required to pay for any con~ctive measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such a~ thoee specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the 6. gxten~hin~. General condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstence~ requiring either · prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest dealalon, the Corp~ will normally ~ive favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, a~ permlttee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below. Brian E. Ostemdoff Colonel, Corps of Engineers (DATE) When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still hi existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the ~ssocla~ed liabilities associated with compliance with it~ terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE) (DA TE) 3 (Special Conditions continued from Page 2) If the permit is issued after the construction specifications but before receipt of bids or quotes, the entire permit shall be included as an addendum to the specifications. If the permit is issued after receipt of bids or quotes, the entire permit shall be included in the contract or sub-contract as a change order. The term "entire permit" includes permit amendments. Although the permittee may assign various aspects of the work to different contractors or sub- contractors, all contractors and sub-contractors shall be obligated by contract to comply with all environmental protection provisions of the entire permit, and no contract or sub-contract shall require or allow unauthorized work in areas of Corps jurisdiction. Permit Description Continued from Page 1: b. Remove and replace deteriorated pile dolphins adjacent to the ferry and maintenance slips. c. Modify an existing wooden ramp during construction with removal upon completion of work. d. Remove and replace two 35' x 30' steel ramps that will provide access to the ferr/es. e. Modify the existing wooden dock's connection to the shore. The purpose of this project is to expand an existing ferry terminal site to improve operational efficiency and safety of ferry passengers and vehicles. 4 I I I I I I ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I UNION STATION STATE ST. CITY OF NEW LONDON AMTRAK ~ SITE / \ ; . VICINI7-¥ MAP SCALE I~=200, Mem(~'ia~ Bridge PIER PROJ£C T: TERMINAI £XPA NSION NEW LONDON HARBOR COAST GUARD PIER I 9 eLt ~ LOCATION MAP ,er. c~,,r ,:~ 500 o soo YARDS NO TES: I. ELEVATION DATUM IS MEA~ LOW WATER (MLW=EL 0.0) 2. ~DAL DATA IS TAKEN FROM 1993 NOAA ~DE TABLES. $. PROJECT DESC~P~ON: EXPANSION OF THE ~SHERS ISLAND ~Y'~ N~W LONDON TERMINAL 4. THESE DRAWINGS REPRESENT A CLASS "D" SURVEY FOR PERMIT PURPOSES: THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUC~ON CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 5. ADJACENT LAND OWNERS: NORTH: CITY OF NEW LONDON 181 STATE STREET NEW LONDON, CT 06320 50UTH: UNITED STATES COAST GUARD STATION FORT TRUMBULL, BUDDING 45 NEW LONDON, CT 06320 WES~ NA~ONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORP. 60 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE NE WASHINGTON, DC 20002 4o PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH I. 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET DOCKO, INC. KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, 'CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 CITY OF NEW LONDON "SHORELANDS" ~°° ',,, · ~ SI TE ~ *. COASTAL HARZARD AREA CRUSHED STONE MANEUVERING AREA STONE REVETMENT (rY~.~) ~ NEW LONDON HARBOR ~ ESTUARINE EMBAYMENT SHELLFISH CONCENTRATION AREA NOTE: THE EXISTING WOOD RAMP IS TO BE MODIFIED AS NECESSARY FOR TEMPORARY OPERATION DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE TERMINAL THEN REMOVED AFTER OPENING THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SLIPS PLAN VIEW - EXISTING SCALE 1"=50' PRO:ECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET ~ O,C"// DOCKO, INC KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 CITY OF NEW LONDON...-" ~ , ..,.-" ...?' o ,--" ...-' .......... -'" .-,--":::--:.--~;-;:::-~'~':i~'~ ..... ,,, ~ ,, ,,, ......,,..... .... , .' ~o~ ~ ~ .',' ..---' //'/' .: ., , ,, .. ..-BA THYMETERY NEW LONDON ." / HARBOR TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON ~t,,~.,,~"~ "'~ '- ~ NEW LONDON COUNt. CONNECTICUT ~ --~'~'**~d*,~ ~.~.,. ,?~;".,,'~. ..~~,~~ WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR ~&~ ~ . ~.~ APPLICANT: FISHERS IS~NO FERRY DISTRICT KEITH 8. NEILSON, P.O. 80x 42~. ~YSTm, CT 0e~55 CITY OF NEW LONDON EXISTING TERMINAL FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 'DEVELOPED SHOREFRONT' 0 0 0 ~~ ~o.,~,~ % 0 0 %o_.// SUP NEW LONDON HARBOR ~ 'ESTUARINE EMBAYMENT' "SHELLFISH CONCENTRATION AREA' 0 OVERALL PLAN SCALE 1~=I00' VIEW PRO:ECT.* TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEVI LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARROR DATE: MARCH 1, 1994 .~'"~.~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAHD FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET L~ OF-l J KEITH 8. NEll. SON. P.E. P.O. 80X 421, MYSTIC, CT 0655,5 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 N/F NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORP. NEW LONDON HARBOR PAVEMENT MARKING &: / TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SCALE I" = 50' TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF' NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR oocKo, KEITH B. NEll-SON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421. MYSTICo CT 06355 203 572 8939 F'AX 572 7569 PAVED WALK (NLPZ) CRUSHED STONE STORM WATER COLLECTION TRENCH FENCE SEE DETAIL SHEET 21 MLW EL 0.0 FENDER PILE RUBBLE TOE PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION BOTTOM DEPTH VAIRES 10'-20' TYP SEE SHEET PILE DETAIL ON SHEET 18 -- PAVED SURFACE RAIL I ~RMINAL PHASE ~ ~LL . NEW GRANULAR FILL PHASE I. SILT CURTAIN II II II.ti BUILDING TIE-BACK SYSTEM .... ~ SUPPORT PILES ~ BEARING IN HARBOR L SAND & GRAVEL ~ BOTTOM SEE BORING LOGS BOTTOM SEDIMENTS ~ ~. TiE_BAcK SUPPORT PILES SCHEMA TIC BULKHEAD & FILL NOT TO SCALE PRO:EC¥: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET & OF II DOCKO, INC. KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421. MYSTIC. CT 06555 EXPOSED ~RUSHED STONE - STORM DRAINAGE COLLECTION PILE CAP - EL 8'-/- cur orr SHEEr PILES AT EACH ~HEET YOR DRAINAGE OVERFLOW MLW HARBOR BOTTOM DRIVE SHEET FILING TO A MINIMUM 20 FOOT EMBEDMENT IN BEARING STRATA ~ FENCE - 4 FOOT HIGH SIMULATED WROUGHT IRON POUROU$ SURFACE SELECT GRANULAR BACKFILL STEEL SHEET PILE CELL PAVEMENT SHEET PILES CUT OFF BELOW PAVEMENT BASE AT INTERIOR GRANULAR BACKFILL CELLULAR CORNER NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNT~ CONNEC~CUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH I, 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLANO FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET ' ~ iNC. ~-~OC~O, KEITH 9. NEIL$ON. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC. CT 06355 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 GRANULAR ~'~ BACKFILL ,~ TIE-BACK PILE AND DEADMAN SYSTEM (SCHEMA TIC,) $ FINISHED GRADE PILE CAP TOP ELEVATION 8' EXCEPT AT RAMPS OPTIONAL INTERIOR WALER EAST FACE (SOUTH AND WEST FACE.) TIE-BACK EL I' MIN, 2' MAX. MLW EL 0.0 ROD PILE BULKHEAD SHEET PILING WALER INTERIOR WALER EAST FACE W/~ BOLTED CONNECTION TO EACH SHEET SHEET PILE BULKHEAD NOT TO SCALE t.- ,¥.3- ': ..OJECT:TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: IdARCH I, 1994 ~~'~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET ~ OF Il DOCKO,/NC. KEITH B. HEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 205 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 FERRY FENDER SUPPORT BEAM HOIST SYSTEM ON PILE DOLPHIN SAFETY RAIL STEEL RAMP @@ MHWL FENDER SUPPORT PILE 35' ~ EL 7'± CAP @ RAMPS REMOVABLE SAFETY GA TE PAVEMENT ~--'BULKHEAD FENDER FOUNDATION (SCHEMA TIC,) FERRY 30' RAMP WIDTH RAMP GRA TING '~ RAMP HOIST SYSTEM ON $ PILE DOLPHIN $5' + RAMP DETAIL NOT TO SCALE II ~PAVEMENT --, FENDER FOUNDATION 'BULKHEAD PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNT~ CONNEC~CUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HAREOR DATE: MARCH 1, ~994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHE£T £ CKO, KEITH 8. N[ILSON. P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 20'± NOM TOP EL 1S'~MIN 12'fl: MIN MLW DATUM HTEL APPROXIMA rE DEPTH @ MLW 18' NOMINAL - SEE BATHYMETRY BOTTOM SEDIMENTS: ORGANICS/ FINE SAND (SEE BORINGS) (BERTHING SIDE) KING PILE CUT OFF TO DRAIN 8EFORE SEALING FENDERS SLOPE 1:8+- (SLIP SIDE) /-'-KING PILE-PLUMB SLOPE 1:$ WHERE POSSIBLE. OR MAXIMUM BATTER PERMITTED BY SITE CONDITIONS A. ~9 Pll_E DOLPHIN NOT TO SCALE BOLT -~ PATTERN FENDERS ! I SLOPE l:g± (SLIP SIDE) KING PILE-PLUMB BRACE PILES (4) SLOPE 1:3 WHERE POSSIBLE, OR MAXIMUM BATTER pERMITTED BY SITE CONDITIONS 7 PILE DOLPHIN NOT TO SCALE _./"' KING PILE 20' MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO BEARING STRATA SANDS. ETC. W/ MIN. BLDW COUNT OP I O/FT) DRIVE PILES W/F~T TIPS CHAFING BOARD ON FENDER PILES - CONNECTION POINTS TO BE CLEAR OF WEARING ZONE 7 PILE DOLPHIN NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR CATE: MARCH 1, 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARE( BY: SHEET lC) £~OCKO, INC. KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC. CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 24' MINIMUM HIGH GROUND WATER EL.4' +l- ANCHOR CABLE/ STRAP 12" MINIMUM APPROVED BEDDING MATERIAL PAVEMENT TERMINAL BUILDING WALL BRICK 6" VENT ~, FUEL PUMP -, ($E£ ?worE) CONCRETE PAD 6" THICK ON 18" BASE GRADE EL. 9~ LE TANK CONCRETE BLOCK 8" ~ ELECTRICAL PANEL AUDIO/VISUAL ALARM LgAK S~AB CAP TERMINAL BULDING SUPPORT ANCHOR OR -- SLAB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK 5oo-~ooo GAl SCHEMATIC - NOT TO SCALE NOTE: FUEL TANK SHOWN: WASTE OIL WILL HAVE NO SUBMERSIBLE PUMP: INSTEAD A SUCTION LINE WILL EXTEND TO THE BOTTOM OF' THE TANK FOR REMOVAL OF WASTE OIL. PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH I. 1994 ~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET ~ ~ 0~" I/ ~SXQ INC. KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 4~I. MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 Applicant: Fishers Island Ferry District Attached is: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) A B C D E ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entkety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMiNATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. · ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved ID in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved ID, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMiNATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be aPpealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. I · REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record· Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. If you h~ve questions regarding this decision and/or the appeal process you may contact: If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may also contact: R/GHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investigations. Signature of appellant or agent. Date: [ Telephone number: I I I I! I I i I I I I t I ! I I i t I I ! I, I i I ! I I ! Applicant Options with Initial Proffered Permit ApplicantJCorps sign standard permit or applicant accepts letter of permission. The project s authorized. Applicant/Corps sign standard permit or applicant accepts . letter of permission. The project s authorized. Initial proffered permit sent to applicant. Applicant sends specific objections to district engineer. The district engineer will either modify the permit to remove afl objectionable conditions, remove some of the objectionable conditions, or not modify the permit. A proffered permit is sent to the applicant for reconsideration with an NAP and an RFA form. Applicant declines the proffered permit. The declined individual permit may be appealed by submitting a RFA to the division engineer within 60 days of the date of the NAP (see Appendix A). · Appendix B Administrative Appeal Process for Approved Jurisdictional Determinations r Approved JD valid for 5 years. Yes Distdct makes new ~ appmved JD. I'~ Yes To continue with appeal process, appellant must revise RFA. See Appendix D. Division engineer or designee remands decision to district, with specific instructions, for · reconsideration; appeal process completed. Appendix C ~- District issues approved I Jurisdictional Determination (JD) to applicant/landowner with NAP. Applicant decides to appeal approved JD. Applicant submits RFA to division engineer within 60 days of date of NAP. No Corps reviews RFA and notifies I appellant within 30 days of receipt. Optional JD Appeals Meeting and/or site investigation. Re reviews record and the division engineer (or designee) rendem a decision on the merits of the appeal within 90 days of receipt of an acceptable RFA. Yes District's decision is upheld; appeal process completed. ! I I ! ,I ! 1 I i I I i I I ! I I WORK START NOTIFICATION FORM (Minimum Advance Notice: Two Weeks) MAIL TO: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District Regulatory Branch Policy Analysis/Technical Support Section 696 Virginia Road Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751 A Corps of Engineers Permit (No. 1998-02195) was issued to the Fishers Island Ferry District. The permit authorized the installation of steel sheet pile bulkhead and the placement of fill in the Thames River at New London, Connecticut in conjunction with the expansion of an existing ferry terminal. The people (e.g., contractor) listed below will do the work, and they understand the permit's conditions and limitations. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Person/Firm: Business Address: Telephone: ( ) ( ) Proposed Work Dates: Start: Finish: PERMITTEE'S SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME: TITLE: DATE: FOR USE B Y THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS PM: Ms. Diane M. Ray Submittals Required: Inspection Recommendation: YES (During & After) WORK START NOTIFICATION FORM (Minimum Advance Notice: Two Weeks) MAIL TO: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District Regulatory Branch Policy Analysis/Technical Support Section 696 Virginia. Road Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751 A Corps of Engineers Permit (No. 1998-02195) was issued to the Fishers Island Ferry District. The permit authorized the installation of steel sheet pile bulkhead and the placement of fill in the Thames River at New London, Connecticut in coniunction with the expansion of an existing ferry terminal. The people (e.g., contractor) listed below will do the work, and they understand the permit's conditions and limitations. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Person/Firm: Business Address: I I I I I I I I Telephone: ( ) ( ) Proposed Work Dates: Start: Finish: PERMITTEE'S SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME: TITLE: DATE: FOR USE B Y THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS PM: Ms. Diane M. Ray Submittals Required: Inspection Recommendation: YES (During & After) I I I I I United States Army Corps of Engineers A permit to INSTALL STEEL SHEET PILE BULKHEAD & PLACE FILL IN THE THAMES RIVER AT NEW LONDON, CT IN CONJUNCTION WiTH ~.~AN~J. ON u~ Am ~i$iiNG FERRY at NEW LONDON, CT TERMINAL. I I I 1 I I I I I I I ! I has been issued to FISHERS ISLA!N-D FERRY DISTRIQ~D Ai~RIL 17~X~ 2000 Address of Permittee FOOT OF STATE ST, NEW LONDON HARBOR, CT Permit Number #199802195 ~rict Commander ~:NG FORM 4336, Jul 81 {33 CFR 320-330) EOITION OF JUl. ?0 MAY BE USEO (Proponent: CECW-O) F~sN~:[$"~'-~,-,~' ~ ~'t NEGOTIABLE ONLY IN TIlE U.S,~ND POSSESSIONS i:O0000P, O02': 85%s58qqqo?"' Regulatory Branch CENAE-CO-R- 1998-02195 Fishers Island Ferry District P. O. Box Drawer H Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Sir or Madam: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 696 VIRGINIA ROAD CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS 01742-2751 Enclosed are two copies of a Department of the Army permit authorizing the work described therein. Your signature is necessary to execute this permit. The authorized work cannot start until we receive a complete, signed copy of the permit. If the conditions are acceptable, please sign both copies and return one signed copy of the entire permit to us. A fee of $100.00 is required. Please enclose a check made payable to "FAO New England District", and return it with the signed permit copy. Please ensure your address and social security number, or tax identification number for businesses, are on the check. Please post the enclosed ENG form 4336 (i.e., Notice of Authorization) in a conspicuous location at the job site whenever work is ongoing. This permit requires you to notify us before beginning work so that we may inspect the project. Therefore, please complete and retum the attached Work Start Notification Form to this office no later than two weeks before the anticipated starting date. If the plans or construction methods (i.e., for work in our jurisdiction) need to be changed, please contact us immediately to discuss modification of your permit prior to undertaking these changes. This permit is a limited authorization containing a specific set of conditions. Please read the permit thoroughly to familiarize yourself with those conditions, including any conditions contained on the attached state water quality certification. Ifa contractor does the work for you, both you and the contractor are responsible for ensuring that the work is done in compliance with the permit's terms and conditions, as any violations could result in civil or criminal penalties. Every discharge of dredged material must be witnessed by an onboard, Corps-certified inspector. The dredged material must be released at a specified buoy or set of coordinates within the disposal site. Please notify the Marine Analysis Unit, Regulatory Branch by phone at (978) 318-8292 at least ten working days in advance of the time that disposal operations will begin so that specific coordinates for your project can be sent to you. This phone notification requirement is in addition to the requirement for submission of the Work Start Notification Form as previously stated in this letter. Finally, please note that the Department of the Army permit process does not supersede any other agency's jurisdiction. Hence, if other federal, state, and/or local agencies have jurisdiction over your project, you must receive all applicable permits before you may begin work. ! -2- The Corps of Engineers has implemented an administrative appeals process for permit denials, proffered permits that you object to the terms and conditions of and jurisdictional determinations. A Notification of Administrative Appeal Options form and flow charts are enclosed with this letter, which explains the appeals process and your options. The North Atlantic Division Office will hear all accepted appeals. However, in order to retain your right to appeal, should you intend to, you must submit the attached NAAO form within 60 days of this letter's date. Responses and questions regarding the Corps of Engineers appeals process should be directed to Ms. Christine Godfrey, Policy and Technical Support Section at (978) 318-8673 or at the above address. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Ms. Diane M. Ray at (978) 318-8831, (800) 343-4789, or use (800) 363-4367 within Massachusetts. s~s~i~cerely, \'--W~liam F~. I~awless, P.E. Chief, Regulatory Branch Construction/Operations Division Enclosures Copy furnished: Docko, Inc. P. O. Box 420 Mystic, CT 06355 Robinson & Cole Attn: W. Richard Smith 280 Tmmbull Street Hartford, CT 06103 i I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I CT DEP STRUCTURES & DREDGING PERMIT #199501565-PF STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION oFFIcE OF LONG ISLAND SOUND PROGRAMS October 28, 1999 CERTIFIED MAIL, RETUR.N KECEIPT KEQUESTED I I I t ! i. I I I I I I I Mr. Reynolds duPont, Jr. Fishers Island Ferry District P.O. Drawer H Fishers Island, NY 06390 SUBJECT: PERMITNO. 199501565-PF Fishers Island Ferry District City of New London Dear Mr. duPont.: Enclosed is the signed permit which constitutes the approval of your application to conduct regulated activities. Your attantion Ls directed to the conditions of the enclused permit. Construction or work must conform to that which is authorized. If you have not already done so, you should contact your local Planning and Zoning Office to determine local permit requkements on your project, if any. Also, your activity may be eligible for General Permit authorization fi.om the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The State of Connecticut forwarded a copy of its tentative determination for this activity to the Corps for its determination of General Permit eligibility. You do not need to apply directly to the Corps unless they notify you. If General Permit elig~ility has already been determined, an authorization letter will be attached to this permit. Otherwise, authorization will be mailed separately. For more information regarding this new federal process, you may write to the Corps New England Division, Regulatory Branch, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, Massaehuse~ 01742-2751; or, call (800) 343-4789. If you have any questions concermng your permit, please contact staff of the Permit section at (860)424-3034. l~ter 13; Francis/~ Environmental Analyst PBF/Iv encl. Sent Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested to: Commissioner of Transportation; Adjacent Property Owners; All Parties; the Mayor, First Selectman or Town Manager; Shellfish Commission; the Planning and Zoning Commissions; and the Harbor Management Commission. Copies Furnished to: Couse~ation Commission Dept. of AgriculturedAqnaculture Division File No. 199501565-PF Keith Neilson, Docko, Inc. Robert Fromer DEP/Water Mgt. Bureau DOT/Bureau of Aeronautics and Ports DEP/Wildlife Division DEP/Fisheries Division W. Richard Smith, Robinson & Cole, LLP Desk Copy (Prfntcd on Recycled- Paper) I 79 Elm Street Hartford. CT 06106-5127 hnp://d ep.st ate.ct.ua An Equal Opportunity Employer STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION pERMIT Permit No.: 199501565-PF City_: Work Area: Permittee: New London Thames River offproperty located at foot of State Street Fishers Island Ferry District P.O. Drawer H Fishers Island, NY 06390 Pursuant to sections 22a-359 through 22a-363f of the Connecticut General Statutes (General Statutes) and in accordance with section 22a-98 of the General Statutes, and the Connecticut Water Quality Standards dated April 1997, a permit is hereby granted by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection (Commissioner) to expand the existing ferry terminal for transportation uses as is more specifically described below in the SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION. in Thames River at a location identified as the "work area" above. *****NOTICE TO PERMITTEES AND CONTRACTORS***** FAILURE TO CONFORM TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT MAY SUBJECT THE PERMITTEE AND ANY CONTRACTOR TO ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS, INCLUDING PENALTIES AND INJUNCTIONS, AS PROVIDED BY LAW. SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION Ao The Permittee is hereby authorized to conduct the following work as described in application 199501565-PF, including 28 sheets of plans dated as follows: sheets 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 through 11, 14, 15, 16, and 18 through 28 of 28 dated March 1, 1994 and sheets 3, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 17 of 28 dated March 1, 1994 and revised July 15, 1998, submitted by the Permittee to the Commissioner and attached hereto: I I I I remove nine (9) existing cluster-pile dolphins adjacent to the existing east ramp; remove the existing east slip ramp and lift towers and install a new temporary ramp with a counterweight or hoist tower; remove eighteen (18) existing seven-pile dolphins, four (4) three-pile counterweight support towers and two (2) steel ramps; remove approximately 800 cy of existing stone scour protection fi.om the east slip; (Printed oa Recycled Paper) 79 Elm Street Hartford, CT 06106- 5127 http://dcp.atat ¢,ct.u~ An Equal Opportunity Employer Permit Application #199501565-PF Page 2 of 8 install two (2) temporary seven-pile dolphins and two (2) temporary nine-pile dolphins adjacent to the northern boundary of the Property; excavate approximately 1000 cy of stone and gravel at the south end of the site to install the steel sheet pile identified in paragraph 7., below; install approximately 780 linear feet of new steel sheet pile bulkhead including two (2) rounded cells at the south and southeast comers of the terminal facility; o place approximately 32,000 cy of stone fill over approximately 32,000 squat? feet and construct an approximately 5400 square foot terminal building; - place approximately 500 cy of stone for scour protection at the base of the steel sheet pile identified in paragraph 7., above, over 2500 square feet at the location of the ferry slips; 10. install thirteen (13) new seven-pile dolphins and eight (8) new nineteen-pile dolphins as shown on sheet 6 of 28 of the plans attached hereto; I1. remove two (2) existing ferry access ramps and reinstall two (2) new 30' x 35' steel ferry access ramps with side safety rails, one at each of the ferry slips; ¸12. install new counterweight towers and two (2) new fender systems one each at and under the access ramps identified in paragraph 11., above, each of which to include a four-beam fender, fender support beam, four (4) fender support piles, and two (2) three-pile dolphins including a ramp hoist system; 13. modify the existing wood dock at the north edge of the facility to provide access fi.om the new steel sheet pile bulkhead by reconnecting the southern edge of the dock to the new location of such sheet piling;. 14. modify the existing wooden ramp for temporary usage during construction at the north edge of the terminal facility and subsequent removal of such dock; and 15. install ten (10) new fender piles along the east face of the bulkhead at the maintenance slip. The Permittee may, consistent with all terms and conditions of this permit, conduct routine maintenance, as that term is defined in section 22a-363a of the General Statutes, of the structures authorized herein. Permit Application #199501565~PF Page 3 of 8 UPON INITIATION OF ANY WORK AUTHORIZED HEREIN, THE PERMITTEE ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The work specified in the SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION is authorized solely for the water-dependent ferry terminal use set out in this permit. No change in the purpose or use of the authorized work or facilities as set forth in this permit may occur without the prior written authorization of the Commissioner. The Permittee shall, prior to undertaking or allowing any change in use or purpose fi.om that which is authorized by this permit, request authorization fi.om the Commissioner for such change. Said request shall be in writing and shall describe the proposed change and the reason for the change. The approval of such request is solely at the Commissioner's discretion. A change in the use of the upland property or fill area other than that specifically authorized herein may render this authorization null and void and may require that said structures, fill and encroachments be removed in their entirety. The Permittee shall conduct a habitat mitigation plan consisting of the installation of a fishway at the Hallville Pond Dam as prepared by Stephen Gephard, DEP/Fisheries Division in a five page proposal dated December 8, 1998 and attached hereto and in accordance with the January 4, 1999 letter fi.om W. Richard Smith, Jr. to Betsey C. Wingfield and attached hereto as exhibit. Prior to conducting the preceding habitat mitigation plan, the Permittee may submit to the Commissioner for his review and written approval a written detailed proposal for a comparable alternative habitat mitigation plan. Upon receipt of the Commissioner's written approval of such alternative, the Permittee shall conduct such alternative habitat mitigation plan. Prior to the commencement of work authorized herein, the Permittee shall submit to the Commissioner for his review and written approval a schedule to implement the habitat mitigation plan required in paragraph 2, above. The work authorized herein shall not commence until the Permittee has received written approval of the schedule required to be submitted pursuant to this paragraph. Unconfined in-water excavation, filling or removal of debris is stxictly prohibited. Prior to the commencement of any authorized filling activity not within the confines of the bulkhead authorized herein, the Permittee shall install a dual-barrier silt curtain around the construction area. The Permittee shall maintain such dual-barrier curtain in optimal operating conditions until the work authorized herein has been completed and the area has stabilized. 6. Prior to the commencement of work authorized herein, the Permittee shall install Permit Application #199501565-PF Page 4 of 8 sedimentation and erosion control devices around the construction area. Such devices shall be maintained in optimal operating condition until the work authorized herein has been co .mpleted and the area has stabilized. Not later than 90 days subsequent to the completion of work authorized or prior to the expiration of this permit, the Permittee shall remove all temporary piles and temporary ramps authorized herein. The Permittee shall NOT install a skimming boom as shown on sheet E-3 of the application materials. The Permittee shall install the scour protection stone ~tuthorized herein such that no ~tone extends further than 15' from the face of bulkhead authorized herein. 10. Upon removal of the scour protection stones authorized to be removed in paragraph A.4. of the SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION, above, the Permittee shall place such stones within a confined area on the upland or within the sheet pile bulkhead authorized herein. 11. The Permittee shall establish a minimum of a 10 foot setback from any wetlands or watercourses in and adjacent to the area where work is to be conducted or areas which are to be used for access to the work area. Such setback area(s) shall be flagged so as to be readily identifiable by con,actor personnel until the work authorized hereunder is completed. 12. Except as specifically authorized by this permit, no equipment or material including but not limited to, fill, construction materials, excavated material or debris, shall be deposited, placed or stored in any wetland or watercourse on or off-site, or within any delineated setback area, nor shall any wetland, watercourse or delineated setback area be used as a staging area or accessway other than as provided herein. 13. On or before (a) 90 days after completion of the work authorized herein, or (b) upon expiration of the work completion date or any authorized one year extension thereof, whichever is earlier, the Permittee shall submit to the Commissioner "as built" plans prepared and sealed by a licensed engineer, licensed surveyor or licensed architect, as applicable, of the work area showing all contours, bathymetries, tidal datums and structures. 14. This permit is subject to and does not derogate any present or future propen'y rights or powers of the State of Connecticut, and conveys no property rights in real estate or material nor any exclusive privileges, and is further subject to any and all public and private rights and to any federal, state or local laws or mgulatious pertinent to the property or activity affected hereby. ii I I I I I I I I i I I t t I ! I I I Permit A~plication #199501565-PF Pa~e'5 of 8 GENERAL TEI~MS AND CONDITIONS All work authorized by this permit shall be completed within five years fi-om date of issuance &this permit ("work completion date"), except that maintenance as specified in the SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION may be conducted at any time, in accordance with all conditions of this permit and any other applicable law. The Permittee may request a one year extension of the work completion date. Such request shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the Commissioner at least 30 days prior to said work completion date. Such request shall describe the work done to date, work which still needs to be completed and the reason for such extension. The Commissioner shall grant or deny such request in his sole discretion. Any work authorized herein, other than maintenance authorized herein,.conducted at~er said work completion date or any authorized one year extension thereof is a violation of this permit and may subject the Permittee to enforcement action, including penalties, as provided by law. In conducting the work authorized herein, the Permittee shall not deviate fi.om the attached plans, as may be modified by this permit. The Pennittee shall not make de minimis changes fi.om said plans without prior written approval of the Commissioner. The Permittee shall, consistent with the SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION. maintain all structures or other work authorized herein in good condition. Prior to the commencement of any work authorized herein, the Permittee shall cause a copy of this permit to be given to any contractor(s) employed to conduct such work. At the work area the Permittee shall, whenever work is being performed, make available for inspection a copy of this permit and the final plans for the work authorized herein. Not later than two weeks prior to the corrunencement of any work authorized herein, the Permittee shall submit to the Commissioner, on the form attached hereto as Appendix A, the name(s) and address(es) of any contractor(s) employed to conduct such work and the expected-date for commencement and completion of such work. The Permittee shall notify the Commissioner in writing of the commencement of any work and completion of all work authorized herein no later than three days prior to the commencement of such work and no later than seven days after the completion of such work. All waste material generated by the performance of the work authorized herein shall be disposed of by the Permittee at an upland site approved for the disposal of such waste material, as applicable. In undertaking the work authorized hereunder, the Permittee shall not cause or allow pollution of wetlands or watercourses, including pollution resulting fi-om sedimentation and erosion. For purposes of this permit, "pollution" means "pollution" as that term is defined Permit Application ~199501565-PF by section 22a-423 of the General Statutes. Pa~e 6 of 8 I ! 10. 11. Upon completion of any work authorized herein, the Permittee shall restore all areas impacted by construction, or used as a staging area or accessway in connection with such work, to their condition prior to the commencement of such work. Any document required to be submitted to the Commissioner under this permit or any contact required to be made with the Commissioner shall, unless otherwise specified in writing by the Commissioner, be directed to: Permit Section Office of Long Island Sound Programs Department of Environmental Protection 79 Elm Street Hartford, Connecticut 06106-5127 (860) 424-3034 Fax # (860) 424-4054 The date &submission to the Commissioner of any document required by this permit shall be the date such document is received by the Commissioner. The date of any notice by the Commissioner under this permit, including but not limited to notice of approval or disapproval of any document or other action, shall be the date such notice is personally delivered or the date three days after it is mailed by the Commissioner, whichever is earlier. Except as otherwise specified in this permit, the word "day" as used in this permit means calendar day. Any document or action which is required by this permit to be submitted or performed by a date which falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a Connecticut or federal holiday shall be submitted or performed on or before the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or a Connecticut or federal holiday. 12. This permit may be revoked, suspended, or modified in accordance with applicable law. I I I I I I I i t 13. This permit is not transferable without prior written authorization of the Commissioner. A request to transfer a permit shall be submitted in writing and shall describe the proposed transfer and the reason for such transfer. The Permittee's obligations under this permit shall not be affected by the passage of title to the work area to any other person or municipality until such time as a transfer is authorized by the Commissioner. I ! 14. 15. The Permittee shall allow any representative of the Commissioner to inspect the work authorized herein at reasonable times to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit. In granting this permit, the Commissioner has relied on representations of the Permittee, including information and data provided in support of the Permittee's applicat'i°n' Neither the Permittee's representations nor the issuance of this permit shall constitute an assurance by the Commissioner as to the structural integrity, the engineering feasibility or the efficacy of such design or the accuracy of delineated property boundaries. I I I i I ! I I I I Permit Application #199501565-PF Page 7 of 8 16. In the event that the Permittee becomes aware that he did not or may not comply, or did not or may not comply on time, with any provision of this permit or of any document required hereunder, the Permittee shall immediately notify the Commissioner and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any noncompliance or delay is avoided or, if unavoidable, is minimized to the greatest extent possible. In so notifying the Commissioner, the Permittee shall state in writing the reasons for the noncompliance or delay and propose, for the review and written approval of the Commissioner, dates by which compliance will be achieved, and the Permittee shall comply with any dates which may be approved in writing by the Commissioner. Notification by the Permittee shall not excuse noncompliance or delay and the Commissioner's approval of any compliance dates proposed shall not excuse noncompliance or delay unless specifically stated by the Commissioner in writing. 17. In evaluating the application for this permit, the Commissioner has relied on information and data provided by the Permittee and on the Permittee's representations .concerning site conditions, design specifications and the purpose of the work authorized herein, including but not limited to representations concerning the commercial, public or private nature of the work or structures authorized herein, the water-dependency of said work or structures, its availability for access by the general public, and the ownership of regulated structures or filled areas. If such information proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete or inaccurate, this permit may be modified, suspended or revoked, and the Permittee may be subject to enforcement action. 18. The Permittee may not conduct any work watenvard of the high tide line or in tidal wetlands at this work area other than work authorized herein, unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner pursuant to section 22a-359 et. seq. and/or section 22a-32 et. seq. of the General Statutes. 19. The issuance of this permit does not relieve the Permittee of his obligations to obtain any other approvals required by applicable federal, state and local law. 20. Any document, including but not limited to any notice, which is required to be submitted lo the Commissioner under this permit shall be signed by the Permittee and by the individual or individuals responsible for actually preparing such document, each of whom shall certify .in writing as follows: "I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and certify that based on reasonable investigation, including my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, the submitted information is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand that any false statement made in this document or its attachments may be punishable as a criminal offense." Permit Application #199501565-PF Page 8 of 8 i "~ Arthu~"J.l~que, r. I Permit Application No. 199501565-PF Fishers' Island Ferry District Certified Mail # lv NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 't?~ ~,; ~~--a)~ ---a 696 VIRGINIA ROAD ~ i~-.~..-~ CONCORD, MASSACHUSEI-rs 01742-2751 Regulatory Br~nch CENAE-CO-R- 1998-02195 Fishers Island Ferry District P. O. Box Drawer H Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed are two copies of a Department of the Army permit authorizing the.work described therein. Your signature is necessary to execute this permit. The authorized work cannot start until we receive a complete, signed cop), of the permit. If the conditions are acceptable, please sign both copies and return one s~gned copy of the entire permit to us. A fee of $100.00 is required. Please enclose a check made payable to "FAO New England District", and return it with the signed permit copy. Please ensure your address and social security number, or tax identification number for businesses, are on the check. Please post the enclosed ENG form 4336 (i.e., Notice of Authorization) in a conspicuous location at the job site whenever work is ongoing. This permit requires you to notify us before beginning work so that we may inspect the project. Therefore, please complete and return the attached Work Start Notification Form to this office no later than two weeks before the anticipated starting date. If the plans or construction methods (i.e., for work in our jurisdiction) need to be changed, please contact us immediately to discuss modification of your permit prior to undertaking these changes. This permit is a limited authorization containing a specific set of conditions. Please read the permit thoroughly to familiarize yourself with those conditions, including any conditions contained on the attached state water quality certification. If a contractor does the work for you, both you and the contractor are responsible for ensuring that the work is done in compliance with the permit's terms and conditions, as any violations could result in civil or criminal penalties. Every discharge of dredged material must be witnessed by an onboard, Corps-certified inspector. The dredged material must be released at a specified buoy or set of coordinates within the disposal site. Please notify the Marine Analysis Unit, Regulatory Branch by phone at (978) 318-8292 at least ten working days in advance of the time that disposal operations will begin so that specific coordinates for your project can be sent to you. This phone notification requirement is in addition to the requirement for submission of the Work Start Notification Form as stated in this letter. previously Finally, please note that the Department of the Army permit process does not supersede any other agency's jurisdiction. Hence, if other federal, state, and/or local agencies have jm-isdiction over your project, you must receive all applicable permits before you may begin work. -2- The Corps of Engineers has implemented an administrative appeals process for permit denials, proffered permits that you object to the terms and conditions of and jurisdictional determinations. A Notification of Administrative Appeal Options form and flow charts are enclosed with. this letter, which explains the appeals process and your options. The North Atlantic Division Office will hear all accepted appeals. However, in order to retain your right to appeal, should you intend to, you must submit the attached NAAO form within 60 days of this letter's date. Responses and questions regarding the Corps of Engineers appeals process should be directed to Ms. Christine Godfrey, Policy and Technical Support Section at (978) 318-8673 or ' at the above address. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Ms. Diane M. Ray at (978) 318-8831, (800) 343-4789, or use (800) 363-4367 within Massachusetts. Sincerely, Enclosures ~/CDopy furnished: ocko, Inc. P. O. Box 420 Mystic, CT 06355 Robinson & Cole Attn: W. Richard Smith '280 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103 William F. Lawless, P.E. Chief, Regulatory Branch Construction/Operations Division I I I I i I I I ! I I I I I ! I I UNION STATION STATE ST. CITY OF NEW LONDON SITE PIER PROJEC T: TERMINAL EXPANSION NEW LONDON HARBOR U.S. COAST GUARD PIER VICINITY MAP SCALE 1"=200' :.....-/ ,. - 200" 9 eLt I LOCATION MAP ~oo o 5oD YARDS NOTES: I. ELEVATION DATUM IS MEA~I LOW WATER (MLW=EL 0.0) 2. TIDAL DATA IS TAKEN FROM 1993 NOAA TIDE TABLES, $. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EXPANSION OF THE FISHERS ISLAND f,'~'Dp¥*~ NFW LONDON TERMINAL 4.'THESE DRAWINGS REPRESENT A CLASS SURVEY FOR PERMIT PURPOSES; THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 5. ADJACENT LAND OWNERS: NORTH: CITY OF" NEW LONDON 181 STATE STREET NEW LONDON, CT 06320 SOUTH: UNITED STATES COAST GUARD STATION FORT TRUMBULL, BUILDING 45 NEW LONDON, CT 06320 WEST: NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORP. 60 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE NE WASHINGTON, DC 20002 TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH I, 1994 ~"'-~,~"~ APPUCANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED I~Y: SHEET I OF IJ DOCKO, INC. KEITH B. N£ILSON, P,E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC. CT 065~5 205 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 STONE REVETMENT DEVELOPED SHOREFRONT NEW LONDON ~ HARBOR ~ ESTUARINE EMBAYMENT SHELLFISH CONCENTRATION AREA CITY OF N£W LONDON '$HORE£ANDS" t,_ SI TE ,.,. ., COASTAL HARZARD AREA P~vtu£~r '"/ ' CRUSHED STONE MANEUVERING AREA NOTE: THE EXISTING WOOD RAMP IS TO BE MODIFIED AS NECESSARY FOR TEMPORARY OPERATION DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE TERMINAL THEN REMOVED AFTER OPENING THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SLIPS PLAN VIEW - EXISTING SCALE 1"=50' PROJECT: LOCATION: TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT NEW LONDON HARBOR MARCH 1, I994 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT WATERWAY: DATE: APPLICANT: PREPARED BY: SHEET ~-~ O,C"// DOCKO, KEITH B. NEILSON. P.E, P,O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 LOCATION: CITY OF' NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH I. 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET ~ OP" 11 DOCff O, KEITH B. NEIL$ON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421. MYSTIC, CT 06556 203 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 ,,'~ FISHERS ISLAND FERRY "DEVELOPED SHOREFRONT' 0 0 © ¢ sup NEW LONDON HARBOR 'ESTUARINEEM~YMEN~ 'SHEL~ISHCONCEN~A~ONAR~' 0 OVERALL PLAN SCALE 1'=100' VIEW PROJECT: LOCATION: TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT NEW LONDON HARBOR MARCH I, 1994 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT WATERWAY: DATE: APPUCANT: PREPARED BY: SHEET L~ OF-- DOC. KO, INC. KEITH B. NEll. SON. P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06;355 203 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 N/F NATIONAL RAILROAD~"'"'~ .' PASSENGER CORP. WHir C~Tr (T~') NEW LONDON HARBOR PAVEMENT MARKING & TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SCALE I' = 50' PROJECT: LOCATION: WATERWAY: DATE: APPMCANT: TERMINAL EXPANSION ClTY O£ NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNEC~CUT NEW LONOON HARBOR MARCH I, 1994 ~$HER$ ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET ~ oF I( DOCKO, INC. KEITH B. NEll. SON. P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 '1" · PAVED WALK '(NLPZ) CRUSHED STONE STORM WATER COLLECTION TRENCH FENCE SEE DETAIL SHEET 21 MLW EL 0.0 FENDER PILE RUBBLE TOE PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION BOTTOM DEPTH VAIRES I0'-20' TYP SEE SHEET PILE DETAIL ON SHEET 18- PAVED SURFACE ~ '1'"1 RAIL I TERMINAL T PHASE £ FILL II II · · · II II.t II 11 ii PHASE I. SILT CURTAIN BUILDING SUPPORT PILES ~ BEARING IN HARBOR L SAND & GRAVEL'~ ~ BOTTOM SEE BORING LOGS BOTTOM SEDIMENTS ~ ~. TIE-BACK SUPPORT PILES 4CK SYSTEM SCHEMA TIC BULKHEAD & FILL NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH I. I994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET & oF Il DOCKO, INC. K£1TH B. NEILSON. P.E. P.O. 80X 421. MYSTIC. CT 06555 205 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 ! I EXPOSED CRUSHED STONE - STORM DRAINAGE COLLECTION , PILE CAP - EL 8'./- ~.. X CUT OFF SHEET PILES ~'~ AT EL 8' - EXCEPT AT RAMPS SCUPPERS r' ABOVE STONE AT EACH SHEET FOR DRAINAGE OVERFLOW MLW HARBOR BOTTOM DRIVE SHEET PILING TO A MINIMUM ....... 20 FOOT EMBEDMENT IN BEARING STRATA ~FENCE - 4 FOOT HIGH / 51MULATED WROUGHT IRON SELECT GRANULAR BACKFILL POUROUS SURFACE l PAVEMENT L---TTFiE-- BACKFILL IIIII STEEL SHEET PILE CELL SHEET PILES CUT OFF BELOW PAVEMENT BASE AT INTERIOR L _L CELLULAR CORNER NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH 1, 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PR[PARED BY: SHEET '7 oF "' ' INC. KEITH 8. N[ILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC. CT 06.355 I 20.3 572 89.39 FAX 572 7569 PILE CAP DEADMAN S YS TEM (SCHEMA TIC) FINISHED GRADE GRANULAR 8A CKFILL TIE-BACK ~ ~ PILE AND '~ ,d ~ 'J ~ TOP ELEVATION 8' + ...--' OPTIONAL INTERIOR WALER EAST FACE ~ WALER (SOUTH AND ~ ~ TIE-BACK EL ~" MIN. 2' MAX. ____ MLW EL 0.0 -- TIE-BACK ROD ~'- $HEET PILE BULKHEAD SHEET PILING WALER INTERIOR WALER EAST FACE WI 80LTED CONNECTION TO EACH SHEET SHEET PILE BULKHEAD NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: LOCATION: WATERWAY: DATE: APPLICANT: PREPARED BY: SHEET ~ DOCKO, INC. KEITH 8. NE1L$ON, P.E. P,O. BOX 421. MYSTIC. CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNEC~CUT NEW LONDON HARBOR MARCH I, 1994 ~ FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT i i I I ! I FERRY FENDER SUPPORT BEAM FERRY 30' RAMP WIDTH I RAMP HOIST SYSTEM ON $ PILE DOLPHIN SAFETY RAIL BULKHEAD CAP @ RAMPS EL 7'± SAFETY GATE STEEL RAMP PAVEMENT BULKHEAD O® MHWL FENDER SUPPORT PILE .35' ± FENDER FOUNDATION (SCHEMA TIC) RAMP ORA TING RAMP HOIST SYSTEM ON $ PILE DOLPHIN -11 Z PAVEMENT ~) FENDER FOUNDATION ®@ $5' .~ BULKHEAD RAMP DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: LOCATION: WATERWAY: DATE: APPLICANT: TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT NEW LONDON HARBOR FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET C~ DF £Ot'. MO, INC. KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06.355 203 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 20'± NOM TOP EL 15'+-MIN I B'± NOM 12'± MIN M£W DA TUM IHT El APPROXIMA rE DEPTH @ MLW 18' NOMINAL - 5ES BATHYMETRY BOTTOM SEDIMENTS: ORGANICS/ MUD FINE SAND (SEE BORINGS) (BERTHING SLOE) KING PILE 5LOPE CUT OFF TO DRAIN BEFORE SEALING FENDERS SLOPE 1:8+_ (SLIP SIDE) ~G PILE-PLUMB SLOPE 1:3 WHERE POSSIBLE. OR MAXIMUM BATTER PERMITTED BY SITE CONDITIONS 19 PILE DO'LPHIN NOT TO SCALE BOLT ~ KING PiLE-PLUMB I ~ BRACE PILES (4) FENDERS SLOPE 1:3 WHERE SLOPE I:8+_ POSSIBLE. OR (SLIP SIDE) MAXIMUM BATTER ~ERMITTED BY SITE CONDITIONS 7 PILE DOLPHIN NOT TO SCALE PILE 20' MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO BEARING STRATA (FINE SANDS, ETC. WI MIN. BLOW COUNT OF i O/FT) DRIVE PILES W/FLAT TIPS CHAFING BOARD ON FENDER PILES - CONNECTION POINTS TO BE CLEAR DF WEARING ZONE 7 PILE DOLPHIN NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: LOCATION: WATERWAY: DATE: APPLICANT: TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT NEW LONOON HARBOR MARCH I. 1994 FISH£RS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET lO DF I~ DOCKO, INC. P.O. BOX 421. MYSTIC. CT 06355 I 203 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 24' MINIMUM HIGH GROUND WATER EL. 4' ANCHOR CARLE/ -- STRAP 12' MINIMUM APPROVED 9EDDING MATERIAL_ PAVEMENT TERMINAL BUILDING WALL FUEL PUMP CONCRETE PAD 6" THICK ON 18" BASE PORT FINISHED GRADE EL. 9'5: ~-WALLED TANK ~CONCRETE BLOCK 8" ./-' ELECTRICAL PANEL AUDIO/VISUAL ALARM DETECTOR -- FLOOR SLAB CAP TERMINAL BULDIND SUPPORT ANCHOR OR SLAB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK 5oo-looo GAL SCHEMATIC - NOT TO SCALE NOTE: FUEL TANK SHOWN: WASTE OIL WILL HAVE NO SUBMERSIBLE PUMP: INSTEAD A SUCTION LINE WILL EXTEND TO THE BOTTOM OF THE TANK FOR REMOVAL OF WASTE OIL. PRO:ECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE; MARCH 1, 1994 .,~"~"~. APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET Ii 0Fl/ K[ITH B. NEILSON. P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 I 203 577 8939 FAX 572 7569 7~ w,,,,, o,': /V ~¢/ ..L.o ~ Do/q DATE: APPLICANT: DOCKO. INC. P.O. BOX 421. MYSTIC, CT 00355 203 572 8939 F~ 572 7569 I I UNION STATfON STATE ST. CITY OF NEW LONDON SITE AMTRAK -~ / WATER ST.'~ / : , PROJECT: " TERMINAL .., ,,, EXPANSION /'I ...[ ,, NEW LONDON · ' ,; HARBOR .~..~, , ~.~..--U.S. COAST GUARD PIER VICINITY MAP SCALE I~=200' LOCATION MAP Kr. c.,.r .~. ~oo o ~oo YARDS NOTES: I. ELEVATION DATUM IS ME,~N LOW WATER (MLW=EL 0.0) 2. TIDAL DATA IS TAKEN FROM 1993 NOAA TIDE TABLES. 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EXPANSION OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY'S NEW LONDON TERMINAL ,(SEE ,SHEET 2 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION.) 4. THESE DRAWINGS REPRESENT A CLASS "D' SURVEY FOR PERMIT PURPOSES; THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 5. ADJACENT LAND OWNERS: NORTH: CITY OF- NEW LONDON 181 STATE STREET NEW LONDON. CT 06320 SOUTH: UNITED STATES COAST GUARD STATION FORT TRUMBULL, BUILDING 45 NEW LONDON, CT 06320 WEST: NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORP, 60 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE NE WASHINGTON. DC 20002 LOCATION: WATERWAY: DATE: APPLICANT: PREPARED BY: SHEET 1 DOCKO, INC. K£ITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT NEW LONDON HARBOR ', INDEX TO PLANS Shee~ I Vicinity Map & Locs~n Map ~ 10 P~an View Sb~2 ~d&~ ~ 11 ~mView S~ 3 ~ ~ ~ 12 ~ View AB BRB VIA TIONS CONTOUR. ~ ~ H/OH WATER ~ MEAN HIOH WATER L.~4E DOLPHIN MLW ~ LOW WATER IVlLWL ~ LOW WA'f'uR LINE £ ELECTR/CAL Pu~LROAD TRACKS TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY 0£ NEW' HEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: HEW LONOOH HARBOR DATE: ~dARCH I, 1994 APPUCANT: FISNERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI PREPARED BY: SHE£T 2 OF' 28 DOCKO, INC K£1TH B. N~'IL$0N, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 m i I PROJECT DESCRIFTION J This project will be die expmksiou and improvement of the Fishers Island Ferry Districts New London Terminal consisting '! 0f approximately 780 linear feet {LF) of new steel sheet piling bulkltead with approximately 32,000 cubic yards (CY) of backfill'over appruxi~nately 32,000 square feet ($F) backfill, paved vehicle staging, loading and parking, freight and emergency access, public access and a new two-stor~ terminal building for passenger tickeUng, freight, shop, office facilities and utilities as further described in the application narrative. Bulkhead and structural flu is lhe simplest, most econo~nicM and ~nost structurally stable, long term c~,nstruction technique for this project at this site. There will be 500 (+/-) CY of stone scour protection over an area of 2500 (+/-) SI: placed beneath the ralnps on the south side of the terminal. The proposed Terminal Expansion Project for the Fishers Island I:erry District's New London Terminal is needed to improve operational efficiency and, safety. Tile Fishers Island ]Ferry operates an essential transportation service providing 99% of all of tile transpollation needs for Fishers Island including food and provisions, transporlation for co~nmuting workers and school children, visitors, conskruction material deliveries and couskruction related industries, disposal of waste generated on the island and all Qf the day to day needs of the I:isbers Island commtmity, except for emergency nedical trmrsportation. This ferry service is classified as a tra~tsportation utility of vital national interest h~ accordance with the Coastal Management Act. CONSTRUCTION PIIASING: Construction phasing for this project will be as follows: Phase I will include removal of deteriorated dolphins adjacent ~o the old east ramp and upgradiug that ramp to accommodate the M/V "RACE POINT" and M/V "MUNNATAWKET" including installation of te~nporary 19 and 7 pile dolphins. The "MUNNATAWKET" will be relocated to this east slip and clean fill, crushed stone and gravel, will be dumped by barge in the existing slip to the extent possible. Tile coruer cells, constructed of steel sheet piling, will be built, after which sheet piling will be installed iii line from the southerly cell to tile shore and connecting tile two cells aud scour protection will be set in front of the sheet piling followed by the inslallation of a silt cudain frown the easterly cell back to the "MUNNATAWKE'I'" ramp. The existing revettuent will be excavated in this area to facilitale driving. The next step will be to flu this anclosure from the land side to the Phase I fill .limit line just east of tile proposed terminal. Simultaneously, file new prilnary slip ramp and dolphins.will be installed, thus allowing tile "RACE POINT" to use the ~ for continued operations. This phase of the work will cmnmence in the I:all of the fi~st year of tile project and be co~npleted in the subsequeut spriug. Deginniug in the Fall of tile second year Phase Il of the project will be to cmnplete the bulld~ead and fill from the easterly cell ~o the northeast coruer of the project returuiug to and penetrating the State Street end wall system, enclosing rite existing deteriorated sheet pile bulM~ead. Construction of.the terminal building and all utilities, and completion of the secondary slip ra~np and dolphins will follow. The Final aspect of the project will be to delnolish the freight building, pave, and remove the temporary dolplthks and facilities from tl~e easterly side of the new bulldiead. Finally, landscaping, fencing, lighting, security provisions and public access features will be accomplished. ¢~, ~ C~../~- '~ ~ STONE SCOUR PROTECTION . . PROJECT:TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR P,O, BOX 421, ~YSTIC, CT 0~55 ~~ 203 572 8939 ¢~X 572 7569 ~ SITE ~ COASTAL HARZARD AREA CRUSHED STONE MANEUVER,N(; AREA CITY OF NEW LONDON "SHORELANDS" NOTE: THE EXISTING WOOD RAMP IS TO BE MOOI£IED AS NECESSARY FOR TEMPORARY OPERATION DURING CONSTRUCTION or THE TERMINAL THEN REMOVED AFTER OPENING THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SLIPS PLAN VIEW- EXISTING SCALE 1'--50' $o' O 50' PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF' NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONOON HARBOR DATE: MARCH 1, 1994 '.~-~~ APPLICANT: FISHERS 15L4ND FERRY OlSTRI PREPARED BY: SHEET 4 OF 28, DOCKO, /NC KEITH 8. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. 80X 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 205 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 CITY OF NEW LONDOz~' '~ ' ~ , -- . ....~. , ,.~ , ~ ,' 0..~: · ~/... ,, ; .,, . : ', ,. , ,, ............. ...- ..-~.. .' ...o .-.... .,' ,, ..-- ..-- ~,'..'.-' v .. .......... ~' -" ," 0 " ,' "-"' -" ,'",'" -" -';" -'"' .... O ' / --"' --'"--- ~ :?~"::'"-" ., eo~c ~ ~ ,' .' ..... .- / / / ,. /~ ,' r~,) 0 , / .: .'..'..-: ,' "" '" BA THYMETERY ~ " '/' HARBOR / 20 /' SCALE I~=lO0' PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET § OF 28 DOCKO, INC KEITN B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. 80X 421. MYSTIC, CT 06,555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 ' /~' ~'~ CITY OF NEW LONDON...." ./..~\ sr,~ ~., ~ © - NEW LONDON HARBOR 'ESTUARINE EMBAYMENT' 'SHELLFtSH CONCENTRATtOH AR£A~ NEW ARMOR STORE - ' . 50~:CY OVER 250~:$£ · REUSE RUBBLE FROM EXIS77HG SHORE FRONT WHERE POSSIBLE 0 OVERALL PLAN VIEW SCALE I'=I00' 1mm--~..~..~- ~ Revised 07/15/98 - DEP STONE SCOUR PROTECTION PROJECT: LOCATION: WATERWAY: DATE: APPUCANT: TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT NEW LONDON HARBOR MARCH I, 1994 FISHERS ISI. AHD FERRY D~TRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 6 OF' 28 DOCKO, INC. KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 205 872 8939 FAX 572 7569 CITY OF NEW LONDON 0 0 7~.,,*,,= 0 0 (~) 0 0 0 0 ~ N£W LONDON HARBOR PHASING 0 CONSTRUCTION SCALE I'=I00° PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION .... ~ ......... - Revised 07/15/98 DEP LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON - . ~., - NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT .: , ... STONE SCOUR PROTECT[ON WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR  DATE: MARCH I, 1994 CT~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI , ~ :~,,~;.~:~. -~' P.O. BOX 421. ~YSTIC. CT 06355 ~~ 205 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 ~ NATIONAL RAILROAD pA$$ENG£R CORP. '~ NEW LONDON HARBOR PAVEMENT MARKING & TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SCALE I' = 50" PROjrCT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR CT~ DATE: MARCH I, 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI PREPARED BY: SHEET 8 OF 28 DOCKO, INC. KEITH B. NEILSON. P.E. P.O. 80X ~21. MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 6959 FAX 572 7569 I 0 0 · °/ NEW LONDON HARBOR INDEX .PLAN FOR PLAN VIEWS PROJECT: LOCATION: WATERWAY: OAT[: APPLICANT: PREPARED BY: SHEET 9 DOCKO, IIVC K[ITH 8. N[IL$ON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT NEW LONDON HARBOR STATE STREET CITY OF NEW LONDON PLAN VIEW SECTION I SCALE I' = 20' to mr ~.,,,r,~ ~v *,AVrmrm' zo, o PRo:Er'T: LOCATION: TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH 1, 1994 ~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISl..AND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 10 OF 28 DOCKO, INC. KEITH B. NEILSON. P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 I I N/F PROPERTY OF NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORP PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LOHDOH COUHT'F, COHHECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LOHDOH HARBOR APPLICANT: FISHERS ISL4NO FERRY OISTRI PREPARED ny: SHEET 11 OF 28 DOCKO, EVC. KEITH 8. NEll-SON. P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC. CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 30* NEW LONDON HARBOR .> ~' / ' --" ~ -~. - / ~ ....... PLAN VIEW SECTION SCALE I" = 20' 20' 0 20' Revised 07/15/98 - D£P STONE SCOUR PROTECTION III PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH I, 1994 * ~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI'CT PREPARED BY: SHEET 12 OF 28 P.O, BOX 421. MYSTIC. CT 06555 203 572 89,I9 FAX 572 7569 DOLPHINS NEW LONDON NAR.p. PLAN VIEW SECTION IV .RO:[CT: TERMINAL EXPANSION .... '~' .......... ., Revised 07/15/98 - BEP LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT ~ ' .~'~./ STONE SCOUR PROTECTION WATERWAY:NEWLONOONHARBOR ./ii,-Li °ATt: ~ARCH ,. ,~,, .. ~ KEITH B. NE]LSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 203 57~ 895~ FAX 572 7569 \\ \ NEW TERMINAL BUILDING \ SEE SHEETS 25 - 28 l~ J JJ PLAN VIEW SECTION V SCALE I"=20' PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: &lARCH I, 1994 "~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 14 OF' 28 XEITH B. NEILSON. P,E. P.O. BOX 421. MYSTIC. CT 06555 203 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 ,I C PLAN VIEW SECTION VI SCALE 1" = 20' 0 20' PROJECT: LOCATION: WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY 0£ NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE: MARCH 1. 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 15 OF 28 DOC, frO, KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P,O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 895g FAX ,572 7569 PAVED WALK (NLPZ) CRUSHED STONE STORM WATER COLLECTION TRENCH FENCE SEE DETAIL SHEET 21 MLW EL 0.0 FENDER RUBBLE TOE PRO TEC TION AND 5TABILIZA TION BOTTOM DEPTH VAIRES I0'-20' TYP SEE SHEET PILE DETAIL ON SHEET 18 -- PAVED SURFACE "~ ..[ ~' GUARD RAIL I TERMINAL · FILL ' NEW GRANULAR FILL II II ti · II II SILT CURTAIN BUILDING .... ~ SUPPORT PILES ~ BEARING IN HARBOR L SAND & GRAVEL"~ ~ BOTTOM SEE BORING LOGS BOTTOM SEDIMENTS ~ ~, TIE-BACK SUPPORT PILES SCHEMA TIC BULKHEAD & FILL NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CiTY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR ., DATE: MARCH 1, 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS 15LAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 16 OF 28 DOCKO,/NC KEITH B, NE~LSON. P.E. P.O. BOX 421. MYSTIC, CT 06355 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 EXPOSED CRUSHED STONE - STORM DRAINAGE COLLE' PILE CAP - EL 8''/- ~ CUT OFF SHEET PILES ~ AT EL 8' - EXCEPT AT RAMPS SCUPPERS 1" ABOVE STONE AT EACH SHEET FOR DRAINAGE OVERFLOW MLW NOMINAL HARBOR BOT DRIVE SHEET PILINO~_~.._J TO A MINIMUM ....... 20 FOOT EMBEDMENT IN 8EARING STRATA FENCE - 4 FOOT HIGH 51MULATED WROUGHT IRON POUROUS SURFACE SELECT GRANULAR BACKFILL STEEL SHEET PILE CELL IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII I llll IIIII SHEET PILES CUT OFF BELOW PAVEMENT BASE AT INTERIOR GRANULAR BACKFILL CELLULAR CORNER NOT TO SCALE Revised 07/15/98 - D£P STONE SCOUR PROTECTION PROJECT: LOCATION: TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF N£W LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT NEW LONDON HARBOR MARCH I, 1994 FISHERS ISLANO £ERRY DISTRICT WATERWAY: APPLICANT: PREPARED BY: SHEET 17 OF 28 DOCKO, INC. KEITH B. N[ILSON, P.E. 203 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 PILE CAP GRANULAR ~ BACKFILL PILE AND OEADMAN SYSTEM ¢SCHE~A tlC) 80' ol- -F ,I TOP ELEVATION 8' EXCEPT AT RAMPS ...--- OPTIONAL INTERIOR WALER EAST FACE EWALER (SOUTH AND WEST FACE) TIE-BACK EL I' t. MIN, 2' MAX. MLW EL 0.0 TIE-BACK ROD k'"'"'- SHEET PILE BULKHEAD SHEET PILING WALER ~'-'.-- INTERIOR WALER EAST FACE W/ 80LTED CONNECTION TO EACH SHEET SHEET PILE BULKHEAD NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON CouNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR ~ DATE: MARCH I, 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 18 OF 25 DOCKO, NC. KE~TH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 205 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 I FERRY FENDER SUPPORT BEAM FERRY .10' RAMP WIDTH RAMP HOIST SYSTEM ON $ PILE DOLPHIN SAFETY RAIL STEEL RAMP EL 7'± CAP @ RAMPS REMOVABLE SAFETY GATE PAVEMENT ~- BULKHEAD @® MHWL FENDER SUPPORT PILE 35' ± FENDER FOUNDATION (SCHEMA TIC) GRA TING ~"~""' RAMP HOIST SYSTEM $5' ± RAMP DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ~ FENDER FOUNDATION BULKHEAD PROJ£CT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WAT£RWAY: NEW LONOON HARBOR APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI PREPARED BY: SHEET 19 OF 28 DOC, KO, KEITH B. NEILSON. P,£. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 20'± NOM TOP EL 15'±MIN IB*~NOM 12'~' MIN ML.W DATUM HT EL ,4.0'± FERRY MHW MLW EL 0.0' APPROXIMATE DEPTH @ MLW 18' NOMINAL - SEE BATHYMETRY BOTTOM SEDIMENTS: ORGANICS/ MUD FINE SAND (SEE BORINGS] FENDER (BERTHING SLOE) PILE CUT OFF TO DRAIN BEFORE SEALING FENDERS 5LOPE ~:8+- (SLIP SIDE) KING PILE-PLUMB !~ BRACE PILES (4) 5LOPE 1:3 WHERE PO551BLE. OR MAXIMUM BATTER PERMITTED BY SITE CONDITIONS 19 PILE DOLPHIN NOT TO SCALE BOLT ~ PATTERN FENDERS SLOPE 1:8~ (SLIP SIDE) ~./~- KING PILE-PLUMB BRACE PILE5 SLOPE I:3 WHERE POSSIBLE. OR MAXIMUM BATTER PERMITTED BY SITE CONDITIONS 7 PILE DOLPHIN NOT TO SCALE KING PILE DRIVE PILES W/FLAT TIPS 20' MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO _.o/,BEARING STRATA (FINE SANDS, ETC. W~ MIN. BLOW COUNT OF FT) CHAFING BOARD ON FENDER PILES - CONNECTION POINTS TO BE CLEAR OF WEARING ZONE 7 PILE DOLPHIN NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONOON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DATE; MARCH 1. 1994 '~'~~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI PREPARED BY: SHEET 20 0~' 28 DOCK. O, INC. KEITH B. NEILSON, P.£. P.O. 8OX 421, MYSTIC. CT 06355 203 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 SIMULATED WROUOHT iRON FENCE ~ . CAP-%-~ " OVERFLOW SCUPPER~.~ ~' AeOVE STONE BULKHE.~ ~ ~ FILTER FABRIC CLEAR ASPHALT WALK (NLPZ) CRUSHED 5TONE COLLECTION 12" BUTT PILE (MIN) @ tO FT CENTERS 12x12 TIMBER WALKWAY WITH GUARD RAIL NOT TO 5CALE WROUONT ,BON - ~ II Ii1111' ,/,- *OAORE TUBE SLIP FOR HULL ACCE55 ill I I s s I ~ t * ~, [ 4' HIGH OR 6' WHERE SHOWN FENCE NOT TO SCALE PRO:ECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF' NEW LONOON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONOON HARBOR ~ DATE: MARCH I, 1994 APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 21 or '~8 DOCKO, /NC KEITH 8. NEILSON. P.E. P.O. 80X 421, MYSTIC, CT 063S5 203 572 8939 VAX 572 7569 SUPPORT PIPE - REMO OR CABLE 4' HIGH ~ ~ .PIPE SL£EVE SURFACE REMOVEABLE GATES NOT TO SCALE -- PUBLIC ACCESS -- CONNECTICUT COA$~L MANAGEMENT ACT 51GN - PUBLIC ACCESS NOT TO SCALE PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF' NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONOON HARBOR DATE: MARCH t. 1994 ',.~m..~,..,.__~.=.~..~..~~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 22 OF 28 £~0(2K0, KEITH B. NEILSON. P.E. P.O. SOX 421. MYSTIC. CT 06555 205 572 8959 .tAX 572 7.569 '~' : ' NEW 2" WATER SERVICE --~ / · ' ~-A--~A '~-'---' '----------- ---'-- ' ~----r'--'-~-- ' ~7,/ N~ %': '~rrR ~-SEE TERMINAL PLANS/SECTIONS , Sr,~T£ FOR UTILITY TERMINAL DETAILS ~ sT,~rc PiER PLAN VIEW ~- NEW LONDON UILDING ?YDRANT ' /'~ ELECTRIcALTELEPHONE ANDsERViCE ~{ WATER SYSTEM ' ~ ~ro.cr ~ ~ U U rD ,~w ~o,oo ~ SE ~GE 80~OM OF UTILITY TRENCH ~PUMP-OUT9 ' MAIN AND WATERL~ TERMINAL PUMP / PP~FIIF ' 1 NEW LONDON CLEAN OUT TERMINAL ~ ~ 5EWER NEW gEWAGE NEW EWAGE 8" WATER "FIRE" ~ SELECT FILL/ _ BEDDING ~." WATER / f~-~ CONDUITS ~ SERV,C'~/ // ..-- PAVEMENT I i l !./,/ I ,~* ~ ~ ~ 2" SEWAGE UTI~TY CORRIDOR/EASeMENT SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALE WET WELL PUMP WELL !.EGEND E ELECTRICAL SERVICE S SEWAGE DISCHARGE LINE T TELEPHONE SERVICE W WA TER HYD HYDRANT P.OaECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR ,, DATE: MARCH I, 1994 ..~"'-~'~,. APPUCANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 23 OF 28 DOCKO, INC KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. DOX 421. MYSTIC. CT 06355 203 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 HIGH GROUND WATER EL.4' *l- ANCHOR CABLE/ STRAP 12" MINIMUM APPROVED 'EDOING MATERIAL __ TERMINAL BUILDING WALL "~ 8RICK 6" ~ VENT PAVEMENT FUEL PUMP REINFORCED CONCRETE PAD 6" THICK ON I8" BASE PORT FINISHED GRADE EL. ·° o ' ' LE ~DOUBLE-WALLED TANK CONCRETE BLOCK 8" .~ ELECTRICAL PA NEL AUDIO/VISUAL ALARM . - FLOOR CAP TERMINAL 9ULDING SUPPORT ANCHOR OR -- SLAB SUBMERSIBLE PUMP UNLESS PROPANE IS USED UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK 500-;000 GAL SCHEMATIC - NOT TO SCALE NOTE: FUEL TANK SHOWN: WASTE OIL WILL HAVE NO SUBMERSIBLE PUMP: INSTEAD A SUCTION LINE WILL EXTEND TO THE BOTTOM OF THE TANK FOR REMOVAL OF WASTE OIL. PRO~CT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR DAT£: MARCH I. 1994 ~ APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PREPARED BY: SHEET 24 OF' 28 D 2C"/,fO, /NC KEITH B. NEIL$ON, P.£. P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 203 572 8939 PAX 572 7569 PROPOSED FERRY TERMINAL WEST ELEVATION $CAL£: 1/16" = 1' - O" PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR APPLICANT: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ARCHITECT: MARK A. COMEAU, AIA PREPARED BY: SHEET 25 O[r 28 DOCKO, K[ITH 8. NEILSON, P.E, P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC. CT 06355 203 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOF BRICK EL. 19.0 REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURE DREAK-AWAY MASONRY ~LL AT GROUND FLOOR IN CONCRETE STRUCTURE SYSTEM ,,~,.,.~,.~ · EL. B.O NGVD PROPOSED FERRY TERMINAL SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1' - O* ELEVATIONS ARE NGVD PROJECT: TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF NEW LONDON NEW LONDON COUNTY. CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONOON HARBOR DATE: MARCH I, 1994 ~"~,,.,,,'-'"~'~.~'~ APPUCANT: FISHERS ISLAHD FERRY DISTRICT ARCHITECT: MARK A. COMEAU, AIA PREPARED BY: SHEET 26 OF 28 DOCKO, KEITH g. NEILSON, P.E. P.O. 80X 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 203 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 PROPOSED FERRY TERMINAL GROUND £EVEL SCALE: "//16' = i' - O' ELEVATIONS A,~E NGVD TERMINAL EXPANSION LOCATION: CITY OF' HEW LOHDOH NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONNECTICUT WATERWAY: NEW LONDON HARBOR PROPOSED FERRY TERMINAL UPPER LEVEL SCALE: 1/16" = 1' - O" ELEVATIONS ARE NGVD PROJECT: LOCATION: WATERWAY: DATE: APPUCANT: ARCHITECT: MARK A. COM£AU, AIA PREPARED BY: SHEET 28 OF' 28 DOCKO, ~NC. KEITH 8. NEll. SON, P.E. P.O. 90X 421, MYSTIC, CT 06555 205 572 8959 FAX 572 7569 TERMINAL EXPANSION CITY OF' NEW LONDON HEW LONDON COUNTY. CONHECTICUT NEW LONDOH HARBOR ,, 'ZIo/.&. ~.$ ,a/~O 'Z/ot. G.5 AGENT- SHEET DOCKO, INC. P.O. BOX 421. MYSTIC. CT063S5 203 572 8939 FAX 572 7569 CITY OF NEW LONDON SITE PLAN APPROVAL COASTAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL FLOOD ZONE VARIANCES I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I ROBINSON & COkE LLP CtT~" OF NEw LONDON CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF' D~qELOPMENT AN[3 PLANNING Pl~nnlag & Zvnlng Oo~£aaien · ermission Nas Been Gra~ted TO: Fishers Island Ferry District. For: A Site Development Plan for the expansion of the Fishers Island Ferry Terminal and construction of & now terminal building as detailed on the si~e plan prepared by Docko, Inc., applicant: Fishers I~land Ferry District. Site: Water/State Street~, New London, CT, subject to t~e Conditions attached to and made part of this zoning permit. A Coastal Site Development Plan for the Fishers Island Fa~ry Terminal Project, subject to the conditions attached to and made part of this zoning permit. The above referenced appruvals are subject to the ~ollowin~ conditions: The applicant shall submit monthly construction progress report~ to th~ Ne~ L~ndon ~o~!ng Enforcement officer daring the entire cc. nstruction period of this project. Public access to all areas identified on the plan as "public access" shall be provided in accordance with the attac~ed document entitled "Public Access Stipulations" ~ated February ~4, 1993, as follows: k~_~TI2ULATiON$ Public access to the expended Fishers Island Ferry Terminal is designed to allow pedestrian access to ~he perimeter of the site, excluding t~e ~ace o£ the ferry loading area, without compxom£sing the safety o£ the public or the safety and efficiency of the terminal operations. Tbs following conditions shall apply: UNION STREET I ~EWLOND~N, CONNECTICUTO~320 · 7EL(~03).~75207 ~ '~;' ~ a ' =','.< 12;0~/00 FRI 1~;16 FAX l 560 4~0 2517 ROBINSON & COLE LLP lcG[:I~E & ~GUIRE ~ 00~ K~r~h 11, 1993 Two Public access in the areas designated on the site plan shall be open during the ho~rs of Operation of the ferry terminal. Thi~ is ~snerall¥ $:30 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. during the off-season and 6:15 a,m. to 7:45 p,m. during the Pe~k-season with Friday eve- nin~ hours extending to 11:15 p.m. in the peak- season. The Ferry District shall establish its awn hours of operation. In addition, the hours of public access may be extended, in the discretion of the Ferry District, for special events. The Ferry District may, in it~ discretion, tempor- arily close portion~ Of the public aocesm area for reasons of safety or efficie~cy or for maintenance purposes. Examplss include, but are not limited to, closing off the area along the "maintenance slip" when a Dost is tied up there for maintenance purposes. Public access is for pedestrian use. No vehicles, including, but not limited to, automobiles, motor- cycles, or mopeds, and no machinery, trailers, vending carts, etc., shall be permitted. Access is for passive, non-congregational, non- commercial purposes. NO vendors shall be per- mitted. No events of any kind shall be allowed, except with the permission and agreement o£ the Ferry District and the City of New London. The Ferry District shall have the right to termin- ate access for those whose behavior might be harm- ful to themselves or others ~r considered offensivm by a reasonable ferry terminal operator. Nothing in these conditions shall impose any obli- gation on the Ferry District to ensure the safety of the public, and those using the site snell do so at their own risk, The City shall have the right to enter upon the public access area fo~ the purpose of inspection to deter-mine whether the areas are in compliance with the terms of these stipulations. The public access area ~hall be maintained in good condition by the owner, and the owner may recom- etru~t and repair said public access area provided I2/O'J/O0 FRI i2:14 iTI/P~ NO §469] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 05.~$0 '2001 lO; 13 FA~ ROBI.%'$ON & COLE LL~' ~ 004 Permit ~o. 0079 March ZI~ 1~9~ Page Three such repairs or reconstruction shall be made in substantial conformanue to the site plan approved by the Plaru~ing and Zoning Com~ission dated ~pte~ber 70, ~992, prepared by Docko, Inc., revised to February ~4, 1993. i. Both the City and Fishers Island Ferry District, its ~uccessor$ and assigns, shall have the right to enforce any covenant, obligation ~r rescrictiot in these stipulations. If a Violation of an~ .covenant, obiigation ~;3 restriction io these sti~ulations i~ no~ remedied within thirty (30} days fcllowln~ notice to the record owners of the land, the City may initiate a suit to enjoin the v~o%ation and to require the restoration of the public access area, in confor- mity with these s~ipulations. The City may also u~ect %0 pursue any other legal and equitable remedies to enforce the stipulations granted and clescribed herein. The applicant s~all obtain the permits required pursuant %o C.G.$. Section 2~a-361 a~ regulated by the Stat~ Department of ~nvlron~ental Protection and th~ Army Corps Of Engineers and will comply with all St=ts and Federal requirements and conditions re~arding such permits. The applicant shall submit to the New London Police Department and New London Zoming ~nforo=ment Officer, prior to the initiation of a~y construction activity, ~ adverse impacts ss=ociate~ ~ith all con~truction related Derso~lnel. equipment and activity. Such plan shall pa=kin~, noise, dust, hours of operation, construction dates, traffic control ~easures and any other mea~ure~ de~med a~prOpriats by the New London Police OeDartment and ~aw London Zoning Enforcement Officer. Such plat shall ~e subject to the review and approval o~ %he New London Police Department and New London ~oning Enforcement Officer. The appllcan~ shall convey a pedestrian easement ~o th~ City of New London for access to the National Railroad Wassenger Corporation property. Such easement shall b~ for the %lee o~ the City in connection with =h~ proposed waterfront development and shall per~it access by ROBINSON & COLE LLP ~caUIR£ & ~eG[IRE March 1x, xgg3 Page Four pedestrians as well as emergency and vendor~r vehicles. The easement area is identified as "So=ess easement., on =he plan entitled "Proposed Access ,, 1 be conveyed when the City ha- - ~ The ea=emgnt acquired a . --~ acquired ownership, leasehold interest, or any other form. of to use the Natisnal Railroad Passenger Corporation righ~ · prop- eL-ty and Whe~ the new ferry term.ina.1 has beam c~mpleted !n accordance with the sitm plan. Thi~ easement s~all be non-e~¢lUsive an~ the applicant s~all re~erve the righ~ to use s~ch area for all purposes of access to and frcm its Pro, arty. As a Site Devegopment Plan/Coastal Site Development Piun was aPDr~ved b~ t~e Planning & Zoning comn~sslon ~n: March 4, 1993. Loce2f0~ State/Water Streets (Fisher I~land Ferry Terminal), New Londonr Connecticut. OWner: Town of $outhold. . ~iration - A1% Nork To Be ComDietad ByJ March 4, 19~S. ZOning EnfOrcemen~ Officer I I! I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF NEW LONDON CON NECT ICUT ZONING PERMII ~]006 Permit No, 30'/ I 25, 1998 February. PermlssioD bas been granted to: Fish:~ Island Fen~ Disiri.'ct. I I Exp~',f~.or. of I~sheri lelan~l, erry terminal. Extensiou of Time for Stie Developmenl Plan nad Coasisi Site Developmcn! Plan was approved by lhe Planning & Zon~g Com~ssion on Februa~ 19, 1998 ~'ith the foHo~n~ conditions: All work tn be eompleted by March 4. 2003. I,ocatioos: $~.a1¢ Sit, off, Valet Str¢ct, N~w London, CT. WD (Wa~ri~roni Development). Expiration: Alt work must be ¢omple:ec~ by 3/04/2003. - r: .'T'-a-"'°"~ i -o S.i ~a, Brant Zoning Eaforeemem Officer ~~ C~y~ o~ Nsw Lo~ '~ O~C~ O~ ~LOP~NT AHO P~NNI~ ~ :~) F~ ',~)F17-32~7 F~b~ 25, i~8  F~h~ ~ F~ P.O. ~w~ H . Fi~ ~d, NY ~390 T~ P~ & ~g Co~ hem a ~,mee~ ~ p~c h~g on ~, F~b~ 19, 1~8, mt 7:~ p.m., ~ ~e C~ ~1 Co~] ~b~, lB1 S~ I /qb I I I !)$.30 2001 10;15 FAX ROBINSON & COLE LL¥ STATE OF CONNECTICUT DI~PARTM -ENT OF PU~C  DIVISION OF ~l~ ~G~ ~ B~ING ~RVIC~ P. O. I~ox H ~ . ~: M-25~B-g3 Fet=M ~nal Buildi~ S~A~ $~, Now ~naon Gert=leman :: ' have reviewed m~i~lcation o~ Section aXOA. 6.4.X - Elevation - wmich sca~es og all s~ruc~u=al ~=a aup~r~Xng ~e AOWeSC cAOOr are lC la n2 decloion to approve ~Aa ~ification as reqbast~ ~ all~ ~e cono~cCicn Of a Ci~e~ lo~by floor 2, T~aC ~e ~oCoccion O~ BO~I, ole~cal and pl~, lncXudlng s~age, ~l in ~n~?~nce 238 60X1. ~napeccor Goos J t Mi,ldi~owa, CT ROBINSON & COLE LLP ST~TE OF* CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC $~FET¥ BL~. 13, ~ COLBY ST~T 13, 1993 DATE I .,_ --REQUEST FOR HODIFICA*I~OH : ' OF THE CONNECTICUT BASIC BUILDING COD~' I1. Appllcisr~'s ~ Flsh~rs Islar~ Fe~f District Applier's Add~s P 0 ~x H, Fi~s [sl~ ~ 06390 B ~ · 5t~ Town 2. ~/ld~ Ow~ Fi~s ls~ ~ Dls~i~, T~ O~ ~o1~ Date of Use 516-788-7463 state 06320 A. Warn there xf yes ~ ~ of ~1~ (To~) 5JO0+~ 8. ~ of S~ 2 I (~$'30 2t~0! 1O: 16 F.~.~: ROSI.X$~'N & COLE LLP CITY OF YEW LONDON CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING Keith B. Neilson, P.E. DoC~o, Post Office Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 December 7, 1993 Fishers Island Ferry District Request to Vary Flood Plain Management Ordinance P]anDing & Zoning Commission Dear Mr. Neilson: The Planning & Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, December 2, 1993, at 7~30 p.m. in the Conference Room of ~e Stanton ~uilding, ~11 Union Street, New London, Conn. Your application regarding ~he above matter was reviewed and discussed at this time. The Commission approved a variance to allow construction o~ the finished floor of the ticket lobbF of the proDosed terminal building at ground level, per Sections 5.F, 6.B and 6.I of the Flood Plain Management Ordinance. In accordance with Section 8.C of the Flood Plain Management Ordinance you are hereby notified Ki~at to construct a structure below the base flood level wi~l result in increased p~emium rates for flood insurance up to ·mounts as high as twenty-five ($25.00) fur one hundred ~ollars ($100.00) of insurance coverage, and such construction below the base flood level increases risks to life and property. If you have any questions concerning this matter please do no~ hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Roseamn 0onihe Development & Planning Building official UNION ~TRl~q' · NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT06320 · TEL (203) 4zt7-5203 e FAX (203) I 05~3C/2001 I0:16 F.,~X ROBINSON & COLE LLP [~011 I i Dece*m~er 7, 1993 C T¥ ov Nnw LONDON CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF OEVELOPblENT ANO PLANNING I I I I I I I I I I I I Keith B. Neilson, Docko, Inc. Post Office Box ~ystic, CT 06355 Re: Modifications to Fishers Island Ferry Terminal site Plan Dear Mr. Neilson: i have reviewed your proposed modifications to the Fishers Island Ferry Terminal Site Plan as described in your letter to me dated Rov~ber 10, 1993. The modifications proposed are limited to the following: The addition of a 6 foot wide sidewalk with an 8" curb for pedestrian protection along the west face of the proposed terlminal b~ilding from the south end to just short of the proposed drive through access doorway at the freight processing area on the north end of the terminal. The total length of this sidewalk is approximately 70 feet and it will have handicapped access ramps at both the north and south ends. 2o A lane width reduction of one foot from 12 feet to 11 feet of seven of the proposed vehicle staging lanes. The addition of a p~inted traffic island at the entrance to this site. 4. And, some additional lighting to enhance visibility in the approved maneuvering and public access areas, This lighting will be reviewed for excessive glare upon installation. In my opinion these are minor modi£ication~ to the approved site plan and should provide for safer traffic and pedestrian movement within the property. I approve ~he proposed modifications as specified. If you have any questions please call me at 447-5203. Ned Hammond Zoning Enforcement Officer I 11'~ ,JNION S'IREET s NEW LONDON, CCNNECTICLJT06320 s TEL 203} 4,47-5203 · FAX {203) EXHIbiTS ¢ SOIL ANALYSIS BUILDING SURVEY PRE-DEMOLITION I I February 21, 2001 OSPREY EI',IVIRQIqivlENTAL ENGINEERING, 1/16 East Main Street. CIinbo~l, Phone: 860.669.86~1 l-a×: I I I i I I I ! I Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. Docko Incorporated PO Box 421 18 Stafford Street Mystic, CT 06355 Preliminary Soil Investigation - FIFD New London Terminal New London, Connecticut Dear Mr. Neilson: Osprey Environmental Engineering, LLC. (Osprey) has recently submitted soil samples for environmental testing collected during a geotecbnical soil investigation at the F1FD New London, Connecticut ferry terminal. The geotechnical investigation was conducted under the supervision of Gibble Norden Champion Consulting Engineers of Old Saybrook, Connecticut. The collection of soil samples for environmental testing was conducted to evaluate the presence/absence of potential areas of environment concern associated with the potential redevelopment of the site. Based on environmental analytical testing, low levels of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, semi-volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals were detected. Based on levels detected no remediation of environmentally impacted material would be required. If excess materials are generated during redevelopment activities, additional testing may be required for appropriate disposal. Environmental testing activities are discussed below. Scope of Work Prior to boring activities Osprey reviewed the geo-technical boring program and site redevelopment plan provided by Docko Incorporated. Based on the history of the site and to provide spatial coverage borings B-102, B-103, and B-104 were pre-selected for environmental testing locations. One soil sample from each boring location, collected from the upper four feet, was submitted for laboratory analysis. Osprey arranged for and collected the soil samples from your drilling/geo-technical engineer. The samples were collected using dedicated/decontaminated-sampling equipment. The soil samples were put into jars equipped with Teflon seals and stored on ice. Upon completion of the environmental borings an Osprey representative visited the site to pick up the samples and observe area subsurface conditions. Mr. Keith Neilson Docko. Incorporated February 2 I, 2001 I~age 2 The samples were submitted by Osprey to a Connecticut certified laboratory for analysis for I I Extractable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (ETPH), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and MTBE by EPA Method 8260, PAH Senti-volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, PCBs by EPA Method 8081 and the RCRA 8 Metals by mass (total) analysis. Based on total metals detected sample B-103 was selected tbr additional RCRA 8 metals analysis screening by SPLP extraction. Findings The attached table summarizes boring identification, sample depth, detected analytical parameters, and appropriate Connecticut Department of Enviromnental Protection (DEP) Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs) which could apply to the site. The site is located in a GB groundwater classified area where less stringent RSR pollutant mobility criteria would apply. No GB soil pollutant mobility criteria (GB PMC) or more stringent Residential Direct Exposure Criteria (RES DEC) were exceeded in any of the soil samples collected for environmental testing. SPLP Lead detected at boring B-103 slightly exceeded the more stringent GA PMC of 0.015 ppm. The source ofTPH, SVOC, and heavy metals detected is likely from urban fill material deposited on site during development along New London Harbor. No source specific areas of environmental contaminants were identified during limited subsurthce investigation activities. Contaminates identilied are also representative of compounds tbund in soil around raikoads as identified adjacent to the eastern portion of the site. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on enviromnental testing conducted during geoteclmicat activities~ no active remediation would be required for future redevelopment activities. It is our understanding that no excess materials will be generated on site during construction activities, as fill material may be brought to the site. Because environmental contaminaots not found in native soils were identified, if excess materials are generated additional environmental testing is recommended to assist with proper disposal of potential Connecticut regulated materials. It was a pleasure working with you on this project, if you have ally questions regarding the above or are in need of any additional service please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Osprey Environmental Engineering, LLC. Robert J. Grabarek, PE, LS, LEP President Attachments I ! I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES NO = NOT DETECTED BELOW OETECTABLE LIMITS tit = NOT TESTED YORK ANALYTICAL LABORATOI~IE5~ INC. Technical Report prepared for Osprey Environmental Eng,, LLC 146 East Main Street Clinton, CT 06413 Attention: Mr. Tim Myjak Report Date: 2/2/2001 Re: Client Project ID: 01-100 York Project No.: 01010489 riel c ~ Page I of 6 FAX (203) 357-0166 Report Date: 2/2/2001 Client Project ID: 01-100 York Project No.: 01010489 Osprey Environmental Eng., LLC 146 East Main Street Clinton, CT 06413 Attention: Mr. Tim Myjak Purpose and Results This report contains the analytical data for the sample(s) identified on the attached chain-of-custody received in our laboratory on 01/24/01. The project was identifed as your project "01-100" The analyses were conducted utilizing appropriate EPA, Standard Methods, and ASTM methods as detailed in the data summary tables. All samples were received in proper condition meeting the NELAC acceptance requirements for environmental samples except those indicated under the Notes section of this report. All the analyses met the method and laboratory standard operating procedure requirements except as indicated under the Notes section of this report, er as indicated by any data flags, the meaning of which is explained in the attachment to this report, if applicable. The results of the analyses, which are all reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise noted, are summarized in the following table(s). Analysis Results Client Sample ID B-104 B-103 York Sample ID 01010489-01 01010489-02 Matrix SOIL SOIL Parameter Method Units Results MDL Results MDL Volatiles-8260+MTBE soil SW846-8260 ug/Kg l,l,l,2-Tetrachloroethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 I, 1, l-Trichloroethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 ~ Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 I 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane l,l,2-Trichloroethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 l,l-Dichloroethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 l,l-Dichloroethylene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 l,l-Dichloropropylene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzenc Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dibromoethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dichloroethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 YORK I I I I I I I I I I I Page 2 of 6 I I I I I I I I !1 I ! i I I B-104 B-103 Client Sa,mple ID York Sample ID 01010489-01 0101048%02 Matrix SOIL SOIL Parameter Method Units Results MDL Results MDL 1,2-Dichloroethylene (Total) Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dichloropropane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,3-Dichloropropane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1 -Chlorohexane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 2,2-Dichloropropane Not detected 5.0 Nol detected 5.0 2-Chlorotoluene Not dctcclcd 5.0 No~ detected 5.0 4-Chlorotolucnc Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Benzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.{) Bromobenzene Not detected 50 Not detected 50 Bromochloromethane Not delcctcd 50 Not detected 50 Bromodichloromethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Bromoform Not detected 50 Not detected 50 Bromomethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Carbon tetrachloride Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Chlorobenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Chloroethane Not detected 50 Not detected 50 Chloroform Not detected 50 Not detected 50 Chloromethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 cis-1,3-Dichloropropytene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Dibromochloromethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Dibromomethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Dichlorodifluoromethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Ethylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Hexachlorobutadiene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 lsopropylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Methyl tert-butyl efl~er (MTBE) Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Methylene chloride Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Naphthalene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 n-Butylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 n-Propylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 o-Xylene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 p- & m-Xylenes Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 p-lsopropyltoluene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 sec-Butylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Styrene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachloroethylene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Toluene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Trichloroethylene Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Trichlorofluoromethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 Vinyl chloride Not detected 50 Not detected 50 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydroc.(BN) SW846-8270 ug/kG Not detected 330 Not detected 330 Acenaphthene Not detected 330 Not detected 330 Anthracene Benzo[a]anthracene 450 330 Not detected 330 Benzo[a]pyrene 440 330 Not detected 330 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 330 330 Not detected 330 YORK Page 3 of 6 Clieut Sample ID B-104 13-103 York Sample ID 01010489-01 01010489-02 Matrix SOIL SOIL Parameter Method Units Results MDL Results blDL Not detected 330 Not dclectcd 330 Benzo[g,h,i]pcrylenc -- - Not detected 330 Not detected 330 Benzo[k]fiuoranthene 490 330 Not detected 330 Chrysene ---- Not detected -- 330 ---~'~-~tected 330 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene ---- -- 91~ --330 -'"~'-~ec ted 330 Fluoranthene ---- '--Not detected '--330 Not d~-~tected 33--'--~ Fluorene ---- Not detected 330 Not detected 330 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene ---- N-'--ot detected - 330 Not detected 330 Naphthalene ---- N'--'~t detected - 330 Not detected 330 Phenanthrene 80~ - 330 Not detected 330 PCB SW846-3550B/8082 --~ng/Kg ---__ ...... ---- ~ected 0.02 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1016 ---- ~~.02 -Not detected 0.02 PCB 1221 ~ --~'~'~tected 0.0-'---'~-- - Not detected 0.02 PCB 1232 ---- -"~etected '--0.02 Not det--------ected- 0.02 PCB 1242 ---- ~cted 0.02 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1248 ~ ~ - 0.02 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1254 ---- ~ectcd 0.0-----~- Not detected 0.02 PCB 1260 ~ ---- ~ --0.02 - Not detected 0.02 PCB, Total Total RCILS~ Metals SW846 ~'~g/kG ...... - ..... 2.47 1.00 4.66 1.00 Arsenic, total 56.7 0.50 33.7 0.50 Barium, total ~ ~ - 0.50 Not detected 0.50 Cadmium, total -- ~ - Chromium, total -- 11.2 0.50 13.2 0.50 42.7 0.50 227 0.50 Lead, total ---- 2.4---~ ~ 3.3--~1 - 1.00 Selenium, total ---- No--erected 0.50 Not detected 0.50 Silver, total -- - Mercury SW846-7471 mg/kG ~cted 0.25 Not detected 0.25 Extractable Total Pctrolcum CTDEP mg/k--'----'~ ~ I I 96 I 1 Hydrocarbons B-102 Client Sample 1D 0101048%03 York Sample ID SOIL Matrix Parameter Method Units Results MDL Volatiles-8260+MTBE soil SW846-8260 ug/Kg I,l,l,2-Tetrachloroethane Not detected 5.0 Not detected 5.0 1,1,l-Trichloroethane Not detected 5.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Not detected 5.0 I,l,2-Trichloroethane Not detected 5.0 1,1-Dichloroethane Not detected 5.0 1,l-Dichloroethylene Not detected 5.0 1, l-Dichloropropylene Not detected 5.0 1,2,3-Trichlorobeuzene Not detected 5.0 1,2,3-Trichloropmpanc Not detected 5.0 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene Not detected 5.0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Not detected 5.0 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane YORK Page 4 of 6 I I I i I I I I B-102 Client Sample ID 01010489-03 York Sample ID SOIL Matrix Parameter Method Units Results ~ll)L Not detected 5.0 1,2-1)ibromocthanc ~---- Not detected 5.-~- 1,2-Dichlorobenzcne Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dichloroethane Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dichloroethylene (Total) Not detected 5.0 1,2-Dichloropropane Not detected 5.0 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Not detected 5.0 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Not detected 5.0 1,3-Dichloropropane Not detected 5.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzcne Not detected 5.0 I-Chlorohexane ---- -Not de~ 5.0 2,2-Dichloropropane ---- -Not detected 5.0 2-Chlorotoluenc ~ ~ - 5.0 4-Chlorotoluene Not detected 5.0 Benzene ~-- ---- ~ - 5.0 Bromobenzene Not detected 5 ~-'"- Bromochloromethaoe Not detected 50 Bromodichloromethane ~ ---~-~F~ tec ted 5.0 Bromoform Not detected 50 Bromomethane Not detected 5.0 Carbon tetrachloride Not detected 5.0 Chlorobenzene ~ - Not detected 5.0 Chloroethane Not detected 50 Chloroform Not detected 50 Chloromethane cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene ~ - Not detecte~'~'~-- 5.0 Dibromochloromethane ~ ~ - 5.0 Dibromomethane Not detected 5.0 Dichlorodifluoromethane ---- ~- 5.0 Ethylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Hexachlorobutadiene ---- Not detected 5.0 Isopropylbenzene --~ Not detected 5.0 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Not detected 5.0 Methylene chloride Not detected 5.0--':-- Naphthalene ~ -Not detected 5.0 n-Butylbenzene Not detected 5.0 n-Propylbenzene Not detected 5.0 o-Xylene Not detected 5.0 p- & m-Xylenes ---- ~ 5.0 p-lsopropyltoluene ~ - Not detected 5.'-'~-'- sec-Butylbenzene Not detecte--~- 5.0 Styrene ---- ~ 5.0 tert-Butylbenzene Not detected 5.0 Tetrachloroethylene Not detected 5.0 Toluene Not detected 5 .~6--' trans-l,3-Dichloropropylene ---- Not detected 5.-~-- Trichloroethylene Not detec.ted 5.0 Trichlorofluoromethane Not detected 50 Vinyl chloride ... Polynuclear Aromatic Hydroc.(BN) SW846-8270 '--ug/kG ~ 330 Acenaphthene Not detected 330 Anthracene YORK Page 5 of 6 Client Sample II) B-102 York Sample I D 01010489-03 Matrix SOIL Parameter Method Units Results 51DL Benzo[a]anthraccnc Nol detected 330 Benzo[a]pyrene Not detected 330 Benzo[b]fluoranthene Not detected 330 Benzo[g,h,i]peryIene Not detected 330 Beuzo[k]lluoraothene Not detected 330 Chrysene Not detected 330 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene Not detected 330 FIuoranthene Not detected 330 Fluorene Not detected 330 lndeno[ 1,2,3-cd]pyreuc Not detected 331) Naphthalene Not detected 330 Phenanthrene Not detected 330 Pyrene Not detected 330 PCB SW846-3550B/8082 rog/Kg PCB 1016 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1221 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1232 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1242 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1248 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1254 Not detected 0.02 PCB 1260 Not detected 0.02 PCB, Total Not detected 0.02 Total RCRA Metals SW846 rog/kG Arsenic, total 1.80 1.00 Barium, total 43.9 0.50 Cadmium, total Not detected 0.50 Chromium, total 14.1 0.50 Lead, total 4.86 0.50 Selenium, total 3.07 1.00 Silver, total Not detected 0.50 Mercury SW846-7471 rog/kG Not detected 0.25 Extractable Total Petroleum tlydrocarbons CTDEP rog/kg 53 10 Units Key: For Waters/Liquids: mgtl. : ppm: ug/L '- ppb For Soils/Solids: rog/kg ppm; ug/kg = ppb _N0te~ for york Project No. 01010489 1. The MDL (Minimum Detectable Linfit) reported is adjusted for any dilutiou necessary duc to the levels of target aud/or non- target analytes and matrix interference. 2. Samples are retained for a period of thirty days after submittal of report, unless other arrangements are made. 3. York's liability for the above data is limited to the dollar value paid to York for the refereuced project. 4. This report shall not be reproduced without the written approval of York Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 5. All samples were received in proper condition for analysis with proper documentation. 6. All analyses conducted met method or Laboratory SOP requiremeuts. 7. It is noted that no at~alyses repor~e~ herein we~ subcoutracted to another laboratory. 2/2/2001 Robe~ O. ~/adley // Managing ~irector ~ YORK Page 6 o1'6 IIIII I II I II II I I S }RK ...~.,=.L ~.~.~.,., ,~= Field bhain-of. Custody Record Company Name Repo~ To: Invoice To: Project ID/No. ~ S~les CollectedB~e)y (~i~r ~ ~ I~ ~ Name (PrintS) Sample Matrix Container Sample No.Location/ID Date Sampledwater soil Air )THER ANALYSES REQUESTED Description(s) ~-/o~ z~"- a~" ,- z~-o~ ~. · · : -. ~ ~ ', -~;~'-F-. ' Chain-of-Custody Record Bo~les Relinquished from Lab by Dateffime Sa;pie Rdin~hed by Dateffime ~ Sample R~ved ~y /~ ~ ~ateffime / Bo~les Re~ived in Field by Dateffime Sample Rdinquished by Dateffime ~by9ate~ime- Comment~Specia/Instructions ~oc~ ~c~ ~m~-s ~ ~ RC~R 8 5~P ~ Turn-Around Time P~¢~ ~(g ~T~ TOT~ ~T~c~ ~$o~ ~Standard __RUSH(define) CT License No. P1t-0723 YORK ANALYTICAL LABORATORIE5~ |NI~. Technical Report prepared for Osprey Environmental Eng., LLC 146 East Main Street Clinton, CT 06413 Attention: Mr. Tim Myjak Report Date: 2/14/2001 Re: Client Project ID: 01-100 York Project No.: 01010489 A New York Liccnsc No 10854 iVlass License No M-CTI0O Rhode Island License No. 93 EPA I.D. No CT00106 nel c J~ [202) 325-13'71 FAX (2[33) 35'7-nl 66 Page l of 3 Report Date: 2/14/200 I Client Project ID: 01-100 York Project No.: 01010489 A Osprey Environmental Eng., LLC 146 East Main Street Clinton, CT 06413 Attention: Mr. Tim Myjak Purpose and Results This report contains the analytical data for the sample(s) identified on the attached chain-of-custody received in our laboratory on 02/07/01. The project was identifed as your project "01-100" The analyses were conducted utilizing appropriate EPA, Standard Methods, and ASTM methods as detailed in the data summary tables. All samples were received in proper condition meeting the NELAC acceptance requirements for environmental samples except those indicated under the Notes section of this report. All the analyses met the method and laboratory standard operating procedure requirements except as indicated under the Notes section of this report, or as indicated by any data flags, the meaning of which is explained in the attachment to this report, if applicable. The results of the analyses, which are all reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise noted, are summarized in the following table(s). Analysis Results Client Sample ID I1-103 York Sample Il) 01010489-02 Matrix SOIL l'aramcter Method Units Results MDL SPLP RCRA Metals SW846 mg/L SPLP Arsenic Not detected 0.010 SPLP Barium 0.175 0.010 SPLP Cadmium Not detected 0.005 SPLP Chromium Not detected 0.005 SPLP Lead 0.018 0.005 SPLP Selenium Not detected 0.010 SPLP Silver Not detected 0.005 SPLP Mercury SW846-7470 mg/L Not detected 0.0005 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I Units Key: For Waters/Liquids: mglL = ppm; ug/L -- ppb Page 2 of 3 For Soils/Sol/ds: mg&g = ppm; ug/kg = ppb YORK I I I i Report Date: 2/! 4/2001 Client Project ID: 01-100 York Project No.: 01010489 A ~ot~s for York Project No. 01010489 A I. Tire MDL (Minimum Detectable Limit) rcportcd is adjusted for any dilution necessary due to the levels of target and/or non- target analytes and matrix interference. 2. Samples are retained for a period of thirty days after submittal of report, unless other arrangements are made. 3. York's liability for the above data is limited to the dollar value paid to York for the referenced project. 4. This report shall not be reproduced without the written approval of York Analytical Laboratories, lnc. 5. All samples were received in proper coudition for analysis ~ith proper documentation. 6. All analyses conducted met method or Laboratory SOP requirements. 7. It is uoted that no analyses reported herein were subcontracted to another laboratory. Approved By: Managing D i r~ c,.c]o r v Dato: 2/14/200 l YORK Page 3 0£3 i I I I 02/07/2001 10:42 8606643751 FAX ,TRAN. ~MITTAL Date: 02/07/01 To: Rich Aulpist - York From: Tim Myjak OSPREY ENVIRONNENTAL PAGE 01 OSPREY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, LLC. 146 East Main 51;re~t . Clinton, CT 00413 Phone: ~0.~9.~51 Fax: 860.664.37-51 Pages: 2 Fax: 203-357-0166 Please nm sample B-103 (York ID 01010489-02) for RCRA 8 metals by SPLP on a staadard mm around. Original chain is attached. I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I OSPREY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, LLC. J~-6 EAST HAIN STREET CLINTON, CT 06&15 PHONE: 860.669.8651 FAX: 860.66b,.5751 May 23, 2001 Mr. Keith Neilson, P.E. Docko Inc. 1 $ Stafford Street, P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 Predemolition Building Inspection Fishers Island Ferry - Freight Building New London, Connecticut Dear Mr. Neilson: Osprey Environmental Engineering, LLC. (Osprey) has completed an environmental pm-demolition building inspection for the above referenced commercial structure located at the foot of State Street in New London, Connecticut. The inspection was conducted by Osprey Environmental Scientist Timothy O. Myjak, a Connecticut licensed asbestos inspector (CT License it 000175) on May 10, 2001. Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBMs), flooring within the ticket office, transite-ceiling material within the workshop, and roof penetration tar will requiting abatement by a Connecticut licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to demolition. Additional sampling and characterization of building electrical wiring, outer cloth type jackets will be required once the power to the site structure has been disconnected. Pre-demolition asbestos inspection activities and findings are summarized below. Inspection: The pre-demolition inspection included intrusive sampling of suspect ACBMs that if positive must be properly removed and disposed of prior to demolition activities. Three representative bulk samples of each identified potential ACBM were collected in accordance with a proposal agreement dated April 23, 2001 between Osprey and Docko, Inc. Collected samples were submitted to Chem Scope of North Haven, a Connecticut certified laboratory, and analyzed in accordance with EPA Method 600, Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines ACBM as any material containing one pement (1%) or greater of asbestos. Results: The following table summarizes the positive identified ACBMs requiring abatement. A copy of the laboratory data is attached. Mi. Keith Neilson Environmental Building Demolition Inspection- New London, CT May 23, 2001 Page 2 I I Roof 24% 4A Black fibrous roof tar penetrations Chrysotile Ticket office 7% 8A Gray hard floor tile with black and white streaks elevated desk area floor Chrysotile I lA Gray hard fibrous transite ceiling panel Workshop 35% ceiling Chrysotile Positively identified ACBMs are discussed as follows: Sample 4A was a black fibrous tar used around roof penetrations. The orange/brown asphalt roofing shingles and black tar paper beneath tested negative for asbestos. Roof penetration tar observed totaled less than 25 feet square. Sample 8A was a gray hard floor tile with black and white streaks located under the carpet of the elevated desk area of the ticket office. The black mastic below and flooring above the positive ACBM tile tested negative for asbestos. The flooring area was less than 100 feet square in size. Asbestos was additionally detected in sample 11 A, a gray hard fibrous transite ceiling panel located on the ceiling of the southern most workshop area. Approximately 300 square feet of the transite ceiling material was observed. It was a pleasure working with you on this project. If you have any questions or are in need '0~' any additional services, please call me at (860) 669-8651. Sincerely, Osprey Environmental Engineering, LLC. Timothy O. Myjak Licensed Asbestos Inspector-Project Monitor/Environmental Scientist TOM:tm/01119R01.doc Attachments I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5-15-2001B:OBPM FROM CHEf.4 SCOPE INC 283 &981610 P.O. BOX 3& FAIR HA'~ gin STATION. NE\~, IIAVEN, C1 0~513-0~89 15 Moulthrop St,'~et., ~orth Haven, CT 064734686 * Phone (203} 865-$6£'5 - Fax (203) 498-1610 Certificate Of Analysis Osprey Environmental Engineerotg,, LLC 146 East Main Street Clinton CT 0641 $-2133 Bulk sample(sd from, Ol-I I9/'F[ received from c.uslomer on 3/10/01 5/15/01 C$# 145-32 Page I of 9 ~'b~sto~ Identification tn the samples. Examination made by Polarized Light Microscopy (PL~I) ;,er EPA Test MetI~od 60ft/R-9$/116 Sample I¢lenfil'~¢atioa 145-32-I Black asphalt roof shingl~ wi!h orang¢/brown ~!o,,~s (IA) / Findiags No Asbestos Detectad 62% Non- Fibrous Particles 1~% Fiberglass 23% Folati!e on Ignition 145-32-2 Black a,ephalt roof shingles vdth orange/brown stones fiB) / No Asbestos Deteated 61% Non- Fibrou.~ Particles 1~% Fib*rgla~ 24% Folatil~ on Ignition 145.32.3 Black asphalt roof shlngles with orange.43ro'~,'n stone~ (l C) / ,%'0 Asbe~.tos Detected 62% Non- Fibrous Particles 16°,/0 Fiberglass 22% Volatile on lgnttfon 14J-$2-4 Black flbtous tar paper (2.4) / ,,lsbestos Detected Non- Fibrous Particles 95~ }'olatile on Ignition NVLAP ,,cc~.,~.,.,.~ 101061-0 c:,-1..~-29~1 ::3:E),4Pt4 F'ROI.~ CHEt,~ SCOPE DqC 203 ,..t98161rg BulI~ sample(s) from , O1.119/F1received from customer on 5/10/01 Page Sample Identification 143-$2-5 Black/ibrous tarpape, r (2B) / ~lsbtsto$ Id~nt~/ication in the samples, ~vamination made by Polarized Light 3,ticro$,:opv (PLA0 per ZPA Te~t F~n~ ~) Asbesto~ D~ted 5% Non- Fibro~' Panicles 95~ Folatile on lgna~o. 145-$2-6 l~Iack fibrort$ tar paper (2C) / No .4sbestos Detected 5% Non. Ftbrous Particles 95% Volatile on Ignition 145-32-7 tVhite hard caulk {3A) / E.~terior window b'o Asbestos Detected 91% Non. Fibrou.~ Particle.* 9Y~ Volatile on Ignition 14~-32-8 ~3ite hard caulk ($~J /Exterior window A'o Asbest~ Detected 89% ~bn. Fibrous Particles 11% Volatile on Ignition 14~-32-9 I*,'hite hanat caulk f3C) / Exterior windov/ 93% Non- Fibrous Particles 7% Volatile on Ignition 145-$2-10 Bla¢~ fibrous ~ar (4A) / Roof penctrat!ons 24% Cfto,satile .d~besto~ 37% Non- Fibrous Particles $9% Volatile on Jgnition NVLAP ACC1LEDITED LAB# 101061-0 ! I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I 1 i6-15.-2~J1 3:0&Pt.1 FF<~Dld CHE~.~ SCOPE [I'-~C 203 ~-~_,itSi~ I ! I I I I I I !. I I I I I I I I Bulk sample(s) from , 01-119~FI received fi'om customer on 5/10/01 Page $ oJ 9 Asbestos Identification in the samples. E~ramination made by Polarized Light Microscopy (~LM) per EPA Test Method 500/,~-9 3/116 Samp~ ldentlflcaUon ~indings 14~-~2-I1 Bl~kfibro~r(4B)/Roofpenetra~ions Not~nal>:ed 145-32-12 Black fibrous tar (4C) / Roof penetrattons Not Anal~eed 145-32-13 ~ghite crumbly ~h~et rock with brown./ib~vous paper and whiteface coat (54) / No Asbestos Detected 70% Non. Fibrous Particles $0% Cellulose 145-$2-14 White crumbl)' sheet rock with brown fibrous paper and whiteface coat ($BJ / No Asbestos Detected 70% Non- Fibrous Particles 307,,~ C~llulose 145-$2-15 tVhite crumbly.vtleet rock w~th brown flbrou, s paper and whiteface coat (5C1 / ~'o Asbestos Detected ZO% Non- Fibrous Parttcles 30% Cellulose 145-32-16 V~'hlte ar~'mbly shect rock w#h brown flbrou-~ paper (5.D) / No A~bea~os Detected ,0;~ Non- Ftbrous Pa :tcles 30% Cellulose NVLAP ,~cc~m~r~x,~_^a~ ~.OlO61-o ~.- -,-2~.1 3:G,J-Pi'l FRQft CHEhl SCOPE Bulk sample(s) fi'om, O l - 1 !9~FI received.fi'om customer on 5/I 0/01 Page 4 Asbesto.* ldentification in the samples. Examination made by Polarlzed Light Microscopy t~£.~49 per EPA Te3t Method 600/~93,'11 ~ Sample IdentJfi~tlon Findings I g5-32-17 B~gef~rous~per and white brittle coating (~A) No AS~IO~ Detected / 45% ~On- Fibrous Part~'l~ 55% VolaH]¢ on [~uion 145.32.18 Beige fibrous paper and white brittle coating t6BJ No Asb~rlos Detected 47% Non, Fibrous Particles ~.19~ }'olat~le on fgnition 145-32-19 Beige fibrous PO4~,o- arM white brittle coating (6C) No Asbezto8 Detected 49% Non, Fibrous Partic!es 5t% Volatile on Ignition 145-32-20 Beige hard floor tile (7,4. on clear ~el. f adhesive mastic on graFfloor tile with black and white straak.v on block mastic on 14'ood. under yellow carpet mastic} / Not Analyzed 143.32~2! Beige hard floor tlle (Y#, on clear self ~Mbe, ive mastic on gray floor tile with black and wIffte streaks on block mastic on wood. under yellow carpet mastic) / .Not Ana.b/zed 145-$2-22 Beige hard floor tile (TC, on cfear self adhesive mas'tic on gray floor tt'l~ ~vith black and white streak, v on black madtic on ~ under yellaw carpet mastic) / Not Ana!~ed I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I S-1L-2~I ~:L~SPr. I FROI,i CHEi'.~ SCOPE. 1NC Page 5 of 9 Asbestos Identification in the samples. Examination made by Polarized tight Microscopy (t>£M) pe:r EPA Test Method 600/1{.P $/116 Sample Identification Findings 1¢$-$2-25 Tan m~ti¢ fZD, from sample #20, top layer) / Not Anaiv'zed 145-32-24 ~l'an mastic (TE. J'rom sample #2L top layer, C/ Not Analyzed 145-$2-25 Tanmastic(TF. fromsampte#22, toplayer)/ NotAnal),zed 145-~2-26 Clear self adheMw mastic (7G, j~om sample #20, bottom layer.) / Not Analyzed 145-32-27 Clcar ~'¢Or adh~ivc mastic (7H fi'om sample ~21, bottom layer),/ Not Analyzed 145-32-28 Claar self adhecsive mastic (7L from sample ~22. bottom tayerJ / .Vat A na~)~ed NVLAP ncc~,~ LAB# 101061-0 B-iS-2001 B:OSPLt FROM CHE_M SCOPE INC 203 aD8~10 ~ull~ sam£l~(s)fi'om , Ol -I 19/P! rece*ved from au~tomer on $/10/0l Page 6 oJ 9 Asbestos [denrification in the samples. ExamDtation made by Polarized £ight Microscopy (PL~) per EPA Te~t Method 600/R-95/116 Sample Identification 145-32-29 Gray hard floor tile wtth blach ~nd white streak~ (~A, from sample #20) / Findings 7% ChrT$otile ~sbes~os 67% Ih'on. Fibrous Part&lea' 26% Volatile on Ignite. on 145.$2-30 Gray hard floor tile with black and while streak~ from ~nmple #20 / Not Analyzed 145-32-~! Grayhardjloortilewithblackandwhitestreak~ ($C. from sample #22) / Not Analyzed 145-32-32 Black mastic (8D, frOm sample #20) / Asbestos Detected 23% J~Von. FiSrouS Particle.* 77°/~ Volatile on Ignition 145-32-33 l~lack m~tic (8£.from sampl¢ #20 / Non~ Fibrous Partiele.~ 95% Folatile on Ignition 145.32-~4 £1ack mctstu: (SIZ, from $ample #22) / No Asbestos Detected 1% Non- Fibrous Particles 99% Volatile on Ignition I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I S- I ,E,--2L~O I ,~: 'gBPt,t FROH CHEi'4 SCOPE 1 NC 233 ,4.'~,~. ! 6 i Q Bulk aample(s) frorn , O ]- l l g/Fl received from customer on 5/70/01 ,. ¢ Pag~ ; ,~. A~bestos Identification in the samples, Examination made by Polarized Lt~ht Microscopy (PZM) per ~1~.4 Test Methad 600/R-95/116 ' Sample ltlentifleatlon 145-32.$$ Darkbrownpaperwlthblackadhesive(gA, on fiberglass insulation,) / Findings No dsbe$los Detected < 1% Non. Fibroto' Panicles 8% Mineral }Fool 92% Volatile on Ignition 145-52-$6 Dark brown.oaper with blaclt adhe~ive (9B, on fiberglass insulation) / ~¥o Asbestos Detected < 1% Non. F~brous Particles 15% Mineral Wool 85% Volatile on Ignition 145.$2-$ ? 2)ark brown paper with black adhesive (gC, on insulation) / J~o Asbestos Delected ~1% Non- Fibrou.~ Particles 2~A Mineral Wool 98% Volatile on I&ma~on 145-32-$8 Y~'llow fibrous insulation wit~ black soot UOA porn £u~acO / ~o ~tsbe.~to$ Oetected 5% Non- Ftbrous 95% Mineral Wool 1~t5-32-$9 Yellow fibrous in~alation with black $ool (l OB. from furnace) / No Asbestos Detected 5% ~¥on- FibrouS' Particle, 9596 Mineral Wool 145-32.40 Ye/low fibrous insulation with black soot (l OC, [rom JhrnacO / Non- Fibrous Particles 95% Mineral Wool _~-~S-2OG] B:GGF~4 FRO~t CHEkl SCOPE II.JC Built sample(s) from , 01-119/F! received from customer on 5/10/OJ Page 8 of 9 Asbe.~tos Identification ~n the samplea. Examination made by Polari:ed £ight Mtcroscopy (PL~I) per EPA Test Method tSOO/R. 9 $ /J 16 Sample Identification Fi~diaga 145-32-41 Gray hard fibrou~ tranMt~ ceiling panel (1 65~ Non- Fibro~ Particles 145-32-,1'. Gra)/ hard f~brou~ transite ceiling panel (l l Bg / Nor ~lnatyz. ed 145-32-43 Grayhardfibroustransiteceilingpanel(llC)/ ?;otAnalyzed 145.32.-44 Gray hard cement [12A,.£rom furnace) / ~'o Asbe,~tos Detected 95% Non- Fibrous Panicles 7~,~ Folatde on lgnilion 145-32-45 Grayhardcementt'12B,fromfurnaceJ/ .Nb Asbestos Detected 95% Nor.- Fibrous Particles 7~ ['bio,lie on Ignition 14.5-32-46 Gray hard cement {t2tZ from furnaceJ / ~¥o Asbestos Detected 96~ Nor.- Fibrou.~' Particles 4% Yolatil¢ on Ignition I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S-1B-20~]1 3:06P~.t FF~Ot,I CHE~4 SCOPE INC 2~3 ,i981610 Bulk ~ample($) f~om Ol-l lg/Fl r~cei~'edJrom customer on $/l O/Ol Page g of 9 Asbestos Identification in the aample~. Examination mode by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLMJ per EPA Test Method 600/R-95/116 Sample Identification Finaiags Slgnat~tr¢(ll'ippllo.~l~) Slgnatur~(ifappllcabl~) .4uthorlr. ed $ignature: or /luthorized $1gnature: Aaai)'~t Ink.tar Ronald D. /lr~na Susanne Crtstoltte Director QA Cooedinator 1