HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-05/03/2010PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Present were: PLANNING BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES May 3, 2010 4:15 p.m. Martin H. Sidor, Chair William J. Cremers, Member Joseph L. Townsend, Member Donald J. Wilcenski, Member Heather Lanza, Planning Director Mark Terry, Principal Planner Kristy Winser, Planner Tamara Sadoo, Planner Carol Kalin, Secretary MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Martin Sidor: Good afternoon. A special meeting is now called to order. CONSERVATION SUBDIVISIONS, STANDARD SUBDIVISIONS, RE- SUBDIVISIONS (Lot Line Changes) Final Determinations: J. P. Morgan Chase Bank, Mattituck - This proposal is to subdivide a 2.818-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 49,262.82 sq. ft. in the B Zoning District and Lot 2 equals 63,480.41 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located at 10300 NYS Route 25, approximately 120 ft. e/o Marlene Lane, on the s/s/o NYS Route 25 in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-143-3-33.2 William Cremers: I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, on October 24, 2008, an application for sketch approval, including a sketch plan prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S., and Thomas E. Murray, P.E., dated July 11, 2008, was submitted to subdivide a 2.818-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 49,262.82 sq. ft. in the B Zoning District and having a 25 foot transitional buffer in the R-40 Zoning District in connection with a proposed site plan for a bank use and Lot 2 equals 63,480.41 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District; and Southold Town Planning Board Page Two May 3, 2010 WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the plans at their November 17, 2008 Work Session; and WHEREAS, the N.Y.S. Department of Transportation granted approval of the proposed access to the site in a letter dated August 4, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Southold Town Engineer, on December 5, 2008, also provided comments to the Planning Board on the proposed access to the site; and WHEREAS, at a meeting held on Monday, February 9, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, established itself as Lead Agency for this Unlisted Action and granted Sketch Approval upon the map entitled "Standard Subdivision of Chase Bank, Mattituck", dated July 11, 2008 and last revised January 26, 2009, prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S., and Thomas E. Murray, P.E.; and WHEREAS, on April 2, 2009, an application and fee for Preliminary Plat Approval was submitted, six (6) copies of the Draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, including the preliminary plat prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S., and Thomas E. Murray, P.E., dated July 11,2007 and last revised January 29, 2009; and WHEREAS, on May 11, 2009, a Preliminary Public Hearing was held and the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, as lead agency, granted a Negative Declaration for the proposed action; and WHEREAS, on August 4, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board referred the application as a combined referral in connection to a site plan application for Lot 1 pursuant to Southold Town Code {}280-131 C. & {}240-12, distributed the application to agencies having jurisdiction for their comments, and the following agencies responded: Town Engineer, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, NYS DOT & the Mattituck Fire Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the comments from those agencies referenced above were received and accepted by the Planning Board, discussed with the applicant, and incorporated into the site plan to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, the N.Y.S. Department of Transportation granted approval of the proposed access to the site in a letter dated August 4, 2008; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 2009, comments were received by the Suffolk County Planning Commission and the site plan was determined to be a matter of local determination; and WHEREAS, on December 4, 2009, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and had recommended the proposed project to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and Southoid Town Planning Board Page Three May 3, 2010 WHEREAS, on January 12, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map entitled "Standard Subdivision of Chase Bank, Mattituck", dated July 11, 2008 and last revised January 26, 2009, prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S., and Thomas E. Murray, P.E.; and WHEREAS, on January 25, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed and approved the draft Covenants & Restrictions for the subdivision; and WHEREAS, on January 29, 2010, an application for Final Plat Approval was submitted, including copies of the final map prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S., and Thomas E. Murray, P.E., dated July 11, 2008 and last revised January 26, 2010; and WHEREAS, on January 29, 2010, a Letter of Water Availability was submitted to the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, on April 23, 2010, the applicant submitted a Suffolk County Department of Health Services approved map recorded on Liber 12622 & Page 548; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2010 the applicant submitted a Performance Guarantee Bond in the amount of $35,400 that was reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer; and WHEREAS, on April 29, 2010 the applicant submitted a Letter of Credit in the amount of $35,400 and the Administration Fee, pursuant to Town Code § 240-37, in the amount of $2,124; and WHEREAS, on April 30, 2010, the applicant submitted a recorded Declaration of Covenants on Liber 12623 & Page 552; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Section 240-24 of the Town Code, agreed to waive the Final Public Hearing on the basis that the maps submitted for Final Plat are in substantial agreement with the approved Preliminary Plats; be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that the action is consistent under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program as outlined in a memo prepared by the LWRP Coordinator; Joseph Townsend: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Southold Town Planning Board Page Four May 3, 2010 William Cremers: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grant Final Approval on the Final Plat entitled "Standard Subdivision of Chase Bank, Mattituck" dated July 11, 2008 and last revised February 21, 2010, prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S. and Thomas E. Murray, P.E., and authorize the Chairman to endorse the Final Plat. Donald Wilcenski: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: The motion carries. SITE PLANS Final Determinations: J. P. Mor.qan Chase Bank, Mattituck - This site plan is for the new construction of a 4,200 sq. ft. bank with two drive-through bays on a previously developed 112,647 sq. ft. (2.8-acre) parcel. This parcel is split-zoned General Business (B) and Residential-40 (R-40), and is proposed to be subdivided into two lots. The site plan will be located entirely on proposed Lot 1 in the B Zone portion of the lot. The site is located on the s/s/o NYS Route 25, approximately 133 ft. e/o Marlene Lane, known as 10300 Main Road, Mattituck. SCTM#1000-143-3-33.2 Donald Wilcenski: I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this site plan is for the new construction of a 4,200 sq. ft. bank with two drive-through bays on a previously developed 112,647 sq. ft. (2.8 acre) parcel. This parcel is split-zoned General Business (B) and Residential-40 (R-40), and on May 3, 2010, was approved by the Planning Board to be subdivided into two lots. The site plan will be located entirely on proposed Lot 1 (49,262.82 sq. ft.) in the B Zone portion of the lot. The site is located on the south side of NYS Route 25, approximately 133 feet east of Marlene Lane, known as 10300 Main Road, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-143-3-33.2; and WHEREAS, an application for a site plan was submitted on March 28, 2008, including a site plan prepared by John Sorrenti, R.A., and Thomas E. Murray, P.E., dated December 17, 2007; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 2008, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, initiated the SEQR lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action; and Southold Town Planning Board Page Five May 3, 2010 WHEREAS, the N.Y.S. Department of Transportation granted approval of the proposed access to the site in a letter dated August 4, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Southold Town Engineer, on December 5, 2008, provided comments to the Planning Board on the proposed access to the site; and WHEREAS, on August 4, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board referred the application as a combined referral in connection to the standard subdivision application pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C. & §240-12 and distributed the application to agencies having jurisdiction for their comments, and the following agencies responded: Town Engineer, Architectural Review Committee, NYS Department of Transportation, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, & the Mattituck Fire Commissioners; and WHEREAS, on August 4, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the Suffolk County Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the comments from those agencies referenced above were received and accepted by the Planning Board, discussed with the applicant, and incorporated into the site plan to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 2009, comments were received by the Suffolk County Planning Commission and the site plan was determined to be a matter of local determination; and WHEREAS, on November 10, 2009, the applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis in connection with the site plan that concluded that the traffic impact of the proposed Chase Bank with Drive-Thru Service would be minimal and that the site had been designed to provide adequate on-site parking and queuing accommodations; and WHEREAS, on December 7, 2009, the Planning Board reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis submitted and accepted the analysis as being adequate; and WHEREAS, on December 7, 2009, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and had recommended the proposed project to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2009, a public hearing was held and closed; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) (6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c) (3), made a determination of non-significance for this Unlisted Action and granted a Negative Declaration; and Southold Town Planning Board Page Six May 3, 2010 WHEREAS, on March 2, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board provided comments to the Zoning Board of Appeals in support of a sign variance for the proposed ground sign as it was not a substantial relaxation of the Code and would have no adverse effect to surrounding properties; and WHEREAS, on April 21, 2010, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services issued a Permit (#C10- 09- 0012) and approved the project and stamped the map; and WHEREAS, on May 3, 2010, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed the plan and certified that the proposed use as a retail bank is a permitted use in this Business Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on May 3, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board approved a standard subdivision that created the lot for the proposed retail bank in the Business Zoning District; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that the action is consistent under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program as outlined in a memo prepared by the LWRP Coordinator; William Cremers: Second the motion. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Donald Wilcenski: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant approval and authorize the Chairman to endorse the site plan entitled "JP Morgan Chase Bank" prepared by John Sorrenti, R.A. and Thomas E. Murray, P.E., dated December 17, 2007 and last revised December 7, 2009. William Cremers: Second the motion. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: The motion carries. Southold Town Planning Board Page Seven May 3, 2010 Martin Sidor: We need a motion for adjournment. Donald Wilcenski: So moved. William Cremers: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. This meeting is ended. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was ADJOURNED at 4:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Randolph, Martin H. Sldor, Chairperson