HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/2008Southold Town Landmarks Preservation Commission November 18, 2008 Date: November 18, 2008 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Supervisors Conference Room, Town Hall, Southold, NY Attendees: Jim Grathwohl, Jamie Garretson, Larry Jungblut, Doug Constant, Ron Rossi, Barbara Schnitzler, and Mel Phaff. Damon Rallis (Building Dept.) also attended. The October minutes were approved with a correction of Jamie as contact with Julian Adams instead of Ron. Jim mentioned that the Town Board approved $10,300 for the 2009 budget for the LPC ($18,000 had be requested.) The budget includes the stipend for Damon. Jim also mentioned that Melissa Spire who is responsible for land acquisition under the Community Preservation Fund doubts if the Town Board would spend any monies on historical projects. Barbara will contact Southampton Preservation Commissioners on how they addressed this issue. The LPC would like the town to aid in the funding to restore the Benjamin Franklin "mile markers." Old Business- Damon had scheduled the presentation of four plaques to recently landmarked property owners at the top of the Town Board Meeting agenda this afternoon at 4:30 PM(Nov. 18) Jim has requested coverage by Suffolk Times. The original plaques molds (on loan from the Southold Historic Society) have not been returned from the molders as of yet, Damon and Mel spoke with the Town Attorney who will be drafting a letter to be sent to the molder to have them returned within "X" days or legal action may taken. Jim presented the LPC with some guidelines in establishing criteria for Excellence Awards. The commissioners are to give comments to Mel. Jamie will contact Julian Adams to set up a date for a meeting with the commissioners and to discuss various items such as CLG, possibly at the next meeting. Damon stated that the Odent Wharf Company has applied for a wetlands permit with the Town Trustees. Since the wharf is a landmarked property, the OWC needs to contact the LPC as well. The Trustee hearing on this issue is set for Dec. 10. Next Meeting - December 16, 2008 at 3 PM with the possibly of Julian Adams and Jerri Woodhouse attending portions of the meeting. PROPOSED ORGANIZATION FOR CUTCHOGUE-NEW SUFFOLK HISTORICAL COUNCIL Historical Council Board of Trustees t Executive Committee (Officers) Old House Socie=ty Board of Trustees Executive V~P. Council President Executive Director I V.P. Bldgs~& Director Special Events & Fundraising V.P. Metal Administration Director Programs & Education Director/Curator Houses & Collections Director Communications i Promotion Director Youth Programs Director Research & Archives (Historian) Page 1 °f2 Preservation League of New York Stat.e 2008 EXCELLENCE AWARDS GUIDELINES Each year the Preservation League of New York State honors notable achievements in retaining, promoting and reusing New York's historic resources. The Excellence in Historic Preservation Awards program continues a tradition that began in 1979 to acknowledge excellence in the protection and revitalization of the Empire State's historic architectural and cultural resources. By recognizing meaningful accomplishments in the field of historic preservation, the Preservation League hopes to further encourage standards of excellence and to increase public awareness and support for historic preservation throughout the state. We invite you to participate in celebrating the preservation of New York State's heritage by submitting a nomination. The 2008 Excellence in Historic Preservation Awards will be presented on Ma), 15, at a reception at the landmark Seventh Regiment Armory in Manhattan. AWARD CATEGORIES Project Applauds outstanding preservation, restoration or rehabilitation projects completed by architects, landscape architects, engineers, planners, developers, prese~'ationists or property owners. Self-nominations are permitted. Nominated projects ma3 include but need oct be limited to landscapes, buildings. Main Streets, m~d tm'al resources. Preservation work shotfld provide properties with gre~er utility while maintaining as man), elements that illustrate historic architectural and cultural significance as possible. Restoration projects should accurately recover the form and detail of the properties during their relevant periods of significance. Organizations and Communities ttono~ municipalities, community groups, nonprofit organizations and neighborhood associations whose advocacy, public awareness, publications, legal battles and other preservation efforts have demonstrated heroic dedication to New York's historic resources. Individuals Recogoizes creative, inspirational leaders whose efforts have encouraged the protection of historlc resources, and strengthened the historic preservation movement in New York S~ate. The Individual Award celebrates government officiah, communit3' leaders, local business owners, journalists and other dedicated individuals who have succeeded in protecting New York's heritage. PublicalJons Acknowledges exceptional published surveys, historic strocture or landscape reports. histories, brochures, technical briefs or other preservation publications that have been instrumental in successful preservation pr~iects and goals. tttp:l/www, preservenys.org/O l_what_exeel__guide.html t 1/18/2008 ~S. Excellence Application Guidelines Page 2 of 2 THE EXCELLENCE IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARDS JURY RESER~/ES THE RIGHT NOT TO MAKE AN AWARD IN ANY PARq-lCULAR CATEGORY. CRITERIA Selection of Award winners will be guided by the following general criteria, which may not apply equally to each category: - degree of difficulty of problems or threats faced and the creativity and appropriateness of the solutions applied. - impact of leader, program, organization or project on the community, mgmn or state. - degree of imaginative and resourceful collaborative efforts among individuals, communities, organizations, project leaders and consultants. ~ project design sensitivity to the historic character and fabric of the property, and degree of preservation or restoration achieved. project execution repreSenting the best preservation practice and use of appropriate techniques, NOMINATION PROCESS Nominations must be postmarked by Februarr' 15, 2008, and must include thc nomination form and alt of the supporting materials as specified. The Preservation League regrets that it cmmot return submitted materials. Eligible nominations will be evaluated by the Excellence in Historic Preservation Awards Jury, which is appointed by the Cha/r of the Board of Trustees of the Preservation League. All nominators will be notified of the status of their nomination by April 1. 2008. The awards will be presented in Ma3' in New York City. ELIGIBILITY All nominations must have been executed in New York State, and must have beea completed between Januar) 1. 2005 and ,IanuaD, I. 2008. Historic reSOurces need not be listed in the State or National Registers of Historic Places, but resources must have demonstrated historic or architectural signifit~"mce. Postmark Deadline for nominations ia on or before February '18. 2008 Mall to: Awards Committee Preservation League of New York State 44 Central Avenue Albany, NY 12206 For further information, contact Collean Ryan at 51 $-462-5658 ext. 17 or by EMAIL THE EXCELLENCE IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARDS PROGRAM OF THE PRESERVATION LEAGUE OF NEW YORK STATE IS FUNDEO BY A GENEROUS GRANT FROM THE ARTHUR F. AND ALICE E. ADAMS FOUNDATION OF MIAMI. FLORIDA http://www.preservenys.org/01_what_excel_guide.html 11/18/2008