HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/2010RECEiVeD JUN 2 20~0 Town Clerk NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2010 IRWIN & ODELL, CPAs LLC 6 Sterlington Commons Greenport, NY 11944 (631) 477-3011 (631) 477-9533 (Fax) April 30, 2010 Board Of Directors North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. Southold, NY 1 I971 We have compiled the accompanying Statement of Financial Position - income tax basis of North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. as of March 31, 2010 and the related Statement of Activities - income tax basis for the 3 months then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The financial statements have been prepared on the accounting basis used by the Company for Federal income tax purposes, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's financial position, results of operations, and its cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Partner, Irwin & Odell, CPAs LLC NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE EXHIBIT A COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET PAGE 1 Assets SCNB General Checking Capital One Checking Wells Fargo Securities - Regular Wells Fargo Securities - Restricted SCNB Savings - Restricted Capital One CD Petty Cash Security Deposits Prepaid Insurance TOTAL ASSETS FLAR. 31, 2010 MAR. 31, 2009 $ 21,266.52 $ 51,268.01 2,262.75 .00 415,923.30 445,634.18 293,396.88 291,076.46 10,002.79 .00 6,171.73 5,983.23 230.00 230.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,352.69 2,716.64 756,606.66 801,908.52 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Deferred Income FICA/FWT Payable SWT Payable Payroll Taxes Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES 7,906.08 10,005.35 .00 15,816.51 3,989.21 .00 581.49 764.13 967.04 956.55 13,443.82 27,542.54 Fund Balance League Fund Balance Restricted - Troxel Fund Balance Restricted -Grant TOTAL FUND BALANCE 439,763.17 483,289.52 293,396.88(/ 291,076.46 10,002.79 .00 743,162.84 774,365.98 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 756,606.66 801,908.52 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2010 TO MAR. 31, 2010 JAN. 1, 2009 TO MAR. 31, 2009 REVENUES Donations Grants Bequests Interest Income Accrued Interest Paid Dividend Income Net Capital Gains(Losses) Fundraising Events Dogs S-N Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Town Contract TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Dog Veternarian Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Telephone Utilities Office Expenses Insurance Advertising Liscenses & Fees Professional Fees Accounting Fees Bookkeeping Fees Credit Card Fees Bank/Investment Fees Miscellaneous Expenses Garbage Removal Postage/Mailings Education & Training Cat Veternarian Cat Food $ 16,974.45 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,791.02 ( 1,655.83) 2,261.38 4,213.03) 6,100.00 444.00 35.00 1,364.00 .00 109.00 47,449.50 89,659.49 47,576.67 5,609.96 4,970.90 2,870.48 3,106.10 148.99 1,300.80 484.74 .00 1,378.62 3,000.00 241.00 125.00 3,259.50 2,500.00 1,800.00 338.11 10.00 .00 606.50 176.00 .00 570.44 2,052.70 $ 15,259.23 .00 .00 2,515.41 .00 2,388.93 3,201.92) 8,370.00 325.00 .00 1,415.00 150.00 170.00 45,624.54 73,016.19 44,008.99 5,285.88 4,156.58 5,947.40 3,382.04 .00 477.52 1,468.33 266.13 717.52 3,000.00 362.24 .00 .00 .00 1,800.00 .00 37.50 183.42 847.00 306.00 400.00 2,524.47 2,013.49 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 JAN. 1, 2010 TO MAR. 31, 2010 JAN. 1, 2009 TO MAR. 31, 2009 Pundraising Expenses Truck Purchase TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,250.00 3,000.00 87,376.51 $ 2,868.00 .00 80,052.51 NET PROFIT (LOSS) 2,282.98 ( 7,036.32) NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT UNRESTRICTED FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2010 TO MAR. 31, 2010 JAN. 1, 2009 TO MAR. 31, 2009 REVENUES Donations Bequests Interest Income Dividend Income Net Capital Gains(Losses) Fundraising Events Dogs S-N Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Town Contract TOTAL REVENUES $ 16,974.45 5,000.00 1,930.19 2,155.48 4,213.03) 6,100.00 444.00 35.00 1,364.00 .00 109.00 47,449.50 77,348.59 $ 15,259.23 .00 2,204.07 2,388.93 3,701.91) 8,370.00 325.00 .00 1,415.00 150.00 170.00 45,624.54 72,204.86 EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Dog Veternarian Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Telephone Utilities Office Expenses Insurance Advertising Liscenses & Fees Professional Fees Accounting Fees Bookkeeping Fees Credit Card Fees Bank/Investment Fees Miscellaneous Expenses Garbage Removal Postage/Mailings Education & Training Cat Veternarian Cat Food Fundraisin9 Expenses 47,576.67 5,609.96 4,970.90 2,870.48 3,106.10 148.99 1,300.80 484.74 .00 1,378.62 3,000.00 241.00 125.00 3,259.50 2,500.00 1,800.00 338.11 10.00 .00 606.50 176.00 .00 570.44 2,052.70 2,250.00 44,008.99 5,285.88 4,156.58 5,947.40 3,382.04 .00 477.52 1,468.33 266.13 717.52 3,000.00 362.24 .00 .00 .00 1,800.00 .00 37.50 183.42 847.00 ~306.00 400.00 2,524.47 2,013.49 2,868.00 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT UNRESTRICTED FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 2 JAN. 1, 2010 TO MAR. 31, 2010 JAN. 1, 2009 TO MAR. 31, 2009 Truck Purchase TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,000.00 87,376.51 $ .00 80,052.51 NET PROFIT (LOSS} ( 10,027.92) ( 7,847.65) NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT Restricted Troxel FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2010 TO MAR. 31, 2010 JAN. 1, 2009 TO MAR. 31, 2009 REVENUES Interest Income Accrued Interest Paid Dividend Income Net Capital Gains(Losses) TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,858.04 1,655.83) 105.90 .00 2,308.11 .00 $ 311.34 .00 .00 499.99 811.33 .00 NET PROFIT (LOSS) 2,308.11 811.33 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT Resticted Grant FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2010 TO MAR. 31, 2010 JAN. 1, 2009 TO MAR. 31, 2009 REVENUES Grants Interest Income TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES $ 10,000. O0 2.79 10,002.79 .00 $ .00 .00 .00 .00 NET PROFIT (LOSS) 10,002.79 .00