HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousing ApplicationNOTE: THERE IS A DIFFERENT APPLICATION FOR AGE-RESTRICTED (55 years or older+) HOUSING ASSISTANCE Name: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HOUSING APPLICATION To be completed by heads of household over the age of 18, one per household. Mailing Address: Number Place of Residence (il' different than above) Telephone Number: Street Hamlet/Village Zip Code Home Work Social Security Number School District of Primary Residence: Number of years you have lived at this address? residence, list previous residency for last five years. If you do not currently live in the Town of Southold, did you previously reside in the Town? Yes No _If yes, indicate where and dates of residency. Place of employment? If less than 3 years at current Name Address Town Number of years you have worked in the Town of Southold? (if applicable) HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION: Number in household unit, including yourself Provide the requested information for each household member, including yourself who will be living in the housing unit. If you are married, live with a domestic partner, live with someone who will continue living with you (regardless if you are married), or plan to have a specific person move in with you, you must include him/her in your application. List head of household first. If you have been divorced in the last year, please attach divorce decree. Name Relationship Gender Date of Birth Social Security # (any dependent listed above who is older than 18 years of age must document income) INCOME AND ASSET INFORMATION Please fill out a separate information sheet for each member of the household 18 years and older. Below is a list of items that count as income in determining eligibility for affordable housing through the Town of Southold. Please check YES if you receive any particular income and NO if you do not receive the income. You will need to provide verification for each item checked YES. Employment Income: Name and address of current employer: Phone: Position: How long: Self-Employed If yes, annual gross income $ Yes No Gross Monthly Income Employment Wages Overtime Previous Employer: Phone: Position: Dates: Other Payments Alimony Child Support Commissions Inheritance Fees/Tips Trust Bonuses Lottery Benefit Payments Social Security SSI/SSDI Workers Comp Disability pay Yes No Gross Monthly Income Unemployment Severance Housing/Food Allowance Asset Information (includes personal property valued in excess of $10, 000) Checkmy( Name of institution Balance $ 7avinyts Name of institution Annuities Balance $ Insurance policy (list additional on a separate sheet of paper) Pension Retirement Yes No Current asset value Death Stocks & bonds Armed Forces Welfare Other Ioney market Mutual funds IRA/Keogh/401k Life Insurance Real Property Personal Property (car, boat, etc.) Please list additional information on a separate sheet of paper, if necessary. Other Assets (specify name of joint assets) Total Income Total Assets DEBT INFORMATION Creditor's Name Unpaid Balance ~onthl¥ Payment HOUSING ASSISTANCE REQUEST Please indicate the type of housing assistance that you are seeking. Check all that apply. rn Apartment Bedrooms needed rn Permanent Housing Bedrooms needed rn Hamlet/Village Preference rn Other Comments (please describe) First Time Homebuyers Program Closing Cost Assistance (SONYMA) Mortgage Loan Assistance Programs (SONYMA) CERTIFICATIONS I (we) certify the following: All the information contained and submitted within this application is accurate and complete to the best of my (our) knowledge. I (we) understand that any misrepresentation or falsification of information disqualifies me (us) to participate in the Town of Southold's affordable housing assistance programs. Consent to Release Information: I (we) authorize representatives from the Town of Southold or their designees to contact employers, landlords, financial institutions, or other institutions/persons listed on this application to verify information contained in this application. I (we) accept that we will need to make declarations relating to my (our) credit history (ies). If I (we) accept housing assistance consisting of rental or purchase, we will occupy the unit no later than 90 days upon receipt of notice of acceptance. I (we) understand that the Town has designated priority populations to participate in its housing programs. I (we) understand that properties rented or purchased from the Town's affordable housing programs are intended to remain perpetually affordable. I (we) agree to abide by the rules and regulations guiding the Town's affordable housing programs. Failure to abide by regulations may result in financial penalties and expulsion. Signature Date Signature Date THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION WILL BE USED BY THE TOWN TO PROVIDE HOUSING ASSISTANCE TO APPLICANT(S). INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO DISCLOSURE AND PUBLIC INSPECTION PURSUANT TO THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION LAW. August 2012